PAGE siXTEN g, TKE t~AUAnAW U'rA'P~maAw E%~,A~V VU ~WIPAU?~ -- WW5~~ V - ~ £S~~ -.-----, -w.. ~W ~iYff WAN AjS. PHOMIE 3303 BIRTHS STÉPHENSON '- To Mr. SBob Stephenson <nee Ar d), Newcastle, -Ont., at M ai Hospital, Bowmanville,: 131h, 1953, a son (Robert Rié »MEFORD-Mr. and Mrs. Ja »dord are happy to annot the birth of a daughter, IÀ jane, on Sunday, February 1953. at Memorlal Hosptal, B 4ianýile, a sister for Michae COOK - Mr. and Mrs. Fr Cook, 85 Duke St., are happ3 announce the birth of their ai Memorial Hospital, Bowrr viille, on February l7th, 19N brother for Susan. LATHANGUE-Mr. and Mrs, Lathangue are happy to annou the arrivai of a son, John Richi at Memorial Hospital, Bowr vfîlle, on February l7th, l Môther and baby doing wel]. PATERSON-Mr. and Mrs. R. Paterson (nee Edlth Wood]( Harmony Rd. South, Oshawa, happy to announce the anr of their daughter, Janette1 ricda, at Memoriai Hospital, B( mnanville, February llth, 19. 'TRELEAVEN-Dr. and Mrs. H. Treleaven (nee Betty GoslJ Ore happy to announce the 1: of a son in Kingston GenE Hospital, Saturday, February 1953, a brother for Allison. DEATHS ANDRUS -At Oshawa GenE Ilospital on Saturday, Febru 14th, 1953, Oscar Burton Andi aged 63 years, son of the1 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Andr §ervice was held at the Mci 2uneral Chapel, Bowmanviile, Monday, February 16, at 2:30p Interment Bowmanvile Cemete and riene Wem- Feb. cky). 8-1 ames )unce . inda 1lst, 3ow- Lel. 8-1 'rank )Y to .son man- 3, a '8-1 Ray Lnce ard, ,an- 1953. 8-1 1. D. ey), ,are ival Pat- 30w- 953. 8-1 W. lett) >rth erai 14, 8-1* ieral îamy rus, late lrus. rris' !on P.m. ;ery. 8-1 DE13AERE - At Memorial Hos. rital, Bowmanville, on Wednesm day, Februamy l8th, 1953, Mai. guerite Debaere, in hem 56tl yýear, wite of Rene Debaere, RF 2 Orono, and mother of Emiel EFesting at the Morris Funera Chapel, Bowmanville, until Thums. day morning, then at the Portei Funeral Home, Delhi, Ont. Ser. vice on Saturday at Delhi Roman Catholie Chumcb at 10 a.m. In- térment Delhi Cemetemy. 8-1 LATHANGUE, Lucilla-In Bow- inanvilie, on Monday, February 164k 1953, Lucli Lathangue, be- jed wife of the late Norman . eathangue, age 73 years. Rest- Ireb. a8th, 3 p.m. Interment 'Union Cemetery, Cadmus. 8-1 " ATIN - At Newcastle on rbusday, Feb. 12th, 1953, James PÀrnaby Martin, aged 73 yeams, iband of the late Lauma Mc- (ieln and father of Lamue, tverne, Aresta (Mrs. P. H. Wil- liams), Lois, Archie, Dora (Mms. Zrooks). Mm. Martin rested ai the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow. tn9nville. Service was held in t. George's Anglican Church, eewcastle, on Satumday, Feb. 14, àt 2 p.m. Intemment Bond Head Pemètery. 8-1 ~eWTON, Richard Warner - In 15owmanviile, on Sunday, Feb- ruary lSth, .1953, Richard Warner eff ..~t.*.1 %>e husband o! -br ing in al rw~ in his 87th year. missionalyred at NXortbcutt & Smnith now 24îPnea Home, 53 Division St., with Ikowmanville. Private service at reuidneo! his daughter, Mms. coup H. Ferguson, on Tuesday, Feb. 17tb ai 2 p. m. Intermerit HJ ampton Cernetery. 8-1 SOUC-At Hampton on Thurs- day, Feb. l2th, 1953, Cephas William Souch, ln bis 88tb year, husband o! the laie Maude Hayes anid dear father o! Mary (Mrs. Albert Cole), Mildmed (Mrs. Ken- netb Caverly). Service was beld ai the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, an Saturday, Feb. 14ib, ai 3:30 p.m. Intemment Hampton Cemetemy. 8-1 IN MEMORIAM CAUGHILL-In loving memory o1 Edward J.* Caughill, veteran of World -War I, who passed 0way at Bumketon February 2th, 1940: Oh, happy boums we once enjoyed, How* sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness The.wold can neyer f ill. -Lovingly remembered by his wlfe, Florence. 8-1 JENNINGS - In loving memory Ù1 a dear father, Frank Jennings, Who passed away two yeams ago, February 23rd, 1951: Deep in the heart lies a picture, Of a loved one laid ta rest, In memnory's frame we shall keep it Neoeuse he was one o! the best. - Ever remembered by bis daughter Freda, Son-in-iaw Joe anzd grandchildren. 