Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1953, p. 3

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""MAT, Atur 1l, 195, THE CANADIAN TATESMAN, ~OWMANVTLL~. ONTARIO PAGE THflEU DOHOS. ""Screech Owl"" for 1953, Dubbling Over Wilh TaleiHum«r Aid Originalityln a New formai The 1953 edition of the Bow-, printers ta complete the '53 Inanville High School magazine, Screech Owl. The delay has ben Screech Owl, carnies on with most unfortunate and" a disap- -hoàor the fine tradition estab- pointment to the students who lislied many years ago. The are laoking forwar d ta seeing student editors and department a pictorial record of the >'ear's hcad.s are ta be congratulated events. When receved, it will *on an attractive and interesting. be distributed and added ta the yeir book of schoor talent and rest. *c !vities. Editor ln Chief, M e r r i1i x.ething new and different Brown, with his assistants, Bar- W"_CtIied out this year in that bara Murdoch, Alan Richards, tlk- Screech OwI is a progres- Ted Colwell, Janet McGregor, Sive magazine, brought out in Gertrude Ritter, Bertha Col- three instalments in April, May ville, Barbara* Goddard, Mary and June, each folio being plac- Husak and Don Bate, this year ed in the loase leaf binder cover received a gratifying wealth of bearing a design featuring B.H. material from which ta choose. S.'s famous wise oId owl, the Each section contains reports Work of Al Richards. This orig- of School events in sports, social inal design alone would place it and form programme fields, in the top rank of school maga- spiced with bits of humor from zines. each form hgving a wealth of incidentally the pictorial sec- meaning for its members, some tica, in charge o! Al, the school's short prose and poetny. Oh, yes, official photographer, has not and letters ta the editor. These yet been received from the contain a few beefs and pertin- MONTREAL-It's pickling time again . .. time .. to gather ail those good vegetables from your gar- den or the market . .. and if h time ta stock up on HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR. Buy it in the gallon jug-it saves you np ta 21/2c on every cup as compared with amaler containers. And of course you get more than economy when you buy this vinegar made by the folks who made pickles famoust Crystal clear, fuIl-bodied, uniform in strength-it preserves the erisp texture and colour of your pickles ta perfection. And, b>- the w.>-, i/ thegalon u you bu>-doesn't haro the free recipe booki et, '<Plcking Sucete", attacaedl- write ». me lor it ... Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. Salade Are Cood FeY.,,., » Mati.Iran Ire Longdfor a serve a salad "fa.iry god- every day. And . . thW" ta ive good with inm exchange for g ~ai'. the aId? Weil, MIRAC LE . I know a. more Dressing. That's . ta thse problem the dressing af painful corna s thtcombines and calluses. It's Pheawu ts the livel>- lavour of boiled dresa- wonder-working ingredient ini BLUE-JAY Coru Plasters. Phcny- img with the smoothness of îiuoe gets right down vider the mayonnaise. It's made froni a corn and helpa psh it out from secret recipe known only ta Kraft. underneath ...t e frst really new Ba it car&'t bc copied. And it à !medication farcarnes and calluses deliion. li lielyyeteliate ni aven sevent>- ycars! 'Inactual delcios. ts ivey yt dlicte tests, Phenylium vent ta 'work flavoun makes every salad irre- 33% fasten and worked' 35%7 more oistible. My suggestion:- wheu marel>- than other lcading remedieu. you'rc shopping for fresh vege- Why don't you eajoy this wondcr- fol relief fromn painful fet? tables and fruits ta make Up yout ak for Blue-Jaya with Penylium daily salade, ask your grocer for &t your favourite 'drug counter Miracle Whip b>- Kraft. toda>-. Holiday* Are For Fou un s plan them for enjopuent. Often iWs the details that make ali the difference between fun and worry. For instance, it bothers me ta carry cash whea