'rHURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1953 ion is 'nv ted and it should be PLAYGROUND PATTER CENTRAL SCHOOL A week ago Friday afternoon Saw about 40 children partici- patlng in a playground circus Under the direction of Miss Ca- role Tuerk and Brian Van Nest W~j was the playground spe- t1Ivent for the week. Costumes included, the fat mnan, cave lady and cave man, lonbareback riders, thel baedlady, a drum majorette Blue Bonnet Sue, the Ring Mas- ter and numerous other coniven- ces. The costume winners were as Iollows: Most humorous - Larrv Tay- lor as the fat man, with' Rose- Mary Goheen as the clown coin- ing a close second. Prettiest costume- Ricky Taylor as the fat lady and Col- leen Coombs as Blue Bonnet Sue. Most authentic - Joanne Led- dy as the Drum Majorette and!j Lorraine Taylor and Bill Cob- ban as the cave man and hi,; wife. Most original -- Carol Massey as the bare back rider and Jean- nette Boe as the bearded lady. First in the "most freckles: contest" was Paul Hancock and Ted Cramp had second best. Honoux-s of having the widest grin went to Paul Hancock and Judy Jeffery, and they also cop- ped the honours of having the fun-iest laugh. Best whistler, (Yankee Doo- Have that ... DOOR GLASS OR WINDSHIELD Installed Now While You Wait JOE COGPER'S Service Station BOWMANVILLE r 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 Dowma Boy S PAPER wiJl be h THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Principalsin Newcastle Ceremony monUJ FRANKLIN PARKj Mrs. Shane is Reeping them occuipied at Franklin park with ~ numerous activities and last 4e Friday they too had a circus day byDNSA? and the following were the prize - by DO SHA! winners: * Fortune Teller-Barbara Han- Cheetumson; Snake Charmer. Darla die) - Patsy Cetm Sharon Shane; Strong Man, Neil McGre- 1Kilpatrick. gor; Trapeze Artist, Mary Mun- day; Robuck, Michael Shane; Darkest tan - Shiaron Kilpat-Fa Ldy erl Wigt rick. Audrey Sýicer.Fa Lay Berl Wigt Bearded Lady, Elaine MuPher- Judged best for the bluest son; Clown, Frankie Shane; eyes were Larry Rogers and Trick Cowgirl, Christy Samis; Lorraine Taylor with Mary Las- Majorette, Shirley Patfield; Cir- karis and Brian Hughes having cus Barker. Grant Wright; Can- the brownest eyes. dy Seller, Kathy Russell. In the sore toe race Sharon MEMORIAL PARY Kilpatrick came first with Bni- Lots doing ibis week, in the an Martin hopping a close sec- modeling field. The children at ond. the park are engaging in asbcs- Sharon lÇlpatrick and Mary tos modeling and plan to create Laskaris came first ii. the wheel-1 a miniature setting of a circus. barrow race, Brian Hughes and During a story telling period Brian Martini ran second.I when ail the children are gath- Having to run while holding ered around Miss Pîîrdon who your ankles was cailed the duck is vainly trying to portraY the 1race and Archyv Crcssey follow- different parts in the story it is '. . ~. ed by haronKilpatick ~ somietimes hard to kee-p the rapît .4 that Crne. attention of ail the childreîi. At .