Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 1

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VOLUME 99 ý-With Growing Demand forWte L/ le, 'Alternative But tb Go Io Lake AOn ~'FèSupply Io Ease Risk ai Shortage L The water supply for the Town of Bowmanville has crew for over twenty years been a joy ta some and despair for vy F others. The oider citizens have remembered the cool vicin SParkling, although very hard, water that gushed out of the Fris hiliside on Levi Skinner's farm east of Tyrone and then aNati( down the eight inch main to again gush out of the taps Th cool and sparkling to quench the thirst of the householder statfi and his family. C.N.. Unfortunately the capacity of the spring was about Doav* 185 gallons per minute and which is 266,400 gallons per ents. day, and this has varied very littie ail through the years. twa- However about twenty years ago the demands for water bave per day were exceeding the capacity of the spring. Extens- ter ive searches were made ail through the area of the pipe in/t line to find more water by drilling test hales but na water f ive was found in sufficient quantity to solve the difficulty. year It was then dccided ta build a the water consumption was near Can. dam in tbe creek nortb west of capacity but flot as higb as in C.S. the nrevious months. It may year Happy Valley and run the water' well be that most of the consum- cd rnm the pond tbrougb a settling ers realize tnat the supply is nat Dart basin and a pumping basin into plentiful and have been very ing1 the eight inch main carrying the carefuli n its use. nex' water from the spring. By this Thp Utilities Commission bas mTetnoa thle total capacity Of no alternative but ta go ta thie the 8 inch main was obtained lake for water and this should and the total capacity was raised be donc before an actual water to 873,600 gallons a day. It was shraLocr htwudso necessary to add chiorine ta the down industry, create a very creek water Sa that mare than definite fire hazard and unsani- two-thirds of the Tawn supply tary conditions generally. The has been chiorinateci since 1938. lake water will be softer, and on Iis also true that after heavy the average colder. and while no rains and sudden storms the filtration plant is being installed creek is very turbid with silt there will be large settling ba- and debris of ail kinds ane1 sins insta1led. The turbidity of some of it gets tbrough the set- the watcr should nat be any tling basin and into the mains. worse than it is at present and Close To Shortage in fact it should be considerably For several years now the improved. town has been hovering close ta Spring WiII StUR Be Used a water shortage and last year The water from Skinncr's when the canning factory was spring will o f course stil flow operating there was a very de- by gravity feed into the system finite and extremely dangerous as it- did originally, but the shortage. This year the canning pumping of the water from the factory is flot operating, but creek, and which is over two other new services have been tbirds of the supply, will be dis- added to the system to take up a continued. considerable portion of the can- The diameter of the intake ning factary slack and these ser- located 1800 feet into the lake vices such as new homes are in a line soutb east f rom the end steady and flot seasonal. The re- of Smart Street will be 24 in- suit is that the average con- ches in diameter. The pipe line Ssumaption bas increased over last froM the pump bouse ta the year. corner of Queen Street and The elevated tank in varying Queen's Avenue wili be 16 in- degrees becomes almost full ches In diameter where it will over the weekend, but during meet an 8 incb main. The pipe ' ' day through Friday there line is flot being taken ta the IS". ~pdy drain on the tank as elevated storage tank at present, nerW every day's use exceeds but the potential capacity ot the total daily supply froma 25,- this arrangement sbould produce 000 to 75,000 gallons per day, about 1V/2 million gallons a day. or at least this bappened in June The ultimate capacity will be and July. For some strange rea- between 21/'2ta 3 million gallons son during the August bot speli per day. Public Utilities Commission Lets Contraci For New Pipeline Bringing Water Supply Front Lake Bef Sus Noi Do addr mar, morr the1 Peteý cariy rea hour A two- and chail wife man hav:i Ihar Th $25, camel fihes ta Pl ses.