'r "tDurham County's Qreat Fctmily Journal" VOLUME 99 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOe THURSDÂY, SEPTEMBER l7th, 1953 7c PER COPYNUER3 Reports Io Lions Club Intimaied jhqe1r Carnival and Car Draw ~/huld Net Well Over $5,0O0 A full report on the Lions Beverages, Kitson Brothers and j Carnivai held on September 4 the Williams' Ice Ca. and 5 was given at the regular Chairman Colo reparted that meetng of the Lions Club on Mrs. Milied Houcbin, Stirling, Monday night by Chairman winner of the car draw, bad Fred Cole and the chairman of donated -e,50ta the Lions Club. the various bouths, when it was Visitors at the meeting were expected the carnival and car ion Jimn Porter, Newcastleý draw will net over $5,000. International Councilior Ben Chairman Cale stated that the Cohen anf Lion Bud Mercer, Carnivai had beon a consider- DepuLy Governior of District A4.1 able .;tccess in spite of bard Mr. Cohen spojke brieflv and, luck which had dogged it congratulated the club meni-1 throughout the summer, and bers on the Lions Community xain on Vie opening night. The Centreý and their good record following chairmen reported on in Lionism. the resuits o! their booths: Lions Birtndavs wc-re celebrated by Neis Osborne, Glen Lander, Lions John Hammi, Harry Cry- Andy Thompsor,, Ross Stevens, dermian, Bruce Semple andi Don AUlin, Bruce Semple, Waily Dave Preston. Braden, Herbert Goddard, Bert Club members voted ta pur-! Parker, AI Cuthbertson, Ralph chase a picture of Queen Eliza-I Mclntyre, Joe Cooper, Glen beth Il for pre-sentation ta the Martyn, Rance Diiing and Jack Coboceik Lions Club on their j Zv!cNUty. charter iiight September 18.1I Lion R. J. Dilling read the About 20) members signified financiai statement for the their intention of going ta carnival and votes of thanks Chateau. Wemnbley this weekend1 ,w'ere given ta the Kinsmen and for the Lions annuai weekcnd1 Rtotary Clubs for staging the there. softhall garne. ta -Chairman Fred Lion Drive Preston received a Cole, Lion Art Constablo, the vote o! thank.; for ro-painting baoth chairmon, the wives o! the tra!fîccoecs donated by the Lions Club members, and ta the Bowrnanvîlle Lions Club for the Glen Rae Dairy, Smiths use at the Bownanville sohoolis. local Legion Branch Io Play Rosi Io Zone Rally Here Oct. 24 Goes Io United Nations1 John M. James, M.P. Word was received Friday that John M. James, M.P. for Dur- ham, had been selected ta at- tend the forthcoming session of the United Nations General As- sernbly in New York City. He will be one of several Canadian niembers of Parliament who xviii act as officiai observers and ad- visers ta the Canadian delega- tian. He left by 'plane Monday evening fram Malton ta be pres- ent for the session opening on Tuesday afternoon and expects ta be away about a month, Kinsmen Officers The Bowmanville Branch of Comrade Bill Harrison Jr., the Canadian Legicn wiII play chairman, and Comrades Elgie Installed by host to the other Legion branch- Harnden, Jack Knight, PeteT- e s in Zone F 1 at a Zone Raily Lindsay ns e ta, be heid on Saturday, October Bathgate, Jim Fair and ZoneKns e 24, *Zone Commander Stan Dunn Commander Dunn, was appoint- Bowmanville Kinsmen Club announced at the regular meet- ed ta look after obtaining enter- ing of the branch held last tainment and other details in resumed is regular schedule of Thursday night. connection with the ralv. meetings on Tuesday night o! A committee consisting of President Lloyd Preston re- last -week at the Balmoral Hotel ported on the Legion Carnival when the officers for the 1953- Itrs- CIIor held last month and figures 54 scason were installed, includ- Iniresin ~iryshowed that it was much more il-je he nexv President, Ken successful financially than the Nicks. B ack of Winner of on edls erAvoeo A eeainofie nmn ohn hld ast year. A thear-of A ndayonoffe KiCnsen LionsClubBuic minof the car draw and the Depuity Governor of Kinsmeni _______chairmen of the vèrious booths District No. 8; JIack Gleason, Nis. Mildred Bouchin, wife of for their hard work in makingPrsdn of the Lindsay Club; ~epotmstr t tiligwh the Carnival such a succesS. and threc past prosident: Tom ? o 'tmae 1953 t tiinghdrwo Reports on Convention McKeegan, Nip Flack and Ai wield