Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1950, p. 9

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~!RTTfl*n AV iwr~v i I -, - *~ ** *UUV LE CAAAN B TATBMAN. BÇJWMANVTLTZ oeTAR!O ~ - hags ln hot weather. 7. Wet sand bedding ln uu- merr before leading hogs, »Am while en route. Drencli whm necessary. 8. Remnove pretruding naia boîts or any sharp objects in trcki or car. 9.1-Have upper deck o! truck high enough ta prevent back brdls- es on caives below. 10. Use good loadlng chut*s, not tae uteep. 11. Loaci slowly to preent crowding against sharp corners, andi ta avoici excitement. 12. Use canvas slappers instead o! clubs or canes. 13. Neyer lift sbeep by the wooL. 14. Do not overloaci. 15. Always partition mlixed loacis to separate classes, and caives from cattie. - 16. Partition packing sows from iigbt wcight butchers. 17. Tic all buils ln truck or car andi partition boars, atags andi cripples. 18. Bull board shouci be in pos- ition anci secureci before car dool is cioseci. 19. Provide covers for trucks ta protect from sun ini summer and coici ln 'inter. 20. Drive carefully. Slow down on sharp tumns and avoici suciden stops. 21. Inspect loaci en route ta prevent trampling of downèr cattie. 22. Bock truck slowly aid squarely against unlaadinig dock. 23.' Unloaci slawly. Don't dmôp, animais !rom upper ta lawcr deck; use cleateci inclines. FIRM BUYS MODEL FAEM.' The Massey-Harris Co. han purchaseci 625 acres a! lanci near Milliken, it bas been announced., The property 'viii be operateci by the company as a model farm. A port~ion o! the property 'viii be set aside for the testing o! farm equip- ment produceci by the campanyr. The company did not divulge the price paid for pui'cbase a! the land. HanamDepars SowProgrss PllYellow Rocket Trying a Twiig to Save a Tootli Cutworms Serjous -ed by applying 500 poundso Weeds in Hay Fields This Year In ing time and sidedre-,sing aite Sovn o l o dP o lmAre Serlous Menace ~ --G ro n il 500 pounds about three week a *~SolvingWGrrddendanrdbFemld__ter. _________ Modern fertilizer attachet Attention has been drawn to This is a serlous cutworm year are now available which plac h Disappointment at "the neg- given ta the achievement of a prevalence of "Yellow Rocket"l throughout the Province of On- fertilizer in the sil in a ditic ligible progres"l made by allied world wheat agreement, and the weed in hay fields this spring tario, according to Ed. Summers, band or core on each side o h nations In translating into practi- taking of at leïast one -step to- This plant is now in flower and Agricultural lRepresentative. row. The bands should b p cal action programs. the prin- wards a pragram for the band- because of the yellow color of the Agetcelo h aae~ rxmtl ormhsfo h ciples enunciated at the Hot ling of food surpluses. "lIt is blossom it i frequently mistaken Aonfied to dens wfherme rasrowadtee four inches deep Springs Food and Agricultural doubtful", said Dr. Hannam, "if for common inustard.cpindt a pans uheastcabba-e, owcntactthre ou oistur Conterence called by the late either coulci be accomplisheci bad It is a perennial weecî which cauliflower oaos t. r When side-dressing the goig President Roosevelt in 1943, was At fot been for the existence Of also produces a large number of..beig c t oatoe et cn., r p h iead pedo h expressed to the member nations IFAP." seecis, thus coulci easily become .,Onse9forarsprt-pats ilgvenhedtnc attending the fourth annual con- "Any effort amongst any group serlous, particularly in hay or plrysnyfrmfed fg anfte bands r the odcorw feene fth Itrntinl e o f world citizens to achieve inter- pasture fieldis of several years' aebencmltlyrie.but they should be placed as ls eration of Agriculture Producers, national understanding at this duration. Because of it's ripen- h aavegen of ths nteybas