* rosts plate bisv To' Bec mIn Th icgt anm beai plate LI Slip oid theè boari E Ken Davies Navy Crew C.N.E. Air Show eading Elactrichan Ken Da- ;son cf Mr. and Mrs. Robert fis, Scugog St., is ana of the e af the Royal Canadian Na- Fleet Air Arm wbich is ser- ng the navy Sea Firas and aes laking part in the daily shows staged at the Canadian anal Exhibition îe, Fleet Air Arm planes are aonad aI Malton wbiie the E. is in progress and L/E. ies bas bacc able ta gel cn eacb night la visit bis par- R. is wiîe, Miidred and .yeam-old daughter Janet, e aiso bacc staying with -m for the past two weeks. JE Davies bas bacc serving -ie Royai Canadian Navy for Syears and for the past lwo rs bas been attached la the iadian aireraIt carrier H.M. ýMagnificent, spending ana roverseas. Ha is now station- aI H.M.C.S.' Sbaarwater, -tmaulb, N.S., but is obtain- bis discbarge from the navy ,t monlb. ýhany Husband Gels -penided Sentence n-support of Family ougias Sinclair. na fixed frss, pleaded guihty in Bow- riville Police Court Tuesday rnicg to a charge af slealing car aI Miss Giadys Beebe, trborough, fram Pontypool y Sunday mamning. He was nandad for sentence in Ca- irg by Magistrale R. B. Bax- Bethany man was given a )-year suspecded sentence iplaced on a $500 bond on a rge of faihing ta support bis tand cbihdren. An Osbawa n was fined $10 and casts for ing beer in a place otber n bis residence. Irea motorists paid fines of ,$15 and $10 and costs for eIess driving, and two paîd s of $5 and rosts for failicg produce their drivers~ licen- .One mac was fined $5 and ts for failing ta bave license aes an the front and rear oI vchiria. ýwn Hall Building ceiving An ferior "Face Lifting" 7h latest stap loward mak- the Bawmanville Town Rall moma attractive and baller- ied building bas been rom- ted. loyd and Dave Preston and pRowe have ramoved all the dark stain and varnish on doors, wainscoling and basa- Sds in the lowar ball and re- Contracts for construction of A 16-inch connection will also fini^sbe ýd .tbeým wi-th -a-lighter the 16-inch pipeline fmom the bea 14t for use by the Goodyear staîn, sbeilac and varnish. Tbey pumpbause at the lake front ta plant. aiso wasbed down the flat paint the corner of Qucen and Div- Wîi Begin Immediately on the walls sa tbey present a ision Streets ta carry the new The contract for $94,000 for brightcr and more attractive ap- water supçiyfo Lk n contruction of a pumpbousc 46pern. taria were let at a meeting of feet by 29 feet, and a 24-inch The ncw heating system bhas the Bowmanville Public Utili- intake pipe 1,760 feet inta Lake been, entirely instalhed except ties Commission held on Mon- Ontario bas alrcady been let ta for the.asbestos cavering of the day night of last week. the MeNamara Construction boiler and pipes which cannot I'~Bath contracts werc awarded Company and this firmn began be donc until the heat is turfi- ta the Cornisb Construction ta move in equipment the first cd on this fall. A total of 39 ra- Company of Oshawa. The "A" of this week for these projeets. diators bave been instahled on cantract rails for the excava- One of the firm's dedges was the thmec floors of tbe building tion, laying and backfilling Of doing preliminary wark in con- and materials used in the new 4,800 feet of 16-inch pipe at a nection with laying of the in- systcm, including radiators, bail- dcpth af about 51', feet fromn the take pipe eariier this month. er and pipes, weigbed over Il pumpbouse ta the corner of the The contmact with the Mc- tons. The work bas done by S. Base Line and LibetY St. at a Namara Construction Company Blain ElliaIt. A final