l'mi. travelling,. eo I carry Boaf M Travellers Cheques. If they're stolen, thcy're no ot the thief, because it takes the otoner'g r," ature ta make thein kaod. Ye, Boai M '"fvellers Cheques are foolpraof . .. they're & practical guarantee af a carefree vacation. Sa when you're xnaking uip your li st of things ta take on yonr holiday . .. you'll do weil ta put Travellere Cheques at the top. The>- cone in convenient amnounts of $10, $20, $50 and $100- and you can bu>- them at any branch ai the BANK 0F MONTREAL. You'll find them easy ta cash wherever you go-but oni>- V« un eh them. Like To Hear a Secret?-Here's my secret recipe for the best nustard pickles you've ever tasted. Finst of alI, be sure you have the following-HEINZ WHITE PICKLING - .- VINEGAR, KEEN'S DRY MUSTARD, WIND- SR COARSE PICKLING, SALT-and ta seal in the goodness of the pickles once they're donc - PAROWAX. MUSTARD PICKLES 3 bs.. mali pickling ;j cup Heen'a Dry cucumbers Mustard 4 ups Hins White 1/2 cup Windsor Course icklinq Vineqar Picklinq Sait 31/3 CUPS ua Wash cucumbers. Combine Hein. White Picklinq Vineqar. Kon'& Dry Mustard. Windsor Course Picklinq Sit and suqar. Hat ta boilinq. Add cucumbers end heat to boilinq. Quickly pack ont, hot, sterilised jar at a time. Fiti ta 17' £rom top. Be sure vinegar solution caver the veqetablus. Seuai ach jar with Parowax ut once. Yield: 7 pinta. ent questions, and with the re- plies from the editor, form one of the most interesting fMatures of the magazine. B.H.S. has anotner budding artist in the persan of Glen Dow- son who was responsible for most of the sketched illustra- tions through the magazine. It is reported that Glen intends to study Commercial Art, and this seems fitting from the evidence of his talent. It is interesting ta note that B.H.S. students take a live in- terest in conditions about tawn. Two neat pieces af satire, one in prose by Barbara Murdoch, Form IV, and one in verse by Ronald Turner, 3B, point up the deplarable condition of the au- ditorium in "Our Town Hall." Surely now that the students have added their voices ta the many others which have loudly and frequently urged the rede- coration of this fine concert hall, the Town Fathers will allow for this in the. budget next year without -fail. The variety and excellence of the material contained in the '53 Screech Owl makes it inter- esting readîng even for those who said good-bye ta their Ai- ma Mater many years ago, and recent graduates wan't want ta i miss it. When the pîctorial sec- tion cames through, copies willlg be on sale in Bowmanville book- stores. Talent, originality andhu r abound, and the new style of set-up is attractive. Contributing in large measure in the practical field were the girls in Senior Commercial who, under the su- pervision of Mrs. Adams, turned out a very neat job of typing and 13 stencilling, and Miss Novelda Berry, school secretLary, who did I the mimeographing work as a Fi voluntary contribution ta the df magazine.lbi Manvers Couple Living in Maniioba Married 50 Years (Cannan, Man. Leader) Mn. and Mns. Thomas Ah.- dread o! Carman, Man., celebra- ted their golden wedding anni- vensar>- on Thursday, Jul>- 1, at their home. Some 150 relatives and fniends called during the aftennoon. and evening ta offer their congratulations and besi viishes. Many beautiful gifts wene ne- ceived b>- the hononed couple and congratulato>- messages wene also received fram those unable ta be present. A four-tien anniv.ensar>- cake had been made for the occasion, and on the table wene pink and white carnations, a gift fnom IOntario. Ail kinds o! flowens, including a bouquet o! Yanma Gladioli fram the United Church W.A., decanated the receptian nooms. Mrs. Alldread's corsage was o! Yama roses. Receiving the guests wene Mn. and Mrs. Alldread's two sons, Clarence and Lamne. A son-in- law, William McRobbie, was in change o! the guest book. Mn. and Mns. Alldread were married at Pontypool, Ont., Jul>- 1, 1903. The late Dr. Mar- vin conducted the ceremony. Mn. Alldnead was barn August 7, 1873, at Manvens, Ont., whene he lived until after his mar- niage. Mns. Alldread, the former Pniscilla Milîs, was bonn Octo-t ber 12, 1884, also at Manvers, Ont. 