TmJRDAYJýUNE4fth, 1953. trehits in the first irining an' Canadian Legion Raids Impressive aded ormr n h hr one hit and three Bowmanvill Cormalon nura arae, ervce errors. They picked up two o Coro atin C urc Par de-Ser ice in the flfth and one in the sixtî scored two runs on a walk ti Lient. Ham Preaches Timely Sermon Ted Bird, triple byJakPre ___________an error which put Bud Perfec Nerl 00mmbr o ow.or"Sly nn"asi i or on, a walk, and a passed bail. Neary 20 meber cfBow-or Sall An," s itis ore In the sixth inning the local manville ranch, No. 178, of the amiliarly known o ex-service-addformeonto al CanadianpLegion were jinel b men. "We a pp reci~te your atti- a Newcastle error and hits by Joi the Legion Pipe Band,'mmbr tude of spontaniety in comin Ppe ed Bird, Jack Parker an( of the Bowmanvjlle Ladies Aux- here for your Coronation Church Lloyd Hamilton. Neither tear iliary and about 30 members of Parade," he said. iscored in the seventh inning an( - J1ýunbarton Branch, No. 541, and Mrs. Edward Willatts, a nemn- the final count was 9-6 for New the Dunbarton Ladies AuxiliarY ber of both the Ladies Auxiliary castie. for a colorful Coronation Church and the Bowmanville Corps of tR H1 bParade Sunday morning. the Salvation Army, led in the Newcastle ---- 204 021 n 9 10: ofT .e parade foemed up in front: singing of the hymn, "0 Thou omnil20040654 , o! Bowm anville Legion Hall God of My Salvation," which wasBo anie2004O6 anTId bYz Drum Major Jack followed by a prayer by Lieut. Newcastle-Walton 3b, G. Sel. Ktiig'ht and the pipers and drum- Ham- lers ss, Martni cf, McCabe 2b. G mers of the Legion Pipe Band in In bis address, Lieut. Ham Heath p, Gray lb, Brown, Getie3 their staiking uniforms, paraded pointed out that the crowning of (5)1I, Walton rf. Stoneberg c. en several of the main down- our new British Sovereign, Bowmanville-Ted Bird cf, JAcl town streets before filing into Queen Elizabeth Il, is a great Parker rf. Bud Perfect 2b, Lloyd the Salvation Army Citadel for occasion which has great signifi- Hamilton If, Don Masters 3b Ir% divine worship at il arn. cance to millions of pol Broks c, Ken Kelly. Cowley'ý6) There were color parties from throughout the Commonwealth.. Bates (7) lb: Dan Girardi, Stev- bath the Bowmanville and Dun- He expressed the hope that it ens (6) ss, Russ Lane, Joe Pipel barton branches in the parade, would strengthen the ties be- (5) p. and the Bowmanville contingent tween us and the Queen. lJnpires-Tom Brown, plate; was headed by President Lloyd '*The Coronation îs essentialîy George Piper, bases. Preston and Sergeant-at-Arms a religiQLIs service," hie declared. Jim Woodward. President Cecil "It should do much to restore Turner of the Dunbarton branch the old traditions and our hermt- NURSE GRADUATES headed the visiting contingent. age which is thrýatened by coin- The parade stopped at the. munism and materialism-i. Just ~~ Bowmianville Cenotaph where as our Queen will dedicate hier- President Preston and Mrs. Ed-self, so %ve need to dedicate our ward Runcîle, President of the lix es to noble PurFsuitS. We Bowmanvilîe Ladies Auxiliarv should have not only a purpose laid %vrcaths in memory of conm-' for humanity but also a purpose rades in two World Wars. for God." Lieut. John Ham of the Salva-! The speaker pointed otît that tion Armx' opeiied the divine ser- i e see ton many wvasted lîx'es vice at the Salvation Army Cita- 1 lives without a purpose and with del bv leading in the singing of no steady hand at the helm to "0 Canada," and the opening guide them. We should find a : hymo. n,"O Worship the King."1 Godly purpose in life and dedi- The penng paye wassai bycate ourselves to it,,lie declared. Y.P.S.M. Harry Bartlett. General William Booth, founder Lieu. Lfm wecome theoff the Salvation Arrnv, hiad found Lieu. Ilm wecome thesncb a purpose. and so hadi St. members of the two Legion Paul when he saw the vision on branches and Ladies