inspection cost of $17, 047.60. The P.U.C. calîs for campletion af the af the job wih be made wben will buy the cast ironi pipe, pumpbouse and installation of it bas been entirely completed. which wihl be Class 200, from the intake pipe by November 30. Now if the Public Property the National Iran Corporation. It is believed that the entire Committee wilh do a bit of land- The "B" contract covers the praject will be completed by the scaping along the front af the excavation, laying and back- end of this year. Tawn Hall, and also prevail filling of 6,340 fect of 16-inch 1ipon tbe pigeons ta do their pipe from the Base Line ta the cooing and other habits on the corner of Qucen and Division i rsnaos outskirts af the tawn, we are Sts. at a cost of $12858.10 The 'jiever Prseftin sure the citizens wiil award the P.U.C. wihl also supply the cast DLt committee the "Civic Oscar for iran pipe for this section, wbich £10111 E1venings 1953" will be Class 150. . There was coieiderable dis- At urono Pair cussion as to whether the 16- Charlie Searle Joins incb pipe line should be cam- Patrons of Orona's loist fair pleted rîght up to the elevated BrdyadStra hs ekGoya oo oit takon Church St. rather than Fia n audyti ekuoya oo only ta Qucen and Division .vill be able to wvind up eacb f3h Streets, where it wilh be jaincd day laing cntertained by a com- Of3 ears Service ta an existing 8-inch pipe which plctelv different set of anc- art runs ta the tank. plays 'in the dramatic societies' His many Bowmanville friends Hait Million Gallons Daily cmeiinpesne nOoowilh be interested ta know that It was pointed out. however, mptaw n pall at 8.30 p.m. Charlie Searle recently rom- that by joining the large mainpltd3yarwihGoyr ta the 8-inc'h main P.t Qucen and FridaY evening the localiccin- Tire and Rubher Company of DivisterL Strccts the systcm rcan edy, "The Red Lamp". directed Canada and wvas presented with supply "A 00,000 gallons dailv- bv Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn wihh be bis service pin by President R. rit a met te -C. Berkinshaw at the new To- sufficiett he foresce- ýone af the entries. Aiso an the ronto plant. le water needs of th'e town programi will be the one-act play Chrispn20yasnth ,ér manv years to corne. If "Your Churrh and Mine," direct- Bamanihcpant,0 fromin1925 demand sbould reach the point cd by Rev. M. C. Fisher ao 14.adhl h oiina where more ,vater is neded the o14,adhltepsionf 16-nr mincanbecxenedBrooklin. This \%aý: the winning, manager af Merchandise Distri- taethe elevated tank and the drU in 193 YungPcoe' bution. He started in the New system wouid then provide Uincnet Toron.to plant in January, 1918, 3,000.000 galions per day. Also, Saturday evening the Little and in 1945 returned there as by joining the 16-inrh main Theatre Graup cf Peterbomo, manager af Merchandise Distri- fromn the lake ta the 8-înrh main bave entered "'The Miller Wants bution for Bowmanvihle and at Division and Qucen, the p. a Wife", directed by Peter Me- Queber. U.C. eiminates the necessitv aI Combe. This graup wonfiîr-st We pirked up thîs interesting tearing up the pavement an prize in the Fair contest cf 1952. bit of local news from the New ]Division St. and aiong Churcb AlIso entered for Saturday even- Toronto "Clan" which invari- St. and saves scycral thousand ing is the Dramatic Club of abiy bas items about fomn¶er dollars. Lakefield's "The Amazing Ara- Bow.-nanville residents or af in- The 16-inch main will be tied bella," directed by Mayme terest ta local citizens. i~ n ta existing mains in the Grylîs. This group was the first __________ ¶Sauth Wamd at four places so prize winner in tbe'e951 Faim, that houses in this section may, contest. ! Miss, Ingrid Conwý,ay bas re- be supplied directiy from it, To add ta the -entertainnientý turncd home aller spending the, rather than having* the water j ballet and tap numbers under summer months as junior coun- pumped ta the elevated tankl the directicn of Mrs. Rogersoni sellor at Earlscourt Camp, Pid- and then run back ta the bouses. 