PkoE SIXTEEN THKt CANADIM4 STATESMAN. B( OWMN LL. NT.IC TUR -, bR- l, 03 -ImmLE.OTRC". TUSDY AGE1,15 BIRTHS DONOGHU-Hazel and Ab Don- oihue are happy to announce the birth of their daughter,, Jili Dam- lene on Monday, March 2, 1953; et~ Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Randy. 11-1. ?4ALCOLM-Noreen and Neil Malcolm are happy to announce the arrivai of their chosen son, David Gordon (Gordie) on Fni- day, March 6, 1953. 11-1, MALLEY-Mr. and Mrs. Grant Malley are happy to announce the birth of a son at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Feb. 27th. A brother for Steven. 11-1 POPPIN'-We've donc it again! It's Spring and a new, young sprout bas sprung forth on the Poppin' family tree. Expect this one to blossom forth for thc pub- lic on April 9, 10 and Il at the Town Hall. P.S.-Comnz 'a' Pop- pin' is the name-as if you didn't knn" -'11-1 VANSTONE-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vanstone are happy to announce the bith of their daughtcr, Debora Charlene, born January 28, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, also their grandson, Elroy John, born Feb. 3, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John Trimble. 11-l* V1ETZAL-Michael and Norah (nee Meredith) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of Timothy George at Memorial Hospital, »owmanville, on Monday, March 9th. A brother for Meredith and Susan. i- DEATHS CARDS 0F THANKS We wish to thank our many relatives and friends for their lovely floral tributes and many gifts during our recent bereave7 ment. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray. Mr and Mrs. I. Piper and fam- ily wish to thank Dr. Storey, Dr. Sturgis, and the nurses of Mcm- oial Hospital for their kindness and care, also friends and rel- atives for cails and gifts received while in hospital and at home. 11-1* We wish to thank our friends and neighboums for their help, flowers and messages of sympathy on the death of a dear wife and mother. M. Lamboumne 1 wish to thank Drs. Dymond and Sturgis; nurses and staff of D10 Oshawa Hospital, and my many friends, ncighbours and rel- atives for cards, gifts, flowcrs and help given me and my family dur- ing my recent operation. Daniel Black. CHALLENER-At the rsidence, Hampton, on Tuesday, arch 10, 1953,' Alfred Challener in his 83rd yýear. Beloved husband of Mabel Challener and father of the late toctor Reg. Challener. Resting at the Morris Funemal Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thursday at 2 o'clock. Interment Mount Pleasant Cerne- tery, Toronto. 11-1 COLVILLE-In Memorial Hospit- ai, Bowmanville, on Thursday, Manch 5th, 1953, Nancy Ellen, aged 2years, 3 montbs, beloved daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Colville. Service was beld at Nortbcutt & Smith Funemal Home on Saturday, March 7th, 1953. Intemment at Bowmanville Cemetery. 11-1 HOAR-At Little Britain, Ont., on brhursday, March th, 1953, Adel- za Nicholls Hoar in her 87th year, ~ervice was held at the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday, March 7th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 11-1 SMELLIE-At Harnmondsport, N. Y., on Tbursday, March th, Annie Willan Smellie, dear mother of Jamie and daughter of the late Edward and Eliza Willan of Cart- wright, dear sister of F.. F. Willan, Bowmanville. 11-1* Pets For Sale COLLIE pups, 7 weeks old. Tele- phone 2636. . 11-1 For Renf COMFORTABLE furnished room, arrangements for breakfast. Tele- phone 3063. 11-1 Articles For Sale We wish to take this opportun- ity of tbanking friends and neigh- boums, the Goodyear Powcrbouse Staff and officers and members of Local 189 who sent us com- forting cards of sympathy during thje sad bereavement of our little son. Mn. and Mrs. James McCaffrey. 