been toithe tobacco as possible vihu by President H. H. Hannam, of time is a contribution to the most ing habit it is not prevented from noted in the Kendal. ares. Some causing injury to the plant.I Canada, in bis opening address to vital and urgent need of our day", seeci setting by cutting hay at the ~ ~ fortbcogoeshv u any case the depth shauld berg the conference delivered May 29 said Dr. Hannamn. usual time. io diiur yt hic rs eave Prf ulated to place the fertilieri at Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Slow Progress By Allled Nations "Yellow Rocket" get its start as f.. J.. aer no~ooyDpatet Most of the 25 nations whose "Wbile recognizing the extent an impurîty in clover and grass B-7i ~OaCer ep, tatg etatmtob,-bcomavouabheole.is national agricultural arganizations to which we share the ideals and seeds and in the first instance is ~- c rwr hudueteba now bave membership in IFAP. objectives of the Foodi andi Agri- usal iie aafewsatrdvlaelar rs hi et ash poison hait every year about e u Ti Cot were representeci when the con- culture Organization of the United plants throughout the field. These Sehool chlldren In an Indian vilaeheir 15<1w tobreubch ealt three days previous to transplant- R dc hsC sl ference gat under way at Saîts- Nations", said Dr. Hannam, "and can be quickly pulleci out. Left with twigs and eharcoal powder. hr teachersare pule a ing as a special precaution. Waste by Taking ~Obaden following a kbort pre- while acknowledging the close alone they ean spread ta a great speelalists attached to a malaria control teamt sent te Indi uder a The directions for rnixing the Wonfrene tur hrogh Dn- nd ineworing elaionhip weextent. Pull them naw while they joint program of the United Nations International Children's Eer- atae. makadSweden. The hr con- enjay with that organization, aur are tl yellow and can be easîly geney Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization. Mem- 25 îbs. branTh ePrcu on ference of IFAP. was held at praducers would bave us record seen,,and before -the seed is ripe, bers o! the team use spare time ta show chlldren In villages getting 1 lb. paris green 1. Deor cattie, preferbl Guelph, Ontario, last summer. aur justifiable disappointment in - malaria protection how ta protect teetla with materiais at b.and. 2 V2 gals. water Canada bas a delegatian of a doz- the negligible progress made by sa many of aur member countries. 2 quarts molosses (net obso- wben young. en delegates and acivisors in at- member govemnments o! FAO. At the saine time, IFAP. will con- lutely necessary) 2. Remove projecting nis tendance. since the Hat Springs canference tinue ta blend its voice of disap Mix the bran and poison, then spllnters and broken baardsi Dr. Hannam, in opening the in translating into practical action pointment at this lack of actionD ramrnnyF l reS e oaogrdal ori h ae n ~; D rh ount Fok Fee S ed otao grciuîîy ourin he wterandfeed racks andi fences. conference, laid stress upon the programs, the principles set up at with steadfast support af FAO 's a evc mix thoroughly. This amount 3. Keep feed lots free from i value of the international farm- that time, which helci out so much objectives ta raise nutritional E oy Hereford a Certif icateS ie shouici do pretty weiî ta an acre machinery and obstacles that a ers' organization as a means of hope andi promise ta people every- standards, ta exert a stabilizing At Col. McAlpine's Now Available To apply spread on fieldi broadcast bruise. assisting in the creatian of inter- where". influence on the agricuitural price_________ by band. 4. Do not feed grain heil national good i wll andi under- Full Support for FAO. economy, ta further the technical O ue1 eeadbedr resei.oaocriiain F or transpianteci plants In a just prior te loading. On une10Herfor beedrs fee