Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 5

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ThURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE. ONTARXO PAGE FIVE Sîxty-Nan Extra! Doing Ballast Wor] Many Bowmanvîlle residents on their trips to anti from the Bowmianville Beaches have ncît- iceti the large nuniber of rail- way work anti service cars anti the machinecy on the C,N.R. siti- ing near where the tracks cross the Wharf Roati. I These cars bave been standing there several wéeks anti have been housing a 60-man extra seçtJon gang of the C.N.R. wbo ha~',-been working on the bal- lastVcln the tracks of the main line between Oshawa anti Co- bourg. For the past two or three years, the C.N.R. bas been re- treatiing its Toronto -Montreal line. It isn't as easy to get men to take on a sectionhanti's job as it useti to be. Consequently, the nailway is try5ng to make the work more attractive by doing as much as possible with machines. H. G. McKaly is roatimaster of the Oshawa subdivision of the line. He's a big powcrful, slow- spoken chap, anti be sems to be the guinca pig for most of the railway's experiments with ncw maintenance machinery This vear, it's the C.N.R.'s ncw ballast regulator anti distribu- tor. This dingus looks like an oversizeti street sweeper with à pair cf endiess-belt bucket lines tacked on the sides. Section Gang HAMPTON rean Mr W. edric, TMonto, k on C. .R.Line el;Mrs .anti rs. R, aporont-, xvere guests of Mrs. James Re-dstriute Balast Smales, Sr. Re-dstriute BalastMiss Sheila Allun, Bowman- It truntiies slowly along tbe ville, with Mr. anti Mrs. T. track, making icuti rattiingi Wray. noises, anti picks uî3 the ballast, Mr. anti Mrs. W. W. Horn ieft dusts it off, anti replaces it again. on Wednesday for Montreal td The idea is to get an even be at the hme of their son, Dr. spreati of ballast bctwenr the!i ant i Mrs. W. R. Horn, who are rails anti on eithcr sitie. When! on a businçss trip to Chicago the gravel bas been spreati, alF anti Minneapolis, Minn. mechanical tamper comes along j Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Gilbert anti anti tucks the ballast neatly anti son Donald, Sarnia, visiteti Mr. firmly under the ties. anti Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. The ballast regulator tioes the Mr. anti Mrs. Harlanti Truli work of 20 men; the tamper visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Robt. does the work of another 24 Shieldis, Toronto. men. The operators of these Mr. anti Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees two machines, of course, get spent the holiday weekenti at higher pay than the men witb Peterborough with their daugh- the shoveis. The two machines ter, Mr. anti Mrs. Ivan Elicott. eut 100-man track gangs tiown Mr W. G. Giffler, Sunderlandi, to less than 60 men - anti they visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. Theron get the work donc more quickly Mou,,toy antiunifrmly Mrs. K. Caverly anti Bruce Last year's refurbishinent Of spent a week at Bala. the higb-speed Toronto - Mont- Mrs. M. Gootiman anti Miss real trackage was speeded III) Louisp Gooclman visiteti Mr. by the tamper anti by a niech- anti Mrs. Allen Par ker, Toronto. anical track jack, which picks Mr-. Morley Hastings, Toronto,I up rails anti tics anti sets thern visiteti frientis here on Satur-1 at a new level much more easily V a- than the section hantis can. Nov. Miss Ada Pascoe, Shute In- with the ballast regulator Hlarry stitute, Londion, Mr. anti Mrs.1 McKay has