8l LYLE- - In loving memory o! Jessie Dunham Lyle who passed away' ai ber home in Mirnico FrbÏuary 201h, 1951: --Sàdly mlssed by ber husband and daughters. a-il. Notices Dr. Birks' office wil be closed fomi lebruary Isit toMalch lst. 4-6 s- r th s- COMINlG EVENTE "Case Implement" pictures entertainment. Town Hall, Fri( February 27th at e p.m. Goodyear Empioyees' Reci tion Clulb euchre Friday, Febru 2Mt, at 8 p.m. in Goodyear creation Hall. Plan to attend Trinity 'Y.1 3-act play, "The Barrets Wîmpole Street,", March 12i 13, 1953, in the Town Hall 8 p.m. Dance under auspices of Scl Community Hall at the Hall Friday, February 27th. Ci music by Janetvilie Orchestra. se and iday, créa- uary .P.U. of and Il at 8-2 >ina l on iood 1. 8-1 Brown's Home and School Club euchme party, Friday, February 27th, 8 p.m. at Brown's School. Good prizes. Refeshments served. Admission 35c. .81 Reserve Saturday, May, 23rd, for afternoon tea and home- baking sale in St., Paul's Sunday School Room, auspices St. Paul's Evening W.A. 8-1 Enjoy modemn and old time dancing at the Bowmanvilie Can- adian Legion H{all Saturday, Feb. 28th, from 9 to 12 p.m. Music by Lou Deweil and bis orchestra. Admission $1.50 per couple. 8-2 Reserve Fiday, Feb. 27th, for the Damlington Township Annual Liberal Meeting at Hampton Township Hall ai 8:30. Election of officers and other important business. 8-2 Goodyear lEmpioyees' Recrea- tion Club bingo Friday, Febmuary 27th, at 8 p.m. in Goodyear Re- creation Hall. $30 Jackpot. Share the Wealth. Admission 50c. Re- creation members free. 8-2 A eception in honour of Ray Dudley will be held on Friday evening, February 27th, at the Lions Cornmunity Centre between 8 and 9 o'ciock. The public are cordially invited to attend. The Annual Meeting oft Memoiai Hospital Board will held in the Department of Ag: culture Office, 3 King St. Ea at 8:00 p.m. Fiday, Mamcb 131 for the pumpose of election of members to the Board, receiv.i reports and genemai business. R. J. Dilling, Sect., Memoial Hospital Boai 8-2 the be gi- ast, th, ýf6 ,ing imd. _1ARDS 0F THANKS1 n bÈe family of the laie J. P. nMartin wish to express their sincere appreciation ta their fiends and neighbours for the *many acts o! kindness duing ttheir recent sad beeavement. We wish ta express oursinceme s thanks ta our fiends, rieighbours and relatives for the loveiy flowers, cards and many deeds of kindness during the passing of aur grandson. Fmom the Adair farnily. t 8-1* 1 To the Ladies' Service Club and ail tbe fiends o! Hampton *community we wisb to express aur grateful thanks for their lovely gifts. Mary Lou and Doug Nichais. 8-1 1 wisb ta thank my many Ïfiends for flowers, messages and fruit sent me wh!le in hospital, also for the many kindnesses sbown ta me and my farnily since I returned home. Mms. C. Wesley Hutton, Blackstock. 8-1* We wisb ta take ibis oppor- tunity o! thanking ail the re- lat.ives, friends and rleighbours who sent us comforting cards of sympathy during our sad be- eavement of my dear brother. Mrs. Cecul Glas$ and family. 8-1 I would like ta thank Dr. Storey and the staff of Memorial Hoqpital for the kind treatrnent I received. 1 would also like ta thank my friends and relatives for calls, cards, fruit and con- fections received duing my re- cent iilness. Jack Munday 8-1* -l 1 would like ta take tbis op- portunity lu thank Dr. S. H. Witzel, Dr. Sturgis, nurses and staff of Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manville; Rev. D. Dewdney, also ny rnany friends and neighbaums for flowers and cards sent to me. Tbanking you again. Mrs. Fred Thomas. 