Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1953, p. 14

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PAGE FOUR'rEEN Goodyear Hockey Up Their Regular With Mais Leadinq The Good% ear Hockey League' wound up thrir regular seheclule with the preview of the playoffs as the Mats opposed the 0f ficýý and the Hose playèd against the Fan Belts, the same teams meec- ing agan rext %ýeek in a sudden death sew-i-final series. l'he first game created a great deal of intcrest as it found the two leading goal scorers pitted against each other, although Don Masters carried a five point bulge over his necarest opponient George Piper. Both teamns turned on the becat right from the open- ing wb:stle and it soon developed into one of the fastest and most eleanl-v plaYed games of the sea- son. After t en minutes of see-saw h ock « <v George Piper opre~d the scoring with a shot from the bluc line whicb was in the net before George Richardson could make a mn ve. From this point th% Mats began to apply pressure but fotund the defence of Larry Chant. Jim Ma- bvn andi Tomm - Gaicheli doing a Vcrv effective job of blocking the rnad to the goal wbîle Richardson took care of anv close in aitempis that the Mats we(re able to get. Finall v ' "immv-' Nickerson ,,,vio hadi several gldrn opporttînities Io put the puck in the net as si- Cd b' ý iLUXton and the Mals ]ed 2 to 0 Thi.- nnlY seemed to spur on the See This J "SHE] 20" Screen THE T.V. 5 33 KING W. Ask for Free Home Demc THURSDAY, MAIRCR là, 1958 ?He[ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, OXTARIO til Lloyd Hamilton scored on a P W L T Pts joins 300 Group pass from Irv Brooks ta miake il Bercatmi10L0 0 Schedule it~im ngoaJmletand s or- Lead Io Hold Top Position in League , Destroyers - 1 107 2 O I1 là_B wln c w fatgoals as lie ppsi Leaders Hot hosts -10 4 452 101Duaine Palmer joined the3 Ba es - 'Pont L Gop. hosts 10 44 5 109 1 - oi t in rebounds from shots bv ,PG, B tesTa m 9Poi ts eiii TLeraaes-s 3 71o 61 league this week with a single rardi and Forsey ta m ake it 2 t a 1 T ige___ __ r B ao s - -- 10 o î 3o 30 , b t u in7i n' to0h for the Hase.JrBaos--10 01 0 0132bu uiedd'stph: 'Office and thev quickly lied the Bih Harisonicoredan iin' hC h n rbest 1 'or e --- 15 12 29993 35i In the playoffs the '*Bearcats She rolled twa more, 256 and 1ý score ongals by Masters and sisted goal ta make il 3 to i nnd .-'Pitîî ot 4 l 073 4 Iîl la te otbasC a to agive lier high triple score Junkîn after Masters had been although the score -Ia\rcd Ibis I iiiullii'r S oCSn 2.O-4i forilecarla .10 14 28754 30 game goals ta counit series. 717. robbed repeatedly by Dick Per- way for some time thbc sior tage a total of 787. Ross McKniglit wvas D McKnigbt ---- 13 14 29183 29 The "Destroyers" will play the Teani Standings feet who was playing his usual of players began ta take ils tol next witb 7811. Bill I1olley 770, 'Oshorne ----- 12 15 29610 271 "Galloping Ghosts" in a two- jJo]]---------------- ---- stcady game in the nets. Pla o! the Fan Belts and Forscv and Murrauv Larmocr 767, Maxie Pilier ---- 10 17 29731 24 game goals ta caunit series. 1 Phillips----------- ------ - thon swung from end ta end NvithY Levett added further goals ta o ouril 739, C.cnrge Fllott 734, Al IR. McKnigbt _ 10 17 29347 22 Inb case o'f a tie the game may Mutti ------ bah g aie a i g e a k b mak,( the score rad 5 ta 1 Osbhi oc 7:11, Bill \\ slake 726, Cale 8 19 28340 19 be replaYed.