alreatiy com itei rchie Kcith, Mrs. R. J. Me- 60 miles of track between Co- Kessock, Mr. anti Mrs. Bryce bourg anti Oshawa. Brown, Jean anti Bobby, Osh- But machines ean*t rcplace awa, with Mr. anti Mrs. Percy buman skill in checking trak Deweli anti Mrs. Joe Chapman. leveis, anti in spiking rails to Mr. anti Mrs. Herb Rogers, the tics. Even in the 95-deg-ree Bow-manville, at K. Cavcrly's. beat of eanly September, the Miss Betty Smaies, Reg. N., 60 husky track layers manageti San Diego, Calif., on vacation, to keep aheati of the machinery. is with ber parents, Mr. anti Tu-ne in.. EVERY MONDAY m WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY ai. 10:15 a.m. Pilgrimage Io Hay Day-Church Each year the Bay of Quinte Conference holdsE pilgrimage to the above Hay Bay Church which was th( first Methodist Church established in Upper Canada ir 1792. This vear the service was held on Sunday, Augusi 3th, with Dr. Haeold Young, Toronto, Secretary of thE Board of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Uniteè Church of Canada, delivering the address. The histor.' of this pioncer church, huilt by the United Empire Loyal- ists, appeared in last week's Statesman. It is interésting to note that Sir John A. MacDonald, Father of Confeder- ation. was born on.-the farm adjoining the church property Mrs. James Sinales. Sr~. Miss Isabel Smales, Toronto, with bier parents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Smales, Sr. Mr. ant iMrs. Colan Stephens, Etiwartisburg, Mich.. visiteti bis, mother, Mrs. Charlotte Stephens,' anti attendeti the gatbering of the Stephcns' clan at the Crcam of Barlcy Camp on Suntiay. Mr. anti Mrs. W. Griffin, Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Wallbauer, Buf- falo, anti Mr. anti Mrs. R. B. Griffin. Union, calleti on Mrs. Sitephens. Miss Monique de Grantimonti IoniquE of Montreal, Que., was i gucst for five xveeks of Miss ,amil Chant who with bier par- -nts, Mr. anti Mrs. T. M. Chant, loy anti Verne, motoreti to St. .Xdolfe. on Lake St. Joseph, in1 the Laurentian Moun t a i n.s, whcre thcy wcre guests at the Monsiur de Grantimonth chalet ior a weekcnd. Carol was also a guest at the home off ber frienti in Montreal for a fcw days. Congratulations to Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Stevens who on Wetinestiay thîs weck celebrateti their;Goltien Wedtiing Anniver- sary. Mr. anti Mrs. Mervin Mount- 'yv spent the holiday weekcnti tMonty's Inn, near Lindsay. iville, Mc. anti Mrs. Wesley Hilli anti Carol, Solina, were guest! on Sunday of Mr. anti Mrs. AI. Ibert His. Mr. anti Mrs. A. Thressen anc Faitb, St. Catharines, Mr. anÉ Mrs. George Thressen, Niagara Mrs. Russell Worticn, Mr. PBu Hall. Bowmanvilie, Mrs. W. TI iWortien, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. H~ Hall. Mr. anti Mrs. A. Joncs, Toron- to, xitb Mr. anti Mrs. Dai Mountjoy. Mr. anti Mrs. E. Carlson anè bovs, Toronto, spent the week- end wvith Mr. anti Mrs. Hcnr' SLtainton. Mc. anti Mrs. F. L, Byam spcnl the veekcnti at a cottage at Fen- elon Falls anti also visiteti rla. tives at Cannington. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Gibbs anc Michael, enjoyeti a motor trip tc New York, Pennsylvania, Chic anti Michigan. Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Hilis Miss Bessie anti Mr. Ralph Hili attentict the Wilkinson-Fostei wetiting at North Bay on Satur- day. Mrs. F. Mitchell, Edmonton i.s visiting at the home of Mr, anti Mrs. Howarti anti Philp. Mr. anti Mrs. Dick Pearen, To- ronto, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. S, E. White. Mr. anti Mrs. G. Howardi and - - - - - - daugbter, Nancy, Cleveland, Ohio, spentth eknwii T YIUNE hcr parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Karl Colbary. Guests on Sunday were L istlm toMrs. Howard Philp is back on Mr. andi Mrs. George Brown, Lltn t . . it 'v al Maple Grove School, r ndM N aloM.E. 'Ils. . . Rseearis eahin Hrri an Blli, r. ndMrs. iLong Sault, Mrs. Gxven Mc- E. Hackshaw, Mr. Gordon Swift, Cullouch is back at Tyrone Toronto. schoo! xith 44 pupils on the roll, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rodrique six iexv beginners (Elaine An- and baby, Oshawva, have moved Br s l it 1nis, Teddy Wood, Michael Gibbs, into the new apartment of Mrs. B rsinsGordon Janazyn Eddy Yeo and Elva Beckett. Mystery Mati enj usydutthe wirnhATNTO Idyste y M lmwere present at both services and A. Morgan, Bowmanville. The j itMrRoadCobs choir rendereti several numbeîrs vausic 1Pupils soloi.st at both services were ap- W. F.C. WORKMAN preciated. LLCMRMT Win DOLLARS and DOLLARS Mr.an Mr. arey add.ý,Tornto vistedMr.and Church, Bowmanville of Mrs. George Alldread andi Mrs. Gaskjn. Teacher of piano, organ. Mr. and Mr,. H-oward Brent, violin, singing in its various Mi-r. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, vis- branches and theory. ited at Miner's Bav. M erch ndise FR EEMr. W. Macdonald, Bow- In classes or private tuition 0 04-nis is much irniproved altthe Sick Studio 33 Beeeh Ave. Children's Hospital. Toronto. PHONE 3496 * *UUMUMUUUMMUUMUUUMUUMMMUUUMMUUMMUMMM..U....~ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon His anti w * ~~~~family, Hamilton, visiteti his_________ a parents, Mr. and rs. A. His. ~with Aldin returning home for1 ______ ____* Mr. and Mrs. L. F. HooperTheKel ib were dinner guests iast Thurs- a day of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn - - _______Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamnilton and negre Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stain-< PIANO METHOD ____ _____ - - ______ -:1ton iPnd býs spent the xveck- M _____ _____ _____endi at Glenverdean. HallEs Lake_ * Women*.s Instititte is beingý *held a xve(k ek .Wth oi BU ILD N GB-further announicemient. fo BULDNGMATE RIALS Mr. M. unigadsstr s.n the wxeekend with Mr. and' MsL.F. Hooper. a1Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Morgan1 1and daughter. Bowmanville.1 were tea guests of Rcv. andi~ ORDER YUR STOR SASH N WLute, Sui:day evnng. O D Y U S O M A H W !Congratulations to Mr. Fred *nsiln i bohr r r :1thur Page and sister Mviss Bert e' Now is the tinie t order your Storîn Sash. Paeadnic isClr 1ae *were prescrit.i What &h4il I play for ff P * We ivili be glad to mneastire your openings Mr. and Mrs. S. Na.sh, Mr. antiý M*Mrs. J. Nash anci amnilv, Detroit.i A simple andi attractive ap- N Miss Kathleen Mortloýck anciý proach to the study of music * ane provide >-oit with an estiniate of the frienti. Ottawa. vî:îted Mý,r. and1 f or cuiî.dîen 4 o 'cars of :iMr. T. Gibbs. Tommily -Mortlocki ate. iînder specially quai- cosi. We carry a coniplete stock of on Sundav. Thle Gibbs fami.l1 picnc wa heli atOron Par Kelly Kirby Kindergarten styles and sizes of stormi sash. when f ort - fijve adults anti PaoMto *chiltiren were presenit.1 Teachers MIMr. anti Mrs. Lorne Ph-are, Mr.i Lance Phare.. attentied a ball' algamne at Milton on Saturday, For particulars apply toi :u Sevrral from here attenideti Il 'the Exhibition and also Port Margaret E. Wýorkman, AND 81 iPcrry Fair. ALC - !MT I pMr. and Mrs. Harry White Organist Orono United andLaryHamilton, spent thel Mr.nti rs. F. Piano pupils prepared for LU B RC uL N T DaL. Byam. the various Toronto :Ifnil,\ výijcj Mrs. Charljotteý K' t. . B' 75 Nr. and Mrs. Arthuri Srnîth, Studio 33 Beeeh Ave. 96 King S.E owmanville Phone 715t- M~. WWode, PHONE 3496 *Santa M C.u. ai:t rn a. 1Mý WUUU BatauUUanaUIUUU @auuuuuuuuuunes a à un I ..,Florence Gardcenei, Bow-nan-i EBENEZER Mrs. Soniprville openeti the September meeting of the Af- ternoon Auxiliary of the W.M. S. with a challenge to make better use of the - many fine conferences helqI near us, that we might receive a real spiritual uplift, andi closeti with prayer. Roll cal, minutes anti trea- surer's report followed. 1New study book, "Where'er The Sun," was taken by Mrs. Robt. Mtiir with Mrs. Carl Down speaking for Mr. Mani- kam of India; Mr3 Wm. Bickie B.T.S. Boys Doing Practical Work In Conservation The boys of the Boys Training Schooi here are bard at work on deepeniieg anti widening Soper's Crcek wvhich flows through the grountis of the school in the hope of having goodti fout fishing in the stream in the next few yeans. For weeks now, the boys from North House have been busy Two years ago the stream was stocked with 5,000 trout anti an- other 1,000 will be put in this year. Members of the Oshawa Fish anti Game Protective Society bave taken an interest in the project anti have been offcring ativice to the boys. The en- thusiasm among the stutients is high anti some have rciinquish- eti swimming periois to work on the project. Some of the boys, mostly from cities, have neyer hai the opportunity of enjoying thic thrills of fisbing anti some are seeing trout for the fîrst time. next raawr 1YLUshI1, a iebaer Utr-"The sftream is an excellent the Church of Angola, Africa nexttyearrsfishing byduilding spo and Mrs. Loveys, one of o, Up the banks, pîanting wilîow feaor fis hgbadywesec lno own church leaders in Canada trees which wiîî ev'entually re aon hy the oskisn huln was representeti yLouise Os- oehagthe creek, andi etagtte kisan hil bornoerang nsdepa e ep- of fishing," Bill Owens, secre- born. enng t insom plaes.tary of the Oshawa society, ex- The Church - a Househoiti of This section of the creek will plaineti. Faith, was the theme for the be available only ta boys at the Drn h jtrmnh h worship service and this was school as part of their recrea- uigtewntrmnh h taken by Mis. A. J. Gay with tional program to give tbem boys xviii be shown conservation a asae o crpur en ysome gooti fishing. films and will be given talks on le Mrs. R. R. Gay, Mrs. Blake Fish hungrv anglers can get a _____________ Courtice and Mrs. S. Vinson. gooti idea of the excellent fish- Pravers were by Mrs. Glenn ing in prospect for the boys by More than a billion new trees st Pickeil and Mrs. G. F. Annis. an incident which happeneti re- grew in the forests of the pulp, le cently. One of the boys xvas in andi paper companies iast ycar. id swimming anti came up with a Pulp anti paper forests are STARKVILLE~ 23-inch trout, caught with his manageti in the light of the bs bare hantis. scientifie knowletige available. ïg Miss Norma Ha]iowell, Toron, - to, spent the weekenti at home. Mr. and Mrs. Keitl;l Rowe anti son, Bowmanviile, with Mr. anti Mrs. Howardi Farrow. Is Mr. anti Mrs. P. Antiree, Osh- 1or ts awa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Shut-CA E id ite r. and MYsB R.IBoEgCeSI id School re-openeti Tuesday ,with Miss C. W. Stewart in [Il charge. T. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery, To- . ronto. at Mr. A. Dobson's. A number attended Port Hope -Fair on Saturday. in Mr. Wilfreti Walker, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. Llew Hallowell's. -d Mrs. John Stark spent a few tiays in Toronto while Wayne -Y and Terry spent a few tiays with Mr. anti Mrs. Logan, Bethany.Stc p If w a 1- terboro MrStock Up NandwMai - Smnith, Elizabethvilie, visiteti id Mr. ani Mrs. AusleHain% These Low Prices Mr. and Mrs. AlbertiHSrveson ta visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Howard O N ic Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and , family are enjoying television Is in their home. - ASE LOTS ýr Mr. anti Mrs. Thos Falls visit-' -eti Mr. and Mrs. Ormq Falls on Sunday and enjoyeti a drive to ynVley-Sadr rPeterboro in the afternoon. Ln aIy-Sadr A r. r. nd rs.Goron allw- aseof 24 $ elMtitFret isi nte PEACHES 20 z. tins $4 4 endi. Miss Mary Halloxveii spent the Devon Standard Id holiday weekend at home. m Cs f2Testr htcm ho NAU-2 z is 4 2 'h bere late Fritiay afternoonun O A ES cgoe.ti' 4 2 rl roofeti a barn beionging to Mr. ,eLlew Halloweir and also part of 1another ot his barns. It also Culverhouse - Creamn Style causeti damage ta Mr. Bert C oc Case of 24 ~3 2 S.Ti' ananti in its wake left h ieC R 20 oz. tins $3 2 t, isrupted telephone anti hytiro service, damaged trees anti other e damage with more destruction Aylmer - Choice d fartber afielti. FE M9. o at ek Case of 24 $ MsG.Plum, Tcronto, spent a few 'days with Mrs. R. Bou- ghen. 20 oz - CLARK'S - 20 oz. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Butler, Toron- - to, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Park and Beans Toil uice Gilmer. CAEoFmAEOFJ f .arnd rs Orme Fals anAS24 0F $4 .20 C 24 0F $3.00 Thos. Falls, Kential.___________________________ Miss Diane Yule, Oshawa, vis- iteti Mrs. Ewart Robinson. DON'T LEAVE IT TOO LATE Mrs. Paul Nimigon anti daugb- ter, Pontypool. with Mr. anti Mr. Vantior F aroltiSochELDERTA PEACHES Mr. VndirtorF aro So and family anti Mr. A. Souch, NOW AT THEIR BEST visited Mr. anti Mrs. W. Atiams, Lakeshore. rmAlRprsNtaBgCn Miss Mary Hallowell, Toron-FrmAlRptsNtaBgC p to. spent the ,veekendi nt home. I)on't Put It Off.- Buy Now Mr. anti Mrs. Howardi Farrow anti sons. spent Suntiay in New- castle, with Mr. anti Mrs. Harry 75 lb. bag - New Tebble, who celebrateti their 6Otb wetiting anniversary anti $1239 receiveti many frientis on this P T T E occasion. ______________________________ Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Little and sons, Healey Falls, visiteti Ontario Grow Mr. anti Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. anti Mrs. Don Stapleton COO IG NO S 3 Lbs.14 ianti famiiy, Newtonville, with C O I4 11 N 4 Mr. anti Mrs. Lorne Totit. Snit -Sz 8 Sunkist Size 28 ORANGES - Dzn 25Ç FRESH SUPPLIES DAILY Blythwood Lotige, Sunnyside Islandi, o aos - H tSw e Pper Port Carling, Ont. To aos - H ,Sw e Ppes Dear George, Aug. 31, 1953 Pickling Onions - Celery 1Catching up on a back States- 1 Canadian cotton textile mills in 1952 purchaseti 166,022,149 pountis of raw cotton for pro- cessing into yarns anti fabrics 1 . here. United States was the Iarg- Dom nniaStores@ Laid. est supplier, followeti by Mcxi- co, India, Peru. Pakistan, BraC-B WMANVILLE zil and British East Africa . O M N I L Thpre are' 21 mianufacturers of feit in Canada. m To Station CKLB TMMSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ý ONTÀRIO PAGE PIVIC

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