Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1951, p. 6

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- -- -- - - -"4h.ina Tu£ CAKADIANSTATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO 'rmrflSDAY. MARf'~W 11h - Ina, Trtnlty W.M.S. Pl=n Speciai Gifts For African Lepers Trinity W.M.S. met Tuesday in the Sunday School room. The meeting opened with the hymn "In the Garden" being played softy at the piano. The theme of the worship ser- Vice was "The Easter Message as it Relates ta Christian Missions." Miss Spargo's group took charge of the worsbip service led by Mr '-. P. Cowling. The ladies of the group occupied chairs on the plat- formn and each rend verses on the subi ect. 'We've a Story to Tell to the Nations" was sung by the group and Miss Betty Sisson sang "Re- joice the Lord is King" accomp- anied on the piano by her moth- er Mrs. E. W. Sisson. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson brought back a very fine report from the Presbyterial meeting in Oshawa. The discussion of topics per- taining to Japan were taken ')y Mrs. L. W. Dippel], Mrs. Cowling and Mrs. B. M. Warnica and xii finish study on that country. It was decided to give ail thp Ioase collection reccixcct on Mis- Hfelnz Fancy Tomato Juice 20-oz. tins 2/27c sionary Sunday to Rev. Merriil Ferguson in Africa. If anyone ,would like ta give a donation on that day ta help the work Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson are doing in Africa it will ail be sent to them. There is a very urgent need for money to help tbem carry on their wark among the lepers. Toting Hitch-Hiker Orders Motorisis to "Keep Driving" If you were stopped for a red ligbt and a man jumped into the front seat beside you, shoved a Colt .45 revolver in your ribs and snid: "Keep driving!" What would you do? John Barnes of Port Hope kept dciving. On bis wny ta work in the Mo- tor City Tuesday morning, Mr. Barnes stopped for a liglit at Wel- came Corners at 5:45 a.m. Sud- denly the car door opened and a man about six feet taîl wearing a brown fedora and mnatching avec- coat slid into the front seat. The forceful hitch-hiker shoved an American Colt .45 into Mr. Barnes ribs and told hlm ta keep Heiriz Ketchup 13-oz. bottie - -25c Heinz 15-oz. tini 20-oz. tin Clarke's 5-oz, tins Spaghetti 15c 18c Pork & Beans - 3/23c 32-oz. bottle Javex - - 25.c Margene - I-1b. 43c Monarch Chocolate or Whit e Cake Mix - Spic & Span Monarch Pie Crust pkg. --26c pkg. --33c m m m pkg. 36c Nonarch Flour 7-lb. bag 49c - 24-lb. bag $1.61 FREE DELIVERY ALLINI'S QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES "PAT" YEO, Proprietor 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 driving. Needless to say, Mr. Barries obliged. For the next 20 minutes, the three front seat passengers-the stranger, the driver and the Colt -sweated out an uncomfortable silence. The car pulled into New- castle at 6:05 a.m. and the stran- ger signified bis intention of getting out. "IRemember, you neyer seen me," lie said, slamming the door. Mr. Barnes reported the inci- dent ta Provincial Police in Bow- manvîlle. Immediately. road blocks were set up an No. 2 and 35 Highways, but ta no avail. The man carrying the Colt and wear- ing brown seems ta have disap- peaced. At press time noa fur- ther developments were reported.. SOLINA The sympnthy of the commun- ity is extended ta Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., on the death of ber sister, Mrs. George Avery of Little Britain. Mr. and 1\'rs. Nel- son Fiee, Mr. and Mrs. Tom West- lake, Mr. and Mrs. Perey West- lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., attendeci thç fun- eral on Wcdnesday at Lindsay: BURKETON Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Royal Whitefield andi ber moth- er in the deatli of Mr. Lorne Me- Guire, Feb. 25, also ta relatives of J. D. Carscadden who dieci March 