barbers were too busy. Isn't it a corker what some guys will do to avoid parting with four Ed You gman's Column bît7e forgot to bring a basket! The Statesmnan's Grass Roots ColUmnist of fresh spuds to hier parents in law, in spite o! hier husband'sý injunction to do so. Roy took a' Thisla he easn fr fmil scadaI arue oîiics uitenheader off a table, hollered like1 Thi i th saso fr fmiy canal aruepoltis; isena Banshee, and grabbed hisi reunions. The Leach-Youngman to Normn Leach's corny jokes, be- hudrtuscaighely-i annual get-together happened sides smoking bis awfui cigars. ]ights out of us for fear hie had on August 2, at Art Youngman's. tell everybody the untruth that broken something. l Weather was idieal, no fights, wve have had a real niee lime,t everybody returned home sober. then buzz off home feeling sore Mr'. and Mrs. Clareece Wood- Uncle Jack, Aunt Eva, Aunti at ourselves because we hadnt ey, daughter Edie and grand- Net nd nel Artwer abentgon soewhee ese.daugbtcr Patty called to say Net nd ncl Artwer abentgon soewhee ese."hello". We discussedi the rela- they are on holiday. Cornet1i However, there were a few tive merits of the three Durham think o! it, tbey have neyer at-' brigbt spots at thsyears func-cniae 2rfdrlhnr tended our yearl -' shindig. Doris tion. Don very adroitly managed August 10, witb Clarence, but and Doug and family couldn't to spill a fui] cup o! freshie in neglected to instruet hin wbo come beccause of illness. Aunt Editb's lap. When the food was to vote for. h Cis and Uncle Gord neyer miss, on the table an army of fliesh but a previous commitment battled us for possession. Some The real tid bit was wbenv mnade thcm absentces Ibis time. of the brutes were so big tha Pearl guffawed at a joke andn We missed Myrt, Ken and boys wben tbey were chased away otbrceig um ser- !rom Ricbvale. their -take off" kick would scat- trieved it and calmly went onM In spite of the absentees Nvc ter ,sandwýýiches like chaff. cbewing it after picking off Am sand. couple of biades ofgrs- stul] mustered twenty-fiîýe. Con- Allan was enjoying a broken and a few dog hairs.a trarx' f0 other famnily reunions, collai' bone, wbile bis Dad was we 'don't have co-respondence, sporting a sore ankie, due to Tbe highlight of the picnica election of officers or a set pro- baving dropped a saw log on it. "Ïas a phone cal] fromn Calgary;1 gram, Ernie turned up witb a hunk of l'aye, Gord and Randy couldn,'ýtj Once a year, that old spark cbin missing due to a shaving b e with us, but it was sw'eIll t plug, Jean. reminds us it's tirne mishaps. Fred and Norm looked hear their pleasant voices and c, for the picnic. We assemble; do like a couple of old Englisb to know they were O. K. Fay's i a bit of back biting, whine about sbcep dogs witb their long hair, mother came on the line too, and i oiur tough luck: discuss the latest botb used the same excuse - rported tbat she's behavinga ____ ____ ____herself, besides wishing us a suc- 1Ic ****UUM ...iumauiueuuue..auumuuuii~.cessfui pîcnic. b They reported the weather ni New H ay Fever Relief he re sunny, a few clouds, dry ai'. temperature -tbout 70. Il t Hudnut's Marvellous Shampoo will take the young folks a lot V 75e - $1.25 Pyribenzamine Tabs ---- 65c of scratching 10 pay for the huge b( Wh1 a hmpo4e-'5 Co-Pyronil ----- ----- $2.00 phone bill, but we would like A Whit Rai Shapoo 5e -75etbem 10 know that we all appre- p Allergitabs----- $.00-$2.50 ciated their thoughtfulness and A Lustre Creme--35-5$.1 Razmah Caps 65c-$1.35-$5.00 enioyed the all 100 short chat, ul Incidentally, Fay's mother and ec Halo Shaznpoo ----39c-65c-98c Lantigen E------------ $6.00 dad operated an eating conces- Cý Drene Shampoo -3---- 9 Neohetramine si.o n th Iis year at the Calgary bc Stampede, with Faye and Gord assisting. If they'll promise 10 Gin Dodd's Nyal Cystex do the same 