Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1950, p. 8

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PAGE EMORT The Newcastle Independent Miss Margaret Ash Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fox on the birth ai their litle son in Bowmanville Hos- pital recently. Mr. Bill Walton, Agincaurt, and Miss Greta Penny, Markham, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dennis, North Street. Mrs. George Jamieson, Mrs. Laura Fisher and Mr. Norman Rickard attended the funeral of their cousin, Mitchell Jallow in Oshawa on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fowler and Mr. Le Mttee and family were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finley and Mrs. Raven, Beaver St. Miss Yvonne Alldrcad and Mr. Jack Rae, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Alldread and fam- ily. Congratulations ta little Tom- my Alldread on winning the pop- ularity contest held in coonec- tian with the show -Hayloft Jam- boree." Tommy is the son ai Mr. and Mrs. Talbat Alldread. Runners-up were Sandra Embley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Embley and Candy Storks, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks. Miss Lida Lake, Toronto, is holidaying with ber mother, Mrs. Frank' Gibson. Mrs. R. G. Wright, Toronto. spent the weekend with ber sist- er, Mrs. G. F. Ash and famil. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. McCullough and family spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough, Osh awa. It is nice to see Mrs. Robert Duck home again. Last weckend she had Mr. and Mrs. George Dawber and Geordie, Toronto, with bier. Mrs. Dawber and Geordie remaincd. We are sorry ta leaî'n thaf Master Chris. Barcbard, Jr., is wq£se acain. It is ta be hoped thaT? he will show some distinct improvement 5000. We take this opportunity ta' welcome Mr. and Mrs. T. Len- nard. and 4heir daughter, Mrs. Roberts and her family ta town. They are occupying the lovely home recently vacated by Mr. George Wright. It was with a very heavy heart that we saw Mr. Wright leave Newcastle. Mr. Wright had been around bere for many years and was liked by aIl. It is our wisb that hie will be very happy in Copper Cliff with bis son. Mrs. P. F. LeGresley spent a few days with Archdeacon Bal- four and Mrs. Balfour, Peter- borough. Miss Hattie Mason spent a few days last week visiting friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Mary McEvoy is spending a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Selby Spencer and family in Hamilton. We would like ta wish good luck ta those students who have left tawn ta return ta their studies at sehool. Catherine Dewdney bias returned ta Bishop Strachan Sehool while Neil Britton hias en- rolled at University ai Toronto. Good luck ta yau bath. We read with intcrest last week's front page story, of Miss Catherine Tuckers good fortune. Catherine had manv friends around Newcastle and believe us, this couldnt have happened ta a nicer persan. Congratulat ions! SMiss, Barbara Bonathan bias re- turned ta London ta resume bier nursing duties after an enjoyable vacation. Mr. Fred T. Coucb. vlho is working with the Bell Telephone Ca. at Barrie, spent the weekend at home. Tbursday evening. Sept. 13, the Newcastle Ladies' Softball Club beld a banquet at the Elmburst Hotel the occasion being their winning the Clarke and Darling- ton Ladies' Softball Leagute*s 1950 cbampionship. Each girl had a guest, as were also Mc. and Mrs. Cecil Carveth, Hon. Pres.; Mr. and Mrs. George Walton. Hon. Pres.; Mr. and Mrs. George THE CANADIAN STÈATE.SMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Crowther, League Pres.; Mr. and Wed in Christ Memorial Church Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Drummond, Miss M. Oldfield and Mr. -T. T. Manes, ticket sellers; Mr. Ray (Borry> Brown, umpire; Mr. Ross Embley, score keeper; Masters Peter Belsey and Charles Gray, bat boys. Mr. Ted"(Baldy) Hoar, Manager and Coach was master of ceremanies. Everyone enjoy- ed a pnost deliciaus roast turkey dinner with ail the trimmings. . The guest speaker for the even- ing was