Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1953, p. 11

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?!f Xf r %Ây ATW*?m¶' ru iye ..z- M# TAESMN.IO MAN LE. ?iA- -WGE--lE Clarke Town.ship Council Finally Sels Tax Rate for lte Year 1953 ÏWAL a- Vi - - -a * bA no wiaurono viîagi Clarke Township Councîl was ld on August 4wth aIl mem- bers present. Reeve H. Lowery was in charge. The question o! oiling the roads was deait with. It was de- eided ta patcb and calcium the east end o! Park Street and the north en& of Centre Street for F tbeemainder of this yean. %'93ese vouchers were ordered p=- :Rond Voucher $4558.55 and General Voucher $ 1000.00. A by-law to raise the neces- sary rates in the Township of Clarke for year 1953 was passed. A rate for Counties purposes for 1953, o! 10.7 milîs on the dollar. A rate for Township purposes for 1953 of 10.5 milîs on the dol- lar which by reason of the prov- incial subsidy Act, now cancel- led, is reduced by one mill on the dollar and will be made up ini the torm o! a grant by the FPM nfiTRD ta relax in the den- tist's chair ? Then you'll bc glad to know that the dentist's drill now bas a rival - a new device which "drills" teeth by means of a fine q-ray of aluminum oxide powder. They say the new technique takes Ie "ucrOn of having a both fixed. Manufacturersin,1many fields bep coming up with new uses for aluminum. And aur regcarch people are often called on for belp in finding a remedY for their production aches and pains. Many times the resut is another Cana- dian plant opening up te make a new and useful aluminum pro- duct. Aluminuni Company o! Canada, L d.4.4.can). e Rate 45,5 11115 Province of Ontanio on the basis of the 1948 assessment. A rate ron TownshIp General School purposes for 1953 as per Bill 190 cited in the Consolidat- ed Public School Act 1920 and Amendrnents thereto o! 4.6 mills on the dollar. A rate for Hydro Street Ligbt- ing purposes in Newtonville of 2.1 milîs on the dollar. A rate for Hydro Street Light- ing purposes in Kendal o! 2.6 miihs on the dollar. A rate for the Ganaraska Ri- ver Conservation Authority pur- poses of 5 milis on the dollar to raise $1400.00 each year for the years 1952-56 inclusive. A rate for Durham County District High School purposes of 4.6 milîs on the dollar. The total tax rate for those living within tbe ' village of Onono and in Scbool section No. 12 the total mill rate will be 46.9 milîs or $46.90 for every $1000. o! assessment. Merrywood Camp For Crippled Children To Build Swim Pool Meeting of The Mernywood- on-the-Rideau Camp committee, held recently at Perth, in con- junction with the Camp Annual Open House. Hall Popbam o! Ottawa, President of the On- tario Society for Crippled Child- ren, announced that plans bave been approved for the enection o! a swirnming pool costing $7,500 to be in operation for the 1954 camping season. This will mean that there will be swimming pools in each o! the Society's three camps. Be- sides Merrywood, camps are la- cated near London and Colling- wood. Rotany Clubs of Brockville and Prescott have each pledged $500 for this fund and ' t is expected that niany more o! the Easter Seal Service Clubs in the Area will follow suit. Other presenta- tions made ta the Camp build- ing fÙnd include $1,000 fram Ottawa Rotary Club, $800 from Brockville Rotaians and a $500 donation from the Rotany Club of Perth. Close ta five bundred guests witnessed the seventy-two crip- pIed campens at play which in- cluded games of basebaîl, swim- ming, boxing, field gamnes and ended up witb a sing sang and More money was spent in men's clothing stores in Canada~ in. 1952 than in women's cloth- ing stores-$204 million in the former, $202 million in the lat- ter.1 AFA OUSEHOLD FINANCE %M ame&n 14m, , s..î ~e.ph.. O"m-1139 OSHAWA, OWL POT NOPE BRANCNa 71 Wa»M St, 2nd floor, pm..3000 "Oshawa Wood Products Ltdu Sent me over!", Protert the life of your car with a sturdy garage. We can supply you with the lumber and b ~ding materials you'II need. . . give you helpful ,~s if you want to do the job yourself. A single car garage à double car garage -$18.00 a month *$27.00 a month DRIVE IN FOR YOUR PLANS Diii 2130 Bow.anville or 3-4661 Oshawa Oshawa Wood Products Ltd, Yard and Mil ai Courlice HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carrol. Port Hope, were visitors at the home of Mrs. W. G. Doidge on Friday. Mr. W. G. Giffler. Sunderland, with Mr. and Mrs. Thero Mountjoy. Miss Madlyn Wilcox, Bow- manville, at A. E. Billett's. Miss Grace Kersey with her brother, Rev. T. M. and Mrs. Kersey at Plainfield. Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dew- ell. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clem- ens and Mr. and Mrs. D. Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reyn- olds, London. Mr. and Mrs. R. Burgess, Tyrone, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. David Reynolds, London, was a visitor with the Clemens boys. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy spent a few days at Con- way Garden& Camping Park, Port Perry. Ross Williams spent a couple of weeks with his cousin, Murray McMullen, Trenton, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and Gary, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hepburn and Audrey, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Quarry. Miss Reta Kerslake, Toronto, with the Salters. Mr. J. R. Reynolds visited friends here during the weekend. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Rack- ham, Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, Johnny and Judy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Enni- skillen.' Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina, witb Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Herrîng, Oshawa, with Miss Wilma Leach. Miss Nancy Johns is a patient in the Western Hospital, Toron- to, where she underwent an operation on Thursday. Her many friends wish for ber a speedy recovery. Glad to hear Mr. Cecil Lock- wood's condition is somewhat improved though he is stili con- fined to the General Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy attended the Decoration Service at Cadmus and called' on friends. Sunday Scbool will be held Sunday next at 10 o'clock and church service at Il o'clock in- stead of in the evening. W.M.S. members beld a suc- cessful sale of home cooking at Mrs. A. L. Blanchards cottage, Williams' Point, on Saturday af! ternoon. Our Women's Institute niem- bers. 30 in ail, enjoyed a trip by Garton bus on Thursday after- noon to the lift locks at Kirk- field, and visiting Coboconk and Fenelon Falls where a splendid' picnic supper wàs enjoyed att the lake and later a delightful boat trip, They returned borne about 9:30 with pleasant thoughts of a profitable outing. BROWN'S Mn. and Mns. . Stan Couch and Linda visited with Mn. and Mrs. H. Sinclair, Toronto, for a week and called on Mn. and Mrs. J. Hantwick, Susan and Diane, and aIso journeyed to Lake Simcoe, Port Perry and Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson and Jimmy spent a day in Toronto and visited with Mr. and Mrs. J..Hatwick, Su.san and Diane. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinclair and Lanry, Toronto, returning homee from a weekend at Rice Lake, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Curson and Jimmy. The flu is going around the district. Mrs. J. Curson and Jim- my and Mns. Archie Brown and Roy have been sick witb it. We wish tbem a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Couch and Linda visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hicks and farnîly Sunday afternoon. Miss Maureen Mllroy, Mr. Rus.sel Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Watson journeyed to Buf- YOUR EYES andt f Vision Re-written from - - previous copyigt - copright C. H. Tuck, Optometriat 4*11 Disney Bldg. i-ý Opp. P.O. OSHAWA - Phone 5-6143 229. Is neading more difficuit in artificial liglit? 1Do you sec better at some times than at othens? How long has this been exist- ing? How long do the penîods o! blurrîng last' How often' do these periods accu r? Are they becorning more ire- quent? These symptoms on some o! them may be accompanied by headaches and dizziness or feel- ing as though the stomach would turn. If v'ou have a headache. in what part o! the head does the ache occur? Are both sides of the head a!fected or only one, When does it corne*on? When at its worst' (Copyrighted) tawa, had dinner nn Sunday at Mrs. George Stephenson's and visited with Miss Betty Stephen- son and Mr. Pat McCullough. Mrs. Tubman and Dell from Milton visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Carter viuited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and family on Sunday. Mrs. J. Kelly, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Cur- son and Jimmy on the holiday. Sunday vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mcllroy and family were Mr. and Mrs. W. Kelly, Shirley and Debra and Mns. J. Kelly from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hammond, Bowmanville, spent a week at Bayswater near Parry Sound. Rickey Stephenson stayed with bis grandmother, Mrs. George Stephenson. Gail Allin itayed à few days with her grandpareflts, Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. George Stephen- son, Lynn and Rickey, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton at the Cove, Bowmaii- ville. Mr. W. Kelly, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. James Curson on Sunday. Mrs. Kalaba, wha bas been staying witb Mrs. George Ste- phenson, has moved into ber home in -Oshawa, 258 Centre St. