Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1950, p. 14

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BRING YOUR-"rCSAN MESSAGE BEFORE JU~ffS~~ V-IIU 2000 READ£RS tCS3cEA ___ __ __ ___ _ S N p'Uo~ BIRTH COATS-Mr. and Mrs. Coats an- ounce the birth ef a son, a brother for Ann Beverly, Edward Lionel. 27-1 ENGAGEMENTS SMrs. Max Stapleton, Newcastle, qwishes te announce the engage- nment of ber eldest daughter, Ève1yn Nancy, te Tracy John EFrbiey, son ef Mrs. John, Embley, Xewcastie. The marriage will ;Ake place on Saturday, July 29. 27-1* Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burdett, Providence, announce the engage- ment ot their eidest daughter Aarbara Anne te Grant Water thertell, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Therteli, Bowmanviile. The wedding will take place at irrinity Church, Bowmanvilie, July 22nd, at 2 o'clock. 27.1* Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMul- ien, Janetville, announce the en- gagement of their eider daughter, Marian Ada, te William Donald Edmunds, son of Mrs. Ross Ed- munds, and the late Mr. Edmunds, Miiibrook. The marriage will take place Saturday, July 22, at the home of the bride's parents. 27-1 The marriage ef Miss Kathleen (Kaye) Roberts, Montreai, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Roberts, te Gardon Thomas Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall, Montreal, has been arranged te take place quietiy on Juiy 22nd in Montreai. The groom is a graduate in Mechanical Engineer- ing, MeGill University, Class of 150. 2711 * DEATHS BAGNELL-In Oshawa Generai Hospital, an Tuesday, Juiy 4th, 1950, Charles W. Bagneil, beloved husband of Kate Bagneli. Fun- erai from his late residence, 113 King St. E., Bowmanville, for service Thursday, July 6th at 3 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 27-1 BIRD-In Bowmanviile, on Fni- day, June 3th, 1950, Marjonie Grace Alldread, beloved wife of J. Bird, aged 48 years. Funeral Ifromi family residence, 34 George Street on Sunday, July 2nd at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cerne- tery. 27-1 )POSTER - Suddenly at bis late jresidence, 37 Ward St., Port Hope, Tuesday, July 4th, 1950, Freder- Ick Charles John Foster, beioved husband et Florence Thompson, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Fester of Bowrnanviiie, age 59 years, 2 days. Funeral service at the above address Thursday, July 6th at 2 p.rn. Intermient Bowmanville Cernetery. 27-1 ï ONES - At bis late residence, ewtonville, Ontario, Tuesday, ;uiy 4th, 1950, Samnuel Robert Jones, husband et the late Clara Ann Truscott, in bis 94th year. Funerai service at the residence, Newtonvilie, Thursday, July 6th at 4 p.m. Interment Lakeview Cemetery. 27-1 IN MEMORIAM CARTER-In loving memory of our dear son and brother, F/O. Roy Carter, who was killed on active service in Holand, July 9th, 1944: Sweet te remember him who once was here, And who 4hough absent is just as dear; There is a ink death cannot * sever, Love and remembrance last forever. -Always remembered by Mther, Dad and famiiy. 27-if POTTER-In ieving memory of' aur dear daughter and sister who passed away July tb, 1948: No. morning dawns, no nigbt *returns, But that I tbxnk of y'ou; These left behind are very dear But none replaces yau. -Ever remernbered and sadly miAed-byMom.DadBohr COMING EVENTS Round and Square dancing every Friday night at Geneva Park. Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Admission 50c; 24-4* GARTON COACH LINES: Special buses from Bowrnanville te Lind- say and return on July 12th. For information Phone 2666. 