8-1* On behaîf of Mrs. J. Baskem- ville and myseif and family, I wish ta thank the nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, who were kind ta my mnother during ber iliness and death, ta Dr. Witzel, Rev. L. Turner, the W.A. o! the United Church, friends who calied, sent flowers and cards, or helped in any way duing our sad bereave- ment in the loss o! a loving mother and sister. Elvyn E. Middlelon Dressmaking FOR daytime, aftemnoon, evening and wedding clothes that are different. Have therm designed and made ta suit you and your budget. Also plain sewing and alterations. All work is guar- anteed. For consultation phone Marion Tink 2361. 8-2* Articleq For Sale 150 BALES, second cutl Alfalfa hay. Phone 2151. i SPY and Baldwin apples. A] Paul Zamolyski, 273 ý% Sirnj Ave., Bowmanville.1 TWO foiding cots, wood e spring -filled mattresses, nE used. Phone 2974. CARROTS - Apply Edgar Ca R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Phone 2 ik TWO good used General tr tires, 8.25 x 20, 12-ply. Will for $60. Phone 2570. ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 bags, delivered in Bowmanv Phone 2473. 9 TWO oil drums with tàps, gallons capacity. Phone 433. PIANO - Thaibemg squame gr.9 in good condition for homei Phgne 518. GOOD Timothy and Clover 1. squame bales, 45e each. Phi Blackstock 2J, J. A. Johnsi Blackstock., MALL and Homnet chain saws, sizes, ask for a demonstmation New Hofland Sales & Servi Phone 2279. 7 DRY eim wood, deiivered,1 full cord, 4' lengtbs. F. Fray Caesarea, Phone 21-m-12 Bia( stock. 5 22-INCH, ahl steel, Fime King1 air fumnace, complete withi gisters, pipes, etc. Used for or 3 winters. Phone Jack Brou 615. ALL - ALUMINUM combinat wrindows, storm sash and scree F'or free estimate and dem( stration contact M. Jurko, Phc 3owmanviie 2753. E BRAN - We have a limil quantity of Bran availabie $2.75 per cwt., bulk. Vanstc Fl1our & Feed Miii, Phone 777. 8. F. si q, RUGS - save up to IV2on ne- eversible, Broadloomn rugs mi fmom your old woollens, clothir campets, etc. AUl tbe latE Decomator shades. Phono 344E 24- HARDWOOD slabs, three cc: sawed, $36; softwood slabs, thi cord sawed, $27; cordwood, thn cord sawed, $48; also lumber f bouses for sale. Phone Bethar 20-r-13, Chamles Chapman. 6. VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 differej colours of tapes, 15 siat colour Flexalum. Aluminum or Stet rneasumed and installed freei char g o. Phone 3121. Weber Fabrie Centre. 17- LARGE chrome table and six chairs, yellow and blue; kitchen drap leaf table and four chairs; modemn dîning-room table and six chairs; bedroom fumnture. R. B. Brown, Maple Grave. 8-1 USED Machines: 2-plow M.-H. tractor; I.H.C. grain and fertîlizer drill; one manure spmeadem. Massey-Harris Sales & Service, 181 King St. East, Phone 781. 8-1 * FURNACES, air conditioned or gravity, and ail bumners, instailed and repaired, expert workrnan-; ship. 45 yeams' experierice. For free estirnates Phone Davis & Ca., 3412 - É91. 3-tf PLUMEING. Heating and Oul Burners insialled anywheme ini Durham County. Reasonable rates and higbest quality. For free estimates cail S. Blain Elliat, Heating, Pîumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf3 DISMANTLING pouitry farrn, bave 3 unit 2940 incubator, ail1 brooders, fan ventilator outfit,3 feeders, etc. Ahl Jamesway equip-3 ment. Also quantity chick car-1 tons. Prices ight. L. G. Heim- pel, Whitby, Ont., Phono 2998. 73 * *For the Latest Papers i *For the Flnest Paints t *For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-t! USED DO Case tractor; used C Case tractor; used C Case tractor, on steel; used WF Allis Chalmers tractor; used IHC hay loader; used Norge space beater; used Silent Giow space heater; new Marquette mefrigemators; ne w Marquette deep freezers; Quaker space heaters; wire fence; steel posts; gales; pressure systems. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497, King St. W., Bowmnanviîîe. 8-1 SNOW TREAD TIRES1 Retreadedi SUBURBANITE STUDDED SURE GRIP and KNOBBY - TREADS E E 6 7 60 10xI16 exI16 lx 15 Ox 15 . m $13.401 a $16.65 le, $14.85 m $16.50 G. F. JAMIESON Tire Shop lng andi Sver Streets t 51-t Articles For Sale RIFLE; '36 Dodge car; 3/ size steel brown 'bed and springs; trailer; whes and chassis; skis and boots, man's 7 or 8; skates, size 17 or 8; Victor record player; quilting frames; step-stool; man's suit, alniost new, size 18 years; man's overcoat, size M8 to 20 Years. Phone 3503. 