Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1953, p. 6

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Dr'T'T11~ T U cil, c; Richards, If, Powell, rf; Gault, M rs. Rupert W oods, M iss M eGili left on Friday forb two r a i g t b -a e urn Local Toachor lReceives iiploma iDurham Jr. rarmers BETHA NYft~ Lowery, lb. Hazel Malcomson, Mrs. Ernest months in the western province.pttonn trsocle Btay-Mull)gain andi Mur- Lamb, Mr. end Mrs. Charles Rey- Weekend guests with Mr. asdo audynihaadalw In D ncn fo N .Sc o lPlan fo Attend Mr. andi Mrs. Ross lhall and row, '-Ii; aile ; Hudson, th; Ed. flold and Mrs. Hector Morton. Mrs. Ernest Stacey were Mr. anr~ gt _____________ O.A.C. Potato Day with Mr. andi Mri. I'I. J. gftukiitii. Martîienktu, If; White, p; , FIlla Septetnber at the home of Mrs. Charles Jr., Toronto, Mrs. Leon-eslcue adoadapac In a orma cermonvin te Mian ad Roe gies vria-Mi'. andi Mrs. Hlaroldi Sandier- andi Flnney, rt. T. S. Gauit. ard Merrick and son Davidshplie toery8d, Grand Ballroorn of the Park tion and character classes in ad- Several niembers of the Dur- snaeo otrtptruh Other team members playiîtgBidtob hwrdKntn.jelesfunte.bksai Sheraton ilotel. New York, re- dition to his negular technique; hain Junior Far-mers Potato Mthe Unite i t a dina tShire r adleyut athe JanetBige- maMil elyn r Don osdsaloerFtoesan Asnoh tently, Lîllian Mac Marsh, local classes. !Club and interesteti farmers in caugbter, Gcrace Marie, are homne îow. at ee i e mailofget. Toa nd .iA- O__ - cru.hnf teacher of dancing at the Lionsi Miss Marsh feels thât if has i the district will be attending tram St. Josep4'u lIospital, Pe- Umipires -- McPherson of Joani Preston who will become exptosbuitaaclei tCherm u plomaCentre om thed ethe em pinietodanersx th e Provincial Potato Field Day '1Iterborough. ManiMi. Millbrook at plate; Woods of the bride of Mr. Lloyd McCaus- ToFollow Friday ms ol poal" lo Dance Educators of Amenica uiiadgaei aeionca-t ehl hndv, Septeiibc On Sept. OIh, M.adM-.Biliehoro on bases,]ndoLnsa naoulwe-itert.rlfaN s'Ltr 1raining Snhool. sic techniquen 10 at the potato farni ut the -i theJiii'em (Kînnon wiil celobrate Bethany Leading In Semi-Finala ding cerernony on Sept. 5th In 4faiPa MTaiinss auc h h e onl; sictechnique. ____ ir(Goldien Weddumîg Aniiiver- North Durham Neries Bethany Unitedi Church were A'AgAAAOpen la Mian éadi aro the radatestari Agricultuî'al College near 'îarv and will be "At Homne" ta Bethany basebaîl team were guests o! honor et -,a double aaama nw 1wca hasnaienarogthe griduâher Guelph. their !rlendts on thé alternoon almost In the cellar et the fîrst shower held in the Unlteid j WIhew exceptions, Orilla od has LIYLThere wll behomer lilcturer nti enmg ofg tithut day. of the seamon, havlng e run of Church basemecit on Thursdayimnfhtswlsarth ne two new certificates_ for special SAE_______ evrIlette am. 1mrhat il tr*ten courses she has taken. antid tmonstnations and a tou r . and Mns. Ralph Connai', toulh luck with Bob RyIey, off evenlng. Mrs. T. J. Jackson an- plan of keeping stores open Fr- Hctaerdpla uté Salei W.A. ie, nt the of experiînentaî plots. A. 1. Ma- Kapuskasig, andi Mr. anti Mn. ton meoen) weelLs wlth tori an- nounceti the brief pnognam anihsndlongt6: r e asî o hree er's in 9teveShaceîton home. Pres dît c tteCeta xéietiTed Calder andi familv, Agin- kle ligaments, Will Rowen with vhich featucet group singingdynghsatc]sn at63 study at sumrmer schoal. and of BIcs. K. Shackleton hati charge'j larn, Ottawa, %wilI gl\,e an, ad- with brokenri nbs, ail injuries ne- duet by Misses Phyliss and