Auxîliaries the Damascus Road. ýand stated that a strong bond "nadto ohvn e exîsts between the Canadian "nadto ohvn e Legion and the Salvation Army, 'POnsibility to God we also have a responsibility to bumaniitv." Lieut. Hamn asserted. -'We are our brother's keeper and no mari 1 veth unto himself alonte. Just as the ripples spread from a Nobody but Nob ouy Ii.bble dropped i a pool, aso our ans. Le us show that Christian- Can S ruceUp it andDemocracy work b y mak- ng our daily lîves an example Miss Louise Martin tthose who are watching us." he Da îie-o r.adMs .A ýSPO T SHRTSThe speaker said that soine Martin, Port Credit, forinerly af pupîls in bis class on Religios Bowmanville, who graduated IieEducation given at the Bowman- fro Tor ononrlHsia like ville High School, had said thati School of Nursing on Thursday, he reason for living was to May 21. SANITO E DRY achieve ambitions and obtain SANIONE RY leasure. "These things are îiot enough if we do not have fel-1 i veo Bw anil ~ ~~~ ~~lowship with God" he declared. iaieo o m nil CLEANI GI -W mustlook at life in its e latinshi toour-selves, to. ,o!ur ndI et fellow man and to God himself. O WtotGod the goal of lite is In Oshiawa Fire only death, with Him. life takes ' o n a purpose and meaning."Mi.JhHrdnteomr The scripture reading was r-ead iTrmlwostedag- vy President Lloyd Preston, with Dort imehoitedag- esossby the congregation. ci. of Arthur' Trimble, Maple *~ Te ecelentArm brss andGrox'e, a nd the late Mrs. Trimble, The xcelen Arm brss andwas burnied to death in a fire at played the selection "Consola- 14 arn. Frîday inorning which gut- tton." The service n'as closed with the singing of "The Queen." ttdhrhm t21Smo t . * The color parties retired the Oshawa. She was 37 years of age. colors and the parade reformed Mis. Harding's husband, John, outside the church. Manyv Bow- 9 and their son, Donald, 16, manville î'esidents saw the par- escaped death by leaping from an ade as it continued west on upstaîrs window to a shed roof. Church St. clown Sîlver St. ta Six occupants of the two otherý King, along King St. E. to on- apartments in the two-storeyl tario, down Ontario to Queen, frame building also escaped the k np Queen ta the Canadian Legion fDames. Before dismissing the paraderseiadcare yOhw ir-resident Preston thanked thé police with arson in connection M-54 mmesfrtrin u nscwith the blaze. The yonth was Branch and the Dunibarton Lad- in a box contaîning paper-wrap- ies Auxiliarv for .ioining in it, ped dîshes which was under the Q ~ an d congratulated the band niemn steps leading from the Harding » m ly bers and all those xs'ho took pr living room 10 the second floor in rnkingthe orontionChurh ofthe bidn t21Smo t # Pajrade such an autstanding suc- S. in which their apartment was i(6o~ ~fl f> nmkig heCoontin hu c ae idin t2 Smo t i The Harding boy will also face two more charges of arsan in con- Newcastle Merchants nection with fires ai o' ra Limited, Oshawa, where be was Keep those fne sport shiî-îs 9_6 -employed, looking like new! Let us D.eeafeu iCombines - Funeral ser-vices for Mrs. lad ing were held frorn the Arm- clean them aur miracle un n Cronnalion Day stroon-ra_ Hme-Monday OSHAWA ZENITH-13000 Ivaks odfuiiiei'sN'v Loci-asgele:sqnanl x-as belped onIt cuiI- LocalAgeiî: i iderablx- hi' fouir BownIjan\,ill HOOPERS crîsmostly un wild hcax'es ta LAD)IES' WEAR bbc hases.. t Nncaste credt\va m1,1o, Special . b IPERMANENT WAVES On ,MON. - TUES..m WED, only, 4.95 1 10.00 CoId Wave 6.95 5.§5 12.50 Cold Wav'. 