Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1950, p. 13

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.?KUESDAY. ZULY Oth, 1950 - ¶~ CANA~IAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTI.T.UL M'fl&UhrI -Need for Grealer1 !Yrged by Reliring !IlStresslgnthicrneed for greater &,ga=ztinretlring President WtrDeGeer told Rotary mem- ~puat their weekly luncheon Fri- yJune 30, that in the Presi- tyr,-elect they "had a man that Çould do it". Mr. DeGeer was e- terring to Jack Eastàugh, the new- lir elected Rotarian President who ~ uhad considemable "organiza- On" experience both with the Qtalnad.lan, Y.M.C.A. and the Boys' Traliing Sehool, Bowmanviile. Introduced by Sec'y Bill Rudd- éli, Mr. DeGeer was ofthe opinion that the Bowinanville Club need- ed a sbat in the armn in order to S4vance the finances of the Club > d the welfare o! the commun- .He did not specîfy how this was ta be done but he was spe- cifwc in saying, "Whatever it is, Orgafiia RotaryPresidei we must have proper orgai tion". The retiring Presideni lieved that the Bowmanville tary Club could and should organized better. "There is a prograrn <laid d by Rotary International) for e, club and "there is no excuse any committee flot having a gram". he said. Mm. DeGeer, gested that Rotary Internati, be used as a model for the E manville Club because it "built up by experience". "I find that Rotary Internat ai bas a wonderful organiza ta, pass on to us", be said, "a. fhink berein lies ane weaknes the Club". Mm. DeGeer said the Bowmanvuhle Club 'nad accepted the truc organizatin described by Rotary Internatio r~r4lAo&__ rnTBUG0Smoke or Gas won't discolor t because it's Fume-Proof - I, Pittsburgh's new Fume-Proof, Suu- Proof House Paint procluces a film cf unusuai whiteness that realiy stays ~ white! Coal smoke or industrial fumes wilI nat darken or discolor it. It's self. cleaning, ta - remaves surface di't, Fifteen durable colors. FREE - "color Dynomici for your Home" hoomMeS. CLOSED SATURDAY EVENINGS - DURING JULY AND AUGUST - * J.B. Abernethy e 85 King St. PAINT W. Si owr ever3 afoi pro Bug. was tion. ition nd1 s8 CI thal .nal ýns ona. & WALLPAPER STORE Bowmanvi SAL MENI'S SUITS Any man's suit over $60.00 reduccd by at least $10.00 Ail styles, sizes, colours and materiais in this group. OTHER MEN'S SUITS ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR Came in and see for yourseif the tremendous bargains that are being off ered SPECIAL SALE Es LADIES' COUTS AND 1 1-) 5LL DRASTICALLYt 'Vi REDUCED I TO CLEAR iCouch, iohnston &Crydornian mP-J uON 'i King St. W. .BOW5AVMLL a. e. 0. De m ry Dr al V. La 1. it ýt la >e n or n necessary in bringing about suc- cess". The newly installed President, Jack Eastaugh, thanked Past- President Walter DeGeer for his address and told him that the challenge he had thrown would be piekeçi up by the 1950-51 ex,- ecutive KIRBY Tug-of-war bas been the chief spart o! the community in the pest week. Congratulations ta aum team who won the tug-of-wam contest et the Carnival et New- castle on Friday nigbt. Mr. and Mns. Jack Cowan, 6tb Line and Miss Betty Walker and fniend, Bawmanville, spent Tues- day evening with Mrs. Tbompson. Mrs. Patterson spent sevemal days last week witb Mrs. Annie Evans, Orono. Mm. and Mrs. J. Cowen and Mm. and Mms. Harold Soucb and family visited with Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Wannan on Fiday evening.' Margaret Ann Shackleton is visiting with her ganidpaments, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Allun. Several attended the big Sports Day in Orono,- July lst and en- joyed e good time. We are glad ta report the sick folk o! the community are improv- ing. Mr. P. J. Bigelow and femily and Mm. and Mrs. W. T. Bigelow and femily vîsited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mms. A. J. Bigelow. 