8-1* VENETIMN BLINDS - Custom made-to-measure - a1so standard sizes in stock, widths every inch from 24 to 43 x 64 inch drop, easily iflstalled in a few minutes - also plastic and cloth window blinds. See F. F. Morris Co. for' largest selection, lowest prices. 7-tf .ting. 'pply ýpson 7-2* nds, ýver ator, 360. 8-1 ruck seli 8-1 5 lb. ri11e. 6-tf 45 8-1 and, use. 8-1 hay, ione ;ton, 8-2 ail .1at $202 yer, ck- hota re-1 )nlyé ughc 8-1 t ionv ens.c ton- ç oneç -tf ited at one __fi ew, E ade c Ing, p testF 6. - -tf A .ee .ee - for C iny ir 4* di nt h4 >el M Oïsi r's eE ,-tg in A. WOMAN for general house- work, sleep in preferred. Write Box 942, c/o Statesman Office. 8-1 * GIRL or woman for housewomk in Toronto, ideal working con- ditions, liberal time off, excellent wages. Private moom. in n\ew orne. Phone M. Beslin 854. 8-tf, VOMAN or man and wife con- idered for Rest Home, 2 miles east of Bowmanviiie. Some nurs- ng experience. Phone 2974. 8-1 AWLEIGH business now open nBowmanville. Trade weil es- Lblished. Excellent opportunity. uMl time. Write at once. Raw- eigh's, Dept. B-140-189, Montreal. 8-1 DOUBLE your incarne for Easter Seli cosmetics, tonics, liniment domestîc products. Full or par tirno dealers wantod in your sur aondîngs. oWrite for free detail and atalgue. Famiiex, 160( Delorimier, Dept. A, Montreal. 8-1 $350 Io-nihIy Spare Time FOR aggressive man seeking z secume future. No selling. T< qualify for franchise awning and opemating machines dispensing the newest products on the market, you must have a car and A-i me- feronces, $500 to, $1,000 cash secumed by inventory. Devoting 6 boums weekly ta, the business, your end of the profits wili net You $350 monthly, with very gooci possibilities o! taking over fuil timi and bringing your eamnings up ~ccordîngly. if You can qualify, incIude Phono number in application for interview with aur representativo ta A. & A. Vendors, Dept. M., 158 Queen's Avenue, Toronto 15. 8-1 Here Is A Beffer Type of Opening For A Sales Represeniafive Chicago Vocational Trraining, a long established Canadian Mech- anical Trades Schoal witb. schools in Edmonton, Winnipog, Toronto and Montreal selling practical esidence courses, also home study and pradtical training, wishes a sales representative for our Tom- onto school ta work everything fmom Oshawa ta Kingston. FULL TIME. Good advertising support, leads and sales kit. Very large commissions. Thorough training given man selected in the ter- ritory by Salesmanager. Insur- ance and Specialty selling an asset. Our employees covered by hospitalization and Pension plan. Write in confidence to: Salesmanager, 0 935 Weston Rd., Toronto> 9. Custom Work CUSTOM chain saw wark dorie. Phone 2753. 7-if Room and Board ROOM and board available iu a privale home for yaung man. Write Box 943, c/o Statesman Of- fice.8- tu F -t S, Is 0 d Recl Estate For Sale FIVE-roomcd house, with sun- roorn, garage, at 20 Jane Street, leaving town. Phone 758. 8-1* IN Villagei of -Blackstock, 4-room bungalow, ,insulated, cistern in cellar. Phone Blackstock 65J. POSSESSIdii March lst - Five- room, 1 %-storey, lovely brick home, close to schools, churches and transportation, has 4-piece bath, fireplace, oiù furnace and modern kitchen.- Apply 175 Church St.'or Phone -757.. 7-tf M~AR Tyrone, solld brick. house, 6 rooms, built-in cupboards, hydro; 5 acres excellent soul. Apple orchards, garage, double decker barn for poultry, good stabling. Possession April lst. W. J. Macdonald, Phone 2710. DE WITU RÉAL ESTATE 150-acre famm, Cartwright, dlay and loam, creek, well, bydro, steel barn, double garage; excellent nice 10-roomed house, ail con- veniences. First class farm, Easy temms. Owner retiring. 