Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1953, p. 2

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PAGE TWO 9~~~~~~~'I f UANALA N T5l'rA 'rw,-jDI# I iN lTTTWONA LDITORIALS Town Planning Important To Every Comrnunity 1As Bowmanvilic bas neyer had a sudden boom in neal estabe andi demanti for bouses until recent veais manv citizens do flot realize the importance of Town Planning whicb xvas establishiet here last year. It's a slow pmacess ta gel iînderway as thene is s0 mucb red tape lied up wibb regulations wbich take lime to put int operation. For the benefit of our~ readers we give details of bbe importance of Town Plan- ning containeti in an editorial in the Woodstock Sent incl-Review. Town planning was little more than a pleasant îbeormy comparaliveiv few \'ears ago. Now, in most communîties, il is a reality. Indeeti, in bbc napiti induisîniai andi nesidenlial expansion of Canada il is a necessity. Some cilies and towns have b"1en alemt to the nced for rcgiated ,pgîowth, wbile others have allowed their expansion ta proceed along baphazard lines. The former are pleasant, progres- sive communities; bbc latter are fîill of h 'adaches for themnseives anti everybody e' i;e. 1 Eveî'v buwii regardiess oif its size, bas à pattern wbiclî is the result of the social, e ýonomic and ph 'ysical forces w'bich f irst nituldeti it and are actinîg upon il. Some of' the foi-ces ar'e obvious anti measurable. ('bber-s ma,,' stili needisui A town plan c rnnot chanîge tbe natural forces, but il can guide them, control the rate of change and smooth out difficulties. The chai-acter of a town is determined to a largle extent bv the principal resourc- es which led to its ev opment. A min- ing town is different from a market town. A summer resort may spread along a shore line, while a town whose industry is direct- ly concerned -with imports and exports clings to the harbor area which itself set the original pattern in settiement and in- dustrial growth. The pattern of a town is also a resuit of its site. Geological situation. his. nyv- ers. coasilines govern its shape and the uses of its land resources. Land subject to flood or incapable of being well drained may be developed int park areas; flat dr 'y stretches invite industr 'v; hillier -land mav become a fine residential area. Tn this wv a town is divided by geography into areas. The manner in vvhich the areas are developed should be the resuit of careful studv and regulation if the town is to be something more than a hiaphazard, badl ' organized collection of bouses and factor-v buildings. Town Planning, therefore, is simpl -v a realistic attempt bo stujd. the growth of cities. lownis and villages. and to prevent unhealth 'v and inefficient clevel- opment. Its aims is to provide better liv- ing conditions within a community.-_ Why Shoud "Danger" Grip Caniada's Great Labor Leader? Moral Re-at manent, the ideological peace. It is a staggering task-but not to niovement that aims at a higher degree of the MRA. integrity in every-day life, bas been term- ThirtY vyears ago Dr. Buchman started ed "a dander to organized labor," by Percy on this crusade. He and the men and Bengouigh, president of the Trades and women xvho have become part of the Labo Cogres, he arget am o oran- movement have seen thousands of indi- i.e abor n Cr aa, eireset armofveorgan- viduials change at the challenge of ihe h.dbrin aadndsonrcnvnto ideals presented; they have, through their Tt i sad ths rmarkby he lbor own efforts, aided in the settiement of cietais said thias remak by the lor is labor-management batties in this countr,' ehietai cae a a hoc b an~ ofhis in England, in United States, in postwart 1,ibor associates who have been preaching Germany and in Africa, and more recentlv t'oc benefits of thc MRA ideolegical force in India. when applied to labor disputes. In the international field, MRA bas From our observations as a student of played a full part in binging a better feel- buman nature we think if Mr. Bcngough ing betwecn the French and the Germans. wvas really candîd he mighit