PAGE TWELVZ TEECAIi4DIAN STATESMAIi, BOWMANVILLE~, "ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. lai, 1953 Mr. Henry Cantreit found two turned to ber home in Orono aid coi'ns in his garden, one is for this week alter spending dated 1837 and the other is some time in Loveland, Color- dated 1850, "Bank of Canada" ada, U.S.A. on the latter. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. Orvîli Chatterton, Braw- G. Hoopers were Dr. and Mrs. nie Leader, took the Brawnies Keith McElroy, New York; Mr. on a hike last Saturday. and Mrs. Arthur Zavitz, Tor- Miss Shirley Porter and Miss rance, Muskoka; Mrs. R. J. Dorothy Paul, Oshawa, spent Hodgson, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Percy Werry, Bowmanville; Mrs. Neil Porter. H. M. Asi'ing and Miss Ada De Miss- Maxine Mallory, Ca- Lott invilîr', Toronto. bourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. James Miilan, Durham, Barlow and family for the formerly of Orono, visited Mrs. weekend. Cecil Jones and friends last The Orono Girl Guides held Wednesday. a Most successful homemade Congratulations ta Mr. and candy sale at the front of the Mrs. E. L. Barnes, formerly Township Hall on Saturday. Miss Ethel Strickiand, on their Mr. and Mrs. George Crow- marriage, Wednesday evening ther and sons, Newcastle, were at Orono United Church, by Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. John Kitchen. Chlas. Wood. Mvfr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Miss Bertha Cain in Oshawa Toronto visited on Thursday Saturday. w;th Mis. Chas. Awde. Mrs. Jim Major fell iast Mrs. Lena Beal Smith moved Tuesdav evening and after X- from Mrs C. Duncan's to live rays it was found she had with Mrs Fred Duncan for the cracked a bone in ber ankie. wînter Mr. Newton Cobbiedick re- The Cubs beld their meeting turne.î home from Memorial at Mr James Rickaby's tast H-ospit. Bowmanville, and bis week in the form of a coin daugbter, Mrs. Stewart Cowan, roast. Ottawa. is visiting him. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, En- Mrs. Keitn George Hall Finnie, field, and Miss Myrtie Tamn- formerly Miss Dawn Moffatt, bIvn, Toronto, visited Mr. and on their marriage Sept. l9th, MIvs. James Tamblyn and fam- 1953. il.v on Sunday. Mis. Etta Page, Enniskiilen, .\Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Bebee and and Mrs. James Richards at- Mrli. and Mis. J. Wade, New- tended the Spencer fait meet- castle, visited at Wasaga Beach. ing at St. Lawerence Hotel, Severat cars left Orono Sun- Port Hope, Tuesday. day to follow the Orono bail Mr. and Mis. Cecil Jones team who played Walsingham were Lcuests at the Kazak - Centrè team, which is ti Port Tuerk wedding on Saturd-ay in Rowan district, Orono won. Bowmnanv"Iile. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mis. Harvey Ginri has been Toronto, spent Sunday with a patient in Memorial Hospital, Mr'. and Mrs. Virtie Wilson, Bowmanvilte. Mir. and Mrs. Frank Ardien, Mr. andiMrs. Dane Found re- Toronto. -isited Mr. and Mrs. turnedi home from their vaca- Madison~ Hall on Sunday ta tion, Mary Found stayed with ceiebrate Mrs. Hatt's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis while Mr. George Lunri is vacation- her parents were away. ing ini Nortbern Ontario thisi Miss Armour and Mrs. Gea. week. Butters îepresented St. Sav- Miss Allie Wood, Mrs. H. iour's Anglican Cburch at the Rundle and Mrs. M. Carin, Ty- Deanery meeting, St. Peteî's rone, were i Orono on Monday Church, Cobourg, last Thurs- visiting relatives