Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1952, p. 12

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,..AGU ?WELVE TH!~ CANADIAN STATISMAN. BOWMANVLLE. ONTARIO < -iltsContinue Winning Streak Office Defeats Beits in Goodyear Lge. Ini the first game played on Dec. 1ta the near corner. 14, the Mats had their hands full Barney Woodward who piayed wlth the Hase Room for the first hi7, usual rugged game then Part af the game as the Hose Boomi started out with a great burst of speed which had the Mats Somewhat disorganized. George Piper mnade one of his sala rushes after two minutes of play taoOpen the scoring for the Mats, but this was soon nulified as' Llayd Forsey and Joe Piper1 broke fast and beat the defence1 wlth a neat passing play which Lloyd Forsey finished off by beat-1 ixig Dick Perfect with a short shot1 slapped the puck past goalie Gea. Richardson ta make the score 2 ta 1 in favour ai the Mats. Again the Hase roared back with Forsey again tieing Up the garne with assistance from George Sellers. Play then remained even for sorne time with the Hase Room trying hard ta score but being held out by the stellar defensive work ai Les Piper, Ted Sheehan, Murray Bates and Albert Wood- ward, backed by the goal-tending AT Gifts Galore ATYOUR REXALL STORE aleaq You'11 find a wide choice of Christmas gifts for everyone on your list, priced to suit your budget - and a comfortable, unhurried atmosphere at your friendly Rexail Drug Store. Here are only a few of the many gifts at Rexail. Drap in and see for yourself how easy and comfortabie it is to shop at your Rexail Drug Store. POINTERS Bachelor A Sensible Giit.. Single Items or in Sets Budget prieed from $1.010 ta, $5.75 CAMERAS of Kodak & ACCESSORIES Ail Kinds Pick a Winner Plain or Zippered LEATHER BILLFOLDS English Maracco For Men or Women $1.00 ta $9.00 j Seaf orth - , Makes Shaving a Pleasure Win Sets or Singles R a.ch Item ------- - $1.75 j ' lBad Shave Stick ----- $1.50 Sets - --front $2.00 to, $8.75 Prophyladcic s - -2.50__ $5.00 aâ lsdes' Pressr Sets- fron $6.95 up I Shaving Kits IReal English Leather E Ail Wet Pruf Lined 4n * j Zipper Type. I $7.25 - $8.40 Clasp Fold Over $8.001 - $10.501 SETTERS Adrienne & Tiffany She'll love these... CHESTS 0F TREASURE in gay, silk lined packages $1.25 - $9.50 Yardley's THAT'S ALL Elizabeth Arden Jack Frost Package - aslvr blue surprise package that magically discloses a cake of tangy June Gerenium Bath Soap .. .. .. .. ...$1.00 Blue Grass Soid Cologne -a perfect tree orna- ment, or table favour. .. refreshing Blue Grass Solid Colgne . ..$15 frz&/eetaf Boxes, from 1-lb. $1.15 - Deluxe Packages $5.00 JURY & LOVELL 9 When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOIVMANVILLE ---------- HeIp Fighlt TB IN DURHAM COUNTY Roy Christmas Seuls af Dick Perfect wha was catching pucks and nonchalantiy throwing them ta one side in the manner of George Hainsworth when he performed for the Maple Leafs. However the Hose were not to be denied and after repeated thrusts by Jim Levitt, Jack Bak- er, John Luxton and Bud Perfect they were finally rewarded when Perfect laid a perfect pass on the stick of George Sellers wha made no mistake Uni ortunately the preponder- ance ai manpower began to teill as the passing plays of Large, Nickerson and Luxton; Raby, Carl Piper and Ferguson began ta click and George Richardson was a very busy man as was the de- fence combinations of Baker and Perfect, -Art Rowe and Bruce Mairs. With George Piper org- anizing the plays the Mats began ta forge ahead and finally carne out winners by a score ai 8 ta 3 on iurther goals by George Piper, Cari Raby and Clint Ferguson Second Game It is unfortunate that yours truly was unable to hang around for the second garne and can only report the score, 5-2 in favour ai the Office. Goals for the Office were scored by Chant, McGill, Masters, Stacey and Richards, while Lyle and Hamilton were the sharpshooters for the Fan Beits. Standings Team P W L T F A Pts Mats --- 4 3 0 1 37 14 7 Office__ 4 2 2 0 24 21 4 Hase----41 2 119 23 3 Fan Beits 4 1 3 0 10 32 2 Player G. Pipei Richards Carl Pip, K. Nicke C. Raby G. Sellei C. Fergu D. Masti D. Gilh Leading Scarers Team G r Mats 10 s Office 5 )er Mats 5 rson Mats 5 r Mats 4 rs Hase 3 ason Mats 2 ters Office 5 aaoly Office 4 A' 4 4 3 3 4 5 6 2 3 Orono Orphans Lose to Cobourg In County Town 9-3 Pt Its Pf 9 Stili playing withaut Maxie Cowle opened the scaring at 1:54 8 Yourth and Don Giihooiy, and an a high shot which deflected 8 also minus the services ai second into the net off a Port Hope play- 8 string centre Bobby Bird, the er. He had taken a pass from 8 Bowrnanville Barons went down Buck Cowle before letting drive. 