1 will be presented each evening. geon Lake.i BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER lUth, 195 Three Local Cilizens Lucky-Winners Of Cash and Other Valuable Prizes Bowmacville rasidents are from hem mother, Mrs. Louise realhy baving a winning streak. Manîle, who was rousad fmom A week ago it was Miss Marilyn sleep at 11.15 p.m. on Tuesday' Murphy, playicg the radio game nigbt, Sept. 8, ta ha told she was of "Pick the Hits" ta win $525. the winner of a Caracal 20" Now we bave a mothar and screen tlevision set. Mrs. Mac- daughtem wicnicg a television tle won ber prize in a Teiegram set and combination radia-phon- spcnsorad contest. with the draw ogmapb, respectiveiy, on dates being made aI the C.N.E. ahmast exactly a week apaml, grounds. Mms. Louisa Mantie, 93 Octanio Mrs. Mantie clipped four cou- St., and Mrs. A. A. Stacey, 44 osfrmte eera n Liberty St. North. pn rmteTlga n Mrs. Staccy xvas the Iirst in filhed in acswers ta twa ques- the faînily ta win, hem ballot be- lions givicg certain information icg drawn on the evening cf pertainicg la items appeaicg in. Sept. 2 at the Cacadian National the Teicgmam newspaper. Ocel Exhibition by Ex-Mayor Hiram of ber coupons was drawc and McCalium in the Canadian Mrs. Manthe, who bas no tele- Westinghouse Ca. draw for Iiîtb, vision set, wiil soon ha the praud priza. Mrs. Stacav was on the owner af a machine Iinisbed in gracdstand at tbe tîme and was the Wood cf ber chaire. An add- notîficd ccxl day aI ber prize cd thiil was having ber picture valued at $309.50, whicb she losý taken for the Telegram. no lime claiming. She bas been When it cames ta bcicg lucky, lrying ber luck on these draws il looks as if Mrs. Manthe and for ycars but caver eaihy ex- ber daugbter have a corner on pected to win acytbing. the market. With Bowmanvile "take a chance" persistence To Purchase Ten As a Safeiy Proiec Council Seeks Con A lctter from the Storms Con- tracting Company xvas received by Town Council at its meeting Tuesday night informing it that the sealer coat required on 300 feet at the west end of Conces- sion St., on Duke St. and in places on Liberty St. had been applied by the company at no cost to the town. The sealer coat, consisting of liquid bitumen and sand, was applied on these portions of streets where the aggregate used in paving themn this summer had been too porous and tUe addi- tional coat was needed to tighten up the surface. The company ad- vised against laying another inch of asphait on Duke St. on top of the inch that was laid this summer and hàs applied the sealer coat instead. Chairman Fred Cole of the Fire'Committee brought up the question ofwhether the Bow- manville Fire Dept. should an- swer calis to burning vehicles on the highway outside the town limits, since Darlington Town- ship will flot assume responsi- bility for paying for these calîs. Council members feit that if there was no danger of loss of life fromn these fires the Bow- manville Fire Dept. should not answer them, and a - otion ta this effec t by Cnu -)le was passed. Counicil authorized the pur- chase of two lengths (100 feet) of 21/2 inch fire hose and one set of couplings. Purchase Stop Signs Town Clerk Alex Lyle report- ed that 10 stop signs have been purchased and also that efforts are being made ta find out the cost of having a traffic expert corne ta Bowmianville to study the traffic problems and make recommendations ta solve them. This mave was authorized at the Rent Controls Sitl Stand in Bowmanville Lifted in Port Hope Althaugh rent contrais were liîted in Port Hope last week thay wiii remnain an in Bawman- ville until March 2,. 