j!WunsI~AY, NOV. 1, 1953 T~ CAIiAD!AN STATESMAN, EOWMAIIV!LLN, ONTARTO PAGE PN'TEEW [The Orono News ' Mr. Alhison Cowan, Toronto, Mary Phasey, Oshawa, ealled Mt lus summner home at Orono Sunday en Mr. an~d Mrs. Chas. Park. Wood. Mr. Jack Rutherford, teller Miss Ethel Rutherford is Mt the Orono Bank was on his spending a few days visiting ini Way te attend a wedding in Toronto. Orangevile last Saturday and Congratulations ta Mrs. J.G. was ini a car accident. Jackson on her 89th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan Mrs. John Thompson, who fpent a few days with Mr. and was in Memnorial Hospital, BoW- Mrs. E. G. Hay and famnily, manville, is at her daughter's, lalington. Mrs. Walker. Mns. J. Wesley Roe, Toronto; Herb Murray is receiving Mrs. E. S. Hicks, Miss Edith congratulations on winning a JHoare, Mns. Chas. Sirn and Miss television set. Herb is vcry R!elen Sim, St. Catharines, vis- vague re the details - but al r ited with Mr.. J. E. Richards, his friends heard it announced lait week. over the radio. Perhaps Herb M. Sissori spent Tucsday in next week. th as I y Toronto. Mrs. K. Gamsby cntertained Mr. and Mn.. C. J. Clemence at a famnily party on Sunday inI anid Mn.. Barries, Oshawa, visit- honor of her mother's birthday, ed Mrs. Cecil Powers and spent Mrs. Moore, of Coîborne, who, Monday in Peterborough. has been convalescing after herý Mis Viola Gilfillan is in! illness with Mrs. Gamsby. 'Toronto under the doctors: Mr. and Mrs. Don Mercer care. ý and Wendy are at Harry Mer-. Mmi. J. J. Mellor, Mrs. Harry cer's while Mrs. H. Merce is Mercer are in Memorial Hos-.in Memorial Hospital, Bow- Mm. , O. F. Coopershat a.Ls udywsT Pole construction offers ia low cost method of shown that untreated Eastern cedar poles wviI1 last for im~ave enug taperit unay t OonoUntedChuhb uilding farm structures. Using this method, farm about 20 years, while pressure-creosoted pine pole,% have him to rcturn to his work in with Rev. C. E. Fockler, of the: buildings can be erected which will be serviceable for a service life of approximately 50 years. Because of the his barber shop. Ontario Temperance Federation' about 50 years. Basically they consist of poles set in the high cost of conventional barn construction pole structures MCongratulations ta Mr- and and in the evening Rev. H. L. ground checkerboard fashion to support the roof and are becoming increasingly popular and are being used for Mrs. George Joncs (formerly Yarr, of Bailieboro. were the sceal. Ruhlme a eue hogotadhuigmn id flvsok Joan Wood) of Bowmanvill, special speakers. The flowers c uing andfittig urcd cdta minmu m. T esug t avehuigmayknsoflvsok on the birth of their daughter. in Ihe church were i n Joving'etigad jin eue oamiiu.Tsshv First grandchild for Mr. and m remorv of James Richards, Fan lodiDxnLnd i Mmi. Cecil Jones. placed 'there by his wife Alice.! Michi; Olive (Mrs. Wilfred! in which he was born and, Drnkrhoy, DBowlingon; Mr. and Mrs. Junior West, Rev. John Kitchen was at Bens-1 Duffv. Weston, formerly of lived., Mr. S. D. Keats and Mrs. A.,D ra o ln Peterborough, visited Mr. and fort, on the Bailieboro Charge, Ncw,-market). Mrs. Annie'Ricn-' Funeral was on Nov. 12th. Clathworthy. Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West. conducting Anniversary Ser-, ards passed awav in 1933 after McGarvieSHamndion Mrs. Chas. MLeague Standing;' Mn. has Wod vsite he vies.several vears of illness. I 1935 Following a service in MrM. and Mrs. Dave Mowat,; sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Mr. Richards mamried Alice E. Furneral Chapel, Bowmanville,; Whitby.: Mrs. Land, Mrs. Lintlop Young. Peterborough, on Mon- V. Nicholson, of St. Catharines, which was conducted by Rev. and Ms .JhsoPtr*Teani Pins Points day. ~~OBITUARYwh suivshn:ao i John Kitchen. the casket was i borough; Mrs. E. Page, Enni- A. & P .. 24482 4 Mr. Gea. Mitchell, Toronto, grandchildren and five great- taken ta the new Lang Mem- skillen; Mrs. Victor Peacock, Foundry 24942 39 and hi. daughter, Mrs. Wni.ý grandchildren. orial Chapel at Orono Cemetery 1Mr. and Mms. C. Clemence, Mr.1 Tyrone------23643 39 Barton, Fermis, North Bay, eaUl- James E. Henry Hurd Richards, In 1911 Seymour Power Co where it was received by a and Mrs. M. Jacula, Mrs. Rudka, McNulty's- 24306 38 cdStra n r n m.supplied Omono with electric guard of honor from the Omono Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Mr. C. P. Pat- C.O F.. ----- 24814 36 Geo. Butters. James E. Henry Hurd Rich- poe n tta reepo- Odd Fellows Lodge. After the ton, Mr. and Mrs. GordonBacsock----------- 23009 32 Mr n r.Lte ar- ards was borri in the noth part, ed Jini who continued in charge impressive Odd Fellows funemal Wight, Mr. and Mrs. L. Skcwis, Palmer's ---- 23547 30 baîl attcnded the laying of the of Orono on May 28th, 1870, of the office until his retire-, ritual read by Bros. Wm. j 1 Mrs. Chalifour and Mrs. H. I Enniskiilen I ----- 23023 281 camnemtone of the ncw United son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rich- ment in 194 5. Riddell and Chas. Bl*ewett'theý Farrow, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Enniskillen Il----- 23441 251 Chumch at Courtice. Mrs. Bar- ards (former Ann Hurd. He In13 iisppida .F body was laid ta rest in the! Wilton Dixon. Markham; Mrs.ý Maple Grave.------21319 il rabaîl assistcd at the reception. attended Orono, Newtonville 1,Mis rn tr n -1fml lti rn eeey ei e ,Ln rnh ...22309 Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sherwîn and Providence schools. lriFrn tr n --fmuypo nOooCmtr.CcloPetch-, LoBn.F Loo L.Hmpon - -------202229 and famnily, Misses Bertha Cain He served his appenticeship mained until 1950. Jim, as he Palîbearers were: Chas. Mow- 1 lwr .... rn apo and Kay Green, Mr. Leland in the bambering trade in Tom-1 was affectionately known ta at, eon-in-law, Toronto; Sam Lodge, No. 436, Canadian States-I Averages young and old, was a charter Keats, cousin, Chatham; J. W. man Staff, F. F. Morris Co. and1 J. Levitt ------------------- 227 Bail and M. Jack Bryson onto at an early age and re-i member of Orono Lodge, No. Roc. Toronto; Emule Hicks, St. Staff, Kenith Chapter, No. 42,i B.Hare .-22 weme Sunday guests with Mrs. turned ta work in Bowmanville 43.10.iH92en e ahrns hs MGriOESadSecrSpot caulin- --- 216 Wilfredhrwn nd ShemwinWatenCharids Brbra46,ily... n 9n2 adWalterarnesChartran'se, Barberd pecerSupotsC. kLugIld21 Mr. and Mmi. George Morton Shop for two yeams returnirig ceived his 40-year Jewel in Hamilton; H. Mercer, Omono. (Canada) Ltd., Rock sand, J. Coambes.21 attcnded the furieral of Mr. ta his native Orono in 1889 ad15.H wsltVieGand Honaumary palibearers weme: Qubc1. Mliute i 2121 1912, 2nd Noble Grand 1913, R. R. Waddcll, Frank Hall, Geo. I~ ht 1 Simnon Barrowlough, of Port opened his own shop, on the Recording Sec. 1914 ta 1923. Butters, Dave Hooper, Wm. B. ETHANY------ --- ---- 212 Ho e, lat hu sd y.ca tusd f , ar Sr e. A Jim was also a former member Davey, Sami Berry, A. R bbins, N: Hen ning- ------ 207, Mns. Ervan Raincy mtumned the trn of 'the century, Mr.RNK Yeo in 209 home alfter spending three Richards purchased the olci1 of Orono Masonie Ladge. L. Rabbins, E. Hammr, R. Ste- 1 i case anyone wonders what B. Engîey -----206 wccks in Bowsnian River, Mari., Venner property across thei Mr. Richards' lasttillness was wart; Gea. Chase, and Elgin I.m . 