8 ta defeat 8-4 at the hands ai the Part Hope replied with two fast 7 Port Hope Redmen in a home goals, one by Downey from Med- 7 stand Saturday night. Nine hund- hurst and Ragaet 6:50, and the red and ninety fans saw the rough, second by Medhurst unassisted at fast garne. 7:63. Ted Barnes scored for the Tommy Depew had Bob Har- Barons 57 seconds later, aiter be- rnon, a former Oshawa Mercan- ing fed by Gerry Cox. tile League player and a new- The Redmen added two more camer ta the team, working at by Downey and Gardon before right wing wîth George Piper at the Barons ended the scaring at centre and Buck Cowle on Ici t 16:43 on a rnarker by Bagneli te wing. Bill Bagnell centred this from Cowrle. 7e line later in the game and the The 8-4 score was a goad imdi- dc Bagnell-Cowle combination scor- cation ai the action in the game. ýe cd three ai the Barons' four tal- With two mekeshift front lines dlies. the Barons' ettack was under- )f Don Masters replaced Bird as standably disorgenized, although .centre ai the second line and Bagneil and Cowle combincd wcll gturned in a nice game. The Cox- an thrce scaring thrusts. Sloppy r Perfcct-Lunney combination ap- clearing in front ai the net cost n peared anly for briei intervals. the Barons a coupfle ai goals. Sub-goalie George Heath start- The loss leit the locals with a ed in the Bowrnanviile twia and record ai four wins and four loss- 1let in twa Redmen markers in the es. ýperiad he warked. Freeman gat Bawmanville - Goal, Heath, sthe iirst an a pass from "Bad- Geerîng; defence, Bernes, Piper, man" Douglas and Medhurst pick- c d the leit corner of the net on a tshot fromn about 20 feet out ta natch the second. In the second periad Mason added another Part Hope caunter an passes from Medhurst and Downcy and this goal could be TH P E D1 traced ta sloppy clearing on the Barons part. Bill Bagneli and Buck Cowle teamed up at the 11:18 mark ta score the locals iirst goal and the prettiest anc ai the evening. With only anc Port Hope man Pack, Cowle deked him, laid a perfect pass on Bagneil's stick, and Bill beat Wasson cleaniy. Coon Medhurst made it 4-1 for Part Hope 13 seconds later when he notched the second ai his three goals. Douglas went off for ei- bowing. at 14:16 bpit the Barons could nat capitalize on the ad- vantage. Wasson, who played a steady game in the Port Hope IC nets, did the splits ta rab George Piper shartly before the end ai the second. The third period was the fast- est and roughest ai the game and saw Part Hope score four and Bowmanville net three goals. Orono Orphans lost 9-3 to thE Cobourg Cornets in a LakeshorE Intermediate "A" fixture played iCobourg last Friday night. The Orphans were down 2-0 at the end of the first and 5-0 at the end of the second. "Slip" Rowe, former Cobourg goalie now tending the twine fo. Orono, was given littie protection in his bid to turn back his one- time team mates. Billy Hessin and Clarke Harn- den gathered three goals in the Cornet win with Cliff Maundrell getting two and Jerry Lawless the other single taily. Dean West picked up two for the losers and the other tally went to R. Johnston. The win put the Cornets in third place in the Lakeshore League, only a few points off the pace behind the Lindsay Muskies and the Port Hope Redmen. The pre-Christmas crowd was small and the game gave them littie encouragement to yell. Orono: Goal, Rowe; defence, Terwilliger, D. West; centre, H. West; wings, Mercer, Flintoff; al- ternates, Sheil, Robinson, Armn- strong, Irving, K. West, Wilde, Wiegies, Gilmore, Osborne. Cobourg: Goal, Sommerville; defence, Maundreil and Munroe; centre, Casey; wings, Fisher, Wil- cox; alternates, Harnden, Greer, Bridges, Campbell, Hessin, Reeves, Lawless, Young. Officials-Referee, O. Caîhoun, Oshawa; linesman, Bus Cane, Co- bourg. jamieson Takes First Schedule of Rotary League Evelyn Jarnieson's bowling teamn struck home for