Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1950, p. 6

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PAGE SIX "On. Good Turn Doserves Another" Tic aid adage "One good turu deservesanuotier" ilusheopworn aud wenry, and yet it continues te stand the test of time as illus- trated by a git ai £956 ($2,676.80) donated by employeca ai Tic Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Com- pnany, Wolverhampton, Engiaud, ta tice Manitoba Flood Relie! Fund. Chrietmas cakes sud donations talieviate tic misery and lasses suffered by victima ai tic Red lU1ver Flood, nxay nat seem ta bave muci ln camman, but tiey fonm tic basis o! tuis gift fram England. A letter from W. A. Hazlett, managing director o' Goodyear- E-nglaud . rends lu part : "Tic veny fine spinit exiibited by Goodyear1 employee in Canada et Chisit- mas in 1948 and 1949, by cantni- buting thiinChristmas gifts for fnuit cakes ta be funisicd ticir feilow workers in aur plant icre at Wolverhamptonu ms elways been very greatly apprcciatcd by aur entire personnel . "In retumu for tuis fine gesture and expression ai goodwill, aurt people icre recently praposedt tint wc pool aur Christmas shill-t Ings wiici wauld be faticomingt at Christmas, 1950, and contributes tice mount ta tic funds bcingc raiscd for tic benefit o! tic Can-q adieu flood victims.h "Tuis proposai met witi unan-Y hniaus appraval and as a result e cheque in tue amount ai £956 hes been forwardcd ta tic Sccrctaryb of tic Canadien Flood end Finea R~elief Fund lu London . . . e Lions Club (Coutinuud from Page One) r ciosing bours, credit and ex- f change practices and apecified -holidays should be among ticira many concerna. P Adequate parking space should ] be provided for sioppers; store f fronts siauld be made atatvs ansd by-laws passed governing fr peddlcr piagues. Business men y lu tic Ciamben o! Commerce aiauld also encourage good will by visiting rural folks wio make a habit ai trading in their com- CI munity. Anotier question Mr. to McConkey put to Lions was, fe "Have your merchants tricd co- t q»eratively !inanced advcntising?" li "Advcrtising isn't just a blurt in ln tic newspaper," tic speaker tic aid, "'You have ta kcep perpetu- alhy 'golng' et tic public." Hie th à I SEED WHEAT W. have nmre excellent seed showing no evidence of sproutlng in CORNEL 595 and DAWSON'S GOLDEN CHAFF - Available immendlately - CERTIFIED No, 1 CORNEL 595 TREATED AGAINST ]JISEASE. Tou Reap What You Sow . . . So Sow The ]Beut Garnet Rickard PHONE 2813 'i Baby Needs Pablum and Pabens ~25c-50c Dextri Maltose 70c-$3.00 Casea ___ $ 1.35 Sobee ____$1.75 j & j Daby O011 6004$l.10 Meunen Powder- 28c-55c Z.B.T. Powder - 28e-5Oc 13& J Baby 011 - 60c-$1.70 Mennen Baby 011 59c-$1.10 NestIe'a Baby Hair Treatment $ 1.25 Dry Foid Diaper Cover 69e Baby Fauts --- 39c-59c-89c ]Pyrex Dotties 25C Xvenflo Nursing Unit..« 39e Bottie Warmers - $2.75 Baby Soas - - 15e go Drightl Fool Rightl TAEENO'S ILIVp -U ODY5e , 8 was ai tic Opinion that adverti ing paya dividends. "Publicity worth evemy cent you put inta it Mr. McConkey said. "It mcau money ta those who do," lie md cd. Clvie phiase This field oi Uic Chambert Commerce, in the estimation c the speaker wio faunded th Niagara Paeis Junior Chamberc Commerce and tic Ontario Lak Shore Erosion Associationc wiici lie la stili Presideut, ofiez tic widcst range ai endeavour. I orden ta stress the vaut possibili tics ai tic Civic phase he pose, tic foilowing questions: Are touniat attractions lu you town well knowu ta pnaspectiv tourists? Have you ettempted t edventise tese attractions? Ar, suitalile hoteis, taurist camp and good cafes availabie? Ar tic iighways leeding ta you tawrî properly marked so tha traveliers may find tic route tc a place they wish ta meaci? Hie stressed tic need for parka and piaygrounds, and tice dvise. bility o! a cammunity centre and adequate recreational. facilitica One o! the main points the Cham. ber o! Commerce siould intenesi itself in was poscd in tic ques. tion, "Have you sufficient sciaook ta teke cane ai tic needs a! theu town? Are tiey safe and saul tary?"