admit "self Dr. Buchman and MRA have been praised fearý" of bis own attitude and position, and bv Robert Schumnan and Konrad Aden- rxot "danger" of the power MRA exerts auer. H-e bas been presented wvith decor- for the good of humanity at ail levels. ations from both countries, and Dr. Aden- In a wounded world, stili torn bv stnife auer, the German chancellor, said that ýand dissension, MRA ceaselessly offers the "Moral Re-Armament bas become a house- iii-redients for spirituial and moral re- hold word thi-oughout Germany."p birth. Its f irst lune of attack is the individ- How about. it Mr. Bengough? Why ual--on thc theorv that if individuals live not lead the parade right across Canada .n-oral,, responsible and kindly lives, based with your influertial labor group and join (ni alsoltite truith, absolute honesty, faith the van of progress in solving the prob- andi love. thien whole communities, nations lems for a better life of peace and con- and al hie world will live better and at tentment, headed by the MRA banner. J90~ EXCUSE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS NOT ACTING Remember the new Memorial Hos- There can surely be lie objection on pital at Bowmanville in your xiii. *e part of the Ontario Governmenbt t(____ accecling to the plea of the Ontario Temp- Do not think of knocking out another érance Federation that flot less than one person's brains because he differs in opin- 1)er cent of the net procecds f rom opera- ion from v'ou. Tt would be as national to Mion of the Liqutor Controi Board be made knock vourself on the head because vou r- available to the government-sponsored difrmoyuseftneasa. Aklcoholism Research Fou ndation. -oaeMn In the yeam ending Mai-eh 31, 1952, the -oaeMn Wuge sum of $228,000,000 was expended in Hadteohrdyascesu a Ontaio or acohlie eveages Ofthis ig ike a dogZ witb fleas. The fleas run total, the Ontario Goveroment look a rake- off f $12.OOOt). f Ie Goernent anound and bite, but the dog doesn't stop heeded the Fedcration's appeal, the sum asrtc.H epso on wceh' *f a lest $,12.OO woud h mad avil- going, and then, when he gets thene, takes el a le for $1,120,ndationfls womderk. lime to scratch. Too many of un spend abefthe bjeti ncat und is se forth too much lime scratching on the way, and I a lcttei- sent b,\ the Federation to every nyrgtweew'egig member of the provincial legislatiire as follows: 'heefunds woîîld be for the Citizens, surtprise the Memorial Hos.2 express purpose of clisserninating educa- pital Board by' attending their annual tionai and scientific information on the meeting tomorrow night (Fniday) at the nature of alcobol andl its effeet on individ- Dept. of Agriculture Office and hiear first tial and social life, 1w' means of advertise- hiand bhc reports of hoxv this popular insti- ments in periodicals printed and circuilated ftution operates. Iltw'ould be a great en- in Ontario."- couiragement to members of the Board and Certainlv there is a gicat educational Wornen's Auxiliary ta see a full house. %vork bo be donc in the ficeld of alcoholismo. Th'e growving nL.inber- of alenholics. the Darlington Township, the hive of Lib- mounting police couirt rosier, the miti- eralismo in Durh-lam CounîtY iding, appears plicitv of hig.hway Iragedies involx'ung to be the first municipal group ta corne liqujor, as welli as tie menace pnsed tb the out of political hibernation and axvaken its v ouin er generat inn of Ontario citizens. ail stal\warts ta dust off their Grit armour in demand thiat the Ontario (overnmcnt readiness for the coming federal election. letid its suipport to an <ducat iunal cam- So far w've beard no muistling in the leaves paign lu prevent thie prvad of aleniol isrn. on the local Conservative garrison as to in view of the enormous rex enuie vhich il their intentions in the anticipated biattle- 15 (lerix'ing frum Ithe îraffic. the <' of ballots for supremacy in the House of nment bias a rsosblt in t bis matter Commons. Whicb it imust accri)t un tlho vrv"Par 1ut1o re. (31 lerwxise t he oilb eIiqulor sitLu- Wonclerw'î the dai ly