- Ione point in the story, a disturb- îThe tug of!,%ar contest saw ance xvas nuite lioticeable and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Charles Farr prepare to cul fiv tLms rvig ot fr te MssPurdon lookod up 10 sec the w'edding cake at the recept ion follo\ving their marriage charinp;ofshîpandaJr.)am con,- who was causing the commio- in Newcastle United Church, Saturdav, August lst. The sistin o De Jr.) Higon, tion. No need of hier to spcak ýbride is the former __Marion Gertrude Rickard, daughiter PaulHancckJohnHancckhowever, one littie guy turned Jim Moorecraft and Kingsley to the fellow next to hirnadof irs. W. J. S. Hickard. Newcastle, and the late Mr'. VanNeub er tae he onwn ns (o said, "Be quiet and listen to tiie Rickard, and the groom is the son of Mlrs. Wm. Farr ai-d dobtDa eHgn.w) nco radio." the late Mr. Far'î of Toronto. The couple wili reside in The officiai judge was Jixn ONTARIO ST. SC1HOOL Toronto. Photo by Stuti1 Clarke wvith Mrs. Cobban and Under the guidance of M\1issý the two supervisors keeping the Helen Cole, the Ontario St. half inning 3-3. Il was the bot- Acdel an TIf4 activityv in the '"three rings" go- Playground had a big day lasti tom hiaif of the inning .vith lA cÂALt an J.ff ing like maci. Friday %&hlen their special eveni Ajax at bat. and they were bc- Last Frîday tiîey had an In- vas in progress.l ginning to get to Archie Nvith K e oieB s dian Day at Centrai School with Ail the children brou ght theirý three on and nobody out. Bov - I N wcste una squaws and warrors and big lunch and stayed right on the inanville WLas in trouble. Geo.Jf ewale un y Chiefs dressed in auitheic look- grounds ail da . ennett xvent inin pitch b(li wus ing garb even to the papooses YoL Cani imagine hec exasper- Cabcl1iru'U CurI vanstone cami-e strapped to the back of the In- ation whien 42 young aspirants in Io catch and Archie tilled the Thrce car accidents and two dian "ladies'. of vini vigor and vitality ait got! short stop siot lft xvacant by theft cases kePt Police Chie! Art The programme consisted of together 10 have fun. %aistone. Randali of Newcastle buusv' over a counicil ring where they bur- Miss Cole lhad asked Miss Bey ' .JocL'ý pitchied a m1arvelous re- the week-end. On Stiînday' w\hile îed the hatchet and smoked the Cowling to come (lown and give îlicr joli strilking out the first 'lhe was directing traffic on- Newv- peace pipe and then got down hier a hand in kcepung every- thrce batters, one, two, thi(e. castle's main street hie investi- 10 bhc business of challenges thing under control and she No dainage \vas <jone to eithuer gatLd tlirec accidents wvhich al The talk lest was woli by lielped considerably in thîs ei- team, in Ille sevenith inni.ng bt occurred within 10 minutes. A]] D'Arcy Lynne, the bat boxing fort. 13owmanvîl put three across three were rear-cnd collisions by Ralph Clarke, the "freeze" During the lunch bouc, several in top of Ille cighth with 10re with damnage amounting to contest (staring in the eye) was contests were under way includ- taliation from Ajax ini the last, about $200. won by Jim Lynne. Many other ing a guessing the number of, haîf which gave Bowmanv"'illo Both thefts were from- the cars contests includ ed Whistling fest, allies in the jar contest whieh1 the xin 6-3. 1of American touîrists parking in hand push, toe tilt, band wros- was won by Alvin Masterýon1 Unfortunately Joey Kennet Newcastle overnight. A pair of tle, husband calling contest and who bit it t'iglit on the nose, sprained bis ankle going int bin)cuulars xvas stoien from one a roostor fi ght. Other winners wero as fol-, homne plate and couldn't pitch car and a camera andt attaci-- Tomorrow for their special lows, in order of lst, 2nd and 1 in the next game against Lind-1 ments from the othor. I each event the leaders have a track 3rd:i sav. Howevor Bob Mai-jerrison, 1 case the right froni air v'ent had and field meet lined up in pre- Most clothes pins; Carol and Archie Crossex' tried hard been forccd open to