11-1* I would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking fricnds of Orono, Kendal and the many of Kirby w-ho remembered me with welcome visits, flowems, fruit, ice cream, etc., and the many cards and letters during my illness, also Kendal and Kirby W.A. Mrs. Annie Patterson. We wisb to thank our many relatives, friends and ncighbours for the flowers, cards and acts of kindness during our recent sad bereavernent. A special thank you is also extended to Dr. Keith Slemon and the nurses at Mcm- oial Hospital, Bowmanville. Marion and Jim Colville. 11-1* I wouhd like to send a word of thanks to those wbo sent me such nice cards and flowers, also the W.A. and my mother, who were good and kind to my children; and to the nurses of Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanville and Dr. McKenzie, while I was in the hos- pital ill. Thank you ail again. Mns. Vemna Gibbs, Newtonvilhe. 11-1 1 wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank rny friends for their visitations, flowers, letters and camds during my recent con- finement to the Bowmanville Hos- pital. The nurses, and orderly, Mr. Ed. Willatts, were ahi most attentive. A special "Thank You" to Dr. A. F. McKenzie. .Leroy Hamilton We would like to take this op- portunîty to express our ap- preciation to the peuple of New- castle wbo hclped in any way in our re-establisbing another hume. Especially Mr. and Mrs. George PINK satin toe shoes, size 2, neyer worn. Newcastle, 2816. 11-1* AJAX Oats, Hay, Arthur Walk- er, Clarke A4314. 11-1* GREY baby carniage, good con- dition. Phone 2694. 11-1 '37 BUICK parts, reasonable. Phone 2306. 11-1'* 12 BALES of mixed hay. Phone 74r3, Blackstock. 11-1 QUANTITY of mixed grain. Ben G. Bennett, phone 2115. 11-1* CAR radio, 1948 Philco, 8-tube, push-button; excellent condition. Phone 891. 11-l* REGISTERED and treated, eady to sow, Larain oats. Phone 2904. 11-1 PIANO - Dominion, mahogany, fine condition and tonal quality. Tcrms. Telephone 492. 11-1w' LARGE quantity of firewood. Some cut in 3 1ý ft. lcngths. Brook- dalc-Kingsway Nurseries. 11-1 YOUNG hound, spayed and inocu- latcd for distemper. Apply Doug White, Hampton, phone 2396. 11-1 ABOUT 100 bales of hay, mixed mcd clover and timothy, $20 a ton. Telephone 2878. 11-1 Articles For Sale BEGONIAS-Buy bulbs now for starting and have them ready to plant outside in May. Gorgeous colons to choose from, whiie they last. Stewamt's Seeds, Bowman- ville. il-tf PLUMBING. Heating and Qi] Bumners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cal] S. Blain Elliott. Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tt " For the Latest Papers " For the Finest Paints " For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf VENETIAN BLINDS - Custom made-to-measure - also standard sizes in stoce, widths every inch from 24 to '43 x 64 inch drop, easily installed in a few minutes - also plastic and cloth window blinds. Sec F. F. Morris Co. for largest selection, lowest prices. 7-tf SLIGHTLY used Addison tele- vision 17" console model. Mahog- any finish, guaranteed. Regular $449.95, now $249.95. Good used Addison washing machine, $50.00. Several used radios and radio- phonographs, ah nreconditioned; from $15.00 up. T. V. Shop, 33 King W. Phone 3262. 11-1. STEEL walnut bcd and springs, walnut hall rack, dining-room f ix- turc. Phone 3037. 11-1 FREGISTERED Larain and Beaver oats. J. W. Boyd & Son, phone 51r18, Orono. 11-1* BALED hay for sale. A. W. Martin, Bowmanville, phone 2594. 11-1* 200 BALES of hay; used DeLaval milking machine. Phone 2868, Bowmanville. 11-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. bags, delivemed in Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 36 tf QUANTITY of large new packing cases, cheap. Apply Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries. 11-3 QUANTITY of seed Beaver oats, both registered and commercial No. 1. Phone 2581, Bowmanviile. 