'Mr. and Mrs. Alldnead met at their home town o! Manvens at an eanly age, and whene they bath attended the saine school. Thomas Alldnead bas always been interested and active in communit>- affains. Mrs. Ail- dread's intenests have been with variaus onganizations in the Un- ited Chunch, as well as wvith the Women's Hospital Aid and thel Best Food Under the Sun is MILK! MILK gives you MORE food value... M O R E energizing, health-building elements . .. MORE refreshmnent than anything else you can buy. for the money. Enjoy at least three glasses a day. It's GOOD and good for YOU! Here's health - and beaut>- - in a bottle: MILK! Make it your summer pep-up drink *..you'11 feel better -and look etr ip For your health's sake, drink more milk this summer. Serve It freely ta your family . . . en cereal., ini puddings and desserts, in cream soupa, by itself with useals ... and as a refreshing 'tween meais drink. Have our creamy, rich, farm-fresh milk delivered to your door daily. Phone 444. Blin Rae Dairy TELEPHONE 444 BOWMAiNV[LLE Wed in Double-Ring Ceremony A wedding af local interest was solemnized recent- y~ at Simcae Street United Church, Oshawa, when Mr. and Urs. Richard Charles Moses exchanged nuptial vows. ormenly Miss Eleanor Mary McRae, the bride is the laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McRae of Ajax and the ridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moses of ?ontypool. Carman Chapter o! the Orden mal graveyard where now theý a! the Eastern Star. cottages a! Cedarcrest are raised Following their marriage in as monuments. 1903, Mr. and Mrs. Alldread *. C* maved west and resicled for one AT THE COTTAGES and a haîf years in the Rase- The Anmstnangs were seen bank district. They then moved this week a"t thehi cottage on ta the Carman district, where The River Road for the finst they lived on a farm, moving tirne this season. ta town, upon their retirement, Mr. and Mrs. W. McCartneyi only nine years ago. were at Don-Lee this week-end They have four children, twa and report having had a very1 boys and two girls The sons5, restful boat trip out frorn Parti Clarence and Lamne, bath neside McNichol and visits ta friends in at Carman. One of the daugh- Muskoka, Georgian Bay- and tens, Elva (Mrs. Wm. McRob- Peterborough district. hie), lives at Carman, while the Mrs. James Walker o! Lam- other, Pearl iVrs. Pennant), is beth visited for a few days with o! Saskatoon, Sask. Ail of theI her daughter, Mrs. John Fox at. childresi, except for Mrs. Pen-Cequers. nant, were able ta be presnt Everyone at The Cave was for the anniversary celebrations. glad ta hear that Mn. W. H. There are ten gnandchildnen. Carlton had successfully under- Eronehis n J-rqiJL d. JaImc THE IJVE NOCTURNE One night lasi week 1 was awakened in the wee smali hours o! the morning by the sound o! rLîmbling wheels bump- ing down The C-Dve Road. It was anlv the garbage truck on is round of dutv but for me it vividly recalled one littie inci-i dent o! the pioneer Cove years.; There weî'e only four cottages then, each sepaiateul by a dis-, tance barely within calling range. When night feIl there was a deep blackiiess unbroken, by the fiendly glcan-io! elec- tric light. Excepi on a Saturday night, four yaung mnothers, each with a family of small children, wene the stout hearted warders of the place. At bedtime the' last detail ta be looked atter, was ta make sure that a whistle' on honn of sorte kind was safely tucked uhder the pillow and that a sturdy stick lay close at hand. A signal for help would bring the neighbours running. On one of thes.e nights auri household xvas awakened by the 1 bumping and rattling of wagon1 wheels aven the ruts of the road1 close beside the cottage