27-1 The Werry Pienic wiil be held at Hampton Park, July 15th. Corne bring your baskets for din- ner and tea. Ernest Larmer, Pres. 26-2 Donkey Basebali, Newcastle Lions versus Clarke Township Al-Stars. Reeve Ted Woodyard, manager, Friday, July i4th, New- castle Park. 27-1 Companions et the Forest wvil hoid a euchre Tbursday July 6th The next euchre in September. 27-1 Newcastle Rinkette Jamboree, Fniday, Juiy 7tb, Community Hall grounds:- booths, refresbments, Studebaker draw. Orono Band in attendance. Ail praceeds for Memorial Arena. Silver collec- tion. 27-1 CARDS 0F THANKS I would like ta thank aIl those who sent me cards and fruit; aise special thanks ta Bowman- ville Hospital staff who were so kind ta me during my stay. Jim Woadley. 27-1 Te the comrnunity et Hamptan we wisb te send aur thanks and appreciatian et the lovely trilight and table given us onJuly lst. Joyce and Ed. Fitzgerald. 27-1* 1 wish te thank my many fnîends and neighbours for gifts of flowers, plants, candy, etc.; also for the beautiful cards and letters I received during my recent il]- ness. Mrs. Lewis Wood. 27-1* The Women's Memerial Park Auxiliary wish te thank all those who attended the euchres and made them such a success. Thanks to Mrs. Coyle, Mrs. F. Tharnpson, Mrs. Therteli, Mrs. Lance Plain, Mrs. P. Luxton, Mr. Earle Luxton for prizes donated. 27-1 I wish ta express my apprecia- tien and thanks ta my many triends, the School Board, the Home and Scbool Club, the Odd Felaws and Rebeccas for the many cards and flowers sent ta me while in the hespital in Ta- rente; aise for persenal visits at the hospitai. Herb lq. Scott. 27.1* Mrs. D. H. Vannatto and tam- ily wish te expréss ta triends and neighbburs, Rev. Bunt, Drs. Mac- Neil and Tharnpson, sisters and nurses et Peterbore Hospital who were se klind te him in his recent illness, their sincere thanks and appreciatien for the niany acts af kindness and syrnpathy, floral tibutes and cards received in the loss et g dean husband and father. '27-1* Jack Bird and tamily wish ta extend their sincere thanks ta their many friends, relatives and neighbours for their kindness, sympatby and beautitul floral tri- butes received during their recent sad bereavement. With special thanks te Dr. C. W. Siemon and the Rev. S. R. Hendersan for his consoiing words during Marjorie's long iiiness: also the nurses who were se kind during Marjorie's long period of iliness. 27-1* Notices Dr. Sterey's office will be clased June 28th ta Aug. 8th. 24-6* Dr. Rundle's office will be closed tram June 3th ta Aug. 2nd inclusive. 25-3 The office of Owen Nicholas Fuels wili be closed tram July lSth te 29th. 27-2 Dr. Keith Siemon's office will b closed for holidays tram June 2th to July 9th inclusive. 25-3* Art-icles For Sale 24 BASS piano accordion, Hoh- ner, $30. 'Phone 2760. 27-1 TWO tractor tires 10-24. Phone 2882 Bowrnanvilie. 27-1* CONGOLEUM rugs anud yard gaods available in rnany colaun- tul patterns at Morris Ce. 17-tf 100 POSTS, 40c each; also '34 Fard coach, $150. Douglas Tay- lor, Burketon. 27-1* 1947 CHEV. coach, runs anîd looks like new. Art's Car Market. Phone 2148. 27-1 ELECTRIC steve, with sheif on back. Mrs. V. Jeffery, Phone 748. 27-1 FRIGIDAIRE-large size, General Motors, like new. Mrs. Breslin, Phone 436 or 854. 27-1 WASHING MACHINE - electric, good condition. Phone Mrs. Bres- lin, 436 or 854. 27-1 1934 CHEV. coach, in good con- dition. $300 cash. James Smith, Middle Road, Phone 2015. 27-1 1941 MOTORCYCLE, 74 Indian. James McLaughiin, Phone 2296.« 27-f MASSEY-HARRIS 101 Jr. Trac- tor, in perfect condition. R. T. Currelly, Phone Clarke 2934. 27-1 DOUBLE bed, spring and Mar- shall inner spring mattress. Phone 740. 27-1 CASE wire-tying pick-up baler, with auxiliary mater. Phone 594 or 2833. 