Mr. A. Armstrojig, a sports enthusiast, Oshawa. His re- marks were bath entertaining and informative. In the course of the evening the girls present- ed tokens of appreciatian ta all those who had helped them dur- ing the seasan. Little Misses Norma Jean and Dawn Toms, Kinmount, spent a few days with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Toms. On Friday and Saturday nights, Sept. 15 and 16, a fine programme -Uncle Ezra's Hayloft Jamboree" was presented under the auspices of the Newcastle Memorial Arena. The whole show was camposed>e » of local talent-and surprisingly' good it was too! The characters were: Hiram Hicks, Charlie Glen- ney; Uncle Ezra, Ernie Gilbank; Lulu Belle, Amy Rogeirson, and! Joe Kelly; M. C., Keith Aiken. They were ail exceptionally gaod but in our estimation Lulu Belle stole the show. She was viva- cious, cute and extremely com- ical. The amateur acts on the. programme were also very good anci it just gocs to show you what artists we do have around here. Teddy Sallows won first prize.. with bis rendition of "Shine on l-arvest Moon," while Gail Thom- as and Velma Harris came in sec- ond with their fine Ballet number and Trudy Sallows and 'Lefty" Brown were third with their MR. AND IMRS. DONALD LEIGHTON SOUCI- harmonica and piano duet There was only one thing that barred whose marriage was solemnized recently at Christ Memorial complete enjoyment of the pro- Church, Oshawa. Formerly Miss Joan Patricia Shepherd, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Shepherd and S the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Souch, al of Oshawa. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette West'inghouse The magnificent new "~Regency"' k equipped with the new fully auto- mfatic, 3-speed record changer-pîsys 1.11 78, 4 5, and 3 3-1/3 R.P.M. records 'i'nl and efficently with the full- raietonal perfection of exclusive Wýesltiaghouse Poljyph.nic Reproduc- tion. M«URItPHJiy'JS FURNITURE AND APLIANCE STORE 52 long St. W. lowauvile Ph... 811 gramme both evenings, and that was the continual interruýptions of the Director, Miss Lee DeRego, during the rogramme. Therewas no need for this and it certainly spoiled the concert for everyane. Wouldnt yau tbink she would bave known better. Cpl. J. E. Belsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Belsey, King St., flew from England on Sept. 3rd ta take up bis duties with the Royal Marine Commandas ine(o- rea. We wish him Godspeed and good luck wbile he's there. We are in receipt of a "Letter ta the Editor" for tbis column. As the ]etter is unsigned we are unable ta use it. Even if yau dont \want yaur name ta appear in print it is necessary ta sign the letter, alang with vour pen name. S.S. No. 9, Clarke On Monday afternoan the eilîdren at the schoal entertain- cd tbeir mathers and friends at a little programme which ail en- jayed immenselv. After the pro- gram lunch was scrved ta the visitors and apples and cookies enjo.ved by the students. Hopc tbese pragram-s are put on often. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Russell and three children witb Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk and family, Sundov. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henning and familY. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleming and familv, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibsan on Sundiiyý. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter and family, Lakefield, witb Mr. and! ,Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen on Sunday. Miss Helen Turner with Miss Anna Marie Sbcrwîn, Orono, on the weekend. ENFIIELD Mr. and! Mrs. Wm. Adams. Mrs. Dwight Northrup, Miss Dwina Northrup, Hilton, N.Y.; Mrs. Bessie Stevens, Rochester, N.Y., Messrs. Carl Avery and Roy Hall, Raglan:Mr. Wm. D - er, Columbus, with Mrs. W. J. Ormis- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoskin and Vera, Oshawa; Mrs. Gea. Carson, Mrs. R. Best, Orono, at W. Bow- ma n's. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith at- tended the funeral of Mrs.B. Palmer hn Toronto, last week. Mc. and! Mrs. W. Bowman and family at M. Nicholson's, Can - ningtan. BLACKSTOCK Mr. George Hambly, Manitoba, in Toronto for the convention. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey. Mrs. Lottie Barton, Bowman-ý ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farder. Mr. George Chant bas sold bis fac, ta Mr. Hatold (Luke) Mc- Laugh lin. MWe are alvr or that Mrs. John Beacock bad ta have an op- eration and is at the Civic Hos- pital, Peterborough. We wish ber better bealth in tbe future. Miss Ida Dempsey, teacher at 1 Alton, spent the weekend wvitb Dr. and Mrs. J. A. McArthur. 1 Miss Vera Farder, Toronto. witb Mrs. John Farder. Mrs. Ed. Darcxy is sic adi stayýing with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with Mrs. James Henry. Mc. Charbie Venning. Sunny- brook Hospital, was home for the w~eekend and returned ta the Hospital on Sunday cvening. Mc. and Mrs. Earl Dorreil visit- 1 ed at Niagara' Falls, St. Cath- 1 arines and Peterborough. Mc. and Mrs. S. Sherman, To- ronto; Mc. and Mrs. Faster Fer- guson, Orano, with Mc. and! Mrs. Herman Hoae\.1 Mrs. George Foivler, Mc. and;I Mrs. George Rutherford and AIl- an, Qshawa, spent Sunday wîth Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGill, Lind- say. Mr..- Lame Bradburn and son, Toronto, spent tbe weekend wnith Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brad burn Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snooks and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Sa *vwell, Bannie Jill and Joan spent the weekend at. the Snooks' cottage, near Valentia. Misses Mabel and Wilma Van Camp, Toronto; Helen, Oshawa, and Jessie, Altan, with Mrs . Wm. VanCa mp. CADMUSi Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKie! and Mrs. Tbompson visited Mr and Mrs. Bill Wanning. Kirby. Mrs. Thampsan rcmained for aý few bolidays.1 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tharnp- son, Toronito, %vith Mr. and r. Flem Thompson.1 MVr. ard Mrs. Bill Robinson i and G-ay Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Glenni Gibson and Pats.v, Hamil- ton, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar; G ibson. Communiion and baptismal ser-' vices Acre hcld at thie Cadmusi churcb, Sunclay. Thiere was a very gond cro\wd. Mr. and Mrs.ý Pecc Williamson ,had their two boys, Douglas and Tommyv, bap- 1 Tised. also. Mr. and Mrr. Jim Fat-! lis hart their dlaughter, Linda,- baptiFed.1 Mr. and Mrs. B3ob Vivian andi Marilyn. Bowniville. \ith Mr, APPLES WILL MOT> SHRIVICL ME~N BAK.INÇY iF You ! CUT THE SKINS. Glen Rae's Milk.. Àlways Îai Its Besi Cylen Rae's milk ls one food that's always at its best, every day of the year, w inter and summer - and it's as goad for oldsters as children. Many over 50 have found it helpful as a mnealtime beverage because it is easy ta digest and does not Interfere with sleep. Order Glen Rae'u mIlk to. day. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee, Calvin and Leah, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Southern, Kirk- field, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Hector and Ross, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Audrey and Ivan McKee. Cadmus W. A. was ta be held at the home af Mrs. Wesley Sweet Sr. Devitt's Orange Lodge held a special meeting Monday night at the hall. Mr. Don and' Miss Joyce Larmer, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Larmer. Imnprbvement In Apple Juice With Vitamin C Important progress bas been made in the past 50 years in the manufacture afi processed apple juice. Fifty years ago, apple juice was canned but it was flot pos- sible f6r the manufacturer ta sat- isfactorily clarify his product with the result that what was sup- posed ta be a clarified juice was cloudy .and the bottom aof the can cantained a muddy sediment. Then again, the can was flot re- sistant ta the frui acids and pin- holed after a few months with resultant loss of the praduct. In this early period, too, a slow ster- ilization was used which gave the apple juice a cooked, caramel, or baked apple flavour. Through the years, research bas overcame many of these dis- advantagres says F. E. Atkinson of the