- -avcs with Ferguson and Large About Ibis lime Jim FlBedford Geoge tepiî'is717 Dac lIc-'- ES The winners of these games ilMNty_-------------- mîssing the net bv inches at anc began to tbriow b i, is it nrniind kîlt77 ns llmnadI1IILLALA vie for the title on March 26 'n Bromil- end of the ice w-hile Peter Stacey and stepped ino Foi'sev and Ba- jack CaN bath lbad Î06. G Elliott --------------- 245 a sudden-death final game. Major ---- -------------- i ~~ceorgc Elhoitt badciverybodyA soii------ 3 h sm-ia gmswl b thr------ and Jim Richards suffered a like ker ln quick succession iiitb ta watcbaiig lini w lie lcstartcd oil T. Oborne ----------------- 2 31 pTaed o nardanesMarch 21 atBckell--------- - ----------- fate at the other end. bbc deliglht of the lar-ge crowd ni- T.iîb 8 n ai-------------on---ta-B.-W- ----- 231 9 o aur a Ma 1al, Pip e l- ------- ---------- As o ften happens in a game of tbi1 v ntcdtatJmu-fnish 1 lngî a sca ~B. Ple -------------.- 231 TemsBaasv. Hotshots B a Ii s typethie issue \a\ de idc all>'w-cnt down iiist as fast 1s i Hie las-t t\\ovs.îîaînc-s.---e-r----Dr.-R. -S-c-on---24-I bv a gift goal wvhen Fergy in a.- 1h e other gu,'. Ther gaine\Vas ended nîî witbi 359. Ross Me- iT. Pbillip 2 tam;Dsryr s alp ealn hedtpfrasotwiea i p ------211 ing Ghosts, 9:30; Hotsbots vs. lempting to clear the puck bad the hl pfrasotwiea i Knight biad 330>, Bill Bates and R. McKnîght -- -------------- 220 Bearcats, 10; Galloping Ghosts vs. High Averages mnisfortune ta kick the dise onta i Levett had the misfortu,îe tu -ak Knugbit both with 308 and E. Brock ----------------------219 Dsryr,1:0 ol ocut .Jl -------- th tc f D n M ses w o twist his knee and had ta be as- Dîck Little 30)7. D. Little -------------------* 1 V. Coole --- - -- ----------- uastedi no lime in sîîpping il inta sistod from the ice. Reg Hearle's teani had bhebc et Ii. Janzen ----------------------218 BANTAMS J1. Major - --------------- ilie net. Howcvor as one coachi Shorîlv afler Irv Brooks Ict triple wiltb 352.3 as \vchl as high B. Hearle ------------------------ 218 Last Salurday morning slarled, B. Buidai------------------1 la-ssaid as lng a s ou have 1 BilIlle aav will a pei'feet single sý-oc o 29 .Bakun--- ---------- 7tesrifnloretheo! 1279.. I F. Bl------ackbu---------- Ilpuck the other feilow cant pas,; and Bill nmade n mistake Ah Pîipcî-, the iii and ont buwl- !J Landier ----- ------- -----27iplayoffs with Mason's team, league 1 T. Wiseman.............- ---- --- score with it anîd if Don bad not as bc pubI the dis e bind Ricbi- efnsîdwt 1h1 u o . ynard .--------------------- 216 1 leaders, playing Gea. Kcnnett's K. Beauprie ------------------ been Johnny annbthe spot no goal ardson whbo xas plaving bis sec- lhoiors in thie low division, Mut J. Gay - 2----------- ------- ,16 fourth-piace îeam. H. Piper ------------------ w-ould have been forlhcamin ] ond game. George Sellers ended Corson liad l10i, Russ Oke 107 M. Youi'th - -------------------- 215 Mason's squad won over the M. McNuulty -------- lhug Frg' lmstan Sr ikovNihlsha 10.Bbbcle .---c---ring----------2 .5eenethoe y -congolsbcrledi aron--- amnends xvhen be bitlbhe galpassfo u.PretadteThere wec no'low triples. N. ORot-ii r ke -- ----u--d-(2)---and--Mason-(2)---O.----c----' post it wvas ail ta no avail as-, un- tame ended in favour of the ALLEY HA'1".