4th in Bowmanville. These gentlemen are well known ta many in this district. Mrs. A. Hughes bas returned framn the Hospital. Many are stili on the sick list. Hydro was eut off Saturday with the ice storm. from 3:30 p.m. until midnigbt. Many were glnd of the aid îamps and candles. Mrs. H. Golly, Orillia, is visit- ing Mrs. E. Caughiîl. Mr. ahd Mrs. Merle Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland, Bowman-i ville; Mr. and Mrs. WT. Bryaii, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bryan, Osh'- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Perey David- son, Zion, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. Miss Isabel Carter, Universityi of Toronto, witb her parents, Mr.< and Mrs. J. Carter.1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson,i Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs.1 Harry Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allisoni, Mr. and Mrs. George Allisan, Oshawa, witli Mrs. Pennl Avery. Mrs. E. Staples witb Mrs. Frank Holroyd. Mrs. Grant Carnoclian, Mrs. Ken Roblin, Mrs. S. Irons were in Peterboroughi. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gillard1 and Mr, and Mrs. Harvey New- book were in Toronto with Mr.E Fred Newhaok. The boiling or 'poacbing" of1 fish is more common ini Europei than in Canada.t Visitor Restriction Lifted ai Hospital Restricted because of the in- flueniza epidemic threat, visiting bours at Bowmanville Hospital will return ta normal today. While influenza spread acrass the nation. only the nearest rel- atives of seriausly ill patients were allowed visiting privileges in Bowmanville Hospital. Pers- ans undergoing operations were also allowed ta see nearest rela- tives when the operation was over. Visiting liaurs are froni three ta five in the afternaon and from, seven ta rime at niglit. Cartwright Buys New Power Grader G. Grozier, Assessor Cartwright Township Cauncil bas been working overtime of late holding several special meet,- ings. The reason for these extra meetings is due ta the Council be- ing in the market for a new pow- er grader, and sucli gadgets for keeping country roads in con- dition run inta real maney. To show liow keen competition is ta selI sncb equipment the Council received ten tenders, ranging in price tram $11,000 up ta $18,125. according ta, varions specifica- tions. However, after two special ses- sions in whicb the merits of the several machines werc- discusseci the Council finally decided an the tender of J. D. Mdains Ca. at $ 16,- 363.00 net, ifiXmediate delivery, F.O.B. Blackstock, subject ta the approval of the Ontario Highways Department. Reeve Bruce Heaslip and Can- cillor Suggitt were appointed to represent Cartwright on the Port Perry Memorial Hospital Board. A delegation of ratepayers liv- ing an road tram Blackstock to Manvers Boundacy presented a petition requestirig that the 4tb line road, cunning east of Black.- stock ta the Boundary between Cartwright and Manvers Town- ships be repaired and gravelled as soon as possible. This petition wns signed by 28 ratepayers and pcesented by Flem. Tliompson, Ted Gibsan, Lowell Fallis and Oscar McQuade. The Council re- alized the bad condition of the road for same time and explained it xvas the lack of finances that bad delayed impraving this rond, but naw that they had a new grader it was their intention ta fix Up and gravel this rond as soan as possible. Oscar Grahami and Ivy Maunit- jay waited on Council re centre road on Con. 2, between lots 12 and 13, wbich is closed. Council ta, give this further cansidera- tion. Five applications were receiv- ed for office of Assessor. George Crozier received the appoint- ment at "$300 straight per year under aid system, and 90e per assessment under the new sys- lent." Assessing is ta be done under supervision of Mr. Hall. County Assessor, Cobourg. Road appropriation by-law was amended ta