1As wisdom without courage is futile, even sa faitb without hope is nothing wath; for hope en- dures and avercomes misfortune and evil.-Mertin Luther. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank af Montreel Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bawmanvllle, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. BA. Bamister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Banister, Solicitor, Notary 9'i King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS1 APHA I. HDGIINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates o! Royal Dental College, and Faculty o! Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg. King St., Bawmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devltt 325 Dm. W. M. Rudell 2827 DI. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanviile Office Hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noan Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - - -~ ~w- a a Ta. live. in Toi:onto, Service clubs of the nature known in Bowmanville, provide 4eflowship, but according to the speaker, true fellowship could 2xot be found at Friday Iunçheons only. 'Fellowehip'", he said, "la found in committee"l. He inferr- ed that il a person had not '-suxik 'hîs teeth into a project" he would neyer have the desire ta carryon to the ideals and objecta cf Ro- tary. In Mr DeGeer's opinion,..mix- ing wlth your fellow men-can do nothing but help you in life. In Rotary there is a coxnbinatîon of ail types of person. There isa "the 1business man who knows -success by effort; the professional man who survives by ethics and", said Mr. DeGeer, "ther.e's aiways a preacher mixed in here and there for the moral aspect of the club". Recounting his own experience, the retiring President said, "Mix- ing, 1 found, bas helped me be a better business man". Using modern business as an illustration, Mr. DeGeer spoke of the similarity in organization be- tween business and Rotary.. The president of the club lie likened ta the general manager in indus- rtry. The club directors were pro- duction superintendents, and the committee chairmen, foremen. "Each is a representative of the president"', he said, "and each is responsible to the president"'. According to the speaker, the Rotary directors are responsible for four different phases o! Ro- tary work. They must ensure that ail committees under their jurisdiction are convened, and that they know exactly what is going on at ail tîmes. There are 23 committees in the Bowman- ville Rotary Club. In closing, Mr. DeGeer again ex- pressed the need for organization within the club. "I feel that or- ganization is a keynote in bring- ing about fellowshiv whir'h is so SOUTH NESTLETON fMm. Orville McKee left Tuesday fr the west. He will accompany bis uncle, Mm. Lomne MeQuade, Calgary, Alberta, wbo bas enjay- ed an extended holiday with Cart- wmight relatives and friends. Mms. A. Leal visited friends in Barrie. Miss Darothy Bowers who has been teacbing at Trout Creek is home for the summer. Mr. and Mms. Chas. Gist visited in Port Hope. Mm. Watcr Sharpe and Mms. Gea. Farder were visitars in Mili- brook and called an Mm. and Mrs. Steples oi Ceven. Misses McKay of Toronto, with Mrs. John Dickey. Miss Nomma Haaey, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hooey and Mr. Law- rence McLaughlin are enjoying a motor trip ta North Bay. Mm. Francis Gist an-d Miss Sus- an Gist o! Montreai visited bis parents, Mr. end Mrs. Chas. Gist. Susan is. remainingfor a.holiday with Miss Margaret Devison. Recent visitars with Devisons and Gists were: Mm.and Mms. Ai- bert Rabson and friend, Mm. and Mrs. Jack Staples and gmendsan, and Mm. and Mrs. Roy Steples and daughter, ail o! Port Hope. Mm. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy spent Sunday witb Mm. and Mrs. Ceeul Siemon. Enniskillen. Mm. and Mms. -Frank Symons an-d baby, Bowmanville, wih Mm. and Mms. N. C. Merlow. Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Tbomp- son and famiiy, Osbaxva, with Mm. and Mrs. Doneld Thompsan. Mr.- and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs and Sharoe,. *Peterbomough, with Mm. and Mms. Lermen Hyland. Weekend gilests witb Mm. and Mms. James Harris -were Mm. Rus- sell Jeckman, Toronto; Mm. and Mrs. ý R. Sonley, Mm. and Mrs. Wal- ter Son-ley and family, end-,Mrs.. Powems, ail o! Port Perry. Mr. Wm. Jemieson, Toronto, with Mfs. 1. Howe. Mm. Elmer Nesbitt with Mm. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Miss Marion TIhompson, To- monta, et borne. Mm. end Mrs. Nelson Merlow mox'ed ta the village on Wednes- day. They celebrated by attend- ing the strawbermy festival in Janetville thet evening. The members o! St. John's An- glican Cburch W. A. held a suc- cessfui tee, bezeear and sale of home-baking et the home o! Mrs. T. Lang!eld,, July lst. ChurÎch service was held July 2nd in the newly decomated St. John's Church et Bieckstock. Allwere sorry ta learn of the lass bv fire on Satumcley morning j af Mm. Ernest Grey's fine farm buildings, aiso some stock. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson attended the lOOth anniversary of the faunding o! Tborah Township in Beeverton on July lst whcn a unique cairn was unveiled ta the pioneer ancestors. Stones weme gathered from ail of the pioneer famms and local stone masons chipped each fammems initiais on his storne, then built them into the 1 beautiful monument. THE WINNEPL REAL ESTATE BO WMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Pr-opertles Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members o! the Canadien and Ontario Real Estate Boards 3. ygheh>yn D. maclacblan Bowmanviile 326 Oshawa 689, AUDIT.INÇ_ MONTEITE & MONTEITH Chartered Aecountants 37 King St. E.. Oshawa Mr. Gordon W. Riebi, C.A., reaident partner BILL STACK DISTRIBUTOR Phone 2986 Bowmanville ENNISKILLEN The W.M.'S. met at the home of Mms. R. J. Ommiston on July 3md,- witb Mrs. E. A. Werry pre- siding. Mrs. F. McLaughlin bad charge of the devatianal and Mrs. F. Werry gave the scipture mead- ing. It was decided ta make six quilts as the Red Cross are ask- ing, for help for Western Canada. Mrs. M. Trewin had charge a! thet fallowing program: piano solo by Ruth Lamb; missionamy reeding by Mrs. R. J. Ommiston; solo by Mrs. E. Wright; Mrs. M. J. Hobbs reed the Basque Shep- herd's interpretation of the 23rd psal m and Mrs. M. Trewin meed "There's a time for Anger." Mrs. H. McGill then reed a letter me- ceived from Rev. Merrili Fergu- son, Africa. At tbe close o! the meeting graup three served a de- liciaus lunch of stmawberries and cake. Rein draps and thunder failed ta dempen the spimits o! the 45 relatives who gathered at the home of Mm. and Mms. Rus- seil Ormiston on Friday, June 30, for .a picnic supper. In hanour of the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb and Mm. and Mrs. Ross Ashton. After a bountiful supper Mrs. W. Bowmen enter- tained the little tots wîth balloons and candy bunt and a peanut seramble. Piano salas weme en- joyed 'by Mm. Wesley Brownlce, IMiss bamathy Stainton, Miss Ruth Lamb, Bruce Bowman, Ronald and Ray Ashton; a vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aikenhead; violin salas by Bayd Werry. An fenjayable evening was, brougbt to close with friendly chats. We are vemy pleased taoreport Mrs. Sheldon Pethîck is rjavem- ing as well as cen be expected from hem recent operation in tbe Toronto Genemal Hospital. Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Mr., and Mrs. Waller, Part Hope; Mm. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Allan, David, Paul. and Joyce, Peterboro; Miss Myrtle Temblyn, Toronto, were guests of Mm. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston. Mr. Gardon Fleet, Toronto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleet. Mm., and Mrs. Roy Robertson and Mary Lau, o! Shirley; Mm. Gomdon.FIeet, Miss Hazel John- son. Toronto, at Mm. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn's. Miss Elva Orchard, Bowman- ville, visited Mm. Gea. Reid Fmi- day evening. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Milîs and family visited Mm. and Mrs. Roy Goode's, Cennington. Miss Winnifred Cale, R.N., Mm. Werd Gilbert, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. E. A. Wemmy. Mr. and Mms. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles accampenied by Mrs. E. C. Ashton witb Mr. and Mms. W. J. Bragg, Providence. C.G.1.T. meeting at Dorothy Stainton's on Friday evening, July 7th at 8 p.m. Mf. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater with Mm. and Mms. M. Tebb, Ty- rane. Mm. and Mms. Gardon Wemmy, Boyd and June, Toronto, spent lhe wegekend with Mm. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mms. R. C. Milîs, Port Perry; Mrs. Jessie Malone, To- ronto; Mr. Charlie Avery, Can- nington; Mr's. Joe Cowie, Brechin; Mvr. Russell Avery, Fort William; at Mm. and Mrs. Harold Milis'. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Stinson,I Blackstock: Mm. and Mrs. Frank MvcGill and Don, Toronto, with' Mirs. John McGîli. Mr. and Mms. Floyd Brown, Njewcastle. visited Mm. and Mms. Carl Ferguson. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Dorland visited with Mr. and Mms. Murray Mvustard, Uxbmidge. Mm. and Mrs. P. Ellis and fem- ly motared ta Cordona Mines and visited ber parents, Mm. and Mns. Vannolkenhurg. Mrs. Adam Sharp visited Mm. and Mrs. Harry Gmegg, New York, and Master Donald Gregg meturn- ed home with hem for summer holidays. Miss Elva Orchard, Bowman- ville, spent the weekend with Mm. and Mrs. M. Stainton. .Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharipes, visited Mr. and Mmi. Edgar Wright. Mr. and Mms. Carl Ferguson and family with bis parents, Mr. and M!rs. Fred Ferguson, Bowman- ville. Mm,.- nd M9s Albe-4t Okeisit Plannn'g a t.«.Id ai gihe carsage? A pilc-tc? 0, lis-s ,<a.g in yor as.i-bec&1.d' Tken *,*Il sied food *.*., plis, 91aigood. k ,h.oe o te d , h..&), appriaie,! Thi is'et, .deeyie 'ltoat the i. od, >oil ,ed ...corl.1i, eleiled('.1 fi *.nl ,.guibie# es, ci,.d go,, mte W4e , ,ommýei c.i tasîy and hotaoie.c. id ,membt,, al t,cle.di.eîsld Ir- yow 'Do.i.iosoi icui aa.seed tla a, ,* >a. 00% afatiss. _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___'atifornia, Sweet Juces Sunkiui Oranges Citrus Juices -Serve GAi/led! J. W. HORSEY-SWEEITENED Flrm, Golden Yellow ORANGE - BLENDED Ripe Bananas 4808.. 4 1T i9c Q.T.P.-AUSTRALIAN-SWEETENED Pneapple JUIC orn 19c HENLEY-FANCY 9UALITY TOMATO JUIC E TIî 7 them for holidays.. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mis Gloria Wright visited with W. Hiolmes. Mr. and Mrm. N. E. Wright, Maple- Mr. and Mrn.. Earl Feary, Ro- Grove. chester, àndýMr. and Mrà. Perey Mrs.MAbhon, Toronto; Mrs. J.