0 ofshr drtintke iionWgh.Bamavll.al the unusual commotion was F. Smth ---- 0, and attended the funeral offlher street and remodelled it andOshr uaintàeilonWg.Bwm le, in Bethany in the wee siTal M. Larmner --------------- -2031 uncle, Mr. A. J. Pope. adding the first soda fountainf Wednesday he passed quietly Frieidi arid relations attend- hours of Saturday morning, it K. McGill --- _------- ------20)3 Mns. J. E. Richards and Mrs. in the village. In those davs it away at his home on following in .i u ftw nldd a adul-edrcaaalE ig ------ ... 202 Jim Major visited in Petemboro was necessary ta make your j dymrnnNv.9h nMm. and Mrs. Chas. Mowat, Mr. arranged for two recent brides G. Brown . 201 and Lindsay on Monday. own ice creant. The premises his 8t year. and Mms. J. Wesley Roe, Mr.,* and grooms, Mr. and Mns. HarY F. Blunt- ------- ------200 Glad ta sec Mr&. S. Payne were sold in 1926 ta William An Orono resident of longi Geo. Joli, Mrs. A. O. KeltY,j Ryley and Mr. and Mrs, Cmeight- R. Mitchell --------- -------- 200 'sround again after hem recent J. Riddell, the present owner. standing, intirnateiy connected' Toronto; Mm. and Mrs. Wilfmed Ion Carr. The Cammi were the LmnLau Illness. Jim was married twice-in with the business activities ail Duffy, Weston; Mr. and Mms. E.!I first " victims" ta be oused with LmnLau SMr. anid Mmi. Charles John, 1895 ta Annie Jeffemy, three Orono village for many ycars, S. Hicks, Mr. and Mms. Emile î nuch hornblowing, belîs and im- F. Griffin --------- ---77 B owinanvillc; Mr. Stan Sriaw- daughters being barri of that a great Odd Feliow, Jim was Hicks, Mrs. Chas. Simn, Miss ýpromptu drumis made of tini B. Stapleton ~ - 83 den, Toronto; Mr%. Gea. Walton, 'union, whic-h survives, Gla dvs, Ioved by all who kntiw him, and! Helen Sim and Miss Edith * sheets, etc. The visitors wr .Sals--------8 Mr%. Geo. Crowther, Charles (Mrs. Chas. Mawat, Toronto); will be missed for vears ta came Hoare, St. Catharines; Mrs. John served lunch and then decided:iE. Tonilinson---------2 ,and Jamie, Newcastle, Mrs.' Dorothy (Mrs. Lucas, Lansing, ini the village and community: Hislop. Lefroy: Mr. and Mms'to serenade the Ryleys in the amesatne faghiori wherc they were L* Mundav 98 also comdially received and treat- High Triple-B. Hearle -----8151 MEMO0 TO ADVË!tTISEi'kSD He«ýs your man. lie is omc of the large .,Laff of expenienced A.B.V.* circuati auditors who are working constantly ta provide you and othen advertisers with the FACTS you need ta protect your advertising dollars. ik4*~ He visits our office at regular intervals ta make exacting audits of aur circulation records. He bas access ta ail of our books and records ini obtaining the FACTS about. aur circulation- for your information. 