Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1950, p. 5

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TITURDAy, 3UN!15, 15ipsoANRPTIMN.RWAU??. l'A? UA1VV~~ Conuties Council to Namie Assessor Cal Special Session for H. S. Area A talk by the Assessor for Pet- ertcorough County, S. G. Spariing, At Thursday's session af Northum- berland and Durham Counties Council at Cobourg was followed ,lbY a recamniendatiori irom thr- Equalizatian* Committee, that a Counties Assessor be appointed for Northumberland and* Durham .Wlthôut a dissenting voice, the council adopted the repart af the Equalization Committee and pass- edarésolution ta advertise for a county assessor. Council passed the following bylaws: Renewal af the lease o! the caunties offices in tbe town hall tram the Town ai Cobourg; licen- cing of junk shops, second band dealers, etc.; the school rate levy for counties pupils attending high and continuation schools and vo- cationai schools; bylaw covering the equalized assessment, whicih is the same as last year;, bylaw' establishing a high school district for al ai east Northumberland; bylaw establîshing a higb schoo] area in Durham County; a bylaw ta ievy a rate ai il mills; bylaw ta rescind the fox bounty byiaw. Considerable Discussion There was considerable discus- ion in regard ta the bigb school area in Northumberland and also in connection with Durbam. These bylaws are subject ta approval by the depart ment and will again corne up at a special session ta be held in the latter part ai this month. 1 Try sensational Sanitone Dry Cleaning! You'1l be amazed ta discover how much mare dit is removed S..how stubborn spots vanish ... how like-new every garment looks and feels! Here's the dry clean- ing of your dreamis-try Sanitone today! j~8D EVEIjEIGH'S fleaners & Dyers - Laundries Phone: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent: }IOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR 1129. MONTREAI-There'Il b. a new "Star" in my salad meals thîs summer . .. for I've discovered a saiad dressing with "out-of-this-world" fiavour I It's HEINZ 57 SALAD DRESSING. And no wonder it's gaod - with the skill af those famous Heinz Chefs behind it! They've mixed this dressing with a truiy magic touchîl . . . a mouth-watering blend of eggs, edible cilvinegar, starch, sugar, sait and spices ... and it's perfect! So wbether your favour-' ite saiad is a cool symphony ai erisp, iresh greens or a hearty blend of nippy cheese and leftover meats ... you'll flnd that Heinz 57 Sàiad Dressing gîves it an added "something" that's delicious! Â Happy Job Suggestion For Your Daugh:erl Interesting, well-paid work la the BANK OF MONTREAL allers just those advntaes hata gr ost apeitswben h' startîng out to earn ber living. Tbere's a good opening saiary and ail members of the B of M staff enjoy the benefits of Group Accident and Heaith Insurance. Hours are good, to - and the bank is a clean, pleas- ant place ta work in. But what your daugbter wili probably enjoy most is the personal nature of the job. In most '8ao M offices, she'Il be in constant contact witb the public - meeting people and helping them ail the time! She'll be working, too, with ather women who enjoy their jobs and take a pride in their pro- fession. Speak ta, your daughter about this wonderfui job apportunity ..If she likes the idea, she should step inside your nearest branch af the B af M and bave a word with the manager. He'll be glad ta tel her mare about the work and its apportunities. A Treat For Cessis And Family, Too . . . and, what's more - this "Easy Nut Bread" is a licol ta bake when you use CALUMET BAKING POWDER! The twa-way " action ai Calumet (firat in the mixing bowl and then in the aven) makes this nutbread a dream ai deiiciousness - as it does with ail bakingl . . . MASY NUT BREAD 3 cups sifted flour 1 cup chopped nutmneats 1 3 tapas. Calumnet Baking 2 eggs. weii beaten 1 Plowder 1 1/4 cups milk i tspn. sait 4 tbspns. melted butter or 3/4 cup sugar shortening 81f t flour once, measure, add baking powder, sait, sugar; sîft again. Add nuts and mix weli. Combine e ggs and miiik; add ta dry ingredients and biend. Add shortng Bakea in greased loal pan. 8 x 4 x 3 inc1hes, ini mnoderate aven ..