~ Brown, Newcasthé, with Mr. and Cowie, Brechin; Mr. R. Avery, Mm .AM. Brown. Fort William; Mr. C. Avery, Can-- ninqton, *ith Mr. and Mrn. L. MÂ L ER V Miss Anne Dorland bas return-___ ed home after spending her holi- days with her grandparents, Mr The monthl' meeting of -the W. and, Mrs. John Dcrland. M.S. was held on Tuesday, July . Mr an Mr. G IrinMr.4th instead cf 3rd. In the ab- Gorond r G Irwin, Mr..0 euot sence o!, the President and lst Gorono;IrinE. Mr.O.eauMr.ont, Vice-Pres., Mrs. Chas. Greenbam, Too;Mrs. .DkE. Dninkle, Mm. and 2nd Vice-President took charge. Mn rs. A.sriaw, whirMey, FdiThe meeting opened with hyrn Mr.A.d Earl, Osha andwthMr. Gand 515, after whlch al repeated The RsAi eadaradM. eoLrd's Prayer- i unison. Minutes ra r. Wesley Brownlee, o! last meeting were read and Mr. and Mrs. J .Akned dpe.Iwsmvdadsc Moro ndo, Mrs. J. A. Aikenbeadfadoped. Iat was od a ind sae- Tro no, wre wee.end guestn. ionded utandwe old ainhisat Msrs. n aMs. L. WR . s. sinanustand enteriniethe Mis- ers . J. MA. Werryd F. W. esingBand ad a nvite heBEv- Werry, iH J. McGîhl and E Am enan Auiia r and ogBaby man Wlesrr ih the wives nd -am and tem fotr s Progrm iessuH. rie dheroust sist-RossîttevensforàAuhus.isrMes. er-J. H. Brace ander husb and Ross StevensbMsinhas. Gen Menre J..,Orrawale 5at8pon mr. TN ftebsness. th Centr9 e St., hea t 8 p.m.n hi.Mrs. TunnC.f! then tookh Jue 29, ift being he eng.t ani-chair r s Lf C.eSowden tookm vrersary o!their weddang. Tbey cha, ro!th edwo, rshi.Hymn arntead tem wih a adres 24, clif;ptrae r ad.N. Mrigtn and and rememRan c tad ynic23.; prayer, Mrs. N. Wrgh fMr. aaMra Ralsckart a n Hymn24.Troic"Overs.to Korea fMi.lSyR.PeNiagaa andîs, clled on waslntoed by Mrs. .unni-, Mor.S Reh. Ptic, ndMs Ci- l!!ss t .Ged by ,Mrs. I. Mura- for PE. tbickr.ad r, esMrs. C. renbam, Mms. M. Bur- r. E. St nRuthn Mand M.Pers. gess, M3C . Jefry roM. Mn- C.rys Pethikend ut ttr. eerceda sioyn w239. Payermo!tin- Avery's, Burketon. tclessod a ed n etn The evening Auxiliary met at, L ak Shoe Clrke the home o! the President, Mrs. LaeSoeCak Wallace Munday, Thursday, June 29. The President opened tbe Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clarke, meeting witb the business period. Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Treasurer repomted $5.00 sent to Baskerville, the Manitoba Relief Fund. It was Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskemville and voted to hold a picnic at Orono fainily visited witb Mr. and Mms. Park July 27 And invite the Baby! E. Gilbank. Band again this year. Mrs. W. H. Mr. and Mrs. H. Riches Cam- Brown's group will be in charge. bray, visited Mm. and Mrs. Rab- Theme will be no August meeting.; in Alldred. Miss K. Riches ac- Mrs. Cecil Milîs announced a C. campanied them ta Cambmay. She G.I.T. camp atCm1Peai will be attending Summer School where mothers may send their in Toronto.. daughters whether they belong Mm. and Mms. Robin Alldmed and ta a C.G.I.T. group or not. Mrs. family and Mm. Jim McKay at- Ken Summersfomd thanked al tended the Brown family picnic for their help and co-uperation at et Omano Park. the annivemsamy supper. Collec- Misses Blanche and Dora Tay- tion was taken amounting ta $3.95. lor, Courtice, spent the weekend The President conducted a with Mm. and Mms. Arthur Bed- woship service on Temperance, win. assisted by Mms. Lloyd Snawden, K. S. and C. Club met at the Mrs. Russell Gimblett, and Mrs. home a! Mrs. Bill Lake with a Wm. Laird. Meeting closed witb nice cmawd attending. It was de- benediction. Number present 15. cided ta bave our oid woollens Mrs. Howard