11-1 W. D. ALLIS-Chalmers tractor, ncw last faîl. Also Easy wash- ing machine; pair of geese. Tele- phone 2646, Bowmanville. il-1 NEW and used Bean spraying and concentrate spray machines. Robt, H. Cale, 312 Liberty N., Bowman- ville.111 COOKSTOVE with cil burnen in- stallcd, in excellent condition. Apply R. P. Stenger, Enniskillen, telephone 2824. 11-1 SIMPLICITY Wasber $140., used one ycar, still in guarantee period. Modemn skirted model; list price $211.00. Phone 3414. 11-1 ALL - ALUMINUM combination windows, sturrn sasb and screens. For free estimate and demon- stration contact M. Jurko, Phone Buwmanville 2753. 8-tf ALLIS-CHALMERS 5-ft combine with big Scohlours Clean; bin and a straw sprcadcr. Combined 30 acres last year. Good as new, price $1150. Phone 2986. 11-1 COMMERCIAL No. 1 Beaver and Erban seed oats, Panogen treated. COMING EVENTS 1 Real Estate NIXON REAL ESTATE 5-room 1%½ storey brick dwelling, 3 picce bath, furnace, hardwood floors, iaundry tubs, storms, screens, awning, garage, cement drive, garden, smnall fruit, land- scaped, extras, $9,500. Terms $5,000. 30 days' possession. One of the few modern, new homes in this convenient location, 5 rooms, 1 ½ storey brick, ultra- modern kitchen, oil furnace, fire- place, 4-piece bath, on one of the best residential streets in town. Immediate possession. $10,000. Terms. New ranch type, frame 5-room bungalow, bath, hot air condition- cd, modemn kitchen, breezeway to attached garage. Possession ar- ranked. $8,500, haîf cash. Corner property on main street, 3 rooms convertible to dwelling, store or office, with attached gar- age and lot. 3-room insul brick, hydro. approx- imately 1/ acre, floor covering, convenient to Bowmanville or Oshawa, $2,600. Terms. 30 days possession. 4-room frame dwelling with 3 acres, bath, built-in cuphoards, elcctric fixtures, floor covering, $4,500. Possession arranged. 6-room insul brick dwelling, 3- piece bath, heavy wiring, insulat- ed, built-in cuphoards, attached garage, garden, small fruit. $6,200. Half cash. Lots on good residential streets. Priced to seli as a going conccrn in Bowmanville. Other dwellings and farms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 Home Baking Sale at Kitson's Locker, Saturday, March l4th,ý 10 a.m. by Group 13, Trinity W.A. 10-2* St. Patrick's Supper at Maple Grove Church on Tuesday, March 17, starting at 5 p.m. Adults 85c, children 40c. 11-1* Plan to enjoy another Irish three-act play, "Turning the Trick" sponsored by St. Joseph's Church, in the Town Hall, March 27th, 1953.- 10-3 St. Patrick's dance at Solina Community Hall on Friday, Mar. 13. Prizes, lunch. Bryce Brown's Sevenaires Orchestra. Admission 75c. 10-2 Reserve Wednesday, March 18 for an Irish Concert of excellent talent at Burketon United Church. Time 8 p.m. Aduits 50c, children 20c. 11-1 St. Patrick's Tea at the home of Mrs. Wm. Paterson, Concession Street, Saturday, March l4th. Tea, 3 to 6 p.m., 35c. Sale Table. Auspices of St. Andrew's Evening Group. 10-2* "Och Lassie", come tae the Mc- Kenzie tea and bazaar on Satur- day, March 2lst, 3 p.m. tac 5 p.m. Tea cup and card reading. Sponsored by the band ladies at the Bowmanville Legion Hall. 11-2 For Sale DE WITH REAL ESTATE 115-acre farm, Clarke, clay end loam, 8 miles north of Bowmoan- ville, 105 acres workable, big barn, good wvell; 8-roomed brick bouse, garage, bydro. Price $13,000. Temms. Good farm. 50-acres farm, Clarke, loamn; 45 acres womkable, 2 wells, springs,' 30'x70' barn, cernent fluor; pig pen, hen bouse, stabling, garage, 8- moom stone bouse, hydro, cistern. Price $6,500. Terms. 150 -acre fanm, Clarke. Sandy loam, 80 acres workable. Spring, wcll, barnn, 9-room frame bouse, hydro. Pnice $9,000. Terms. 150-acre famm, Cartwright, dlay and loam, creek, well, steel barn, double garage; 10-roomed insulated frame bouse. Excellent, nice, good buildings. First class farm. Easy terms. Owner me- tining. 