eedpoatocerifcatongarden scatter the bran along tbe 5. Beci with sand, free fo standing, in wbich direction the "Particularly have world gov- assistance pragram, andi generally fram ail parts of Ontario gather- service is available ta ail potatoro a!pntorrigehplt stones, ta prevent slipping. organization bas alreody accamp- enments fallen down l aigtapaearfulwih ehn n c at Col. McAipine's country growers in Ontorio, the Cropsa few inches from the ite. 6 ae ad ihsrwi llshed sufficient ta justify its ex- ovailable ta people in need the worthwhile measure taken by home, between Fenelon Falls andi Seeds and Weeds Branch, On- aPes oete atsoi ecolci weather, but no strawfo istence. Twa other activities were surplus production of the greatiy FAO. ta face up to the challenge Bobcaygeon, for their Annuol tario Department of Agriculture, Pesnoetebi hude netable, nameiy, the assistance expanded agricultural plants of of this vital worid probiem" Fieldi Day and Picnic. Here the points out. Incidentally, now i applieci in the evening after a Not A Bright Picture Colonel ows nethusn acres the tim ta make application for Farsmay. gre ol "For world arclua rd-o ad the service. paunds o! the bran mixture should cers, the future is anything but This beautiful home is situateci Persans interested shoulci get be prepareci, on the same propor- ARE Y U USNO TH NEW"The secre !uDcrtaity ang at the top of a wooded siope close in touch with the nearest seed-po- tions as mentianeci previousîy in brigUu f e TH EW"h",secrefucti r. Hanst trenLke urddb am. 0C omre PARATHION I SECTICIDESmenocingly over thema". t trenLksurudc ytt fficialinh their District. this item. If you require furtber Facor afecin th psiton0fspaciaus lawns and toweming trees Fieldi inspection can aiso be ob- information contact youmý Agri- PÀ%Rtlr ION INS CTIIDESFacorsaffctig th poitin o wih acircular driveway on one tained without charge by making cultural Representative, E. A. TO R@ EC YO R R@ Sagriculture in warld econamy were side of the bouse and a large application on or before June 15, Summers. M ir R T Ç O R C O Imentioneci by Dr. Hannam, as be- stone patio on the side next the ta the offices o! the Dominion _________~I I l ing:- loke. Large stones, artisticaily Seed Potato Certification Service.u r n Many well-known manufacturera are selling parathion formu- "The deplorable effects on in- placed, form steps leading ta the Agricuitural Representatîves in SieDrp ~ lations in agricuitural areas. See your local agricultural tenioa rd in farm products beach below. As you came each caunty or district will aiso be Bue rle soîac o oftebekono eea o-thraugb the trees on ta the beach glaci ta provide necessary in! or- mule Tban uon atoiisfor recommendations. These insecticides are made vertability o! currencies. a magnificent view o! the lake, ration ont the matter. S o([ne P ri "The upset in normal trade andi cottages in the distance astya ffcaipon u, ndy L arnSoi! ini Canada from basic THiorKos* Parathion supplied by within Europe and the uncertainty bursts upon you. atyrofclspitu, 1 as ta what wouid faliow the endi Near at bond Is the Caoonei's only 390 farmers i Ontario avail- of he arsallPla. bathusewit it moor aunhesed themseives of the service while Mare efficient mnetbods o! ap- This live desr of+eMasal ln -otouewthismoo atnhd in Prince Edward Island 5,248 was piYing fertilizer in recent years wiepoamb Punsd 4MERICAN tOMVPANYJ "Lack of effective Internation- which were ta be feely useci by teotai and in New Brj.mswick have brought about the possibility iepornbyP ai machinery ta c ushion the im- the guests that day, andi a mon ta o edn odr NEW YORK 20,N.Y. pact of variaus price support and operate them. The Colonel baci 1,424. o! improving the yieîci andi quai- o edn odrto ____ ~~~Reg. 17. S. Pat. Of. price stabilization