.L7RSDAY, TEE. 1sf, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMAN'VTLL~. OWTAWT~ f A fl%,J~ LJa v an. L 'I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Pbionc 6«3 'I Tonight's the night of the Ray Dudley Recital at Trinity Church. Mr. Gordon Flaxman, Ottawa, aDent the weekend with his math.. er, Mra. T. E. Flaxman. Mr. John M. James, M.P., left MOnday afternoon for Ottawa to attend the session of parliament. Mr~. and Mrs. Ross Wright and Suuue, visited her parents, Mr. and W. Street, Toronto. Mi'~r W. Cawker Is vlsiting her aiter, Mrs. J. Leishman at Miami, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoar and daughter. Barbara, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Misa Marion Warder, B.A., St. Marys, spent the weekend renew- Ing acquaintances with friends in town. Misses Edith Woodley and Nor- ma Hagerman of the Bowmanville Hospital staff leave this week ta spend holidays in Flarida. Misa Laura LaBelle and Miss Helen Fraser, Toronto, spent the weekend with the farmer's moth- er, Mrs. Oscar LaBelle. Mrs. C. Cliff, Mrs. Robert Stir- ling and Mrs. Chloa Brown, Osh- awa, were visitars with Mrs. T. A. Garton on Tbursday. ST. JOHNS CHURCH Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D., Rector 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION il a.m. - CHORAL COMMUNION 7 p.m. - EVENSONG "A cordial welcome awaits you at St. John's" In last week's Major Bowling news we reported that Don Sweet was going into the R.C.N. We were rnlsinformed and apologize ta Mr. Sweet for the mistake. Mr. Jim Paterson, Western Uni- versity, London, and Mr. Gordon Rushbraok, Toronto, spent the weekend witb Mrs. W. L. Pat- erson and Mrs. Pringle. H. D. Wightman & Son, pub- lishers of The Napanee Express, have purchased The Deseranto Post from S. R. Curry of Tweed and will incarparate The Post with The Express. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Fîce and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fice and daugbter Linda attended the Hammond-McKnight wedding an Fiday evening in Knox Presby- tenian Churcb, Oshawa. Mr. Clare Garton and bis mother, Mrs. T. A. Garton, mat- ored ta St. Thomas Saturday ta attend the funeral of the form- er's grandmatber, Mrs. Samuel Garton. Miss Jean Rice, University of Toronto, spent the weekend witb ber mother, Mns. Harry Rice. She also braught four of ber fellow students, Misses M. Sturdy, E. Evans, B. Everett and H. Sckace, which made a lively bouse party. Misses Marlon Harris, Betty Hill and June Biekle, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bickle and left later for Toronto for three months nurs- ing training at the Sick Children's Hospital. Mr. Denis Pickard bas been in Oshawa hospital for twa weeks where he underwent an opera- tion ta remove a cartilage from bis knee. He was brought home Saturday with a plaster cast stili on bis knee wbich will not likely be removed for tbree weeks. DEATH ADAM-At Bowmanville Hospital Jon Wednesday, January 31, 1951, MfryLyi Adamn, beloved wife oth ate James S. Adam, and dear mother of James Stuart Adam, Toronto, and Mrs. Fergus E. Mornili (Lilian), in ber 79th year. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Saturday, February 3rd, at 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment Prospect Cemetery,' Toronto., 5-1 11:00 am MORNING WORSHIP 12:15 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.m. - RICHARD D. JONES Executive Director of the Canadian Counicil of Christians and Jews, will speak on "THE WORLD CONFERENCE ON BROTHERHOOD" held in Paris in 1950 TRINITY UNITED CHURCR Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Mr. R. G. Harle, Minister. Director of Music "Warmer tomorrow- it says here" 'bMr. and Mrs. Reader havc a year-round procession of needs resulting from changes inr the weather. They read the advertising in this newspaper for timely news and suggestions about food, fuel, dlothing, drugs, furniture, services and equpment for the house, indoors and out. It will pay you to keep our readers informed about your merchandise and services through ad- vertising in these colunins. When you use this paper your advertising invest- ment is made on a basis of facts-audited circula- tion. Ask for a copy of our A.B.C. report.