27-1 DINING-room suite for sale, 9 pieces. Phone Mrs. Breslin, 854 or 436. 27-1 75 year-old LEGHORN hens; aise boy's bicycle with accessories. Phone 3352 evenings. 27-1* HAY for sale, about 18 acres, wil divide. H. J. File, Newtonvilie. 27-1 1939 PONTIAC coach, re-condi- tioned motor. Art's Car Market, Phone 2148. 27-1 1937 CHEV. coach, good condition, ne knee action. Phone 617. 27-1* WHIZZER motorbike, in good condition. Phone Bowmanvilie 2281. 27-1* PRAM, English style, in good condition. Apply 70 Church ý;t. 27-1* TABLE model, 3-burner ceai ail stove; aise girl's bicycle. 33 « Temperance Street. 27-1* COAL ail steve with aven; aise a battery radio, in excellent con- dition. Phonje 2459. 27-1 SILO, 30x12, tangue and groove, in goad condition. Phone 2302. 27-1 1939 PONTIAC, black, sedan, four good tires, good running con- dition. Phone 2547 Bowrnanviile. 27-1* BEDROOM suite, excellent con- dition, attractive suite. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, Phone 434 Bowman- ville. 27-1 PLYMOUTH, 1933 sedan, and a1 1936 Dodge Custom sedan. Pal-1 mer Mator Sales, 20 King St. E.,1 Bowmanviile Phone 487. 27-1 1949 SPECIAL DeLuxe 6-passen- ger Dodge coupe, new car condi- tion, 10,000 miles. Write Box 422 c/o Statesman Office. 27-1' GUBNEY coal and wood range, white porcelain, nearly new; also1 kitchen buffet, white, lotnw Phone 225i6. 27-ostnew 7-PIECE- light dinette suite, buf- fet, china cabinet, extension table, 4 chairs with cream leather seats. Phone 2764. 27-1* EUREKA Vacuum Cleaners, tank models tram $39,50 up at Morris Ca. Phone fer free demonstra- tion. 17-tf 1948 CASE tracter, iights, starter, power take-off, puiiey, hydrauiic lift, in A-i shape. Pniced reason- ably for quick sale. 27-1* MAN'S Rolifast balloan bicycle; also 5/8 h.p. Johnson air-cooled. FIVE-tube Phonola batteny radie, with battery pack; gasoline iamp with fancy globe and also Vic- trala. Phone 2351. 27-1 1935 DODGE sedan, in excellent condition, many extras, original mileage. Stanley Snowden, Phone 2381, Maple Grave. 27-1* 1949 FORD Deluxe coach, with Articles For Sale 1935 FORD sedan, A-1 condition; coôlc steve with or without ail burners; 4-burner gas steve and a Q1iebec heater. 139 Elgin St. or Phone 3426. 27-1 GARDEN tracter (Empire) 3 h.p. with plowc disc cultivator and 36 inch mewer. All in good condi- tien, worked two seasons. $280. Phone Bowmanville 2720. 27-1* BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $ 18.00 a cord, sawed and delivered; ailse fence posts. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193-r-14. 13-tf BARRELS!!! STEEL BARRELS! $3.50 each BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanvilie 24-tf NEW and late model automobiles insured and financed. Dealer or private sales. Inquire about this low cost plan. Roy Lunney, 48 King St. W., Phone 565. 28-tf WRECKING 1930, 6 cyl. Durant, parts cheap; also 5 complete Model A wheels. Caîl Wilf. Blaney, house near C.P.R. station, Newcastle, after 6:30 p.m. 27-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, y7ard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf CONVERT your wagon wheels te rubber, compiete stock of steel rims, tires and tubes now avail- able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Corner King and Silver Sts., Phone 467. 16-tf 1942 DODGE club coupe, four new tires, two heaters and de- frosters, Air-Foam seats, in eut- standing Fhape throughout. $1075 or nearest offer. Phone 2981. 27-1 NEW and used hayloaders, side rakes. wili take good pigs in deal: Woods Co. combination freezers, stoves, rangettes, new Willys jeep tracter, $875.00. Phone Carl Todd, 15-20 Clarke. 