I'EUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1951 -- .a~.u a Y .. THE CAKADIA!~ ~TATESMAN. EOWMA1fV!LL1~ ~ UA ~V S? I'¶VVJ Th e Orono News ab&& Lolflea Mr. and Mrs. Wil Morris, Ot- tawa. visited bis brother. Mn. John Morris and Mrs. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Somerville wene guests of Miss Mary Som- erville. Mrs. Silver, Bowmanville, vis- Ied ber sister, Mrs. C. Awde. Visitons with Mrs. Jas. Dickson were: Mrs. Dunbam, Toronto; Mrs. Norman Riekard, Shaw'ài; Mrs. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Alex CrIerutbers, Marion and Karen, adWrs. Tewsley, all of Garden Mr, and Mrs. C. Woad and Miss Marjorie Hoidgevisited in Hamp- tan on Tuesday evening with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Salter. Mrs. Van Horne of Wbitby, daughter of Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, won the bigbest number of paints in the Garden Flower Show beld there. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Allan Carnisb, Toranto, nee Dorotby Farrow, on the birtb of their son in Grace Hospital, To- ronto, on Aug. 13. Miss Lucille Lynch, Wood- bridge, is visiting ber grandpar- enIs, Mr. and Mns. Hanry Rowe. Mrs. Robert Rainey is spend- Ing a month in Rochester with ber rlaughter, Mrs. Paul Snodgrass. Miss Dorotby Devine, Toronto, spent last week with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Leaman. Prof. Harley Billings, Philadel- phia, visiled bis brother, Mn. Carl Bilings and Mns. Billings. Dr. A. F. McKenzie and Mn. W. E. Davey accompanied by Dr. Austin, Bowmanville; Messrs. Clinton Cavenley and Hudson Marshall, Whitby, spent last wveek an a fishing trip ta Virginia- tawn in Northern Ontario. We are sorny ta report that Mn. Percy Patten is confined ta bis home, through illness. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Mn. and Mrs. E. Haw, Nortbern Ontario, wbo are on their wedding trip, are visiting bis aunt, Mrs. F. Peate. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mrs. Alex Elliot and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ferguson enjayed a week's vacation visit- ing in Sherbrooke, Que., and Ot- tawa. Mrs. H. E. Trewin return- ed with them for a visit, also their grandson, John Philip, West Hill, is their guest this week. Other recent visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Beattie, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wood, Lindsay. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Chunch met at the home of Mrs. Raymond Chaprnan. It was to bave been a pienic on the lawn but due to the unfavorable weatben, it was held in the home and a veny pleasant social time was enjoyed. Connie, Mangeny and Linda Tyrreli bave returned from boli- days spent at Pleasant Point, Stur- geon Lake. the summer home of Iheir aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hodgkins, Toronto. Miss Augusta Thorton, Mill- brook, a former resident of Orono, is a patient in the Civie Hospital, Peterborough, whene she is pro- gressing nicely following a serious operation. Her many friends here wish for ber a speedy re- covery. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, accomp- anied by f ive members of the Wbitby Garden Club attended the Canadian Gladiolus Show at Oak- ville on Friday. This show was sponsored by the I.O.D.E. and there were over 100,000 blooms on display from ail parts of Can- KING TAXI THE RADIO CAB Anytime -:- Anywhere PHONE 561 At Night - In Emergency PH-ONE 922 or 3418 Six Modern Cars ... l Al Passengers Insured Prompt Efficient Service TX Operated by . . V Laihangue Bros. SRV E KERSLAKE'S Sweet Pickle Mixture 20c - 35c Sec Our New SELF SERVE ICE CREAM DISPENSER~ with Sibverwood's Ice Cream Bricks Popsiebes Eskimo Pies - RolIn HIGH ENERGY Yeur-Round Family Tonic- 'rich int Vitamin A end Sunshine Vitamin D Pablum Cereals Pablum Mlxed - 25e-48c Pabbum Oatmeal - 25c-48c Pablum Barbey - 25e Pabbum Rice -______25e STOPPETTE SPRAY DEODORANT 75e - $1.25 Brylcreem with Comb FREE --69e 8mai! Tube 43c Jars _____79c-$1.23 Hay Fever Relief Allergitabs ---$1.00-$2.50 Raz-Mah Caps. - 65c-$1.35 Lantigen "E" $6.00 Privine Nase Drops ---95e Duke Fingard Treatment --------$7.95 Pyribenzamine Tabs. --65e Kriptin - -------- 39c-$1.25 Nyal