115-acre famm, Clarke, dlay and loam, 8 miles north of Bowman- ville, 105 acres womkable, big barn, good weli; 8-roorned brick house, garage, hydmo. Price $13,000. Terms. Good farm. 100-acre farm," Manvers, dlay, 35 acres womkabie, rest bush, pasture, on bighway; 6-moom fmame house, barn. Price $4,500. 150-acre farm, Manvers, sandy loam, 65 acres womkable, creek, barn, hydmo; 7-room frame bouse. Price $6,800. Terms. 6-moom bouse in village, frarne, metal outside, hamdwood floors, hydro, bathroomf, modemn kitchen, full cellar, munning water, new oul fumnace, right on bigbway. Pricej $8,000. Temms. Bakemy and grocery store in village, good oven, modemn mach- inery; inciuded bouse, modemn kitchen, bot and cold running water, established over 40 yeams, good business. Asking pr ic e 7-roomed excellent niceiy decor- ated house, on HighwayN., wiih 6 'acres land, hamdwood' floors, hydro, full celiar, modemn furnace, garage. Price $14,000. Other farms, homes, etc. John F. DeWlth, Realior King Street W. Newcastle Phone 3341 8-1 L. M. ALLISON REAL ESTATE 135 acres, 80 rods lake frontage; 21 mixed'fruit trees, large barn, garage, implement house. Deep freeze built in. Good gravel road, close to school. $17,000. Ternis. 80 acres on eigbway No. 2, close to Newcastle. Suitable for gas station or motel. 60 mods facing on Highway. Fruit trees, good hedge ai front. Six - oorned bungalow, oak floors throughout, full size basement. Thmee-piece bath, kitchen cupboard and sink, aiso sink in basement. Fruit celiar, large living-room, with bay, window. The vendor would like to sell furniture, stock and implements. All for $13,000. 54 acres on good road, 21/2 miles from Newcastle. 1,600 Christmas trees. Good stable. House was bumni, basement is theme tb build on again. 2 good wells. Can be bought for morigage, $2,000. Terrns. 240 acres, good oad. School on farm. Large barn, water pres - sure. 12 acres o! bush. 12-roomedj bouse, hamdwood floors, bot air heating. Goýod dairy farm. $18,000. 100 acres, Hope Township. Soiid rbrick 9-roomed bouse, bath, bot air heating. 4 large barns, im- plernent shed, hen bouse, garage, 2 wells. 8 acres bush. 30 acres of orchard, good fruit. 20 yeams aid. $26,000. Terrns. 75 acres, no building, 40 acres with creek. $3,000. Temms. 40 acres, no buildings, good bard- waod bush, good raad, close to Newcastle. $ 1,600.. Temms. 12-roomed bouse in Bawrnanviilo, stucco on solid brick, bardwood floors, 2 bathrooms, insulated, bot water beating with ail. Possession of lower fiat 30 days. Bath are rented now, ai $70.00 per month. 3 garages. $16,000. Torrns. 9-roomed concrete block house, in Newcastle, bardwood floors, fumnace, electricity, 3-piece bath, double garage. Fruit trees. $8,500. Terms. 4-moomed bouse in Orono. Cellar, hydro, bot air heating. Fruit trees. T a xes $40.00. $4,500. Terms. 41/2 acres in Newcastle. Large l0-roomed bouse, air conditianod, ail heating. This bouse would be suitable for lodge or well-to-do gentleman. Extra bungalow goes with il. 5 rooms, good lawns; 3 acres o! fruit. See ibis place for gcod buy. Proportion Sold - Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real ERati. Eroker Newcastle, Ontario Phone 2566 Two blocks north o! lmaffic signal. Newcastle. 8-1* Real Estate For Sale REAL ESTA-TE FOR SALE 120* acres of good producing land on Lake Ontario, bank barn 40' x90', milk house, large im- plement shed and hog pen; six- room frame house, newly decorat- ed, water on tap in ail buildings; 10 acres in wheat, 50 acres hay, 50 acres plowed. Plenty of smail fruit for home use. This farm can be bought as a going concern with 27 purebred Holstein cattie and a full line of new implements. More land available if needed. Terms. 6-room house in Newcastle, al modern conveniences. This com- fortable home can be bought for $7,500 with small down payment. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle Phone Clarke 38SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Real Estate Agincourt, Ontario NIXON REAL ESTATE Investors or business location op- portunity, corner property on main street. 