B RING YOUR SÏT--RADE AYCAH ND MESSAGE BEFORE SAVE-INIMU 12,000 READERS COÀ5cPRA -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u y e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BIRTHS CAMERON - To Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron, Kenogami, Que., at the Saguenay Generai Hospital, Arvida, January 3rd, 1952, a daughter, Leslie Helen, a sister for Glynis. Mothor and baby both well. 3-1 HAYMAN-Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hayman (nee Alice Modd> are happy to announco the birth of thoir son, Carl James, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvjlle, on Jan- uary l3th, 1952. 3-1* MASTERS-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters (nee Evolyn Virtue), En- niskillon, are happy to announco the arrivai of a baby girl, Darlene Karen, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on January lith, 1952. A baby sister for Gail. 3-1 NOKES -Mr. and Mrs. James Nokos are proud to announce the arrivai of their son, Jeffry James, on Friday, January ilth, 1952, at Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 3-1 DEATHS EDDY-In Newcastle, on Sunday, January l3th, 1952, Waidimar Leslie Eddy, beioved husband of Ethel May Nodon, age 58 years. Funoral from the Chapol of Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanviilo, on Wednesday, January l6th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment in Lakoview Cemetory, Newtonvillo. 3-1 SHERRIN, George Albert-At the home of bis daughter, 78 Ingle- wood Drive, Toronto, on January lOtb, 1952, after a brief illness. George Albert Sherrin, darling father of Mildred (Mrs. F. Carlyle Hamilton), dear brother of Mrs. F. D. MacKmy. Funeral from the Trull Funeral Home, 2704 Yongo St., Saturday, January l2th. In- terment Prospect Cemetery. 3-1 WATTS-At Akron, Ohio, Jan. 12th, 1952, Joseph H. Watts, in his 88th year, dear father of Mrs. W. J. Stephens and Mrs. Roy H-ooper, Bowmmnville. Service was beld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowrnanvillo, on Tuesday, Jan. lSth, at 3:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 3-1 IN MEMORIAM BEST-In loving memory of our darling grandson, Victor Best, who passed away January 15th, 1950: Whatever land we travel, Whatever home xve have, We nover will forget you, Because wc loved you dear, More than anything we had. -Grandma and Grandpa Best. 3-1 BROOME-In loving momory of a deariy beloved wife and mother, Susan Broome, who passed away January l7th, 1944: She bade no one the last farewell, Sho said goodbye to none; The Heavonly Gates were open wide, e A ioving voice said~ corne. -Always remembered by bus- band, daughter and sons. 3-1* DEWELL-In ioving memory of Helen Marilyn Dewell, darling daughter of Percy and Evelyn Dewell, who passed away sud- denly January l5th, 1946: - Lovingly remembered by Mumîny and Daddv. 3-1* McKNIGHT-Inlolving nmemory of a dear wife and mother who passedi awa ' Jan. 2th, 1943: And while she lies in peaceful sleep Her mcmnory xve shall always keep. -Lovingly rernemhered hy bus- bandi Sam and ýdaughters. 3-1* PERRETT-In loving rmemory cf' a dear hushand and father, Wil- liami Talbot, who passed away Januarv 19th, 1951: -Sadly missed and lovingly re- mci-bered by wife and familv. WILCOX-In loving rnory cf a dear hrother-in-law, IHarry \ViI- ccx, who passcc axvay January 9th. 19.51: And wh ile hie lies in peaceful si1 c 0, Hiis incmor.v wc shahl always l'ecp. -Rrnicmiber-ed bh-,.is sisters-in- law, Ger-tie. Lottie and Mabel. 3-le CARDS 0F THANKS Articles For Sale The Boy Scout Association would like to thank those who loaned us trucks and drivers for our paper drive: Mr. Palmer, Gien Rae Dairy, Boys' Training School and Mr. W. Allen. 3-1 Mrs. John Dorland and family wish to thank their neighbors, friends and relatives for their flowers, cards and mcts of kind- ness during their recont sudden bereavernent. 3-1" Florence Fowler wishes te sin- cerely thmnk al ber friends, neighhors and evoryone who sent fruit, cards, etc., not forgetting those assisting with 'the hou se- work while she bas been nursing a bad leg. Your many visits were much enjoyod. 