'~"~ - THURD~yOCT. lut, 1953 Heaver, St. Peter wouldn't let me be hungmy. And if mny feet wer codI wouldn't be in Ed oungm.an'sColumitou The Statesrna,'s Grass Roots Columnist 1 For abjut thirty out of the thirty -fu years we have lived in Manvors we have used every Truth is suPppsed ta be stranger arms in the tradîtional gesture dev Ficr, sbtwe talattend Ln- than fiction. It cati be more enl- of deiýth But the doctor thought say Fanir, but were always bpro- t'aining tao. Like the incident it best ta go tbriouigh the mno- cure transportation. A couple of lflvng Alvin Olan. Manvers tians tif examirîng the patient times we were prornised rides, TOlshj rmr.recnty.Mr before ig;ning the certificate of but the car drivera found some- Olndcded ta replace a worn- death. 'body wi'h more maney, took out crýos, beam of his trailer. He îifted an e'.ei.d and shone them and left us sitting at home, I-le had !ýeMOVE-d all the boîts a fahigta heppl.bt ail dressed up with no place to e.xcePt one stubborn brute. so ahereas no arti.he con-.bu go. Then aur childmen becamne dei.ided to rernave it by splitting clued e o reachap had aon- 100 numerous ta look after in a the ear wit anaxe ed on alright. He mnade some cod. Alhu ho Is an excellent sympithetie remark ta those One time we had city visitors, "cmi he gh e the beamn and standing around, and was about and the mnale part of the cam- ,(' ChOPnEd!he h ammer handle in ta turn away wben the -corpse' hination thought it would be<. twain. Boy! Did that make him sat up, Sey-ing, -That's my gla_ýssutdayfousaspdth ~~fv? akig adergaîryeve. Dec. want ta see the other afterr.oon in Lindsay. His wifo n>'ark R nu hebems ancos- one?" nad othfzr notions. In the end, tors, he aimed a mighty blow * *we two poor maies spent a cou- at it, missed, and brake the axe- A few years ago, à dactor pie of hours pitching horse- . handloc.. We regret that it is ne- îriend told me of a patient shoes in Pantypool. esrvdrwthe cutina emerging from a comna. When After supper the ladies put th oio1e the doctor told the patient he the chidren ta bed and ordered * had senired ta be dead, the pa- up a horse and buggy ta goa'to ~ Duing the influenZa epidemic tient qaic he knew hie wasn't Pontypool which meant that of 1.918. a doctai' told me of be- dead because he was hîîngr-, and Jack and I had ta baby sit. In- ing c8lied ta a case, but when bis feet were coid. The doctor stead of hitching up the good he amrived the patient was ap- inquirod what that had ta do driver who would stav in the Parentlv aead. His relatives had witb being dead. To which the middle of the road, I gave themn lit some candies and crossed his patient replied: "If I were in one of the warst aid brutes ta wandcr vou ever saw. Also for- got (on purpose) ta put a light- ed lantemn on the buggy. Away they went, while Jack d and 1 made ourselves comfart- i S,,.-~ 'able in the kitchen, atilating on MOIthe incan.sistencjes of women. Al of a sudden we heard fe- Left to right, Grand Champion Female Holstein, maie yells: taok aur tîme light- and Reserve Champion Eldersley Ragapple Marina at Oro ing th,? ù.ntern;, took aur time1 Muir of Courtice. . strolling, about a quarter of a ~" .~: ~ '..... .'~*. ,'. mile ta where my wife was holding Queenie by the bridle,1M .a d rsC.Ie n g B ck i k intn di *t and hersserM . ndMr.C Ve igB a k t k Sanfonzed Nay Blu Work rouser $345 road,hberating Jack and I for a' o o "21 Sanfrize Nay Ble Wok Tousesd$345soupl aofignorant, schemîng H no edon 21h Anniversary Sanforized Olive Drill Work Trousers $3.45 When we amrived back home, Amltr ednwahl MsO enignd r. withth gee gee back in the Amltr edn a ed MsOmVnigadMs w . 8 oz., riveted, stable, the ladies sweetly asked at the home af Mr, and Mms. Tenny Samnelîs took the caver- ueniii uungarees Sanforized $3.45 Jack te take them ta the village Tennysoni Sameils an Saturday, ing from the table af gifts from inhi Mde T f ouseJakSept. 