plans in nation- also hired a manortedya Inheea19,24acs n ity o! burley tobacca. This bas heifers. ai economies, desirable domestic- look after any chilciren who Ontario passeci for certification as been demonstrateci at the Domini- _____________________________________________aliy. wished ta go swimming, that their icompareci with 35,165 acrs ntanxrimentai Steat xio maraAtfvewes fa "Sumpluses bave already reacb- parents might be free ta enjoy Prince Edward Islandi and 23,706Onaiyserlexemns eci the burdensome stage in saime themseives, ocres in New Brunswick. ' ta compare the efficîency af var- pounds.. At two nmontso countries, threaten ta do sa in Picnic tables andi benches were Ontario generaîîy grows a total iOus methoda o! appiying fertiliz- n gaedti38l others. Ail producers, whetber in set up on one lawn for the guests, ocreage of somne 120,000 ocres eoch er. Sotisfactory results bave been an aic ths3Ih. h] 'AI G I Esurplus or importing countries, ail a! wbom bhac bmaugbt their yeor. obtained by applying the fertiliz- Pu ina Caif Startena. BEHAPPY THIS YEAR WHEN HAYING BY of campetitive dumping. ensued. When ail weme satisfiedFA AN WOL was least effective because fer- B uet rpi "Dumping o! large sumpluses o! a louci speaker was set up andi FRTIANDZE R PLY iie pleii hi o mr e rw USING THE MODERN . famm products at give-away prices music enjayeci wbiie baskets were _______ reacPL iiîex poe intathe nwatui rai fix-o inta an otherwise stable market, packed andi put away. edlexodtahenur f- coulci be as disastrous as the dump- Then Leray Brown, Agricul- World consumptian o! chemical otion properties o! the soul. When ing o! an army o! industrial work- turai Representative for Victoria fertilizers bas reacheci the phen- cancentrated fertilizers were ap- ers, or doctors or civil servants ta County, welcomed the guests andi amenai peak o! 11,350,000 tans piied ini the row, injury ta the Va work at subsistence wages in calleci on George Rodanz, Stouf- annualiy andi many million more roots af the tender seedlings fre- 'a so e' aommunities of otherwise stable fville, wha spoke in place o! Bert tans are requireci to achieve early quently resulteci. econamy. Wamnica, President, wha was un- increoses in the production of More recent tests illustrateci 116 King Street West away, if at ail, ta those who con- iilness. Col. McAlpine aiso spake lister, FA.O femtilizer and land the fertilizer may be ta the adi- g i&y lfe Q U IP IEInot otherwise ocquire them. Sur- although in very poor health, use specialist told those attend- vantage o! the crop, particularly T:îuses shouid be maveci into world giving ail a moal welcome ta bis îng the meeting o! the Provincial an saiidy loam souls. No detri- markets ot reduceci prices only by home and inviteci them ta make Fertilizer Baaeds at the Central mental effects were observeci T n international agency or under a tour o! bis bouse andi bis new Experimental Farm, Ottawa. wben quite large quantities of fer- H A YIN E Q U P M E Ninternational supervision. r $50,00barn. He then introduced Mr. Calister, a former officiai tilizer 'ere applied as late as D r a m r "Wrl-wd idiaios r o hspesoa fied Hn.Lsle fth CndaDeatmnto A- or eesafertanplnin, u ha - r Corne and see this equiprnent on display at least a partial repetition o! the Frost, Premier o! Ontario, who riculture, Ottawa, recently me- However, best results were abtain-an phenomenom o!fciecining agricul- acdmresseci the gathering. Mm. turned from a 'vorici fact- Mo er - Sie akstural prices with stationery or Grabam, Sec'y. o! the Ontario finding tour studying world fer- stepping up their production of Mow rs Sie R kesrîsing agricuitumol. csts-a trendi Hereford Breeders, also spoke, tilizer needs for the United 'Na- fertilizers andi Mm. Callister tolci Auima~cfih he enilie Ble wbich soon leaves agriculture on announcing bis resignation and tions Foodi and Agriculture Org- how guano, century-old. accumu- Auo a aler wf h eflfdBl the low end o! unbalancecina- expressing regrets at having ta do anizotian. He tolci the Ottawa lations o! bird droppings, is tionai economies, sa dissipating sauneed y eetinL7 that every country lie mineci. He also describeci bow W * H R ONfr prhsigpwr st F- ollowIng this aljunydb visited bad saime fertilizr or nitrate of soda is btind*n- fecr ipusrhaes elngcas powper as80 te t lat oa!