win- ' dows. (At that lime The Cavei Road passed ight in front o!l the cottages at the top o! the bank where* now deck chairs are placed ta pravide a view o! the lake.) Mother was out of bed in a flash, whistle poised with a brave air in spite o! trembling limbs. Each o! us was given aur instructions either ta nemain safely hidden or ta, be neady at the head of the 1 stairs or ta watch carefullyl through the crack of a doar. The jwagon rumibled on, and as it passed, we glimpsed a farm! neatly covered with a tarpaulin' and guarded by two, men. Down' along the front o! the banik it went. on towvard The Little Lake and iril that stretch of beach now knawn as Cedarcrest. We saw the two lanterns hanging at each side of its plank seai now came ta a standstill. There the>- stood and waited. We waited and wondered. What was happening? Could it have been a niurder' Was the body being dumped into the lake ta disappear for ever? We could only conjecture. Back the lights came. We couid hear the' numbling wheels again. Past the' cottage once more andi on intoj the inky blacknes2ý. The danger' had passed and ,ve %went back ta bed toa aia, the norning. Enlighîcnent catie. Ih was anl>- another garbage wagon de- livering ta its last resting place' the body af a dead horse. There! it lies with manv of its equine and bovine rîcnidý in the ani- General Hospital. He has our little clouds which can grow into good wishes for a speedy recov- storms. ery. The service closed with a Mr. and Mrs. F. R. What- hymn and the president- pro- mough have bee'n spending a nouncing the benediction. busy two weeks putting the fin- About twenty-five children ishing touches ta their new cot- attended the Sunday School un- tage, Skybound. der the leadership of Miss Willa Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillips and Simpson who took as her lesson Sunny, en route by mbtor boat the parable of the sower and from Toronto ta the Trent Can- reaper. aI, stopped off for a brief visit ta Mrs. James White and John. Master Roy McKay has been PONTYPOOL having a holiday with his cou-___ sins at Daisy Deil Don't forget Decoration Day William Barrick has left for at Pontyp3ool Cemetery on Sun- two weeks at Camp Pinecrest, day, August l6th at 2.30 p.m. Muskoka. D.S.T. Paul Follett celebrated his Sryt ero h rgd eleventh birthday at bon-fire when a car crash took the life of on Monday night. Newton Arm-strong of Ballyduff Mr. and Mrs. George Harrap and injuring his two sons Ever- are back at The Cave after a et ai-d Garnet. trip up The Saguenay and a No news this week; busy with tour of Quebec City and Mon-I the election. May the best man treal. 1-; î CHAPEL-ON-THE-HILL The service at the Chapel-on- the-Hill last Sunday conducted by Mr. Robins and speaker Mr. Harrap, followed the usual or- den of opening hymn, invoca- tion and responsive reading. Mn. Bail led in prayer and Mr. Att- well conducted the hymn sing- ing period. The President an- nounced the Sunday School pic- nlic ta be held next Saturday, August 15, and the general meet- ing on Saturday, August 22. The speaker's subject was "Thej Gathering Cloud" and his text was taken from I Kings 18 :44. "And it came to pass at the sev- enth time that he said, Behold there ariseth a littie cloud out of the sea like a man's hand." The speaker described the cmr- cumstances cancerning thîs verse. how Elijah perfonmed a miracle ta offset the prophets of Baal, in bringing down firel ta consume the sacnificial animal after it had been soaked withý nain; and how Elijah went up~ ta tiunt Carme] and bade his' servant look ta, the sea; the sev- enth time the servant saw the' cloud like a man's hand. The speaker gave examples of occurrences which could be, compared ta a littie cloud, the depression which began in 1929,ý Hitler wha rose to pawer in 1933, the invention o! steam whic h led ta the industrial ne- volution, the tendency now for a levelling off ta result in a de- crease in individuality-all