TR~ f!A7~AT1TA?'T ~rA'Y'wA?.!A!1. UflW~AiTVTT.T.1~ fu'.79~ÂwTn D ~rr. ~?Dq'rnI!U The Orono News Mrn. R. E. Logan Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn day with Miss M. Davy. Ipnt severai days i n Niagara The regularý meeting cf the ~a s, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Orono Women's Institute was held BishoP and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, on Friday' afternoon in the Coun- Saskatoon, Sask., are visiting Mr. cil Chambers. Mrs. E. Hamn and Mrs. Wesley Elliott and their presided in the absence of the rIcMrs. T. A. Reid. President, Mrs. 0. W. Rolph. The S$.and Mrs. D. MW. Wardrope guest speaker was Miss Vera C two grandsons, Whitemouth, Clark, of the Textile Dept., Royal Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Les' Ontario Museum, Toronto. Her Wardrope of Winnipeg, visiteci talk was most interesting and n- with Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Eustace formative. She showed many last week. samples of hand-woven materials which were madle many years Miss Audrey Billings m'ho is ago. The conveners for the attending Toronto Normal Schoo] etn were Mrs. E. J. Hamn spent the weekend at her home andi Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, who, here. witX their committee, served a Mrs. E. Rainey who spent two dclicious lunch. weeks visiting with Mr. andi Mrs. About 20 members of Orono A. Morton has returned ta her Fish & Game Club spent Sunday home in Cochrane. at Rice Lake where they enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and a ccys fishing andi had dinner in daughter, Gail, Lakefield. visiteci the evdning at "The Willows," with his mother, Mrs. C. Wood or. Gore's Landing. Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Dickson spent the Mr. and Mns. Ken Fraelick, weckend at the home of her Ruby andi Carol, visited on Sun-1 daughter, Mr. andi Mrs. John o Af ter all is said and done, hotv does it taste in the cup? That is what counts! TEA BAUD yield the pe4fect flavour. QUICK or REGULAR QlUAKER O-»t.ý L Pko.33e TASTV SHREDOED WHEAT ' Pkgs. 29e FANCV RED SOCKEN'L SALMON -- * V!"21139< DOLE FANCY PINEAPPLE JUICE -' -' 20Ti. 19e IONA HALVES PEACHES ' Tin 20e A&P CHOICE PIED PITTED CHERRIES -'Ti. 19e IlEINZ TOMATO KCETCHUP .24< SHIRRIFF'S JELLY POWDERS LUSHUS * 3 Pkgs. 25< LIBBY'S AS OE BIABY FOODS 3 Tins 23e AVLMER FANCY 4ISPINACH 2 *29e TOMATO or VEGETABLE -, OUPS CLARK'S2 oz:. 7 CLOVER VA.LEV LINK CIIEESE ½l.26e VELVEETA KRAFT CHEESE %b.29e A&P FRESH CANDY JELLY BEANS l.28< TOILET TISSUE NAVY 3 Role2no TOILET SOAP ]PALMOLIVE 2Cakes17 Millson, Kingston. Miss Margaret Milîson and hen friend. Miss Shirley Powell, upent the weekend in Ottawa. Mr. and Mn.. Clarence Allin bcd as their guest, an aunt, Miss WeAtheriet, Bethany. Mrs. B. Lewis, Toronto. i. visit- ing ber sister, Mrs. Ea. Dean. Other guesta were Mn. and Mrs. David Gilbank, Sask., and Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville. Mrs. May Johns, Tyrone, visit- ed with Mrs. Jas. Dickson recent- ly. Ladies from Orono, Newton- ville and Kendal met in the Town Hall, Orono, Tuesday afternoon ta bear Miss Helen B. Gardner o! the Women's Institute Dept., To- ronto, lecture on "Health Before and aften Forty."' This proveci moat intenestingz and instructive and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., ne- turned to ber duties in Oshawa Hospital on Tuesday after a montb's vacation. W. A. Meeting The September meeting of the Woman's Association was beld on Tuesday, September 12 at the home of Mrs. Victor Robinson, witb a good attendance. The President. Mn.. C. Düncan, pre- sideci. Mns. Neil