rend $28,500. By-law settirig salaries and wages read: Raad Supt. $175 per manth; Franik Bailey, $130 per mantli: mani and tearnian wagon or drag, $1.50 hr.: tractor draw- ing gravel, etc., with wagon. $1.50 lic.: tractor on grader or drag $2.00 lic.: man, team and mower, cntting weeds S2.00 lir.; man 60e br.; truck. under 4 yds., $2.00 hr.; truck avec 4 yds.. $2,25 lic. Institue for Blind xvas grant- ed permission ta hold tag day in Cartwright on May 5th. Cauncil adjourned ta April 2nd at 1 p.m. HAYDON Cangratulations ta Ray Ash- tan an passing bis Theory exanis with ficst clnss lionours and ta Margot Rankine an passing lier Grade 3 music exam witb honors. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Heniry Ashton on celebrat- ing their 46th wedding arrivers- ary the latter part of February. Sympathy is extended ta the relatives of the lhte Wesley Brownlee, Leaside, in their sud- den bereayement. A beautiful bouquet af flowers was placed in the church on Snnday in bis memory. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery in the passing, this xveek, of bis sister, Mrs. George Avery, Little Bri- tain, and of bis cousin, Mrs. Dick Avery, also of Little Britain. There are several pupils ont of sehool with the measles. Donald Mountjoy luckily es- caped tram more serions injuries the latter part af last week xvhen lie was badly shaken up, eut and bruised andi bis car was com- pletely wreckced. While gain.-g home ta Toronto, a transport skidded acrass the rond in front of him, and Donald, unable ta stop an the icy pavement, slid into the transport. He managed ta crawl ont of bis car and across the rond on bis bands and knees where lie blackedout. Anothier transport coming behinci jack- knifed andi bit the Monntjoy car. Donald was taken ta the hospital and wns released Inter the same day. Mc. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- son andi family at Mr. Lloyd Thompson's and Mrs. Donald Tay- lor's, Toronto. Mr. Kenneth Graham, Ennis- killen. at Mrs. Russell Cross- man's. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Hampton, at Mr. Wilbur Blac- bnrn's. Mr. find Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Mrs. Jim Grant, Toronto, at Mc. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Waltec Oke, En-1 niskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stevenson. Grimsby; Mc. andJ Mrs. Andrew Laurie. Toronto; Mrs. Hacry Denby, Milliken, Mr. Hnrry Brier, Saskatoon; Mr. Stu-j art Hooey, Miss Ruth Payne, Longc Sauît at Mr. Frank Denby's. ZION C.G.I.T. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hans Geissber- ger. Isabel Cruickshanks gave the worship service. Mrs. Geiss- berger and Mary served a de- liciaus lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly. Lloyd and Kenneth, Ebenezer, at Wes Cameron's. Misses Ruth Shaw and Muriel Moore, Oshawa, at Russell Stain- ton 's. Mr. Albert Hircock. Cc>bourg: !Mr. and Mrs. John Hircock and Violet. Oshawa, at Nathan Hir- cock's. Misses Joyce Cameron and Shirley Pierson, Oshawa, were Sunday caflers at Wes Camer- ons. The flu has been ir most of the homes in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hircock were very pleasantly surprisel on their 34tb wedding anniver- saryý by their familv when they presented them with four wool blankets at a suirprise party. OBITUARY MRS. HARVEY N. HAGERMAN In failing health for some time Lottie F. Richards, beloved wife of Harvey N. Hagerman. passed away at the family residence, 143 Elgin Street East, Oshawa, on March Sth. A daughiter of the late Rich- ard and Agnes Richards, the de- ceased was born at Orono. Mar- ried in Oshawa in 1911, she spent the early part of lier life at Cour- tice and had lived in Oshawa for over 40 *years. A memnber of King Street Unit- ed Chtirch, Mrs. Hagermian was for a number of years very active in the Sunday School work. She was also a past