give access paration for the closing day Brooks. Molly Gimnblett, Car- as did the whole tean but were to the unside door latch. celebration at the Cream of Bar- olyn Piper; 5 and undeî': Don bcaten out by a bard hitting- ley arkon he 1stof ug. McMurter, Cristal Gimblett, Lindsay Club and iost the game ley N' PakontEN2TRE Ag Barb Cowan; Girls 6 and 7: Jean 8-3. N IL LIONS CETREColo, Carolyn Piper, Lynda Rhy- The production "Who Killed der; Boys 6, 7, 8: Jim CoN le, FAN MAIL ____ Cock Robin" will go on display Auther Foran, Moly Gimblett; Received a letter this xveek in Mrs. E. Prescott with Mr. and at the litIle theatie off Beech Girls 8, 9: Conniç Henning, Don- regard ta the notations made in Mr.s. J. S. Eddyvean, Clarke Un- Axe, about 2.00 p.m. ibis Fniday na Maguire, Marg Cowan; Boys the column Jast week regarding ion. (to-morrow).' 9, 10: David O'Rourke, Roy Wc ,s- the Town Softball Leagute. Mran s.CliNdey 'Producer" Pat Smith has ley , Anthony Mo],loy; Girls 10 We wisb Io say thank vou for r and MilTrt. ain.NPas- things well under way with and over: Diane Ferg'on dayuicinterest ta the young ladlyan miTont.aW.Ps Jean Cully starrj.ng as the Judge. Goulah, Josie Brooks: Boy s 11,1 who wrote in andi agrcee i'îîî coe's. Linda Purdy as the Pacson and 12: Harold Mutton, Lowoll Ui-gi-: hec points on thie (011 side or the Mc. antd Mrs. F. Samis and Irwin Colwell as the Sparrow.1 field, Alvin Mastertun;Boys 13 argument. It is unfortiinate familv vith Mrs. L. Samis, To- Al the characters are, busily 1anîd over: Derw'yn Hignhfield. îm l l 1er cannaTayborprndtcd ranto. memnorizing their linos and gel-1 Masterton, David Vivian. Skip- due 10 the unsigning of your TTalrndAanwh ting their costumes ready at the j ping backwards: Karen McMur-! naine bit may 1 suggest a beau'- Mr. and Mrs. Les Jobnston, To- playground in preparation for tor 176, Jean Cule 125, Josie 1119 aid ai the futilre gamareS. ronto, x'.ho bave recently re- the big event ibis Friday. Everv- Brooks 111. Pie Plate Race: AI-' lHope you enjoy the rest of turncd from England. vin Masterson, High Smale, Jini1 the Seasoli. Mr. and Mr-S. M. Samis, Miss Masterson, John Gibbs, Loxvelli _ Elsie Sanîis. Mrs. J1. Pierce, New Higbfîeld, Harold Mutton. Wbe] Jcr.ýey, U.S.A., with lMr. and Mrs. barcow race: David Vîvian, Der-j R. Nichols, Port Carling. wyn Highfield. Jimn Masterson, Mr. and Mî's. T. Lang and Harold Mutton, Lowell Highfield. Lindca. 'Mr. A. MacRae. Toron- inville John Gibbs. Marshmallov o *,Ms . oE. Scolad, wlithy string: Jim Masterson, Larry Pi- 'is'.Solnwt per. Alvin Masterson. Craekers Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. and whistle: Jim Masterson, !Urc. and Mrs. G.. Bowman u t Lowell Highfield, Don Master-' and Roland at Mc. t-. Mankcy's, son, Balloon: Molly, Gimblett. Brooklin. Jean Cole, Author Encan.* Mosýt Miss MaryvHlen Bownîaîî clothes pins in bottle: Dian)e lias a position in tbb Bank of mFergu.son, Lynda Msesn omre saa M -Vincent MolloyComTreasure Hunt: O K I V C ~~Vincent 'Molo, BilliHenning.1i'~ x"r Ms ne six .hl -DI EDavid Vivian, Lowell Highfiaeld,ý": LONG SAULT eld ~Bill Henning. Most Peanuts, un- Friday, August 2lst starting at 6 p.m. Citizens are requested ta have their papers tied and pJaoed on the boulevard in front of their homes. - Your co-operation is gratefully appreciated - Dear Donald Orono, ont., August 12, 1953 Donald McLaren, Sky Harbour Airport, Godericih, Ont. flear Donald: We note you ehected a Tory ln Huron. Did net do se well here. Voted as often as we dared but wound up a couple hundred short. 