9ext yea rmaybe Q Pill Pui Kidey Pis Tbs. Butch and I will give tbern ah PUIS UIS KdneyPUIS abs. hand. Can you imagine me in a i 59e - 89a 59c 35c-60c-$l.OO $1.00-S2.00 ten gallon hat and buckskin N 1 1 - 1 shirt serving flapi acks bo cowin hands, bronc busters and wild hi Indians? Yippee!th Kersiake Sweet Pickle Mixture Wben we arrivedi home, a 1 note on the door bold us that lo Ruth and Gordon Cathcart. To-in ~ gllo qantty 0c~ gllo qanîty 5c ronto, had called and left ai( galnquniy- 20 alo--nit _ 5 couple of hunks of their wed-th _____________________________________________ ding cake, it was good too. Thanks! ' a Deodran Nozema BatingWell, tbat's about ail I have bo Pedoas NCreaaps GlSses report concerning our annual b' Pads ream aps Gasses family meeting, except 10 add t 39e - 75o tube, 65o 69 c-79c-98o 25c to $595 that I Lad bbc usual Langover hi ________________________________________ of bearîburn and indigestionai from too much ricn food. af Pin Thrms -$1.9 $198 "Pickings" is usually pretty foi - Revelon Seil Pn hro --$.9-$.8 siim back here on the Ridge, h Speialwbicb makes il awful hard 10 ar( Aquamarine Shampoo Quart Thermos $3.00 - $3.25 curb the old appetite when a i Revelo Soapfellow gets a free chance at al il Reveon oapLunch Kits - ~ 12 that good Darlington grub. n Seeing a threshing machine lba Both for $1.00 Vacuum Bottie -- - -- 98c operating recently, reminded i me o! the lime we were thresb- jur îng aI a neigbbour's farm. The ha, men in the mow found a big ba( S ~Rock hen that had been smoth-1 ered. It was Landed to a man i on te barn floor in order that tr' Lad other ideas. We observed the PHONEthe two men on tLe twenty-foot 1i GPTONRE WE FIT high straw stack having a quietvi the soutb edge, with their backs foi turned to us. The flap near the any me 19OLIDAY e M nea His ave M DE dro $ M95/ UsflM* ibrir M* air BRIGADIER <0016 ad ou TIRES n inril ------.. ~JvA~IN D.,WU~AN4VILLL, ONITARIO TM An Argentine bicychist wh. sturdylg have pedalled h 12,800 miles through 14 caunir in the past 19 months wi through Bowmanville on St day and spent the night ai 1 home a! Mr. and Mrs. Lie Snowden, Maple Grove. Francisco Elias, tLe 26-yeý old bicycle rider, Lails fron tL Verde in Cordova Province, É~ gentine, and expeets that befc Lis marathon tour is over wî]l Lave travelled over 30,C miles. He Las worn oui a bicycle and 21 tires on his tr which Las taken him. across t Andes, througb tLe steami jungles o! Centrai America ai across the Lot deserîs o! Mexi and the Southern United Stati His bicycling uniform. is a pE of shorts, a T-shirt with "'Ange tina" across the front andi crash helmel. Strapped 10 1' bike are spare parts, a .22 nil and an extra tire, and Le carri i Pack with Lis personal b ongings and a blanket on 1, back. He rides wilh a spare i: ner tube draped across bis che ike a bandolier. The present leg o! his journi vihi take Lim !rom. Ottawa Vancouver, frorn where Le w; egin the long haul back ta 1h Argentine again. Elias Lý planned ici ride bis bicycle Alaska, but Las just about givE .p this Jdea since being inforn d that tLe Norihern parti Canada and Alaska are apt 1 becomè very cLilly indeed. Lengthy Stop in Ottawa Ehmas crossed int Canada i Quebec, and visited Montreal o is way to Ottawa. He made ,vo-month stop in Ottawa, visi, ng a friend who runs a rei murant there. He also equippe imself wilb a new bicycl ,ere as Lis old one was on il at legs. This was one o! hi onger stops, witb the othe ajor stop being the thre nontbs and 10 days Le speni o. me Mexican border waiting fa Lvisa ta get ino the Unite, 'tates. The bronzed Argentinian ha td many more Lazardaus thing o face than the U.S. Consulate lwever. He got mixeci up ii revolution in Bolivia in Apri ýlasI year which delayeci Lin or several days. He Las dodgei .e Jirabo Indians in Ecuado id mountain lions and