Nasal Draps ------ 60e Anohlst Tabs. --- 59c-$1.25 r EVERY DAY NEEDS Bile Beans ----- ____ 50c Bronio Sebîzen 29c-55c-98e Fowber's Wild ateh----- 395098 Strawberry 60ce ateh~ 9-0-8 N. R. Tabs. _ 23c-45c-89c Mecca Olntment -----_ 35c-69e Ex-Lax -ý-- ------- 15c-33e Vegetable Laxative 25e Dodd'a Kbdney Pibis 50c )Alka-Seltzer 34e-68e PHN COWLING'S DRUG STORETRSE for drinking milk. Milk adds 4tone" wiîhout adding weight puIs "grow" in young bodies helps compensate for lack cf sun- light . . . and for x itamins and minerais, milk is the most essen- tuai health drink on earth. CLINK RAE DAihIRY- PHONE 444 80 WMAN VILLE ada and the U.S.A. Harry Jose. Newcastle, and Dr. Sisson, Bow- manville. were anlong the com- petitors. The congregation of Orono Un- ited Church welcomed their pas- ton back at the service on Sun- day morning. Rev. and Mrs. Eustace and family have been bolidaying at their summer cot- tage near Kendal for the past month. The United Cburch Choir prac- ticed in -the new. church on Wed- nesday evenmng. Following the practice a social bour was enjoy- ed when Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey were presented with a gift in bon- or of their recent marriage. Re- fresbments were served by the ladies of the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, Ronnie and Larry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Kenneth Fraelick, Prince Albert, visited thein aunt, Miss Mabel Davy. Miss Shirley Porter has return- ed ta ber position as supervisor in Oshawa Hospital- aften a month's vacation with ber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Parter. Mr. Milford Sherwin bas ne- tunned ta the Genenal Haspital, Toranta, for furtben treatment. His many friends are pleased that he is sbowing improvement. ENFIELD Mn. and Mrs. Frank Lycett and fainily. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and family, Mn. and Mns. Len Stephenson and Ronnie aI H. Cowling's, Whitby. Mn. and Mns. A. W. Prescott and family visited with Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Clark Union, an the occasion of their tenth wedding anniversary. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Niddery and daughter, Mn. and Mns. A. E. Niddery, Tanonto; Mrs. L. C. Pas- coe and Miss Bessie Pascoe, Osh- awa; Mn. and Mrs. T. Smith, Blackstock; Mn. and Mrs. O. Mc- Cullocb, Miss Mary McCulloch at W. Pascoe's. Miss Phyllis Clarke, Hampton, with Miss Mary Helen Bowman. Miss Marie Prescotlfioidayed with Miss Shirley Smith, Osha- wa, and Mrs, J, S. Eddyvean, Clarke Union. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Lycett, Mns. Elmer Lee and Mns. Len Stephenson attended the funeral of Mrs. B. Beatty, Creemone. Miss Mary McCulloch, Toronto, is spending hen vacation with ber parents. Mns. James Stark with ber sist- er, Mns. Frank Kiley, Meniton. CÂDMUS Cadmus W. A. and W.M.S. made very weil with thein booth aI Mn. and Mns, Marvin Nesbitt's sale on Saturday. Proceeds wcre around $18.00. W, A. was beid at Mns. Nes- bitt's, Tuesday night. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Marwood McKee and Mrs. Tbompsan were Mn. and Mrs. Thomas McKee, Jean and Mn. -Jack BatIy, Kirkfield; Mn. Lloyd *Hunt. Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Non- mari Green, Blacksock; Mr. and Mns. Ed. Lawson, Yelventon. Miss Jayce Larmer, Toronto, with ber parents. Sorry ta hean about Gwen Dean being stricken with polio in a Toronto hospital. We ail hope sbe will soan be better. Gwen will appreciate cards and letters. Miss Marie Hanna spent a few days in Oshawa. Sunday visitons wilb Mn. and Mns. Lamne McKee were: Mn. and Mrs. Melville Henry and fam- ily, Oshawa; Mn. Lloyd Henry, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Ray Gilbanks, Ballyduf!. Audrey McKee and Bert Shea visited Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Per- rin, Newcastle. Glad ta report that Mrs. Bai- four Moore is feeling betten afler ber tonsil operatian in Memonialr Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. ZION (Hope .Twp.) Miss L. Hamilton spent last weekend with Mrs. Weatherilt, Millbrook. Mrs. Adams and son, Ida, visit- ed Mrs. S. Jones on Sunday. Miss Bessie Hamilton, Toronto, is vacalioning will4 ber sister, Miss