1954, the date seiected for the ccd of ent rontrols in Octario aI the last session af the Legishature. The municipalities in the province wcre given the option early Ibis year cf apphying for, authority ta ccd the contrais belore the March 2 date. Port Hope applicd for this aulborityý at that tume, but Bowmanvilli Coucicil decided ta wait untilý contrais wcme abandoned by the province. Legion Pipe Band Hold Picnic ai SMajor Foofe's Home baving a run of wins, the ques- MjrJh otVC tionis wo'llbe nxtP.P., was made Honorary Presi- dent of the Bowmanville Legion MoreSfi Sig Pipe Band during the annuai 0 ns pienie of the band beld on the NIU..a Cobourg on Lai:our Day. :lion for ooi sIna informai cerernony the members of the band marched ê 1 5 on in full drcss. n fe on Issusof - B555UUG5Us ter-marching thcy formcd a cr cIe into which DMajor Foate was August council meeting. ivtd Coun. W. DeGeer sponsored Band President Ah Mavin a motion ta crect the fence on made a brief address and inform- the east edgc of 1,he fire hall cd Major Foote he had been propcrty between it and the named Honorary President of Bounsall property. It will be the organization. Pipe Major about 30 feet long. Doug Biore then presented bxmn The recionof lage ih' with a diced Glengarry, com- The recionof alare bll-plete witb cock feather and Can- board on Ontario St. between adian Legian badge. Mutton's garage and the bouse MjrFoerpidi u immediateiy ta the nartb was Mor Foereieduin a bu-h discussed, and council members maus twsenedring hich heo wondered if there is any civ1aIid it asnd e md an honfo legisîation covering erection o oa risan t bomdan on- such signs. Town Assessor Clar -orr Pesdn ofaStis ence Oke stated that such signs pipe band. are usuaily assessed for $100 an d Mrs. Robert Hilditcb, Presi- the f irmn erecting tbemn is requir- dent of the Tartan Club, present- cd ta pay taxes on this evalua- cd Mrs. Foote with a beautiful tion. Council passed a motion by bouquet of roses. Coun. Cole that the clerk ask: The band members and their the town solicitor if council hasI wives and families enjoyed a any contrai over the erection of' picnic. lunch on the spaciaus these unsightly bilîboards. lawn of the Foote home and in Figre Prevention Week the afternoon a program of races - for the youngsters and football PrvicilFire Marshall ad- and softbali fôr the adults was vised council Fire Prevention carricd out. The band memnbers Week was Oct. 4-10. Coun. De- and their families made the trip Gecer suggested this matter be ta Cobourg in a chatered bus of referred ta Public Sehool Board Garton Coach Lines. ta sec if the Fire Chief or some member of the Bowmanviiie The invitation ta hoid the pic- Fire Dept. could give a talk on flic at bis estate had been cx- f ire preventian at the sehools. tendcd by Major Foote an Juiy Bowmanville Business and 12 wben the band took part in Professionai Women's Club was the Orange parade at Cobourg. granted permission ta hold a tag Major Foote at that time also day on October 24 for U nited made a vcry gencrous donation Nations International Cbildren' s to the band for purcbasing Emergency Fund. equipment. Council passed a motion ta apply for înterim paymcnt of the Provincial road subsidy, and Kendal District Suffers also ta invest $1,500 of the per- petual care funds of the Bow- Serious Damagre manvilie Cemetery in H.E.P.C. bonds. 1<n iln tr Several requests for removal From AVioAlent for af trees, and a request by R. S. Hooper, 33 Concession St. E., for The beat wave came ta an a street ligbt in front of bis abrupt and violent end at Ken- home, wcre rcferred ta Proper- dal district late Friday afternoon ty committee. when a sudden storm of tomna- Town Council Passes By-Law Regulating Electrical Contractors A by-law ta license and regu- late lertricai contractors and electricians in Bawmanvilie was passed by Town Council at its meeting on Tuesday night but it will not go inta effect until the fimst cf next year. Under the provisions of the by-law any persan shahi ha en- titled ta obtain an electricai contmactom's license upon pay- ment of a fce of $30, if hae bas a fîxed place of business in On- tario and hiohds an eectrician's license in Bowmanville or cm- pioys at least one persan wbo hohds such a license. If the contmactor does nat bhold an electricians license himscif and ceases ta empioy a peson who bas an electrician's