4.: The circulation facts obtained by the A.B.C. auditor -your man-are coridensed in easy-ta-read A.B.C. reports which tell you: How much circulation we have; where the circulation goes, how it, was obtained and mnany other FACTS about the audience this newspaper provides for youm messages about youm merehandise and service. Ask for a copy of aur A.B.C. report. See for yourself why your advertising in this newspaper is a sound business investrnent., made on the basis of FACTS. *The Audit gurmux of Circulations, o'f which this newspaper is a meinber. is a cooperative, nonprofit association of 34.i0 ad%,&rtiqers, ad- vertising agencies and publishers. Organjzed in 1914. A.B.C. cstablished a definition for paid circulation, ules and standards for mceaquring circulations and methods for auditing and re. porting circulation FACTS. Ubiw Q3anabtau ts 64 aLtIIÂJ A 4ALAUA <A&LII4AM ed to a second lunichi. we heric High Single-N. Henning 31 af quite a fcw homes where no __________ breakfast was required. ~The Wornen's Auxiliary of St., WEDDING cesîsful bazaamlonuSaturday land are very gratified with the fin- ancial returns froni the tumkey LUXTON - MORRISON dinner and the sale of fancy Rev. A. C. Herbert officiated goods, home baking, etc. at a double ring ceremony ati Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. and sons Ronald and John and 1 Morrison, Alliston, on Saturdav,! Mr. and Mrs. James MeKinnon Oct. 24, when their daughter,1 were in Toronto visiting Mr. and Jean Marie, became the bride Mrs. J. Ahren and Mr. and Mrs. of Perey Luxton, son of Mr. and Cecil McGill. Mrs. S. P. Luxton, Bowmanville. Given in marriage by her Mr. and Mrs. H. McMahon, father. the bride wore a gown Peterborough, visited Mrs. Hill- of Dresden Rose lace, over iri- iard Bristow on Saturday. descent white taffeta and car-1 Guests with Mrs. Richard Fail- ried a cascade of red and white is were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- 1 sweetheart roses. Her fingertip Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil vei of tulle feli from a small Hughes and daughter Wendy ofj pleated cap. Toronto. The bride was attended by her Miss Patricia MeBean spent sister June and Miss Isobel the weekend with her mother in Ramsay, wearing cocktail length~ Bainseville.1 gowns of iridescent copper taf- Miss Laura Hutchinson. Toron-' feta and matching hats. The to, as gest f Mr andMrs.bridesmaids carried cascades ofi to, waKesfedy.ndMr.;baby murns and sweetheart ro- Herb enney. Ises in autumn tones. Next Friday night the Beth- Wle utro omn any Athletic Association are en- Wle utro omn tertaining the Girls' Softball ville, was groonisman. Team, 1953 champions of the' For travelling the bride chose Rice Lake League with a ban-!I a suit of navy blue with red quet. The general public areý accessories and a corsage of red invited to the dance which fol- and white roses. lows the dinner.1 On their return Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Haig Bothwell and Luxton will reside in Bowman- children Craig and Perry, Peter. vle borough, with Mr. and Mrs. Johný The reception was held a4, Wi te. Walker Hall. Alliston. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Staples on the bîrth 1 CLEANING COMMENTS of their daughter in St. Joseph'sý Hospital, Peterborough, Nov. 12., Here is a tip--never put things St. PauI's Ladies' Guild away for the winter without dry Mrs Chrle Renols, res- Icleaning first. Help your Clean- den o th Ldie' uil o I er to serve you better. Lake- Paul's Church entertained the soeDvso.DyCenr members at their November Isiue(nal>Lmtd meeting with Mrs. T. S. Gault ______________ Ieadîng the devotional period. The ladies voted $125.00 to thn pJ i' ' Wardens to assist in shingling the church and rectoryv $5.00 to _______________ the Barley for Korea Fund andA E5TAN sAPRo $10 owards blankets and sheets for the Richard Arm- ÙJNO AP09 EASILY strong famuly who lost their' PLACMW DBV AUTb1Mo5iLg. home and ail its contents through