27-2* 1935 CHEVROLET PICK-UP TRUCK recentIy overhauled, body and tires good - $250. 82 Elgin St. W.. Oshawa- The Canadian Siaiesman CLASSIFIED NDVERTISINC RATES Effective January 23, 1948 BIRTHs -DEATUS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS, $1.00 Per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus loc a Une for verses per insertion NOTICES COMING EVENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - WANTED ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (Min. 35c). Must be paid before insertion. If Charged: 3c a word (Min. 50C.) Add 25e extra for box numbers or replies directed te this office. (Additional Insertions at same rates) AIl Classified Ads Mfust Be In Not Later Than Noon Wednesday. Cash, stamps or money order with order to get low rate. - Clip This Out For - Handy Reference Real Estate For Sale SIX-room, storey and a haif laick and stucco home. Possession 35 Jane St. Phone 2749. 27-1 27-1I BUILDING lot, Brown Street, 42' _______________________-frontage by 70', with additional LINOLEUM hcadquarters in Osh- 90' x 100' adjoining at rear. Very awa an ditrct.Reolemi reasonable for quick sale. Tele- Cangoleums, Printed and Iniai d poe44Bwavle 7 Linoleum. Every pattern that's poe44 omnile 71 made, is available at Bradley's, IN Bowmanville, double brick 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2 -tf house for sale, 55 Elgin St., poss- IMMEDIATE delivery, Faiîbanks ession of anc side. Ail canven- Morse space heaters. Heat your iences. 5mai] down payment and home the safe, dlean economîcai rentai termis. E. and F. Sutton, way. Pay only $11.45 dawn at 1429 Kingston Road, Tenante 8. Bradley's Furniture and Appli- 18-tf ance Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa.FO Sae tDuatn, ea 2-t Woodiand's, 1l',2 acres apples and OIL bunners instalied, compiete 1 srnail fruits, 6 rom b ouse, insul- with anc year guarantee, $3.50.00 bric, eiectric ai-d good well in- and uR-for as littie as $35 down doors, conveniences, 3-piece bath, and 24 înonths ta pay. W. Len 1$3400 (hait cash). Terms arrang- Elliott, Plumbing, Heating nd cd. Letters onlytMs.ELai. *Sheet Metal, Bowmanviile, Phone R.R.2, Bowmanville. 27-1 3348. 26-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cail W. Len Eiliott, Heating, Piurnbing & Tinsmithing, Phon.e 3348. 26-tf BED, walnut panel, springs, mat- tress and dresser; chiffonier, en- amelied in pale blue, suitable for child's raom; nine-piece McGlag- an dining suite, in iovely condi- tion; also Findlay cook stove, in tain condition. 2 Concession St. W., Phone 908. 27-1* FOR Home Freezers, Mîlk Cool- ens, WashIng Machines, Ranges, service on milk coolers and mat- ors, that wiring job or anything electric. Trade - in or Terms. Consult Werry & Son Electrie, Dealers for Woods Eiectric Farm Equîprnent, Phone 2539 Bowman- ville. 23-6 ALL kinds et rneat, geod quality weiners, belagna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, satsage and hamburger. Darlington Pack- ing Ca., Hampton, Phone 2836; aise pick]ing, smoking and saus- age making. During the summer menths -- hog killîng on Tues- days and cattle at any time. 20-tf TEN - Pc. Living-room greups. Many colouns and style combin- atiens ta choose tram. Gnoups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- f ield Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Cottec Table, 2 Walnt End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inumn Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Termis te suit. Many other suites ta choosel tram. 2-tf BRAD)LEY Furniture Ce., 40 King St. W.. Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedrooni suites, $69.00: steel bcd outits, complete, $26,95; felt base floon cavering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ahl colons; 3 pe. alie¶ver veloun chesterfieid BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Speciai-$375.00, two room cot- tage, insul-brick, trame, ined kitchen cupboards, sink, easiiy moved. Suitable ta stant a home or cottage. Buy a lot and stant your home. $3,180 down-Brand new,.ultra- modern bungalow, six roamsail painted, beautiful h a r d w o a d floors, bot air automatie ail heat- ing. Air canditioning. Heavy wir- in«. Laundry tubs, 'electnic bot water heater, nubber tiied hall, kitchen and bathroom, full size cellar, divided, suitable for ne- creation room and warkshop. Pnice $8,300. Immediate possess- ion. North end eftotwn. $650 down - Cottage on East Beach, could be wintcnized, seven rooms, lurnished. Vacant. Pnice $2,650. Special-3-room bungalow, hydre, cellar, fruit trees, goed garden, lew taxes, weii, an Scugag Street, north end. Reduced for quick sale, $1 ,800. Immediate possess- ion. $2,000 dawn-Nice home, 5 rooms, bathroom on main floor, nice garden, an Ontario Street. Price $4,500. Restaurant - tish and chips, in Port Penny. Rent $46 per manth, including 4-reomed apart. Lease. Expensive equipment and fixtures included. Immediate possession. Pnice $3,700 complete. We have tarms fnom 4 acres te 200 acres, in ail price ranges. Bowmanville Real Estat 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachian Phone 3326 Bowmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 27-1 Articles For Sale Lost JUNE 27th, between public school and Lecken, blue tountain pen. Phone 578 befere 6. 27-1' TRUCK rack, between R. K. Squair's Îàrm and mine, via side road, between Lots 2 and 3, Dar- lington. L. A. Squair, Phone 2223. 27-1* BLACK leather billfold with sum et money, valuable papers, at Lions Carnivai, High School grounds, Bowmanvilie. Reward. Phone Bowmanville 2036. Mrs. Raymond Farrow. 27-1* LOST fram truck between Bow- manvilie and Pentypool, yeilow cat with white legs and white tip on tail. Generous reward. Any information concenning this an-' imal wouid be appreciated. Jean Coulter, Pentypool, Phone Betb- any 20r2. 27-2 Ed Wilson Says I'We can afford to e si for less ; -ne fancy location . . . ne high price rents!" Sec our beautiful turniture - check our low pnices and b. convinced. Our slogan: "People like te shep here.' -GIFTS - ]Beautiful EASY CHAIRS ln rich velour $39.00 Chrome Airplane SMOKERS $9.95 Genuine LA-Z-BOY CHAIRS Wlth Ottoman Beautiful covenings - Special Save $30 $79.50 Sprlng-filled STUDIO COUCH Special $39.50 Smart HOST CHAIRS %pring-iliied - Save $5 r $14.95 Attractive TABLE LAMPS $4.95 Sensational Scoops I .5-]Pc. Kroehier LIVING - ROOM OUTFIT $1 29.50 10-Pc. BELDROOM'GROUP Lovely watenf ail design, tînely tinished, set includes Vanity, Chiffonien, Bcd, Marshall Spring- fildMattness, Cable Spring, colourful bedraom Mat and 2 rnatcbing Boudoir Lamps and Shades. Camplete. $129.50 CHROME SETS 5-Pc. Chrome Set, Extension Table, 4 Chairs $56.50 Chrome KITCHEN CHAIRS While they iast $3.99 DOUBLE HOT PLATE Speciai $4.99 ICE REFRIGERATOR Gleamini White, Fully Insulated $37.75 3-Burne COAL-OIL T E 9!1A on -zyr rrneoera y wuitean YU î'jul!j en fon îîgnt machnenc reater, seat covers, A-I condition, 'suites, $149.00; n-pc. natural finish TRADE-IN - ice boxes, ail sizes, famiiy. 27-1' work. Appiy Paul H. Simpkin privately diven. Phone 761 or breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- $5.00 up; table top Westinghouse I7 . To Cabinet Ce., Bewmanviiie. 27-i apply 96'?