Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1950, p. 6

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TeNowcasile Iumepemden.t àM IssMraret Ach MUI Grace Bellamy, Montreal, àpeK, the weekend with her graaparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lof- tes elaniy. Joan Duck convalesced :her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bolb-rDuck, ater undergoing a tonqbctomy in Toronto. MaCarolyn Friediander spent Easfit holidays in Toronto. Mft Frances has returned honfé aiter spending Easter hall- days4-n Cornwall and Kingston witè-ier husband's people. D,-,W.-H. and Mrs. MacDonald we'e"'Sufiday guests of Mr. and Mr4i-. S. Bitton and Neil. M-..Carol Duck holidayed with ber.., ent In Scarboro. cd aGerry Harris, Chesley, s4x ool chums. vstn l~and Mrs. Reg. Waadhams anct 4arie, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrq-. T. Couch and Mrs. N. Sau' ' *s Irene Dunlop, Toronto, mno ,red here with her mother, Mra, D. S. Milligan who has re- cenfly returned from Tampa, Florija, ta pick up Miss Verna Miligan and Mr. Erie Johnsoni ta spnd the weekend with P.C. Ed and Mrs. Milligan and Caral et Mhinden. Th-à Rink-ettes are at it again! This ,time they have really taken the plunge! They are sponsoring 3000 tickets only on e 1950 Stude- baker which will be drawn an or bai ara June 30. This Is your chance ai a lifetime, se don't miss youn chanteata grab up e ticket bacause they're selling eut like hotcakes. The girls feel confident that If you continua ta show youn ca-opeaailn they will reach. thein goal in. record time. Don't let them down, will you? Mrs. Stanley Powell and han mothen, Mns. Harold Tares, weme in Mantreal ettending the Gar- wood - Toms wedding. Mm. Toms nemained for a short visit. Mns. John Parker, the former Olive Welton, passed awey April 14, in Regina. Mn.. Parker was the sister oi Mn.. Fred Graham, ta whoni we extend sincerest sympathy. Miss Mabel Oldfiild and Mn. Tnecey Maes visited Mrs. Albert Terwilligen in Oshawa haspitel on Sunday. Mn. Gond Gray motorad ta Laamington aven the weekend ta bring Mn.. Gray, Susan and Tim- my home aiten a waek's visit. W.A. Supper Meeting April 13 in the United Chunch S.S. Hall, the negular meeting of the Woman's Association taok the form ai a suppen meeting with a goodly pumber present. MECHANIO WANTED APPLY DEAN HODGSON F NICHOLS' MOTOR "SALES Dhurch and Silver Sts. - ýBowmanvilllê FREE.... ONE (1#") PAINT DRUSH lvih the purchasa of each quart of Quick Drying ~namneI in order ta dlean certain lina.. This offer is ood for six days only, beginning Apil 2lst or until stock Is clenred. AIso Io Char ... MEZZGTONE an excellent Interior Finish ta dlean et greatly reducad pricas. ~ J.9. Abernethy ~'Peints, Wallpapers and Decorators' Suppliai SKING ST. W. BOWMANVI IILLE . .. .. .. ..I "I saw your advertisement in thé paper."p Many a shopping list is made Up (rom'the adver- tising columns of this newspaper. Whether Mrs. Housewifc goes to *market pushing the baby car- riage, in the famnily car or by phone, she knows she will save tme and money by first reading about the marchandise and services featured here. Make your advertising a helpful guide for buycn by regularly publishing the news about your bus.- ness in this newspaper. S Ask for a copy of our A.B.C. report.* It givei you complete and audited information about th< circulation that your advertising will get when il appears in this paper. *This newspaper la a menther cf the Aud&t Bureau cf Circulations, a nationul snoaam r c~f publishers, advertier and admteiing agencies. Our circulation is audited by cpe. ienced A.B.C. circulation auditars. O)Ur A.D C. report shows how Much circulation we have, where it goes, how obtained RM - ather tacts that tell advertisers what they pý for their rnoncy when they u,,e this piper. The tables were decorated with dafiodils, crocus and candies. Ai- ten the National Anthem