* nrit 1rhis aswpape is a member of the Audit Xureau of Circulations, a national assoiation of pubiahn, advertiem and advcrtaaing àpacies. Our circulation ia audited by expe- reaned A.B.C. circulation audi tors. Our A.B.C report shows how much circulation ve have, wbere k goea, bow obtained and other tacts that tell .dvertisers whit they Set for dhofr aoaey wben they mse this piper. Recital For Hospital To-N ight ch, with assisting artist, Miss Olive Choose Your Leaders gram commences at 8:30 p.m. The speaker questioned, "Wbo are we going to band this coun- d try aven ta?" Suppiying a dual Rotary Club answen be said, "A trained, dis- ________ciplined youtb with faith in Gad d Cniudta aeOe and their country; with tbe gold- r. (ontiued rom age ne) en rule as tbeir basic pbiiosopby rmentioned the man wbo drinks of life; or are we gaing ta hand 1and drives and wha endangers the il aver ta a generation of drift- f lives of athers because he believes ers? Boys wbo bave neyer learli- be bas the ight ta indulgence ed that you cannat have indulg- -without obedience ta the law. ence without abedience ta the s A second group mentioned are law; bread witbout work; you Sthose wba believe tbey are en- cannot have pnivilege without re- titled toalal the privileges of a sponsibility; you cannot bave -democracy without respansibilîty. sound marais without religion." A third graup, according ta tbe Tesekrwstakdb speaker, believes that frecdom Rotarian George Moody wbo said, 9 gives tbemn the right ta expect "Mr. Mortlock bas toid us much bread witbaut work. "We can about Scouting and has proved neither bave bread non a truc that it is certainly wartbwbiie." -national fabnic without work," Guests at the Friday luncheon -he said. incîudcd: W. Manscîl Stacey, 9 Religion is Essential Don Williams and Chief of Po- The fourtb group he mentioned lice Sidney Venton, all members 3are those who believe that a of the local Scout Association. - country can bave sound manals Rev. T. M. Dustan, India, was also -witbout religion. "It simply isn't present ta bear his anc-time s so," Mn. Mortlock said, going on Scoutmaster speak. s ta explain that although we can live for a long time. on accum- uiated religiaus capital inhenitedSA E from the past, sooner or later we fmust faîl back on tric conception of religion in its broadcst sense Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sbackle- *and use il as the basis for conduet ton with Miss Stella Blackburn. in life. "Scouting, witb ahl the Mns.* Nettie Cale and Mn. Fred power at its command, and with Black*burn, Newcastle. its young army of 118,000 in Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Saver-;, Canada, and five million across Osh-awa, witb Mn. and Mrs. Les the world, is rcsisting tbese tend- Welsb.* encies wbicb rust and corrode Mn. and Mns. Wm. Cowling, tbe national character," the Aurona, called on Mn. and Mrs. speaker said. Hilliard McClure and Mn. and As fan as Rotary and Scouting Mrs. Farcwell Blackburn. are concerncd, tbe latter requines - Master Jimmy Cryderman witb little else Iban moral support fram Raymond and Jobnny Twist. 1the service club with perhaps Mns. Wilbcnt Craig and M-. additianal assistance by ensuring David Craig motorcd ta Dunnvilh that sound, capable leadership is ta assîst ber sister, Mrs. Lilliar provided. Bni ne wbo is moving ta Bowman- Boys Need Guidance vIlle. 'Tbere is a tendcncy todav ta A meeting of tbe Sunday Scboqý' do too mucb for boys," Mn. Mort- scbolars and tetichers was he1N lock said and added 'You cannai at the home af Mn. and Mrs. Gecr- build a country out of a bunch ald Shackleton ta dlcci officers of pamnpercd brats." He implied and discuss plans for the coming that by making things easy for year. Rev. Lute opened th,- youngsters, you harmed Ihein iin- meeting witb Drayer. Election of dividual spirit. He said boys pre- officers as follows: Supcniniend- fer ta make ibeir oxvn way in eni-Mr. Wilberi Craig; Asst.-- lufe, and that proper guidance is Mr. Gerald Sbackleton; Treas.- the real duiy of adults. 'Donald Richards; Asst. Treas. According ta Mn. Morilock, it Wm. Taylor; Seccetary-Joan is a grand ihing ta see a Scout Craig: Ascistant Sec'y-Kennet]h with bis arm loadcd witb badges. Buiiery; Primary Teachen-Retl He said it dcnoies a youngster's Cann: Assistant-Mrs. Ernes' desire ta be efflcieni and useful. Twist: Junior Teacher-Caro, It helps pravide a spirit wbich' Craig; Asst.