president of the. Woman's Missionary Society; a past president of the Home and School Association of Mary Street Scbool and was secretary-treas- urer of the Mothercraft Club. Besides her hUsband she leaves to mourn ber passing two daugli- ters, Misses Meda and Ina Hager- man at home. Also surviving i-z a sister. Mrs. John Balson of Hampton. The funeral wvas hield fromi the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home March 7th, conducted by Rev. E. J. Robertson, minister of King Street United Church, assisted by Rev. Dr. R. L. McTavish. Inter- ment was in the Oshawa Union Cemetery. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and family visited ber mother, Mrs. Milton Cochrane, Oshawa, prior to ber leaving on a trip'to California. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and family and Mrs. Russell Luke were in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, Bow- manville. visited Mr. and Mrs. Aif Randie. -Mr. and Mrs. Joc Arva-,. Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horni. Miss Ruby Colwill, Bowman- ville at T. Wray's. Raymond Petit, Long Branch, spent Sunday at home. Dr. E. C. Reynolds and MrN Rs seli Reynolds, Toronto, visited Miss L. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and daughters. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Miss Margaret Allin and Mrs. Pat Procto4. Bowmanville. visit- ed at Percy Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bickefl. David and Donald. and Miss Gre- ta Martin, Bowmanville, visited Mc. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. on this occasion. Toni Home Permanent $2.79 Tom Refill ----------- $1.25-$1.59 Toni Creme Shampoo 33c-55c Toni Rinse ------------------- 49c I *I~ ~~RCgular tulbe29 Economical large tube4 93e Size Noxzema -----79e Large Size Noxzema $1,00 50e Size Noxzema Shave Creaini- - ---- 25e One-a-Day Brand A & D Vitamins 59e - S1.33 - $2.50 Frosst's Nea-Chemical Food Liquid -----S1.35-$2.95-$4.95 Capsules --- $1.45-$2.65-$5.95 Templeton's T.R.C. 60e-SI1.25 Dolicin Tablets -- ---$2.39 Adams' Garlie Pearis----------- $1.75-$3.00 Imdrin ---- $3.00-$5.50 large botlle Mrs. J. Shackleton anid son~ Keith, Bowmanviile, at W. W*, Horn's. Mrs. Russell Perkns, Zio4 visited Mrs. Lorenzo Trul. Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey is sffpendin& a few days in Toronto. Congratulations ta Ralph Peq. ers of Toronto wbo won honor# in the Kiwanis Festival in Toron-q to. Congratulations ta Mr. C. W. Souch who on March 5th cele. brated bis 86th birthday anniver. sary. Dr. and Mrs. Norman AI. lin, Mr. Albert Allun, Mr. Charles Allin, Bowmnanville: Mrs. Olive Allin. Napanee, w'ere tea guests with him and with the Caverlys William's Pink Pil -----5§ Ironized Yeast----98c-$l 69 Chase's Nerve Food -~ 69c-$1:", Hematinle Plastules - $1,00 Bland Pis .-------- - 50e Vitamins For infants and chuldren Infantol.......-----$1.00-$3.25 Ostaco Drops $1.35-42.25-$4 Alphamette Liquid ---- -85c-$1.65-$3.00 Viasterol 65c-$2.50 Supplavite Drops -----$1.254$2.004$3.75 Oleuni Percoinorph ...95c-$3.99 Ostogen A------ $1.25-$2.65 HOT WATER BOTTLES Gu' ranteed 98C - $1.29 - $1.69 - $2.00 Syringe Fittings -.~ 89e w ITHI 1 .........BRYLCREEM Canada's hair dresln Ulves hoalaort Weil. etoomed look, a natural glommnq lustre. Na OUM NO SOAP eNU ALCONOL e NO STARCfi I!,,EFC HI RSIG H OD UE ..20 4ç HANDY TU - $1.25 GUARANTEIED USED CARS Mark Sisson offers the largest stock of guaranteed new and used cars aud trucks of ail makes between Kingston and Toronto. Mm Gereral Motors Products: '50 PONTIAC COUPE - - - $1950 Grey, 4,000 miles, built-in radio and heater. '49 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH - - $1750 Blue. #49 CHEVROLET COACH - $1750 Biue, undercoating, ail filter, very Iow mileage. '48 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN $1595 Grey, radio, lieater, sun visor, very