100-'acre famm, 3 miles noth af Pontypool, 65 acres workable, 35 acres bush and pasture, cmeek, weli, 30 x 80 ft. barn; 6-roomed bouse, built in 1935, hydro. Price $7,500. Tcrms. Good buiht 14-moomed brick bouse on King Street, Newcastle, bath- roorn, heavy wiring, wchl, cistemn, water systcrn, fireplace. Oppor- tunity for store or other business. Price $8,000. Terms. 9-roomcd cancrete block bouse in Newcastle, furnace, bard w o od fluors, electricîty, 3-piece bath- roorn, full cellar, double garage. Asking price $8,500. Terms. 15-roomed frame bouse in coun- try, 40 rods from bighway, witb some acres of land, hydro, water, on good road. Full ceilar. Price $4,500. Terms. Other farns, bouses, etc. John F. DeWilth, Realto>r King Street W. Newcastle Phone 3341 1 FURNACES A ir Condiiioning Oul Burners Sheet Metal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavesiroughing DAVIS & CO. 2 MLL LANE Phone, Day or Nitht 3412 - K Cars For Sale 1939 BUICK sedan in faim con- dition, $225.00 ar trade for good rnotorc 'vcle. G. Barrett, 27 Queen St. East, Bowmanville. 11-1' iptan Warnen's double garage. Fruit trees. 11-1 DEAD STOCK rcmovcd from a variefy con- $8,500. Termis. v our farm promptly for sanitary ySchool Room 1 Business Opportunity disposa]. Telephone Collect: Co- did programme 4-roomed bouse in Orona. Cellar, 1_-_ bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. crs frorn Bow- bydro, bot air bcating. Fruit1 IMPORTANT NOTICE ! Gardon Yýoung Limitcd. 1-52 ýe and Prov- trees. Taxes $40.00. $4,500. Terms Regional director will appoint ne -_________________ rft play "Count- spunsible men or women ta uwn \Vanted oR n ýults 35c, child- 41/2 acres in Newcastle. Lange and uperate a route of T in 11-1 l0-roomed bouse, air conditîoned, AIJTOMATIC DISPENSERS UFUNHE rom Phn - 01 heafing. This bouse would bel NUNSE om hn 'e here again-- suitable for lodge or well-to-do that dispense new type of popular 920. l* in' time again". gentleman. Extra bungalow gocs1 confection item. miss this year's wifh if. 5 roorns, goad iawns; 3,r Excellent locations will be avail-, SMALL bouse or 4-roomn apant- g, mirtb and acres of fruit. Sce this place for i able and our Regional Director, ment. Phone 659. 11-20 gaes in action good boy. will make ail necessary arrange- HOUSE, in vicinity of Bowrnan- and Saturday, ments for your route. Can bbeop-ville; Duteh, with nu children. id 1lth af the 221 acres on good road, on lake! erated in as littie as 6 hours a. Write Box 953, c/o The Canadian ýs are avaîlable front, guod 14-room stune house week or yuu can make this youn Statesman. 111 the Jack and large barn, hydro. 3 streams. Thi.s fuli-time occupation. This is net ýr person. Get farm would be O.K. for tobacco.'a Cet-ich-quick business, but une 11-1 $24.000 - $3.000 cash.j that will give you a profitable in- Personal corne the rest of yuur ElIe. This _______________ irs Prouerties Sold - Retited opportunity will pay youexceeP- HUSBANDS! Wives! Want Pep* akes af refrig- L. M. ALLISON mediatelv and xvill rapidly in-;ouf because bodyv iacks irun. get id commercial Real Estate Broker crease as business expands. YaU virn vitality taking Ostrex Tonix- H-iggon Elec- Newcastle, Ontario necd nu specifir educafional at- Tabiets. Introductory size onflv E.. Phone 438 Phbne 2566 tributes. Age or physical con-, 60c. At ail druggists. 11-1. 25-tf Two blocks nurtb of traflie dition is of nu consequence. AI signal, Newcastle. Cash lnvestrnent aI S900.00 ne-'rHYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber 1 quired ta cuver the cost aI equip - goads) mailed postpaid in plain PAIRS _________________i ment. seaîed envelope with pnice list. 1Wie are anly intenested in the type Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Boom and Boaird of.