and Grace were sung, a banquet meal waa parteken aif dllowed by a sing-song conducted by the Pres- Mdent, Mii. C. A. Cowan: "It's a Grand Night for Singing" for the night; "'Easten Parade" for the seasan; "I've Got a Lovely Bunch oi Cocoanuts" for the members; "Mothen Machree", with Rev. Hendersan taking the verse, for Waman's meetings. The devotional waa in charge ai Mns. Percy Brown's group. Mesdames F. Couch Sr., C. Glan- ney, H. Jase, A. Gibson, H. Cooke, A. Glenney, F. Eddy, C. Malley, W. Brunt, A. Turner, F. Bawen, C. Branch, fanmed a cross ta music ai "The Old Rugged Cross" with Mrs. H. Allin as pianiat. Mesdames L. Stephenson, F. Wight, C. Ferguson dialogued Easter Lilies. A ladies' quartette irom the graup sang "In Joseph's Lovely Garden"; Mesdames H. Allin, I. Alian, I. Colwill, C. Caw- an, with Mrs. L. Fisher as accam- panist. The acripture was given by Mn.. P. Brown and the devo- tional closed by prayen by Mns. Rev. Patterson. Aiter a brief business session, Rev. Pattenson intnoduced the speaker, Rav. S. R. Hendenson, Bowmanvifle, who gave an in- apining talk leaving us ta carry home seniaus thoughts. Mns. F. Bowen moved a hearty vote af thanks ta the speaker. Mrs. R. Hencock expressed thanks on be- hall ai the Clarke ladies while Mrs. Cowan thanked al fon the ca-operation af the evening. In ciosing, all joined in "Whare He Leads Me, I Will Follow" and Rev. Patterson pnonounced the Benediction. MINSTREL - FASHION SHOW THRILLS LARGE AUDIENCE Monday evening Newca st le citizens were treated ta Wn ex- ceptianally fine concert by Bow- manville Lions Club wha present- ed their Minstrel Show ta a ca- pactiy audience. The show was unden auspices of Newcastle Club who certainly deserve cred- it for bringing fine music ta this comrnunity. Fnam the opening numben, "There's Somet h i n g About a Lion", ta the finale, "There are Twenty-four HouÉs ai Sunshine", the audience sat en- tranced. The musical numbers were superbly rendered and the jokes kept everyane in high spir- Its. The Bawmanvîhle Club are ta be commended on their versa- tility. As a final touch ta a very lave- ly evening, the Merry, Marrieds Club af Newcastle presented the iollowing fashion show much ta the enjayment af aIl present: This is a very auspiciaus oc- casion, having with us some ai Hollywood's nated celebrities. The gowns wann by the stars were desigh~ed by the famed de- signers oi Paris, France, and flown here for the occasion. The gowns are enhanced by manne- quins displaying them with grace- ful figures, sizes ranging from 12 ta 42. We might add, some of the girls have been on a* diet fram 4 tô 6 weeks preparing for this night cf nights. The glamarous firebaîl, Rita Hayworth, excellently pantrayed by Don Jose, will portray for us an exquisite creation ai a "June Bride" by Lucien Lelong. For that formal dance or ball "Jean Lanvin" gives us a fashion impor- tant black velvet evening cloak which is tucked at the waist, a rounded white ermine callar i. its only trim. The gown is made an simple princes. lines with short puffed sleeves. The model, Charlie Glenney, excellently par- trayed model Shirley Temple. Eve Arden, portnayed by Albert Pearce, modelled "Doreen's" lat- est in lounging attire., Darathy Lamour, the "sarong" girl ai M.G.M., certainly dld jus- tice ta Pierre Balmain's latest skint and sweater creatian. Frank Hoar did the honours. Ross Aluin as Paulette Gaddard modelled a versatile classic by Scaparilli for Spring in dark blue serge. Direct irom Italy came Ingrid Bergman (Brenton Rickard) ta model the last word in lingerie by Andre Deline, af silk jersey in the new dawn rose shade. Art Randal, as Lana Turner, modelled a black ilowered print for cocktail dress, simple in its design but creative by 'Dana". Jane Wyman portrayed by Gord Gray modelled a unique strapless sun dres. with a baiera by Jacques Falth. Shamnock shorts give us the latest vogue in