3 rooms convertible to dwelling, store or office with attached garage and lot. 2 storey, l0-room solid brick home, close to shoppig centre, one block to stores, bus, etc., 3- piece bath on each floor, hot air heating with oul, new roof, heavy wiring. Producing substantial in- come. $8,500. Terms. 4-room frame dweiling, bath, built-in cupboards, eiectmîc fix- tures, floor coverîng, not far from Bowmanvilie, 3 acres. Pos- session aranged. $4,500. 7-room, insul-brick, bath, heated with oul, sunroom, looking over the lake, winterized, heavy wir- ing. Immediate possession. Va- cant. $2,100. Terms. 8-room brick dwelling, 3-piece bath, 2 fireplaces, oul heating, hamdwood floors. '/ -acre garden soil, close to 2A Highway. Pos- session arranged. $8,000. Terms. Famms and dweiiings. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanviile Phone 682 Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, H-armp- ton, for custom kiiling. Phone 3243. 32-tf CHARIS foundation garments. Mrs. Blatter will be in Bowman- ville every Tuesday. Phone 3268. 8-3 HAVE your kitchen and bath- room wails tiled, about 29 colours to choose from. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. 74 INSULATION - Blowing method, with rock wooi; workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Hamry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 49-tf MIDDLE%aged Dutch couple with no children would like work on farm or employment eisewhere. Experienced dairy hand. Write Box 941, c/o Canadian Statesman. SKATE SHARPENING Latest Equipment for Artificial Ice. C. F. JANJESON Tire Shope 6-tf PAINTING PAPER HANGING Full Selection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS -FREE ESTIMATES Howard S. Brooking sLivestock For Sale PUREBRED Shorthorn bull, ten months. Earl Trewin, Phone 2351. 8-1 A NUMBER of sheep, must be sold îmmediately. Phone 2114 or 3487. 8-1 NUM13ER of Jerseys, just renew- ed, herd accredited. George Skelding, Phone Clarke 1930. 8-1 17 PIGS, 10 weeks old, your choice. Apply Grant Campbell, Nestleton, Ont., Phone Blackstock 36-r-22. 8-2 TEAM of Clydèsdale geidings; also registered fillies; registered Hereford bull, 18 months old. J. W. Boyd & Son, Phone Omono FOUR Hoîsteins and two Jerseys, aIl due to freshen between now and end of Mamch, with second caîf. J. R. Metcalf, Phone 2439. 8-1e AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from the executor of the estate of the late Mm. Wood to seli by public auction onj Satumday, February 28th, at his late residence, Omono, secondj bhouse south of United Church, at 1:30 p.m. his entire household effects. Terrns cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 8-2- Notice Io.Credili AND OTHERS ALL dlaims against the el of Florence Mary Lambrose, o! the Town o! Bowmanvillt the County o! Durham, hotel pmietress, who died on the day of July, 1952, must be in wrîting witb the undersil before March 6tb, 1953,à which date distribution wil made having regard only to dlaims of which the undersil shal then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 3rd day of February, A.D., 1953. Signed: T. M. Cmeigbton, 510 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Solicitor for the executors of the esta of Florence Mary Niotice Io Credite AND OTHERS IN the Estate of FLORENCE JULIA BENNE' Deceased. ALL persons having ch against the Estate of F10] Julia Bennett, who died or about the Bth day of Oec A.D. 1953, are notified to full particulars to the unders ed before the fourteenth daý March, A.D. 1953, after wý date the Estate wiil be d buted. Dated at Bowmanvilie, Ontari this l4th day of February, A.D. 1953. W. F. WARD, B.A., Bowmanviiie, Ontaric Solicitor for the Execul Thomas Bennett and W. F. Ward. Nursing Service Middle Green Villa REST HOME A Home Away from Hom Klndness and Good Care ourJ Approved by Doctors. Bowmanville 2974 Two miles East of Bowmanç 1936 PONTIAC Coach, in: condition. Phone 2365. f 1937 MASTER CHEV. Coach, good condition. Phone 2 Bowmanville.8 1939 CHEV. Coupe, in A-i E dition. Phone Clarke 25SL. STATION WAGON - 1947 Fc in good condition, ideal indusi workers' transportation, seats people. Phone 518. For Rent TWO unfurnished rooms,i heated. Phone 3384 Bownm ville. d SMALL store at 75 King St. Ez now occupied by Ken's Me Wear. Phone Bowmanviiie4 Wanted To Buy CAL VES for vealing. Phc A QUANTITY of mixed gra Phone Bowmanville 2793. 