_NOV. 5ti~, 195S New Central Committee Formed Earle Grey Players To FghtT.B ii Unied ouiles Presenf Shakêspeare' s 70________i U iedCo nte "As You Like If" SFor mnany years Cbristma-s programs, rehabilitation end se- Scal Campaigns in Durbam and: cial services and very soan, a In the seven years since Tbe Nrthumberlnd counties bave. Christmas Seal sale te caver E.rle Grey Players were faud- beenconuctd b loal oin bah cuntes.ed by Mr. and Mrs. Earle G'rev mi'ttees sponsored by Service Funds raised througb the new (Mr1ownti hks Clubs, Women's organizations ounty oganzto will be pearean company bas gained an and ather groups inte rested in uea nohryes o h international reputation. Foc the eradîcation of Tuberu * i ueadication oftuerculr, os.the live years the campany bas been sî.f!gbt bas been long but the re-hldn an nue otoo During those years many su,- Siiekespearean Festival in the Cessfijl Seal sales were held '-ults have been gratifying. perfect setting of Trinity Col- a3 tbausands of dolars wéee Fromn 81.7 per 100,000 popula- legeQarnge oono n nà d ta throw into the fight tion in 1927 the deatb rate in frfv er thsbe or a st ane of man's oldest foes Canada from T.B. bad fallen i fg or ieyrs itasiobe ndur the1yeas bave17ne0bytowns. In eacb enterprise, the t tescoersh oed britas T faîl in deetb rate was Players bave brougbt pleasure Scal sales have widened and the made possible by education and t buad n a cli administrative wark bas in- early diagnosis which in turn f<tr theselvs.adwn cl creased ta such an extent that1 were made passible by funds' 11, many districts in Ontario and' caised by local Christmas Seal The Earle Grey Players will enada, central committees on ýommittees. again visit Bawmenville, Nov. a county wide basis have been' Your newly formed caunty 1o theiros nt igofr Shake formed for more efficient oper- organization bas pledged itself ofearest omeiesg"sou Lke ation Of not anly Seal sales, buît t, carry on the work of the la- pe Te'poeris"sonel o th e s ather phases of the extcemely cal committees and in this, it5 s mucb the esneleso i the s camnplex problemn of the con- r -rcst vear, is counting on the smhtesan asite trol of tuberculosis. generosity of everyone in the Shakespeare Festival, Toronto, two auniesta elp ulfli hisin July of this year, and includes On Marcb lth of this to oueartehlpfufa thsbath Eerle Grey and Mary God- meeting of the Christmas Seal pledge. win. Cammittees of Northumboerland, Listed as members of the Ex- Te B mavle usns and Durham counties was held etutive Council of this new or- ahe Professional Wo san ssu at Cobourg for the purpose of' ganization are several local menan rfsialWm ' Cu discussing the possibilities of including H. L. Goddard, Don who sponsored the campany's forming a central committee ta Alin, Boxvmanville, and E. R.pernc eelstya n ke oer he orkof he 1-ý oodard Orno."Julius Caesar", are again spon- ca ke o ver t e w r f t e o o d 'a rn. soring their engagem ent, not asl cacmiteI a money-making prject, but as Atalater meeting, which CLEANING COMMENTS a cultural service to the Highl was attended by representatives Scbools of Bowmanville andý fram Bawmanville, Campbell-, Deodarants cars damage fab- district, andi the play-going pub- fard, Cobo urg, Coldsprings, ries. Apply deodorants sparingly lic. Hastings and Port Hope tî,'e and sponge excess from under Northumberland - Durham Tu- arms with damp clotb. Wait The annual tour of schools is berculosis Association waq twenty minutes before donning'udrae wîhtearva f'.rmed, officers wece electe' dress. Help your Cleaner 1ta and blessing of the Ontario and the new caunty acgani'a-1 serve you better. Dept. of Education, btu is in no tion has taken *' I ________________ way financed by it. In Bowman- avec ts dtiesin Iville, as in their previous en- the long and bard fight against 1 I order that people may be gagements here, The Earle Grey tuberculosis. h appy ln their wark, these tbree Players will appear in the Town Taday sucb duties cansist of1 things are needed: They must Hall, tbus enabling a much the financing oif monthly cbesti be fit for it: They must not do larger audience ta view a pro- x-ray clinies at bospitals , casei too much of it: And tbey must fessional company in one of the finding prgrams, educational have a sense of success in it.