and friends. day. Mr. Jack Wilson, Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Ivanson' Tam- suoent the weekend with Mrs. blyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and family who Fîankiin Tamblyn inHamilton are staying with Mrs. Thornton on Suinday. Wilson. Mr. W%. G. Plowers who bas Mis. Wm. Cobbledick is in been visiting his sister and re- Oshawa Hospital. lations for the past montb re- Mrs. Leslie Darch, Scarboro, turned last wcek ta bis home visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ten- in Haney, B.C. nant. Mrs. Alan Duesbury, Toronto, Mis. Jennie Richardson re- visited Mr. and Mis. J. Hudson. SPECIAL SALE! Studio Masterpieces WALLPAPER --a t-- HALF PRICE until ail are cleared. This tremendous saving is on ail our present stock of Studio Masterpieces Wallpaper. Jus! Arrived . THE NEW "Designs For Betier Living" and STUDIO MASTERPIECES WALLPAPER BOOKS Abernthy'sPaints and &au~aa~um~SWallpapers 85 KING ST. WEST PHONE 431 Prize winners in Showmanship at Orono Fair were Orono; Doug Cruikshank, Hampton; Don Sherwin, Orono; these Junior Farmers. Left to right: Gerald Brown, New- ' Bruce Bowman, Enniskillen; Merrili Browvn, Newcastle, castie; Ron Brooks, R. R. 3, Bowmanville; Bill Tamblyn, 1 and Douglas Sherwin, Orono. District Women's Institute President Addresses Orono W. 1. on Education Orono Women's Institute met Friday. Sept. 18, in Orono Town Hall. President Mrs. F. Bowen, was in the chair and opened the meeting. Four n-embers from Oronc wiit attend the plougbing match in Cobourg ta assist at the In- stitute tent. A bus will be char- tered ta go ta Toronto for the Aiea Convention in November. Charge to metibeis $1.50 and non-members $2.00. Mis. George Carson sang a very lavely Coronation hymn. The president intîoduced Mis. Malcolm Emerson, District Pie- sident, wbo braught gîeetings fîom the district and spoke on "Educaticn". Mis. Emerson said, quoting Huxley, that man bas a libe ai education who bas been sa frained in youth that his body is the ready servant of bis will and does witb ease and pleasure ahl the woîk of a mechanismi it is capable of; whose intellect is a clear coid logic engine, witb ail its parts of equal strength; wbose mind is stared with knowledge of the great tundamental truths of na- ture, and of the laws of ber operation. One wbo is full of life and fire, but wbose passions are trained and controlled by a vig- arous wili, the servant of a ten- der conscicnce, who bas tîained himself t(. love ail beauty whe- then -,f nature or of art, ta bate ail violence and ta respect others as biniseif. Too many people have set a false value on education; we bave often heard it said "He bas ail the education he will ever use." They impiy that cdu- cation is only for a certain class and athers have no need for it -whicb is nat sa. Education is for everyone and everyone sbould bhsve the benefit of it. Instead af regarding it as a means to higher and nobler liv- ing, it is often valued simpty as a means ta success. How many of us are developing a money comptey? Childien are toa often taught that education is only a means ta a laîger pay cheque, rather "han a f uller life and bet- ter understanding of its pur- pose. Mis. Emerson continued em-1 pbasizing wbat educatian sbauld and does mean in the broad sense of daily living. She men- tioned the titerature and great books that can be ours for s0 little or nathing at ail thîougb oui tibraries. She spoke of the influence of educatian an oui national life and haw