-1R ERnl -iTom ol(2an Msn(2)0Eth ------------------ kin scared bis; second goal \,itil Hose 6 goals ta 2. Dick Littl--s---am-certain------Bat-s---- ' I.5wbîle Lloyd Staintan got the lone, E. DeGeer ----------------- a longshot fom th bluelne an Dick ittle' tean certan].ý B Ba, .------------------- 211 tally fuam Lewis for the lasers. E. Manco ---- ------------- ah lOffgicoe ram othebwinne andth Final League Standings didnt give Bill Bates' outfit a1 E. Pericet ------------ - ------ 213 Geo. Kennett's gang weîe the tA. G ay -- ----------------- bb Ofie a oI vini' b te LT A~ chance ta gain any points as they JD. Taylor --------------213 firs tascoe--d-te-r--pe-wec------Prck- score of 4 ta 2. PW11TF 5 P s ept tue srors angames ta nil. Dr. En. e r * * * ~~~Mats -- --- - 1,5 10 4 1 92 52 21 1 bis psîts Little 9 points up on ýp 'o - ychfo itoybtth pa- >Ii Bcnl..... The seond Éý me aw sh rt Hase ------ 15 8 .5 2 79 65 18 i-Bi-.--t-l-s--an--de-eu-vas-o-h------.. . . . 213 ilion xas just too strong for tbem -L. Hayes ------------------ lîanded Fanî Belt îeam putting up Office 15 7 7 1 82 64 15 on top as evcry, nian on the tcam R., Richards - --------------- 212 ath er a le fogr ed. Lmon eaas a goad batlle againsi. the Hase Fa et 5312O4 1 as a ci*)bor ttler average. Il M. Harrison -------------------211 thie sn game Jon ow- daRihads........ Honi.Fo te irî itee mn-Leading Scorers banstoîkine w l crehoeF Sms -- - --1 r's lads met the Faivey Dairv- Kelly Biggs ------------- on---top- in---a - alk.erG APtsJ. Grahamn-------------------------210 mon in a much tighler cantest Audrey Martin- -PaerG APs Jack Hawcs hîad his best night IA Spice r----------------------------210 and the final outcome w'as a -'nR. Morr'is ------------------- D. Masters (O)--------- 25 10 3 5 ta date with a 672 triple. a J. Callan ---------------------- 20)9 fou' the milkmen witb a goal b> Fu-eda Yen --------------- B eautiful ~~~G. SPier, (M)---- 122 729 2Fifti- boteiver c-11s wbaa1, 1 CaoR. l-,,----------- ------------- 2)9Marerrisn n a passout b> Thp date for <'r tiinual baîî W. Lyle, (F)b---- 15 72 poiatl65',Of tebw-R glt --- - - 29 Fairev. Mort Richards and Johnba benstfrAil6 Be i tf lG.Sles(H---17 1 292 p)1) a ter uv.51rag e. i s a- R. illman ----------------------- 208 Fowler tvere sent t te i pli ac eteegfonrHapll. ac J1. Levett, (H) ---- 12 9 21 ers and is aur besi. record ta date. A. Sainelîs ---------------208 for minor infractions wýihdd' lc-h einHl.Ec JRichards, (O) -.---- 1) Il 21 Puesident Bob Watt wull bc G. Piper -------------------------- 208 heîp their cause. nd as mebeso.d plaian J COC.Raby, (M) - 10-----I 10 210 calling, a meeting of the executive M. Oke ------------------- 208 The final round of the two-~ attenda e r'lnnn C. Ppr (M) - ------ 10 10) 201 next week lu make arrangements H. Palmier --------------------- 208 game, goals ta count series, wiîî and different party. E7. Luxton, (M) ----- 13 6 19 for the big super banquet. The K. Luxton - ------------207 be played Ibis Satuu-day morning ýK.Niakerson, (M) --- 9 10 10 date wîll hc announced later. Il R. Hearle --------------------- 20)7 wibh the fiu-st game starting al * laof eedl haî'dly scems passible thiat the M. Lai-mer - -------------------- 207 7:20, Fowler playing hasts ta p.r.