- mast charming of Sakespeare's Private sales are few, Elford I HEY!t IT He also works in metal and stane, using an air campressor for the latter. His work bas ap- peared in variaus exhibitions, încluding the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition this summec. He will be sbowing some of bis work in Montreal in December in the Canadian Society of Sculpture exhibition, and again in Montreal in January as ane ,iember of a thcee-man show. He bas attcacted considerable attention with bis abstraction- ist work in wood. f, EROWMANVILL, ONTARTO NINE this week that we started in business. To celebrate this eet w~e are i(ffexinj hs AMI a m m a m m---- pre-unristmas specials whîch you can layaway for Chtstmas. ANNIVERSARY i Cah be on your table t@-nIghit 4a Ma Eservine for 8 Co,,ishng o... .40 PC E ewwouSmt Ce.usuegof iSolod forks * -eDi ror Ioes 8Tospoans S esere poons ... êo. pè~* .d wî 8 Dirmr Knes * 1ISugor Spoos g'**~ oelSw B uttr,Knife. nt vme,. ins Ovday On Momé Uu.d Pièces. iIe * S a "am.. mm AVullohin IOP".S< HO 28 RING ST. W. Register Today! Gladstone Watches LADIES' Irom $35 As illustrated $5à Gifts *NGRAVED Christmm A SFTS are foroer REMEMBERID Ingraving "peronalizes" your gifts . . . malces fhem cherished elways. Let us engrave your compacts, cigarette cases, ighters, pens, watches, silverware, rings, cil gilts, q4ickiy, bectutifully, te e'fder. "Engravlng la a trat.. end w. e o&atatuge». Men's Gruen Watches $29.75 up PER'a How M a ny P ea rs Are in the Jar in Our Show Window? LOPIE WATCH Other Prizes Too, D iam ond W ed d 1n Sets Iro. $35.00 ]Rolex Oysier The absolute waterproof watch $82.50 Modern Lamps Complete with 1fram $7.95 1! 07his beautiful 40-pc. set of "Haliburton" Dinnerware plus a 42-pc. set of fine Wm. A. Rogers silverplate by ONEIDA LTD. in cîther Lido* or Rio* pattern. WAS Everybody invited tc, join in this big guessing con- test! Corne down and enter Your guess at aur store as quickly as yau can! Omega Seamaster WalcIi Automatic 14k gold-filled 18k gold dial, incabloc, anti-magnetic $155 BOWMANVILLE flVNdII1~ Min Jewellery ani Glit Shop ~E CANADIAN STATESMAI Former BowMai Gaining Promînei Elford B. Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, Bowmanville, and a risyg yaung Canadian scuiptor, as heard in a radio îinterview on bis work last Sun- d3y over CJBC, Toronto. A few -- years aga Elford threw avec a good teaching job at *Upper Canada College and ,decided ta take a chance on making a living et the hobby ht had cberished and pursued for many years. sculpturing. "I nearly starved at first." El- ford told bis interviewer, Allan Anderson. He is naw receiving regular commissions, however, and is becoming weIl esteblish- ed in this cultural field. Elford lives on a bundred aire farm near Palgrave, Ont., with bis wife and twa little girls, and is an ardent garden- er, dividing bis time in the growing season between the garden and sculpturing. Much of bis wock is done in wood, same of whicb he obtains on the farm. He uses cedar, but- ternut, pine, and walnut when he can get it. Elford recentiy bought five laads of walnut which wvill have ta mature for some years befoce he can s PAGE rivis ý 1 l 1 - 1 1 COX Form Representatives Wednesday was quite a sccess' viIIeite, Elford Co 9A Margaret Goheen; 9B_. and a large crowd attended. E press Under Fire as oIS SCUIplor Camille Smith; 9 Egn Mr.NomnMllmvst W dhidS ahe C s S Greenham; lOA-James Fergu- Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Wndhed~ anc ncelo son; lOB -Lorraine Snowden; Sympathy is extended to Mrs. A l f1l IOC-Marg. Lynn; liA-Mary H. Vine in the passing of bier B5y 3Jllege u llet Lewis: llB -Lloyd Caverly; uncle, Mr. Armour Thompson at Isaid. He depends mostly ofl 11C-Marg. Leddy; Sr. C- Elmvale. P. missile, thought ta be a Icommissions from architeets. As Bruce Cale; 12-Ken Brooks; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Middleton bullet fired from a passing car, ia boy, Elford whittled wvitn 13-Barry Armstrong.. and Gordon, Malton, spent Sat- shattered the right windshield kindling. He perbaps inherits * urday with Mr. and Mrs. H. o1 the C.N.R. express truck in bis skill with wood, for his SCREECH OWL EXECUIVE Vine. which Roy Crawford and Dick grandfather was a carver. El- Ti No service in the Unitedý Wray were riding at the co-- ford was a brilliant student at Ti year your Screech