by the Bowmanville Lions President Preston also report- Wetîr.ore took part in the in- Club at its carnival here on ed on the Provincial Conven- stallaiion ceremonies. Sent. 5 had fargotten about bav- ti.on of the Canadian Legion Mr. Flack installed the cirec- ing ýthe ticket, and for a time heid in Sudbury n August ta tors, Jack Lander and Irvine she and her husband were try- which he was a delegate from Browvn. The third director, Lloyd ing ta figure out who in Stirling the branch. He announced that Pres;ton, M'as unable ta bc pres- could have wn. District Commander John Bur- l ent at the meeting. Mr. Flack The reason for the earîy con- nett had been made Regional congrattulated the Bawmanville fusion as ta who had wvon the s Vice-President at the con-~ Kins-nen Club bulletin editor car was the poor writing on vnin hihmasta, Lionel Parker, and his assist- the ticket whicl' the Lions Club new District Commander ta suc- ant, Clark Wilson, on their ex- officials had deciphered as "*Mel- ceed him ivili have ta be eiect- cellent bulletins. ody Hawkins". Phone cails were ed soon. Secretarv Bob King and Re- mnade to Stirlin.g ini an effort ta Sergeant-At-Arrns Jimi Wood- gistrar Jlnnnv Grahami were in- locate somneone by this name ward thanked the members of stalled by Mr. Wetrnore, vice- in the town, and Mr. and Mrs. the branch for their excellent presidlent Art Hooper by Mr. Honchin were among those try.- conduct at the Warriors Day Pa- Ml\cKcegan, and President Ken ing ta flid the elusive 1'MVeiody rade at the Canadian National Nick3 by Deputy District Gov- Hawkins". Exhibition. ernor Connelly. Finaily Mrs. Houchin recalled Conirade Bil] Bates announe- In a brief speech fo]lowing the that in the spting she and her ed that the Canadian Legion installation ceremanies, Mr. husband and Alex Cameron of Bowling League will get under Connelly cangratulated the Bawmanville had been in Dane way on Soptember 22 at 2 p.ml. Bo-Àm.nville Kinsmen Club on1 Found's restaurant in Orono Members passed a motion ta its fine record. Ho declared that( and Mr. Cam-eron had bought pay for the cost o! installing a the Bowmanville Kinsmen, al-i her a drawv ticket. Sho remeni- sanitary unit at the Orono Fair thoug-h less thanl 30 in number,( bered that shc had put it in a for the convenience of fair vis- ]have a fine record of commun-1 green handbag which for some htors. itv service. including the ambi- roason she hadl not used since. Secretary Ab Mavin announulll- 1tiauis program of paying for the1 She hunted up the handbag. ed that D. C. Jones, Provincial iirtific2ial lue plant at the local and sure enough, it contained Service Bureau Officer of the Mi\oiTOiial Arena. the ticket good for one 19531 Legý,ien, wili be at the Legioîi Kmn Bob King reported on the Buick. ha.l.from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. on Kin Karnival hcld ini July Mr. Houchin was on bis way Thursdav, Sept. 24,. ta assist vet- which xvas an outstanding suc-1 ta a postmasters' convention 1 ranlswîth any problems they ccss witb ovor $1.000 realizedt when he pickod up the car here. m-ay have, - for tIý.e Arena ice fund. -1 Expeci Greally Increased Activiiy AI Bowmanville Arena Due Io Loss 0f Oshawa Arena by Fire Tuesday Destruction of the Oshawa Arena in a $500,000 fire early Tuesday xnorning will mean in- creased activity and revenue for the Bowmanville Memoriai Arena, and aiready two Osh- awa organizations have been as- sured that they will be able to rent tim(2 here this fail and win- ter. The Oshawa biaze alsqo resuit- ed in the Bowmanville Arena being opeaed much earlier, and there will be ice available here by Saturday night. Originaliy the Arena %vas not scheduled ta open until mid-October. By 10 arn. Tuesday marning Bob Watt. Chairman of the Arena Management Committee, bad received requests from the Oshawa Smnith Truckmen, the Senior "B" O.H.A. team, to play their home game here, and a request for considerable ice time from theÀlshawa Skating Club. 1The Oshawa Smith Truck- men have been told that they wiii. be able to play their home games heire this winter 'and a meeting between their repres- entatives and the Arena Man- agement Committee was heid on Wednesday night ta iron out details. Representatives