Launa Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. R. Marlon bad dinnen wilh Mn. and Mrs. Rus- sell Lowe, Port Hope. Mn. A. Ovens, Toronto, is bhl- daying wiîh bis niece, Miss L. Hamilton. Zion Women's Association met aI the home of Mrs. H. Caswell on Thursday with vice-president Mrs. Roy Best in charge. De- votional wilh Invocation and prayer by Mrs. Rulbven was de. veloped by appropniale bymns, and scripture reading by Mrs. E. Caswcll. Miss L. Hamilton gave an inleresîing and instructive sketch bearîng on the theme which ccnlered around the Mar- niage Feast in Cana and the mir- acle of changing the water n m wine. After business was dispos- ed of the meeting was Iurned aven la the program convenen, Mrs. E. Ruthven. Opening numbers were a group of two sangs by Iris Cas- well: "Drink ta Me Only," and "Beautiful Dreamer." An amus- ing recitaeon was given by Elaine Caswell concerning a cal which aost ils tlau and the happy solution ta ils problemn. Miss B. Hamilton favored wilh Iwo piano selections: "In the Sweeî Bye and Bye" with variations, and an air by Schumann. Then followcd a surprise party for a bride of this month, Miss Helen Marlon. A decorated wagon, laden with gaily wrapped pancels was brought in by Jean Best and Elaine Caswell. When the gifts bad been viewed Helen made a prelly speech of thanks and included an invita- tion la visit ber in ber new home. Delicious refreshmenls. prepared by Mrs. Gerow, Roseberry Hill. and Mrs. C. Mitchell, Port Hope, were passed, while pouring lea were Mrs. A. Walken and Mrs. E. Caswell. A meeting o! the trustees of the cbunch was beld a-I the home of Mis. A. Walker on Tuesday ev- ening. Mn. W. Irwin is the dele- gate from Zion on the committee to select a new minister. The Newcastle Independent Martaret Ash Telephone 2511 Niwmatle Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn town corner at 6:30 p.m. E.S.T. have returned home after spend- Friday evening. ing a pleasant week at their cot- Miss Evelyn Aluin is holidaying tage at Bobcaygeon. from her duties at the Bank of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney Commerce at Sturgeon Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and Dunsford. Douglas spent the weekend at Warden George Walton and Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Waltan have returned home Mrs. P. L. Dafoe, Evanston, Ill., after a delightful mator trip is visitîng her sister, Mrs. J. S. through Eastern Canada. Dyer. Mr. C. W. Thorne, New York, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bark- N.Y.. is visiting friends in the bouse and Marsba have returned village. home after spending their vaca- Mrs. George Dawber, Geardie tion witb friends and relatives in and Miss Joan Duck have rettirn- Western Shore. Nova Scotia., ed to Toronto after spending a Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. few days at their home here. Art Randail on the birth of their Mrs. Morley Sallows, Danny, son in Memorial Hospital, Bow- Teddy and Randy are visiting manville, on August 15. friends and relatives in Coldwat- Rev. J. B. Bonathan, Longueil, er. Que., spent a few édàys with bis Your correspondent would be mother. Mrs. Sam Bonathan. very pleased to have your social Miss Joan Bennett, Vancouv- items telephoned to ber at New- er, B.C., visited her parents, Ma- castle 2511-the number appear- jor D. L. and Mrs. Bennett. ing at the. beginning of thîs Mrs. R. G. Wright who return- column. ed home with her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McLean of Gordon Ash, bas returned to To- French Mgrocco, North Africa, ronto after spending a few days spent a few days with friends and here. relatives in tpwn last week. Any interested people wishing Her many friends in Newcastle transportation to Courtice on Fri- extend congratulations to Miss day. Aug. 24, to support the local Etta Holmes of Oshawa who is ladies in the play-off finals for one of four teachers in Ontario ta the J. Anderson Smith Trophy, be presented with bonorary mnem- leave their names with Misses bership in the Federation of Wom- Connie Enwright and Jean Toms men's Teachers' Association of at Toms' Store not later than Fri- Ontario, at the annual dinner beld day noon and transportation will -Wednesday at the Royal York be arranged. Cars leave the Hotel. Toronto. Foresters Lose Close Game To Legion Squad 5 - 4 The C.O.F. sofîbaîl team lost ils seventh game in 25 decisions Ibis season aI Memoniai Park, Fniday. The team tn administer this defeal was the powerful Bowmanvible Legion squad who have defealed the Forsetens thnee limes in four meetings. This end- ed the C.O.F. winning streak and exlended the Legion winning streak bo four games. However on Monday nigbî the Union pulled a surprise b.y swamping the same Legion tearn b a 20-9 score. This evened up the round-robin series at one win and one defeat for each team. In the C.O.F.