1 believe fcar was the big stick this time, fear of what a change might brin&. It was well used and %von the day. I our budding ail business we nicet tbe same old enemy. Some people (car they w-ill be lef t without a supply if they change to the local dealer. We know we *i,- better able to supply the local tradte - berause we ihe dependable modern equipment and best quality o11, because we can give personal attentionu and service to each customer, beeause w. will hav'e by Faîl 10,000-gallon star- age at our yard ini Orono and 50 million gallons available from our suppliers, Liquifuels Ltd., w~ho bave largest star- age facililties in Canada. We are out for customers who canaot be frightened by the boogey man,. bar. lu the past week ive have unloaded two cars of Reading coal and will have another in before the weekend. To-day Arehie 'la away to Toronto for another load of aqialt shingles. doors. arborite and tit. board. Have nothlng to report on the skunk derby but I <et a new trap from Bud to-day and expert to do better. Tihe baby bas been real good and we will be sers-y te lve her up when hber folks return fromn hoilday. this week. - Bye for nom'. son. SEE MrLAREN. 48 r 16, Orono. sie Brooks 20, Harold Muttoni 18. Most Peauus, under 7: De- loris Morris 23, Lynda Gibbs 21,1 Wayneo Gimbloît 17. The person haviîîg won thie most number o! ribbons wxas taý be declared the chanmpion o! Ibet playgnotund and b > btcecnd of1 the day it asfound tuaI Jimn Mastorson was bbc winner. O.B.A. BANTAM.NS Tlîe local Bantanu beamn coach- cd andi managed by Charlue Van- clone and Tom Gatcheîl aie in ii tic wvith Cobourg aîîd are ex- pectcd to stant a playof! session this xeek. - Saw their hast gaine on Satrur-j day îîighît at tbc B.HS. grouuîdsf agaiîîst Port Hope and it vas a thriller riglît up ta bbc last ball pitched. The score m-ac3.-2 four Poit rHope in theiclas1_ ou the seventb nf a socen uîîuung oall ganie. Twn wvere out John Lun £aine to fbat. John xvho is îîiot repuuted bu i h a bitter but inîproving ail the lime got on irst with a slice ai the bail wbhicb went over second ta centre field. He stohe second iand got on third through a rnî down errai' charged ta bbe thîi' baseman. The nai at tlue plate, was little Lloyd Stainton. Tue first 1w o pitches were halls.--' Chai-lie Vauistone sent Luioruin, on a sqtieeze---fouh :--next pitei was a hall. Luniî goes un again, -foui. Thcy tcy thie sq'iefee again and again Lloydie gets a' pioce of the hall and she goes4 foui. The count is t broc and; twa. two are out here's the pibch--SMASI Little Llacdie bits a HOMER to ight field Iu %inî the hall gane 4-3. Tbe icani look good iii thpir new sweaters oonated by W. H. Brown, Implemeîît Dealer, at the w'est end of town. LINDSA.Y TOURNAMENT A local teain in the Pee Wee groîîpîng jnurnieyed up ta Lin d- say ast Saturdav morîîîîg wut Mr. Marjerrisoiî, Andy TI.mp son and nîyseif makuîîg wibh bue! tranisportatin. Murrac MINcKîight got blie iboys togetiet' and liad a coi iple of practices before bbc big day uamre up and bbc firsl teani w,%e met were Ajax. Loti larder Archie Crossey~ stIaried and t výa.. a tue hall garne at the end uf six and. a The Silent Self-Winder FITTED WITH THE FAMOUS 18-RUBY JEWELLED ROLEX PERPETUAL SELF-WINDING MOVEMENT Wom for just 6 hours, it will run with remcrkable î accuracy.1 Drop ini and sec our %%ondertil selection of PERPETUIA OYSTER MATCHES Trade-in vour old -watch on the best w~atch, from $95 - at HOOPER'S UWMELLERY AND GIFT SHOP Phone '447 28 King St. %V. Bovmanville l PAGE THIRTEEN 1 Additional Classified CARD OF. THANKS We wish to thank Dr. Binks and ail the kind neighbours and fniends who were so heipful in our sad bereavergent. Mrs. Booth and famil. 