7.95, 9.95 15.00 CoId Wave -12.25 7.50 Machineless- 10.00 Machineless- 7.50 CoId Wave Phone 703 for Appoinimeni HRUYCIK'S HOUSE 0F STYLE 67 King St. W. Rear of Coffee Shop THE CANADTA!f STATESMA!N, EOWMANV!LLE, ONTARTO Miss Misses Queen'1s Coronation Just a littie ]aie for the big day, the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, was littie Catharine Ann, daughter of Mr,. and Mi's. Howard Potter, -Bowmanville. She was born at 2:30 arn., June 3rd, in Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanx'ille. Her parents are none the less proud of their lovely baby daughteî'. Mother and babe are shown in the picture above. is an excellent plan ta go over flowcr and vegetable gardens lightly with a cultivator thon, if possible, mulch with grass clip- pings or similar material ta con- serve the moisture. Il necessary and possible ane sbould water thoi'anghly the night before this final pre-holiday cultivation.' Keep Plantlng For a great many af the corn- mon vegetables anecacn and should continue planting at two weck intervals right up ta the fîrst or second week in July. Beans, corni, carrots, beets, let- tuce and other quick growing types are in this class. By spreed- ing ont in this way we spread ont the harvest and increase by mnany times the yield from the aver'age gam'den. We cen furth- ci. spread out by using eerly, medium and lete varieties. With floweî's, toa, the season af bloomn cari be extended by the same Transplanting In transplanting, so extra watering is almost vital. In this business it is important ta take as much soil witb the plant or shm'nb as possible so that the fine roots are not broken or disturb- ed. Then the roots must be cov- ered tirmly xith goad, fine soil and danipened down with water. If the sun is hot it la good to sh1adefo.' a few hours. Better stili, transplant in the cool even- ing. Preshylerial President Guesf Speaker ai TreintyAuxiliary o ritis~h ilk NMarketing Board I~ Axla' fTriîiity United Cburch was held in the Offcer Std G îaro N lk usiess huchpailour on May' 18, we ythe gioups met ta have supper OffiersStu y Onari'Mik Bu ines 1totether betore their programme. t .A. Coverlv's and Mrs. H. uîneffeMy'sgiroLps bad charge af 0t1in Their System of Marketing 'Ui cussMs ___________the supper arrangements. Foui- top officers ai the Milk wbich must accept ail that bbc lBellînani introduced the guest Marketing Board whîch handies dairyman can produce. A stand- spealel', Mrs. T. G. Norton, and the sale off the milk produced in aî-d pî'ice is paid which except i rsented ber with a very pretty England and Wales bave spent for slight differences caused b ' corsage, macle by one of tbe mem- the past six weeks studying the transportation cbar'ges is the same bcrs ufthbe Auxiliary. Corsages production and marketing af milk tbronghout the country. %vere also presented ta guests who in Canada and the U.S.A. They Sixby percent af the milk pro- 'vere present. ai-: Tm eacckChshîeduced goes direct ta thbc dairies GronLp leaders Mrs. C. Bell and 9Chairman off the M.M.B., Jas. AI-1 while the other forts' percent is MIrs. S. MeMurtet' took charge af stan, Norfolk and Eric Quested, shipped ta centr'al depots from the programmie which followed Kent, regional diî'ectors and J. L. whic b it is diî'ected ta its nîbîmiate sîîppem'. Tri the absence of Miss Davies, Surre, Chiet Executive destination. Eighty-five percent Màary Jewell the minutes were IOfficer of the M.M.B. off the milk produced is sold as, read'b.y Mrs. H. Jeffery. For hex- Speaking at a twilight meet fluid milk which compares with devotiîmnal Mî's. G. White told1 sponsored by the Oxford I-o-tit eceti tro oxv bbe great Italian painter1 Woodstock, r. PCock stldat Some 164,000 dairx'meni sold Raphael happened ta find his in- thatoky Mr. be muc impres their milk thrq.igh tbe Mil k Mai'- cpirîatîon for his masterpiece "The tha thy lad ee muh ipres-keting Boar'd las t year at a total~ Madonna of the Chair." Twa ed by the part dairy produets cofa close ta $700,00,t000, mak- Ssby eMî's. L. Van Driel were play in the diet of the people aiinf t s elagst snl gu- ls,o muc enjoyed. tbis continent and the many var- n hstelrs igeariu.,s ied and attractive ways in which tural opeî'ation in the world fram Mis. C. Bell introduced Mrs. these prodects are presented ta a financial standpoint. Nor'ton