3.1* The family of the late Mrs. E. A. Wight wish to express sincero tbanks to Dr. H. Ferguson for bis untiring dovotion to bis patient; also friends and neighbours for their kind deeds and words of sympathy and the bemutiful floral trihutes in memory of a loving mother. 3-1* Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr., would like to thank friends'and neigh- hours for cards, gifts, radio at hospital, Solina W.I. for flowers, North Group of W.I. for fruit, during ber stay in bospital. A special thanks te Drs. Birks, Fer- guson, Austin; also Superintend- ont, nurses and staff of Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 3-1* We wish to extend to our many friends and neighbours our sin- cere gratitude for kindness and consideration sbown us in the loss of our dear mother, Mrs. Joo McRoberts. A very special thanks to the Tyrone neîghbours for their lovely floral tribute. Mahel Maynard and Dorothy Wood. 3-* COMING EVENTS Wood Sonate are holding a stag ouchre in Union Hall, Jan. 24th, at 8 p.m. 3.1*. The Ambassador Singers will ho at Newcastle United Church on Friday, Janumry l8tb, 8:15 p.n.' Admission 50c and 25c. 3-1* Reserve Saturday, Feb. l6tb, for Valentine Tom and Sale of homebaking of The Salvation Army League to ho beld in the Union Hall, 3 to 6 ýp.m. 3-1 The Darlington Ratepayers' As- sociation will bold a meeting in the Townsbip Hall, Hampton, Fri- day, January 25th, 8 p.m. Mem- bers and ail interested are urged to attend. 3-2 Heather Social Club is holding its annual Valentine Dazice in Orono Town Hall on Friday, Feb. 8tb. Make it a date now with your best girl and corne along for a wonderful evening of dancing, lunch, spot prizes, etc. 3_11 The two-act comedy "The Mali Who Came To Dinner" produced by the Rotary Club cf Bowman- ville, Wodnosday and Tbursday, Feb. 6th and 7th, in the Town Hall. Tickets obtainable frorn members of the Rotary Club, are popularly priced at 5Oc. Reserved seat plan at Jury & Lovell's, Feb. 4th. 3-1 Annuai Meeting of Lihrary Bd. The annual meeting of the Boxvmanville Public Library will be beld in the Lîbrary Readinîg Room. on Tuesday, January 22nd, 1952, at 7 p.m. The Library Board for the year 1952 will hoe elected at this meeting and al subseribers te the Library are re- quested to attend. Fergus E. Morrili, Secretary.3- Notice te ail vetorans in Clarke Township. Newcastle Veterans' Association is holding its monthly dinner meeting in Queen's Hotel. Newcastle, Fridav, Januarx- l8th. 19.52, at 7 p.nl. Tickets $1.35. Al veterans in Clarke Township are invited te attend. Meetings of the Newcastle Voterans' Associa- tion are held alternatelv at the Queen's and Elmhurst Hotls. the third Friday cf each month. Wanted To fient ÇVILIA.%S--iilovngymeorvofFAMILY of four requ ire bouse or P~ILIAM In1ovi~ mmor cfapartment on or about March lst, a dear mother ' and father, Silas good references. Phiono 439. MWillianis. ho -passed awav Nov. 3-1 3othi, 1949, and iAlberta Wiliiarns, Jan. 23rd, 1950: A RESPONSIBLE party xishces to Iln our licarts your memory rent large house. Preferabiy in lin1ýers Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville Swectl.v, tender, fond and truc; area. WilI pav good rent, mod- There is iiot a day, dear mnother ernize, decorate, and do ail re- and father pairs at owvn expense if good That wc- do flot think of y ou. Icase. AIL replies answered -Ever remnembered by Annie and pronmptly and apprcciated. Box Edwin and family. 3-1 * 688, c/o Statesman Office.. 1-3* IGIRLS FOR FACTORY WORKi WANTED Must ho 19 or Over - Good Working Conditions APPLY AT OFFICE B. M. HOLLINGSHEAD 0F CAN. LTD. Scugog St. B ow ma n ville THOR Gladiron, in perfect con- dition. Phone 584. 3-1 BALED hay, Redtop. Vernon Edwards, Phone 2303. 3-1 ONE set, brand new, Nu-Hoalth pots and pans, sacrifice. Phone 3232. 3-1 SOFT wood slabs, stove length. Immediate delivery. Phono 3132 or 3548. 3-2* QUEBEC heater and air circu- lator, with pipes. 106 Elgin St., Phone 930. 3-1* ONTARIO potatoes, $4.00 per 75 lb. bag delivered in Bowmanville. Phono 2473. 3-1* APPLES - lst ,and 2nd grade Spys and other varioties, delîver- ed. Phone 2365. 3-1 TRUCK platform, 91/2 ft., steel bottom: one pair truck mud flaps, new. Phono 3474. 