-David Craig; Inter- will remain wiib lhem in Ibein mcdiates-Mrs. Ken Sbackleton: years of adultbood. Ass.-Mrs. Leslie Welsb; Seniors Mn. Mortiock has been associat- -Genald Shackleton; Asst.-Wni. ed witb Scouting for more than Taylor; Pianist-Mrs. Sam But- 18 years and bas scen the many tery: Asst.-Mrs. Shackleton; resuits fostered by tests, badges, Cradle Roll-Mrs. Lloyd Rich- the Scout Promise and Scout ards. Law. In Rev. Tom Dustan, ne -_________ cently returncd Anglican Chunch missionary in India and at ance'Screech Owl" time the speaker's assistant Scout Master, can be found a cancrete example of a man wha TEEN BOWLING nurlures Scouting ideals in man- <By Joan Hutchinson) Special Value for Thursa S ave Money! I.D.A. Brand Specials Soft White Toilet Tîssue 650 sheets ta rol I.DA. Brand 4 rolis for 39c Sa aiten needcd - here's a chance ta buy at a saving I.DA. Dependable Hot Water Bofule Guaranteed for 3 ycars Bohby Combs - - - 8c, 2 for 15c Choice of colours- Regular 10e value Shampoo --- - - - 19c, 33v, Cocoanit Oil type I.DA. Brand- 4, 8-oz., Reg. 25e, 39c Powder Pulls 8- c, 2 f or 15c Soft velours - Regular 10e value M EAÀD'S Products for Baby Pablum & Pabena Pre-cooked Baby Cereals 8-oz. 25c OSweeler Breafh 50C ~---- Feeting Dextri Maltose 80c-$3.45 Oleumn Percomorphum - ----- 9 Epsom Salis - - - lc, 19C TUDA. Brand- and 1-lb., Reg. 15e and 25e Milleraci Ou - - 34c I.D.A. Brand - heavy grade- 16-oz., Reg. 45c gooci fan tfem!... IDAMALT Extract of Malt & Cod Liver Besides ber husband and her father. she leaves ta mourn ber passing one daughter. Barbara Joani Barclay, at homne. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Charles Yule (Grace). Osh- awa, and Mrs. Ewart Robinson (Ruth) of Newtonville and two brothers. Russell Saverv af New- Lawn Ccmetery, Oshawa. tonvîlle and Laurence Savery. principal of King Street School, Oshawa. Rex'. George Telford, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, conducted the funeral service at the Armstrong Funeral Home on Jan. 30. Interment was in Maunt sters could have spent that maney on scores af thinga for them- selves. Local Lifesavers Mr. Mortlock mentioned the. efficiency af the scores of boys decorated each year for life sav- ing. "Twa in Oshawa," he said, "one of them a nephew of Bill Thickson." The two boys were returning home one evening when tbey saw a light burning in a garage. They investigated and found a car with its engine run- ning and a man prastrate on the floor evidently avercome by car- bon monoxide. While one Scout rendered artificial respiration, the other went for help. Later, the medical practicianer wbo took the asphyxîated man inta bis charge said that the Scouts bad saved the man's life by their quick thinking and preparedness. 1"These are the kind of stories that pass through my mind wben I think of Scouting," Mr. Mort- lock said. He also thinks of the bundreds of Scouts he bas known who have become clergymen, lawyers, businessmen, doctors or who are serving in municipal and provincial and federal law-mak- ing as the former put in three nice shots from the 10-second line, and pivot-man Cameron put in two baskets and two fouis. Osh- awa retaliated with two free throws. Score at half time was 12-6 for Bowmanville. In the second haîf Mrkle snagged two points and Camer- on four while Stacey and Colwell sunk free throws. Oshawa garn- ered five points ta make the final score 20-1l. Juniors Woan 29-22 The jluniors showed an lm- proved brand of basketball. In the first half, Heyland. Martyn and Buchan hit for twa baskets each while Woolley and Murdoch each got anc. Oshawa managed to scrape up five points, making the score at half time 16-5. Murdoch led with three baskets while Buchan got one and three free throws. Martyn alsa con- tributed two points ta make the final score 29 ta 22 in aur favor. OBITUAHY IMRS. ALEXANDER BARCLAY In poor health for the past two years Dorothy E. Savery, beloved wife of Alerander Barclay, 509 Richmond Street East, Oshawa, passed away in Oshawa General Hospital on Jan. 28 in ber 44',h year. Born in Clarke Township on Sept. 12, 1907, deceased was a daughter of William Savery and the late Margaret Bryson. She had been a resident of Oshawa for 23 years and had previously lived at Newtonville. A member of St. Andrew's United Church, Mrs. Barclay was also a member of the Laurel Group of the Wom- en's Association of the church. as & Reminders - SCOTT'rS !Fr. & Sat. EMULSION 'hldenlie t- and it's *~ J The High Eog ,---l4--Faiyn ic-une A pîcasant, nu- tnitiaus vitamin preparation. 