August 28, as a result o! action the torty that enrolleti with ber of the business. Flans were dis- dress on bruisinq anti iechani- .axS onv evn ralatci sx irscusseti about catering to a x;cd- eal injury. Grading, peckagIng Mr'. Clifford Carr, Détroit, ceiveti at games. Gayle Bristow; Accortilan selec- taken by the town counicil thi s nlani soraeedmontraionawtedMch.ssixt hgirlsnd lth The erles wound up with tion by Ingridi Rajski; two renti- wéék. Ari one an. din recepton. Plas for qoe and sorage dmonstraioMs %vbr okch]eadinghePontknPernyh ingsrobylMrs.nEPort Arguengelocu-s ERrAtAthe, requestAtohe retitt ofertiIone Foi'n wthedecercvmtnvDetl be Ogirlsd beD.iE.Wileame M.eandt sitoss Crbe co, ductey3rdbya D.ocE. onih, anda soMi'. MssnjihoMak'd.taR th neCalar. Fortheceemoý *th gilstional was given bx' Mrs. E. Chief Inspector of Farm Pro- Mcm. lEmin&Cavaîio was in 42 nd J B ety i, l akt ock tioisJe anCut a ol onyp' Misc-stwaked that tew nbe AN wone white evening gowns antiTwist. assisteti with readungs by tiuctq, anti Prof. E. W. FranklnHantiîîge wîth relatives lentst 4thani Janetvilîose h. inté Jeaned Cault er P Ntypol.c- tati "bgaeo r S anembefith car îed nos gav ut thé D E A M rs. G . B arrie, M c. F. B lack- storage specialist a t O .A .C .M rweek r.W ler C mp- p ae mi ilu b ethaL in os t5 3 eti t r c o m pa iseti b rs Her b Nvi e als. o c oul g v hi d a t i colons matie up of yellow roses burn anti Mcs. S. Buttery'. Mca. lloward Harper, Goodwuati, MoaniMndWatr ap-pae ai lîbktion; t s ae Tesitrweeivtda - anti yellow anti blue chrysanthe- Geralti Shackleton anti Mrs. Piésitient of the Ontanlo Soit bell, Buffalo, N.Y., Mi'. anti Mrs. oned game a4-and ti; thigeme cupy two geily tiecoated chairs t î e d a g a i n . 4 a n tiaF nitynng htd a n t i M i s s M a r i e C a e n d e t i a n a d - Iiums. Ken Shackleton favouceti with andtiCrop Impraveméuit Asoia-Miss an Cuttao, a onto , ain adécisive win 8-2 witil drsof congnatulations anti This suniner Mi-,s Marsh en a vocal duîe. L.unc-h \as srrvedti tin will act as chairmen et theBaceRccoT Roe .Ediud on h uln K YM roiled inl the Swoboda School of by Mcs. E. T\vist id hor tre:mp. fiield dayiý and Dr. J. D. MacLach- with Mc. anti Mrs. Aléx MeMas- anW u enodson the er-n gooci wishes tram the commun- & Ballet anti éach day took twa Mcs. Geralti Shackleton w'as lin. Prcsiciunt of O.A.C. ;vl as HAY am1 an iî Reiodstnehé,e-ity, with Miss Gracé Bige.law, clase swobo Mdametw MawiaAna- hsesfrasoe rMs etnetedeeae.Tebs rientis in Toronto for vacation. Milbnoak boys neyer got a Weatherilt and Mrs. Ralph Près- AllergItabs $1.0032 .50 Prbnaje____ te Vaak boan t une ith Bnis Carol Craig on Miondes' even- tor'y of the O.A.C. patate farm Mcs. Isabel Fallis anti Miss, chance ta cross the plate in thé ton assisting in pnésenting thé Razmah Caps. -- 65c-$1.35 Lnie E 00 Romanoft, clemandiag concen-mbrd-ob reeetaniadsuinethépacsi Rena McKinley wene in Nolend fstour adtrae. noltighrm may lavely gifts. Thé gift of tration anti physical endurance. many lavely gifts. ca rcict out théce iwlIl bé givenMadmedwobtia necivti oFgaluasinsta c. ntiby i'oD.N.tuntcylmatiut aanidFnéan ath.es.anUhaiiheedony ht. niht héhnitr, huohfhoi, o EpedineNos Drpu 0eCD-roops -60c0 CogrtlaiostoMr ndb, r.D N Hnle, ed f Frientis of Mc. Walter Neals sa1é ntémaniat e1which both girls haci been mem- ber training in 1Mulscow and Mrs. Mor'te\ Tennat a n the ar- thé Departmnent uf Fieldi Hus- willî bc pleaedét tuknow that b hé piacetib annt hé 4 m thber, as an eîectric cdock ta dlanceti as guest ectist with the rival ai a baby girl. bandry