Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1953, p. 14

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PAGEipou-RTEEn ? AA - 1rTEM1.DOMNLA NAT Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3111l U. C. Eveniug Auxiliary Secedes From Women's Nissionary Society Evenîng Auxiliary af New- castle Unitedi Churci Woman's Missionary Socialty met aI lie home of Mra. Marion Jase on Wednestiay evening, Jan. 21, witi 38 lu attendance. Mra. Charlotte Riekarti wel- camed thosa in attaudauce. Mra. Betty Brown readti he scripture lesson anti a duel b> Mra. Truti> Sallows anti Mis. Grace Brown was enjoyeti. Reports were given by lie sac- retaries ai the work done in 1952, aiter which lie main item ai business for the eveuing, whetbcî or not the Auxiliar>' sbould sacede from the Missionary Society was discusseti aI considerable lengli. A vote, by ballot, revealeti a large majorily (34) wera lu favour ai formiug an indeptudent organiz- ation. The new group wibl mccl on the thirti Wednasday ai caci nionti. Tic graup will continue ta contributa ta Ithe support ai the Mission anti Baby Bandis, lie C.G.I.T., anti other missionary work, t wilb be free ta raisi and use theur funtis as lie>' wish. These officers were alecteti for 1953 with group officers, etc., 10 ba elecled ti atle Februair>'meét- ing: President-Mirs. Charlotte Rickard; Vic-Pres.-Mrs. Trudy Sallows; Sec'y-Mrs. Kay Powell, anti Treas.-Miss Evelyn Allin. Tic firaI prajacl ai thé new organization will be a tea anti sale ai home-cooking in lie Community Hall on Februairy 14. Tic following cammiltea was ap- poinledti lamaka arrangements for Ibis sale: Mesdames Trudy Sallows, Celina Alîdreati, Yvonne Williams, Helen Hancock anti Betty Brown. A special vote ai Ihanks was Iendered Mrs. Marlon Jase for, opening her home for lie meet- ing, following which refresi- ments were servadi anti a social lime enjoyed by lie mambers. J. H. Jose is Re-elecied Chairman Newcastle Community Hall Board Social and Personal Misa Aileen Hancack, Toronto, lamp. Amang thase present from and Mr. Morley l4ancock, Belle- outaide lie district werc Mirs. ville, were weekend visitors with Honey's sister, Miss Edilli Camp- their mother, Mra. George T. bell. Toronto; thir daugiter andi Hancock andi Mi. and Mira. Ca- son-in-law, Mir. and Mira. Clarence ence J. Allin. Sis, Fenelon Falls, anti a num- Mi. and Mra. Mark Blackburn, ber of irientis from Bowmanvile. Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mir. and Mirs. Gea. Wallon, Mir. bur Blackburn and family, Hay- and Mira. Ken Stephenson, Mir. don, visited at lie Blackburir antiMira. R. H. Davies, Mir. and home here on Sunday.. Mis. A. R, Randail, Mir. anti Mia. Mir. and Mis. Chas. Gilkes anti Chas. Megil, Mir. Percy Haire, Mi. family visîted with Mir. and Mira. Norton Cowan andi Miss Isabella Alf Pollarti in Canton on Sun- Wallace, Newcastle, and Mr. andi day. Mira. Jim Taylcr, Scàrboro, form- Mira. J. G. Jackson, Orono, vis- erly oi Newcastle, altenticd the îted wili Mi. and Mira. George fourth anniversairy dinner of lhe Smith on Tuesday. Oshawa Lions Club on Friday ev- Mir. and Mrs. Gardon Aguaw ening when tiey heard an out- visiteti wilh Mrr and Mrs. Johi standing atidress enlilleti "Iu God Koropatwa and family, Orono, on We Trust," deliverad by Mir. Fritiay. Walter Fisher, Past Presîdant ai Mis. Wannamaker <nee Dalla the International Association ai Milîson), Wellmiglon, 'and Miss Lions Clubs. Doraliy Stapleton, spent lie Mir. antiMrs. Joseph AsIles, weekand witi Mra. George Smith. Peterborough, w e re weckand Some 150 neigibours anti guests with Mi. and Mirs. W. R. frientis of Mr. anti Mrs. George Carveth, wba accompauied them Honay gaîharet aI.. tic Unitedti Toronto on Sunday. Churci Sunday School hall on His many friands will be pleas- Friday evening la bld farawall cd ta Icaru that Bobby, son ai Mir. ta them, before their deparlure la antiMrs. Jim Porter, bas raturned lake up rasidence in Fenelon Falls, home from hospital ln Niagaira Ont. Mir. George Stephenson was Falls ant isl improving favour- chairman for lie programme ai ably. musical numbers anti compliment- Messrs. C. R. Carveti anti Gea. ary addresses la lie couple by Bonathan visitad with Mir. anti thaur neighbours of long standing Mira. William Armstrong in Orono AI ie anury eetngai ie em a mkelienecssa>' d-in the community. As parting At te Jnuar metin of he hemte mke he ecesaryad-gits from theur man>' frientis in Newcastle Communit>' HàbL oarti ditions. lie village anti district, Mr. anti ai Management, J. H. Jase was Two ncw members, Reeve John Mira Honey raceiveti a beautiful re-electati Chairman of 'the Board Rickard anti J. C. Porter, were painting innails anti a lovai>' floor on motion af Miss 0/ -Buller anti wclcomedt thle meeting by the Mira. P. F. Haire. /-' chirman. J. C. Porter was elect- During lic finai'meeting ai lia cd secrtary-tieasureir ai lie 1952 Board, Ilelti prier la lie in- Board for 1953 aI a salar>' ai Conncil ]Reverses 1 augural iyiee ing' af le new $5000. T ic Boarti decitid ta board, Mir. Jase exprasseti bis re- continue ils practice ai holdinge lie board who hati serveti faiti- in caci monti aI 8 p.m. for lie fulI>' foi a number ai years. In coming ycar.- answcr, W. George Crowtheir, re- A motion was passeti authoiriz- Aiter more than thrce hours liring secrelary-treasurer, saiti ha ing lic chairman ta rcnaw lie spent ln interviewing applicants hati enjayati woîking with tie bease ai lie Post Office as ai April anti discussing lie dfficultica ai board anti ofiaret i s assistance lIt at a rental ai $600 a year. iousing anti olier problems in aI any lime lie>' mgit wish ta connectian wilh tic position ai caîl upon i. Poice-Caretakar in lie village, Miss Butler andi Mrs. Haire re- Is Spring ]Really members ai lie council, au Mon- pohek a la tes in liae a ro day evcuing, dacid te aseparate aetiliaf the ha iate hI unid the Corner lie jobs anti appoint lwo local1 kitcien anti lad matie same ad- men. ditians. Tiey reportedt tat liera Is tic lalk ai cianging climala As a resull ai a motion mInro- ware naw sufficient disias taercal> truc? Are wc going ta duceti by Councillor Rasa Dickin- serve 200 people, but founti a bave an eairby spriug, ai is Ibis sou anti sacondeti by Councillor siartage oi arge plattars. Il was jusl an unusual winteî? Ticse Fred Couch, A. R. Randail was suggeslcd liaItiahre wcre prob- are tie questions being asketi appointeti Chiai ai Police aI a ably a number afi hase in homes everywbcirathase milti Januaîy salai>'ai $ 1,300, anti Stanley' Pow- I lic village wbich are neyer tiays. ell, carclakar of tic Community Macti anti suggeslti lihaI anyauc Wasps, andtihli common fly Hall, aI a