(30 cîg. F.) i11/4 hours. Ner. Today -GCose Too Soon thats the- sto«ry of the season's fruits. But neray ta Butinere's t î le. h a v e uea 'round enjayment ai summer-ripe e fruits - thanks ta CERTO Fruit Even A Firit-Time Cook ea Pectinl For with Certo you can preserve ail the choice, ricb fiai'- make dclicious desserts with mar- aur ai fully-ripe fruits in jams velous JELL-O PUDDINGS! and jellies, so quickly ad easily. Wonderfui]y economical - you'Il Because Certo recipes eut the find tbem reai budget-savers... boiiing time to just 1 minute for and so amazingiy quick and asay bath jams and jeliiest And a ta make! Such a glariaus essort- pound ai jasu or jeily made with Certo containa no more sugar ment, taa, ai these creamy, than a pound made the old, long- smooth-fiavoured puddings! UFa. bail wayi You get Up ta 50% lo ourites" te deiight that man-mn- more jam or jeliy from the same your-life . . . Chocolate, Vanillaf amaunt ai fruit, and resuite with and Orange Coconut JeU--O Tapi- Certt are always sure - even for beginners - if they foîîow exactly oca Puddings! Perfect dessert, ta the teeted recipes in the bookiet grace any occasion . . . Chocolate, under the label ai each Cert.o Bttterscotch, Caramel aad Van- battie 1 illa Jell-O Puddings! Thora Are "Bu ywords" that we associate with qualityi- famous names kire "Red Rose" that mean for us the "best ta be bad". RED ROSE TEA AND RED ROSE COFFEE bave always meant flavour perfection in thousands ai Cana- dian homes ... and tbey're fast becoming "buywords" in thausands ai others!1 Just try Redi Rose Tea!1 I know you'il agree with ail the "Red Rose Fans" that it's qumdity tea - it's gooci tea! And this means, not onl ivour-aatisfact ion - but a budget-saving, tea! For, because Red Rose ms gooci tea, it actually gives more cupa ta the pound - its flavour goes a long way!1 B. Pose Coffee lives up to is quality name, too! A iways fresh- always jut iht.. -. you cau count on Red Rose Caffee because B.d Rose Cdee la as good as Red Rose Tea. 1 Dlidat Ku how good Leman Pie cauld b. - 'tii I tasted this won- il derful pie made witb DURHA?4, CORN STARCH i e. Here's the recipe, by Ann Ade - sa no wonder its eliuint. douLE olIE.1/ uin wts ecausei ...doule boN ier112cp 4kq&Durhamn Corn starets, and 1/4 tapa, sait; combine weil. Graduaily stur in i1 /2 cupe boMag water. Cook over low. direct heat, stirring con- tantly, until amoothiy thickened; caver and cook eoer bo g water. strring occaslonaily. until no raw fiavour of starch remains - about & minutes longer. Stir ito 3 sUightly-beaten egg e olks; return ta double boiler and cook. stirring constantly, 2 minutes. hemoýv; tram heat; suîr la i Uspn. graied lemon rind, 1/4 eup tmon juces and 1 tbspa. butter. Cool siightiy; tura into baked au: eooled vie the& . eat 3 Ott whftes stif but flot dry; gradually beat in a tbms ugar; beat untît meringue wil stand In peaks. caver filiiing wî«tVh reringue. brîinngu h out ta touch the pastry edge; bake in à slow aven. 300 deg.F. ntil'golden brown. i.oak for this Ann Adam recipe, together with other Ann Adam lavount4a, on "h. aewg eaqw-»-opn Durham Corn Starch packapl A RELAX WITH ADEIlUATE ELECTRICAL WIRING! Save yourself a lot af worry and extla work by making sure you have safe wiring that is adequate to IQQk after yaur electrical requiremnents. If yau are nat sure what yau shauld have drap in at our store or phone us and we will be glad to advise you if it is sufficient or what extra yau will need. Our trained technicians have had the training iand the experience to handie almost every electrical problem. 'You might as well let their ex;erience benefit you. -CALL TO-DAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE - OF YOUR PARTICUIAR JOB Higgon' Electric foefrl A-Gimac Dele Phone 438 Bewmauffllo 42 King St. E Earlier ln the sessions a deputa- tien tram school sections in the "' north end of Percy addressed the counties council to ask that they 1 be detached from the Brighton area i order that they could con- tinue to send their children ta Campbellford High Sehool. On Thursday fnorming the Consulta- 9tive Commlttee reported that fixe 1 committee was unable ta agree on v the area. Leonard Gardon of Col- tborne, member of the cammittee, said that he feit that the original ~. Igrauping was thxe best with two areas, one being Seymour, Camp- bellford, Percy and Hastings and the other