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Couch and Linda, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch and family, Newcastle. Carl'wrighl/ Council Turned Down Copy Of Petilion Re Schooi Area Preseuled by Non-Residenî of Area Cartwright Council met Aug. 3rd with members all lifsent. Wes. Sweet o! Devitt's S. S. No. 3, was present with a copy of a petition that bad been circu- lated through tbe School Area. Mn. Sweet was not accompanied by anyone living in the Scbool Area. This petition was wonded: lst-Do you approve o! building a new scbool in the Area? About 75 signers. Do you object to building a new school in the Area? About 325 signers. A long disoussion took place with the Area Scbool Board present. As Mr. Sweet was flot an inter- ested party, flot living in the School Area, and as the petition was only a copy, no action was taken by the Council. Garnet Wrigbt was present re- garding sbeep killed by dogs. By-Law No. 956 was passed, stopping up a igbt-of-way to Lake Scugog between Lots 9 and 10, Plan 56, and selling same ta Dr. Harron in exchange for a right-of-way tbrough Lot 9, Plan 56. Deed signed to Dr. Harron for old right-of-way and deed received from Dr. H-arron for the new right-of-way. Ernie Swain asked Council ta do something ta exterminate the rats at the dump, at Lot 13, Con. 1. Accounts passed as fallows: H. Lawrie, regatta grant $ 150.00 R. Nesbitt, spraying weeds ---------- - 46.00 L. Griffin, spraying weeds - -------46.00 W. Marlow, lime - 17.85 T. Gettins, garbage collector 300.00 E. Sues, As$essor ----- 100.00 E. Sues, postage -- 10.00 H. Thompson, Clerk-Treas- ------ 125.00 C. Heayn, ins. pnem. - 36.00 Saywells, supplies ---- 6.85 R. Woon, Sec'y-Treas. of Port Perry Fair --- 25.00 G. Wright, 1 sheep and 2 larnbs killed -- 65.00 R. Wall, Sheep Valuator 5.00 Bd. o! Education, grant 800.00 Coats for spraying -- 3.90 C. Venning, U.1. stampa 16.56 Road Voucher No. 7..-- 4573.25 Total --------- - - ----$6366.41 Council adjounned ta Sept. 8tb at 8 p.m. Labour incarne from manu- facturing in Canada increased fnom $744 million in 1939 to $3,- 574 million in 1952. ici amiy, iiew ttliitr ANN1VEsAýR FltflL CLARANC SAL The ollwin Prces nclde 30Fi. -Chnne AnenM ADMIRM REG. PECIM 1 - 22D 161 21" Conole- Clindica Tub) $72.9 $45,0 ANNIVERSAR Fiis 1 - 21DI5LI(21" Conole- Dya-By Tue) s3l.sM$40,0 WalnutFinis 1 y8r 1- 21DI61 (1""Conole- Sherial ube $45,0 Mahoany inis 1 - 21D 15L (2"" Cnsoeil - yna-ay ube $39,9 Warraty Wlnut inis 1 - 221 X(2"CosoConsolreca ub) 52,5 $485.00i I MahaIny Finish Warny1 - 2210 5"2" Console -Dn-ayTb)$5.06 Wainut Finish i Ter1i- 21'D16X (21"bConsodle- hrclTb) $25 $259.95 MNw ahoan Fnis warant 1- 1Rado15nles2"Cnoele-Dn-a Tb)81.$399,095 I1 - 7X12. (17"- abl efNodel) $369.95 $29995i The purchase of any of hogany Pleastie ntle nI a ChnceIo in a17à' Amira TVAbsluiey Fee.Dra R...VCOR iMT FOD OMSSTEE AIC 98-Dy F1-I"CnsolCePTE 2$MOTE5.NPA James Robertson* 'Ella). Uzutyo, LouisLrneî Polon As. Mr. Pollon wa: one of the Native of Cartwright early settlers ws instrumen- tlin helping to form the first Diles in Manitoba organmzations of the community. Rie had brought in his own family and personal effects by Funeral services were held in wagon fromn Sheho and for sev- the Foote- Copeland united eral years ran a freighting ser- Church on S'unday for the late vice, hauling supplies for his Loui ErestPolon ho iedpeighbors fromn Quili Lake and Loui ErestPolon ho iedNokomis and hauling logs for July 22. Mr. Ken Hick officiated. building log houses from the In- Palibearers were Bill Neale, dian Reserve. He hauled his f irst Gordon Hamilton, Ronald Blyth, wheat by oxen to Lanigan. He Roy ~ ~ ~ ~ n BltBoSarw~ perated the first steam thresh- RBthBilyan.row ng outfýt mn the district. Bert Vvyan.When the railway came Mr. Pollon who was 76, was through Dafoe he moved the born in October 1876 at Cad- firBt ioad of stock from the rail- mus, Durham County, Ontario. way to the Nichol store, alsa In 1901 he married Miss Olive making the first purchase '- a Thornton. They carne west to scoop shovel which ls still on the Minnetonis, Manitoba where Mr. home farm. Pollon had a tailor shop. In 1906 He served on the early they came to Dafoe and took tip Foote Sehool Board, Church a homestead where the family Board, Grain-Growers Board have resided ever since. Mie was and Telephone Board and was predeceased by Mrs. Pollon in famous for his old time f id- 1934. In 1939 he married Miss dling, often fiddling from sun Vida Coulter wha survivez him down -to sun-up. along with three sons, Melville Hie was always interested in at Raymore, Norman at Dau- baseball and caught for the phin, Manitoba; Lorne at Daioe; 'Copeland Nine' for many sea- two daughters, Mrs. Olive Smith sons as well as playing in a at Dafoe, and Miss Elsie Pollon' League which included teams at Raymore. from Copeland, Dafoe, Kanda- Mr. Pollon iu also survived byhr n olrGoe three brothers, EliÉha and John Pollon, Treberne, Manitoba; Ed- In the world only Brazil and ward of Winnipeg and three Ruisia have more forestland sisters, Mrs. Joe Forder (Lill), than Canada and nine-tenths of Nestieton; Mrs. John Watson, Canadian forests stand on pub- (Annie) Caesarea; and Mrs. licly-owned Crown land. PAOX LPLICVEf TNIMDAT. AticqusT il. 10311 THE eANADIAN STATBBM", BOWMAIMMLE, O"Alqie

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