- Is Uic Municipal water systcm large enaugi ta take cane o! emergencies? Is tiere ade. quete scwagc disposai? "Finally,'1 he said, "are you setisfid with youn Civic gaverument?" Agnicultural Phase Under tuis section, tic Cham- ber o! Commerce siould set up a cammittee ta study tic ferm- ers' needa and et tic same time, uffer a co-operative body wbo in coni unction witi farm organ4w ations, eau advance agriculture] .nterests in tic surnounding dist- rict. Markets siould be catablîsicd for tic sale o! farm products. If a tawn has a market wierc farm people cen seli produce locally, icey will tend ta siop in tic narket town. "If you want tic farmera' trade," Mn. McConkey aid, "ensure that tiere lsaa fiendly feeling bctween uni and 'aur citizens."1 Provincial aud National Aitiaugi tic main concern of a Chamber o! Commerce is tic Lwn and district, Mr. McConkcy ailt tint au attractive organiza- ion, as a soundinq board for pub- ic opinion. siauld endeavoun ta Ifluence bath provincial andn- aonal legisiation. He told Lions club members fat every Board o! Trade on w, Raz-Mah Caps. 600431.25435. Gluco Fedrin ______ 90 Prîvine 75o Duke Fingard Treatment ___ $__ 7.95 Refi _____ 20 Ailergitabe 10-25 Lantigen 11E"»-- S6.00 Aqueoua Nose Draps _ 50e 4-Pint Thermos - 3-- 1.25 Pint Thermos . -3.0-1 Quart Thermos $2.50-33.50 Lunch Kits - --___ 9e Snaptlte Corks _-__S2e MACLEAN YOUR TEETH TO YOUTHFUL BRILLIANCE.1 The. spedal ip.l d ayst.ks w*ftM Moshe., Teef k Peu. R.gtaloe ~. 29~ loenooiicoI large ii£. 47Ç Hay Fever FIy Sprays FIry Toi ___ 29c-50e-85c Fly Tox Bonsb____ .6 Fut c-9cBridteport Bosnb ___ l - Baby Scales for Reni - Pu" OJWLING'S DRUG STORE 095 uT USSES riiü lII MRAT IN WAI( UN UKUNK AND UNSAFE DRIVINU Department of Highways Helps Police Nab Illegal and Dangerous Road IJsers The motoring careera of reckiesa, carelesa or drunicen drivers are being cut short more and more of ten these days by Intensive governnent effortsa to get such drivers off the roads and keep them off. To help spot and apprehend such offenders the Departnient of High- ways worlcs band ln glove wth provincial andj municipal police. Provincial PollÀc. pursuing a dangerous vehicie can f md out ln a mnatter of minutes 6whatever Io known at the Depart- ....... .::~'ment of Highways Records Office a u te ofnngvehiclean t owne r. This means that If the owner already bas a record of convictions wtiich resulted ln suspension of bis permit, the police can Immedlately take over bis vehicle. The time required to nab aimost fly kind of criminal ln Ontario bas been lasbed iu recent years by the Provincial Police radio network. Day and niight staffs of the Departmcnt of lghways Motor Vehicle Office are connected wth the network by direct telephone line. Heavy sum- mer traffic doubles the work of al wbose jobs are connected witti en- ~ --...-- ..forcement of traffie safety laws. ~ In the first haîf of this year 6,558 motor vehicle permIts were sus- pended by the. Department of 11gh- ways-more than 1,000 every month. * When an accident taken place ln Constable John Floos here radios connection With an off ence iuch as permit number, location and course apeecling, reckless, carelesa or ef offender'a vehiele to district duie rvnfiigt tpa heaiquartm r tthe provincial rne rvg.fin tsopat police. Information ta instantiy re- a designated tbrough atreet, sus-É ayed ont two ways., to the patrol pension of vehIcle owner's permit car neit ahead. snd te Queen's and driver's licena. follows auto-r Park, Toronto. matlcally on conviction, along witb Authorities keep a sharp lookout for drivera 1ke this who do crazy things that menace other peopil' livea. Here the camera caught one potentiai suicide (or homicide) ln the act of breaking almoat every ruis ln the bock - paading on a hiUl, on a curve, and Ignoring the aoild white lino down the middle of the highway. ottier penalties. Suspensions last matioally forfeited ta the. Crown. for varymng periode, depending on The car of a druxik driver la im. the offence, but ln iüo case is a new pounded by police et the time of permit ever granted until the of- arrest. On conviction of drunk fender has flled proof of financial driving, the permit