low nîienge, imîniiaculate. '48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH $1495 Blue, low mileage, like newv inside and out. '48 CHEV. FLEETHASTER -- $1550 Grey, very dlean. '48 OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTE $1595 Small series, very dlean. '47 OLDSMOBILE "8" SEDAN- $1650 Radio. heater, sun visor, hydromatie drive. '47 CHEV. STYLEMASTER SEDAN $1395 Oshaw~a hitie, cannot be tol<l froin new. '47 CHEV. SEDAN - - - - $1250 Maroon. This is a one-owner car, but has covered a lot of miles. We have reconditioned it, and(l igitarantee it. '47 CHEV. FLEETMASTER COACH $1395 Maroon,, irnînaculate i.îside and out, owned by governiment officiai. Perfectly maintained by one service station. J'46 PONTIAC SEDAN - - $1295 Sinall series, blue. '40 CHEV. COACH - - - $795 Maroon, reconditioned. '39 PONTIAC COACH - - $695 One owner. '39 PONTIAC COUPE - - $595 ]Blue, one oivncr. '36 CHEVO SEDAN - - - $495 Good mechanically, clean inside and out. "35 CHEV. COACH - - - $225 General Motors Products: '35 PONTIAC SEDAN - - - $450 One owner, 50,000 actual mileage, hydrauflic brakes, showroom condition. Original finish and interior. '33 PONTIAC SEDAN - - $195 Clean car. CHRYSLER PRODUCTS: '49 PLYMOUTH COACH m m $1750 Very clean car. '48 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN $1595 Blue, built-in radio and heater, very low nîileage, showroom condition. Cars like this are seldomn sold. '48 PLYMOUTH DELUXE COACH $1550 Maroon,,immaculate. '48 PLYMOUTH COACH - $1550 Grey, iniaculate. '48 DODGE Special Deluxe Sedan- $1295 Maroon, owned by careful lady driver, guaranteed, mleage 39,000. "46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - $1250 Grey, good sound car. '39 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - - - $695 Clean inside and out, good inechanically. '38 PLYMOUTH - - - - - $395 A littie rough inside, but bas a very good motor and good tires. c A sH - FAIR TRADES SISs SNS 1OPEN 9 a.m. TO 9 p.m. AS IS SPECIALS: '41 DODGE haîf-ton PANEL m - $2501 Quick smooth motor, needs some body work. '40 DODGE halflon PANEL Fair shape. "37 CHEVROLET PANEL Good running order. - - $200 w - $225 Four 1939 -31 FORD MODEL A's Your Choice .-.-.-.ai $50 to $175 "46 INTERNATIONAL halflon PICKUP New motor recently, guaranteed. reconditioned and If our prices seem a littie high on some niodels, please bear in mmnd:- 1. That we offer only top-quality cars unless otherwise stated. 2. That we give a guarantee on ail late models. 3. That we offer attractive ternis and trade-in a llowances. DIERAL TERMS GARAG PHONE ORONO 86-2 NONDAY THROUGI( SATURDAY FORD PRODUCTS: '51 FORD DELUXE TUDOR - $2230 New, dark bine, heater, licence, Prestone, List Price. '51 FORD DELUXE TUDOR -- $2230 New, greenP heater, licence, Prestone, List Price. '51 METEOR CUSTON TUDOR - $2360 Heater, licence, Prestone, Window Washers, back-up Iight. List Price.' '50 MONARCH SEDAN - - - $2395 Metallie blue-grey finish, Iow inileage, built-in radio, over-drive, air-conditioning, clock, window washers, undercoating, white wall tires. New list is over $3,000. Our Price. '49 METEOR CUSTON SEDAN - $1595 Green, good condition. '49 FORD DEUXE SEDAN - - Black, customi radio. '47 MERCURY SEDAN - - » Maroon, radio, heater, very dlean. '47 MERCURY SEDAN - - Biue, reconditioned. '47 NERCURY haîf -ton PICKUP- Green. 47 FORD halflon PICKUP Green. 1'40 FORD SEDAN $1195 $1195 -$850 $850 m 0 m $700 Grey, clean car, good motor. 139 FORD COACH - - - - $650 Very clean, radio, heater, good motor. U~. PAGE six -c- GROCERY FUATURES MACLEAN YOUR TEETH TO YOUTHFUL BRILLIANCE! The spetiailIipold solvent makes teeth dazzling whitel - Buy ~ Macleane Peroxide Toolh Fait. todazy Nyal Creophos stops colds and coughs (1P1T TT'CflT('ETOEWE FIT~ 695 C.OVVLIi'U I.) J./i\UTRUSSES~ ------------- 1 1 a 0 0 9ç 7Ç

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