salair> ai $2,000. wisbing ta danate anc or moire ai have beeu quitc prcvalcnl in Tic ncw Police Chie! wiosc thase large platters ta tic Board homes lu tic village anti a "lady duties commence on Sunda>', Fcb- would be tioing a service ta tic bug" was noticeti on aur wintiow ruair> lst, is 34 years ai age anti communil>'. bast week. To top il off, Mir. bas been a resitieut ai tie village In Iheir report, lie ladies stat- Gardon Martin ai R. R. 2, New- for tie pasl fouir yeaî-s, apcrating eti that some silveiware was neeti- castle, brougit ta Ibis office a a groceir> business. Ha bas bati cd,,la bring tie supply up ta 200. ive bullerfly founti in lia barn an five anti ana-half ycars expeiriance A motion was passeti, authoîrizing Moriday. in police work as a member ai IFarmers Attention!1 FLASH SAVE LABOUR -SAV VITIM E on Saturclay evening. Mir. and Mrs. Chas. Knox and Mr. and Mirs. W. R. Carveth are leaving on Sunday on a motor trip to Texas and Mexico. Decision On ad Caretaker Job the Canadian Army Provost Corps in England and Western Canada. Chief Randail will be on 24. hour duty eall and will make periodic patrols of the village during the day. lsThe ComxMunitY Hall1 caretaker ialso a local resident and tax- payer, and is well known to the local populace. Arena Pink Pig Make's Appearance The "Pink Pig", the large pig- gie bank which was on display several years ago to pick up pen- nies for the Newcastle Memorial Arena Fund, has been turned in to the Arena Committee. The Pink Pig, which was on display at Walton's Store (En- wright's), Queen's Hotel, Elm- burst Hotel, The Gateway and Quinney's barber shop, yielded a total of $7.56 when opened. Future Activities Planned by C.G.I.T. ofC.G.I.T. met in the Board Room ofthe Newcastle United Church on Tuesday evening, Jan. 20. The neeting was opened with a brief Ievotional period. A number of future actîvities f the organization were discussed y the members including a pro- ,)sed trip to attend a conference t Belleville; the home-cooking lanned by the girls onSt. Val- ntine's Day and the sale of cook )ooks planned by the organiz- ation. OBITUARY JAMES WANNAN Mr. James Wannan, another old ,'esident of Kirby, passed away mn Jan. 2nd at his home. The !eceased was 78 years of age. He .,as born on Dec. 26, 1874, north )f Kendal, son.of the late John ind Grace Wannan. When quite oung his parents moved to a arm on the Eighth Line and he ýpent the rest of bis life in the :cirby community. He was a ;taunch member of the Presby- erian Church. On Dec. 17, 1902, Mr. Wannan \'as united in marriage with Ger- rude Rutherford and took up arming at Kirby. Nine years ago .hey moved into the village. The funeral service was beld rrom Kirby United Church on Jan. 5th with Rev. John Kitch- -n officiatîng. Tbe palîbearers ,ere six nephews, Messrs. Law- ence Hooey, Kenneth Hender- on, Howard Bellamy, Jim Wan- ;an, Jim Rutherford and Sidney .utherford. Interment took place at Orono Cemetery. The many bSeautiful floral tok- ens bespoke the esteem in which he deceased was held by ail who cnew hlm. Lef t to mourn his bass are his vidow, two sons, Milton 'and Bill, ,oth of Kipby; two daugblers, TIrs. Howard Souch (Clara), tarkville, and Jean at home, and our grandchildren. Mr. Wan- ,an also leaves three sisters,0 \rr,. Jpnnie Hooey and Mrs. Gea. t 1-lenderson. Orono, and Mira. Loft- us