22. 1928, when ber sister, thýir relatives and f riends. Drivers' WV# i ~ n*r o bliged. Why not? We had Miss Luelia Ferguson, daughter Teewr:3pee iLe and Servicenien's Uniorms, complee$89 taught them a lesson. Proved oif Mr S. A. Ferguson and the time Aluminum, electrie cfe _________________________________________ that thev werent as indepen- laite Mrs. Ferguson, Cartwright, percolator. electric Feather- dent as they thought they weme. and Lieut. Chas. G. Venning, weight iran, electric kitchen BD0 Y S CLOT H ES But we didn't get ta Lindsay. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ven- dlock silver teapot. silver creamn We Crrya coplee sock f Bys'ClotesTh-ý thre ere ime wh n ing, nlackstock, were united and sugar and tray, set of eight We crry comletestoc o oys'Clotesthn threwredtime s t lmarrnage, Rev. Milton San- dishes basket weave by' Sov- including Socks, Shirts, Suits, Windbreakers, right. but the weather was too dasis, dt'yRev. J. E. Gffithd, iss oyesVnningon be- Underwear, Etc. 1cold or towet. On two occa- acst ucky . J .Grfihaîf oyc te imedniat ai Isions everything was perfect lcsok affth imeaefmly 1 except we couldn*t lbave the job On Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, presented hiem parents with a athad.1953. the Community Hall at chest of Community Plate Sul- et hand.Blackstock. was the scene af a verware in Lady Hamilton pat- 2-PANT Finally camne Lindsay Fair happy occasion when relatives tern. 2-PANT ~~1953. The weather was ideal,an iedofCresndEa The bride and groom made aurcar gaa runin shpeVenning gathered ta honor themn vemy fitting replies in tbeir maney in aur jeans, nothingontci thwdiganvrthksaterfinsfrtei GABARDINE SUITS ta do' after lunch but go. Sa ntfi 5hwdiganvr hnst hi red o hi whatdo ~ di? ,ry. Pretty baskets af flowers gifts and gond wishes. Went ta Bowmanville, had s n batfl he e e- Cards, chatting and a delic- Chooe oe o thse marty syle perlita rstarantandattnd-ding vake decorated the hall. ious lunch braught a fine even- Chooe oe o thse marly tyld / . er heshwwhhaa restuatad attnd Mr. John Hamilton, a life-time ing to a close with everyone, - e th shwwhih ws malfriend. welcomed the gathering1 wishing -rrany more years of suit forFaliwear ~ jgfodaIteRyiOhwl, and invited the bride and groom happiness ta this popular mayb wewil mae te gadeta the pl-itform ta the strains of couple n ext yeam. tewr th1 *e viedding march played by Fiends wr present from Sold Reg. $45.00 $29.95 Latelv the papers have car- Ms adaFruo.Toranto, Pickering, Oshawa,, Sried a story about a native of The bride was lovely in a blue Port Pemry, Hampton and Cart- }.. British Columbia gig ta îrridescent taffeta dress with a wright. ' j, f,,nrhoi-,,corsage ai American Beauty wt;ld« bet wigh liter.He rases and the groom had a NOUSE OLD ND BE DINCraised 1036 pounds about bis boutcnii-e of red carnations ]BLACKSTOCK head in fliree lits. The emark- on the lapel of his bluie suit. able +hing about this young The programn consisted af Firs Quaity 1 X 9 in shels $.99 Canaffian's leat is, he was born readings- by Mrs. W. Archer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Herb Galbraith,i Frt uaty$ 99 physic,-1lb, handicapped, but by1 Mrs. E Dorreli and Mrs. G. Bowman-ci-lle, Mr. and Mrs. Ce- rit q-id perseverance became, Marlo\v: sangs by John Grieve ci] Neals and David, Peterboro, FlnnlShet be, n70x 0in, ar $.5 * frens Eaml Dorreli, Foster trainin.g at Oshawa General« Spa goff strong men. When IFergiuan, James Hanna, James Hospital was with bier parents, RedandGrenBlnklwih backboder$6.5 1wasinTorntodurng1913, Muody an.d Robert Fetlow. Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, l aNegro weghng 50pounds, Mrs. Foster Fergusan read an On Sunday evening at the Ne AmyCol Mqaliresses ..,y $i9 dressc-d in a fancy unifomm, address ta Charlie and Ella, re- Uniteri Church Dir. R. P. Bowles and onge adertiingCapen- good wishes o! their friends. the service and delivered a fine! hagn Suffby hroingdoz- Charlie has been autstanding sermon. Everyone was deligbt-, ens 0f small boxes af the stuff for bis service for bis country ed ta have Dr. Bowles M'ho was toward the people on the side- serviin" în bath the Great 89 in August, witb us and hope If EN a 0a iwalkç. Wars o! aur time, al.so for his hoe will be back soon. He chailenged any two teams intemest in sports and the good Cong'-atulations to Mr. anri of heavy draught horses ta pull spartsînansbip he bas always Mrs.How~ard Saywell on thr in opposite directions simultan- sbown. Ella is aur local Past- birth of their son at Oshawa guede Leather eously, with him in the middle, mistress, which duties she does Hospital. SîZES and guaranteed that neither cheerfully and well, and hait Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byems.' tobealae rtouleiimsladisaîas amavllwith Mm. and Widraeàhorses weme nat t ealwdtobe ins n sawy Mrs. Wi1l Forder. Windreaerb Sturdy Work Boos t jranypllsediy tfiendly and cheerful. Donaldand MIv a, with rnd that time theme weme good Mm.nal and Mrv al B rdm. Heavy Duty Soles barses and goad horsemen1 in Toronto on Mondavý. Black Only aound Toronto. The challenge A omry that Mr. Sam Fergusai PstQuality __$1.9 as accepted. We felt somry for" ssc tte oeo i ag $6.95- the ooor blake, expecting bim 14-iic tte oea hsdul DENIM ferîng anniversarv. New study ridge. SMOCK books wf.me ardemed. On Sundav. Mrs. Fred Baie- to match WORK SOI 1Warship and pmagramn was in was hastes, for a famîly gather- charge afiVMms. A. Blanchard.1 inq in honor af Mr. and Mrc. Reg. $4.95 FrtQaiy Ail Wl Bible earlings by Mrm. Salter; Nasmyth Henry <Olive BaileVi SALtEulîv, 0 prayer by Mrs. Niddey. Mrs. wlo celebated their 25tb wed- j ALEDaw intrr duced the new Study ding arnîvemsamv on Sept. 25. $39 r 1.00l Book. **MWhere'er the Sun". Mrs. à Present wiere Mr. and Mrs. N. ~ p. ~Reed gave a gooc report on ber Henrv. Caral and Diane off Jan- __________________________________________ aitendance at the Scbool for L OK FOR THISj etville: Bruce Hent-, oebsawa, se in~ se being president of 1"HIGH SION" Miss Dorotbv Henr-', Lindsay. STORE HOURS - l'e Presh, teriai on -their former OF QUALITY Mr . ind Mms. Ray Birdan Mna oFiy -9 .lt g ..gîstration ever. and that rural Mr. imd Mrs - Arthur Baile.% Mand~ t Frîa~ 9 an. o Tdies lake sus-h an active part Mrs. Iloward Bailev and Cath- Saturday - 9 arn. ta 9 p.iii in the W M. iss Audrey Mlac- I I IIaine, Mm a0à Mms.. Henrv wert Nab aiso) gave a splendid report pesented wl!h a triligbt lamip of iv-m attendan&e at the School r framn the Baiiey family. R oe w aanvi11le -or Leacters, the sessions and the RB SNMr. and Mrs. Harry Delamia- liscuszion gmaups of the C.G.I.T. ter, Toronto, with Mrs. George Crawford and Mm. and Mrs. J. SURPeLUS STORE yarsth W. Peime,. OSeRPtU S past Riftvvears theYounYP people's Unian openedi 24 Diis 'ionl St. B<)1MI.NVILLE plione :3211 l~ u]'. a\,(aen i suld ui moie i . hrir ac'v xeacazýn xwth a mer- tDI t iack.----------------------------N----------------- ------------T nîtedj ILunIu ±a uesciEVvenig. Eldersley Ragapple Della ono Fair, with owner Alex ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms,ac- companieci Mr. and Mrs . Erl, Trewin, Doreen and Donald o ni Thursday to Lindsay fair. They, alsa called on Mrs. Belle Haines. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. K. V. S-ýanefelt at- tended the wedding of Miss Joan Bourne and Mr. Geo. Hoop- er, Richmond Hill. on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yen and family spent the week-end at Sturgeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope and family. Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr. anîd Mrs. Earl Masters and famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masters, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sander- cock and baby, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Laviolette and girls, Port Perry, Mr. Alfredi Wright, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson's. Mr. Norman Wright is en the sick list. We wîsh him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cox, Isling- ton, Mrs. Belle Haines, Lindsay, attended aur turkey supper and were callers on Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herring, Osh- awa, visited Mr, and Mrs. Wal- ter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Tam- blyn, Cambray. Mr. and Mrs. Bull Hambletan. Rochester. N. Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Flintoff, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gingerich and Billie, Oshawa, at Mr and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mrs. Verna Wonçd Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mr. an'J Mrs. Lomne Griffin, 33 KING W. Mmi. S. R. Pethick. Mr. Wtlfred Weatherilt, Cae- sarea, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reid. Joan and Elva, Newton- ville, Mrs. Gordon McLean, Uxbmidge, Miss Martha Boyd, were c2llers on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. Garnet Sanderson, Or- angeville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and Mr. Ralph Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and K-athryn. Oshawa, with Mm. and Mri. N. Wright. Mm. and Mmi. Adam Sharp have returned home from holi- daying with relatives at Spring- aide, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick visited Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Brad- ley, Bow'nanville. 1Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Pumple Hill, accompanied by Mm. snd Mrs. Walter Oke, at- tended the Camfield - Hubbard wedding an Satumday at Osh- aWa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson, Trenton, and Mr. Rnd Mrs: Howard Bradley, BowmRnville, who celebmated their tenth wedding anniversar- ies at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley, The coupfles tvere presented with card tables and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and Donald, with Mr. and Mrq Albert Wright, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Blackitock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergur- son wîth Mr. and Mms. W. Per- rY, Bovroanville. Jus in hiTiie for.. CHRISTEAS LAYAWAY 1 A wonderful selectian of Ladies' and Men's tGlad- stone Watches. See them ta-day arnd open a lay- away plan with us. The easy way to buy your special Christmas gifts. HDOIPEIR'S JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHIOP 28 King St. W. Bowrnanville Phone 747 PHONE 3262 THE T.V. - SHOP PA" ?KTEENTV Blackstock, were Monday even- ing callers at Mr. end Mrs. Johni E. Griffin's. Mr. an~d Mirs. George Rahm, Plainfield, wxth Mr. and Mns. Leonqird Bradley. Lindsay Fair was well attend- ed freom here this year being such nice weather. Messrs. Bill Mahaffy and Wallace Griffin attended the cattie sales at. Thessalon and Little Current. Mr. anud Mrs. 0. Ç. Ashton. Lois and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Purpie Hill. In connection with our Thankoffering report in another calumri .ve should have men- tioned on Sept. 23rd a delicious turkey dinner was served to about 600 guests. This was a most gr:'tifying climax to our Thankofiering week. Grorîs pro- ceeds were over $1,000. In the ten years from 1941 to 1951 the number of retail stores in Canada increased from 137,- 331 to 151,611 and retail sales in- ereased from $3,441 millions ta $ 10,654 millions. SPENCER CORSETIERE (Reglstered since 1931) Mrs. J. E. Richards BOX3, ORONO Telephone 27-r-16