-Legion game the Forestens slarted off tbe first in- nîng in no uncertain tenms to score four runs on four bits and two walks. They again threat- ened in the second with runnens on second and third but Snowden flied out ta Kilpatrick in centre field ta end the rally. George Stevens then took aven the pitching duties and hurled brilliantly from there on in ta gain credit for the viclory with a neat three-hit effort. The Le- gion meanwhile dwindled the lead la 4-2 as Jackman came ta bat in the 51h wilb two ouI and one on base. A long smash ta centre for a home run tied the scored and pavedý the way fan tbe dra- matie ending. In tbe sevenlb two errons and two bits by Jackman and Dickens pushed across tbe much-needed anc run ta give Legion the nad 5-4. Tbe same two teams go at it again Thursday in tbe crucial game of the senies, for the win- nen of Ibis game will bold a cam- manding lead. H. Snawden and S. Piper. E. Dickens, G. Stevens (3) and D. Little. C. 0. F. -4 0 0 00 Legion ----- ------ 1 01 020 1 Fourth game-Thurs. Aug. 23- Legion vs. C.O.F.; Mon., Aug. 27-C.O.F. vs. Union; Thursday, Aug. 30-Legion vs. Union (if necessary). The average Canadian woman uses eighl pairs of full fasbioncd hosicry annually. Canadians used four per cent more sugar in 1950 than thcy did in 1949. The new dinnerware in up-to-the-minute shades of maroon, grey, char- treuse and dark green. Sets and open stock in solid or assorted shades. Wool With reduced prices in ail lines, now is the lime to knit for f ali and w in ter, J. W. JEWELL "BIG 4"201, 27 King St. W., Bowimanvlle PHOINE 556 NE WTON VILLE Miss Ronald. Toronto. 8pent a few days with Miss Annie Nesbitt. Keith Burley attended the Lin- 1 on-Boswell wedding at Cobourg United Church on Saturday. He was an usher. Mrs. Tille Barton, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Hattie Langstaff. Rev. and Mrs. D. T. Lancaster returned from their vacation on Thursday. Miss Annie Gordon, Whitby, visited her niece, Mrs. Earl Bur- ley. Mr. George McCullough is home from Port Hope hospital. Mrs. John Pearce, Mrs., Earl Walkey, Joan and John, went to Niagara Falls from Toronto by boat for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Osh- awa, had a cottage at Bewdley for a week. Miss Mary Jones, Bowmanville. visited' Miss Gwen Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane and family have taken a cottage at Darke's Beachi for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bradley and Mrs. Abbie Pethick, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red- knap. Miss Donna Brunt, Newcastle, with her sister, Mrs. William Gor- doni. Mr. Alfred Graham, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Leland Payne. Mrs. William Lane with her daughter, Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Roymand Gibbs, John and Linda, Bowmanvillc, with Mrs. Stacey. Miss Betty Marie Gibbs is holi- daying at Millbrook with Miss Gail Gibbs. Miss Delores Gibbs is vîsiting, Miss Mary Rogers, Lindsay. There are two cases of measies in the village. The Misses Thompson, Toronto. spent Monday with Mrs. George Thompson and Miss Bertha. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, is home on vacation. Mr. Blake Moore, Castieton, was with his sister, Mrs. James Stark. Gerald Adams, Toronto, is holi- daying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. Congratulations to Miss Dora- thy Stapleton, who having passed on all her subjects, will be going to Peterborough Normal in Sep- tem ber. Bill Darlington, Kingston. and Bud Jones, Napanee, were home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade have taken a cottage at Darke's Beach, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patter- son and son, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald McCool and f amily, Port Hope, were Sunday guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. We had a very bold burglar in our midst Sunday evening. Whern Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Cole return- ed home from church they could see that their home had been ran- sacked sa they called the police. He answered the caîl and didn't leave the village until after ten o' dock. Around midnight both stores and Post Office had been entered. At Brown's store he gained entrance by breaking glass at the rear. The Post Office wag locked but he stood on a stoal and vaulted the partition wbich does not go to the ceiling. He bad bags ready to scoop the cash into, if there had been any. At Barton's store he eut the screening, expect- ing the inside door would be un- locked. It however was lacked. Then he raised a kitchen window and xvas part way in just as some of the younger members of the Barton family were returning home. He dropped the window and ran behind the garage. watch- ed by Mrs. Barton. She roused her husband and they called the police. They bore down on hlm near Bowmanville but he got away. He was finally rounded up near Grafton, having used four or five cars ta aid in bis get- away. He turned out to be an escapee from Burwash. ,Noah Webster began writing the dictionary in 1807 and fin- ished in 1828. HAYDON Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Delbert Martin (nee Mns. Marg- aret Myers) on their marniage. Our W.A. were guesîs of Salem W.A. on Thursday evening aI the home of Mrs. L. Welsh, when wc were rnyally cnterlained. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ash- ton and Shenyl allended the McGill family pienie aI Hampton Park on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Jack PolIs and family, Mrs. W. Martin, Mn. and Mns. Deibert Martin motoned ta Collingwood for a week. The Blackburn family gather- ing was hcld at Mn. Wilbur Blackburn's on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Graham and family molored bo Algonquin Park on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. James Hanna bave gone on a motor trip vaca- tion. The men are busy finishing the aulside of aur church. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Werny and Boyd, Tornto, Ganth McGill, Enniskillcn, aI Mn. Lloyd Ash- tan's. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, aI Mn. Ross Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Allun Hanse and family, Miss Loin Rice, Toronto, Miss, Jane Dunn, Oshawa, Mrs. C. F. Rîce, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Rice and family, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Downey, Shaws, Mn. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hampton, Mn. Wm. Gifflar, Sunderland, Miss Lola Downs, Bowmanville, at Mn. Dan Cameron's. Mn. and Mns. Harold Gay and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. W. M. Henry, Windsor, Mn. and Mrs. lley, David and Tommy, Mrs. George HewiIt and Jack Hamil- ton, Mn. Stuart Hooey, Mns. Earl Prescoîl, Tyrone, Mn. and Mns. Chas. Garrard aI Mr. Frank Den- by's wilh Jack Hewilt and David fley slaying for holidays. Mrs. W. Thompson, Oshawa, spent the weekend aI home. Mn. Milton Siemon, Mn. and Mrs. Ceeul Slemon accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bniggs, Miss Fay Michael and Mn. Bill Briggs wene guesîs of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sltemon, Bowmanville, fon tea Sunday cvenîng. Mrs. Russell Burroughs, Garry and David, Toronto, are spend- ing a fcw days with ber moîhen, Mrs. D. Malcolm. Mn. Fred Casîle, Miss Gay Tre- win, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Stain- ton, Toronto, Mrs. Will Moore, Mrs. Howard Stevens, Enniskil- len, Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Beste- man and fami]y, Mns. Jim Martyn and Steven, Miss Carol Marlyn, Bowmanville, at Messrs Wm. and Arthur Tnewin's. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, aI Mn. E. A. McNeil's. Mn. Reginald Nesbill, Nestleton, Mn. Elwyn Diekie, Cadmus, Miss Donolhy Sîainton, Enniskillen, Mn. Morley Bell, Rachoro, at Mr. Dan Black's. Mn. Bert Ashton, Toronto, spent a week's vacation wvith bis family aI their collage. Mr. and Mns. Brigbton, Mn. and Mns. Murphy and babe, Tononto, al the Fred Ashton cottage. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and. famnily relurncd fnom Lake Cece- bec, bringing home a 30-inch. pickerel whieh they presenîed to yaur correspondent. It tastcd goad! (Intended for last week) W.A. wvas beld on Thursday aI the home o! Mrs. Chas. Rankine. Tbe bible neading was read by Margot Rankine. The devotonaýl was taken by Mns. H. Ashton. Readings wene given by Mrs. R.î Thompson, Mrs. C. Rankine and! Mrs. R. Olesen. Ina Beryl Read played an instrumental. We are sorry ta report thal Mr. David Malcolm is in Bow- manvilbe Memonial Hospital. Best of luck for a speedy recovery. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fraserý and sons, Toronto, wcre guestsi of Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and, family wbo spent a week aI the F'red Ashton cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton, Toronto, with relatives here. Glen Ashton returned home with bis parents afler spending the sum- New Detergont Now Avalable A new product that lilerally lifts dirt out of clothes. and that the manufacturers guarantee will give a cleaner, whiter family wash than any soap now on the market, is being întroduced ta Ontario hamemakers this manth. It is called CHEER. Scientists who developed 'the new detergent state that its pa- tential formula enables CHEER ta make thick, faamy suds rap- idly, and nelease dirt effectively fram soiled clothes. Dirt is held prisoner in the wash water sa that it cannat get back inta clothes. Another feature of the wasbing praduct stressed by scientisîs. is ils ability ta da its cleaning job in hardest waten. Since the deter- gent does nat react with minenals in the water, no chemical scums can form. As a resuit, no claudy deposits are lef t on clothes or rings around tubs. Inhejtor's Mi1 28 Oriale Gardens. Toronto, August 20. 1951 Dear George: It is with great pleasure that I renew my subscrlption ta your pbýper. We look forward ta its arrivai each week. Hope you are in the best of bealtb. Some time when we visit BoWmanville I would like ta have a chat witb you. Congrat- ulations on articles in Toronto Telegram-it gave us a nostalagic feeling for the town. With best wishes, I am., Sincenelv, Alan Campbeii. A group of lions hs called a pride. AT Pe*w=ez, it's "YES" to 4 Out NATIONWIDE CASH (REDIT! of 5 loan requests. Men an-d Anyone can apply for an ex- wornen, married or single, clusive Nationwide Cash-Credit phone, write or corne in today. Account. Establishes your credit Autoloan a seciaty t over 45 offices coast ta const. Autobansa se "i*ty ' You needn't have for get a loan bankable security, co-mnakers to open your account. Pay oîily not eu d if you use your Card to get a required. an. Invaluable at home or away SLoons $50 ta $12001 from home. '~)7ECOP~f~OMPNT UA? UfK&rSTO SAY IS- 2nd FI., 111/2 SIMCOE ST., NORTH4 (Over Bank of Nova Scotia) P>hone: 3 - 4687 - John Palisa, YES MANager Loons mode fa residents cf ailsusrreunding Iewns -* P@rsonai Finance Comnpany of Canada Oshawa, Canada FIREN DIL! We are pleased Io announce ihai wiih. every purchase of a FESS OIL SPACE HEATER we will give you a quantity of FREE OIL 105 GALLONS 0F GIL FREE with the purchase of a Large FESS SPACE HEATER -.$164 80 GALLONS 0F GIL FRE with the purchase of a Medium FESS $PàNCE JF"4TElt .-124.80U 60 GALLONS 0F GIL FREE with the purchase of a SmaII FESS SPACE HEATER--$06 Take advantage of this special offer immediately SEE THESE FAMOUS FESS SPACE H3EATERS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOMS TODAY Farm Equipment and Automotive Ltd. TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 689 We Are Pleased to ANNOUNCE ihai we have been APPOINTED AGENTS for the Humber 'and Hiliman Cars and ihe Commer Vans These cars and vans are available on short notice Ses the Hilimans now on display FiranlJs Garage 72 Scugog Street BO WMAN VILLE Phone 3231 1 % THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWTZANVnJ...E. ONTARlo Polo was developed in India. 1 - rH SDAT. AUGUST 22, io5i PAMIR iffvvrm f