press prini s ation mnav soon bloxv uP in Ille (ioxern- SLuCh depressing news that Canada's Iwo ment's face. top-paid public servants. Donald Gardon, presit fthe C ..Rh.. and Gr~aham Taxvers. gfovernor of the Bank of Canada. eac' l rax salaries oif $50,000 eacb, a Sl1t0.000h-a-veai' boost which came into effect last ioîîth. Butt ho tankful, dean reader, v'oit aie ua iii thei' class for ibese ser'vants iiave more ceducated from tbeir salaries ini iiicoine taxes titan \'aur entire \'cariv salarv amotints lu. "hl'la ustial sedate andi saî'ctinionouts leader oif 'eform andtiuplift. Dr. J. R. Mîîtlimor. seci'etarv of tbe Ex'angeiisrn and Social Service <if the United Chtîrcb oif Canada. nîlist hiaxe boon readinig a Chic Sale's sîai'v bo ok jtd-ing from the bur- lesqîue lauguage lie uiseti at a iccent nmeet- ing of bis Board. Tii quiite bore is flic expression xx'burbcauglît aur eces: '"We are beconiiîu2 to iuchmîeba cluibx'cbubb-v cheei'ftîloi t uofxvei i ed Ch rist ians. We neit bei' knoni oii î'precrîthte gospel 1Io the poori as vo Sllîtî id . .. fari îo la mle a Pruo- poî rt li ioof gospel pi'eaehi in gis dirpe0( Io the covrteti. sin(, of v'hoin arc'e eîdan- erc<l I)v the glt îof glace.' Of cou rse, %WC bo ti 'a i e ýwiilh lte sent ina îît s ex prosi;- cd but w e hi fioti oui' eyebraxvs whcn w e saw wAhu said it. First Prize Editorial- There Is a Difference Eetween News and Editorials Each y'ear since 1947 "The Canadian Weekiy F.ditor" rade publication of Vancouver, B.C., conducts an Editoriai Competition on a gix'en sobjeet. The Statesman has won ibis muci prized awarci in 1947 and 1949 and was second in 1948. "Ne congratohate Editor G. A. Scott of the Gananoque Re- porter on %iniîing the handsome trophy for 1952 on the subject. -There is a Difference Between Newvs and Editorials". It is an ex- cellent editoriai on a subjeet wbicb some î'eaders do not un- derstand sa we are reproducing it herewitb: Addressing the National Ne\-.,; paper Awards 1inner at Tloronto last May, Louis MN. Lynos, Curat - or or the Neinman Foundation. Hlarx'ard Univ'ersity, saiti: "It is the rcsponsibiity o! a newspaper to contribute to the inteiiectual and moral direction roquirec Ito defîne the strategic public issues andi take a position on tbem." That is bbc position of The Re- porter in a nutsbctl. In the news columns of 'aur paper you are tlid wbat is hap- pening in toxvn and in tbe im- mediate surrouinding district, bo enabie youto obtain a pictore of bhe happenings in those parts of the commimity which are not witbin yoor daiiy vicw. The reports of these happen- ings are obtaned b ' a staff of fili1-tir-ne and part-time reporters, wvho xx ite of xvhat they sce and h car. In the iîews columni, The Re- porter endeavors ta bring yoo, in as concise form as possible. tbe image of the community'; inform- ing you on public issues: bringing ta your attention the social actix'- ities and endeavors of your fel- low-citizens; that you rnay make vour decisions on the public issuesý; offer your support ta worthy causes, and joîn in the social actixities. The responsibilitN of the news- paper in this regard is ta be ac- curate and impar'tial: ta ignore those wbo xvould influence the papers poliey: andt t get the nlexs int print with as rnuch speed as the limitations of staff and equip- ment %vill perm~it. The readèer, howex'er, glances througb the nexx's, and then us- uia1i)' forgets the xxhole mnatter. That is whcre the editorial coiumns corne into play. Because of his continuai, pro- fessional intcrcst in the news, the nexvspaper editor is usually much better informed on the issues of the day thian most other citizens. H-e knows the background of the news, he writes of the present, and because of the backlog of in- formation at bis disposai, can usualiY rmake a fair gness as to xvhat might bappen ini ans' given caSe. In hi,- editoriai coluiisii, the good editor will endeavor ta place hefore his readleîs the suni total of all bis information on current issues, together with bis opinion on the matter, baving due regard foi- the requirernents