and license are responsibflity. Frequently, after a then suspended for three, six, or period of suspension, a new driving twelve months for first, second and test must lie passed before another subsequent offences. If an accident driver'& license is granted. happens in connection with the. Il anyone operatea on a public offence the suspension period la road any vehicle wbule its permit la doubled: six months, one year or auspended, the vebicle là auto- two years, for successive offences. The opcràtuà at Station VF9Z, Quecn'a Park hub of the provincial police Druuk drivera are iocked vp snd se 're their cars. Aboya, (JpL Barry radie network, communicatea imxnedately by direct 'elephone une ta the FaMril of provincial police locha car to avait tow truck whlle Constable E.eerdlug Office, Notor Vehieles Branch, Departmnent of Highvays. Above, John Flou escorta the driver lnto police crulser. Police Wif impound car Marjorie Park«. e? Departusent o! Rithways finda that a n-amber referrcduntil motaniat la tried. If hisi permit bad siready been suapended because te her belongs te a permit that has a big red sticker on It Msaig ef a previons offence, his car wofiid this tîme be forfeif cd 1t lio Crw "SUSPENDED . Withln seconds, Police giving ebase te t"lseur viiihma automaticali>. Later, lt vould bh oibd vltiout compensation to thi. bw radio thèt St hbu n.euiit taeb. on the rosi at aIL.ifendlnt evuer.. PHONE 811 BOWMANVILLE KINO ST. W. 'I AI 'i la- Chamber of Commerce ahould ap- McConkey aid that "lIt is a Wise la Point a comuitte ta atudy bath Ciamber of Commerce Secretay t," provincial and national legisia- who havlng enliated as nmy ser h a le f O i e l r =s tion thoraughly, lu order to bet- vice club members as possible in Id- ten reccive Uic opinion af local hits organization, capitalizes upon business and lndustry on relat- their trainng sud preparation This la thc atory of Oliver saiary every week, and Oliver tive mattera. ta work with their feilow tawns- Blurb, the common man. hoped he would live long enough of Chamber »ltory men inx enterprises; that benefît Oliver wasn t muci Hlia namne ta collect on the social security. of With thc origination of Mediae- ail." neyer aPPeared in the headlines Tien the government decided he vil Guilda, the basis for present Lion Gardon Elliott thanked Mr. or on tic police Motter. He ft would make thinga easy on of day Boards ai Trade and Cham- McConkey for vlaitixxg thc club neyer rau for public office or Oliver by permitting hlm ta pay ke bers of Commerce was laid. Mer- and deivering "a very iutercat- appcared lu a breadline. Hia lits incomne texi every week, in- of chanta, artisans and skilled crafta- îng and helptul address." He greateat attainmient in public life stead of paying titnx a lump sum ýrs mcen arganized in an effort to toid Uic speaker that hlm power waa to serve as a deacan in hus at tic end ai tie year. That In protect bath employer and lem- of rhetoric was exceptional and church for 22 years. iooked pretty good ait first, but i- ployec; ta preserve a standard afi htintolie ctainly was not in necd Oliver lied worked for tic tirne wcnt on sud the weckly ln- d workmanship; ta negotiate for af an extensive Carnegie course. sanme firm for mQre than a quan- corne tax "dc-duct" grew by leapa botter terms af barter, and ta de- Pres. Nelson Osborne thanked ter af a oentury, addlng up neat and bounda. Oliver sat down one Jr velop domestie industries. Some hlm for is visit aiea. ,We've littie columuis Oai figures and day, did some iiguring, and dis- ie British Guilds are still operative. cnjoycd youn taik," hc aaid, "and transferning them ito fat littie covered he was paying three Or to In Switzerland, present day Corn- one thing the Chamber ai eCom- icdgens. four times as uxuch in income e mercial Guilds boat -a hletory merce dld here, was to Put acros Oliver was steady. lie neyer'taxes as he was wieu hie paid over 400 yeara aid. a g et out and vote camnpaign. I appeared at work wti a hang- them ina lump sum. re Tic Chamber ai Commerce wa believe aver 85 per cent af the over. Hie never asked for an ad. "The 'de-ducts' are gettiug1 