8. BEFORE seIling your live pou]t try us. Our prices are higher.' Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Pht 7 r13, reverse charges. 51. WANTED -Live poultry, goc feathers, feather ticks, scrap irc mags and metais. Raw furs ai deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Osha% collect. 46. SPEÇIAL prices will be paidf oid piliow feathers, ticks ai mnattresses for 2 weeks, for expc purposes. 1. Turner, Phone Os awa 3-2043 Coiiect. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES The Canadian St&tesman Effective lune 21pt, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTE CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOURD - ETC. Cash Rate . - 3c per Word Wlth Cr minimum of soc Must be paid by date of insertion. if charged, an additional 25o wileho dded. A charge of 25c wiIi be mode for ai repliez directed ta this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS OF THANES 3c a Word wjth a minimum af $1.00 for 33 words or les.. ITHS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENT MARRIAGES 31.00 per insertion IN MEMORIANS 81.00 plus 10c a line for verso COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS (Tacludes ait odvertising for persans or firmi seilinq services. ideos or 3cgooda af ony description) src prWord; minimum charge 75C Cah with arder. To regular ad. vertisers payable monthly. Dlsplay Clcssifi.d at 31.00 per ich with a minimum of ane lich. Addliinal insertion ut the norne rates. Ail Classified Ads. must Se ln ibis office not later thon 12 ,clack noon, Wednesday - Sendcash.stamps or money order and save money. (Clip this out for handy referonce) CERAMIO -PLASTIC RURBER -MARBOLEUM . L .IHeal Phone 2902 Bowmanvllle 14-tl DRAPERIES and venetian bilinds custom made, or draperies soid by the yard.1 Our representative wiil cail at your home any time with a coxnplete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and free in- stallation within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W., Phone 3609 Bowmanville. 8-tf KITCHEN SINKS - White por- celain enamel steel 25 x 42 right or left hand drainboard; the always popular 16x20 single sink; also iedge type double bowl and double drainboard sinks and a one-piece combination laundry tray and sink with siiding drain- board; bathroom sets. Catalogue .vith installation diagmams. Re- cessed bathtubs. See or write S. V. Johnson Plumbing Supplies, Streetsviile, Ontario. 8-2 Help WantEd ELDERLY man to heip on farm. Write Box 944, c/o Statesman Of- fice. 8-1 Idi jyc Wcmted To Rent UNFURNISHED room, pr ffa' heated. Phone 920. a 'N DEAD STOCK r m ~ r your farm promptlyfor ~ry disposai. Telephone Coll ct: \Co- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3836. Gordon Young Limited. 1-52 Repairs REPAIRS to ail makes of refrîg. eratorâý domestic and commercial« milking coolers. Hlggon Elec. tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price Iist. Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. -1-52 vb J >4? state ýlatE le. in 1pro- 15th f iied ;ignec aftei Il bE o thE ýigned tate 6-s TT, Iaîms rence In or 1ober, send .sign- ly of vhich listri- rio, io. tors, 8-3 a ne, Aim [ville 6-tf faim 8-1 * iin 2603 8-l* con- 8-1 * 'ord, trial ts 8 8-1 not ian- 8-1* 'ast, .en 's 448. 