3-1 BRAND new radios, 5-tube, latest style, green only, table mnodels. $24.50. The Radio Shop. 3-1 TUBEROUS rooted Begonia bulbs, largest size, double, now in stock. Stewart's Seedi Store. CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Druggists soîl Cross Bunion Salve - wear stylish shoes soon. ROWE Bros. cernent slab silos, 12 ft. and 14 ft. width. Lyall Lowery, Orono, agent. Phono 39r1 Orono. 3-2* OIL burning cook stovo, good baking oven, in excellent con- dition; new jacket heator and tank. Phono 662. 34l 3300 FEET of lumber, 2x8, 2x4 and one-inch, $225 or bost offer; also 1,000 foot used lumber. Fourth bouse Middle Road, west side. 3-1* SOFTWOOD slabs, $6 cord at the bush at Burkoton. Inquire at Burketon Garage or H. M. Kyte, Blackstock, Phono Port Perry 106r4. 49-tf CONGOLEUM Gold Soai Rug-s, yard goods and hall runnors; Rex- oleurn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phono 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf OLIVER 66 and 77 tractors; Oliver tractor spreaders, offset disc, 3- furrow plows, Smalley Hatchett milis, rubber tirod wagon. Vîrtue's Garage, Tyrone, Phono 2882. 3-3* TO CLEAR - Large sizo coal and wood stove, ail porcelain, largo oven, water reservoir, shoîf, in brand now condition. Special price to clear $135.00. Tho Radio Shop. 3-1 VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different. colours of tapes, 15 siat colours, Fiexalum. Aluminurn or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phono 3121. Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf ONE 10,l cu. ft. Gilson Refriger- ator, cross the top freeze, 40 lb. cap., reg. $495, now $350, used à mnonths, a year guarantee; one pop cooler; one 6 f. show case, cheap. Win. Dawson, Happy Valley, 56rl1 Orono. 3-P' PLUMBING. Heating and Ou1 Bumners insta]led anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For froc estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, Heating. Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phono 3348. 29-tt SEE THE NEW Fairbanks-Morse Hammnermill, designod and built te fit your tracter; swinging ham- mers, less herse power required. Free demonstration at your con- venience. J. W. Ogden, Newton- ville, Phone Clarke 22r22. 3-5* BRASS bird cage, with stand. Phone 736. 3-1* RECESSED batlitubs $60; smart Martha Washington and Rich- ledge stainless three piece bath- room sets white $160.00 te $189.00. Coloured $274.00 complote witb bea utiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces S295.00. Special offers te plumbers and builciers tee. Save many valuable dollars, buyv with confidence and' have a- nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteod. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if wve supply everything you need for cemplete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and instal- lation diagcrarns. Select styleocf sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators.I Pressure water systems, cil humn- ers, septie and oil tanks etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Di- vision, Streetsville Hardware, Streetsville, Ontarie. Phone 261. Evenings 51r15. 31-tf, *For the Latest Papers *For the Fiîxest Paints *For thie Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf REFRIGERATORS - AT - Reduced Prices Now 1/3 Down 18 Moniis Io Pay The Radio Shop The Canadcm Statesman Classified Advertising Rates Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 25e wilI be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3ço a word with a minimuni of $1.00O- for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS » - $1.00 plus 100 a lino for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for personY or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthiy. DispIay Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additionai insertion at the same rates Ail Ciassifiod Ads. must ho in this office not later than 12 o'ciock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER - with somo previous oxperience preferred, shorthand essential. Write P.O. Box U, Bowmanville, gîving qual- ifications. 