T~U rUAIL fAMI? 'rA'A?~frAI 'HTSAJN Z 15 P'AOE TOUR Hello Homemakers! A fcw years! ý'go hornemakers were glad ta èave soid storage in order to kcep f ods frorn spoiling. In those ,ays, it was a type af pooriy in- luated ice-box or the dark, dank ~asernent. Today, bomemakers ~se a well insuiated and ligbted ~figer-ator for the concocting of oods foi- the table, as weli as for oorage. However, many, home- ~ffakei-s ai-e not yet aware af al 4be possible uses af today's re- Srigerators-they can produce a 1111 meai from appetizer ta des- sert and beverage. We can even 'ýbake" a fruit cake in the freez- i-. In addition to large freezing àompartrnents, enabling the borne- rpakei- 10 take advantage of the #xpost advanced techniques of food stoi-age, practically cvery new model bas some innovation wbicb àdds ta the refrigeratoi-'s utility ind efficiency. There are auto- matic features sucb as magnetic doon ciosing, ncw defrosting me- thods, butter conditioner. plastic drawers and sliding shelves. Delightful surprises such as fi-o- zen Tomato Juice, Lemon Parfait, Potato-Meat Saiad and Party Bis- que ai-e a pleasure botb ta prepare and 10 eat. FROZEN TOMATO JUICE 1 pint tomato juicLe 4 stalks ceiery, minced 2 tsps. sugar 12 tsp. saît 1 tsp. anion, grated Mix thcsc ingredients and aliow to stand 20 minutes. Strain and place in a freezing tray. Let freeze partialiy. LEMON PARFAIT 1 tsp. (or pkg.) gelatine 3cup sugar Scup corn syi-tp icup cream 2 cup cold milk "FROST'S 1 ENCING"f A Complete Line o! Ail Types of Fencing - Posis and Gaies Now Available WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR AT NO EXTRA COST. BARTON'S GENERAL STORE PHONE CLARKE 3020 "Courteous, Friendly Service" 1 SATURDAYS i NEWTON VILLE A PERFECT EVENING DARCH AND HIS GREAT NEW BAND DANCING - 9-12 Table Accommodation For 200 $2.00 Per Couple Admission 2 eggs, well-beaten 11/2 cups milk % cup lemon juice 1 tsp. lemon gratings Soften gelatine in ý, cup cold milk; dissolve over bot water. Cool sligbtiy. Gradually add sug- ai- to eggs and beat. Add remain- ing ingredients. Stir in dissolved gelatine. Freeze fîrrn in eiectric refrigerator unit. Break in chunks with wooden spoon; turn int chilled bowl and beat smooth. Return to tray and freeze f irmi. Serve in sherbets, placing aiter- nate spéonfuis of ice cream with sweetened strawberries. Serves eight. POTATO-MEAT SALAD 1 (10 oz.) can luncheon meat 34 cup diced old cheese 1/3 cup chopped onioni 2 bardcooked eggs 3 cups diced, cooked potatoes 1 cûp diced ccicry '2, tsp. sait, pepper, garlic sait. Combine ail ingredients except garlic sait and egg suices. Rub the serving bowl witb 's tsp. garlic sait. Toss salad with French dress- ing. Garnish with egg slices. Serves eight. PARTY BISQUE Dissolve 1 pkg. lernon-fiavourcd gelatine in 1 'U cups bot water; mix 1/3 cup sugar, 3 tbsps. lemon j uice and 2 tsps. grated'lemon in- to gelatine and then chili until partially set. Beat until fluffy in a larce boxvl. In the small bowl of electric mixer, whip 1 tali tin oi clilled evaporated rnilk and fold 1 into gelatine mixture. Spread 1 cup graharn wafer crumbs in i-e- frigcrator dessert tray and then pour in the gelatine mixture and cover with another cup of grabam wafer crumbs. Freeze firm. Serves 10. TAKE A TIF 1. Defrost clectric refrigerator wben frost-becomes pencii-thick. 2. A quick method of defrosting is: turn diai to defr3st. Remove ice cube trays and meàt keeper. Place a thick pad of newspaper on the sheif directly below the freczing unit. Empiy one tray of ice cubes and place haîf way back on ils sheif; fi with boiling wvat- ci- and slide aIl the way into the unit. Close refrigerator door and let ice meit while you sort out the contents and wash the vegetable pan which bas been rernoved from the lower part of the refrigerator. Then take off any rernaining ice witb a duli wooden spoon to tap At (neyer anything sharp) and re- move ice and ncwspaper. Wipe unit with a dlean cloth dipped in baking soda solution (neyer soap) and aiso cabinets and shelves. Do not forget to wipe inside of the big door and outside of the i-e- frigerator. 