Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1951, p. 9

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3-Legged Bacre by Feahire Annual J' AI Ont arlo Trainji More than 400 ambitious young athietes. representing some 20 ichools in this district, braved a chiily 50 degree temperature to take part in the Third Annual Junior Police Games beld at the Ontaria Training School for Boys, Sept. 26. Oshawa Coliegiate and Voca- .j~ ai Institute turned in another ~llar performance to capture tue Ontario Provincial Police Shield for the second straight yea.r with a combined total of 64 points. Low on the point list last yenr, Bowmanville High School put on a spirited drive at the recent games to pile up 38 points and daim second place bonors. Coach- ed by Ai Witherspoon, the local lads won 13 medals this year com- pnred with three in last year's "cop-kid" meet. The Ontario Training School for Boys was third witb 29 points. Approximately 30 policemen, Including red-coated Mounties, Ontario Provincials, as well as municipal policemen from Toron- 10, Oshawa and Bowmanville, ~acted as officiais at the games primarily intended to foster1 aportsmanship In young citizens.I TBE CANADIAN STATESMMf. ~OW MIVILL. ONTAWTti O A PSU' iY?~.~ Winners at Annual B.T.S. Police Game~ fl 1 O... Good Sports Needed K o~îçemen ~ Addressing contestants prior to Boys ~e finals, Cpl. ..:~.. Police fil Police Games are flot convened IIIEIUI uames see championships sbattered. "We are interested in getting the S average k'id inta the tbick of. ~g School for Boy ~ ~ thin s and encourage campe- Tbe games also create an excel- tie intimated tbat only feliows lent opportunity for ca-aperation prepared ta be good sports are anti understanding between cops wanted in the Junior Police and kids. Games. Feature Event Ringing down the curtain on Feature event of tbe day was the annual fie~d day, W. J. Eas- a three-legged race teaming up taugh, Superintendent of the On- policemen with B.T.S. boys. Won tario Training School for Boys, by O.P.P, Constable B. Nasmith told sbivering athietes and spec- and R. Marderian of B.T.S., ~the tatars tbe Police Games will race is symbolie of the first Police probably go on for ever. Mr. Games held at Gaît hi 1948, in Eastaugh said the present aim is that it brings men and boys to- to extend the Junior Police gether hi the "spîrît 0f fie games.~' Games ail across Canada. Public and High Schooi en- Garnes Mean Goodbye tries from Whitby, Osbawa, New- Although not entered in any castie, Orona, Hampton and Bow- event, the boy wbo appeared ta manvilie, campieted preliminary enjoy bimseif most ~as luttle Cari beats in the mornix~g, and prior Hood of the Brampton School for ta aiternoon finals, entered ath- the Blind, wbo spent bis summer letes moved off behind the B.T.S. holidays in Kiwanis House. Carl bugle band parading around the went back to bis dov~n scbool the cinder track ta the bleachers day of the Police Games, but where Corporal Charles Holman, prior to leaving be spoke over R.C.M.P. Public Reiations Offi- the PO. "I'd like ta say good- cer, had contestants repeat tbe bye ta ail the boys in the school," Junior Police Games Oath. be said clearly, "and especially ta "I wiil hone~tiy and purposely the boys in Kiwanis Ho~ise." keep my mmd and body dean Junior Police Games originated this day and every day," the oath at the Ontaria Training Scbool reads. "I promise ta compete as for Boys, Gaît, in 1948, when portsman, ta be generous I Corporai Charles Holman adopt- invictoryandgraciaus in defeat.~' I ed the idea as a means of creat- with BARRER ~ ROCK WOOL Insulation Saves U~ fo 30% on fuel buis Gives exI~a fire-safeiy Un Blankets, Batts and Granulated Form THE BARRETT COMPANY,. LIMITED C Halifax * Saint-John Monhoal e Tarant. WInnIp.g * Voncouver Rej'd Trada Mark g : Take your building problems to your Barrett Dealer u CE UN u smi LANDER HARDWARE 7 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE7I4 a', ] a 1- 'w t ng an opportunity for Training ~cbooi boys to fraterm joungsters from the coi md police througbout ti nce. The idea caugbt or md the Games were exti 3owmanville in 1949. JUNIOR EVENTE 50-Yard Dash 1. Kerr (BHS); 2. Fow rai, (Bowmanville); 3. Ont. St., Bowmanville). .5 secs. Softball Throw 1. Parkes (Centre St., O Taylor (Mary St., Osb~ lorton (S. Simcoe, O listance, 178 ft. 3 ms. Running Broad Jun 1. Mountenay <Centre S wa); 2. Parkes (Centre ~ wa); 3. Drapak (Harmon: Lnce, 13 ft. 9 in. '.4 -Mile Obstacle Ra 1. Mountenay (Centre S wa); 2, Fry (S. Simcoi .va); 3. Brown (N. Osbav ( 6 2 1- E a' a' a' a' vi o 9., 2. 