who is Preshyterial Pres- the public. , According ta Mr.. Peacock tbe îdcimt. She developed ber talk, Coming train a conntr ' where Milk Marketing Board is in charge wbich had foi' its main thougbt there is a scarcit. off milk pro- off 810 percent off the aî'tîbicîal iin- "The wa.xs that lead ta God," byt ducts. hie was amazed ta note bbc seminatian program in the coin- 1 beginning witb a brief historýy o! large sumplus off butter' and clieese try and also operabes tbe inilk une of our best known highways, ini Caniada. Comparing this sur'- 'ecoî'dîng and testing pragram. Yaîige Street,.in Toronto, In the Plus with tbe scanty ration off It works closcly witb tbe Breed beginning sorneone had an ardent cheese and butter available in Associations and Ministry off desiî'e ta biild "a gaod road." The1 Great Britain, be expressed the Agriculture officiais. Txvent ,'-- 1 bildei' offtbc road bad had plans hope that some way couLd be lwo artificial brecding centres for a settiemnent along it. These foud t enblethse surplnses ai'e maintained. each with app'ax- plans. bo',ever, failed, and it was ta be shîpped to bis country irnately 30 dair\' bulîs. I 19.52ifttotestacivebsdar where thev would be a veri'y xvel- over 1.000,000 bead xvere artifi- -but hie leit a road for others. came addition ta the supplies cîally bred. Mar ibas always needed a high- available. When the Milk Marketing way from bis heart ta God: ail Mi.. Peacock statcd tbat in Board took over the milk r'ecor'd- 01ou'i' crc actviities help athers England and Wales miîk rnay be ing and testing service seven , 0în a ha ed aHm produced for sale only atter ap- i xears ago, beiween foui'- and five iîs A. CoIwill expressed ta proval bias been given by bbe tbonsand animais we@b tcsbed an- Mrs. Norton bbc thanks of the Milk Mar'ketring Boar'd. AIl milk nully. This bias no7e heenio- nibsfobesimatnad is sold directly to tbe M.M.B. croascd ta approximatetv 26,000t. dî'ess. Got To Be Tough One bas ta be bougb or at Ieast firm when it cames ta bhinning and some other jobs about tbc gaîden. Nature is niuch boa geri- erous and if ex-ery seed that sprouted wei'c allowved ta grow, bhings xvuuld get in a terrible mess. Plants would. be crowded unmercifulîx', xoiild become weak and spindlv, a prey ta the first insecs or ýean a gond breeze. Evcr ' tlinîg will do much bebter if there is plentx' off room tn de- velop. Nex.vlx' transplanted floîx'- ers. vegetables and nurseryv stock wilI become sturdier and înucb better plants if Ihev are pînchcd back rIn aIl bedding plants, nimaiiilie Ruses rnund staff, sut- fered bis first defeat in thi'ee eaî's at Oshawa Monday night wýheîi tbc Roses dmoppcd a 6-0 de- cision tri Oshawa Transpoi'ters.- Tcd Stone. wbo handled thc Tiansporîcî's' hîirling chores, lirn- ted the Bowrnanv'ille squad ta i ilbree bits, txva by Tirn Cox and une by Jobnny Steinton. Stoneý also starî'ed iin Oshawva's bîtting atback, as did catcher' Mike Me- Arthuir and second hesernen Fî'cd Etcher. Altugether bbc Transport- crs got 12 bits off Legree's de- liveies. tbings lîke pettinias. asters, la- Bnwmnanville's best Ibreat carene atacs. and sncb that came in in the second înnîng wben they flats or boxes, al] flower hnd'-ý znt twa men on with two out. and bloom sbould be rernoved Stone forceci Ted Dadison ta pop when transpîanting takes place. out, bo\wover. and end tbc spurt. In aîrnost everv case where Stonie bcd eîght strikeauts, two plants arc sbarted fromn seed and walks and gav'e up bbre bits. Le-1 especiallY tirix seed. like leltuce gree !anned tbree. xsalkcd fîx'e, or a I xssum or poppies, they must delivered ane wild pitch, and gave be thtinn ed later. rI doing Ibis LIp 12 bits. nattîralî' v-e pull ont the pooreri R H E specinens fîrst but in env case Bownianville 00)(000 000 fl 3 2 We MuISt ex plent.' off room for Oshawa 311 010 00Ox 6 12 2 fuill developrnent. If we ai-e Bowmanville Brookdale Roses: afraîd off later damnage fî'om bugs Falls 3b, Cax rf, Youi'th 2h. Gel- or cî'rnsperhaps we will lagber c. Hooper ss, lb. Williarns leave twice a.r mariv plants as at If. Stainton cf Dadisnn 1 S Legree .fîrati. then later on we remox'c p. Bagnel it for Dadson in 8th eV(' . other uine. In certain i and ss in 8tb. vr jetables like beets and caraots, 1 Oshawxa McCalIurn Transport.