of the community. He xvill not be influenced by political parties, special interests, or adx'ertisers, and may quite otten find that bis stand is un- popuiar x'ith those \xho rnay be able tu hurt hirn and bis paper. A common fallac\r among news- Spaper readere is a faîlure ta reco.g- nize that the new~s columns re - cord the opinions, actions and statemient-q of others, and in this sense the nexvspaper is a rniroi of current exonts, and iq Nw'hat the name of this paper says it is -a reporter. By the sarne token, the editorial colurnns of a news- paper reflect, or report, tbc opinions of the newspaper. Tbere is a distinct dufference, therefore, between tbe fonctions ai the editorial columns and the news colo mn s. > The integrit.v of the paper and its pîiblisber andi editor, howex'er, s the basis upon which the news- pappr's riglit tao xist is de- termined.0 Withoot it, the paper languish- es and dues, or passes into other hands, for "a good town will not support a bad newspaper." In the Dim and Distant Past From The Stateaman Files 25 YEARS AGO It is anîiouiiied by the Assoc- iation o! Caiîadian Clubs that ai îîat ion-%'ide concert tour lias bpeeîî ai'ianged ta) malte btter knnxx'5 historie Cajiadiait songs. Tbe! sulitis the faîintîsMine. Jeanne1 Dusseai o!f'ho Chicago Opîera( Conîpaiî. 14r accompanist x&ihi ho Miss (ixertdoiyvii Willianms. daugliter o! MmI. anîd Mrs. Alan Wlliarns,Bomn'le C. ilI. Carlisle. Presîdcnt Of1 bbc Gootixeari'r e & Rubber Co. of C'anada xiii address tbe Chiainer oif Commnerce on "Wby a Chain- ber of Commere iin Bownian- ville"" This same subject woiî di be a most timieiy bopie rigbt t a- day. since the C. o! C. foldeti up w ithtout a fiii-irmi'-. 49 YEARS AGO Great prcpaî'aiions ar'e under- xvay for the grand opeiîing of bbc new Town Hall xx'en the ocras- Sion wili be vcebiateti b pî'e- seniitng tbree roncrns bY weil knovvniDurham outil ' \4 Bui«x'santi Girls. Watcb for iist (o! iheso en- tei'taiiioi'sn a future issue. 'l'los. Bîngharn. x'teî'an ilîsur- aiwe agent, receixeti a beaîîti!ul engraxeti sterling szilx'er fruit dish front the' Hartford Kie - suî'ance Coi. nli'o ntn îor is 215th ani nîxersarx as thon' agent. Acrc'duing Iotobb Bati le Creck EnIqUirer R. B. Andirews is gen- erai managcet'o!f'tho CompenSat- îng Pipe Organ Co, o! Ibat city. iBath mien are nîati ves o! Bow- imaniix he anîdlDurhamn Caîýnt,-. Fred Nelles lias ]vilî.eîîthe A larige iuunibvr i- f tlie ' viîigî'r Whitbe Rose se'rv'ire Station f romi set<in 0win allined the animali Banner Fui'ber. Iconver.saziune ai the Ontario DurhaintClib o! Toronto met Ladies' Coilego.. Whitbx', Fridav at the reesidence oif Mm. anti Mrs. i ight. That was considered the T. E. WSashîngloniîwben Pr-of. big sacial 'eiit oif tllie vear. Colemnan gave an i lustrated lalk Oxstcrs iin bu 1k or 'b I lle plate oin lis i rip to Spain. a i 'litas. "dsCorner' akei. The costi of î'dticationîpu'r pîpil 'fime crtainiiv fhies whei v'ii iin tie local public srhools in 1927 1()(kljack. for ini anîjiher x'ear %vas S38.018. Susie anti Goozie Oshariic will A iiexvandipop)uhai' featurIe 1n celebrate their goldenî wedding. theGuox'er "'ugoolClaî" ere i.,bbc proof: On Fob. 17, the oodvea 'ýViygfot Can~1904, Miss Sosie Lvle Allîn andc is a conne tric uib2' Bernard Milrh- Mr. i' enry Cecil Osborne xxere cil. son o! -Mr. anti Mrs. R. M. îrcdbRv.W.JiIe Mitchell o! tItis toumx. ' Orio b.1R. L. Row lis ico "'Bownianx lelie a.sa n'ai hi te 0-n)-..L ov i. e I ioî'icuitkira I Sociv" cendIof fforeti a ioremanshîp ai a larcp 25 crs go. iteloy addervaîîd barness business in quLo t V2 a sag.Noîv iw ei u-n 'Calgary. Alla. boasis c! fîve thrix'ing nurseries. Nexcsi .aieGorent Hom-e ntilFi Sv rhooi Cb hiti aJohn Ricka'd anti A. WV. Carvoth atuTvnrs ft Fnk. DNIs amnx'aiS' have purchaseti Sharples Tubuilar flaie oaof ink. Ma\.or '1. Sai iSeparaiors fî'or E. C. Beaunan. iflholae. nei '<ho %.iucgos. sîti Maple Grove- W. C. Frank bas1 f lie -batihis xx ax bxoulti ofive bii aîpulrted Azssessiîr in placp a rîe tatu xlîiebuch ofo Thos. Sotahe.1 them-."' A campbeiiford couple wbo l iveti as man anti wife for 35s 'l'le y omit o! Canada gaineti xeaî's anti have fîx'e chîltiren.I the i ight ta vote in fedieral dcec- 'have dîseoxeredti îey are brother tions in 1917.1 and sister. In the Editor's Mail Take Notice, Mr. Abbott Bowmanville, Mar. 2, 1953 Dear Sirs: The Dominion Bureau o! Sta- tisties nmay' say Nvhat they~ please 'about the cost of living goingi down 1/101 a! one point. 