being Murray, Brighxton township, Cramahe, part ai Haldi- ' mand, Colborne and Brighton vil- iages. Each area was large enough ta support a school. However, the best thing ta do now would be ta join bath areas. Disatreement Reve R. J. Locke comniented that he couldn't agree on bath be- ing in one high school district. t was unfortunate that the change in the Act created the situation whereby the school sections had been tald once that they could pull aut if they didn't like the area but now under the Act, theïr movements were restricted. Reeve E. Woodyard, Chairmar. of the Consultative Committee suggested that a bylaw be drafted settinLy up one area and then sent on ta the Dept. for approva]. In that way it would be learned whether the Dept. would apprave the bylaw. In the afternoon session, Reevee Woodyard suggested that the two high school area boards meet with the Dept. and that council corne ta a decision by July lst of this y eaf. Mr. McKiel ai the Percy Township delegation had told hlm he was willing to wait if mare Combined forces of Arm meetings could be held. It was cf a DUKW crew -give calf, the first time that the two Boards assisting the cow in dehivery. had ever got together, when they $10,000,000 both rural and ci met on Wednesday night. rehabilitatiozi of their-homes. Reeve Wartman's amendment ta the Consultative Committee - carried 20-19. Sparling said, were beginning ta Durham H. S. District realize that people were getting In connection with the Durham treated alike and that the county High School District the commit- assessor system xvas more equit- tee recammended that it be com- able than wrhat they had before. prised of Darlington, Clarke, Man- vers, part af Cavan, and New- castle, Millbrook, Bowmanville Across Canada and Port Hope and that a bylaw Wih i. T 11 be drawn Up ta that effect. A Wit te veeuiiies second bylaw was recammended, that the north part ai Cavan be Canadiana: The Nipawin, Sask., removed from the Peterborough Journal tells of a storyý at a dist- Suburban Area and reverted ta rict ladies meeting, about an em- Durham. The latter bylaw is for ployee of a Ditton Park farmer the purpose af having soinething who returned from a small build- ta submit ta Peterborough County ing at the end of a path and hand- Council. ed over a slip of paper asking if Reeve Norman Alhison and De- that was the proper type ai paper puty-Reeve F. Jamieson moved to.be used in said small building; an amendment that Bowmanville it proved to be a perfectly goad be in a smaller area made up af cheque for $50 .. . At Hailonquist, Darlington, Newcastle, west balf Sask., enterprising R. J. Muri of Clarke and southern part ai planted 13,375 trees-6 miles of Manvers. Reeve Woodyard said them-on his balf section farm ta that such an amendment would prevent soul drifting . . . Canvas- throw the whole tbing Out af sers for donations ta improve the shape. St. John's United Church at Oak- However, some af the Durham ville, Ont., feit good when they members wanted a littie more got $45,661i out of their goal of time ta ponder et as their rate- $72,000 an one Sunday . . . John payers were nlot as well versed Flavelle got police ail het Up in the matter in view ai the when he reported a newly dug speed with which it had been grave one and a half miles west drawn up. On motion council de- ai Biggar, Sask; excitement cided ta have more information mounted as white hairs were un- gathered and presented at a special covered and finally-not a corpse meeting ta be held before July but a front quarter of young beef Ist tItis year and the bylaw was with white and -roan bide stil tabled until then. clinging ta it ... Wben a waman n addressing the council the and man summoned ta an inquest County Assessor for Peterborough in Swift Current, Sask., failed ta outlined some ai the problems mét appear they were put in custody in that county. for three days and fined by Cor- The County Assessor worked oner Thurston; they tald the court with the local assessars in an ad- they were "too drunk ta appear ta visory capacity. When a general give evidence". . .. Graham Fox scale prevailed, the locai assess- was warried when he discovered ment then became the equalized at Innisfail, Alta., that bis new assessment for county purposes. Austin car had disappeared off He said