victary in the first scheduie af the Bowrnanville Rotary Club Bowling League con- cluded Thursday night. Foliow- Iing the league gemes, a deliciaus dinner was served toalal the bowl- crs at the home ai President and Mrs. Garnet Rickard. The league started play in early October and the members af the Steams are made Up ai Rotarians and their wives who have pieyed every Thursday night at Martyn's tBowling Acaderny for past few months. Other winners were Edna De- Geer who took top ladies' average with 169 and Dr. Keith Siernon for the men with 253. The Lem- on League had many contestants for its honours but space wiii flot permit the listing ai ail the names. Following Thursday night's bowling aIl the members journey- cd ta President Garnet Rickard's home for a turkey fcast. In ad- dition ta the excellent meal pre- pared by Mrs. Rickard, assisted by a few ai the Rotarian's wives the presentation ai prizes ta win- ners was made and a social time was enjoyed. The winning teain consisted ai Evelyn Jarnieson, (Capt.); Keith Billett, Kay Rehder, Gernet Rick- ard, Dr. Keith Siernon, Betty Stutt, Rex Walters, Jean Van- stone and Sarah James. The sec- ond place team ves composed ai Roberta Higgon (Capt.); Walter DeGeer, George Hacking, Mossie Heyland, Jim Hogarth, Hilda Jackson, George Maody and Bob Stevens. Top averages in the ladies' division were held by Edna De- Geer, Mary Walters, Helen Ru- deil, Jeanne Slemon and Roberta Higgon. Ia the men's side Dr. Keith Slemon, Dr. Howard Rundie, Ben Kitsan, Walter De- Geer and Moriey Vanstone ail had averages over t he 200 mark. Aiter the first ai the yea r the league will start on the sec on d schedule, again under the Chair- rnanship i Dr. Keith Slemon. WANT ADS AI. Osborne's Team Takes First Place In Nen's Major Bowling Play-Offs The Men's Major League play- in the playaffs. Dr. Rundle, No. aifs are over and AI Osbarne's i man ahl season, had a 574 triple; wood-smashers carne thraugh with Jake Westiake carne through 3686 ta win the big rnoney. This with 609 while AI Osborne re- is an average ai 246 per game. corded 656. It couldn't have been Dave McKnight's team had post- pressure, could it? ed 3567 the week before. Os- The Men's Major League will borne's team is rnade Up ai John cease operations until Wednesday, Grahamn, Murray Tighe, Doug Jan. 7th, when the second sched- Taylor, Frank Samis, Charlie ule wiil begin, sa an behali ai the Wright, Russ Oke and Capt. AI executive we wauîd like ta take Osborne. The 3686 score was this opportunity ta wish one and made up af 1166-1256-1264. ail a very Merry Christmas and There were same pretty nice a better average in the New Year. indivîdual efforts posted with George Elliott nearly crashing the Team Standing in Playoffs 900 mark. George had 297-372- Tearn Pins 218 for an 887 total. Doug Taylor Osborne ----------------3686 had 799, Russ Oke 784, Morley D. McKnight----_ 3567 Vanstane 774 and Frank Williams *îit----------39 763. E lo t --------3 9 Elliott's 372 won the Rayai Hearle 3490 Theatre tickets. Russ Oke had Bagneli 3459 319 and Doug Taylor, 312. Piper 3447 AlIey Chatter Siemon------------- ----- 3439 The Bagnell's team had high Cale --------- --------- -- -3373 single game ai the playofis with R. McKnight 3295 1332, while Dick Little's outiit had Bates --------------3140 low single ai 860. O'Rourke 3125 What happened ta the "Big 3" Little--------------------- _3059 Barons Minus Several Star Players Lose Io Port Hope in Rmigh Game 8-4 Wilh Attendance of 990 Fans ai Arena Fa m lelY '?'1xTnOV~A¶7 TIW' 10 O~ Men's Hockey Lge. Opens at Arena The first dauble-header in the Bowmanville Men's Hockey League was staged at Memoriali Arena last Thursday night with Combines edging Gaodyears 5-3 in the first game at 7:30 and Front St. thumping Foresters 9-3 ln the 9 o'clock fixture. Scorers for Combines were Lane and Stutt unassisted, Luxton an a pass from Gatcheil, Sturrock from Northey and Strike from Lane. Hitting for the Goodyear markers were Woodward from E. Luxton, Brooks irom Sellers and E. Luxton from Forsey. Marksmen for Front St. in their 9-3 scuttling ai Foresters were Charlie Kilpatrîck and Tom Cow- an with two apiece, and Bob Wil- liarns, Jack Lemon, Frank Burns, Ted Bird and Don Rundie with singletons. Larry Dewell notched two for the Foresters and Snowden added the third on a pass from Craig. Russell Halîman reiereed bath games A happy home is the single spot ai rest which a man has upon this earth for the cuitivation ai his noblest sensibilities.