- persan who is capable of mak-. i Mai] Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- Males PIAEronhud ldsrding adecision. If you are a ber Co., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. PRVTEro, or i e ie.",hper rth Tin tOver j1-52 Apply 1 Liberty St. S. 1-l' Type" pfr-ase don«t waste our time D o hv pnn evr r NELYdeorated, central loc-a- or. vour ovi. _-W are- definitely 'o agirslsbrdwt 1Zipl'pers tion, television. Phonxe 3655. -go_ gtoIlahisto puae in1 ife" Do your knecs sag an<l your t11 1,i s arca i nrcdiatelv.ifvu r liver quiver? Don't rush for fthe _________________________ enuin)elvý interesfcd or fully r;uai- "alphur and molss~es--juat came i ified, %write, giving Phone Nu. ta to sec Coraz a Poppin' at tho ELLS LstEox< 954 c/o (anadian Statesman Tov'n Hall un April 9, 10 and 14. ________ ___ - -For an admnission Ie cf 75e we ONE br, wn Icather keY ca:-c, inla Paefrwl]ficyo ceou epn pÈ ariit. Ï,f A-rn, on humou-r.Iar Bowmnanville 1r1Jsi. E 'v, a1i. Wî '1e B(D: 3. Avý h2l~ 0 ~ Y1go hbun.c fcnLj,,Ylike a new 10-tf c/a Canadian Statesinari. il-i. dfija lasid persan. C, 11-1 Real Estate For Sale FIVE-roomed bouse, with sun- room, garage, at 20 Jane Street, leaving towni. Phone 758. 11-2* 102 acres, 10 Acres of valuable timber, gravel pit, 2 wells and a spring, frame eight-roomn house, full basement with cement floor, 2 barns, hydro, 1 good garage, 2 driving sheds, boiling house for syrup, on a county road, 3/ mile from summer rcsort. Contact Ed- ward Armstrong, Nestieton, Ont. Residence Caesarea, First St. 11-3 SCOTT REAL ESTATE $1,500 down, 6-room insul-brick, Z bathrooms, good cellar. large lot. $3,000 down, 70 acres, north of Courtice, good bank barn, hydro and water. $3,000 down, beautiful 6-room brick home on paved street. Com-; pletcly modern, garage, large lot, many extras. We have others to choose from. New listings appreciateci Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. W. Bowmanville Dial 663 Howard Brown, Salesman 11-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 160 acres on No. 2 Highway, close to Port Hope, good house, 6 rooms and bank barns. Spring and run- ning creek in pasture; a choice grain and stock farm. Price $12,- 500, half cash. 50 acres with good buildings, close to 35 Higbway and Newcastle. Will seli on very easy terms. Service station and lunch counter with 6 cabins on No. 2 HighWay. Will exchange for housq or sell on easy terms. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle, Phone Clarke 38-SSL Agent for W. J. Warren Real Entate Agincourt, Ont. 11-1 - Dance in Newtonville Comn- e elp Wanted munity Hall on Friday, March 20, _________________ under auspices of the Orange WOMAN for general cleaning, Lodge. Farrow's Orchestra. Ad- SSatumdays. Phone 3272 after six, mission 75c. Lunch served. PRNR for onchards, steady L.O.B.A. Euchre, Friday, Manch job, best wages paid. Apply Tom 2tb at the home of Mrs. Fred 9Hardy, Phone Newcastle 2357. Lewis, 66 King Street West. Ad- *10-2 mission 25c. Prizes for ladies and gents. There will also be lunch GIRL or woman for housework seved.1-* in Toronto, ideal working con-____ Sditions, libemal time off, excellent There will be a St. Patrick's -wages. Private room in new Variety Programme in Solina ghome. Phone M. Breslin 854 . 8-tf Community Hall, Monday Even- e EXPERIENCED married mn ing, March l6th. Everyone wel- -work on dairy famm. Free house corne. Admission, silver collec- 3with hydro. Good wages. Apply tion. 11-1 il Eben Milîson, R. R. 1, Enniskillen. Phone 2645. 11- Wednesday, March 25, starting PART at 7:30, a bazaar, penny-arcade, PRSman wanted, preferable in Enniskillen Hall, sponsorcd by *age 30 yeams or over. Apply Dean Service Club. W. A. semving tea. -Hodgson, Nichols Motor Sales, Draw, starting at 10 p.m. for 20 -corner Silver and Church Streets, valuable prizes. Tickets avail- Bowmanville. 11.1 able frorn members. 11-1 1 GIRL for office wurk for two Memorial Park Association af- rn ontbs, knowledge of bookkeep- temnoon tea at the Union Hall on ing and typing essential. Write Saturday, March 14th; fromn 2:30 Box 952, c/o Canadian Statesman. to 5 p.m. Aiso sale of home- 11-1* baking, miscellaneous booth, rurn- WANTED-Reliable man as deal- mage sale booth. Anyone wisbing er i Bomanille Exeninceto donate cooking or articles kind- not necessary. A fine oppotunity ly phone 3377. 