of the Oshawa Skating Club were also present at Wednesday night's meeting ta make arrangements for skating time at the Bow- rnanviiie Arena. Last year the Smith Truckmen normaliy played onc home game a week. Local Interests Corne Flrst Mr. Watt stressed however, that organizations fromi Bow- manvifle who used the rink last xinter are being given prefer- ence and that Bowmanviile's in- terests corne first as far as the Arena Management Committee is concerned. The Bowrnanville Barons Intermediate Hockey Club wiil be retaining its tra- ditional Saturday night home <Continued on Page Seven)' What Promised ta be a Record Fair ai Orono on Saturday Was Spoiled byTeeming Rains Fall Fairs in this district ap- saw an excellent display ai gym- pear ta be running into tough nastics in front of the grand- luck this year. A week ago, stand, put on by the Ontario Port Hop-2's annuai fair was ai- Training School for Boys with most wiped ouf by rain and W. W. Bagneil in charge. They high wîvnds and on Saturday, ai- also saw close horse races, some most the same fate struck Dur- poult-r and an excellent display ham Centrai Agriculturai Fair o! cattle of severai breeds. Un- at Orono. fortuîîately, there were not se Pair officiais were very many horses in the variaus gioomy in the morning when it classes as formeriy, but those was teemîng ramn. Fortunafely, that did participate put on a it cleared shortly before noon good show. and the fair was able ta open Throughout the afternoon, wifh President Carlos Tamblyn, the midway drew a large crowd Hon. John W. Foote, M.P.P. and with many games and a large John M. James, M.P., doing the ferris wheel. The fine music o! officiai honors. Oronu Band and the anties ai For a couple o! hours every- Peter the Clown also addod a thing xvont wei. and the crowd odeaofmrinttth started ta flock in to soc the dis. odda !mriett h Iplays of ivestock, the ladies' event. departînent in lhe fair building, Fair officiais expeet ta take a the h )rse races and the comi- considerable loss on the exhibi- mercial exhibits. Most of the tion this year, although govern- judging w-vas finisbod before the ment grants wil help ta offset rains came again and put a fur- it ta rame èxtent. Undoubtedly, ther damper on the event. thgý farc ouid have been the Thase xvho clid attend, fewer bfggest'and best'* 1"h l!i-ryhad in nuiner than former ycars, the weather been favorable. Cali for Volunteer Workers Needed To Build Nemorial Park Club Hause Bring Tools wiih You Saturday A. Members of the Memorial ity events, weddings anniver- Park Association under Prosi- sary parties and similar.celebra- dent Irwin Beauprie are busy tions. crecting a clubhouse on the Showers. toilets and change north-west corner of the park rooms wiil be installed in the but are being hampered by a basement for the convenionce lack of volunteer warkers. o! the many basebali and sof t- Tbey xill be working on the bail players who use tho dia- building on Saturday and Sun- mond at Memoriai Park thraugh- day carnmencing at 9 a.m. and out the summer. There wili also would greatly approciate it if ho a refreshment booth for soul- citizens interested in this com- ing hot dogs and sa!t drinks o1 mnunitv projecf would bring the main floor facing the park. along a bammor and saw and The building when completed bielp out.. wili add greatiy ta the value of The foundation for this club- the park and wili ho a real assef bouse, which xiii be 40 feef by ta ci izens of the south ward. 30 feet, bias already been laid. The services o! volunteer work- A pre-fabrîcated white clap- ors ta help complote the club - board building xiii be erected bouse xii be greatiy appreciat- ta form a large assernbly hall ed. wbich can be usod for comnmun-1 _________ Cowan's Harvesters Champons Town Softball League The Show of Shows Tonight (Thursday) Ai Lions Centre. This is the .nighf (Thtîrsday) at the Lo*,ns Centre. A Fur Fashion S'1ow'ýis somnething new and diffcerent foir Bowmanviile, an ev,,it the ladies won't %vant ta miss. Furs are from Emujle Furs, the exclusive shop ai Miss Julia Sinclair, at 75 Blooor St. W., Toronto. Miss Sinclair, for many years with the fur depart- ment o! the T. Eaton Co., was born and brought up in Bow- manville. The