33-1 We wish ta express sincere r thanks and appreciation 10 our many fniends who were so kind 10 us during bur recent bereave- ment and also to thank themn for the beautifuil floral offer- ings. Mrs. J. Willis and famnily. 33-1 1 wish 10 thank mx' friends and relatives for the loveiy cards, fruit and flowers and cig- arettes sent ta me during my stay in hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Keith Slemon and Dr. Birks. and nurses of Mem- onial Hospital, Bowmanville. Lawrence Larnici'. 33-l* In theie idst of my sorrow 1 wisb to express ni" heartfelt thanks and appreciation to m - many friends and relatives and îîeighbors for their kindnoss and sympatlîy sho\wn me in the loss o! a doar husband, Norman Bur- gess. 1 wish ta thank Dr. Ma- coosis, Dr. Russell and nuirses of Oshawa Hospital for all they did for Norm. 1 especiall *y wish bo thank Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. Collacutt for their kindness to Norm duning his illness. Mrs: Norman Burgess. 33-1* T wish ta exoress to mv fi'iends, relatives and neighbours my heartfoît thanks and apprec- iation foi' acts of kindîîess. mness- ages of sy.mpatby and l)eautiful' floral tributos extended ta me in m v recent sad bereavement in bbc loss of my dear sister, Adeline E. Lindsay. My special thanks to Dr. C. W. Siemon, Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Austin: ta the nurses of Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanx'ille; ta the bearers. and ta Rev. H. A. Turner for bis consoling words o! comfort. Eleanor M. Mclndoo. 1 33-1* 1IN MEMORIAM LE-In proud and every loy- ing memory of oun dean son and brother, B65607 Pte. Harry Robent Lee, killed in action near Caen, France, August 121h, 1944. We little thougbt when leavîng home He would no more return That lie in death so soon would sleep And beave us here to mourri. We do not know the pain ho bore We dld flot sec hin die Wc only know ho passed away And nover said goodbye. He died, the helpless ta detend, A faitbful soldier 10 the end. .-Lovingly reernbered by bis mother and sister Alice. TH.OMPSON-In loving memory of aur br-other,,Pte. Normani E. Thoffipson, wbo died in action in France, August 9th, 1944. If we coutd spcak with you Iodai'. Laugh with you in the same old waî', And hear your voice and sec your srnile, Thon lite indeed, would be worthwhile. ---Ever remembered by siuters and brothers. 31-if Tenders TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLAE TENDER FOR SIDEWALKS Tenders %vill ho recpived by thc undecsignod untit 5:00 p.m., ,lVednesday. August 19th, 1953, sccessful dinionstrat ion al, bbc for tbc constru.jction of approx- homre o! Mis. Walter Vaneykj imatelv '2,500 lîneal feet of Wednesday eveiîing. I cernent sidewaik, mostly replace- Sbelagb aiîd Kenneth \itMicphv mnts, on x'arious stî'ei i h spent, several da 'vq wîthî theiir Town, sidewalks la be a min- gcandnîalîec. Mrs E. Murpby 1 imum of 4 lineal boches in depth. anid Mc. and Mrs. H. Miurphyv. Contrachor bo state tbc percent- Mc. and Mrs. Fred Smith and age mix. pnice per square foot Miss Grace Smîithî were Salon- and date the work will be com- da 'y cvoning guesîs af Mc. and pleted. Mr ý. Roy' Maynard. Tycane. i Lowest or any tender not neces- MUrs. Edith Ivurphy and Mr. sarily accopted. jjack AIîceson