-ole a *le ad* is ae wer obtainecias al AanUg olFodPormthe buge new barn where tbree in mnany cases, lack o! fertilizer en in 20,000 years. ..* DELRFR"Witlith instinctive adta classes o Hereford cattie 'vere greatly reduceci fooci production. Other speakers beard atth Case Fam DaEhLER FOFR etoeTie ditional desime ta produce injucgeci - a class o! one-year-old A hungry 'vorîci neecis food, he closing session o! the Provincial W DeLrm aval ieru ai-Seirto ers plenty, with the hope o! a pro- heifers, a ciass o! two-year-old saici, andi fertilizers andi manures Fertilizer Board's two-day meet- DeLaal ilkes ad Searaorsgressiveiy expanding market, with heifers, ondi a ciass o! steers. Joe enabie formers more quickly ta ings includeci E. R. Olsen, Man- Beatty Bros, Stable EqulPment their natural inclination ta sup- Dunbar, Guelph, 'vas deciding increase production and get high- ager o! the plant fooci division o!f. FE KIN ST W.PHOE 43 prt roai bmontar obecjudge in these classes. Randoif cm retumns for their expenditure Swift Canadian Ca. Ltd., Toronta.0$, MEMER F 0R.FE.DA. ive, flkson he ncimoybe unkn, eneon oUs gae ao! work anci materials. G. S. Peart, Chie!, Inspection Ser- NZ»R O O..F..D-L tve, flkson he andmaybeprize o! $2,00 ta the lady guessing He talci a! ane of the world's vices, Plant Products Division, counted on ta do ail in their pow- closest to the actuai weigbt o! the îorgest nitrogen plants that is be- Department o! Agriculture, Ot- ?~' - cm ta have the ideals o! o world best steer. This campleteci a very ing built inIdia t a ot of o e a a h a ce sc ar fooci and agricultural progra i-full day. g mnaaacsaae aa h aiatc scama plementeci through adequate in- ubmCut eeatn- $50.000,00 anci when completeci during the meetings closeci the ternational macbinery and pro-- the Hereford Fieldi Day were will have an output o! 1,000 tons conference with a final summary grams deviseci for that purpase", Ms J. A. Rosevear, Tyrone;adya maimslbt.o h aiu aesac eou saici Dr. Hannam. M.ac r.Gog tpea Other large fertilizer plants are tians tat ai been presenteci. "The urgency and w ort iness M an f Mily, G eoe t le Mis being built in E gypt andi M exici. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,* ' ***o! this 'viii, I know, prompt dele- Mary Halloweli, Starkville; Mr. South Aerican cuntries are gations in this conference ta me- andi Mrs. Del. Whitney and DougL- Wr urnedFIEE-C.i« <o(dm omblow. IIPhone or Contult 1 or Garn edTRA C IORS W o etM s nm "cm .W . carr si * SNALLET JACK FENCING - NAILS-PO Phono 2902 Bowmanvillo A copeeUne of wre.coSIpaNTPON 7 RNOF1 [VISON MUNDAY &SON fcom pent. B RO U GH POE3R R H . G. REAL 1' ' 1PLUMINO - REATING We Deliver Jl Phone 3438 VI]U' AAE ' Division St. 9. Bowmnv* le UYA CEAMC PASIC PHONE 2882 TYRONE ffoume Phone 234 :AUTENA'f ma Heifer) -tian la.part of a nation- lalers ta prove the value to rais. big dairy-quality ce "Beautena» weighed 139 age she weighed 177 lbs. le only consuming 85 Ibs. now and again and watch ir & Feed Mill' Bowmanville l' County Co-C op ~DP ,INES 0F a CO-OP. FEEI ir feeding problems iulas we will mix and ou an request. opply of14 STS- FARM TOOLM IPROMPT SERVICE a Your Co-operaIiv COST - v. 'c à -.e qq» OMRAMUM21le PAGI Nm 1 and See

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