10-2 to step into old profitable business 1 wheme Rawlcigh Products have Sunday School Convention, 2:30 been sold for ycars. Big profits. p.rn., Tbursday, March 19, 1953, Pmoducts furnished on credit. at Maple Grove United Church, Write Rawleigh's, Dept. C- 140-163, aftemnoon and evening. Invita- Montreal. 11- tion and welcorne to. ail Sunday - Schools in Clarke and Darling- BUILD a fine business! Full or ton Townships. Supper will be spare time. Learn how you can semved. 11-1 >seli 250 household products fully fguamanteed. Openings in youm Odd Fellows' Service Club suroundings. We offer you free Dance and Draw, Town Hall, goods monthly, more prepara- Orono, Friday, March l3th. 1953, tions and the chance of establish- 10 valuable prizes given awav to ing a business of youm own. lucky ticket holder. Paul Min- FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. icola's Orchestra of Peterborough, D., Montreal. 11-1 in attendance. Admission to dance 75c per person. Procceds Com- $18 AN EVENING munity Service. 9-3*J APATMET-Aa i abe MrchwaIton, Mr. Jack Wade, Queen'_s -rice $1.40 per bustiel. Phone For your spare tinie. Just 3 easy 19.PRoMeNT-AvBoailableMac Hotel and all members of the Newcastle 2771. C. W. Glenney. free trial sales of amazing Pat- l1l* LosCuanReCrs.12 ented Automatic Refrigerator De- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Corbin TWO-furrow International tractor 'rsescnpyyuta.Hn ONEor wa catd frnihedplow. Fluery-Bissel tractor d'sc, dreds of hot prospects, commis- rooms, pivate bath. Business . e large size. Both in good con-. girls only. Write P. O. Box 389, 1 wisb f0 express my sîncee dition, George Walton, New- sion. Rush name, address for Bowmanville. 11-1 thanks and appreciation ta rel-cate1-* urnedpoiofr.DFs- atives, fricnds and ncighbours for csle -- guaateed ofiDet. 60,r.eD-st S eed Cleaning the beautiful floral tributes, kind- RUGS - save up to 'kz on new, -ai oDet 6,Nw ______________________nesses and sympathy shown me reversible, Broadloom n ugs made market, Ont. GRIFFIN'S Secd Cicaners, En- during Mr. Walter -Sharpc's ilI- from your oid woollens, clothing,__________i rniskilien, wîhl be open March 16. ness and death, also to Dr. Dy- carpets, etc. AI] the latest BY firmn in Oshawa-Male typist Please bing Cluver and Timothy mond for bis faithful attention, Decorator shades. Phone 3446. and filing clerk; male cicr]-: with ini befome April 1. Corne early. and ta the ministers for their cum- 24-tf ability tu meet publie; maie rate- Phone 2977. 9- *furting words. - Mrs. Alice Farder. CHEV. truck parts, fit '40 to '46 clerk, prefcrabiy with paymolh SWAIN Sced Cleaners now open 11-1*r and others. D.P. rear end corn- knowledge; accuunting clerk with six-day week. Corne before the piete, $45. Ail other partstr, knowlcdge of receivables and pay- rush whilc we can give yuu guod Mr. arnd Mrs. Jack Poolton wish tubes, wheeis. Priced ta scl.les am lr rmCam service. Grain treated the Pan- to thank their many relatives and Apply to Murphy, 29 Horsey St., Insurance and Compensation; male ogen way. Phone Blackstock friends for the lovely gifts, flow- (back dour) or phone 3178. 11-1 o l sso accounfntwthfi nowlcdgcfi 89r1 1. 9-3 ers, plants and cards sent f0 them o i hsso Çonig rfi on their Emerald Wcdding Anni- ORCHARD spaycr, neanly new, supervisor, rncchanic to work on NÔW is the time to have s'uur versar.y. Special thanks for the Myer's purnp, 4-cylinder air-cool- acccssory installations on auto- seed cleancd at une of the most kind fhoughts frorn the Ladies' ed mutur, 200 gallon tank, with mobiles; Dynamorneter feccnician; efficiently operated plants in the1 Auxiliary f0 the Canadian Le. ion. or withuut rubbem-tired wagon. fullY cxperienced and iicensed vravin ce, clcaned treated and Mr. and' Mrs. King alsu wish to Eiectnic Jamesway chick brood- rnechanic f0 take special train- gagged ready tu suw; if you fanthldiswouabype er. Phone 2639. 