alligator ,Costa Rica and Honduras. Hi vas Litten sa badly by poisonou sects in the jungles o! Panami aI Le Lad to spend several day ithe Lospital. In many o! tho ngles o! Central Amenica h( ad to carry Lis bicycle on hiý ack rather than ride il. Tn spite o! these Lazards, Elia! stil] in one piece andi able 1< *vel at a good clip on On. rio's paved Lighways. He madE le trip from Ottawa ta Brock. le in one day and came !roli elIeville to Maple Grave in onE y, in spile of being Lelci ur - three hours by nain. Ehias hikes Canada as weIl ae ly country Le bas braveileci in idate and says, 'Canada for ýis good." He expects ta gel ick ta Argentine by June of ýx year. This will make ightiy under two andi a hall ýars for tLe 30,000 mile tnip, nce Le set out in Januany, 1952. is trip 50 fan Las casi Lim an feage o! $2.50 a day. Argentine Bicyclist Passes Through Town Visited 14 Countries )f a ig io le ýe kt h 1- 's s e e [ýl 1 lwer was openeci, tLe hen .pped in and wLen yours tru- L eard the o014 girl gaiog tough îLe blower pipe, a mrp pull on a couple a! nopes ificed bo score a bull's eye on eLack o! Harvey's noddle. He ýver siopped to see wbai Lit n, Lut gave a convulsive ieap to space 50 fast Le lef t Lis wide mmed straw Lai floating in b; is fork slicking in tLe stack. ewere never sure which was efunnier, Harvey taking tLe jump, or tLe look o! astan- iment on Biil's face at Lis 'tner (for no apparent rea- n) suddeniy taking off! mb ce without benefit o! wings. 'Je were tbreshing ai Sici n's place when someone ind half a dozen eggs in the ýv, wbicb wene handed ta me, )o was runnîng the biowen. I ýilching ta beave those eggs someone, but tLe boys knew ad tbem, kept bheir eye on ýneyer giving me a chance. fim Chambers climbed inio n'Mw, didn't know about the s, made tLe mistake o! tun- bis back ta me. The egg Lit rafler above Jim's head, &e, and landeci on the back is neck, making Lim very ry. A litIle later, I promiseci 3e if 1 coulci discoven whoE -,w the egg, in order that Jim1 d tell the miserable cusss t Le tLougbt o! Lim. But )dy ever squawked!r Guess Who ? 1? M. o- On opening a recent issue of a "The Hydro News"~ we found a lis double page spread showing !le prominent men across Ontario Les who wene attending a conven- )e- lion in Toronto. TLey were ne- lis produced i n caricature, ike the ý- âbove persan, by "Mac", the ýs famaus caricatunisi of the To- ronto Telegram. We thaught ey Bowmanville sbould be nepres- ta ented io Ibis galaxy o! public. ill spiniteci men and sure enaugh he we spotted the above well- d known citizen. ta You don't recognize hlm? crn n- Well, here's a !ew panticulans of Lfis active career since Le was ta bono a farm in Clak wan't say how many years ago inthis important event happeneci. )n He first becanme a nesident o! a Bawmanville way back arounci 190wben his father bought a ,farm night in tLe corporation ,d limits o! te tawn. le continu- le ed arming til] 1945 when he ts solci bis !arm-and retireci framn is !arming, but became more active -r in alLer activities. !e Going back a few years he was in a member a!. Town Council for )r 10 yeans, three years o! which ci Le was Mayor o! Bowmanville. Hie was a member of the Un- is ied Counties a! Nothumber- 5s landi and Durham for several years and was electeci Wanden nin 1927. lHe Las been eleven years a n member of the Bowmanville dPublic Utilities Commission andi S at present is Vice-Chairman. e He Is President of District No. [s 1 a! tLe Eastern Ontario Electnie a Association and is also an the s Executive a! the Ontario Muni- ecipal Electric Association. e In party politics he Las been s recognizeci as one of the big moguls in the Consenvative s ranks. being a past president o! c)Lte Durham County Conserva- tive Association. He was twice the unsuccessful candidate in Ontario provincial elections. Hie was president of