1 cant i sec any oxnvadslde. Our4 incarne is perfectly sta- tionary and il is becoming in- creasinglv diffîcuit ta balance the budget so sometbing must be cut. W'e ran't do witbout the necessities so we must cancel some lb! the lUXUî leS and pleas- ores. .Thereforc, with great regret but witb martyr-lîke firmness- Pîcase discontinue aur subscrip- lion whicb is on tbhex'erge of ex- piring. Let it expire nobiY and gallantix' on the altar of stern necessitx'. Or more biefiy 1--stop your paper. I cani't afford il. Yours truly, Mrs. J--- E- Letlibridge. Alta., Feb. 26, 1953 Dear Mm. James: I have just finisbed reading "The Paper" and il is most enjov- able bcing able to kccp in touch with the town and aul the people I knoxv there, as wl as the pro- grcss oif the town andi aîy chang- as that arc ocoring. I noticcd a note xritten on the outside xxrapper xvhicb was wmit- ton tbcî'c b.,,, he mailing depart- nient at Deput Dix'ision, Regina, Sask. Il said "change your ad- dress. That is the reason I have been a wcek behiîîd in tbc news. It bas beon going ta Edmonton and thon bere. My new location is: 710 5tb Ave. S., Letbbridge, A lta. I. have been watclîing, with great interest, the pragress o! the Memorial Axona. O! course, 1 hiad alway's been in favour of artificial ire and now I sc that il lias been successfol I \would like to sas' ta some people at home, "I tld you so". 1 sec by the sports sectioni that the Barons have been doing quito well. I wish thcrn luck in the piayoffs. Lethbridgc is a wonderful cily, vcry friendly andt beautiful. The people bore are full of that west- erni bospîbatity xvc lîcar about. They eertainly have a gireat re- sport f or the Mouîîtod Police and wc are xvelcomne wberex'er we go. The xeatber bas been wondcr!ul up b last Sunda'v hen w'e lhad a tYpiî'al prairie blizzard. About 10 inclo irsn x ltianid then il bIexv inoa drifts about tbree feet Busi ne ss Directory LE G AL IV. R. STRIKE, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanviile, Ontario LAWVRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Boxvmanville Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 MISS APTIA 1. 1HDGINS Barrister, Solicilor, Nutary Public Successor 10 M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowxmanville W. F. %VARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan 9!à King Street E., Boxxmanville, Ontario Phones: Office 825 - House 409 CONANT & CONANT Barristers and Solicitors G;ordon P'. Conant, Q.. Roger G. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawva, Ont., 7 ý Sirncoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL DR. IV.NI. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 Ring St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arin. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed SuInday', Office Phone 790 bluse Phone 3609 DR. F. %V. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviile Office boums: 9 ar..ha 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Ciosed Sunday Pione (604 CHIBQPRACTIC (G. EIIN NIANN, D).C. C hirap ac tor office: Speciaity Paprr Products Ruiding 03 'reiiilei'ane St. Phoane 509 Office hhjours: i. daain Sat urdav RE AL E STAIE il. C. (11ap) GILL Real Estate 8 Second Street PropCrtîn-ý;sSolt - Reîited ýliaged aand Aîipraised Mcm bers of! tii' (aiadian aend Ontarin Roal Estabe Boards H. G. Giii, Itealtor Phono Boxvranx'ille 3514 ARCHITECT Befoîeo xni lilc<)sull ait l ii iII,ýRBER' G. ('OLE;, M.R.A.I.C. Tolephione Boxemanville 3653 AUDITING MONTEITI! & MONTEITU ('hartereti Ar.ounitants 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mm. Gordon WV. ib,'.. î'esident partooer. OPTOMETBY KEilII