ir iutroduccd in France and otier votera used thein ballot in the vance on hlm aalary. He seldom me." Oliver muttered ta himsclf. t Parts of Europe lu the middle ai last civîc election."1 askcd for a raise. Neventhelesa "Now, l'in beginning to uraden- to th 17t cenury.Thei devlop-he. got a maise now and then, for stand who's footing tie bill on m ten thenure y Tii devp- Oliver was an efficient workman. this stuf!." Serniments, was supparted by in- Back To School On thc 25th annivcraary of bis But still thc Politicians, social corn derved romthe iceningemployment with tic firm, tic workcrs, sud tic big-dome pro- - cme erxed ro tiliensngbossa tirew a banquet for Oliver fessons in their ivory towers dao local merchants and manu- (Contlxxued from Page One) and prcacntcd hlm with a watch. wept for Oliver Blurb, thc com-. fatuer.huge signa "Get Rcady for Back "Oliver is tic sait of the carti," mon man. Even more iad ta be L_ Tic voluntary organizations we to School." And tic students tic boas told tic aasembled au- donc for him. Thc government1 it call Boards o! Trade and Cham- tYt ojs ht ine tesi fteerh, uhdit h reh 1- bers af Commerce today, aretrtadjutta.dnctisatiticat" ruednttcbech ,witiout government affiliation. This Ycar there. will be more Even tiaugi he was honored, First it had to do sometiingc lTic Anglo-Saxon race brougit pupils tian lever before, a good Oliver did flot cane too muci for about Olivcr's healti, aithough thern Into existence in tic latter proof tint thc Population of tic tic attention tic boss and uis Oliver had neyer been sick a day2 ýrPart afihe 8th century. Canada Town o! Bowmanville and dist- fellow employeca ahowened upon in his life, tic government in-1 lhad a siare in their carîy îîstory. rict la on tic increase. Boti pub- hlm. He was even icas impress- sisted ie necded compulsory In tic BritshIles, organiza- lic sciools icre Wiil l e fillcd ta cd witi tic fact tiat he had, iealti insurance. Tiat took an- tions o! tuis nature came into be- capacity, witi ail tic Kindergant- tirougi tic course o! tic years, other wiack out of Oliver's pay,c àing around 1750. In tic United en children attcnding tic Ontario becomne a matter ai officiai con- aîthougi he was satisfied witi States the organization o! like as- Street Sciool and tic grade cîgît- cern af tic govcrnment. tic icalti insurance he alrcadyc sociations quickly !ollowed tic crs at tic Central Sciool. Tic Politiciens wept for Oliver on hall. formation o! New York State in otier chilîdren from grades anc to public platfarms and lu tic great Tien tic government dccidcd 1768. seven are divided so tint ail tiose halls ai tic nation's capitol. Mobs Oliver nccded more education, 50 It was araund 1750, too, tiat south sud east o! Division and o! social workers, gatiered in con- it kicked up is incarne tax aa an organization known as tic As- King Streets attend tic Ontario ventions and discussed Oliver's littie bit ta pay foc tiat.t socaton ortheBeefi o TrdeStreet achool and tic rcst go to life from ail angles. Men witi Tien came more social secur- socitio forticBenfit ! Tade Central school. Tic gymnasiums big dames in tic nation's univer- ityto ak antr"ddu" was formed in Halifax. At ticah ahei swîlb sda iie eic oioytoesadfo Olie' ay.hr"d-ut tumu o! tic century, members o!fcasarthoo wra se a steretdtomesot oler's dfTmive tic o t cam this Trade Associatian were in- ssoos rta ettumsabotin hfs h e govemnmetcarn strumental in tic formation a! At tic Higi Scicol tic prob- sn tic inameo! ie r ubtirougi witi a plan to give tic Boards o! Trade and Chambers of lem o! accommodation once marc tic common man, many tîings common man à brand ncw house, l Commerce in Quebcc and Mont- croppcd up and tic serlous situ- wer ocGetdmhn iici took anotici' suce off mea. tin adexprt sumcd But cm projects rose in tic wiîderness. Olivcr's pay. And in final tribute Today, aven 200 Canadian comn- finally thcy came tirougi witi Wîiîc sections o! cities wcere tomn to Oliver Blurb, tic common man,b munities have active Boards o! a decision. Tic Piysics and down and rcbuilt in Olivcr's Congress adopted a compulsory i Trade and