et thé collège. is auw impruving. Mn. Néals with Gany thdsr baev mt i each, a so presenteti at this Russian Impérial Ballet. She Master Jimmr- Ccrderi'~an Theî'e will bc a tour o! thé was injuredti est week when li e tha aspayt latjtime. bas travélleti with ner own com- has béen holîiavîng et Mr. E. expérimental plats et thé ferm, attempted ta cIeaý' a pile up Of errorless bail, taking théir lteni el anti Joan éach matie P pany in Europe anti the Balkans Twist's. followed by a démonstration et grain béing fed by a mnoving right trom thé first cauntiag 2, veyn Prom Spepiescialkin anti came ta America ta hé bal- Mse amnt ws ist hé Snydér term, Hespeler. At belt into a combinée t thé fanm Iatiding 4 la thé secondi anti 2 in eHOgMElusPeplesAhEkiT lenina in thé Chicago Civic OP- been visitiag bis aunt, Mrs. thé Snyder farm thé visitaî's of a neighbaî', Mn. Offe Staples. IthRonthv h, elds, Rléyati theomteve wh a i arnasng- Hds oME EuRMAiETClaemDetlCe isin ispratontaduunmdn- is Grceio n AdharNtcn.ta h ganwsio er t a! Bévngthey iel hn Dlakbri 'shal-taîks on irrigation, sprayiag being cacrieti into thé thresling cunéi oorambunîhtirer tyetofavîigthé ny.AljiéaînI7-Bt o 9 ce nspiaintoyug da g it MssMis rcBlcbun Olt'vnelifting, harvesting andt oti- part ut thé combiné prupéniy bi ié 2 4 0 2---éd-----i-ging0"Fan Th$y.Ar Acaro. é Vizak wastpemiersTorairley BBock, ing o! potatues. R. E. Gootiwia, sepé u e da hébokBethaay G-F--"' --------__2_4__0_2_______i____________"For_______Are d as e t t é a naskyem rThe-to.assistnt diecton o! thé C ops ati lpped on th emét loanki (g em e called for d rkness in Jolly G ood F élow s. Lunch was _ _ _--------___ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ daseretihes antiTha-an sipWeonthédsa adservéti. tre in St. Petersburg anti with SesadWesBnanch, On- béceme entangleti te soeéex- sixth) 104eBz troDepartmént o! Agricul- tent in thé machînery. Taeén te Mîllbrook - Wright p anti 3b; On Friday évening, Mr. anti 100 40e sîz Noxzemailb thé Dieghiléff Ballet. Hé givés Educetion is thé knowlétige teuune, will aise spéak on "Thée ii opie nPtebnuhGinn, c; Hentiléy, lb; Edmuntis, Mca. Haroldi Phillips, a recent A.A.Ts. oxea Sve r. RltSat classes in ballet technique, van- af how to use the wvhole ut oe- Poteto Outlook". by ambuplanehtutereorug 2b; Armstrong, as; Dawson, rf; bridé anti groom, wéné guest o! 9 9 letions anti adagio. self. Meny men usé but une or b muac ehdsfee kth f oey b rce-hnra omnt ahrn Besil Romanaff, maitrée two facultiés aut o! thé score broken nibs, shouldér anti coller Sitc, f; oér,3birek nho etha c o nyHalnd 9 9 5 9 ballet o! thé Impéniai Theatre withwihtelr etoei-..bonie, ________________th___________________are ___ MeberoetLoyl Oan e Btheny - Etimuntis, p; W. receivéti a chromé and plastic hls LnhKt In St. Petrsburg, Beunos Aires, Henry Ward Bechér. Darlingion Farmotigé me oL oyalaOrang Reynolds, c; B. Reynoldis; r!; B. kitchen suite. Rev. T. S. Gault 35 -$39 Wis an Pîzs a h Twn a uc ll anceyRyléy, cf; H. Ryley, lb; Jackson, éxpresseti thé congratulations$35 -$.7 Wn ayPieinitheT wnH al.csliéati da 2b; Chellice, ss; C. Rowen, 3b; anti gooti wishes o! évéryone Pint Thermos - S1.894$1.98Fom l On Eggs ai C.N.E. Ru th us suiéty BantW.Rowan, If. anti Creightoa Cerr n ea lca fc 2 Mnuth is. G VratMilBand. Umpires - Borland af 'Peter- o! thé cammunity présentéti thé O gsa ....an f mily, Tonntare gést borough t plate; Woods o! Bai- git. Taking part la a brie! pro- Quart Thermos- $3.00-$3.25 LijiFo ul 5-12 W K. owak poutny a nd wlth Mn.rant , re .L. Rwenlieboro on basés. gram weré Miss