~. 15! I'T f!¶3AITAY ~rA ~W~A%?uri¶mA'in V ,%OqTAI) Misses Darlington and Their Hosts In this photo, MVr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols, host and bouquet presented to her by the football teams in apprec- hostess at the huge party in Newcastle Community Hall last iation of their kindness. Miss Darlington is holding the week, are flanked by the incoming Miss Darlington, Dorothy exquisite chest of Evening Star silverware which she re- Skinner of Tyrone, and last year's winner, Mrs. Don Pres- ceived. This annual party was attended by more than 1200 rott, of Enfield. She was Miss Marg. Smith when the award people - thc largest crowd ever to be present. was made in 1950. Mrs. INichols is holding the beautiful Roy Nichols' Football Party Held In the Newcastle Comimunity Hall~ Scores Another Colossal Triumph If the solid walls of Newcastle Community Hall could bc called bulging, the term would be fit- ting for use in any story describ- ing the huge crowd wbicb jamn- nied mbt Roy Niebols' Annual -Football Party Tuesday eveniog, October 30. Undoubtedly, il was the largest crowd wbicb has al- tended this popular event since its inception. The crowd arrived early and stayed until tbe 'last dog xvas hung," having a wondcrful lime listening and dancing to the flCw and oid music of that master of 'ntertainment George Wade and {is Cornhuskers. Tere vas al~~ hour and a haf prograio o e artistry an d nim bic hum- or *hi pa h apperdtodelight the throng. Tribute to Departed Players During the evening, there wds one serlous note which paid trib- ute to two of Darlinglon's most active football cnthusiasts wtio had died suddeoly duiriog tho year. Mr. Nichols. in bis address, spoke feeliogly of th1e loss suf- fered due t0 the deaths of Jack: Reynolds of Hampton and Harold :Mills of Enniskillcn, and tears strcamed down many faces when Jack's twin brother Jim and Jack's son Arthur spoke during thîe presentation of the Jack Rey- nold's Memorial Tropby. Miss Darlington Crowned Highlight of the evening was, of course, tbe selection of Miss Darlinglon and il was a tense moment whcn Master of Cere- monies "Jobnny" James asked Dr. George Werry 10 bring tbe newly sclecled young lady to the platform. This year, tbe winner was Miss Dorothy- Skinner, daugbtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner of Tyrone. She was draped -ith the banner marking ber new statits and received a chest of Evcning Star Community Plate silver presented by last year's xinncr, Mrs. Don Prescot of Enficld. As wvil1 be seen froin ber photos. Miss Skinner is a very charming young lady, wbo sbould carry lier tille with distinction and grace. 31r. and Mrs. Nichols Honored Enthusiasm re a cbhed n evw beights wben at the end of the program, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols wvere called 10 the platform 10 re- A Happy Girl Wins Silverware ceive the thanks of those present. John Siemon paid bigh tribute to themn before asking Miss Dar- lington to present Mrs. Nichols with a beautiful bouquet of flow- crs. In addition, Mr. James Hamilton, District Manager for General Motors, expressed thc company's appreciation of Mr. Nichols' superb record for main- taining a high percentage of Gen- eral Motors cars tbroughout the area and for keeping the name of tbe company and ils cars aI a peak in prestige. Mrs. Nichols spoke first ho answer. slating how she and Roy looked forward cach year 10 Ibis party wben they could entertain their friends and neigbhbors. Mr. NichaIs struck an equally sincere theme in welcoming the galber- Team Captaitns Receive Coveted Trophies One of the features of the Roy Nichols' party last Breslin Trophy won by Courtice Senior Football Team; J. week was the presentauion of trophies to the various teams 1\'cGill with the E. A. Werry troph., xwon by Enniskillen throughout the district. From left to right are: Ross Sharp Junior Football Team; Joan Mcinight wilhN.ON. Girls' holding the new Jack Reynolds' trophy won by Enniskillen Softball trophy wVon by Courlice Girls, and Murray Oshorne Sr. Football Team; Miss Ruth Bragg holding the C.O.F. xith the Margwill Fur Farmi Troph'y won by Ebenezer McÇabe Trophy wvon by Salem Girls; Bob Johnston with the Softball Team. ing and thanking tbem for their expression of appreciation. Versatile Comedian Two new features were on the program