icense, hiÈs contactor's license lapses utitil bie again emplcys a peson with an electrician's license. His license must be enewed each year at a fec aI $30. Electrician's Fee $2.00 The fee for an electrician's l- ce.ase is $2, and it must also be renewed cach year or it will lapse. The by-iaw pravides for the setting Up cf a board of ex- amin'ýrs ta gant electrician'ý lh- canses and this huard wihl be made up cf the area clectrical inspector for the H.E.P.C., onc contractor and anc electrician ta be appointed by council.' A persan applying ta take the examîcation for an electician's license must have four yeas' practîcal experience or else have taken rccognized electrician's courses at same training scbool. The fec for an examication is $10 and the membars of the board cf examiners wilh be paid S6 per day or acy part thercof in which they conýduct examina- tions. If a person applies for an examination for an electrician's icense the exam must bc grant- cd bv' tbe ecd of the following rnonth. do proportions hit the commun- ity at about 5.30 p.m. The storm approacbed from the south-west and tavelhed from Newtcnville down thmough Kendal and onwamd for almost six miles, ieaving a tangle of broken trees and sagging hydro 7cPE ±dCOPU±' Postmaster's Wife ai Stirling Wins Duick ai Lions Carnival Dane Found, Orono, Gels the Chev. When rain whicb fell for the1 first time in many days tbreat-1 cned ta spoil the evcning and drive axvay the crowd from the Lions Carnival last Friday even-J ing, it was decidcd ta hold it over for a second night and post- pone the draw until the conclu- sion of the second night's pro- ceedings. A good-sizcd crowd turned out ta witness the Kinsmen and Rotarv clubs in an "Olde Tyme Bal Gamc" . .. and what a rare time it ,vas! The game and al the exciting action are desçribed in full in another section of tbis paper. Many Bootlis Featured After about four innings of slapstick conîedy, the Lions took over from theifcllow Service clubs and opened the booths and their games of chance and skill ta the public. Such games as Crown and Anchor and Over and Under were there ta appeal ta those whe had morey ta risk in the hope of enlarging their fi- nances. There wcre variaus games of chance offering such prizes as bams, pandas, fruit, groceries, blankets and the like to the lucky winners appealing ta those who wisbed to return home with "somcthing ta show for it". Games which rcquired a certain amaunt of skill wcre the ring-tass, offering prizes of înoncy and cigarettes, and the hall tbrow which cffered Kupie dolis, chocolate bars and cigars. 0f course. the bingo was there and ii.,still retains the greatest popuiarity of them ail. Home caoking, hot dogs, and refresb- ment bootbs offcred good things ta cat and drink w'th no fear of losing or risking money. Appealing most of ah ta the younger set were the fish pond and the pony ride. Ken Spears of Port Perry was there witb seven ponies ta choose from. Held Over Second Nlght Whcn ramn forccd a hait ta proceedings, everyone was in- vited ta return again on Satur- Iday ta carry on whcrc they left off. A smaller but stili satisfac- tory crowvd returned ta the High Scbaol grounds Saturday nigbt, taking advantage-of tbe rcfresh- ingly cool weather wvhich broke tbe bot speli. At the end of the second evening, most of the booths rcportcd that they were corrplctcly sold out and the car- nival was once mare a success. When eleven o'clock rolled around, Lion President Barney Vanstone thanked ail those who had bclped make the carnivai the success it was andi offercd special thanks ta the Kinsmen and Rotary clubs for donating their services. He announced that the Rotary would be operating a bootb at the ploughing matches in Co- baurg and that the Kinsmen club was sponsoring a car draw ta aid their artificial ice fund. Next, be cailed on Kin Presi- dent Ken Nicks ta make the long-awaited draws. With much ado about whethcr it sbould be a left of right-handed draw. he dug in and pulled out thbe win- ning tickets