fire. Christmas cards were sold and' candy and parcels were pack- aged for the fish pond at the bazaar. Mrs. Morgan Bigelow; and Miss Florence Smith werei appointed to take charge of the home-baking table. Decernber meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. RupertT Woods and will feature an ex- chane ofgifts and the anual election of officers. Mrs. T. S., Gault and Mrs. J1. T. Coburn 1 assisted the hostess ini serving1 lunch. T1C K ET8 TG E VERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshtp Consult IJURY & LOV ELL t Bowmanville We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Enniskill- en W. A. and Sunday School and ail our friends for their kîndness shown us in the sudden passing of a dear mother and grandmoth- er. A special thanks to our neighbors for the beautiful flow- ers and cards. Art and Alice Brunt and family. 47-1* IN MEMORIAM ASH-Memory'a tribute toaa dearly Ioved husband and father, Gordon Frederie Ash. who left us suddenly, November l9th, 1938. Life's race well run. Life's work well donc. Life'scown ell woMrnnds.RssHbb NoWi cones mghers . n nd Mr.s t tan MmiRosres band Margaret. 47-1* relatives who weme so kind in presenting theni with the lovely Rep&s table iamps anid floor smoker, - special thanks te those who REPAIRS tealal makes of mfrig- worked se hard in the prepara- crators, domestic and commer-1 tien of the evening. We had a cial; milking coolers. Higgon wondemful time. Thank you Electmic, 42 King St. E. Phone again. Ross and Irene. Cards of Thanks Mrs. James Richards wishes te extend her thanks to those who have been so kind durlng the past years and in her recent bereavement. Everything that people did to help was deeply appreciated. 47-11 I would like to thank my friends and the neighbours in Brown's Section for the lovely cards and flowers sent to me while a patient at Memorial Hos- pital. Special thanks to nurses and Dr. Witzel for their kind attention. Mrs. Lucy Bennett, Newcastle, R.R. 2. 47-1 KENDAL LONG SAULT Bazaars are ail around us Long Sault Home and School these days. Some ladies from Club met on Friday evening and heme atterided anc at Newton- was ver.) well atteîîded. Dcecin- ville Wednesday. ber meeting will be on Dec. 41h Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thoinpson i wîth foliowing in charge: Mr. visited in Peterborough with his. ýand Mrs. C. Penwarden, Mmr. and sister. Mrs. A. Youngman. Mm. and Mrs. Mr. nd rs.Claenc Thr-'Milîson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Theis- tell and famîl%, and Miss Selina bre.Pormconsisted of Thertell wei-e, in Bowînanville piano solo bY Miss Elcatiom Saturdav for a TV view af the Herd: reading bY Kenneth Rose- Santa Clatis parade in Toronto. er yoe sn yKnel Mrs. Edria Palmner and Mm. Murphy, accornpanied by Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon Palmer, Port' Don Davey. Hope, with Mms. Hattie Martin-, Sorry ta repaît Mms. Harold cli. Murphy is in Memorial Hospital, 3 Miss Irene Irich spent part af Bawmanville. the weckend in Toronto. 1 Mm. and Mms. Vance Allan and Canada's public libramies stock )famuly with Mr. and Mms. W. sanie 6.800,000 books. lMercer and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. _______________ iCouroux. 