this year including Ernie Bruce, a versatile comedian wbo appeared for bis first act in an outrageous plaid that wouhd bave lurned an avid Scoîsman over in bis grave. In keeping with the oulfit, be practically worc him.1- self and bis audience bo a frazzle by sucking or blowing on bis bagpipes. donc up in the same plaid, for a straight ten minutes duriog which lie profaocd th,2 instrument completely by pla.v- ing everything from jazz 'L 1) bymns with now and then a reversion to tradilional Scotch Darlington Football Champions Win Breslin Trophy Courtice Seniors won the champîonship this year to right, front row: Walter Tink, Grant Herron, Bob Joboston, and are proud of the f eat in overcoming their Enniskillen Barry Johnston, John Venning; back row: Robert Muir, rivals. Here they arc shown with the new Breslin trophy Gcorge Osborne, Bill Gearing, Linton Hcri-on, Jim MacGrc- presented last year for the f irst time. Thcy are f rom lef t gor, Raymnond Osborne and Murray Osbornc. .Foot bail Runners.-Up Win New Memorial Trophy as entertaining and produced so Bob Scott and officially presented many good "bclly" laughis ihat bv Jimn Reynolds and Art Reyn- the audience, if there had .bei olds 10 the Enniskillen Seniors ruom, would have been rolling oni who were runners-up in th-c Dar- the floor. He even brouglit Jimi lington Football League; the Can- MacGrcgor from Courtice into adian Order of Foresters MrCabe the act in a bell ringing sprcc Girls' Softbali Trophv presented wbich cx'rvone enjoyed. b.v C.OF. Ficld Supervisor Cal Acrobatie Dancer Braun 10 the Salem Softball Girls; The other first appearanice fea- the N.O.N. Tropby to the Cour- turc xvas a charming and agile gai tire Girls' Softbaîl teamn; the E. Zen Ceevrswhoha reuredA. Werry and Family Junior early from New York, especially Fobl rpyt h nikle for the event. She thrilled the Junior Boys and the Margwill audenc wth ieracobaiedanc- Softball Tropby to Ebenezer Boys' ing, tap and baton twirling, fin- em ishing with halons which were During the evening, free soft lighted and produced an unusual drinks werc servedi by Bill Smith's effect with the lights turned Iow. Pepsi-Cola boys in the basement of the hall and following the af- A Popular Entertainer fair Mr. and Mrs. Nichols enter- Last but by no means least was; taincd the artists and a few oth- Dorothy Merrill who bas beeln ers to luncheon. one of the lovely artisîs appear- So. xvc draw dlowvn the curtaini ing regularly on the Nichols' pro- on the 1951 edition of the Roy gram for several years. She was Nichols party whicb is becoming as entertaining as ever with ber an annual feature of Ibis district, versatile accordion selections andl looked forward 10 by practically doubled as pianist for the other everyone who is able to be about acts. with crutches. Trophies Presenteci T1rnphy pre'o'ntations 10 the At the time of the hast accurate various teams includied the Bres- count more than 5,000 Eskimos lin Trophy presentation bto hiý- lived in The Northwest Terri- year's Senior football champs, the tories, nearly 2,000 in northern Courtice teami; the nwRcyýnolds' Quebec and only 23 in other parts Tropby which wvas inlroduced bv of Canada. Wins Audience in First Appearance Miss Darlintîon. Dorothy Skinner, was kind enough Zena ChAjpin r h fistlmeinte o Ncol'pat tu pose for the cameraman for a f ull-length viewv which showvs A ncw trophy for the teamn which cornes second in lare, f ront r',w, lef t to riglit: Grant Werry, K. MeGili, Ross f rom acrobatie lu tai). bIsnoofladinrgige her charming costume and lier banner and the chest of silver- bhe Dailington Football League was awarded this year ta Sharp, Roy Werrv, S. Lamb; back row: Jim Reynolds, twin turne she acecd thie part cfadu ajrte pinn h ware she wvon. You \vill note from the happy smile on ber the Enniskillen Senior tearn. Il is a memorial for Jack brother of Jack Revnoldfs, Clark Werry, Carl Brant, Ralph baton with pecision and etlt\.Fniscaprd face that she wvas thrillcd and cxcited ta have beer. chosen Rcvnolds who died during the vear and wh'o during bis life- Virtue, J. _McGill andArthur Reynolds, son of Jack Rcynolds. with a darlued. stage and ansittelIechndTe by ~ ~ ~ C Dr.ereW nyadls~u~s ie contributed much tu football in this area. Shown herci effect wa mzn nc clywn e uine THE CANAD" STATERMAe. IM'WMAMMTv nvmapTe% 1