3. la (F er Ti (F 12 ze with nmunity ~e prov- i at Gait Classified Advts. Caver Wide Field In Local District +,, I I It has been said that so long as there are people in the world, and they bave things to buy or seil, there will be classified ads. Tbe Statesman bas for many 1er Cen- years sbown a steady increase in Mason its classîfied adlets. Time, Display advertising is said to be the show window of the bus- iness world. On tbe other band, classified advertising is the voice sbawa); of the peaple. It provîdes a means ~wa); ~ oî delivering a message for sbawa). people who do not make their living by trade. 'P Proof of the effectiveness of lt., Osh- the classified ad is found in the t., Osh- fact that many business firms y). Dis- augment their regular display advertisement schedules with ciassified insertions. ce t.. os ca~îo~Q~isiîied advertisingisa ~.J~LI ta). 75-Yard Dash 1. Fowler (Centrai, Bowman- lie); 2. Mountenay (Centre St., sbawa); 3. Kerr (BHS). Time, 3 secs. 220-Yard Relay 1. Harmony; 2. Centre St., Osh- ~ra; 3. Harmony No. 2. 60-Yard Hurdles 1. Baxter (Centre St., Osbawa); Harris (N. Simcoe, Osbawa); Brown (N. Oshawa). Time, .2 secs. INTERMEDIATE EVENTS 100-Yard Dash 1. Moncton (BTS); 2. Hooper IHS); 3. N. William (Ritson Rd., ;hawa). Time, h 14 secs. 220-Yard Dash 1. Hooper (BHS); 2. McEach- n (OCVI); 3. Harris (OCVI). me, 27 secs. 80-Yard Hurdles 1. McKnight (BTS); 2. Malone ITS); 3, Matthews (BTS). Time .9 secs. Running Broad Jump 1, Richards (BHS), Matthews (BTS) tie; 3. Hooper (BHS), Dis- tance. i ft. 10 ms. ~,4-MiIe Obstacle Race 1. Weldon (OCVI); 2. Mc- Eachern (OCVI); Fisher (BTS). 440-Yard Sprint 1. McKnight (BTS); 2. McEach- ern (OCVI; 3. Hooper (BHS). Time, 561~ secs. 880-Yard Relay I. OCVI; 2. BTS; 3. BHS. Time, 1 min. 58.2 secs. SENIOR EVENTS 100-Yard Dash 1. B. Wiiliams (OCVf); 2 Gm- ham (OCVI); 3. Caverly (B.H.S.). Time, 10 ¼ secs. 220-Yard Dash 1. B. Wiliiams (OCVI); 2. Gra- ham (OCVI); 3. Caveriy (BHS). Time, 25 secs. 80-Yard Hurdies I. Drummond (OCVI); 2. Arm- strong (BHS); 3. Graham (OCVI). Time, il secs. Running Broaji Jump 1. Armstrong (BHS); 2. B. Williams (OCVI); 3. Sutherland (OCVI). Distance, 18 it. 10 ms. '4l'~îîle Obstacle Race I. Drummond (OCVI); 2. John- stan (OCVI); 3. McCauley (BTS). 440-Yard Relay 1. OCVI; 2, BHS; 3. BTS. Time, 1 min., 531, secs. 1-Mile Relay I. OCVI; 2. BUS; 3. BTS. Time, 4 mins. 14.1 secs. OPEN EVENTS 1-Mile Run i. Beaumont (Toronto Red Dcv. ils); 2. Pipher (Oshawa Sham- rock A.C.: 3, Sleep (BUS>. Time, 5 mins., 10 secs. Tug-of-War 1. BTS (No. 1); 2. Central, Bow- manv uic. Three-Legged Race 1. Constable Naismith( Ontaria Provincial Police) and N. Mar- derosion (BTS>. FINAL POINT STANDINGS 1. Oshawa CVI (64 points); 2. Bowmanville HS (38 points); 3. Centre St., Oshawa and Bowman- ville Training School (each 29 points), (By Joseph Lister Rutledge) Prime Minister St. Laurent bas again stated that bis government bas no present intention of im- posing price contrais. But other political parties, alive to the vote-gaining possibilities of such a battle cry. are busy trying ta make price control a national issue. Behind this demand, giv- ing it iJs strength. there is the housewife with ber ev~r present problem ai bow to make both ends meet. Her point is reason- able. She bas to feed a family with prices cantinually skyrocket- i g and the chief offender amang tbem is 'foad-wbich is natural as it is the une absolute necessity -so, naturally, she wants iood prices controlled. That brings us right back to the primary food producer, tbe farmer. Well, just recently be hasn't been doing badly. Some people think be bas been doing far too