Porter led in a very suitable devational perioci, basing ber comment. on the First Psalm. In the business peniod Mrs. Rab- inson, Correspond ing-Secnetary, reported sending cards ta bereav- cd, sick and shutins. Mn,. Logan gave the Treasurer's report. The President remindeci those present a! an appeal ta everyone in the community wbo can contribute ta a bale being sent ta flood vie- tims in Winnipeg. Good dlean useci clothing will be much ap- prcciated. Parcels may be left at the home o! Mrs. Jas. Lycett. Extensive plans were made for a bazaan and suppen ta be held late in the faîl, date ta be an- nounced later. Convenons werel appointed for the different booths and a suppen committee. 24-oz loaf 13c 16 92C 16 oz j,, 3,5e 15-OZ tins 31C 28-oz tins 25c 20-o: tin 9c hn 25<C 24-o: jar 42<c 24-o: jar 43e lé4z bdc 23c 2 pkii 23e lb 34c va37C1 A & P Super Riglut Quay Meats EVERY CUT WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU MORE MEAT WITH LES" WASTE, AND, OF COURSE,.CANADA'S TOP GRADE$ 0r BEEF - RED AND BLUE BRAND BEEF - DAIL.Y PEATURE. STEAK OR ROAST GLAZED BONELESS RouNDe lb. 85< COKflIAm WELL TrRIMMED SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED IRMUP ST l b 82e NWGE FLAT RIB . 040HI LICIO BISET . 'b-b350DEEFLIVM ... %MAPL LEAF WHOL OR HLfr0COI1E RESH, GRADE "Av OR ALWDUCKS- SMNOKED HRAMS lb 59C GRADE -^- 13ILING SMOKED SHANKLESS, PICNIC STYLE FW PURK SHOULDERS 'b 57c FR181 WHOLE OR HALF COD ri FRESH HAMrS l49e FREIE lb. 55< ib. 42e Nuptial Rites Held in Brooklin MR. AND MRS. ALLAN LAVERN SUGGETT who xvere married in Brooklin United Church recently. The bride, who is the former Elizabeth Rose Lockyer, is the daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lockyer of*Brooklin, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggett of Nestieton, where the newly-wedded couple will also live. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette Miss Davy reporteci for the parsonage committec. The ladies are planning open bouse at the parsonage on Tucsday, Scptcmn- ber 26, in the afternoon, so that everyone may sec the work that bas been accomplishcd and en- joy a social time. The meeting c1osed by repeat- îng together the 23rd Psalm and Mizpah Benediction. A deliciaus lunch was scnved by the hostcss, complcting a very enjoyable a!- ternoan meeting. ENNJSIKILLEN Thce\V.M.S. met at the home of Mns. Lornc Lamnb Tucsday, Sept. 12, witb Mrs. E. Trcwin presici- ing. Mis. T. Semon had charge of the Devotional. Mrs. E. Tre- win rcad a poen- and Mrs. L. Wcarn gave the Bible reading. The group leaders for November are t0 secure a speaker for the November Thank Oftering. Mrs. Roy McGill had charge o! the following programme: an intcrcst- i ing report on the School for Leaders helci at Whitby, by Mrs. L. Ashton; a -letter on conditions in China by Mr. Sparling, read by Mis. W. Moore; vocal solo by Miss Reta Dickie, Christian Stew- arship reading by Mes. M. Stain- ton; a quiz and thec study chapter on Japan by Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and a thank you letten for relief par- cels froni Miss Luchla Rorke, read by Mrs. R. Ormiston. Lunch was scrved by Group One, Mr. and *Mrs. Walter Ferguson and Mr. and Mes. Earl Master..ý and Gail, with Me. and Mrs. Don-, ald Lee, Oshaw.