tLe Dur- Lamn Agicultural Society when the Faîl Faii-s were Lelci in Bow- zoanvilie. He felt it an honor ta be ehec- adian Club, here,patcary MuUM.U M M M M M M U .M................ w because the founder of this a movement, Col. Chas. R. McCul- M lough, was a native o! Bowman- ville. Memorial Hospital campaign and Chairmari this year of the Salvation Army Red Shield a ________________ Campaign. This genial and public spirit- a ed gentleman may have heid *0fNEW LuLfiLAL LP RICU other offices and been active in* ther organizations, but this list M ent, and we don't want ta ap-s aa ecorcî ttemo- F J I O O 1 S I R proach him personally In this B connection for he is going ta be * M PL S BR surprised ta see the above cari- cature o! himself in his home- to w n p a p e r , a s w e il a s th e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M thumb-nail sketch o! some o! his M better known activities he Las: WITH THE sa willingly contributed toward a the betterment o! his native DPUCASE AU8IU8ItII Weil, you have probably ai- OF A NEW ready guessed the name o! aurx illustrious citizen. For those w bo __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a r e s til i s c r a tc h in g th e ir h e a dsiw o e r n t h is M l n J. ai ! L Ellott. 9/2' ~UCu r oot M~ZON . Westinghouse or Deepfreeze Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Halliday,: Bob and Barbara, visiied at a Collingwood. P E *I E %. O Miss Ginger Walker, Oshawa. : 1FR GRAO Miss Katharine Laidler, Osb- a awa, Mr. Delmer Killen, Mr.* FREEZER ACROSS THE TOP and rs. ober Kilen ýsite Robert Killen's brother in Penn- *M sylvania, U.S.A.vite:$ 3 Mr. Murray Halliday took a U IL motor trip to Fenelon Falls and ORL L.indsay. $339 Mr. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, at* VIrs. F. B. Glaspels on holiday. a FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Miss Ginger Walker, Oshawa,. visited Grace Stainton for the wreek-end and holiday. Mrs.Wes CaeronvistedGERU S Mlrs. W. J. Trick and Mrs. Ada* Flinto!, Oshawa. T- M-I Mr. and Mrs. Douglas John- ALLOWARIOL son, Oshawa, at Jlm Stainton's. Master Wayne Allen, Bow-* EASY TERMqS rianville, la holidaying at Frank* S obil's .A T . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stepben nd Bruce, Peterboro, at R. C.: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Covenly, N~T~, Ebenezer, Mrs. Delberi Flin- * MM ýoff, Kedron, Mrs. Wes. Camner- )n, visited Mrs. William Mich-: el, Toronto. B:uM Master Alan Glaspel, is holi- M laying with his aunt and uncle, * N..1M Ur. and Mrs. Vernon Powell u n l r p a a c olumbus.a untr an p l nc Mrs. N. Coty, Oshawa, visited: E drs. Lloyd Halliday. 52 Riing Si. W. Bowmanville Phone81 Mn. and Mrs. Grant Williams B a eturned from their honeymoon a hrough the U.S.A. to Detroit, in Satunday. lai¶d, Lake Scugog. Port Perry, visited Mr. and Potato Field Day Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm! Mrs. L. Joblin. and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., WillDem nstafeRay McCuilough, Yclverton. Toronto, visited her parents, Mn. Mr. Roy Wright, Toronto, vis- and Mrs. Wm. Steele.W Harvesfing-Gradinlg ied Mn. and Mrs. Victor Mal- Mrs. George Bowers enter. colm. tained friends hast week to aee Potatoes are big business Miss Audrey Skeratt, Prince Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wiams' thee dys nd n TursayAlbert, visiled Miss Irene Emer- lovely gi!ts. Septemben 101h, they wiil be in sn.Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Vlie' the limelight wben the Provin- The Cooking School on Thurs- visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine. cial Potato Field Day will be day evening in the United Congratulations to Mr. and held at the Ontario Agnicultunal Chuneb was quite well attended. Mrs. Fred Stacey on the arrivai College Patato Farm and Mr. and Mns. Menvin Bird a! a young daughter.