shorts with Doris Day (Bill Allun) showing them off ta advantage. To end the show we came back ta America ta get the last word ini beach wear for 1950. Modelled by Esther Williams (John Rick- ard) you can see the designer went back ta the 18th century ta bring into the limelight this sensational bathing suit made ai black drill an a silor-boy style wîth middy top and full blousy pants. Stockings ta match are in fine mesh wool while the cap la made ai water-resistant white and red plastic. To climax the show the stars consented ta sing "Ten Pretty Girls" for us. Siafford Bros. Monume ntal Works Phone Whltby 852 318 Dundu sBtuc'., Whitby FINE QUALMT MONUMENTS AND MA KERS Precise warkxnanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when vou choose frani the wide selection ocIimported and TEE CANADTAN STATUMAN, EOWMAIrVflLU, ONTAE8O q¶ITm.qnAy. APML Iftth. imin WEDDING GAR WOOD-Toms The marriage of Frances :ane tToms and Terence Joseph Gar- ewood took place against a back- àground of ferns, baskets of snap- idragons and candelabra in the United Church at St. Lambert, Que., on April 14. The ceremony waa Periormed by Rev. McRae. The bride is daughter of Mirs. Harold Toms and the late Mr. Toms. The groom la son of Mr. Garwood and the late Mrs. Gar- wood. Given ini marriage by Mr. Chester Fay, the bride was gown- ed in ivory satin styled with a fitted bodice. stand up collar and full skirt. Her Jewellery was a strand of pearls. Her veil feUl from juliet cap and she carried a colonial bouquet of Easter filles, farget-me-nots and hyacinths: Her maid ai honour chose a gown of blue taffeta with a matching headdress and she carried a bau. quet of pink carnations. The best man was Robert Mc- Coll and Charles Rowe and Har- old Lewis acted as ushers. For the reception at the hame af Mrs. Charles Rawe, the bride'. mother received in a street length dresa ai navy blue with match- ina accessories and a carsage ai gardenias and hyacinths. The bride wore a green suit with white hat and gloves and black shartie coat, purse and shoes for their trip by plane ta New York and Bermuda. Upon their return they will reside in Montreal. BURKETON Little Marie Irans entertained founteen af han achool friands on han sevanth binthdey. Twelve membens ai the Home and Schooi Club anjoyed a social evening as guests ai the Long Seuit Home and Schaol Club. Miss Doreen Panrett, Hampton, visited Mn. and Mns. T. Bailey. Miss Lois Stevenson spent e few day. in Tononto. Mn. and Mn.. George Tompkins and Georgie, Toronto, Mn.. J. Ragers, Hampton, with Mn. and Mn.. J. A. Tompkins. Mns. H. Rahm visitad Mn. end Mn,. George Rehm, Seintfield. Mn. and Mn,. Clarence Rahm, Waston, visited Mns. H. Rahm. Mn. and Mn.. E. Adams, Mn. and Mn,. Albert Adams, Mr. and Mn.. Bert McMullan and Genny visitad Mn. and Mn,. Albert Good- man, Toronto. Mn. Nelson Hudson wlth Mn. and Mns. W. Bnadburn, Black- stock. Miss Bath, Dean visited Mn. and Mn.. Howard Getcheîl, Toronto. Mrs. A. B. Ribey was hostess ta the W.A. an Apnil 13. Mn,. R. Seymour gave a taik on the life ai early Indians in Canada. Miss Donna Haines and Mn. Peter Gatchahi wene winnens et the Home and Schaol Euchre held Monday evening. Mns. Grant Cernochen won tha ladies' pniza. Mn. Peter Sakowski, Toronto Normal Schooi student, i. taking aven Mn. J. Fnankum's duties as school teechen this week. Mn. and Mrs. H. McLeughlin, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mn,. Wm. McLaughlin. Mn.. Rilda Stevenson and Ai- bert with Mn.. A. Hughes. Mns. Douglas Taylor visited han father et Torpato Hospital. Mn.. W. Frankum Sr., Mn. and Mn.. Jim Fnenkum and Danny, Scarbano, et J. Fnenkum',. Mn. and Mn,. L. Vanhaiken- burg Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. J. Smith andaOrvis, Mn. and Mrs. J. Shackleton and Kaith et J. Cur- ran's. NE WTON VILLE Mn. and Mn.. C. Robb, Mont- reai, are et thair cottage. Mn. and Mns. Boy Burley have