ýa. Misses Louise and Marjoric Mclntosh. Whitby, and Mes. John Henry, lluntingdon, Qucbcc, were wcekend visitors with their niece, Mrs. Gco, Irwin. Mr. and Mes. David Gray and Carol, Newcastle; Mr. and Mn.. Milford McDonald and Geralci, Bclwmanville; Brian and Joan Adams, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Fallis and Linda, Cadmus, with Mrs. J. Adams and Ruth. Miss Elsie Olce, Toronto, ac- companied Me. and Mrs. Albert Oke, ta visit Mrs. James Oke, Shaw's. Mr. andi Mrs. S. Vanvolkenburg, Cordova Mines, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg and Marilyn, Uxbnidgc, at Mr. and Mis. A. L. Wearn's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashtonî and family visited relatives in Toronto. Mr. andi Mes. J. Porrowdalc andi Bnian, Oshawa; Mrs. B. Dale, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mes. J. A. Wern-. Mrs. Vrerna Wood, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. andi Mrs. WpIter Oke andi YOUR EYES and rom prev iaus Scopyrights o! C. H.TUCK Optometriat Disney BIdg. (Opp. P.0.) Oshawa, Phone 1518 No. 119 orh.en we speak of reflex dis- ores we enter upon a fieldi I where chronie complaints bave previously been dwelt upon by the patient until hope bas been given up. X'et I have met with that case whcre after twenty or thinty years o! stomaeh trouble that haci been considered chranie, a correction of a muscle trouble o! the eyes afforded relief. Any chranic departure from health Fhould suîggest an enquiry into this as one of the Possible causes. (Copyrighted) othen relatives aven the wcckcnd. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbcater Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. L. Leacibeater and baby Murray, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearce, Mr. J. Pearce, Port Penny, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leacibeaten and Mr. Gco. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Scott, Harmony, were Sunday visitors a! Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin. Mr. and Mn.. Harold Milîs and family with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Short, Scagrave. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Oliver and Marie, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mns. L. Lamnb. Mr. andi Mrs. Johqi Oke attend- ed a surprise piarty for Mrs. Herb Te (L pl. ranto: Mr. and Mns. H. Delahey, Rundlc on her blrthday, Satur- .Laki.e Shi.ore, ClDarke Peterborough, Mr. and Mm. day evening. Lloyd Skinner and family, Ty- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Blake Last Friday evening, Sept. 15 rone, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Neal and family, Tweed; Mr. and Mrs. the community bade farewbil ta and family. Bowmanvllle, visit- C. Cowle, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry and ed Mr. and' Mrs. Bil Lake. Mrs. Norman Pinch. Archie with a card party at the Mr. AI! Brown vislted his Mrs. E. C. Ashton who isflow home of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon mnother, Mrs. H. Brown. Toronto. living in Maple Grove, is at her Martin and also sort of said hello Mrs. Brown and Jack had tea an hme n. an Mskl.. J kevstot Mr. and Mrs. Van Leeuwen. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. ohvillevr eead Mn. and Mrs. Hendry were pre- od Mr.andMrs Orill Grer ndsented with a smoking stand and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coppin and baby, Oshawa. electric kettie respectively and Paul, Oshawa; Mr. and Mn.. H. Master Dav'id Benham wha Archie with a wallet. There is Cryderman and family, Maple came home from the Oshawa some consolation in the fact that Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bas- Hospital, three weeks ago Wed- the Hendrys are maving just ta kerville. nesday, is looking well andi im- Orono which ien't far. Mrs. proving. He gets around in a Hendry also wvon the high prize In actual lite every greaý en- wheel chair, and is now trying for the ladies at euchre and Mr. terprise begins with and takes out his crutches. Geo. Stephenson the men's. its fîrst forward step ini faitb.