knowt- edge and undcîstanding willi serve ta rnould opinion ta make 4th ANNUAL DOLL SALE Friday and Saturday OCTODER Znd and 3rd SALE DOLLS ON DISPLAY IN WINDOW AND HALF PRICE LESS Ail Sales Final MceNULTY'S 6 Ring Si. E. Bownianv ille m No Reserve SPORTS AND CYCLE Phone 3531 this a finer world for us and for generations yet ta came. Let us catch a new, wideî and broader vision of equality and peace, the responsibilty for the char- acter of -anada's people of ta- marîow is yaurs and mine ta- day. May we as Women's Insti- tute members utilize ta the fuliý aur oopoitunities and oui re-! sources ta bring about better un- deîstanding and bappier rela- tiansbips everywheie. Mis. J. Tamblyn gave a veîy fine repaît an the Assaciated Country Wamcn af the World Convention, stressing "Canada Day" which was pîesented at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Its calai, beauty and pagentîy sur- passed anything ever seen in Canada. Mis. R. Allun, Mis. J. Morris and their committee seîved de- lightfui refreshments. Kempiville School Ail Newly Painted Opens Octoher 131h The big job of renavating and painting faim and campus buildings at the Kemptville Agriciîltunat Sîhoni is being iushr' ta meet the school open- ing date of Octaber 13th. That is the day wben many yaung people leave faims and homes for courses in agriculture and home economics at K.A.S. Passers-by an Higbway 16 have commented an tbe fresh appearance of buildings wbicb had begun ta show the effect af marix years' service. It is defin- itely planned ta use the new agricuitural engineering build- ing. This is good news ta incom- ing students since it will pro-, vide top flîgbt facilities for the latest piactical work with faim macbinery, drainage, shop work and etectricity. With good junior and senior yea is ready ta start scboal on! October l3th, Principal A. M. 1 Banr annaunced that residence x'oom is limited and that fuither applications shauld be submit- ted at once ta receive cansidera- tian. Nestlefon Station Mi. and Mis. Harry McLaugh- lin and Lawrence, Mrs. Jas. Farder and Mis. George Farder with Mliss Florence Fair and Mis. Bella Richardson in To- ronto. Visitais with Mi. and Mis. Bruce Heaslip weie: Mi. and Mis. Wviie McKeown, Lenore and Lionel, Mono Road. Mis. J. W. Irvine retuined home with them. Mr. an.d Mis. Howard Sutton and Lrite, Kingston, Mr. and Mis. Jas. McMullen and Carl, Ballyduff, and Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Samelis and Shar'on, Peterboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyland. Mis. Jas. Ferrier, Perth, with ber parents Mi. and Mrs. N. C. Marniaw. Guests with Mr. and Mis. Grant Thompson were: r.W H. Jobriston, Pefferlaw, Mis. J.1 J. Watsar, Toronta, and Mi. Roy Arnistrong, Gravenburst. Mr. and Mis. Robinson, Wil- liams Point, visited Mr. and Mis. Lorenzo Mountjoy. Miss Pose Mountjoy was in Uxbridge with Mis. Peter Jern- isan and Mis. Gardon McLean. Congratulations ta Mr. Lloyd Beacock and Miss Florence Rit- chie viho were maînied in To- rantcn Sept. 19. Friends will be pleased ta 1ieann that Douiglas Davison was moved to bis home on Friday. Douglas lias been in baspitai since thc- middle of July, is stillin1 a body cast but witb tbe help of a bar above bis bed is able ta continue bis exercisesi and keep in goad spirits. We are alsa pleased ta repart that Laine Lamb of Enniskillen is impîoving slowty in Part Per- ry Hospital. Mr. Lamb's father, Mi. Wm. Lamb and bis sister, Mis. Cecil Wilson live at Nes- tieton. Virs. John Dickey eîîtertained severýal lriends an Mondax' evening in bonour of Mi. Rob-~ eît Rîddell s birtbday.