that he got very good co- the street; later it was found"at operation from the assessors in the Patter home, as Mr. Patter had Peterborough County. While a new Austin tee, and took it by some assessments had been doub- mistake . .. External Aifairs Mike led, it was net because the county Pearson who had driven ta Belle- assessor was being teo bard as ville from Ottawa ta speak ta the sometimes an appellant got an Rotary Club, found ta bis conster- even higher assessment from the nation he hadn't even a nickel on judge. People, who once were hîm for the parking nieter, had ta very hostile ta the caunty assessor,1 find a friend ta help hlm out.. one even took a swing at him, Mr Mrs. Bill Bond, Jr., af Challiwack. Ail need if! YOUNG people golng away on weddlnt trips .. . younter people coming home tram school ... aider people plan- ning vacations. . . anybodY taklng their belongings any- where away tram home... ail need Personal Effects In- surance. It conts very littie - and may mean a lot to, Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street, Bownianvilie taa much information who feel that any case ai Poverty must be the resuit ai oppression by wealth ...naw Mr. Mutchmore says plainly, in an official statement that "ta demand bigger wages and bigb Pensions, as the poweriul and rich unions and railway broth- erhoads are doing, just makes it barder for the poar, and especi- ally the uniorganized poor, ta cex- ist." The Cbilliwack Progress is against this Communist witch- bunting business as a biusiness, remarks, "The sa-called Red Dean, it seerns ta us, bas been pretty foolisb at times. He is more ai a curiasity than a men- ace". The Lacombe, Alta., Globe tbinks, "If Communists attempt ta destroy aur liberties, why should we allow aur laws ta pratect themn in the process. It does seem silly, and yet it appears ta us ta be the only way, not ta drive it underground". Statistics on apparent cansump- tion wauld indicate that each Can- adian used about four yards mare ai cottan fabries in 1949 than in 1948. BLOSSOM TIME 1,5 OVER Blossom tm e,- Snowy petals ilying Fihi the air witb sweetness, And set the beart ta sigbing. For ahi this orchard vahley Is like a bride arrayedf, And we, fram youth ber loyers, Must watcb ber beauty fade. Blossams are but promise- Wbo shahl pen the stary Oi perfume and bird rapture, And hope ta bold their glory? Like saine sweet tale ai laving The beart remembers still, The words seem empty music, And bring no answering thrill. Winds with pihferine perfumes Are up the vahley sigbing, From boneyed tents ai sweetness The laden bees are fhying. Sangsters, ceose your riot! Bees, go seek the claver! The carnivol is ended, Blossom time is aver. -Alice MacRae Simkit4 in tbe Blossom Edition ai The Kentvilhe Advertiser Chemnical Weed Contrai Booklet "Chemnical Weed Contrai - 1950", is title ai a very informative book- let just issued by the Advisory Comrnittee on Herbicides for On- tario. The booklet, a very handy packet-sized aifair, can be obtain- ed tram local Agriculturai Rep- resentatives or direct irom the Statistics and Publications Branch, Ontario Department af Agricul- ture, Parhiament Buildings, To- ronto. "For several years chemical weed-killers have played an in- creasingly important part in as- sisting man with bis war on weeds", the committee points out in a preamble dealing with the subject ai weed-contral. "Cbem- icais should not, however, be con- sidered as replacing sound cultur- ai practice and ather proven weed contrai methods, but rather as additional higbly efficient weap- ans ta aid in the figbt. This pub- lication outlines recommendations, Road, work, qoIay carda, relax. Pull-out wash basin end toilet facilities of your OWII. Warm or cool. .. a touch adjuats the femoerature to your liking. Stoep.inviing bed pulls out in a jifFy. Go ta bed any time -ou feel luko iti wlth respect ta spràying equip- ment and chemicals". The eamnittee is made up 'of twehty officiais af variaus brandh- es o! the Ontario Department of Agriculture.,fthe Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, Oiltario Hydro Commission and the Na- tional Weed Cammittee. In is 28 pages, the bok contains a wealth ai information on com- bating weeds together with tab- ulated instruction for use o! chem- ical weed-killers on grain