-: b.. 'e leaxe lIme plants about an ers: Murphv cf, Bi abîn If, Kellar' inch or sa apari ait irs-t. then lise rf, Jozkos-ki 3h. Ficher 2h, Varga later thinnings for oui' fîrst meals. sýs. Maeson lb, McAîthuir c, Stone Wheri îbînned properîx the plantsý P. !Pft v il gi-uv- 'oie oit ki'ýMore r -N. Allen, plate; D. ir o! uiI nand' bi stabtifer, bases. Thinnmg is not always confin- MI'S. Morgan very kindly in- vited the Aîixiliary- vta have its ncext meeting on the parsonage laxvn on June t6 at q p.rn. The Dream of Securily' 'w ~.. ~ A j Bv Joseph Lister Rutledge '~~Vision is a strange, intangible Ciof LindslflG3 niilî thing. Perhaps that la wby men - tend ta forget it when a vision ext'a igbecoms a reality. It is easy to ac- ed ta seedlings. Theexrbi cept wbat is prcesently aronnd ns, and fine bloomns .\ou usually see jas if familiai' suranundings and iin the flower shows are aiten tlbc tumls bad always cxisbcd, as if no îesult off bhinning. Onl in this une bad first drcarned a! themn case it will be bbc flo\wer huds i md theri sti'uggled ta produce that are î'cmoved. Instead off let- tbein. Thinking that wev lb is ing evei'y single rose, peon ' vfi' easy ta assume that what bbc dahlia dex'elap, bbc piofessionals louis pi'uduce is bbc only value nip off about .50 per cent ai- mure îîîvoîvcd. af the bîîds sa that those.timat aie Mcnarae qîîick ta recagnize the left wiIl be tinci- and bigger. The'x atltgesitbcprd- came thîng is diotue xith fruit lîke lion ut goods. But tew can visual- apples, plumis and peaches for big i7_(e as readily the mental and prime results. -p\Vua seat that made produc- Holiday C'arc tion possible - bbc drcamn that Just hefai'e guing on holida\s it ninust be bot-ne in struggle, the - -chances that must be baken. bbe - -- -- -- -- -- - respoiisihilities that mnust be as-I csiied, the pussiblv crippling loss 1 limat tiuist be taced, tbc endless efftort bu make aIl these factors work logether. This, too, is part - uofthIe cust of pr'oduction. Witbout ibis sueat bow would we move Perbaps some will remember lhe naine ai James H. McGraw. une-limie scbool teecher wha badi a vision ut a great publishing em- pire. AIl be bad hesidies bbc dreemi w vas a lit île publication called -Sti'eet Rîîilxvax Journal." He had pafid for it bx' dollars erncd by ,ýel1ling magazines from door ta door. He gatbered some o ther eager \ oing men about hirn, but The Super-Efficient tbicv xx ci-e looking tor present î'e- ~ u,~ au~w~ tIiîIis: had nu faith in dî'eers. U ILU - NYAGiIC \Viien .lames ýcGraw tried ta t-unvince them Ihat thc new elem- cntr't ei'îricilx -was likclv te Oil ieainqti'aisforirthpe whole udea o! street MAKES YOI1R PRF.SEINT HEATING LQUIIMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves You Monev on Your Fuel ('osts Phone or ('ns'uit JACK BROUGH PLIMBING - HEATING Division St. M., Bowmanville Neu' Phone - Office 61.5 HOuse Phone 2394 transportation, and that they1 A kllted Highlander, playing should be leaders in this crusade, the bagpipes, paraded '.