punchased a gnoceny business et Henmony and movad thene on Mondey. Frankie Stepleton, third son ai Mn. and Mn.. Hugh Stepleton, is i Bowmenville haspital with pneumonie. Mn,. Maclntyre, Toronto, who ha. been visiting Miss Jennie Thompson, hà. ratunned home. Mn. George Laing, Edmonton, arrived by plane ta visit his sisten, Miss Isaela Laing, in Bow- menville hospitai. We regret ta report Miss Laing pessed awey an Tuesday. Mn.. Frank Gilmen neturned frorn Bowmanvilla hospîtal Sat- undey end i. restlng comfontebly et home. Sunday evening a love- ly basket ai tulips and deffadils which the chair presented ta Mns. Gilmar, being ana ai their num- ber, gnaed the piano, the wîsh ai the necipient. Mns. Cai Bunley i. in Peter- bora with han daughtan and son- in-lew, Mn. and Mn,. Ban Mc- Ewen. Thankoffeming Service Baster Thankoffering service oi Newtonville W.M.S. ai the United Church, took the form ai a pag- eant, antitled. "Welcome Happy Monning." It wes an BasterPeg- geant, depicting the principal avents ai the first BEsten, and the streares ai influence which em- anate fore the sae. This mes- sage wes presantad with dremeatic power by spoken word and sing- ing voices. The principal char- actens, and those playing the parts were as' follows: Rester Joy, Miss Faye Jones, Angel af the Ganden. Miss Margaret Ov- ens; The Church, Mn. Phiip Gil- mer; Youth, Mn. James Gilmer; Spirit ai Service, Mn.. S. J. Lan- caster; The Woman et the tomnb, Miss Donothy Bnown, Mns. Fred Hendenson, Mn,. Don Vinkle; The Captives, Mn.. Arnold Wade; Miss Doreen Milison, Gnoups ai Char- isters; Crusadens; Baniy Christ- ians; and little Children. Scrip- tuira selercti wnra ad by M Xiss TYRONE Mrs. Leslie Webb, and daugh- ter Maureen, Ottawa, &pont REu- tan halldays with Mr. and Mru. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mns. Howard Brent visited Mn. and Mrs. S. A. Cooper in Toronto. Mn. and Mii. Wilis Tinilin sud children sud Mrs. Wsley Pacey, Roseneath, Mr. Ernest Timlin, Cobourg, with Mfr. sud Mrs. Wil- lis Stweart. Mri. Pacey romain- ad for a iew day. Glad ta knaw Mr. Stewart la anound again, but Mrs. Stewart Io net much Improv- ed. Mrs. Keith Larmar and child- ren, Mrs. Gardon Larmar, sud Patricia, and Mrs. Marshall Lan- mar, Millbraok, with Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. and Mns. Lamne Annis r t- tended the funeral ai hi. uncle, Mn. James Thompson, et Pont Hope on Saturday. Mrs. William Macdonald visit- ed Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Barber and also her aunt, Miss C. Mc- Kenzie ia Toronto. Mrs. W. Miller i. spending a week with Mrs. J. Bird, Bcwman- Ville. Mr. and Mmi. Howard Wonna- catt and Roa. Dixie, Dianne Coul- ter, Tononto, and Joan Beckett, Bownianville, with Mn. and Mns. E. A. Virtue. Mn. and Mrs. Herry Spragg and children Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. Mn. and Mns. F. Wright and children with Mn. and Mns. 0. Wright. Blackstock. Mn. and Mms. Lamne Annis and famî1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bignal, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Raymond Clapp visited Mn. and Mns. D. G. Hoopar and Mns. Stonie at Onono. Mn. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Bawmariville, with Mr. and Mn. R. J. Hadgsan. Mn. and Mns. John Smith and Nael, Mn. L. Smith, Miss Wheel- en and Mn. J. Smith, Toronto, with Mn.. J. Smith. Mn. and Mrs. G. White, Baw- manville, with Mr. and Mn.. A. Hoan. Mn. and Mn.. R. GlaspelI and children wth Mn.. F. B. Glaspell, Zion. Mr. Scott, Taranto Normal, is a student teachen at the ichool this week. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lake, New- castle, with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Skinner. Mn. Wesley Hilîs attended the ianewell panty at Kemptville Agnicultunal Schoal Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt, Donald, Ken and Canal, Mrs. M. Wisnen,. Islington, Mn. and Mrs. J. Col- bary and David, Encoiclin, visited Mn. and Mns. K. Colbary. Mn. and Mn.. Ed. Hawkey, Ed- monton, Mrs. G. McCoy, Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mns. A. Hawkey, and Mn.. G. Phare and Lance. Mn. and Mn.. S. Daw, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. John Hilîs. Mn. and Mns. A. Youngmnan and family visited Mn. and Mns. Bd. Youngman, Pontypool, an Sun- day ta help celebrate with others oi their family on the occasion ai their 30th wedding anniven- sany which was Apnil 14. Aldin, Douglas and Wayne Hills, Hamilton, spent Easter holiday, with their grandpanents, Mn and Mrs. A. His, neturning home Sunday wlth thein fathen. Mr. Gardon Hilis. Mn. and Mrs. N. Yallowlees and childnan wane guasta ai Mn. and Mn,. Walter Ormiston, Han- mony. Miss Bessie Hilîs visited Miss Mary Hamilton at Canniiton. Mn. Banl Doonan, Woolen, i. staying at Mn. K. Colbany's. Joanne and Patsy Mackie, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mns. A. Ham- ilton. Ralph Hilîs and Rowland Coombes took part in the basket- bail games et Kingston lest waek. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread, Mn. and Mns. George Alidnead, Mn.. James Alldread, attended the funenal ai Mr. Albert Tan- nant in Oshawa an Manday. Sympathy i. extended ta Mn. James Aildread on the sudden passing ai han brother. Mn. Lance Phare visited friands han atint and uncla. Mission Band met Sunday manning with a gaod attendance, including the littia Hilîs boys inam Hamilton. Gloria Brant took charge af meeting with Helen Cola giving the rail cal and minutes. Bidon Cresawell gave the Bible reading. The finat Baster was told by Helen Cole. Miss Bath Miller gave the third chapten ai Study Book. Col- lection wasg taken by Aldin Hulis and Eldon Cresswell. This community was saddened nectar ai the pageant - Mn,. (Rev.) H. A. Bunt. The Rester Pageant put on by members ai the Sundey School was clasely iollawed and enjoyed by e lange cangregetion. Great credit is due Mrs. Bunt fan han untiring efforts in training the' young folksaend prepening tha costume&- on Seturday monning when word Passdad eound that ana ai aur highly esteemed citizens, Mns. Laura Vintue, had quite suddanly passed away at the home ai han daughten, Mn,. Stanley Beckett, Bowmanvilla. Mn,. Virtue had been a patient ln the hospital ior a waek and wes 50 much imprav- ed thet sha had gona ta stey with han daughten befona netunning ta han home here. On Friday she suiiared a stroke and neyer rai- lied. A very lange funenal wes held on Monday aitannoon iromn the Morris Funerai Home. In- terment took place in Bethasda cemnetery. The sympathy ai this community la extandad ta the femily, Mr. Milton Virtue, Mr. sud Mrs. E. A. Vintue, Tyrna, and Mns. Stanley Beckett and Mn. and Mn.. Anthur Spicen, Bow- Inanviile, five gnandchilderi and ane brother, Mn. William Hem- b L~jyal Orange Lodge, No. 764, Tynone, met Apnil 13 with -a good attendence and visitons fnom Bawmanville and St. Catharines. Sir Kt. Bro. Cappen, grand chap- lain ai the Grand Black chepten ai Ontario west, and Sir Kt. Bna. Arthur Brooks, Grand Deputy Master af the grand Black chap-i tan ai Ontario west, gava splendid addnesses on the meening ai the Orange Association fnom the Bible. It was enjoyed by ail. Liodge closed with a nica lunch. SOLINA Our sympathy is expnassed ta Mn.. Gardon Heal and family on the deeth af han father, Mn. A. Richardson. Mn. and Mn,. Ralph Crawford have moved into part ai Mn. John Knox's house, from Brougham. Wa welcome them ta this com- munity. Saline Home and School club wiil meet at the school Thursday (to-night) instead ai Friday. We also weicome Mn. and Mn.. S. Biansteken and family who hava recently arived inoni Hol- land ta assist on the iarm ai Mn. E. Milîson. The Young People will prasent their play again at Budone Fri- day night. Mn. and Mn.. Ernest Hockaday attendad the Cowling - Hobden