Experimental Station. Sun,- merland, B.C. Today, Canadian apple juice is supplied ta the con- sumer in several forms. The clarified juice is sparklingly clear, has an attractive amber colour and preserves a fresh, attractive flavour. This is nat entirel1y the flavour oi the original apple but it is a gaod flavour that many' people like. A second type is vitaminized clarified juice. This also is sparklingly clear, mare of a straw colour than the ambher af the unfortified juice, and pas- sesses mare of the fresh flavour af the apple. Ia clarification, however, there is always some flavour loss and recently opales- cent apple'juice has been market- ed in which there is no effort ta clarify. This also is a vitamin- ized juice as the ascorbic acid is used bath ta prevent oxidation and ta raise the vitamin C level ta minimum ai 35 milligrams per 100 grams af juice. This juice is milky in colour and very sim- ilar ta grapefruit juice in appear- ance. Great care is taken througb the process ta enstýre that no changes take place that would cause an oxidation af the flavour. Repa jr Your 10a! Naw Wilh. . . THE FAMOUS "JOHNS-MANVILLE" Roofing Products Backed by more than 90 years' experience in the manufacture of Roafing Materials, the name JOHNS - MANVILLE is your assurance of quality and long if e, at no extra cost. 24 Division St. TIME JOHNS - MAN VILLE ASPHALT SHINGLES * When you roof with Johns-Manville Asphait Shingles - . ~. you have a calorful, weather-tight roof that will give yeacs of service with a minimum of upkeep expense. The rich colors are a permanent part of the fire-resisting minerai - coating and will retain their attractiveness down through the years. You'l1 be as proud of your Johns-Manville roof years from flow as the day it goes on! - IVeiglit- 210 Ibs. per square OnIy M $ 8.50 sq. (9 Colors and Blends for Vour Choice- Solid Blue Slightly Hliglier) JOHNS - MAN VILLE ASPHALT ROLL ROOFINC The Low Cost Roofing that rails up years of Extra Service ECONOMICAL! ENDURING! 45 lM. (2-ply) 55 Mb. (3.p1l') 90 lb. Slate 60 Mb. Siate $2.45 per rail $3.15 per ral U-89 per rail $2.65 per ral INSUL - BRIC AND INSUL - STONE SWDING The perfect siding foc hoth durability and insulating value, wi4h no upkeep expnnse. Colors: Royal Red, Sunset Blende, Buff Blende, with cither white or'black mortar lines. Stone pattcn with black lines. Only Bowman ville "FALLSPECIALS" RURBER FOOTWEAR - ALL TYPES AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES. Boys' Parkas - - --------- -- -- --- $7.95'1 Army Tunics ---~--------------------- $2.95ý, Arrny Battie Dress Trousers, new *-------$5.95 Air Force Trousers, new ------------- -------- $6.95 Work Pants ------------ - ------------------------ $2.95 DUNGAREES ----------- - $2.95 WORK SHIRTS ----- $1.75 FALL, PLAID SHIRTS-- $2.35 H. B. Blankets - pair $12.95 Armny Blankets, riew ----------- $3.25 A wide selection of: Army and Air Force Raincoats, Satin Bombadier Jackets, Windbreakîrs, Parkai and Leather Jackets. ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES King Si. W., Bawmanviile -Homes " - Free Delivery f War Surplus andI Factory Clearance Store i"iiý It's HOME* aIMPROVEMENT EASY TO APPLY! - $13.95 Sq. ROLL - BRICK SIDING A Practical Low, Cost Siding Brick Pattern, Red or Buff, (Witb Nals). Only -- ~----- --$.45 roll Stone Pattern,___$27 (With Nails). OnIy $.9ral SEE YOUR JOHNS - MANVILLE DEALER! Don McGregor Hardware Co.- Phone 3386 - " We Help Make Houses Free Dilivery ' THURS., SEPTEMBZEER21, lobe Consequently it should be possible' ta identify the variety of apple tlhat was used in the manufac- ture of this product. The level of ascorbie acid re- quired in Canadian fortified apple juice makes this produet at least equal ta any of the citrus juicea as a source af vitamin C. More honest leadership calls nôt only for more leaders who are honest, but for more honest people' who are willing ta lead. Leadership is not ability ta .geÉ~ back at our critics but ta ahead with an answer. Three midwest weatheir 4 tions are equipped with radar to help track tornadoq.

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