3-2 QUALIFIED moulder for Foundry work, steady work and good wages. Apply John McCrae Mach- ine and Foundry Co. Ltd., Lind- say, Ontaifio. 3-2, GIRL for office work, experience not necessary but a help, short- hand and typing essential, good salary to right girl. Apply William G. James, The Canadian States- man, Bowmmnville. 2-11 WANTED-Man for steady travel' among Consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with largo manufacturer. Oniy reli- able hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-C-140-131, Montreai. 3-1 DAIRY farm help vranted, to start immodiately or February lst, three-room apartment in village, married man. Personal interview appreciated, also roferences. How- ard Forder, Blackstock, Phono 197r5 Port Perry. 3-1 HOUSEKEEPER for -family of two aduits and two children, 25 miles from Bowmanvilie. Live in. Private room. Professional man's home with ahl modern conven- iences. No cooking. Permanent position if satisfactory. Prefer woman 40-50 years of age. Write Box 695, c/o Statesman O f i e , giving references and wages cx- pected. 3-1 Articles For Sale SINUS -ASTHMA BRONCHITIS If you'suffer from respiratory illness, start your recovery today. INHAL - IT the medication made famous in Duke-Fingard Ilospitals, can now ho used at home. Ger' INHAL - IT at your Drug Store today, and use it faithfuiiy until ail your symptoms disappear. TILE PLASTIC GLAZED CLAYI WALL TILE WALL TILE WALLS Rubber - Mastic - Marboleum Quarrie - Ceramie Clay Floor Tules. FLOORS Materials OnIy... or Installed Complote REPAIES - Go Anywhoro - H. G. IIEAL - Bolmanville 2.9021 2-tf SNOW TIRES wihle they last $35.00 a pair Also extra wheels and tubes for snow tires: CHEVROLET 1949 - 1951 FORD 1949 - 1951 lVe have hundreds of other wheels in stock. NEW TUBES -------- S4.50 eac] (while they last) USF.D TUBES $ 2.50 eael Sissons' Garage PHONE ORONO 1031 2-I Livestock For Sale FIFTEEN weanling pigs. Phone Clarke 1911. 3-1* JERSEY cow, due to freshen this week. Telephone 2332. A. Allun. 3-1* TEN pigs, three months old. Apply Lorenzo Mountjoy, Nestleton. 3-1* BROOD sow. Herman Christl, R.R. 2, Bowmanvilo, Phono Osh- awa 5-4055. 3-1* NINE purebred Tamworth pigs,' six woeks old; also 1,000 chicken brooder, noarly now. Ken Robliin, Burketon Garage, Phono 2171. 3-1 Lost STATION Wagon Coat, groy, with small humn on front, at Bethany New Year's Dance. Contact Ed. Deluca, Jackrnan Road, Bowman- ville. 3-1* TWO hounds, beagle black and white, brown bead, female; black and tan male, about one year old. Phono Oshawa 3-8512 or Port Perry 184r3. 3-1 Found TRUCK tire. Owner may have 2646. by identifying it. Phone Applications Wanted Applications will ho received at the office of the undersigned for the position of Assessor for the Municipality of the Town- ship of Cartwright for the year 1952. Applications will please state mgo, qualifications and place of residence. The assossing te ho dono under the new system cf ssessment and te ho completod by September lst, 1952. The Assessor te have an assist- ant approved by Council. There are betwoen 1,000 and 1,100 assessments in the Town- ship. Furtber information mmy ho hmd at the office of the under- signed Clerk or hy writing Mr. Hall, Cobourg, County Assossor, under wbose supervision the as- sessing will ho done. Ail applications must ho at my1 office by Saturday, Februmry 2, 1952. HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk-Treasurer, Township cf Cartwvright, Box 17, Blackstock. Auction Sales Used Fmrmn Machinery Auction Sale te ho beid in April; approx- imately 30 tractors and a]li other types of farm mmcinery, al miakes and models. Ux-Spring1 Farms Limited, International Har-1 vester Dealers, corner 12 and 47 Highways, Phono Uxhridge or Port Perry. 3-4 Mr. George Crentz, Lot 16, Con. 1, Clarke Township, 3 miles oast of Newcastle, 1 mile south, will soul by public auction on Sturday, Jan. l9th, at 1 p.m. bis entire bousehoid effects, including: an electric washing machine; oil space heater; oiectric radio; Sing- or sewing machine; dining-roorn and bedroom furniture; dishes, glassware, hedding; 1929 Ford Sedan, excellent condition. Terms cash. no reserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 2-2 Repairs h VACUUM Cleaners guaranteed service on Hoover, etc. Hydro h Shop, Dial 471. 