3. Cover ail foods placed in the refrigerator, except those with a natural covering, such as eggs, bernies and citrus fruits. 4. Strong-fiavoured foods, such as onions, should be wrapped in wax paper and secured with an eiastic band. 5. Make iids of olive and borse- radish jars secure, then turn up- side down and store in the rcfrig- erator to prevent moulds and blackening of foods. 6. Without a crisping pan you can keep greens in an oilskin bag or in glass jars with tops. 7. After preparing radish roses, ceiery curîs, etc., place tbern in a bowl with a balf-inch of water in the bottom and cover. 8. Keep the table bouquet of flowers in the refrigerator over- night.1 9. Cakes and bread keep moist if covered with househoid foul and stored in the eiectnic refrigerator. 10. Keep a deodorant in the i-e- frigerator just in case an unpleas- ant a-orna develops . . . sucb as, a smail piece of charcoal, a dish of ýi king soda, an ernpty coffee bag, or a few nasturtiurn leaves. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. K. '3. asks for a quick i-e- cipe to mnake light roils. Answer. Feather Rolîs Scup riced potatoes, bot 'cup fat 1 veast cake Aiming at the improvement of the situation of- women ail over the world, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women has made a series of recommendations ranging front measures to elimi- nate sex discrimination in the political fieldi to the adoption of the principle of equal pay for equal work for men andi women ivorkers. ilere, planning a day's work are three leading members of the Com- mission: Mme. Marie-Helene Lefaucheux. of France, Mrs. Isabel MeKoro;kindale of Australla andi Isabel de Urdaneta of Venezuela. 2 eggs, well beaten 2 tbsps. sugar 2 cups butterrnilk 1 isp. raît '1, cups bread flour Add fat ta bot potatoes. Crumble, beat in yeast. Stir in miik, sugar, sait, eggs. Mix well, add 6 ciîps flour, knead in the rest. Place in greascd bowl. Cover. Ailow dough ta i-aise until doubled. Bake at 450 degrees for 12 ta 18 minutes. Makes about 4 dozen. Anne Ailan invites you to write to ber c/o The Statesman. Send in your suggestions on homernak- ing probiems and watch this col- umn for replies. PONTYPOOL In spite of appearances to the con u-ary, 1-ny wife was perfectly sober the other dayiri Bowman- ville, when she gave her famous three-point landing performance before an appreciative audience. 0f course, a trick ankie belps. For some people, it would take years of practice to do a swan dive on hard cernent, with both arms full of parcels. But, Butch can do it at a mornent's notice and flot corne up with anything worse than a bruised knee and loss of some dignity. One youthful pass- erby asked why I didn't pick ber up. Long before be reaches rny age he will understand that a husband's lifting ability is lirnited, especially if the lady in the case is buit aiong fairly solid lines. We neglected a golden opportunity to cash in, when we forgot to pass the hat. We sincerely thank the gentleman who so kindly assisted, and ail who so thoughtfully en- qui4ýed if rny wife had sustained injuries. Mrs. Gordon Kirk hustled through ber housecleaning this spring, thon, sat back to content- edly wait for the bot weather. Recently, a man was engaged to replace part of the Kirk housè roof. He listened to the radio, noted that there wAs no mention of ramn, so, blithely ripped ail the shingles off. Well, radio or no radio, in the eariy morning it simply poured. What that rain did to Mrs. Kirk's bousecieaning can best be lef t to the imagination. Now, she isn't too sure early bouse- cleaning pays, wbile the car- ]Business Directory_ LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9ý,2 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL. DRS. DEVITT & RUDELJI Graduates of Royal Devita1 Coilege, and Faculty of. Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg. King St., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Ciosed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J1. Shehyn D. Maclachian Bownanvilie 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITII & MONTEITII Clartered Accountants 37 King St. E.. Oshawa Ivr. Gordon WI. R;ehl, C.A, resident partner penter in the case doesn't intend to believe ail be bears on the radio in the future. Our annual rnusic festival was heid during the evening of June 14 in the L.O.L. Hall, under the auspices of the Area Music Teacb- er, Mr. Armstrong. Competition bctween individu- ais was keen. We were disap- pointed there was s0 littie compe- tition betweenschool choirs. The piano offerings proved that the participants have practised assid- uously during the past tweive rnonths, and deserve unstinted praise for their efforts. ýNearly everyone enjoyed sorne individual turn. But, for our money, William Frederick's i-en- dition of "Lucky Oid Sun and Dick Miller's lovely soprano solo, "Stranger of Galliiee", took the biscuit. The truth is, the whole show was star-studded. We bave said it before, we now say it again, it is a pity the smalier chiidren do not bave the assistance of a microphone and an amplifier. Wouidn't it be a fiee gesture if some of our more wealthy citizens wouid present a P. A. system to the management, free? It would be a nice way for the donor to be remembered after be or she bad gone to the "happy bunting grounds". A few days ago, we had dinner at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kiveil, Sauina, and wbat a dinner! The bot roast beef served, was frorn a beast kilied by Mr. Kiveil. It was so good, and we ate so heartiiy that the Kivell's bired girl remarked that "she would hate to have Youngrnan for every meal". She looked so worried, we suspect she hoped we would leave enough for her lunch next day. When beef gets up around a dol- lar pound it always tastes twice as nice as when it's cheap. Provîd- ing of course, it's the other fel- low's beef. Since Mrs. Kivell's sight becarne impaired, she bas turned to rnak- inL many articles of leather, wick- erwork, plastic, etc. Anyone i-e- quiring something in the line of a clothes bamper, work basket, purse, biiifold, belt, etc., ougbt to drive out and look over this clev- er lady s wares. One slick gadget she makes is a leather cover, containing a small but excellent wbisk and a doodad for giving dusty shoos a quick once-over. We purchased one, thinking it would be bandy to keep in the car. The cut-worms are playing hob with gardens. Even the flower beds are catching the deuce, par- ticularly giadioli. The crops around the Ponty- pool ai-ca neyer looked more prom- ising than at present. The narne of Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Hudson's brand new son and beir is Donald Edward Russeli. He ougbt to succeed wîth iilustrious names like those. Rumnoir lias it that Mick Adams bas left Henry Blakely's empioy. Mick bas been there so long, the oid place won't seern the sarne .without hlm. Bet Henry feit as though bis favourite son was ieav- ing home. It seems even the best of friends must part. By the time this appears in prmnt potato and tobacco pianting shouid be finished for this year. %YOURS TO PROTECTr The CRESTED FLYCATCHER is common in parks, orchards and woodlands. He's olive- grey, reddish-brown and sui- phur-yellow in color. Look for his short, ragged crest. is Ioud, harsh cry is heard in tal trees everywhere. He lives on insects, and should be protected. YO * TOENO CARLINQT'S THE CARLII4G BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, O NTARIO0 (n 9'CFL GSDO SOLINÂ (Intended for last week) Congratulations to Miss Betty Smaies who graduated from Osh- awa General Hospital Friday ev- ening. Betty also gave the Vale- dictory'address for her class. 