_ Queen St. 27-1 filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-iight range, used ane yean, reg. $299, Convertible VVQnLeU To ent IHS ncspi o i EmaueadisalVnta lamps, compiete, $12.95; nangettes, for $200; Westinghouse combin- BABY PR.AIv HIG H S T rice p a d f r al . W m e sure and ins all ene ian ranges tram $59 00; 3-pc. allover ation radie, bnand new , w ith 3 W t h o e F n e »Y eideriy couple, srnall house kinds et mron and scnap metais:; Blinds. Phone Morris Ce. fer veleur bcd ehesterfield suites, speeds, reg. $199, for $149; Addi- Wt hoeFne pr atment. Write Bo, 423, aise live peuitny. Phone 239M12i estimates. We aise carry a comi- $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminstcn carpets, son combination radio, brand new, CerneSl dotatsaOfie Oshawa, reverse charges. 24.4* iplete stock of windew shades. geeCrlearrintlince .3spe cane, eg 23,eo /0 Sta 1 are dan OfnficeNB.rnnvi2e7o-1 a en - 17-tf $49.50, chenille bcd sprcads, $6.95; $149; ncw 6 cu. ft. Genenai nefrig- $27.50 #ppl Brokdle-Kngsay ur-with conveniences, 6 - 8 reoms. BE READY fer Spring and Sum- table lamps. $6.75. Everytbing for eratar, $229,50; 7 cu. ft. General series. al-Ki 2a7Nu- Mn. Whiilans, Ontario Trainingi mer with Sisman Scampers ton the home at Bradley's. 40 King retrigeratar, used threc months, seie. 2-1School. 27-1' children, boys and men. Lloyd St W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf $259; Genenal Electnie vacuum . M Ellis Shoc Repair, 39 King St. W., cleanen, complete with attaeh-S Chiropodist ~~~ROOMS'or rqorn an band un- Bawmanvill.tnk tpereg $19-tffo d b -edw nvll. Frnmettaktpe e. 9.0,fr - gentiy required for good tpej S69.50; anc aniy ncw 7-peint 6 cu. FURNITURE T.M. VANT. D.S.C., Chirôpodist, maie industrial wonkers. Advise VENETIAN Biinds, Flexaluni, EXPERIENCED, reliable Holland 1 tt. Roy refnigenaton, 5-year guar- jpecializing ini diseases ot the foot accommodation availabie a n d Steel an Aiuminum Decoraton families availabie. Arriving soan. antee, porcelain enamel interian, COMPANY. ond ieg. GenerýI chiropody work. rates te National Empleyment Shades. one price 70c sq. tt. ex- Write te S. Buma. R.R. 1, Nestie- reiz. $339, for $309; battery radios. 20 CHUKCH ST., OSU. Si[te 2. 47 Prince St, Oshawa, 1Service. 22 Albert St., Oshawa, 'pent installation, Phone 451, ton, Ont, Phcnie 225 - 24 Port1 $14.50 brand new. Murphy's,1 fh=ons3947. 85-tf Phone 2816. 26-4 Walker Stores. 23-tfiPen*y., 22-14 Phone 811. 27-1 p N '~' VA Auction Sales Semia Sale- Excha.nge on Priday evening, July 7th -at 8 p.in. at> Baker Farmsi Hampton. Good Uine ef livestock and farmi impIe- ments, cedar posts, etc.' J., Baker, manager, Phane 2180.. 27-1'* The undersigned bas received instructions from ' Mr.- Charles Bedwin, Lots 17 and 18, Con.ý 2, Clarke Twp., anc mile north et Murgin's Corners, te sell by pub- lic auctien on Friday evening, Juiy 7tb, at 7:30 p.m., 38 acres et standing bay. Terms cash, ne neserve. Jlack Reid, auctieneer. 27-1* Auction Sale et Farm Impie- ments, the property et Hilliard Simnpson, Lot 19, Con. 4, Clarke (4 miles southeast of Orono) on Fniday, July 7th, at 1:30 p.m., including a fulll une et machinery, most ot which has been purchased new since 1940. Fer complet@ list sce bis. Terms cash. Albert Morton, clerk; Ted Jackson, auc- tioneer. 26-2* The undersigned bas received instructions from the executor et the estate efthte late Mrs. Wm. Thetford, te sell by public auctian on Saturday, Juiy 8th, at ber late residence, 36 Carlysie Ave., Bow- manville, ber entire household effects. This will include antique furniture, dishes, glassware and new G.E. retrigenator, electnic stove, chesterfield suite and many other items. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 25-3 TENDERS WANTED THE Bawmanviile Board et Education requests tenders fer the purchase and removal et the old South Ward Sehool, Bowmanville, a two-storey solid brick building, încluding'a iow pressure steam heating system. Appiy in wnitîng by Thursday, July 2th, stating purchase price and metbod et removal. Highest or any tender net necessarily accepted. S. n. James, Secýy.-Treas., Bowmanville Board et Educatien. Help Wanted WOMAN kitchen helper wanted. Appiy Cowan's Restaurant, Bow-, manville. 25-tf WE bave an epening in this dis- trict for reliable man with car, earnings tan above average. - Write Box 420, Statesmran Office. 26-2' WANTED - Salesman ton Bow- mranville and district, gaffod pro- duct and geed commission, tullor part time. Phone 3858r Oshawa. 27-2 VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmnanvillc. Trade well establishcd. Excellent oppar- tunity. Fulli tue. Write at once. Rawlcigh's Dept. ML-G-140-189, Montreal. 27-4 INCREASE VOUR INCOME! OPERATE a route of automatie peanut on gurn machines, oniy a few heurs a weck required. Wili not interfel!e witb your other in- terests. $968 cash establishes you a raute of thege proven money- makens, full ot stock and on location. Big seasen just staeting. Age no obstacle. Write for de- tinite appointment and funther panticulars now. Write Box 424, Statesman Office. 27-1 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS for redecorating anc classroom and one hall, also ex- teiorýof Newcastle Sehool. Apply te Irwin McCuiiougb, eveningg on Satunday ta inspect premises. Each job te be tendered separ- ately. Tenders te be received on or before July lSth, 1950. 27-1 Wanted To Buy PAIR et French doors. Phone 2703. 27-1' SCRAP iran and batteries. Phione Clarke 2530. 17-tf METRONOME - Please caîl Mrs. David Park, 2701 Bowmanville. 27-1* BUSH - must be predominately bard mapfle. H. M. Kyte, Phone Part Penny 193r14. 22-tf BEFORE selling your live peultnry try us. Our pnices are higher. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf I AM intcnested in buying a business sbewing a goed neturn eitber in Bowmanviiie, Port Hope, Cobourg or vicinity. Type ef business is net so important but prefen hardware. Must be estab- lished and ownen hiave goed rea- son ton selling. Write full par- ticulars te Box 419, The States- man Office, Bowmanvile. 27-1 Farmers Attention 1 WE wili be pleased ta pick up dead or crippled farm animais and pay highest prevailing pricea. Fer immediate service Telephone Coileet, Tenante Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 2tt Chicks For Sale EGGS up in pnice, meat saning. Don't miss eut on the high pnices you are bound to get this sum- mer and faîl for eggs and poultry meat. Prompt delivery on chieks day-aId te eight weeks, non-sexed, puilets, cockerels. Turkeys, day- aid te four weeks, non-sexed, sexed hens, sexed Toms. Reduced price's for July. Vweddle Chick Hatchenies Limited, Fergus, Ont.j Found COLLIE, -male, îight ,cooure very frlendly. Phone Clarke el Livestock for Sale EIGHT pigs 7 weeks old.* AppiY- George Seeiding, 1930 Clarke.ý, COMMERCIAL, 5-yeàr-eld, maÊé, Percheron and Hackney cross, red chestnut, sound'and weli broken; saddie herse, 4-year-old, réd chestnut gelding, cream mane*and tati, 3 1white stockings., Shown in saddle and jumping classes, har- ness brokea. W. W. Kennedý.. Milibreek, Phone 223-r-3. 27-2', Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubbe& goods) mfailed postpaid'iA .plalti sealed envelope with -price 'list. Six samples ý25e, 24 sampleà $t.OÔ. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-um ber Ce., Box 91, Hamilton, O Repairs FOR jrt'mpt efficient, guaranteÉd service, dyeing and custôm * work, try the Neat- Way Siios Repailr Shop, King St. West. 9-4f CHESTERFIELDS cornpletely re- built and re-upholstered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Havé ou: consultant cail at no obligation,. Enquire at Webet's Fabric CenR- tre, 10 King St. E. 394f .REPAIRS te ail makes of refrii- erators. domestie and commercial; yiiking coolers. Higgen Eievý- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 24 Work Wanted FOR summer rnonths, by girl bigh school graduate. What have you te offer? Phone 3375. 27-1 PAINTING and Decorating,- in- terier and. exterior. Fine car- pentiy work. Guararrteed satis- faction. Free estimates. Phone 77r7 Orono, Horace Yerk. 25-3 GE NE R AL Building Repairs, asphait, metal- and aluminum shiigies, insul-brick sold and ap- plied. Free estimates, Ed. Sterrv, Builder, Phone Port Perry 27j'Y. 16-tf BRAKE DRUMS! Lathlng, Honing and Grinding, We specialize in. complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanvile LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED Have them shérpened with out new precisien machine. Cail 467 for pickup and deliveÎy G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHO0? 21-tf BRAKES! BONflED ORAKER! No Rivets W. aise carry rivet type bralke linings in sets or roll stock linings cut te your needs. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 25-1 Rev. George Empey Is New Minister Of Hampton Circuit A well-filled church greetecl the affîciating ministers on Frn- day evening, June 3th, as the congregatians ot Zion, Eldad' antd Hamptoîl churches gathered for the inductiion ceremony et the Rev. George Empey, aur new minister. Thc Rev. R. R. Nichol-. son was in charge et the service, with the Rev. Gea. W. Telford, Oshawa, conducting the induc- tion. Rev. M. F. Fisher, Brook- lin, preached the sermon on the needs et our chureh. After bis sermon, all the min- isters gathcned in front eft the pulpit and Rcv. Geo. Empey was presented te thcm and inducted by Rev. Gea. W. Telford, afte whicb Rev. R. R. Nicholson preaced te the cengregatiùn'W, prier te handing aven the charg&,e,- te tbem and te the new min istef.' He deciared that preaching was the mest important part et the, chunch service; much mare inm portant tban a great deal et soct iai work and business affairn., He aise said, that everyone in the cancregatien sbeuld be a prcach- cm-, thus aiding the minister in hi': good wonks. He tben banded, the change ever ta Rev. Empey, and te the cengregation. Aftèd the hast bymn Rev. Gea. Empey proneunced the benedictIon. On their way downstairs ta the reception in the Sunday Sehool room, evcnyone shook bands with Rev. and Mrs. Empey. At the receptien Rev. Gea. W. Telford expnessed bis hope that Mr. Empcy and bis charming wite would be welcomed and made te teed at home in the cern. He aise gave the opinion tha this charge would keep an assist'ý ant ministér. in the person of Rev. R. fi. Nicholson Mn. Empey thanked Mr. Tel- tord and ail the otficiating misk-. isters beartlly. Mn. Empey, even In such a short tine., is wcli-liked in the cammunity and we wish ta ex- press aur boe that he wiii like us and Plani ta stay with un for a gaod long tume. Willy The Waterduck gays:-; There's a lot of time affer the storm. Oniy tools risk their ewn and othen lives to save a iittlé tirne. It is better ta wait eut the, storm or paddie e-.ltra miles aiong a protected shore than te cmosa rough water. It is better te waste a tew nùnuteb than to waste a lii.t~ imr cAmADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIllot ONTARIO ' MAT, XILT, MI. »W. ëAmip IRO%""nqwllp" --,%,

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