îp and the yaung men would nat go down the street alongside 9f thea.. along with him. They argued, that' tre quene. this new-iangled invention, elec- "Whv do they always wal.k up tric cars, could neyer supersede and down when they're playing?" the horse-cars, for how would? Usked a man on a passing bus. you ever hope to overtake the lass1 "Cas it's harder ta 'it lem tîat represented by that profitable1 way!,, said the conductor. sideline of selling manure. I n' the last ten years, Ontario's The reat McGraw Hill Pub- t population increased from 3,700,. lishing Company ai taday was n ot1 000 ta approximately 4,860,000. born of the cautions conservîng1 af possible assets. or a vision limited by the manure pile. T IC KETS One wonders how men can be I TO EVERYWHERE sa quick ta sense the iminediate I Air. Rail or tamahip benefits-the value of commodi- IConsuit' ties produced-and be s0 blind to JURY A LOV£LL the measure af the benefits that 1 Bowmauville made production possible. The1 15 King St. W. - Phom 778 ablest leader labor as ever known would have made no pro -_______________ gress toward the 40-bour week, and the workers of Canada would _______________ nat have seen their average wage 1 increase by 12 per cent in the past year, had the young men aof the horse car mentaîity remain - Dfre Ys lu ed in the saddle. The men who Bfr o u culd turn from the manure -pile So ta look et the stars bought it for Gv them. The vision, courage and GieSo *aIry devation of! men have served other men well. Il should be T p Pie fr Y u a wrthy of its wage. o Piefo ou a LweD Paym ,o n We Pay O30 our LieuPa A 30-Day Guarantee Large assortment of botb CARS and TRUCKS Siew's Specials '52 CAPO EA Dark green, 12,000 miles, One owner - -$1795. f150 STUDEBAKER ~VCHAMPION Clean, well cared for car _____$4. '42 T(ýH.L'vE. .. Refinislied Oshawa Blue. A smart loaking, dlean car - - . $ 69s. It Pays to Do Business Where Business la Belng Doue. Durham County's largest New ai Used Car Dealer X 9 ANL FoT MOTOIR SALES Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Newcastle 2871 Clarke 2030 Open ver7 Evenng St. John's Church Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, M.A., D.D., will visit St. John's Cburch, Bowmanville, Sundav at 7 p.m. for the fiî'st timne since bis elcc- tion as Bishop Co-adjutor of the Diocese, Toronto. Bishop WiIk- insan is coming ta, administeî' the Apostolic Rite af Confir~mat ion ta 33 candidates. The Bishop was previously, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Bloor St. E., Tor.- onto. Marîy o! the weary-eyed citi- zens af Bowmtanville to be scen on the streets Wednesdlax are probably persons xvbo sat in St. John's Parish Hall on Coroiîat ion Day fram 4 p.m. on watching the televised Coronation ceremonies provided throngh the co-opera- tion ai the T.V. Shop and the church atithorities. The pro- gram came tbrougb splendidly. Donations in aid of the Restora- tion Fund were accepted.- At 11 Coronation Day a celebration oi the Holy Com- munion marked the Chnrch's recognition ai the impor-tant oc- casion. For 15 minutes before the service the belîs of St. Johnis, toa seldom-heard nawadays, were rung. "News" the weekly parish bil- letin af St. John's Church ap- peared in a special Coî-onat ion format last Sundax', when Jer- usalemn Lodge, A.F. & A.M. t tended Divine Service. Sarîdy: "Ye pramised m)e rax- pence if 1 was top o' mx' class ant' I've been tops a' week!"- Father (reluctantly): "Wcel, here ye ai-e but ye roatna study sac bard it's no' guid for v&~~ JUNE SPECIALS Royal Glory Sockeye Velveeta Salmion - 'Tin35c Cheese Monareh York Choice Peas - 7-lh. haig Stokley'l 54c Pumpkiat 20 oz. tin Kellogg's le* 21c Bran Flakes 4-lb. pkg 38 or. Uin 19C Ige. pkg. *26c Criso L-36 rg.Pkg. Criso - Lh.36cKleenex - 2 For 37c ,l))Y1 Za.koz. fin (rown Pork & Beans - 19c Tea Bags Aylmer Faticy Tomalo Juice 100's 20 oz. tin FREE DLVR YEO'rS MEATS AND GROCERIES 55 KING ST. E. BOWMA N VILLE PHON~ 3361 SORE MUSCLES ? "0Id'*a40950,60?" gi'w ad aeenMan, You'ro Crazy Pel.Pýlilýir)" l 'Oste.Corilsine onie for ek fee'low ing due co,)l to body'e ia k f lionl wvhma.nv mpn and wnmen eàfl "nid .' Tri ito ],nlc Tabi o e,.iugrfeing. MhA vevday. Sew "eU<uiia"eeeiSC Fior nie At ait drus stesr ever7whame Wi. Itte relieve theni OFQUICK? Get quick.drying Minards 3ULniment- rut, i in well. You'II ger relief, and KIING 0F PAIN- MxUUNIMENT Týiilhv'u ').n - ii- 1 55 KING ST. E. BOWINIANVILLE PHONE 3367