1Members o! the Y.P.U. were guests. of Simcoe St. Union,'0mb- awa, at a wiener roast at Camp Pretoria Monday 4vening. Mr. Wes Yeilowlees conducted the missionary program at Sunday School when Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanvifle, told an interesting story of life in China and Miss Pearl Leach expiained the belau- tifully iilustrated slides of two hymns. .Some o! the W. I. members as- sisted ai a quilting at the home of Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton. Mr. Bruce Taylor attended the Graduation Exercises ai Kempt- ville Agricuiturai School last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and Tommy, Burkcton; Mi-. BillKmn- caid, West Beach, Bowmanville, at Burney Hooey's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush and Catherine, Wbitby, ai A. J. Bal- son's. Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe at- tended the Graduation Ceremon- les of the University of Toronto last Wednesday when their son, Gardon, received the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Me- chanical Engineering.) Oui- best wishes to Gordon! Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Mr-. Han-y Knox, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and farnily, Mi-. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mrs. W. Bray attended Memorial Day service ai Erskine Cburch, Dunbarton. Tyrone football team played the local team Monday evenîng, i-e- sulting in a score o! 4-2 for Sol- ina. Mr-. and Mrs. Jimi McConnell and Patsy, Oshawa; Mi-. and Mrs. Harold Potier and family, Hamp- ton; Mrs. Jack Knox, Miss Esther Learnen, Miss Dorothy Taylor, Miss Annie Patter, Toronto, ai Mr-. Alex Patter's. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Hospital for Sick Childi-en, Toronto; Miss Lena Taylor and Carol Thornpson, Bowrnanville, ai Mr-. E. R. lor's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson, Keitb, Beatrice and Marie, Bow- manville; Mi-. and Mrs. Howard Wonnacott and Ross, Dixie; Miss Vera Cari- and friend, Toronto, ai Mi-. J. W. Yellowlees'. Mi-. and Mrs. Alfred Allun and sons, Bowmaflville, at Wes. Yell- owlees'. Greenhouse Tomato Varieties The desirable greenhouse foi-c- ing tomato variety must have quality, appeal, mediumn sized fruit, yield and resistance to clad- osponiurn ieafmouid. The picture changes over the years. Not so long ago the V121 variety was bailed as a great achievemEtit agamnst leafmould, and then that disease brougbi out a strain to which V121 was not resistant. ý everal years ago the Improv- cd Bay State tornato variety mnade uts appearance from Massachusetts] and was found to be very desir- able from the standpoint of yieid, quality and resistance. Tbis var- iety bas practically taken over the greenhouse crop in this dist- rict. The Vineland Horticultural Ex- periment Station bas bred anoth- er tomato variety which is i-e- sistant ta the..leafrnould. This bas been narned Vudcan. In tests ai the Harro%,w Experimental Station, L. F. Ounsworth says this variety outyielded Improved Bay State, V121, Vetornold, and several oth- er varieties in the fail crop of 1949. While these resuits are for one year oniy, they are flot neces- sarily conclusive but certalnly arc indicative. Vulcan appeared to be sligbtly greater on one side of the fruit than on the other. Wbile tbis is not a serious defect, it does de- tract sornewlhat frorn the appear- ance of the fruit. No particular tests were made on leafrnould resistance but wbile V121 and Ciher varieties werc se- verely attackcd by leafrnould, Im- proved Bay State and Vulcan were apparentiy free of the disease. There for 20 centuries, Jews are i quitting Iraq for Israel. LINOLEUM RUSSER MASTIC* Coloured Wall Tile ESTIMIATES FRED Work Guaranteed Phone 2902 Bowmanvmle H. G. HEAL CERAMIC - PLASTIC vW l: LUCRICATE *OUR CAR CY CHARTj ~ i CHANCE - ~ ~ II take no chanicê o missing a single place on your car-what- ever the mnake - that ~ needs lubricating; And, of course, we use TEXACO MARFAK because it's a tough, stick-to-the-job chassis lubricant; Resists squeeze-out and wash-out. Makes your car "feel" better as you drive. And we check over the whole car, too, to stop troubles in their trackst So, don't take a cbancei Let us give your car that 'MARFAK'.' feeling today! 4aý4e Bob Stocker's Phone 804 Garage Corner Kingj gr% and Brown St.. 1 L.- r-IAICAlnIAN STATESMAN. ROWMAIqVTLLLP. O"ARTO 7j =,a-ý HN 350 TMMSDAY, JUNIC 22, 1950