- Lunch was served by the commit- Schlegel. ~ tee, Mr. andi Mns. W. Adams,Mr ZION (Hope Twp.> and Mrs. W. Holmes and Mr. and ________Mrs. G. Martin. Mrs. McHolm, Morrish, has Miss K. Riches visited friencis been visiting in the neighbour. at Peterbonough. hood. Mr. andi Mrs. Robin Alldred Miss Gwen Joncs cntertained a visited Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Hen- fcxv of ber fricnds at a corn roast derson, Newtonville. _________________ at her homne Fniday evcning. Mr. andi Mrs. E. Vienkotter, To-I Church service next Sunday, September 24th, is withdrawn in favour of Weslcyville Anniver- sary services. Mrs. Stan Jones spent some timne with ber sistcr-in-law, Mrs.__ _ _Fai D e o tng S p le Ethcl Payne, Port Hope. F l e o a i g S p le ' BROWN'S Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. The laies! designs in wallpapers are now J. Hartwick (ne Doris Curson) r on flic safe arrivaI af their io daughicr in Toronto.onh d lprcs Honeyvs with seve present. A- Stili a number of remnanis ai a ter the bsns dainty lunch waq served by the hostess. The ne-,xt meeting at the home of Mrs. geirdcin T. Wilson on October llth. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee and ALSO THE FAIMOUS famiily, Scarboro, visited Mn. and S P B E D S A T 1 N iMus. Cro. Stephenson. SK8 i\li." Jo.vce Averv entertaineci a fex of lier fricnds on Monday Ask us about it. Just the thing for new plaster, ùvenine, the occasion being ber any roomn and really washable, in ail colors. birthda v. Mr. andi Mrs. Russel McNeil, Aiso flat, semni-gloss and gloss oil paints; Oshawva, visited Mr. and Mrs. CsiiPit n ytxadDae o Robert Graham. aen ansadGpe an Drnxfo Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HoneY have texture jobs. rcturned from Fenclon Falls. Window Blinds - Floor Cleaners and Wax Hippo Oil - Shellac and rnany other things. TIME TABLE COME IN AND SEE US CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, SEPT. 24, 1950 B b r eh Full informatioxi fromn agents. ]PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE - 85KING ST. W. PHONE 431 r * I A~ Ask a Plymouth owner about Plymouth VALUE!1 Enthusiastically he'Il tell you about the many Plymouth features that anc giving him mone for his mony-Iike Safety-Rim Wheels for extra blow-out pnotection-brakes that have a reputation fon safty-casy, ignition.key dtarting that gets you under ivay in seconds-an Automatie Electrie Choke that saves fuel and takes the "guesswork" out of ehoking-and rnany othen Chryslen-engineered features; He'll tell you liov Plymouth styling combines beauty witb utility - gives neal comfort with plenty of head and legroom. Then, you too ivili agnee that Plymouth is packed wiLh VALUE . ;and cau cerainly proi>e iti PLYMOUTH LIKEIS TO DE COMPARED 1 SE I NOW DRIVE E . 1.COMPARE 1IT1 - AND PROVE 70 YOURSELF THAT THE ROOMY, SMOOTH-RIDINO PLYMOUTHI4 1 STILL THE GREATEST VALUE 0F ALL PALMER 20 King St., E. MOTOR lowmaiiville ANN PAGE-WHTE op BROWN MU.K DR IBUX SLICED CUSTOM GROUND DOKAR COITIE ANN PAGE PEAlUT BUTTER LIBBY'S TENDER KING GREEN PMAS 2 A&P CHOICE TOMATIOES &2 A&P FANCV TOMATO lUNCIH YORK BRANDO liRISH TelW IONA <Potn Added) JAN STRAWBERRY SHIRRIFFS GOOD MORNINO MAIRMADE WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE BREAKFAST CEREAL VITA "B,' RENNET POWDERS JUNKET SHO RTEN ING JEWIL SWIFT'S SHORTENINC &WUTNING SALES Phone 487 Lama 77 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO . pAar TWMTTM ib. elo IMM., mommm 21,1950 0 À