for the two minor prizes. Winner of the dok' pram was Marjary Henry, 300 High St,, Town, and of the tricycle, Randy Deweil of 36 George St., Town. Winner Located The elusive winner of the new 1953 Buick car was faund Wed- nesday. After intensive search- ing including considerable long distance phone calis by Lion Fred Cale. Bill James and others, the name of the winner was deciphered and found ta be that of Mrs. Mildred Honchin of Stirling, Ontario. Mrs. Hon- cbin is the wife of the pastmas- ter in Stirling. Wben Ken Nicks drew the ticket at the carnival Saturday, the winner's name was announe- ed as "'Melody Hawkins", which was the closest Fred Cale could came ta translating the illegîble handwriting. The seller, Mr. Dane Found of Orono, wilI re- ceive the new 1953 Chev. as bis prize for selling Mrs. Honchin ber lucky ticket. Three B.H.S.,Students Awarded Scholarship and Two Dursaries Three Fifth Form Bowman- ville Higb Scbool students have been notified that thcy (vill re- ceive schoiarsbips and bUrsar- les whicb wiil assist themn in fur- thoring their education. Miss Diana Wcbber, daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, Ontario St., Bowmanvile, was the win- ner of the J. H. H. Jury Schalar- sbip from MeMaster University, Hamilton, valued at $950. Winner of a $400 university bursary was Robert Lcask, 19, son of Mrs. W. J. Leask, Ontario St., Bowmanvillc. Miss Marion Wright, aged 17, dauighter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wright, R. R. 5, Bowmanvillc, was the recipient of a $250 bur- sary for students who wiii at- tend Normal Sehool. Miss Webbcr, who is 17 years of age, bas had high scholastie standing throughout ber bigh sehool and received seven firsts and three seconds in the recent Ontario Dept. of Education ex- aminations. The scholarsbip, given by the late J. H. H. Jury of Bowmanvillc, is open ta any student of Bowmanville High School who bas a canslstenthy high retord and is considered wortby of belp in recciving a university education. Diana wil taethe English and History' course at MeMaster. A previaus winner of the Jury Schoharsb.p was Miss Virginia Hopkins, daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hopkins, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, wbo this year graduated from MeMaster in Honor History. Robert Leask, winner of a $400 Dominion -Provincial University Bursary, bas enrollcd at Univer- (Continued an Page Seven) Dowmanville Public Schools Open With Nearlv ThousanI Punils The by-law allows any persan and telephoce xvîres in ils wake. - --£ -- building bis own home ta per- The area was without bydro or F u~i ~ t form bis owc wiring, providing telephoce service until the Foi-r New Leacilers onthe Staff lowing day as Hydro crews la- the xvork will pass the regular1 boured ta repair tle lines inspection of the H.E.P.C. bîaught dowc by faliing trees. With the ra-opening af the than the expected enrolment. Another provision of the by- Tbree. large trees were biowc Bowmanville Public School on There arc 543 at Central and 448 law states that a contractor can- over in Mrs. Hattie Martineli's Sept. 8th, Principal A. M. at the Ontario St. School. A rush yard, knocking off the cbimney Tbompson reports an increase order for a number cf extra flot use a greater number of ap- and damagîng the bouse. The of 83 pupils aver thec last day of desks was mnade a.;scsoon as the prectices on a job than quah-bhorne cf AI Stevens also suIfer-, June wbec the pupils numbercd iccrease was noted. fied ehectricians. cd damage from a falling treei 908 at both schools. The total. Local Improvement By-Law wbich twisted off and feul acrass of 991, including 138 in Kinder- Four New Teachers Counicil also passed a by-law phone and h.ydro ivires. garten, is appoximately 30 more Four nem, teachers began heme autharizing the erectian cf side- - tbis year, incILuding- cnc Bow- ment art on the east and west fh2lm 'th1l71 mal Scbcol. Miss Gwen Bartlett, side cf Orcbardview Boulevard Aitnd nc aiU>h chool L we