Bradley bad charge, ready for the next meeting ta be of recreation. Mrs. Rabme's group held either et Mrs. Gardon Mar- served a delicious lunch, includ- tin's or Mrs. W. Holmes', ta be ing strawbemnies and cream. decided later. Mrs. Bob Hendry, Mrs. C. H. Snowden spent the Bowmanville, bas asked us ta week-end in Hamilton with hem meet at hem home, July 26. daughter and son-in-law, Mm. and Mm. and Mms. H. Soucb and Mm. Mrs. Albert Brown. A. Soucb, Shiloh, witb Mr. and Miss Florence VanNest, To- Mrs. W. Adams. ronto, visiting with her sister, Mm. and Mrs. Glen Poilard and Mms. Norman Wright. femily and Miss Sanja Brown, Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Kirkpat- Brampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob ick, Haney, B.C.; Mr. and Mms. Sbupak, Toronto, visited Mr. and Win. Wedd, Goderich, visitonsi Mrs. W. Holmes. Master Jim with Mm. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Pollard is staying for a visit with Miss Mildmed Snowden visiting NYOURS TO PROTEcT., The SCARLET TANAGER is perhaps our most brilliant bird. Mis vivid scarlet body and shining black .wings and tail are distinctive. You'il find him high in the tops of Ieafy trees. He lives on caterpillars, moths, beeties and Iarvae, and deserves protection. Y US T* ENJ CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO t 0 1945 CARLING S D0B Size 288'u a m b 19C Just Arrived, Ontario Grown New Potaloes allraci-ively plced Arriving Fresh Dally - Ontario Cr3 'ýn LETTUCE - CABBAGE - HOTIIOUSE FURS14L-GRURE Tomato KECHP eu. 2cRichmello COFFEE CAK CLO'E VALEY 1IRISH STEW LINK CHEESE 'Roll25C Tin KRAFT-SALAD PRESSIN& 16016CROSS.1111 it LACKlWELL'S CLARK'S-ChiIl Sauce MIRACLE WHIP jars 45C NUT BREADS-PR&EN LINCOLN-UNPIMTE )O AS. weet CHERRIES7. 18C2_ Windsor - 3 fiavours Lb. IF.THNFENCARS ICELAND WAFERS ne. 39, MAYONNAISE CHILI SAUCE CASHMERE m.102 TÀhITTIC IIE1~ ~' 29<RO20 IIJJUEL " I ___ WOODOUUYs E"S WANTUD SASCO NO. 1 for ay ibi rstPi.e"hW hite leHoney FACIAL SOAP 49sw 30c al ité s a~tpl~ u t oe hie 4Ai s e.1 Scmi ahulars. fta.2 Ldb. Values Effective Thurs., Fr1., 5*1., July th. 71k & BIh station 0-2ect.: 3 9 c Iwith her sister, Mrs. Otis Pritch* ard, Manotick. Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, spent weekend at home. Don't lorget, Institute- meeting In Monday evening, July 10 at 8 p.rn. Communion is next Sunday, ser- vice at, 1:30 p.m. Master Billy Snowden, Toronto, visiting with bis grand-narents. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, and other relatives. Mrs. Albert Brown, Bîllie and Betty, Hamilton, are visitiýne ber paftnts, Mr. and Mrs. C. . Snow- den. Holiday visitors with Mrs. O. Meredith were Mrs. A. Byers1e Mrs. N. Tiggs, Mrs. M. Barker,. Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Mi Vitzal, Meredith and Susan, Co.f bourg. Congratulations ta our footfalb team on winning the game playedr with Zion at Zion'an Saturday night They now stand in second place This Saturday night our' boys play Hampton at Maple' Grove Corne out and support thêî -1 ý 1 A pastoral tribe near the Red, Sea buried'its dead by pelting the:% body with stones until it was cov-r e-red. 1 1 MR. AND MRS. ROSS HENRY. ASHTON whose marriage Look place recently at Enniskillen. The bride, the former Miss Alice ýJean McLaughlin, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. William McLaughlin, of Burketon, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, of Haydon, Ont. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette 1- TEE, cAyAnux STATESU"., iROWMANVUI.JL Oàimàmn PAGE TnIRTEM . 1 l

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