1-4* REPAIRS to aIl makes o!, rofrig-. eraors dmesicand commercial; rrulkîing coolers. H.iggon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 1 25-tf NOTICE GARBAGE collected every week on tirne. Sellers Bros., Phono 3474. 3-1 Dr. from 28th,j Birks' office will. be closed January l2th te January inclusive. 2-3 Re Snow Romoval in the Town of Bowmanviile Immediately following a snow storm, we request the co-operation of citizens in removing cars from the streets of the Town se that said streets can ho cleared hy the snew plougb. Under Section 43, Paragraph 10 of the Highway Traffie Act, our police are given authority to bave offending cars moved, cbarging any expenses involved to the car owners. Police Committee, Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. 3-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDER TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE TENDERS for the purchase of a haîf-ton truck, fully equipped, with trade-in allowance on 1947 G.M.C. haîf-ton, will ho receivedi hy the undersigned up to and in-j cluding Feb. 4th, 1952. Further1 particulars can be requested from1 Mr. R. Dickinson, Road Superin- tendent, Newcastle, Ont. Lowest or any tender not nec- ossarily accepted. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 51, Orono, Ont. Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phono 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51 -tf ALL kinds of hardwood logs or bush. Would consider buying farrn for good hardwood btth. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock. Phono Port Perry 106r4. 52-tf LIVE poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, bags, scrap iron and metal. We also buy raw furs. Dial Oshawa 5-4912 collect, or write I. Turner, North Oshawa. 48-tf DEAD FARM STOCK Picked Up Promptiy HIORSES, COWS, HEIFERS, SIIEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and cows) - CALL US COLLECT - LIVE HORSES 2 - 3e for crippied and oid horses. Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE Phono Bowmanvilie 2679 Wanted ROOM and board, for gentleman. Write Box 697, c/o Statesman Off ice. 3-1* HOME for two half-grown kit- tons, bouse broken. Appiy 73 Elgin St. or Phono 2165. 3-1 Help Available IT is time to think of Farm Holp now. Cet oxperienced and reliable immigrants from Holland. Apply S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestieton, Phono Port Perry 225r24, or J. Hartemink, R. R. North, Orono Phono 54r8. 52-23 Custom Work CUSTOM chain saw work donc. M. Jurko, Phono 2753. 23- Chicks For Sale BRAY Chicks for 1952. Good chiéks. Ask agent for particulars. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 1-5 Real Estate For Sale FIVE-room bungalow, with four- piece bath. Possession arranged. Phone 3697. 3-1 IMMEDIATE possession of own- er's attractive 7-room, 2-storey, brick house with attachod garage on corner lot. Ground floor bas large living-room with fireplace; dining-room, modemn built-in kit- chen, large spacious sun room on south side with outside entrance (suitablo for professional use); 3 bedrooms and modemn built-in 4-piece bath upstairs, also 2-piece washroom on ground floor, base- ment consisting of partially fin- ished recreation room and separ- ate laundry room with toilet downstairs, hot air oil furnace with air conditioning. For in- formation ploase phone Howard Bickle at 2936 after 6 p.m. 3-1 'WHITBY REAL ETT 10-Acre Smaii Farm & Buildings $11,000-Large bouse with four bedrooms and attachod garage. Barn, 3 pig pens, root cellar, im- piement shed, 33 young fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, choice high land just off No. 2 Y-ichway between Whitby and Oshawa. Immediate possession. Bowman & Gibson Whitby, Ont. Phono 521 2-2 HAMPTON 3 1acre farm right at Hampton, 5 miles from Bowmanville. Ideal for produce growing. 