ostablishment o! her own shop marks the heighf o! a successful career. Furs xiii ho modelled by nernbers o! the Business and Profe.ssional Womens Club wbo ai-e sponscring the fashion re- vue. Miss Sinclair and ber fur- rier, E mil o, internationally kno,.wn designer, %vill ho prosent. Carmnrnnary wiil be by M\,rs. Laura Eýsion. radio commenta-! for, and Don Shay xiii provide appropriate background mu- sic. Husbaîîds xiii be quife wel- corne. After ail, if is only fair for them ta have a proview o! wbat they may ho paying for lator on. Tickets xiii ho sold at the 1 dnor High S2-h.ro. Teac11ers R,-ady for New Terni There are two staff changes this year nt the 1ligh Sehool, Miss Jean McInnes and Mr. Harry Maynard being the iiew members of the staff. Mrs. Adams, who appears in the above photo, is suhstituting for iMiss J.. Bowra for a brief period. Front row, lef t to right: Miss E. îlethven, Miss J. Cunningham, Miss Il. Rice, Mrs. A. Lewis. Second row: Miss E. Laycock, Miss E. MeKague, Miss J. Melnnes, Mrs. R. Jackson, Mrs. Adams. Back row: Principal L. W. Dippeil, J. Ross, G. Elliott, M.L Stacey, Music Director D. Peters, E. Witherspoon. Mîssing from the picture is Mr. Harry Maynard.1 .Mem bers of Central School Teaching Staff There have been two changes in personnel of the Central Scliool staff. Miss Gwen Bartlett of Bowmanville has joincd the'staff and will teach Kindergarten, and Miss Nan Allun of Toronto and Bowmanvillc wvill be assisting Mr. D. C. Peters with music. Miss Allun and Supervising Principal of Sehools, A. MN. Thompson, are missing from the above photo. Front row, left to right: Miss Agnes Carruthiers, Miss Rena Mutton. Miss Margaret eGgn' Miss Vivian Buinner, Miss Myrtie Hall, Mrs. G. Shields. Backç row: Principal M. Sluite, M-Viss MU. Cole, Miss Leta Bragg, Vice- Principal D. Mý,erkle.y, Miss Mlarjorie Couch. M\rs. M. McDonald, 'Miss Gwen Bartleft. Staff of Ontario Street School for '_53-54 Txvo new teachers hiave Ioined the staff of theOnao Street Sh'!w'hlch has an enrolment this year of' 448. Tliev-, are -Mis. D. 1-lendrl *v who will l<cadi rai 3 anci 4, and Miss PIîvilis Parkeor, %vli o w ii leacll g rade(s 6 anri 7. T1he st ai i s pictured in the above photo. Frhont rowv, ft to îihtArs. D. Hlendr\-. Mis: Marion White, Miss Dorothv Sanclers. Miss Jean l'ce..\Gs rcta Žla(*last er , Mi iss 1Pli lis Parker. Back row: ]\Iliss \Vi]da I laiker. ?"Irs. A Ian O)sborne. Principal Thos. '[minc r, Vice-Principal Murray AieDonald. 'Miss Aiaijoie Sorner'i lle, M:rs. Muriel Syrnons. Lions President ____________ iven Me DOIJos' Miss Virginia Hapkins bas By Lion Braden joined the teaching staff f En- Showîi above are Tom Cowaris Han-esters, Bill Burgess, Clint Ferguson, Hank Janzen, bat boy Mike glehart High Sehool, as teacher, Bowrnanvîlle Lions Club Pros- champions of the Town Softball League who w~on the -Murphy, Don Gilhooly, Murray Tighie, Ken Sumrnersford. of history. for the coming year. idv anvVn ion V gv -itie after a tough final series with Bill's Billiardis. The Back row, left to righlt: Ernie Dickens, Doug Kostka. Frank Mr. inci, Mrs H. Bell. Saskat- cen a "boost' at Moi.d7iv ighi seis n osxgae eoeth-avses finiallv 1I1looper, Ted H-oar, "Porky" Osborne. Jirn Crombie. 'rTom on, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. I. meeting of' the club b'% Lioii took the crown with a 13-12 overtime win at Memorial Cowvan. Absent when the picture xvas taken werc: Tom ,St 'rnPdebowr gueilG cû-t~ halvBran. wim orn biumedi Park Sunday afternoon. Front row, leit tb righ4 are: Depew, AI Osborne, Lloyd Hiamilton and Irv. BrooJýs. j loch. attcnded Bowmanvillc Public and Illi hSchools. Ne i teudPr 76 vo ais ago and bas boon op. IQUeîî.U for.i':ii' t. var rùtcid b.;llîi-zbvrs cii he fin. vn d i. h;<i vî 1to lic. i j-il' < iii ~ ~ ~ I -ioîo i lit loîv aseij; inToono.in mibc r f 'Fi'n lvUndt Jîring World %W'r II bu <,(r'- (iîiitrch aiid Ili(, ~iiof thaît cri1 n ibe Ro'nlCaînrdiîruAin-ûiîurCh l10ie ýi rdtatibO Foi -c aid Vuttrio î(iin b s forin-r 1BîalrivrM oasand f;it hor-s ilour ut l h fr1i jIiýl i <i î;i finir cIîilrhi l ie(.bue ýbncn o i -- - -- - tu Ci mc. îC. rUb.s'm d pan!iww .iwM nmmeioian- Mr. VU11sta1nc ., i ctgaîutt nually on fief ire piutectiuln. ik 4 é 1 tan