Ingrii Rejski, LnhKt____-$.5 Jr 11-18-22 W! .RK. 1,owanvpolryi ep- ihM.adMr.W .Rwn This wéék will se thé begîn- Miss Margaret Aikcn, Mr. Ralph Lunch__Kit_ -______$1.25 _______________ tuof ..1 our it nie a -neTrousseau Tom niag o! the finals, thceout o! Preston, Miss Marié Cern and se9! econdpnize for his éggs et thé éd et a trousseau tee on Satur- day night ad return game in ing was suppliéd by Mn. and Kersiake's Sw Canadien National Exhibition, day aftérnoon for hér tiaughténs Bethany Fritiay night. Thé sér- Mca. Geralti BristoW. Lunch wes Toronto, in thé judging helti Miss Evelyn Preston anti Miss ies la drawing big crowds. Théré sénveti. Mn. Phillips expnéssed No Cooking- NoSgr ede lest Thunsday. Joan Prston who will becomé wes an éstimateci atténdence et thé thanks o! bis wi!é ant i hm- 1 gal. quantity /ga.qatt Mr. Nowek sent only six thé brides o! Mn. Donald F. An- Frlieay's gamé o! 350 fans, self -for thé lovély gi!t anti ès- I and won prizes on fivé Out O! Lloyd McCauslanti of Lindsay aPaul'.te Ladies entr-35c.20 ~~~thé six entnies. Hé réceiveti one in a doublé wetiting cérémony In'place of their regular Au- tanramnti h vnng etr first prize for Grade A large i Bthany Uniteti Church, Sept. gust meeting anti in honan o! thé olwn h ilsSfbl sizé white éggs, two first prizés 5th. Thé home wes testétully birthtiey o! thein Président, Mrs. Followhinghé nl's SofrritelFly Tex Safe-LexFiTxFlTo for Gretie A médium size whitéecoeéiwt leioiswihCharles Reynoltis, thé mémbéns GeBomibeécareBombeté eggs ani oe frstprie ati ecrthé gi their neoIghbon o!ofthé Ladies' Guilti o! St. paul's winners of the Rice Lake BmmBmaSryIsyr oné secnd nfrpize nG ad A rs.theWiam tHan neh or Anglican Church ernengeti a Legué, Mn. anti Mns. Roy Fer- 890 -$1.39 $1.69 5-99840 sm all s ze w hite ggs.Pa in te w é é M s P rc theatre an ti tinjré p a ty in P e- r éa n tertain éti thq m em bers of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ To otei th fint pize ItPres ton anti Mrs. er entN etrborough. Thé graup ettenciec thé temr et thein home. Mn. Fer- wes anéc hessary fo r n zNsakutrso! tdMr.Hé ber M s l-"Thé Light of thé Silvéry Moon" rén bas been thé manager antidA tas abtain 9 for o!.a osile eina Afte des, Miss Velniéanti thédinnér party following coach fan thé pat threé seesoas. rW - ~~~~~~~ 100 points for packing. matril, H-umphrey, Tornoto, Mrs. George w s i otrs Gil oî w a h nd y ng tsOWL w f sheil texture anti colon anti in- Neels anti Mns. William Wilson. Thosé atténding wéné Mn. anti geme which gavé thé Betheny c ténior egg quality determinéti Thosé who assisteci in cisplay- Mns. Marga Bigélow anti Di- boys top placé in thé North Dur-DG T RE FT by- caadling. ing thé trousseau, bridai ' anti anné; Mr. anti Mrs. Emary hem sériés, Mr. anti Mrs. Wil- PHONIE R U TUS Thi fsth seondyén tetshoer i!s ati élingtaSmith, Mrs. H. Rayson, Mrs. fred Reynalds belti "Open 695 this Denlington paultry reiser serve thé lunchéan weré Misses Duglasd Séit Ms. J.T. SCa- HousMssrfo rlynsant in bas won pnizes et thé C.NE. Donne Porter, Vende Ponter, br niSly r.T .fini.Msn.Mré niLv Lest yeen hé won one finat anti Betty Preston, Helen Neals, Bet -________________________________ one thinti pnize eut o! thne t Waddell, Alma Leach, Hazé] - entniés. Hé selîs bis eggs et 'Wilson, Mns. Ralph Preston, whalesale te restaurants anti Mca. William Mitchell anti Mns. stores la Bowmanvillé anti Osh- Lue KKerr. awa andti t thé Mémorial Hos- "1Whaever do you do inath ---pitel, Bawmaaville. country ta put in thé timé? We a h1 woulti just die . . . no shows taeT ey'rre Neçvw ~m o In