well. They don't remem- ber that he is enjaying. a couple of fairly fat years after dozens of very lean ones. They don't recognize either that the base years on whîch the index is fig- ured were among the leanest of those years and it would take a sizable percentage gain just to get bis bead above water. Com- pared with salaries and wag~, Il for instance, the gain wou1~ be pretty skimpy. But prîces tied ~ I -1 bringing messages to people in- terestcid hi buying, selling or trad- ing. Valuabie Service There is no method of exactly computing the value of classified advertis~ig. It may be worth much to a family seeking a lost dog. It can mean a great deal to the owner of an automobile for sale. It can be tremendousiy important to those seeking living accommodations. These cataiogued items mean~ much to the farmer with live- stock for sale, the small business- man with wood for sale, the man who wishes to place before a large number of potentially interested people, a sound message at a minimum in cost. Grows Like Seed One smali advertisement in the ciassified section of a news- paper is like a seed. This grows by leaps and bounds as eacb reader scans the "want ad" sec- tion. The growth can only be measured by resuits obtained. The Statesman empioys cour- teous. interested staff members anxious ta help plant these seeds. It is their job to help design mes- sages calling attention to goods, services for sale or rent. The Familiar Victim e e- Me who Is suent is forgotten; He who abstains is taken at his word; Me who does not advance fails back, ceases to grow greater, becomes smaller; He who leaves off gives Up, The stationary condition is the beginning of ~lxe end. M.eé oe~ SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER COMPANY LIMJTED KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 715 -3% '4L THt C~ANBR00I< FÇItJR-DOOR SEDAN Whits Sidewali Tires Extra Equipmmnh SEl YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO PALMER 20 King St., E. ftUAI ~~PIyinou/4 - - n - s a, SALES Dowmanvilie Phone482 1'~ One of the feature events 0f the Junior Police Games run off annually at Bownianvllle Trainlng School lu the three-legged race that put. f0- gether on a teani, a member of one 0f the police forces and a member 0f B.T.S. Corporai Charles Holman et the RCMP i. shown preparlng for the race with a m~mber 0f the Trainlng School I. Beaumont, a fonnoe in~mb.c .f the Ontarlo Tralning Uchool *t Bowmanviile, r.turned yesterday as siember 0f 11v' Torouto R.d Dertis Traek Club te wln top honors~In the Open Mile rua. Shown wlth Beai mont, are ~4her (centre) 0f O.bawa's Sha.nrook A.C., last yeaa9a wlnner, aai4 Conatabie Ernie Barku MOTOR r 0a ..n. - to a dozen eggs or a pound of inflationary of ail spenders, and beef are sornething else again. if we oentinue to demand more They look appalling. We demand wages, or if, as is probable, we that bis prices be controlled decided we would have to re~ate more in une with the near-ruin the farmer, in order that he might of former years. keep bis bead above water. That If that solved anything. per- wouid mean more taxes and stili haps we would manage to con- less value to the dollar. And ail vince ourselves that it is only because we wiii not recognize reasonable to ask the far~ier to that prices are bigh flot because starve in order that we mlgbt the farmer, or anyone else* la flot be troubled by the cost-of- gouging us, but because there are living threat. But the sad truth too few goods relative to the is that bis sacrifice, whetber a money with wbich to purchase willing or unwilling one, wouldn't them. That condition can neyer do us much good. Lt would not be solved by lowering the price matter much if eggs and beef and of goods. It can only be solved flour and butter were sharply by providing more goods or les. lower if the dollar with which we spending-mone3~. buy them is aiso less valuable. And it wili be iess valuable if Do not have the notion that governments continue to spend success means simpiy money- as lavisbly, for they are the most making. e_____ e

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