1-lb. jan reg. 65c 2-lb. jan reg. 1.09 47c 79c 4-lb. jan 139 reg. 1.89 --.eA An I.DA. Brand uu Rich in Vitamin A E' and Sunshine PU Vitamin D 63< and $1 S&9 ISURPRISED-L&~ WHEN YOU FIRTr~ USE ACt FAîV55/ *Gives teeth dazzling naturel bril- liance. 1Exhisratng-reÇreghn-sweet.g cns the b reath. 1-Helpa removc smoke and surface Sata geming linqre NO GUM a NO SOAP a NO ALCOHOL a NO STARCH HANDY TUBES - JARS --- - - ---- 39C - 59e C9c - $1.13 IBoracic Acid -- - - -32c - '.:J 5LM T.D.A. Brand - One pound can, Reg._40e________~~Spi4>Ifl P - ~ iub in Minard's for r A muscular stiffness. ache. NEW.- BETTER WAY PRO VENandLL rains. ra £8i0~I FIGHTERS UL $4A~JAmazingly Fast and Effective 33 MEOICATEo ANMI1INATARID MO IE 2 0 59 LUN1M 504 ONL ARANTEEO TO STOP YOUR COLO UimJtio nfl ottNI. OR YOUR MONEY BACIC 9 Large Economical Size -- 63c I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY IALEX McGREGOR Your Local I.D.A. D ruggist DR UG S Phone 792 We Deliver v Don't forget that to-night (Thun be given in Trinity United Chur( Rankine, dramatic soloist. Progi Mr. and Mrs. E. Shackleton and son, Donald James, Trenton; Mrs. W. R. Wright, Jerry, Larry and Connie Ann, Carying Place; Mr. and Mrs. B. Lidster, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. D. Wright and David, town, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wright. Mr. F. J. Bunting, local sales- man, Downham Nursery Co., was guest speaker at the ll7th annual meeting of the Toronto Horticul- tural Society on Friday night. Besides his address he showec slides of planting and pruning roses, and showed pictures of beautiful homes and gardens. The Counties Health Unit re- ports an ail high for commun- icable diseases for week ending Jan. 27, with a total of 131 cases. Cobourg tops the Iist with 53 cases of red measles while Bow- manville has five and Darling- ton three. Darlington also has seveu cases of German measIes and two cases of mumps. Cal. Ormonde H. Barreti, assist- ant ta the president of Goodyear Tire and Rubben Company af Canada, New »Toronto, has beeni appointcd personnel manager of Ford Motar Company of Canada ai Windsor. He will assume bis post Feb. lst ta succeed John F. Blawey. who bas been transfercd ta Ford's Industrial Engineering Division. Mn. Jas. (Ticken) Crombie bas been doing considerable refer- eeing of OHA. hockey games this seasan. One of the nicesi compliments paid him was tol by Norman Scott. He had been in Straiford qyen the weckend and several bacIey fans tld Norm that "Ticker" Crombie's refer- eeing in that city was the best and fairesi scen in that city this season. E. A. Summens, agicullural representative for Durham Coun- ty, staies the mild weather iin January has had the effect of making fields completely banc tbroughout the country. He bc- lieves tbere should be sufficient good seed in the country ta mccl the demand. Gcnerally spealng there is an ample suppiy of feed ta last until pastures will be rcady. Mn. Bud Petbick and Mrs. Ina McNaughton came down fram Toronto ta spend the weekçend witb iheir parents, Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Petbick. Their faiber was 79 years aid on Monday and ta celebrate the occasion a turkcy dinnen was bcld in bis bonor. "Barb," as he is familiariy known ta bis many friends, holds the re- cord af being in business the longcst ai any man on King Si. He carnies bis years lightly with bis cbaractenisiic smile and youih- ful ouiiook, matons ta business cvery day and from appearances sday) the Ray Dudley Recital wil tu li. viu tiun, uoing Lnsanct ruisy ig puis and actions shouid be good for 'Scouting is preparatian fan ser- considenably raised the points. many more ycars ta "trim" bis vice work. cspeciaily of the top team and customers. The Siatesman cx- Scouts Are Prepared tbe standing is: Bob Gallaghcr 8, tends best wisbes ta aur venen- To illustrate the effeet of M. Winacoit 7, J. Elliot 4. N. able friend for many more happy Scouting on the yaungen genera- Allun 3, J. Stainton 3, H. Dilliing birlbdays. lion, the speaker told Rotanians 2. several truc stanies cancerning_ The bigb seven avenages ai-c: members of the arganization Lord Bob Gallagbcr 260, Jackie Ellit Nine Children Baden Powell aiginated. 