A. BILLETT I-à4 King St. WV. - Boxx'miianville Ofie Optornetrist. Ofie alurs: 9 ani. ta 6 p.m. f Monda , vta Saturda.v excopi Wodnesda v 9 - 12 E venings by Appoitnmeial Roy ichas Elcted Bragg; No. 6, Frank Pascoe; No. Roy ichos Elcted 7, Bruce Hogarth: No. 8, Wallace President Darlington Pasce: No. 9.Alb~ert Hills; No. Liberal Association j irtrcAdient , Boy khols thcn _______ ook over. After thanking the The arligtonLiberal Asgo- miemibers for the confidence they ciTho etaingthonshpHlplaced in lîini.and plecging his ciamtionmetinth Be Tnhip Hal. 1tpp, îhe allcci on Johnny, Hampn, wA. th. Buce aTenaspre- Janies. Our Ipopuklar M.P., who sidig. . L Pacoe cte as5C ax a vei v niorniative talk on cretary in the absence of Wes. activiCes at'alaetHl.Fl Werr~. Th minues wrc a lo- Iowing a short general discussion, ed. It was decided to keep $15 li the mieeting- adjourned. our treasury and the balance of __________ $21 be sent to the secretarN-trea,-1 urer of the County Association. More than 500 different species R. C. Honey, 71 Walton St., port of birds have been recorded in Hope. iCanada. The following officers Nvere, elected: President, Roy W. Nich- OIS; vice president. Bruce Ho- 'l garth: Sec.-Treas.. Miss .oye Wooley Plling Division No.i EXP ERT Eddie Warburton: No. 2, Chas. Osborne: No. 3. Vern Henry; No.' ATC 4, Seward Tyler; No .5, Wn REPA . deep .vhich made travelling ai- bS Most impossible. Before theb storm it was about 50 above ail Certificd 1atchniaker the time. The position I have now is quite as authlorizeci by the different fro'm the grocery bus- Canad tan Jc\vcllers' ' ess I must admit. It is m(chI Institute more interesting and I arnsc ing quite a bit of the counltr, i ok uat which bas been one of rny arn- One Ycar bitions alilmY life. Hoping that this letter finds AR ' you in good health and evervthin- A E fine in Bowmanvillc and dîistrict. Hope to se tle homo pto\%n jil, JEWVTELLERY May or June on annuat hoIidaty,ý. Yours trui, Billusan "orCOeUPSE 1 H-AVE /F-ý E O "My Dad is building it for me right now, and it's goiog ta be pretty important ta me some day." And a father knows hown important it is ta have that estate properly admjnistcred, no inatter lîow srnali it may bc at prescrit. H-lema, reccuve adx'ice and asiîstaote from exereccd'lrst Oflicers on the dispasition of lius estite wthotuî any obligation. Write for free booklet "Bluelpriiîî For Your Farni]y". THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0OR P O R A T 1I0N MEAD OFFFICI 372 Bey Si., Toronto BRANCM OPPCU 1-3 Duanlop Si., Rem'is jj Don't take chances with Fuel or Weather ORDER A TON NOW 0F 'blue ecoaï7 I)on't lie fooled ! 'Ihcre*s pIon (y of winter ahead Repienish youîr bin No\%' with 'blue coal'. Finish up the winter with the linest. Iwating, the greatest conifort, the utniost econoiwy t bat. noney can buy! Reweîîiher, wi ti 'bue coal', vou KN(>W what you're gettiiig! No gamble. No risk. 'l'lie BLUE color identifies it-guaran tees thte quality! For Low Cost Automatic Hecting Cut down haseinctit trip)s . . . save fuel, 1man1ey, linie, troubule . . . witih theic hlue coal' Temp.Nlaster. 'lc'2î ric ENve" ther- miostat regulates ilanp,"r'. Irmni living rooni . .. gives you simple, inexpensive, automatic heating day and i igIht. Phone for 'blue coal'9 now SHEPPARD & GILL LUMIER COMPANY LIMITED KING ST. E. BOWMANVIL.LE PHONE 715 - ' - .: ~"~ * xZ...t.,.L.' "t - veut "!anaiiun îtatt4manl rýt,bi.shed ISG4 W :th W hich is ,ncorpornled Th* So0wmnnviie News, The Newcastle Independent cand The Orono0 News 98 Yporsç' Continuotns Service ta the Town af Rowmnanville and Durhamn County AN INDE'PLNDENT NEWSPAPER (UREAU) si SUESCRIPTION RATES $3.00 a Year. trictiy in advdlncé $400 a Year in the United States Pubi.,hd by' THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Atihcyized au Second Cii, Mc;i Pou' ! ffre e Dpoilment. Oitawa. Bowmnanvîie, Ontairio GEO. W. JAMES, EDrrox - i~. ~.- - "'5> I.-"' ' I Y PAGE T,,mo THLMSDAY, MARCE In. In33 T'nr rAmAnTA" ROWMANTTLLE. ON7ARIO el

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