11-1 ing. Write, statîng qualifications haven't sufficient sced for yuur' parcd and served the refrcsh- VNTA LNS 5dfeetadslr xetd aBx96 needs, contact us for yuur supply. menîs. rDS 2 df e c/o Canadian Statesman. 11-2 .we have aIl the recumrnended met.111 colours of tapes, 15 siat colours. _______________ vaieties afI oMs and barlev.-- Flexalun, Aiuminurn or Steel. Ëickard's Sced Clcaning Plant, Livestock For Sale measured and installcd fre cf Wanted To Buy R.10-tf,-___________,_Phone_2813.,_- charge, Phone 3121. Webcr's ______________ 104f___ ONE Holstein cow, 6 years old, Fabric Centre. 17-tf METRONOME in good condition. d, Phone 3093. 11-1 frcshening witbin a week. Phone NotcetoCre itrsBlackstock 72r3. 1- BEFORE selling vourhlve poultry TWO Hustein cows due tu fresh CERAMIC - PLASTIC FIatt, R.R. . Bethany. Phone AND OTIIERS en in March anîd April . Tlephone RUBBER MARBOLEUM 17 ra3. reverse chares 51 -tf IN THE ESTATE of Minnie Etta l2332. Alfred Aluin. î -i asce, ateof he uwn F~UR I hifes, . ' U011 WANTED - Live pou]try, goase »rkyPsce lteo teTon-1PORHosti hier,2 years Iff. Heal feathers. feather ticks, scrap iran. Éhip of Darlington, in the Cuunty aId. 2 brcd. 2 unbred. Feliz' Ba- phone 2902 Bowmanville rags and metals. Raw furs and t Durham, Marricd Woman, biar, Solina Road. 114 miles 1 -l d esi s h n -03 O h w ceasedwho died at the said north No. 2 Highwa.v. 11-î*, 14tf ecsi. P4n63203 shw ownsbip of Darlington, an or I DRAPERIES and venetiàn blinds colc.E6t ebout the lst day of Fcbruary, YOUNG dark feami. Will seli for custom made, or draperies sold 145. csh r tadeforlivstok. ppl iby the yard. Our representative AUTOMOBILEt rM TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O.,lMike Panas, RHR. 3, omnwilclatyuhmen ie .'0Ch. 40, Sec.5. ile . -lwîtî a compîcte range af samples INSURAINCE Creditonsandeotnes havingand suggestions without obliga-, élaims against the above estate Wcbae-n an the following tion. Free estirnates and free in- From outstanding company, and «Xè reiuired ta send particulars Startcd Chicks for deliv erY Lup ta stallat ion within 35-mile area. for careful drivers unly, who arc An dfull pono hrbef othe un-tb reweso g.Lws rcsi on arc2 5ah are n o l prrsgdonor thefretathe un-thre eesuTae owcs n ic in t.W., Pabric rs 5 vdrna5 iedand fathnoa day cf Apnil, 1953, after which No. Date 36T ow 59 ile. ., Phoex trhre r ers, wihnul date the assets of the estate wiîî Breed Chicks Hatched 69Bwa il, . 8t xr hrefrteocsaa driver under 25 or for business. be distributed baving regard to White Leg. 200 pullets, Feb. 20 IN GOOD condition and ,reasun- Pub. Li. 10/20,000. Prop. Dam. the Wli and the dlaims that bave Barred Rocks, 160 pullets, Feb. 25 able prices: M-H. i spring -23-tootb iS500 Corh.10 Ded. Coll. tjen been received. Bamred Rocks, 220 rnixed, Feb. 25 cultivator: IN..H. 812~ ft. one-wa fo$5.000. Smpre. $100 -iu Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario,. White Leg. 75 pullets, Feb. 2)81 dis tiller: MI-H. 3-furrow plow; on new cars uf pupular mnake, tffis 4th day of March, 1953. Barred Rocks, 165 pullets, Mar. 4 M.-H. sections sping-tooth I-ar- ulder cars lower. Lawrence C. Mason, Barred Rocks, 165 puliets. Mar- 7 row,,s: M-Ii. fve-section spike * 30 King Street West.tootlî harrows: Harvev baie and Drk Bik a - Barrister, etc., ORCIILAND FARM prDîue k vto: smemisel Bowmanvjlle. Ontariie. H. J. Brooks Phone 2636 ian( nus equ:prnenî . Auplv Eirn-1 Insurance Solicitors f« * I Bowmanvile, Ont. crait Farms, Osha-, d. Phone R.R. 1~. Burketon 31 Executorr i-~1- 5-4684. 