191, Shirley Kiison 181, Bruce~ Evcry boy in the Wellesley Caverly 176, John Siainton 175, Baptised at Service Street Orihopedic School in Ton- Ted Calwell 174, Ken Kelly 191. onto is crippled, stilîl, they fonm- Higb single was taken by Bob At Tinit Chuch cd a Scout Troap. One of tbe Gallagber wilb 386. High double At rintymembens of Ibis lroop had use of was also taken by Bob Gallaghcr neither arms non legs, but he was wiih 606. Babies werc the higblîgbt of appoinicd Scribe and be rchig- Bantams Defeated Oshava the Sunday morning church sen- iously wrolc bis records and B.H.S. Baniams and Juniors vice ai Trinity United Cburch, minutes wiib pen clencbed firm- defcated O.C.V.I. on Tuesda. whcn Rev. S. R. Hendenson iy beiwecn bis teibh. For the B.H.S. bantam ieam Ibis chistcncd nine 11111e ones, six One day, acconding ta Mn. Mort- game was extremcly importnt. boys and three girls. lock, tbe youngsicrs losi their A win would put ibcm in firs ' Ai the cangregational meeting Scoutmasler, but wbcn a Field place or ai icasi in a tic for first Fniday evening, Rev. Hendenson Representative of tbe Boy Scout place, for the rest of the schecl- rcferred briefly ta this sacrameni Association dropped in a short ule. Il is a pity ihey didn't have af bapiism, saying thai ihere is lime lalen, he found the tnaap mare specialars. a tendency ta Put too litîle em- sîlîl active and bc was canfronied In the firsl quarter play was phasis on it. People bning babies with: "We'vc been saving aur very slow and players wce a éwk-1 ta be baptized, Ihen icave wiîh- money. Whai wc wanita know wand. Oshawa took an early lead1 ouI giving any particulan thoughl is how we can help the pon kids with two baskets. Colwell and ta the cxtrcmely sacred vows in England." The crippled young- Cameron Ihen started B.H.S. roll- they have taken before God in _________________________________ bis house.Pln hi is the responsibiliiy af the Go odyear New TorontoPln Expansion Session, Ministen and Church thai people wanling children bap- . * *--'-- tized knaw the significance of the sacned sacrament, and therefore Rcv. Henderson cithen calîs a meeting af all the parents ai the ' Cburch on talks ta eacb anc n- divdualybefare the bapitsm. Tetoimportant questions the ministen asks anc "Are youa, Christian yourself?" and "Do you1 promnise ta bning Ibis cbild up in the Christian faitb?" Afien thai il is the parenî's respansibility. The childnen bapîised Sunday morning, Jan. 28th, were Launie Jane and Stephen Richard. child- ren of Mn. and Mrs. Allan D. Tamblyn: David John, son of Mn. and Mrs. Edward R. Wiggans; Douglas William, son of Mn. and Mns. Robent A. Sieep; Susan Lynn,, daughter af Mn. and Mns. Robent G.Mitchell: Danny Hersbel, soin go*.: af Mn. and Mrs. ArîhurD Hoaper; Ann Robenta, daghe oai Mn. and Mrs. Milton R -S 1,000,000 expansion programme at New Toronto wards: Paul Richard, son of Mn. loe forward. Above is shown the power house expansion, and Mrs. F. Dona'd Mo'-ris. and - Les3lie John, son of Mr. and Mrs the s'ýeel rising skywvard. The Airfoam expansion is rtearly 1L. W. VanDriel. completed and production is expected within a month. i IPirst Message Datelined Ray Dudley Olive Rankine "United Nations, N. Y." 1 'Ijnlted Nations, New York" became the official address of the wr organization Iast month alter moat of U.N.'s International staff ha maved trom the temporary quarters at Lake Succesa to the new Headquarters building ln Manhattan. Watchlng Mrs. Christine Rie, punch out the flrst teletype dispatch under the new dateline 8 (left to night): Wilder Foote, Director of U.N.'s Promu and Pubi cations Bureau; General Assembly Presîdent Nasrollah Entimip Acting Seeretary-General David Owen; Assistant SecretaryýGen oral Benjamin Cohen; and Thomas J. Hamilton of thie New Y - TMmes, president of the United Nations Correspondenta'Assoeiati- MI a e!,,'eeý .7.77 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO'%WANVILLE. ONTARIO PAMr REVIN ! ooci. accorcling to Mr. Nlortlock, 1 1 'Rnlling hqllq mnri fivino, niii,: 1 .L 9MUMDAY, m. le 1951