g ne w for uia D U A-I D E oes a w it r, o n g r l st" n O né thi ag ifa dea n te m e, th t go t e. . . Zno nte tainm ént, etc.," km«dg nw-f rmua DRA-RDE oesa whter loger ost noindulgence, o! passion dés- is thé fréquent rémanks o! aur 3 Ing lob In one coot thon two coats of many ordlnary points I tnoys thé' spirituel nature so visitons from thé city. Wéll, lest: You'll hardly beliévé your eyés when you see how DURA-HIDE's much as respectable sélfîshness. weék we scarcely heti time te a liensationa1 hiding power and brilliant wbiter~ white cen beautify -George MacDonald. catch aur bneath from one évent youn home! Our giftt anti attajaments are e duil - . . thére was neyer a taan oné..r . Theyai a're Different!1 Just onle coat of DLJRA-HIDE cavers solid aver any coir - e fl ot only ta hé light anti warmth games, momreent - . - tbré bell M in aur own dwellings,, but are n a préesetatonbl forw b1acý,Mfdes ail sý»a1 checksaend cracks. Provides a cough, weecbér- ta shiné thnoug h indow,fatabrdso-e a ugh té forwlywé rds aobe ahanceca ----Iisatant surface that lests season afcer seeson. In évery way it does a into thé dark night, te guidé anti two bouse parties and santé better job than any 'white house paint you've even uséd. anti chéer béwilderéti travéllers how in bétween wé feti thé hua- Self-cleansing, non-yellowing properties in DURA-HIDE help onthé ronti - Henry Warti gry femily anti menagédti t do àepyour home brighc. It's easy te epply. Doesn't sag. Tny itt! éécénam ikln nt e hy ' eCe aeB MoebytemaesoffmusFoglz Clrze ant n1,2 olr. An educeteti men;is fnot necés- hep atT hth hé intr'stooi Modeby he okes o faousFloglae Clorzerpoits n 1322cOlrs.sarily a léanneti man on a uni- supply anti énterteinéti company versity man, but a man with as wéll as trying ta keep thée certain subtle spiritual qualitiés bouse in soe kinti o! ortier. * LANDE HAR WAREwhich make him calm in edver- First, wé list thé* bell gamés. hýy appy wben alone, just inf1 We havé e giirlsq' so!tball chm- lm oAda NEEDLEWORK - DOM ESTIC SCIENCEth founth. June Menrow's tr'iple,. 3 SCHOOI, WORK and JUNIOR EPRT31ENT Hazel Whîte's anti Hilde Bige- 3'INNT'WDO WMN VIL Ws* iuow's doublés eecb timé with . basés luatiet were thé highligbts l 1 SATURDAY, SEPT. 12TIR of defsive work cre bit IU AD Mary Etiwents wha gathérét in!:- - r HARNESS RACES AND PONY SADDLE RACES sye leadbi rv l i au T"o-day ---w, t Andcey Mulliga was back inM Ileneral Am so5c - Cr 25c - Cide under 1 Free the soimmer, Audrey receivéti Adisoaas Cidrn1 oaato tégne el r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _b r o k e n a n k l e t a g a e m i n H r - B t l vial iwoud anti this xves ber !îrst ap-"I vIal ~O M ~ TT Tn T F R RA M TIC SO IET ESpéanance back on second basé, COM ETI ION FORLRALTI SO IET ESBetbanv teani fbas taken the:_________________________________________________ One AtPIeu= îinals-best o! fîvé-in threéý 9"gne irto hi BOTH NIGHTS, SEPT. Ilth and 12th - TOWN HALL. ORONO home thé score :n Winner of the Draw for a 17" Admirai TV s ~Admission 50e - Children 25e .a 81; éte Millbrook, 86 ohtépéiu ans' was MR8-1OR;AN NEWTO Gail Bristow sharéti thé hurling, a M .M RANNW O iair Nusî Oroo Ciizen Ban - lsa Alta McGill. . Far ___Mui___________s ad Milbok 02 144 King Si. E., owmanville_ MEET Y UR FRENDS A ORON FAIRMillbraak -Ttti ;Huit- M_________________________________ NIEE YOU FRINDS T ORNO FIR chinson, s_': Richardis, 2b: Gutb- xie, 3b; L. Guitirie, cf; McDow- Boum PACZ srx TM CANAI)TAN STATIEANfA?9- 1ROWV,&VvTlr.t.r npirâlole%

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