9-3 ]Phone 82-ir-Z Blackatoci An Easter teaE items entered in th test sponsored by Busihýss & Profess Club will be held Community Centr( fmom 3 to 5 and Tickets 35c, availa mem bers. To day, Mamch 12 attend the Kopper of Home Baking« Tea, sponsored by Wornen's Institute, Community Centre 8 p.m. 60 valuab' $5.00 door prize. made at 8 p.rn. March 17, Haml Institute will givei cert in the Sunday at 8 p.m. A spiend witb special numbe manville, Courtice idence, also a une-ac ing Calories". Adu ren '20c. "Happy Days are It's Cornz 'a' Poppir You won't want ton production of song melodrama wbicb Thursday, FridayE April 9th, lOth anc Town Hall. Tickets from rnembers of1 JilI Club at 75e per Your ticket carly. Repa REPAIRSto ail ma erators. domestic an( rnilking coolers 1 tric. 42 King St E SHOE REI WV E SharpenS Repaii Rubhers and LLOYD E Shoe Bel 39 King st. IW. and display of he Scwing Con- Y Bowmanville sional Women's d in the Lions -e March 26th, 1 7:30 to 9:30. able fmom club 9-5 2th, be sure to Kamnival, Sale and Aftemnoon y Bowrnanville in the Lions from 1 p.rn. to )ld prizes, aiso Dmaw to be L. M. ALLISON REAL ESTATE 135 acres, 80 rods lake frontage; 21 mixed fruit trees, large barn, garage, implernent bouse. Good solid 7-moom brick bouse. Deep freeze built in. Good gravel oad; close to school. $17,000. Terms. 80 acres on Hîghway No. 2, close to Newcastle. Suitable for gas station or motel. 60 rods facing on highway. Fruit treeà, good hedge at front. Six - roomed bungalow, oak floors throughout, full size basement. Three-piece bath, kitchen cupboard and sink, also sink . in basement. Fruit cellar, large living-room, with bay window. The vendor would ike to seli fumniture, stock and im- plements. Ail for $13,000. Terms. 54 acres on good road, 21/2~ miles from Newcastle. 1,600 Christmas trees. Good stable. House was burned,basement is theme to build on again. 2 good wells. Can be bougbt for mortgage, $2,000. Terms. 240 acres, good road. School on farm. Large barn, water pres- sure. 12 acres of bush. 12-roomed bouse, bardwood floors, bot air hcating. Good daimy farrn. $18,000. Tcrms. 100 acres Hope Township. Solid brick 9-roomed bouse, bath, bot air beating. 4 large barns, irn- plement shed, hen bouse, garage, 2 wells. 8 acres bush. 30 acres of orchard, good fruit. 20 years aId. $26,000. Terms. 75 acres, no building, 40 acres, with cmcck. $3,000. Tcmms. 40 acres, nu buildings, good bard- Wood bush, goud road, close to Newcastle. $1,600. Terms. 12-roomed bouse in Bowmanvilhe. stucco on solid brick, hardwood fluors, 2 bathrooins, insulated, bot water heating with ou. Possession of lower fiat 30 days. Both are rented nuw, at $70.00 per month. 3 garages. $16,000. Terms. 9-roomed concrete block bouse, in Newcastle; hardwood fluors, furnace, electricity, 3-piece bath, -- L. < -v.- il: Notices For Rawleigh's Gooý Health Products in DarlhNegon ~nd Eait Wbitby, cal at 72 Ëàîàktreet, ot telephone Lloyd G.' Wancock at 518. l- NEW LOCATION WANDA'S BEAUTY SHOF Now Open for Business at 71 KING ST. E. - PHONE 2851 10-3 The Singer Sewing Machine Company now has a Permanent Representative in BowvmanviI1e. DIAL 3405 for MR. BALLANTINE, who lsa thoroughly experienced man ay'! wiIl geve you the best of serviae. He is a member of our stafi from your Singer ýSewing Centre 47 WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE 0t AUCTION SALES I have received instructions from'Ralpb Boughen & Sons te selI by Public Auction on his fain, lots 9 and 10, con. 5, Clarke Twp, 1/4 mile west of Starkville Corner, ail bis farm stock, implements, hay, grain and poultry, on Wed. nesday, Marcb 25, at 12:30 o'clock. Lloyd Clysdale, Auctioneer, tele- phone 2416 Clarke. 11-1 Work Wanted GIRL wishes general housework. Can start immediately. Phone 2865. 11-1 DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp. ton, for custom kiiling. Phone 3243. 32-ti SINGLE elderly man will ex. change services on farmn for room and board. Farm experience. Write Box 957, c/o Statesmaz Office. , il-le PAINTING. PAPER HANGING Full Seleetion of IPARALAC PAINT9 -. and PAPERS - FREE ESTIMATES Howard S. Dro.king .. .1 - Wanted