Bellamy, Newcastle. One af the best dayligbt saving bans is ta get up earlier. Rà4etamaiféc PAIN (.ood news for thoee who lon g for relief fromn rheumatic pain, but feet hoPeleas? ThousandeSget speedy relief from rheu- matie and irthritic suffering by ueink T-R-C'.. Dont let dail. weariuome achee, and aharp stabbing en handicap you j any longer. Try SeI etn T-R-C'. tod. agi dy 65e. #$155et dzuwea 7-4- FLESKÀRD Mir. and Mrs. Roy Spry with Mr. and Mirs. L. Bourne. Mr. and Mra. H. Scott with Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson. Alex Green has an attack of cielcken-pox. Miss Jean S yers is with her parents, Mr. and Mira. E. Syers. 1fr. aud Mr, W. E. Warburtan were Sunday visitors with 1fr. and Mrs. A. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton and Mira. E. DuvaUl visited in Toranto during the week. Mrs. Harry Berry visited her mother, Mi-s. Gallimore In Toron- to. Mr. and Mira. Art Robbina, Mr. L. Robbins, Mira. Bradshaw and Miss Joan Camnpbell were Satur- day visitors with Mir. Harry Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins and Gail spent Sunday Nyith Mir. and Mrs. Art Robbins. Mr. and Mira. Leroy Hamnlton enjoyed a short visit from his brother, Judge Frank Hamilton, Winnipeg. Congratulations to Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Carmen on the birîli of their son. Sorry to hear that Scout Lead- er Jack Wilson is iM. Mir. and Mirs. William Boyd witb Mir. L. Robbîns and Mira. Bradshaw. Mir. A. Loucks bas sent me three messages to the effect that my husband's car %aÉ stuck in the ditch, 2:30 Saturday morning. Now I wonder what Angus was doing out at that lime of the morning! In conjunction with the annual congregational meeting of Les- kard Cburch. Jan. 30, there will be served a pot lot supper for church members and adherents, starting promptly at 6:30. Friends of our managed to get a bouse after being married for five years. They have named il "Alasta House". to me?" "Lady, do you want ta be an old maid?" ili \4wy rI/I 7 Friday - Saturday 1January 30 - 31 THEIR FUNNIEST YET -ib .rki~% . PI'- HOWARD MUAN lOMI FREA -OEPINENHUL Monday - Tuesday February 2 - 3 SCLIFION GliNGR W VEBB'-ROGERS Diceaniboat News Cartoon Wednes. - Thursday Fehruary 4 - 5 TgIN~1UGHTW S. 9. 4. DARLINGTON FORUM S. S. No. 4 Farm Forum met aI the home of Mr. and Mira. Lloyd Crago with 30 present. This be- ing review night Ihere .was na planned discussion. The nelw Hog Marketing Agency was reviewed and the ,remainderoai lhe even- ing sRent in card playing. Lunch was serveti by the hostess. Meeting on Feb. 2nd will be aI Mfr. Jay Truil'. NE WTON VILLE FORUM Tue weekly Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mis. Gea. Henderson on January 261h wilh 14 members present, This even- ing was a review nigit andi afler the radia pragram andth le busi- ness the evening waa spent play- ing carda. During lunch lhe hostess an- nounced Mia. Leta Samis andt Mr. Fred Henderson as winners while Mr. Melville Samis and Mir. George Hendersan receivedth le consolation prizes. NexI meeting oi February 2nd at tbe home o! Mir. anti Mir. Mel- ville Samis. Everyone welcome. KENDAL FORUM Kendal Farm Forum met at the home o! Mira. M. Luxon January 19 10 discusa "Embarrassing Sur- pluses." The first question was "Do you lhink our present day markets and pinces aire sufficient