little clouds na langer than a man's hand, but which blew up into big starms. Small elements of hope can be also compared ta lile clouds, new translations of the Bible are best sellers taday, more at- tention is paid ta helping crin- inals,-these are examples of win.1 The Statesman SoId At Following Stores Trull's Store, Courtice Strong's Store, Part Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonvîlle C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton J. Riddell, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal - Bowmanvîlle - J. W. Jewell W. J. Berry Howes Smoke Shops Jury & Lovell Elgie Harndexf's Handy Store The Statesman Office FREEmi gMATINEE FREE! For èhildren Only -Conte Io owmanville - Shop Io Your Hearit's Content Dring your children with you then park them at the ROYAL THEATRE Every Thursday at 2 p'am. Vour children will be safe and well taken care of SHOP WITH THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS WHO SPONSOR TIS J. H. ABERNETHY Paint and Wallpapcrs W. H. BROWN, Farm Implements BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS and DYERS MARR'S JEWELLERY JEWELL'S "BIG 20" CHARTRAN'S MEN'S WEAR COWLING'S DRUTG STORE KNOX SHOE STORE SEVERN'S BAKERY THE RADIO SHOF MASON & DALE HARDWARE STORE MeGREGOR'S DRUG STORE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. SHOW: G. F. JAMIESON'S TIRE SHOP MeGREGOR IIARDWARE Ltd. WALKER STORES MIKE OSBORNE, Reading Coal TED WOODYARD, Appliance Store L. A. PARKER - Plumbing JURY & LOVELL DRUG STORE CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM STEDMAN STORE OLYMPIA CAFE PALMER MOTOR SALES HOWES SMOKE SHOP HIGGON ELECTRIC SMITH BEVERAGES WALKER STORES BUY YOUR ese K E N W O O."D BLANKETS NvOW $100D 0WN1 AND 50c PER WEEK Start now ta buy your Kenwood Blankets for Christmnas gifts, wedding gifts, showers, etc. It is Sa easy when you use ou>- simple lay-away plan. Simply choose your blankets fnorn aur large array, pay $1.00 down and then 50e per week until they are paid for. Corne in toda>- and see Our large selection. KENWOOD VICEROY in latest KENWOOD RAMCREST KENWOOD NORWAY Homie Decorating Shades PLAIN COLOURS CAMP BLANKETS (Line No. 48) One size only, 72x84. Ends bound with extra wide taffeta nibbon. Indîvidually boxed. COLOURS: Ivory white, Charm Pink, Sky Blue, Onchid, Maize, Turquoise, Lime, Grey, Wild Rose. KENWOOD RAMCREST BLEACHED WHITE (Line No. 36) One size only, 72x 90, whipped ends. Available in all white on with 2 colour bondens of Rose and Green, Blue and Gold, Green and Cedan. Cedar and Gold. Parcelled in pains. $13.50 (Line No. 33) Sizes 60 x 84 and 72 x 84. Ends bound with 4" satin ribbon. Individually boxed. COLOURS: Blue, Rose, Cedan, Peach, Green, Wine. KENWOOD FAMOUS PLAIN COLOURS (LUne No. 43) One size only, 72x84. Ends bound with extra xide satin ribbon. Individually boxed. COLOURS: White, Blue, Rose, Cedar, Gold. Peach, Burgundy, Turquoise, Green. $16*95 (LUne No. 53) One size, 66x84. Whipped ends. Individually pack- aged, IN THESE CHECK COLOURS: Brown and Tarn, Red and Black, Blue and Black, Green and Black. Also Red with Black bonder and Tan with Brown border. KENWOOD FAMOUS FLORALTINT (LUne No. 46) One size only, 72x 84. Ends bound with extra wide satin ribbon. Charming tone-on- tone effects. Individually boxed. COLOURS: Larkspur, Zinnia, Jun- iper Green, Wood Rase. $1,.E,5 KENWOOD BABY BLANKETS KENWOOD RAMCREST BABY BLANKETS (LUne No. 35) Size: 36 x 50. Edges whipped on the four sides. In- dividually packaged. COLOURS. Light Blue, Pink, White. e5650 - 7*5O PHONE 451 ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" BOWMANVILLE KING ST. EAST j KENWOOD FAMOUS BABY BLANKETS (LUne No. 50) Size: 36 x 50. Bound ail anound with satin ribon. In- dividualiv boxed. COLOURS: Light Blue, Pink, White. 1 - THE CANADIA'N STATESMAX, T30WMAliVMtE. ONTARIO PAGE TI-MEI 1 une nis operation at ustiawa 1 de ýmm ý -

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