- ayv.Offce. atu gme bowling season is ncarly avec F. Cale ------------ ----------206 Fairey; and the second game eit f r Series (A) - Marcli 151h 1-2 and tbat the Broakdale Rases Will A. Piper -----_----------- 206 sclheduled for 7:50 with Kennett eît f r (1u dde-dath v. Ofc.Bt a soan bhouotî n the basebaîl dia- M. Vanstane --------------------- 206 being the "home" team taking a sudden-death. ~~mnd gctting in shape fa another D. McKnight - ------------ 2(04 visit fram Maison. The winners Sories (B) - March 15th 2-3 seasaui. N. Hennings -----------------204 will play a sudden death final Just Arrived A pm. -Hase vs. Fan Boîts. E'MAO LGU W. DeGeer ------------------- 204 game on'March 26. Seis C-ine f s. MNS AO LGE Dr. Austin --------------------- 204 Seis()Wne fAv. 9th WVeek-2nd Schedule M.Dl- ----22 Juvenjes wunner of sories B. Two games: M. a202 --P--WL------s------ -- - -- 20 Total goals ta count. March 22nd Tearn W L P PIs B. Milne------------.---- 20P WLT t an d 29 th. Little-------- 20 7 31636 48 B. Williams --- 202 John Bird ---- 10 6 1 3 15 WS I O N.B.-Only.thosp, players who Bates ------17 10 30214 39 S. Tu-exin -- --------- --------- 200 Dennis Htughes 10 6 2 2 14 have playod no less than si Slem-on--------- 15 12 29554 36 J. Fair -.----------------- 200 Bill Croakett --- 10 2 7 1 5 leaiue games au-e eligible for thege ll- 1 1-2---3-----ngh --- - 2001 Wally Lau-mer - 10 3 7 0 6 1E playoffs unless they have been _________________________________ Sudden-death semi-finals on out because of injuries,. March 25 with the playoffs on March 26. i .A* r t *iTAIfrom $419.50 IHlOP PHONE 3262 anstration TIIEATRE - BOWMAN VILLA FRIDAY - &SATURPAY - M4ARCH 13 - 14 - TL. -WFme)YRCH 16 -17 . 18 vvrns .iropny ( i Ernie Neilson Bowmanx-ille Badnminton Cltub mnember, is sliown abave as he u-ccives the Irophy for winniuig the Men's Singles Chýmpionship during bbc annual Central Ontîario Badminton Associationuîlîrnîa- ment held at the Tuenton R.C.A.F. Station. The Bawmanvillc Club wvon bath thie meu's singles and men's doubles e'-ents. Recreation ,~ Revues " by DON SHAT MINOR TROPHY NIGHT iset aside for the Minor Hockey Thursday, Apu-il 2, at 7:31) p.m. 1 Night wben the final games o! the ln the Lions Commtuuity Centre seasan will ho play ed. Pee Wees prosontation of the variaus crests! will start off at '6:30 p.m., thon and trophies la the \vinning teains the Bantams at 7:45 and the Midg- will be the highliglit of the even- et and Juvenile game at 9:00. ing xith films, guest speakers and The winning teams ,vill ho pro- a light snack making up the rest seriled with their traphies on the of the programme. ice by the various danois, includ- It is boped that some Maple ing Reg Harding and Tom Gatch- Leaf hocke 'y play ers m-ill ho avail- aIl for the Pea Woe, Jack Miller able to make a gtîest appearauice, of Miller's Taxi for the Bantams along with local key mon ini sport and the Midget and Juvenile Tro- as w-cIl as Mavai- Mor-ley Vani- pli>- ta ha presented by someone stone and otlier iutcrested mninai unkuiowvn at present. hockey fans and supporters.' If you wauld care ta present a Crests will ho aw-arded lathie trapliy ta this gîaup o'f hockey beague winners and tathie champ- plaeswhoaebe e'Ieae louis o'f bc pla 'ydawns iii all min- of 16 anîd 18, give me a caîl at 728. or classifications.