accompanied M.Bwavîe Aug. 111h, 1953. aîud Mcs. Walter Muirphî ' ta Pc- A. i. le, Cleck. terboro on Saturuiay t0 attend i3- Dcccv Dav. 3- Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Bakierl and familv with Mr~. aîîd Mrs.1 Notice Io Credifors Lloyd W'ebb, Druuîn.1 Mcc. Jas. Dickson. Oroîo, lia s -- been visiuing Mirs. May' Johns IN THE ESTATE 0F FREt)- and MINI. and Mirs. Gordonî Ba-1 ERICK CHARLES MARTYN. keriVIs. icknn nd cs.late cf 'thc Town of Bowmaii- Jobn s pent be weeand iii c- jville, iii the (2nuntv (if Durhanm, Jons pntt\aeknd intuOrue Rebiced Clerk, deceased, wbn 1 Bke hme n ogan li ried at Baw,,nianville oui or abolit M B and hm .on MiDa .v. ad the 161h day ot June, 1953. Mn. nd is.DonDac an THE TRUSTEE ACT, R. S. O. girls, Mcc. Cuo. Beno aîîd daugh- 11950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. ter and Mc. Tom Nesbitt. Osh- erdtc n ohr aiî awa wec Snda1vsitons withb daims against the above Estate Mr. and Mcc. G. Kovacs andar euedtsndpricls Gabriel. aerqie asn atclr Mc. nd Ms. R Simand î and full proof thereof ta bbe un- Mr.iaMrs C . uxxad Mr. dersigned an or before the 151h rMand Mrs. . m. Siudn, Osn-t day of September, 1953, atter Mr. nd rs.Wrn Si, Oti-wbiclî date tbe assets of the j awa. aIt their cottage at Haro- Fstate will be distributed having W. A.will e hel regard t0 the Will and Io the T . usA. mneetingîig hehedjaims thoîî received. Tsdvevenuîug, Aug. 18 at thc DATED ah Bowmanvillp this MurphY homne. 11 th dav of August, 1953. Sui. ' vtuo report Mcc. Wm. La wrence C. Mason, Peiuwardeiilias beemi on tbc sick Barnister, etc., lis . Hope she wilIl soon umprove. 30 King Street West, Mc. and Mr,. L. Boonstra, Bowî%,nanville. Ontario. ibollarud Mai sb, spenb the week- Solicitor for tbc Executors. 'mnd with Mc. and Mrs. \Valtpr 33-3 Varievk anud xisutecl Mr. and Mc., liaroid DeMille, Buinketon, on IS R NC Mn. and Mus. A. Vandyke, 1 . Single Sales Cost also of Ilolland "Mârsli, were 2. Semni-annual Payments Wedi-r. davYilue-ts at the Van- 3. Seleeted ('areful Driver% eY k home. 4. Sa vints Shared Mutually Mr. J. Travus, Chîase Cutv', Va. U.S.A., arrived Sonda:, -ta spend ]DIRIK BRINKM4AN the npxt six we.ks curiuîg toliar- KIGTNR.E co on thc Vaoc'* k lubacco facm. RKI4,STON RD. F.. Mn-f. and 'Mcr. Roc McLaugh- R. . PH OIE NV25 L lini, Donna and D)enni., Black- POE22 stc.were Suuîday guests ah Stie Fara Nqutulâ the Murphv honme. - -- AUýTOMOBIL-E INSURANCE Co. 33-2 If %-ou hapve uroat talents, in- dustry \ill im prove themn; if Working and praying wihh moderate abilities, ind'ustry wiil truc motives, your Father will SUPPlv ilheir defucuencues. - Sir open the way.-Mary Baker Ed- Joshua Reyniolds,. dy. 1 Canada's Record in Korean War RHas Lisied 383 Fatal Casuallies Ottawa-The Korean war bas w ounded in action. 98 injured cost the Canadian Armv in the; in action, and le pi'isoners et Far East a total of 383 fatal cas- war. Twa former pnisoners of ialties from al] cause s since first xvar were exchanged and repa- troops of the 251h Canadian In- triated eaulier Ibis year. fantry Brigade Group landed in, Many Decorations Japan and Korea labo in 1950. In During thc peniod of Cana- addition, Army Headquqarters: dia annoncedtoda. on solie r ;san wparticipation inthie Kor- missing but presuined 10 bo dead cai' a total of 338 Commion- and a furthor 27 are listed onlywa]hdcrtosadm as as missinýg. Their fate is still un- adsxfri dcrtosx'r awardod 10 officers and meni uf deternined.the tlîrec Canadian Services, 0f the 383 fatal casualties, 293 the majority going ta the Army\. wero dircctly attribuutable .to These included one Conîpanion enemy action and the uemaining, of the Most Honourable (Drder 90 ta training accidents, vehicle of the Bath, thcee Commandeis accidents, ii a t u r a 1 causes.' o! thb_ Aost Excellent Order ot drownings, burns and infections the British Empire. 