bo encourage farmers ta produce la capacity?" Bath groups an- sweired "No." The fîrst group staled Ihat lhcie was more pro- duceti now than can profitably be sold. If more were produceti, the pinces would silîl be lower. The second group said liaI prices are flot sufficient bo encourage higi production. The British market, with sterling below par, cannol The second question was "Wbat, if anythîng, siould be donc about surpbuses ta enable farmers la go aheati continually trying la pro- duce more and more?" The fîrst group suggested International agreement of tirade. Tic second group statèti "Try to lowcr lie tarif between countries and en- An auj oyableafatarnoon was spent aItich manse an Satuirta>' whcn lwebvc chiltiren gathereti ta hebp Moira McComb calabrate ici ninti bir titay. Many ai tic childiren took pairt lu a ver>' en- jayable program anti joineti in suitabla games. Moira receiveti mani> usaful gifla from tic chilti- ran anti a birtida>' cake from Mira. M. Nesbitt. Mis. McComb servati lunch assisteti by Mira. Nesbitt anti Mis. Hatige. Mira. Nata Palteirson bas beau visiling ber sisters in Branle. Mr-. anti Mis. Ken Baîl anti famil>' werc recent visilars with Mi. antiMira. Evaratl Staplelon. Mr. antiMira. Lavarna Patter- son anti Garry wera supper guesîs withiMi. anti Mis. Bull Wannau an Waducsday. Mr. anti Mrs. Cooke anti fam- il>' speut lie weckcnti with Mi. antiMira. W. A. Reidi. Visitars wilh Mira. Annie Pal- taîson who is sick in bcd weîc: Mira. Bill Cochrane, Mira. Laverue Pattarson, Mi. anti Mis..Charles Cooper, Orono; Mira. Jas. Wannan anti Jean, Mira. Ken Handerson, Mir. E. Bryson, Mira. Fred Grah- am, Mira. Wm. Rutherford, Mr. Perrin anti Rav. J. Kitchen. Congratulations to Mi. Hart- well Loweiry on atîaining lia Wartienship of tic Unitedi Coun- lias. Mra. Chas. Hairris is in Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville. We hope sic la soon home anti feel- ing baller. Mi. antiMira. Fred Graham anti Maîrili witi Mir, anti Mira.,Oea. Glanvilla, Newcastle. Mus. Wm. Rutherfordi hati a quilting aI ici home on Tuasday afternoon. Mir. Wilfreti Bigelow, Oakvilba, visiteti his parants over tic week- euti. WE DID OUR DEST When aI lhe close a! caci tiay's round, We caunt lic hall>' ai lie hours, May' on ticerecordti ten be founti, A rigilful use ofai ah ur powcrs. Conscience, tiat'a frac fîom au>' siama, KnowledtigatI hiaugi lia day wa lriati Ta play' aur part in lifa's great game Iu waya wc bave no needti la ide. That fearleas ail men's cyca wc mec t, Knowing we have met braken trust; That nana ran charge us witb tiaccil, Or speech untrue, ai acta unjust. Tial we parformeti caci job- of work As thougi aur chiai wcra liera ta Noir tidtihticard thmngs tir> to shirk, Noir staincdthelicnama ai boyalI>'. Though triumph ma>' nat f111 aur day- ,This is tie final aeiti tess- When eveninr' cornes, if wae au Say Tcoaur owu hearîs, "We titi aur And if thet hast did not succeeti, May we our will anid purpose blend Ta prove nexl day we're of the Tht eea n tying to thme end T h at k e e s o t i - W J . K in g . courage exchange wilh a view ta the protection la aur own pro- duce." A Measures contesl was enjoy- eti and Mira. Luxen and Mamaon serveti lunch during lie social half hour. BLACKSTOCK FORUM Mr. antiMira. Alex Johnston were hast la lhe Blackstock Farm Forum at the home ai Mir. anti