*** A lu-apli will also ho. presented TROPHY CASE ta the cbampionslîip team in Ihie Tlie trophies, after officia] '- Wec. Banlam and Midget- presenitatian at the Minor Tropby Juvenile groupin.gs. Night will b ho huscd la a neW tplîy case la ho built in the MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Au-ena, and tlie awards wil hoe on Tlîursda>-, Mar-ch 2Cia bec" j displa.v for the public la view. Lm~ u CASH PRIZES 21 Games and $75,00 Jackpot - ail for 50c - also - SPECIAL GAMES and SHARE THE WEALTH THURSDAY, MAR. 12 - 8 p.m. sharp NEWCASTLE COMMUNJTY HALL Proceeds for Newvcastle Lions Club Welfare Work Frank Moraeq, Editor a! thie Times o!flIndia.-'LnLova-it \-îo thîe rlac an d al -cd o! tînoýe îîo differ w b yoii arc tic t uinI props of Coi-ntitiism. YOUR EYES and!1 FEL OIL CO.RAT prev is 1 Co py righ ts. of Optomeurist Disney Bidg Opp iP.0 OSHAIVA -Phone 5-6143 216. l'le tcstiuîg o! clildrýes ae- sughît b>- nurse or beach er us of~ littlo avaul unless supplemented b,the co-operatuan o! ane>sttj Spetialist. Man>' conditions ar-c, on]lv uncovered b>y a campîce ' examîiniîioui.4 Tîiere i usnich >ou cao do. \'ou should take occasionî 10 obfzer\ e carcfullv btha abjîdre n un ou i charge as bhuc are certaîîî syni ptons o! cyaestraîn ecasily ra- cognized. which wull enable cuti 4 ta deternîine in same degrea 11w 4 visial condition o'f the child I Havc thle 0>-es exauîîuned rgiaî and wear cIaszsc.;ifnfesay - (Copyu-ughted) One to Five Years Lander m Stark 011 Ltde OSHAWA Phone 5-38 43 KING ST. W. Check these feafures - *Storage one million gallons *Automatic Delivery *Meter-stamped Tickets -FOR DIL OR SERVICE Phone your local agent JACK BROUGH PLU31BING Oil Bturners Installed - and HEATING Phiono 615 - Bom.manville PAKISOCIALi Don't farget the Memarial Park SI. Palrick's Tea, March 14, in the Union Hall (right off front street) from 2:30 on. Home baking, rum- mage booth, parcel post booth and a variety booth. SWIMMING SOCIAL Hear the local Swimmung Club are gaing ta bave a wind-up social ln the near future. Sounds like a igood idea and should ho lots o! fun. Don't believe plans are ail com- piled as yet but the spirit is mov- ing that way. Bill Edger Tops lIn Basketbal At Petejrborough Bill Edger, former basketball star of Bowmanville Hîgh Sahool is still going strong in the cage gaine as a momber of the Peter- borough Marines. In the final game o! the first round of the Ontario intermedi- ate 'B" playdowns between the Marines and the Belleville Moi- ras, Bill, wbo is a son of Mr. and Mu-s. W. A. Edger, Bowmanvible, scorod 18 points in the Marine's 68-44 victory over the Belleville squad. Marines won the round 124-108 and advanced against Oshawa Gu-ads. A picture of Bill in action in Ibis gamo appeared ia the Examiner, Billw-as top seau-or for the Ma- rines during the rogular season. Ho is cmployed as a draftsmaîî b.v the Peter-borough Outhoard Mator Company who sponsor the Marines squad. Durham Bowling League Tcam PinsPit Fouuidi-v 28487 54 yStatesrnan ---------, 270)90 43 SA. & P.- - ------- --26611 4-1 Sheppard & GI---- 2 6125 39 Euînîskillen Il ---.----- 27096 361 Tyrone ----------27189 3 BT.S. ------- 26226 3() Blackstock ------------25571t 28 C. O. F. -- 263:38 22~ iEnniskillen I -----24721 21 Maple Grave ------ 2617-é9 17 Hampton - -------23384 15 C. Woluîr -213 M. Larmer --------------------- 210) 'A. 1-bar -------206 .J. Tbomrpsan----------- 20)6 1 B.M tchell ---------------- - -205, B. Engîey --------------------- -- 20)5 1\W. DeGeer .,.