* on the nearby fanm o! E. G. and famihy, Brooklin, spent a Mrs. H. Vine, Mrs. Reg. Mid- Snyder. Both of these !arms are !ew days with Mr. and Mrs. M. dieton and Gardon visited in Waterloo County, close ta Emerson. !niends In Peterboro. Hespeler. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm A number from Lere attended The main abject in holding and famihy visited Mr. and Mrs. the Deconation service at rybé the Field Day is ta acquaint Lloyd Cain, Lîfford. Union Cemeieny, Cadmu ,In growers and junior club mem- Mr. and Mrs. George Johns, Sunday. bers witb tLe work being car- Miss Norma Suggilt and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal. ried on at tLe !arm and also to and Mrs. L. Joblij visited Mr. colm, omnil, iie r demonstrate the latest methods and Mrs. Wihmer Fitze. Oshawa. and Ms.Bawrnle vasitelm. o! harvesting, gradmng and mer- Miss Norma Suggitt called on Ms arneMlom chandising potatoes. ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Speakers who are authorities King, Oshawa. T 1 C K E T 8 on the grawing o! potataes will Don't forget W.A. and W.M.S. TO EVERYWHERE address tLe gathering. The Jun- meeting will be at Mrs. Adel- Air, Rail or Steamshlp ior Farmers will provide re- bert Beacock's on Tbursday, Consult freshmenîs andi everyone is wel- August 201h in tLe evening aI iJU RYi & L OV EL L came. 8.30 .'o'clock. Bowmanville The Field Day is a co-opera- Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Toron- 15 King St. W. - Phone 779 bive event, being stageci by tLe to, Mrs. Lloyd HunIer andi Nol.-, O n t a r io A g r ic u l t u r a l C o l le g e , I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Extension Service o! the! ture, The Ontario Soil and CropJ.w m m Improvement Association an d the County o! Waterloo. -w w m u ~ : The demonsiration promises B - -- w to be interesting as well as in- *M formative and it 's anticipateciMr that many People will take ad- M~l U U . vantage o! tLe opprtunity a- *-Aflaa 1U . fordeci them to learn bhe up-to- R A C W W date methods used ai tLe Pota M to Fanm.M M "The Sport of Kinig<» M m a M M M M M a M M M M M M il ; M a M M M M M M I M M M ce : M dl ~ M M M M M M M M a M M - M Io M * M M M M M The Nestieton W.I. met ai the Lame a! Mrs. E. Sues, Caesarea, for tLe grandmnother's meeting August SIL, in charge o! Mrs. W. Jackson's group with 22 la- dies and some children present. Meeting apened wilh the Ode !ollowed by tLe Cailect and Daily Prayer in unison. Current events were given by Mrs. W. Jackson. Mrs. G. Tbompson, Lis- tonical research convenen, was unable ta be there but sent ber pnogram o! several readings. Mrs. W. Steele neaci a piece about Caesarea. "WLy nai have a 5-day week for the Louse- wife?" by Mns. E. Sues."0 years ago"l was given by ns M. Emerson. "Berry Plcking ai Gnandma's"' by Mrs. B. Heaslip. "When tLe Minister Came ta Cahl" was neaci by Mrs. J. Wat- son, "Reading An Invitation for 1853" by Miss R. Proutt; reaci- ing, "Male Attire Years Ago" by Mrs. W. Vine; reading "An An- cient building" by Mns. L. Mal- colm. Roll caîl was, name ai pioneer o! your community and1 if passible show a picture. Plans were made for the Cooking Scbool. Sevenal prizes were given ta the grancimothers. Mrs. Sues and group in charge senved 1 a dainty lunch. Ahl were given a vote o! thanks by Mrs. B. Heaslip. Next meeting at Mrs. Wm. Sieele's Sept. 2nd in charge a! Mns. George Bowen's group.i Miss Norma Suggltt visîteci - at - Saturday, Aug. 15 Post Time 2 p.m. 10 HEATS 19 Class Pace - Open Trot - Free-For-) WAGERINC PRIVILEGES Admission -$1.0 - FREE PARKING AND GRANDSTAND Corne and See Harness Racing at its best over one of Ontario's Fastest Tracks, mu 1 - I PAGE srx THE CANADIAN STAMP.quÀm à%%ýAmv.% MRSDAY, AUGUST le, -.- -k-b UA &.11aj5a - at - NESTLETON Non-Winners $150 24 Class Pai