13 Officers including haemorrhagic fever, nof the Most Excellent Order of and other causes. Seventy-ninej the British Empire, 13 Officers of the 90 occurred in Korea of the Alost Excellent Order (if and Il in Japan. 1bbc British Empire, six Diýs un- The Arnîy also listed today a, giislîed Service Ordeis. nuie total of 1,113 officers and mieiu Bar ta the DSO. 35 AIenîbeis of ---____ - -thbe Most Excellent Order cffthîi' British Empire. one Royal licd Combines Defeat Croqs, 24 Ailitary Crosseýz, eo Port erry -O onue Bac ta the DCM, one George Port Pery 8-0Medal. 48 Militai-v M\edals. 14 British Empire Mledals anîd 183 (B3.vFrank AMobun) i Mentioiîs-in-Despatches. In a game hield in bbe Port! Foreign awards included bwa Pccry fairgrounds on Tuesday of the United States Legion o! îiibt. tlîe Boxvmunville Coni- r Menit (Degrce of Officer) and bines sent bbc Port Percv Chiefs fouir cf the tTinited States Aur down ta an 8-0 defeat iin an ex- Modal. lîibitioîu tilt. Thp Bowmnanvilte ccew pullcd off two fast double plays la stop the haine team's Ecorionî'y is a distributive vir- onilv rallies, tue, and consists not in saving Bob Gallagher xvas in control, quiires no providence, no saga- al the wav, tbcowing a one-hit- city. lia powers of conîbination, ter xith Williamîs gettiiîg tlîe icmprsnnoud eit- Chiefs' lonie base-kîîock. jBîurke. Leading hitteî's toc the Coin- r ___________ bines vcre John Stainton, Bob Gallagber, Butch Cote and Frank Mohuni wibh two hits Stafford Bros. caco. Dadson. FaIts and Parker eahpicked up oîîe hit fora ota'o eleven. Monumental Works Bowinanville scoî'ed 3 rias unJ the first inning. 2 in the fourth, Phone WVlutby 552 1 in the fiftlî and 2 in the sev- 1 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby enth. Port Perry h as vawed ta eveiî FINE QIJALITY the :series when tliese twa îeams MONUMENTS AND clash again on Sunday, Atiguït MARKERS 16 at 2.30 p.m. 1 RH El P. P. Cliiefs 000 000 0-0 1 3 B. Combines 300 210 2-8 Il 4 Bowmanviile Combines-Dad- son, cf; Colo, ss; Gallagher, p; Falls, c; Parker, lb; Stainton, If; Mobun, 2b; Cowling, rf; Lane. 3b. Precuse workmanship and caretul attention ta detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection o! imported and domcstic Granites and Marbles in stock. SAVE NOW on new Refrigerators .and Deepireeze Units Vos, caine in and se aur stock of New Refrig. erators and Deepfreeze Units and you will be sur- prised how much -you can save. A large number of models and sizes from which to choose - and to fit every purse. SEE THEMI TODAY. W. H.RROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery Firestone Tires I)eLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment KING T. W.PHONE 4117 Make YEO'S YOUR HEAD- QUARTERS FOR ORCHARD FRESHI PEACHES 'We are now receiving large quantities of Fresh Peaches at Popular Prices. COME IN AND CHOOSE VOURS TO-DAY. Pickling Supplies Make this your Headquarters for Pickling Supplieq. We carry a complete stock of Preserving Needs- Ev'erything froni Jars te Spices. Phone Your Order ini To-day. FREE DELIVERY Y EO 'Sm Meais and Groceries 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 'PHONE 3367 à "3" al" 9 elb 1