---- 205~ hL. EIlis ----- - 204i 4F, Snith ------204' T. lMeLIaighllin24 J. S mi on ----------- - 2()4 I . Potier ---------------- - 2103 l N . Bailey ------- ----------- -- 203j F . B liiit - --------------- 2)0 J. Lcvitt --- ------200 Lemon League A.sarpe ---------------- _ 61 A ilson -------------------66 B. Noble ---------------- 78 T. We5lake .--------- - --- -- 87 JSmale 89 High Tr-iple-K. McGill 744. High Sinlle J. Stacey 299. TO EVERYIV'HF:RF Air. Rail or Steamship Consuit .1IlRYV &k L VF . L P.0y4manviIle I.15 Kint- St. %V. - Phonp. 778 Nesileton Station 'Mr. andl Mrs. I red Toms, En- niisillcn; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Tay- lor, Mr. and Mis. Norman Tfaylor 300, wih Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nes- Sof bitt. cre.1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughIlini 15, nd Lawrence visied Mrs. Jas. ofFarder. ofiMr. Grant Thompson visited Mr. IAlex Gilbert, Mlbok Mvr. and i\,r3. Russel Sonley, 47 Port Perry, with Mýr. and Mrs. 43 Jas. Harris. 401 Mr. and Mvs. Phillip Langfeld, '9Rosemarie ané Hcatrier, Bowman- 14 ville, visiicd Mr. àpd Lvrr,. T. G. 32 Langifcld.0 S Mrs. Osmond Wright, Black- 27stock, witb Mrs. Alice Forder. 27j Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow and 2-Mis. Gcrald liadlcy, Toronto, \vith 20 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. 19 Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. j Howard Sultan (nec Murici Hy- land), Kingston, on the birth of ,)ln a darîghtcr. ý22 The sac <of stock and impie- 19)6 nients at the farmn of Mr. and Mrs. 190) Hlarold Beacock Nvas quite success- 1 87 Iil ncespite the roiigb w\eatlicr. 186 Mr. and Mr,. Ted Colley, Pa- l8.s tricia Lynda and Virgina, hav'e l8,4 rovcd t' a house at Blackstock. 8g4 i Sincere symipathy is extended 183 'qI Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vine in 1 82_ the sudden passing of their son 1,91 , Ralph. The funeral service was 18) hcld ini Lestîcton United Churc'i 17î8 an TbiîrsdayPfleriîtooni. Fello\w 177sidrt l'id teacher Mr. Roy 1 761 Turr! of Blaci:,stock ,Junior High E7 chool aittenidcd in a bodiv, ibe girls formned a gîtard of bonour and the boys \vere flower-bcarers. 69 Pallbr',arcrs were six scbool cbums 771 of Ra]pb's: Bert and JerrY Bow- m9 e rs. Douglas Davison. Raymond 72 McComh, Clifford DaYes and 98- Tiiim;e Grieve. Interment was in outNestictonCe tr. the and Wool garments wiIl last long- to er and look botter if tevare îew \vell brusbed Pnd propcrl.v hung on a banger afîci' eacb .vvaring. d,- The New 1953 [OUSE FRIGERATORS $299 up TELEVISION SETS Motorola - Westinghouse - Addison from $299 Westinghouse SEWING MACHINES $99 Up NATIONAL ELECTRIC RANGES Four-burner,-Under-oven - Regular $199 Now $189 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGES Table Top MNodcIs $299 NEW WASHING MACHINES $149 One only FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR New, stili in case, Freezer ncro>s the top 8.6 eui. (t. - Regular S399 Special - $299 USED G.E. TELEVISJON SET 12-inch serccn $199 USED CROSLEY TELE VISION SET 14-ineh scrcen, Table Model Coniplete with Booster ____ ____$159 USED REFRIGERATOR 6 <ubir (cet iq -5 P ý Pl, PH MURPHY'S Furniture & Appliance Store -Ini Bowmanville - IONE sil 52 KINC. SI. W. - In Oshawa - ïONE 3-863b417 SIMCOE ST. S. 1 ,à

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