Chambers of Corn- Cicmistry moons will be uscd as name. Wiat were formerîy bra insurance law, wiici add- s merce. Over 650 o! tic latter regular class moins, thus provid- samswcre turned intocte d anotier "dc-duct." serve Canadians from coast to ing tic extra spece so badly nced- complete witî stores, scîooîs, One day as he was sitting inx P Coast. cd for tic extra classes tiat will parks and recreation areas. Tiere Ils office addîng up tic "de- s Contlictlng Opinion be at tic achool. was even a plan to harness tic ducts" tiat iad been taken from f Even last ycar ticre was tic tides and make them work for his pay, Oliver Blurb suddenlyw Mm. McConkey, a Pat Presi- saine problemn, sud as a resuit, Oliver, tic common man. feintcd and fcîl off his stool. i dent o! tic Niagara Lions club, fith form, tic sciool's salleat Sometimes wien Oliver iookcd His fchlowepoyc usc i tol tc owanlhl cubtit orm, composed o! cigiteen mcem- about and sew wîat was going ta tic iospitel, but by tic time hi some People believe tint service bers, was movcd into tic library on, he would siake his icad and tiey cut tirougi tic red tape o! w clubs tend to encroach on Cham- for two montis to provide space say, "Weil, it's ail migîty fine, compulsory icalth insumance and eý ber af Commerce activities and in tîcir old class room for an- but'it co ts a lot o! moncy." iad 14 reams o! printed forms 8E ticreby wcaken its influence and otier third form. Finally two "Don't sgive i eodcmltd ad sgcOie redceit reene.small cloakrooms were convent- thougit,"' he was told. "It doesn't Blurb was dead. In order ta reccive a definite cd into one smaîl cless room, in cost you anytiing. Tic govcmn- Asoiledocrlokdvr statement on tic issue, tic speak- which fifth formi spent tic rest ment pays for it." tic orpsc nd sd:o okdoe noalew.t sevvc lbexea inter-o cya. But Oliver Blurb, althougi he "This man dicd o! malnutrition, natonl eric cubexcuivs. So it's back ta aciool for you didn't amount ta mnucb, kncw îe apparentîy iasn't had enougi Hua replies werc as follows: Ro- ahl on September fifti. At tic something about fgrs n actfraya. toa itrntional: "Ronth en- ig c il tic Principal and wicn he looked et hus pay-cie ck lIn time, Oliver's compulsory couagbesifsmmerceto oi ticTe r i ll wclcome Grade caci wcek, ic rcalizcd tic "de-bna nuacewsivkd n Ciabe o Cmmeceo!tiirXI, XII and XIII students at nine ducta" wcrc gctting iim. -n its flw worknes st up anbd camnt n oprtcpt namwhile grade IX and X stu- first spasm o! breat beating over flo okr e pamrl its affaira." Lions International dents will be wclcomcd et 1;30 Oliver, tic govcmnmcnt had ad- manken on uis grave. It rcads: wrote: "Every Lion siould affili- P.m. Happy Sciool Days! opted e social sccurity îaw to HERE LIE THE BONES 0F ate with tic Charnier o! Comn- protcct Oliver in uis old ege and OLIVER BLURB, merce; cvery Lions Club should during periods o! unempîoymcnt. THE COMMON MAN. ca-operate with tic Chamber a! Ticre arc many times and cir- But Oliver had neyer been un- "THE 'DE-DUCTS' GOT HIM"I Commerce." cumstanccs in life whcn "Our cmploycd, so he neyer collectcd (Editorial from tic St. Petersburg, Observing tint tiese arganiza- strcngti is, toasit still".-Tryon on tint. Neverthless, tic gov- Fla.,. "Evening Independent," in tions encourage affiliation, Mr. Edwards. enment took a whack etis tice"Brooklyn Tablet." - GO BACK TO SCHOOL ON A BRAND NEW -~ C. C. M. Bicycle Colourful Modela - In Ail Sizes SEE:- Mike Osborne YOUR C.C.M. DEALER Imperial 011 Service Station 84 King St. W.