5 acres of good strawberrios. Good bunga- low home, new barn and other buildings. $7500.00. BOWMANVILLE $9800.00 - On one of the finest residential streets right in town Older 9-room bungalow, in beau- tiful condition. Completely new bot water beating system. Newly decorated. Modemn kitchen. Large lot. SEE VOUR. LOCAL BROKER OR CALL Clif ford Rogers REALTOR 2249 Yonge St. - Mayfair 9448 Toronto 2-2 NIXON REAL ESTATE 6-room brick bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, bath, furnace, 2 sun por- ches, full basement, insulated, screens, storm windows, garage, good lot. $10,000. Terms. Poss- ession two weeks. 36 acres, 5 acres bush, frame bouse, barn, garage, in village not far from Bowmanville, close to school and stores. Easy terms. Grist Miii, grinder, rouler, feed mixer, largo storage, water power, good turnover. 7-room frame bouse, hydro, 4-car garage, complote ton thousand. If you want to get into business in- vestigate this one. Haîf cash. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilie Phono 682 3-1* ATTENTION! If you are interested mn obtaîn- ing experienced or inexperienced bep on the farm, or in the gen- eral trades, we shah ho giad te obtain sucbh lelp for you fromn the Netberlands, provided you will sponsor such an immigrant single person, couple or family. For full information caîl or write: THE DUTCII REFORMED CHURCH Rev. W. H. Vandermeer, Ph.D. P.O. Address: 218 Coiborne St. W., lVhitby, Ontario. Phone Whitby 2990 Register Fri., 4 -6 P.m. for Ballet, Tap, SScotch - Union Hall, ~IAE 19 Kingr St. E IRENIE IHARVE A.C.C.M., R.M.T R eal Estate For Sale H. G. GILL REAL ESTATE In Nestleton - 200 acre farmI room home, hydro, creek, nt" 2 barns, double garage, hog.., hon house, implement sTi $15,900. Terms. In Janetville 7-room, soiid brick home, hydro, furnace, full cellar. Total price $3,000. In Burketon - 9-room frame home, hydro, full cellar, barni, garage, good gardon. $4,000. Terms. In Hampton- 6-room franie homo, hydro, 3-piece bath, heavy wiring. Immodiate possession. $6,500. On County Road, near Bowman. villo, 6-room home, 4 rooms com- pietod, heavy wiring. $3,000. In BoWmanville, large lot, celiar 25' x35' oxcavated, sower, water and hydro. Price $500. In Bowmanviile - 4-room, par- tialiy complotod bungalow, heavy wiring, sewer and water. See this one at $3,000. In Bowmanvillo - large lot, hy- dro, sower and water, $425. H1. G. (Hap) Gi, Realtor 8 Second St. Phono 3514 3-1 Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for customn killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf SEVENTEEN-yoar-old girl desires steady housework. Live in. Tele- phono 2865. 3-1 GIRL wants work. Would like I housekeeping, but flot necessary. Phono Clarke 1234. 3-i* DEPENDABLE High School girl willing to do baby sitting, fond of children. Phone 3050. 3-1* YOUNG girl desires position as waitress, store clerk, caring for childron or housework, rofer- onces. Phono 2082 Bowmanville. 3-1 * DUTCH girl desires housework, hall day a weok, in Bowmanviile. Write Box 696, c/o Statesman Office. 3-1 Notice Io Creditll AND OTHERS IN tho Estate of JOHN BAIRD, Deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against the Estate of John Baird, who died on or about the 25th day of November, A.D. 195 L,are notified to send full particulÇ» to the undorsigned before the '2 4th day of January, A.D. 1952, after which date the Estate wil ho distributed. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario, this 22nd day of December, A.D. 1951. W. F. WARD, B.A., Bowmanviile, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, Thomas Hayes. 1-3 Nursing Service Middle Groen Villa Rost Home Courtico One or two vac.ancies, mon or women, tray service, every kind- ness given. Approved by doctors. Phono Oshawa 5-4943 for roser- vations. 50-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) maiied postpaid in plain seaied envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Harnilton, Ont. The trouble is that those wbo are wrong but think tbey are right feel just as superior as we do. When it gets dmrk enough thon You can see the stars. Many a girl bas neyer a worry about ber past--except its length. So0 many people are se worried about the future that they over- COMING TO THE ROYAL SOON PAGE FOURTEM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLn ONTARIO THURSDAY. 3ANMIIV ily iû» 9