- OrnoW.A.Hods munity where they now ie one music tessons white my Annul Sevicemother sat at one end of the TV-It'îlpiano witb a gad and Mrs. I n unifea i.,urcn Gamsby sbt at the other with a long pencii. But they botb final- Annual Sunday Service of ty gave up when they took stock Woman's Association was hei of the nmaterialthtey had ta Sunday morning, Sept. 20 witb 1 work on. NoboaLy coutd be nicer a large congregation present I1 than Mrs Gamsby. Guest peaker was Mis. Cliayton 1Mr. Gamsby gave up bis fa- Searle of High Park United!r ther's drug business and xvent Cburch, Toronto, wbo is a memn-1 into paper hanging and paint- ber of Dominij)n Counicil W.A. ing, He aiways did an excellent She was a delegate to The Wortd job" and an honest day's wvork ICounicil of Women bielin Cin- for ant honest day's pay. Len cinnati Ohbio, and took as ber liked everYbody, young and old, subject the theme of tbat meet- andt-e in tuin liked him; so, ing -Thy will on eaîtb.' Being' witb a swell famiiy and every- a very gifted speaker she body a friend, wbat more could brougbt ai impressive and stir-1 anyone ask in tbis wortd? We ring cballenge not only to wom- are aiways panier wvben tbe cur- en's organizations but ta the tain gaes down on these kind men and the entire me mber- of cbaractcîs and especially Or- sbip of ail churches, ta unite noo consecrated service ta win the world for Christ. Rev. John Kitchen conduct- PONTYPOOL ed the service. Mrs. Searle was ____ intraduced by Mrs. A. A. Crawle, Weaesrytrpotht Osbwa~prsidntof Confer- Mrs. Chartes Cbapman 'ývas tak- ence W.A. Mrs. W. C. Ives, Bow- en ta hospital in Peterboro manville. President of Oshawa wber2 she wili undergo an oper- Presbyterial W.A. read the a ion. We wish ber speedy re- scripture lesson. Responsivecvey reaingwastaken by Oui W.A. oey rednwas. E. Rainey. 1 We also hoard Mi. W. H. PresientMrs.Hooper. Toronto, is in poor Among tbe beautiful memor- 1heýalth His manvfinsee il windows in the cburcb, is the1hyfinser anc placcd tbere by W.A. "Jer1hope tear be is better again. sus ;n the home of Maryý and 1Mi. and Mrs. Norton D. is er ruchadirdýChambers and Miss Darnie and "7i11 be dedicated at a lateri Chambers, Toronto, spent the date. i xveckend in their home here. SNorton bas atwa\ s been active- The music by the choir was a! tv intsrested in "the welfare of very fittîag accompanimnent ta uo arvlae tbe ovetserice.Mis A,A George Brown bas sold ail of Drummonci took the solo part in his 19,53 potata crop and is re- the antbern "Seek ye the Lord" sid2ing qtuietix' in the residen- and Mn. Gien Aluin contributed tiaî district of West Pontypool. a lovely solo "Hold Thou My Larr'V EradleyadJPyn Hand."attended ibe annual coin îoast at Colbary Fai neai Tyrone on Satturdav night. Lots of corn O BITUARY was a,,ailpbie and eeyn n ______joyed tht, music of tbe Prince of Orangýe Flute Band. Larîy LEONARD A. GAMSBY was the winnen of the diaw (By Jck Amstrog) vbicb xvill make him the owneî (By Jmyac Ar 8strong) Of twvo capions on Thanksgiving. Lure'inGamsby, aed 82, xvasi Mr. Ed Summers and Mi. buîid i Orno emeeryOflGoodin were inspecting the 500 Sept. 21. This is tbe last of the older gr'nc ration of tbe Gamisby bus, club plots and report vields familles that came tao rono rMi. obrt Haan tt-liearan from New England in 1837. Len's cd .vRot' fro Torontotaind father wa, an outstanding gen- eMontlo sundaxorotoan lus. H(c rcad in the Scientific