crops, raw-crops and pastures; roadsides, gardens and wahks and every oth- er conceivable spot where weeds grow. Ah types af weed-killers are de. scribed together wi tb instructions an mejhods, intensity af applica- tion and amounts ta be used with safety. There are even instruc- tions. on susceptibility or variauit weeds and plants ta the different chemicals. When Newioundland entered Confederation the m a x i m u m numnber ai Senatars was increased from 96 ta 109. AT L@W c@STr Something new in round-the-clock travel enjoyment is yours in Canadian National's smart duplex roomettes. Here's ail the privacy and convenience af a bedroom - at only 10 per cent more than lower berth lare! By day, lounge ini comfort on the sof c, restf ut foaxn rubber seat ... read, or just relax as you view the scenery un- folding outside your picture window. In your duplex roamette, you have your awn toilet and wash basin . .. your own temperature contrai. When yau're ready for sleep, pull out the deep-cushioned foam rubber bed... sleep soundly in air-conditioned corn-, fort. In the morning enjoy a leisurely' wash and shave in yaur own roomette. Next rime you travel, ask Canadian National about duplex roomettes, now mn service on these routes: Montreal- Halifax,Monreal-Toronto *,Toronto-. Chicago, Winnipeg-Vancouver, Mon- treal-Chicoutimi. *Pool service CANAI NATIONAL -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - B.C., paid a hurried visit 'co Boston Bar ta attend the funeral ai a friend, ,found the lady sick but very much alive-wrong number again . . . Invitations at any time are heartwarming, but Mrs. Ian Fergusan was thrilled ta get one from British Guiana when evacu- ation from the Winnipeg floads loomed; the message was relayed tbrough a "ham" station at Prince Albert who picked it up. Clipped: "Imports af goods com- peting with Canadian products continue ta develop. It would be difficuit ta stop buying of Czecho- slovakian cars, despite the fact that everyone realizes that every dollar paid for these is a nice con- tribution ta the Russian war chest. No sane man likes the prospect of the Iran Curtain dividing the world into two trading areas, but the cold fact is that it daes, as long as the Russians remain un- willing ta came ta any sort af agreement with the free nations" The Barrie, Ont., Examiner muses, "'surely in this great coun- try there are ecanomists with enough enterprise and initiative ta figure out methods af raising the standards ai living ta one graup without carrespondingly im- poverishing another eroup". "We cannot advocate truancy as a social practice but we do hope that the urge ta play hoakey nev- er quite dies out, declares the Sackville, N.B., Tribune, adding. "We who have reacbed the sa- called age ai reason, seem ta be busy developing rabats ta do more and more for us-but we cannot imagine a robot wanting ta relax and fish in the gaod old-fashioned way"l. The St. James, Man., Leader thinks the Cammunity Chest sys- tem is nat so hot because the 60- odd agencies spending the money don't bave ta go thraugh the bus- inessai raising it tbemselves... "what could happen if the situ- ation warsens is that ahl Com- munity Chest employees might eventually press the Federal gav- ernment ta take over, putting the Chest workers on the payroll as government employees". Comparisans are sometimes nat unduly odiaus, says article in speaking ai Rev. J. R. Mutcbmore, Secretary, Board ai Evangelism and Social Service ai the United Church, who has been one of the most consistent critics ai the sa- called capitalist system . . . "one af the men af good will and not E ai the BOWMANVILLL MEMORIAL ARENA Starting ai 9 p.m FRIDAY, JUNE l6th Dance bI he Music of LOU DEWELL AND HIS ORCHESTRA a m m 50c Per Persan DANCE WILL BE HELD ON THE SMOOTH SURFACE - OF THE HOCKEY CUSHION -Proceeds for Memorial Arena Building Fund ADMISSION to iy and Navy act as nùrsemaids to newborn caif. -Five members born on- highway three miles from. Morris, its lirst meal after As the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund speeds to its objective of Lty~ 0l,od victims -can look forward to assistance lin the persong1à 1- lis' soàtïllrotit, GAY GALA 'PAr.p. m'iule lî TM CANADUN STATESUM. BOWXANVrLiýr. onTAwn

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