8-1 Lone 8-1 -ain. .try M. one t-tf )ose ,on, and Lwa -tf for and ort ýsh- In >r ie 1 1 EXPERIENCED female office clemk, five-day week, permanent position. Ap pliy Bowmanville Foundmy Co. Ltd. 81 1 - -i y 1- . - 1 1 iý - 1 j 1 il 1 1- 1 1 - jý zl r- 1 KMDA f Hamy Page, Makdale, wa3 a guest of M. and Ms. Bert Thompson and Mm. and Mms. Cecil Glass. 1M-ts. Annie Evans visited Mrs... Cecil Glass. j Mrs. Mary Luxon and Mm. and Mms. Wm. Mercer visitei. Sun- day afternoon with Mrs..i. Patterson Who is Som§w V~i- proved after being c=1fi 0 bed for over five wekes. Fred Stevens and chum, Toron- to, weme guests of Mm. and Mms. Ai Stevens. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Little and family, Healey Falls, visited her parents, Mm. and Mrs. Tom Falls. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Mercer and Mms. Norman Kennedy attended the Hobby Show 4hl Toronto. Another new car appeamed in Kendai this week. Arthur Thomp- son is now sporting a fine blue Chev. Miss Selena Therteli visited in Bowmanville and Toronto over the weekend, seeing hem brother Walter who is having tmeatments on his face in Toronto. Some from heme attended the ,funemal of William Buley in Port Hope, Satumday. Sympathy is ex- tended to his brother, Percy Bur- ley and family. Mr. and Mms. Vance Allun and family, Oono, spent Sunday ev,. ening with hem parents, Mm. >ý Mrs. Wmn. Mercer. Aný aftemnoon tea is being l by the North Group of the W.A. at their meeting in the Sunday School moom on Feb. 25. Corne and bring a fmiend. This district was visited by a blustering snow stom Wednesday evening, Feb. Il but a faim at-. tendance turned out to the W1 Valentine pamty in the Sunday School room. A fine evenîng of fun. consisting of games, contests of games, contests and singing had been amanged by Mrs. Kennedy, Miss C. Stewart, Mms. G. Cath- camt and Mms. J. Stapleton, with Miss Helen Hoy and Ms. J. Stapleton assisting at the piano. The Honeymoonems' Contest caused much merriment, when the couples were divided into two groups, with each couple in tuirn dressing up and proceeding on their honeymoon. However, no lingering honeymoon was possible as the aim was to see which group could complete their fimst. The usuai good lunch and social chat ,vere also enjoyed. The young mammied couples of kendal school section held a suc- cessful dance in the Orange Hall, Friday evening when everyonq appeared to have a fine timýTj Special thanks for their fine mus- ic are due Ive Lîttl »%n Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Hartýj ~%ery, and Mm. and Mrs. Har jHach of Peterborough and as i Blly Rutherford and Harold R'açh for- calling off. The step dancing me- eived enthusiastic applause. Kathleen Foster drew the ticket n the toaster which made Mel Wilson the lucky winner. Robert Collett won the draw on the wely pale green blanket belong- ig to the W.I. The floor prize was won by Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd )sland of Port Hope. The Ken- Jai young marmied folks were ùeased to welcome the group ot 7ung married couples fmom Port m ïope and hope they will corne tain. A tasty lunch was semved. 1dance is being held in tp eeks time in the Orange hall y EcLean's School. Let Statesman Classifieds dol ,ur selling. Dial 3303. 1 - 1 -ý Mrs. Perrin visited Tuesday afternoon with Mms. Annie Pat- terson. W.A. bçid a quilting in the Sunday School room Wednesday afternoon with 18 present when . two quilts weme finished for the I.O.D.E. Mrs. Jas. Wannnn fin- ished the third one at hem own home. Miss Marion McKelvey, R.NX Ç Toronto, spent the weekend with Mms. F. Brimacombe. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Annie Patterson weme Mrs. Evans, Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper, Orono; Miss McKeiveyMms. Brimacombe, Mm. and Mls. Bill Mercer and Mms. Mary Luxon, Kendal, and Mr. R. R. Patterson, ¶~ Port Credit. .t Mms. Fred Graham quulted an I.O.D.E. quilt at hem home on Tuesday afternoon. Mms. Mult Wannan spent Tues- day with Mms. Jas. Wannan. THU TM CANADM irrAT£muw- mrnmAwmx,:& emop,&ràn -Want KENDAL