Mira. Earl Dorreil on January 19. The broadcast was well given by all four speakers on, tbe subject of "Embarrassing Surpluses," but even tiey were in doubt as la whal was lie best way ta hantile lhem. N Chairman Merrill VanCamp got lhe discussion untierway by air- ranging lhree groups in separate rooms. The firsl question was easy enougi la ai'iswer in Ihe of Mr. anti Mrs. Dalton Dorreli. jsWU*RY titi FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE Robert H. Cale Dealer for John Dean Sprayers and Dusers and Niagara Brand Spray Naierials 312 LIBEHTY ST. N. D OMWAN VILLE O REPEAT SPECIAL - Quaen Charlotte ïç.ofKEYE 9) SILM~N I Brunswick - ln ail Sardines - 3Ti SPECIAL OFFER! SAVE UP TO 14ç PER PKG. - TEÀA BAGISORANGE P'O Z- Y BISCUIT FEATURIE! BARKERS-CHOCOLATE COATED FE AT UREi Mello MBIo S «CuTS3 7 Aunt SalIy's - Orange Green Pascal - Florida LARGE A U CELERY £ for First ef the Season - Sweet Full Pods FRESHI GREEN IPEAS LB. 21Ç OAKLEAF-CHOICE DESSERT PEARS .b.93? 2 ~29, C>LVEAb400S lIN GADED 1-ylS PORK & BEANS $ 2 .29W PEANUT BUTTER J ' 32 PARTY SPECIALS Just what you need for that "AFTER THE GAME" PARTY Pretzels - Shoestring Potatoes - Cheese Slices Salami Chubs - Braunschweiger Sausage Ritz Polish Rings - Extra Old Cheese Quality Guarantced - Ontario POTATOES IRREStSTIOLE F"AV<U RICHMELLO COFFIE CHOIERPEAST '*e4ues Effec*. T4hursday. Frido" à S.hsday, DOMINION 570115 LIMITES - aj Durham County FAR.M FORUMS negative, thaý present market& and pices were NOT sufficient te encourage capacily production. ..What are your reasons? No good practical ones were preseed One group reporled that ïf h, were any reasons lhey wo~i have given them. The second was rallier hard& answer, because farmers were nà; ail responsible for surpluses, good crop conditions suci as 1952. gave rase to bumper crops and resulte4, in a hurplus of many things. We are af lhe opinion tiat agriculture la handicappeti by the- fact tiat if we producedto cap- acity Ihere was no market for 50% of il anti if pices were low,- to curtail production we wereai. most broke. We wondere4 wha:ý would happen if we ail led tr%., carry out the on 4 lime b.nor Farmers' mollo: o makd two blades grow w .one kew before."' Mir. and Mira. ~.Srewin hati a very good pro ram of slunts andi contesta which were greatly enjoyeti by over thirty muen andi women present. Mmra Jobuston andi belpers served a very lovely lunch. February 2 meeting wilb be helti at lie home O4JTSTANDING VALUE! GRAND VALLEY-FANCY, SPECIALI TOMATO JUICE 2 ns25,ý TERRIFIC VALUE! LYNN VALLEY-STANDARD SPECIAL! PEACHES (HALVES) 2T..37ý TREMENDOUS SAVING! LYNN VALLE-STANDARD SPECIALi GOLD.EN CORN 2»o-27Y PURE WHITE -M~ASHED- COTTON ~~UGAR NEW 3ç BUGS PRICE 33 SAVE MATERIAL with the new JOHN* DEAN SPEEDAIRE attachmenf for your high presàure sprayer for liquid or concentrafe maierials. en, [)1.JUCU Coj fi See il ai the FRUIT CR0 WERS CONVENTION NEWCASTLE Wednesday, February 4th Tfft CAN"UX ITATESM". 130WUANM= CRTAMO HAI, THE guWERY 1 Boys 1 1 ý 1 . MGRADED EG« WANTIDI W.@ pay Wghest marW onces for Ungraded Eggs. Ow eu il S:e manager for details. R g. GradF*g Station 0-29. Iowa" te c 0 9 9 te PqM!MIOW STORIES LitdiTU momw 1 i i m MMMAT, JAMUART imý »M qw '/4 s 25c 10 LB. BAG l 1.1 ta SI Mt N y EA .39Ç CHOICE PEAS 2 1 2W im. 1

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