1 Mr. and Mmi. Ted Coathani and fainily, and Mrs. Narman Patton were also visitons withN e Sanie of the local Masons at-I tended the Junior Warden's night! A very enjoyable social even- E A S Y îing was held in Maclean*s School, Nov. 13. Seven tablesI af euchre weme in pmogmes. The W A H R prizes went ta Miss Helen BoyER scores, and ta Miss Joyce Burley'MR EUI L :land Mr. R. Cochburn for high MlEBAUIU Sand M. Ross Elliott for low MORE EFFICIENT [ scores. Mr. Cochhumn also won1 MORE OUTSTANDING the door prize. A very tasty I ATE lunch was served after which N ALE Mmi. R. Little and Mr. I. Little supplied very lively square dance music. ENFIELD Mr. and Mms. W. Oke, Enni- skillen; Mms. A. Grace arid' Linda, Bowmanville: Mmi. C. Rahm, Union, at H. OmmiEton ' liE Mr. and Mis. J. Ormiston and1f Mm. and Mvrs. F. Ormistori, aof! Bmooklin; Mmi. N. Taylor, Burk LI Mr. and Mmi. H. Cowling f j Whitby, at L. Stephcnson'. I i Mis$ Elsie Samus is visiting, with hem sister, Mmi. F. Aber-' 1nethy, Manilla. Mr. and Mrs. F. Samis and famuly accompanied by Mr. and:i Mrs. R. Griffin, Union, withý 1Mm. and Mrs. Larmer, South'! Monaghan. We are glad ta seeý Mr. Griffin able ta be out, again.j Mmi. H. Ormiston and Miss i Lois attcnded a kitchen showem for Miss Margaret Blatch at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gray, Oshawa. Mr. and Mmi. F. Abernethy anid Alex, Mr. and Mmi. D. Mc- Cague, Manilla; Mr. J. C. Wcb- I ster, Sm., Mm. and Mrs. J. C.j Webster, Jr. and sons. Miss Norma Webster, Toronto, etMr M. Samis'. Miss Marion Stinson visited j relafives in Toronto and at-; tcnded the Santa Claus parade. Mr. and Mmi. A. W. Prescott; with Mr. and Mmi. J. Smith,! Oshawa.i Misses Ruth and Marie Pres- I cott spent Saturday in Toronta saw the Santa Claus parade and attended the presentation of "~The Robe" at the Impemial j Theatre. A large crowd attended Fran k Lycett's sale Saturday when he dîsposed of bis implernents and livestock. Our W.A. lhad a very successful aitemnoon selling lunches. The church wa well filled for the van.icîx concert MondaN night and cveryone cnjoyed 1h e' splendid numbers given bv these 1 gucît art ists: Mrs. E. Cryderman, and Miss Isabelle Yellowlees,' Solina; Mm. H. F. Osborne, l Caurtice: Mmi. W. Barr, Osh-! awa, and hem group af singers; Mrs. C. Morgan, Mmi. W. Jeffs, Mmiq. F. Gillard, Mmi. W. Roberts' and Mms. L. Fowl%,em. Rev. R. M. Seymour was chairmari and alsro narrator for the musical story by Mrs. Barr and hem group. The building boom bas finally, reached aur litIle hamilet. Ivan Ormiston has aimait comnpletedý a new bouse on Main Street and 1 Mr. R. Oke, Oshawa, is erecting' anc in the samne block. Sevemal ladies frurn here: spent a vcmy enjoyable aiter-1 nar at the bazaam in Burketon1 Church en Thumsda.y. For Quick Renut ta THE CANADIAN STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS PHIONE 3303 flusbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim?; hôouundsei cupe aeweak, wr.rn-out, ex- hauztedsolel àcas .bo l.acksiron.Forncw ,i., viality, try Ostr. Tonie Tablets. Supplies 'on >'ou. too -av n-df ~.~pl(m ary doq.,Vîtamin l î,dc (îr ' r acquam-t.d"nMm. olY 600. M a&l dngata I ic ta It's the washer you've been waiting for . . . developed, created and guaranteed by Easy, leaders in home laun- dry equipment for 50 years. $149.50 $159.50 wlth PUMP MODEL 88P .. . Big, beau- tiful and "dreamine-styled" with all the wonderful washîng efficiercy ai the exclusive EASY Spiralator; "Whisperng Power" precis- ion mneehanism; Safe-a-matic Wruîîger; large caparity Ti- tanium-enamelled steel tub and Autorruatie Drain Pump ta hardie aIl watpr. $199.50 The ]Radio Shop Phone 573 38 Kingr St. E. BOWMAN VILLE i - 4 I.' TffE eANAZ)" STATESMffl, BOWMANvmir, ONTAItro ; 1 a. YMMMAT, Ifoy. le. 1953 PAGE M-DIT= CLASSIVIE11 AIMS