-F. W. Robertson. . ADVERTIsEMENTOF 19001 BYTOWN 9ECOME5 CITY G 0F TAWA 1854 Frank Jamieson's Team Heads In Jack and JilI Bowling Seasoi Nichais, McKeen; f or ward S, Cowle, Bagneli, Harmon, Hamil- ton, Masters, Whiteman, Cax,' Perfect, Lunney. Port Hope-Goal, Wasson; de- fence. Douglas, Hogan, eacine, Freernan; forwards, H. McKeen, Gardon, Medhurst, Rawden, Hay, Mason, Turner, Downey. Ir. Bees of Oshawa Play Tie Game Here With Kingston Vics Oshawa's Junior Bees hung onta their undefeated string in the Big Six Junior "B" Hockey League at Memoriai Arena on Monday night when they played ta a 3-3 avertirne tie with Kingston Vics. Oshawa are now in fifth spot in the league behind Lindsay. Belleville is leading the league. Mile Cirka in the Oshawa nets piayed a fine game, stopping 44 ai 47 shats on hlm. McDonald, Wodnisky and Lowe tallied the Bees goals and Don Senior with twa and Vallier were the Kingston rnarksmen. With the Oshawa team tiring in the last period, Cirka stopped rubber from ail angles ta preserve the tie for the Bees. As a grand finale for tit eve- ing Keith Slemon presentel Frank Jamieson and his winnirg teamn with gaily ribboned bottlEs af pop including a special botte af "lem- on" refreshment whicI KeitV ý;ingled out for "Slim" R;ph Me~ The winter bowling séason for Jacks and Jils will comiience the second Tuesday evenint in Jan- uary. All thse who wil nfot be bowling, or any who widi ta start bowling, please contac Jack or Jean Darch, or Anna orAl Strike. New teams will be cho5en for the next schedule. Final League Staiding Frank Jamieson 18 AI Strike ----16 Bud Moses ____12 Jack Darch -- __ 10 Earl Thorpsn 10 HIGONELECTRICý ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATIONi AUTHORIZED lx3i 42 KING ST.E.GEN ERAL 0~ ELECTRIC omcv!e, Phone 438 HOME APPLIANCE DEALER. Ontarii j NOCKEYINAUGURATED INI MADISON SQUARE GARDEN AS MONWREAL CANADIENS DEFEAT NEW YORK AMERICANS, 3-1,1929. FIRST TELEGRAPH SERVICE IN CANADA ESTAS[isIIED BETWEE N TORONTO AND HAMILTON, 18461 WILLIAM LYON MACKENZIE RE- EXPELLED FROM ASS5EM OLY NEXT DAY, 1833 . 1 6ANADlANVLVN[fRs (AL L ID FOR SERVICE ON TRONTIEIR AGAIN5T FIENIAN5, 1864 FIPS1 CANADIAI' TROOPS LAND IN SCOTLAND, 1931 ONE F A SERIES 0F WEEKLY CALENDARý PRESENItO BY -noe0tl TO RECALL FOR CANADIANS TODAY, SOME 0F THE INTERESTING EVENTS' BOTH GRAVE AND GAI N OUR COUNTRYS COLOURFUL STRY r«ýhe Chairman, Commissioners and ail of Hydro's thousands of employees throughout the Province join with the Municipal Systems in wishing yau the compliments of the Season. The Commission aiso take this oppartunity ta extend their best wishes and thanks ta the engineers, suppliers, technicians and men and women of labour whose co-aperation has contributed in great measure to the speedy development of new power resources, May this Christmas Season be bright and merry and may the New Year bring good health, hpppiness and prosperity. CHAIRMAi4 - -. ~ ~ *4 >' 9 ~ .9 - ut I GINERAL MGR. A CMIEF ENGt4" ASST. GENERAL 1G.IGNERN ST. VICE-CHAIRMAN ASST. GEN ftMG.Ç-ADMINISTRATION 2NO. VICE.CMAlIRMA?4 PRtsiDENT A.M.E.U. PRES(DEN O.M.EFA. BLA - - ------------------------- --- ---- - 1 1 Tuesday evening marked the wind-up of a very successful fal bowling season for members of the Trinity Jack and Jill Club. Apparently Frank Jamieson and team could not stand prosperity as the holders ai first place last 5 points ta Jack Darch and his cellar dweliers. Bud Moses alsa took 5 points from Earl Thornp- son, and Al Strike completed the evening ai dlean sweeps by tak- ing full points from Si Trewin The evening featured the awarding ai prizes for variaus merits. Ace Richards, the low man, with a cold 85 (we did flot think Ace could staap that 10w) presented a spot prize ta Gwen Black who was the Jili with the nearcst score. Phil Rogers, the high lady, with 188, prcsented the men's spot prize ta Glen 1 - THE CA lq ADIA14 STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO i mmm.mn,&v- nlrLq. in. ý9s2 Thampson who ralied 189. Si Trewin--------------- 9 1 - e k

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