daugbter aI Mm. and Mrs. Harry between James St. and South-- Il g C w Barlett, wili teach Kindergar- way Drive. The sidcwalk bas ai- w uen ac cis ten at Central Schoal. The ather ready been laid on the wcst side T oN w a chesi s F i ce new teachers are Mrs. D. Hec- and will be laid an the east side ~ joo dry \vbo will teach grades 3 anîd in the near future. . etains Record of uver r0 ass 4 at the Ontario St. Scbool and A petition signed by 57 resi-!e / who hails froin Kirkhatid Lake dents of the Liberty and Jane1 district, and Miss Phyllis Park- Street area was received e-î Witb incrcascrd attendacce re- 1 tea.'h Junior Commer'cial and er, from Welcome, wbo \w ,ii1 questing counicil ta cither instal 1ported all over the province, it sm E is.tagraStdehoo6.a n tesOpn- a stop sign at the corner af Li- is sui'prising t<î noie iliat Bow- List of Tea<'hers taro . c uir, iA ne pr - ln bcrts' and Jane Sts. or hire a:Followîng is a list cf he tatth- I wvilzro scistseprto tewonovJii crossing guard for the . periocîs aura fi gures' aIlwigimaeis oihestratiol ak prto t onok o whcn childran arc crossing the Tusday wci'e îust siightly low- es cIh u ecste wl onc by Mr. D. C. Peters. street ta go la and froni scbool. er thian last ycar.i teach: Mm. L. W. Dîppell (Prin- This matter was referred ta Pc-ý At noon Wednesday the' îast, ripaI>, Sc. and Math.; Mr. i. R. Teaching Staffs lire Committea ta investigate reports listed 354 situdenits in Elliot Hist. and Vor. Guid.; olwn r h tfsa h and report. the High School. nine less than Miss H. Rice, Math.; Mrs. A. twu public sehools: An pplcaionb~ Hoaid te 33 bo tatedîat ya 1 Lewis, P.HE., Phys.; Miss J. Mc- Ontario St. School-Mr. Tur- Davey for membemsbip in the 'fberc are a fcxv changes 1ný Innis, Commn. and Eng.; Miss J. ner (Vice-Principal), Gm. 8; Mr. Bosvmacvila Volunteer Fire the lcaching staff lois ycear. Two Bowma. Comm.; M!. W. M. Sta- McDonald, Gm. 7; Miss Parker, Brigade was reîemmed ta Fime have gone to Tomonto ta teach iccy, Ag. Sc.; Miss J. Cunning- Gr. 7 and 6; Miss Wbite, Gm. 6 Committea ta report back. and one is sctting uip hcu&ekeep-j ham, Ecg.; Mr'. E. Witberspoon, and 5; Miss Fcecy, Gm. 5 and Il asraortd ha th sc-ing. Miss Ann Bell is tcaçhing Gcog.; Miss E. Metbven, Art, 4; Mrs. Hendmy, Gm. 4 and 3; Miss in was eteel lane 270elong Latin at Bathurst Heigh.ls Coi- Ený.; Mr. D. C. Paters, Music; Somerville, Gr. 3 and 2; Miss and six leed high along Liberty legiate and Mm. Don HazelI basj Mr. H. Maynard, Latin, Ecg.; Rarkcr, Gm. 2; Miss MacMaster, St. near the wad!ng pool i returiied ta bis AIma Mater, M is s E. Laycockk, Fr. and Ger.; Gm. 1; Mrs. Symans, Gm. 1; Miss Memarial Park bas bacc rom- Jarvîs Collegiale, Mrs-. Adams iMm. J. Ross, P.HE. and Hist.; Sanders, K. pieled by the Lundy Fence Comi- bas put off ber retiremant from Miss E. McKagîîe, Fr. and Hist.;* Central School - Mm. Shute, pany at a cost af $761.40. tcacbing for a couple cf weeks Mrs. R. Jackson, Ecg., COMM., Gm. 8; Mm. Merkley, Gm. 7, Miss ______________ wbiie she substitutes for Miss and Math. Coucb, Gr. 7 and 6, Miss Mutton, Bowra wbo bas nat yet return- Principal L. W. Dippell mec- Gm. 6 and 5; Mrs. MrDonald, Gm. Misses Ruby Aldworlb and cd froni a vacation in Europe. tioned a fart that speaks welh for 5 and 4; Miss MeGregar, Gm. 4; Jacqueline Bird and Mr. J. The new leachers aî'e Mm. Har- bath the teachers and studerits, Miss Bragg, Gm. 5: Miss Bunner, Bird bave heen bolîdaving wvith! ' v a\nard, from OCE.. Ta- of the school. Once agairi hi-, 1Gr. 3; Miss Carruthers, Gi'. 3 relatives iri Toronto. Thec, spent racla, who will tearh Latin and , ear, over 90 par cent of the cnari nc Miss Hall, Gm. 2; Mrs. a few daYs at Wasaga Beach and sanie English, and Miss Jean Mc- didate,, were successful in their IShields, Gm, 2 and 1; Miss Cale, Niagara Falls. Innis, aJso rom O.CE., who wiil departmentai exami.nations. Gr. lé- MisE Bartîcît, K. amîbnrn "Durham County's Great'Fami*ly Journal" INUM13EH 37

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