IMi. eon Sevnd ba ai Amenican about Mr. Belî's in- coyeybi ne esia- venionof he elehon an nadence east of the village. Mr. a resuit made two tetephones, î one foi bis bouse and the othen Sam Manetta bas startcd to for bis drugstore, wbicb were in bidante otae ac use for years, so that Orono had Polty POOl grow. iert w tas"ciNUccyaep in in ail i Canada. TI each of the past four years Len Gainsby was born in Or- JuIy has repiaced June as the ono and was married to Miss most popilar month for wed- Adams, a music teacher and dings in C2anada. they raised a very fine famiiy Canadian wood consumption that are a credit to every comn- is below annual forest growth. GET A VOL.3 VOLUME *NOW ON EVERY *SALE WEEK (Others also One Canadlian 'in ten i j membu et a publx"rre Woman's Missionary Iaimost every country of the Society Holds Serivict WThe word of God is changmng the lives o the people ofth Tv.' Iworid. Natives of Africa and In Unted hurc 1 Aia accepted hunger, disease, and iiliteracy, but Christian The ar.nual service of the: teachings havr iýade them re- Women's Missionary? Society, bel against these things; Chris- was held in Orono United tians must flot fear to finish Church Sunday morning, con- their work. Communism has ducted by Rev. John Kitchen. stepped in and taken advantage Members of both the Afternoon of revolution created, but Chris- and Evening Auxiliaries accu-! tians must not hand over their Pied the front part of the! job to sonieone else. Is aur con. church- viction strong enough ta study The coir endeed amostChristianity ta renew ,our* faith The hoi redere a ostand to know wnat God s will for suitable anthem '"Send Out Thy! us really is? How much of the Light", by Gounod, and Mes tpower available in each of us, dames Carson, Drummond andj 1 eig9eleselfro. Lowery, a iovely selection en- 1 ___b_____________fr ___d tild"Tili the Light Sie Throtugh". Mrs. A. A. Drum- Every Canadian has a direct mond, 'president of the After- interest in the woodiands. noon Auxiliary, read the scrip-' ture lesson. Miss Anne Ward, M.A., gen- erai secretary of Dominion Board, brought a most inspiring message on world-wjde Chris-J tian fellowship. She spoke af the World Council of Churches organized in 1948, which Ils direct resuit of many years af conccntraled missionarv effort among ail Christian churches in This Week's Special ROLLED PLATE - LEAN DEEF ROAST 'F1 LaU). Start Your Set Now! Volume Dominion Stores Ltd. BO0W MA N YIL LE TM CAN4DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILT.Jý -ONTARIO THURSDAT, OCT. Ut 1953 BURNS - PKG. 0F 4 PEAMEAL- LEAN MINUTE COTTAGE STEAKS 49Ç ROLLS Lb. 59Ç Front Roll - Boneless - Lean VEAL ROAST -Lb. 45C BURNS' DELMAR MARGARINE Low Price , lb-. 9 It's Here at Last - It's So Gond' CHEESE WHIZ 39Ç KRAFT'S NEW 8 oz. jar STOCK UP AT THIS PRICE OIRGANDIE TOILET TISSUE - 2 F~or 19C KADANA - MADE BY NABOB 100 TEA BAGS - For 79c ISIS - FANCY RED MAKES 4 QUARTS SOCKEYE POWDERED SALMON NUMILIK %s- tin 35Ç Tin - en. 31Ç Fresh Stocks Now on Hand of MIXED PEELS CUT OR WHOLE GLACED CHERRIES- FRUITS - GINGER PINEAPPLE SLICES- RAISINS- CURRANTS Buy Early for a Full Assortment Now ai Their Des! SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER Ea.19gç Large Heads ONTARIO GROWN ONTARIO GROWN COOKING WAXED ONIONS TURNIPS 10 Lb. 35c Lbi. 5c Buy Now for Canning 6-Quart Baskets Prune Plums - lue Grapes COOKING OR EATING APPLES 6-qt. basket 59c Book No. 3 - Wonder Book ENCYCLOPEDIA 89Ç Books No. 1 and No. 2 Stili Available Boneless 1 29Ç