-v11 Phone 897 RADIO SPECIAL!!B a HeipleasDollars BY Zoaeph Lister RqUiedgo Quito receutly, The Letter-Ra 'view, published lu Fort Erie, r. mmnded us of a rather strange ut. terance of Hon. Paul Martin. We are sure that Mr. Martin would noi speak loosely nor. knowingly, tc the disadvantage of Uic govern. ment. So we muet -assume thal he belleved that he had a very potent argument. He srtated that admittlngz an average hourly wage rate of $ 1.00 It would take thei fuil-time effort of 500,000 persoa to provide the gaodsi that woulc be purchased by the welfare dol- lars distributed by government. There is no doubt lu the world that Mr. Martin exPected a neal burst of applause to follow sucli an evidence of created demand. Most probably it was accepted in just the spirit lu which Mr. Mar- tin had offered It and then every. one went away feeling a warn glow of approbation. Didn't this represent work for better than one-tenth of Canada's entire work- ing force? And wasn't tiis pros- perity? What is wrong with this picture doesn't appear on the surface. It spnings from Mr. Martin's prob- ably quite honest, failure ta ex- plain that rnoney, flot even gov- ernment money, is anything of itself. To what use, for instance, can YOu Put a dollar bill, oraail. ver fifty-cent piece, except ta ex- ch ange it for something you could Put to practical use? Then there is the fact, whîch Mr. Martin also neglected to mention, thnt thc ability o! the dollar to buy a cer- tain set amount o! gooda depends on the fact that there must be at least enough goods to balance the dollars. Looking at it another way, what you are really spending la the effort that you exerted to earn the dollar, an effort that resulted in certain benefits. If you are a brick-layer, a carpenter or a plasterer, the dollar represented so many bricks laid, or beams hung or so many feet of wail plastered. You are trading one sort of benefit for another bene- fit. Mr. Martin's 500,000> were wvorking, it is true, and being paid, it i5 true, but thc dollars that paid them had not laid any bricks, or hung any beams or prepared any walls. In the ordinary course of events, evcry time a dollar chan- ges hands it represents some in- Six tube combination radia and phonograph, thrce-speed record changer in mahogany, w "nut oelr lond9o50 SPRegula- $169.50 SPECIALs - $ 69.5 SaesYu $0O - EaT rIS Apjiliance & Furniture Iowmanviile Irookdale Roses 2:30 P.M. Saturday, Septeinher Znd AND IUonday, September 4th 2:30 P.M. HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS (BO WMAN VILLE)1 DULTS - 35c CHILDREN - lOc BOWMANVILLE KINGSTON ROAD EAST ijniario Basebail Association PLAYOFFS Whitby "I eANADMN -qTATUIL«, BOWMANVM=, ONTAIUD 1 HURSO DCTO t It la our opinion that the cdu- cation machine siould have more spouta, if chldren are ta be taugit ta cern a living for them-. selves. Truc tiere arc more spauts, or outlets, ta University educetion, but tic great majorlty ai paesca cnot afford ta aend ticir cidren to University. More outiets could be providcd in J union higi achool, perticularlyto teaci agriculture. and et leat some af tic trades. Teke tie trades, for instance, a boy or girl haa to as trougi their achool yers and its academic education, and tien atart ahi aven ta icamu tic job in wiich ticy hope ta get a living for tieniselves. Our educational machine. wit1- its single spout, la dcsigned "blow" its produce rigit into thw»' already aver-crowded c it ieza, wiere conditions are bard to "niake a livinx." Mare agnicultural sud trade subjects would have n tcndency ta kcep more students in rural areas.-Langley, B.C., Adnce, The' Siaiesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dycr'a Drug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Waltou's, Newcastle. Wilson & Brown, Ncwtouvillc. T. M. Slemon, Enniskilien, F. L. Byam, Tyrone.' G. A. Barman, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Bunketon. Wm. Hackwood, PontypooL H. T. Saywchi, Blackstack. C. B. Tyrreil, Onono. H. K, Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Begneil, Jury & Lavdil Saves You $60.00 PHONE 811 1 ýDULTS - 35e CHILDREN - 10e 'NOEOAT, AIGUS? 311,Iwo' there are more of thesa goodsa nd services for other dollars to buy. But the government dollar hagnI't produced anything; hasn't earned or been earned. So it haan't reb sult.ed ini more goods. It h only resulted in more d=11n for what 800dm there are. Not qnly the 500,000 who Mr. Martin suggests have benefited directly. but ail Canadiana, will have t pay a littie more, because the dollars coming to the 500,00o do flot corne bearing their sheaveà with them. Like tired parla- mentarianu they have Just beeu lookers-on.."W INTERMEDIATE FIA##

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