Owl Church next Sunday owing ta. ner of King and Ontario Streets Bowmanville High Sebool and is off ta an early start. The the anniversary services at Black- at 10.30 p.mi. on Tuesday of last Univ.ersity of Toronto. He kept magazine will be run alqng stock. week. on with bis carving, încreasing much the samne lnes as last Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf Mr. Crawford was driving the bisknolege nd kil, utyear. The method of putting had their infant daughter, Aud- truck with Mr. Wray seated on didn't think hie could ever make yu aaieoti ntl rey Elainké baptized on Sunday the right side, and the vehit9e a living at it. However, after ments was found ta be the afternoon. wvas turning west onto King St. 1l years teaching at Upper Can- most successful yet from the Sryt eotMs elywe h isl i h id ada ollgeElfrd ookthestandpoint of material banded Sryt eotMs elywe h isl i h id ada ollgeElfod tok he n. Yur irs insalmnt illCampbell bas not been too wel. shield. A car -was just passing plunge and is doing very well in. abY ou ntameingtheil Mrs. Dan Black is in Port the truck, aliso going west, when indeed. Friends in Bowmanville poal aeotdrn Perry bospital recovering from the shot was fired. wish him continued success in week of Commencement. Bu an operation. We hope she will The windshield of the truck ______profession._____ don't forget that the deadline soon be able ta be home again. iýý equipped with heavy safety bisprfesin.is November 9. Nestleton W.I. bad a special glass and the bullet, apparent- The executive of the Screech meeting last Monday in the ]y a .22 calibre one, did not Owl will be headed by Janet Presbyterian Churcli and enter- penetrate right through the T i ceeh O l MGregor as Literary editor. tained sorne Janetvilean ls. Teocpts fth mittees which will be working 56 ladies in attendance. The 1 Bradley and Denny Densem of (Barba-a Murdock, Editor> with Janet are: main topic vas a talk and dem- the Bowmanville police search- _________________Sports Com---------- Jim Hooper onstration on "Colour in the ed the pavement at the intersec- Formi Programmes Home", whicb was very interest- tion but were unable ta find and News__ Marie Ferguson ing. the spent bullet. STUDENTS' COUNCIL EX. Grads and There wil! be no November1 The windshield was badly After two days of furiaus Alumili .-. Eleen Spicer 1 eeting this year. Our W_.- cracked and if it had nlot been campaigning y ou r Students' Societies----- George Marlowe! as lost one of its faithful mem- of safety glass, the bullet might Council Exectktive bas been1 Selection Coin. Gertrude Ritter bers in the passing of Mrs. Olive well have gone through and chosen for another year. The: Special Events--- Ron Turner Brown. struck Mr. Wray. fact that every office but that Publicity - Barbara Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm __________ of pesient as ille byac-and family were Saturdav leven- ofmaio pres det a ilebua- ing supper guests with Mr. and It is better to live rich, than claatin mde t arater iiitIYIflFJ Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville. die rich.--Samuiel Johnson. usual election but 1 think we .UJJUJLIJJJJ. Messrs. Merlin Suggitt, Chas. ail agree that those holding ____ ie evnWryadK' the position are those who willVie rvnWryadK ' do the most capable job. And Sympathy isexenedta the Minshaîî have gone north deeýr D NCE EVEKT SAT. ithcaeoth rsdn efamily of Mrs. Olive Brown who bunting. D can truthfully say that the best pse way on Friday. Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Keneth Samells, NITE TO THE MUSIC OF man won Thse re he idsservice was held on Monday. Melville and Anna, visted xithý mwho n.il b ee nnngar xe- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emersn friends at Lindsay and Victoria. 05741-4 eae*pad his Orchsfrd cutive Council this year: and baby, Mary, Toronto, visited R~d r oadEesni Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. . ck ad inM e oalEesni President--------- Ivan Woolley M.ansrs . ie pntBwanv in îe raHospital, Secretary Lorna Cochrane Saturday evening with Mr. and Çjj1!i>IIQnQ!1 Treasurer Don Cramp Mrrs. L. Joblin. We bail at different degrees. Publicity- Helen Cale Mr. Herman Wilson's sale last Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1 YEARS AGO (f?-W.OO (, ww 3 0 W M À N Y 1 L L E iinnur PlAq