wedding at Kinsale U ni tead Church lest Saturday. Mn. and Mn,. Ralph Davis an- tertained alt a Lost Hein party Saturday night whan prizes ware won by Gardon Leask and Mrs. Harold Pascoe. Communion service was ob- served et Chunch Sunday with Rev. R. Nicholson in change and Gledys Yellowlaas at the organ. Y.P.U. met Monday evenlng with Citizenship canvenor, Mary Cryderman, in charge ai the pro- gram. The theme af the won- ship service was "Tha Light ai the Wold" and the canvenon was essisted by Betty King, Mona Fenguson, Jean-Montgomery and1 Bruce Taylor. Ewart Leask and Stanley Milîson favoured with piano, guitar and vocal selections1 and Giadys Yellowlees gave a reading. Betty King canductedi gaeas. Announcemant wasi made ai the Sping Convention at Columbus on Saturday sud Sun-. day ai this week. The Saline Exchange sales are having satisfectory resulta. Visitons: Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peter- bora, et home. Mr. and Mn.. Ralph Davis and Petsy et Walter Devis', Kedron. Mn. and Mns. H. Maies and Jan- te. Bowmsanvill., et J. W. Yel- lowlees'. Miss Muriel Tink, Ebenezer, with Donna Vice. Mn. and Mmi. Clarence Tink and Marion,- Hampton, et Bruce Tink's. Mmi. Lamne 1nskin with han mother, Mrs. T. Pereman, Colum- bus. Mn. and Mm,. Norman Shel- drake and Tommy, Mr. and Mmi. Morley Cook and Doris, Caîbonne; Mn. and Mrn. Fred Crame, Osh- awa, with Mrs. C. Blanchard. Mri. Walter Parrinder and Hel- en spent a few days with relatives et Toronto. Mrs. T. MinaItem, Port Hope, et Lama Kellett's. MÂPLE GROVE Mn. and Mmi. R. R. Stevens with thain daughtem and son-in-law. Mn. and Mns. Rey Snowden, Tor- onto. Mrs. Roy Meîntyne, daughtan Mary, Toronto, spent weekend with Mrs. L. C. Snowden, and Mildred. Mns. Albert Brown and two children, have netunned ta Ham- ilton. Mn. and Mn.. Jake (Wm.) Laird, sons Bobby and Alex, vi- sited the former's sisten, Mn.. W. Pearson (Annie) at Lakeiield on Sundey. Donald Pearson and Billie Laird naturned with them. Mn. and Mn.. Scott McKeen and daughten Heathen, Aspen, N.S., with Mn. and Mn.. Chester McGrath. Miss Elsie Samis, Eniield, with Mn. and Mns..Edwin Ormiston., Mns. L. C. Snowden is visiting han daughten, Mns. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Bey. and Mrs. H. MecBain, Sarnia, vîsited their aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mn. and Mns. Ray Snowdan, Toronto, visltad thein panants Mn. end Mn.. R. R. Stevens and Mn. W. J. Snowden an Sunday. Mas- ter Billie, who spent lest week with relatives, retunned home with his panants. Sympathy ai this cammunity i. extended ta Mr. and Mn.. A. Laird who on Sundey received word that his sisten, Mme. Robt. Cer, Madge) had passed away. Mn. and Mns. A. Laird, Miss Susie Laird, Mr. Wm. Laird, Mr. Ernie Laird ettended the funeal on Wednesday. The annuel W.M.S. Sunday ser- vice will be held on Sundey wlth. Miss Doris Milîsan, Missionary home on furiaugh fnom Bolivia, South Amenica, will ha g u e st. speaker. Hope to see a good turn-out. Sorny ta laie Mr. and Mns' Bn- nest Twist and famiiy fnom aur communlty. They have bought 1947 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan - Like new throughout. Custam Radio, -- 1475a Fog Lights, etc. 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan- Buit-in Radio, Popular Modal. &A 1946 Dodge Deluxe Opera Coupe- Immaculate Interior.------ - CASH - TRADE TRUCKS.- 1947 Ford Haif Ton Pickup- Reflects good cane. -$~845M 1929 Chev. Stake- Runs like a clock. Not a dint on$1O the fanders. 15O tand mcoved ta, the place formnerly owned and occupicd by Mr. Pet- er Elemnent, an the middle road, north ai Bowmanville. Barry Affl. The Corner Grocery feaiures Blue Bonnet Margarine Quik IL.400 Monarch Ketchup 13-oz. bottie 150 Sockeye Mince Salmon 8-oz. tin 300 SPECIAL! Surf Washing Flakes and Bar of Lux Toilet Soap Only - 35c Dalton's Pitted Dates 1 -lb.-290 Lipton's Teâ 1-lb. regular $1.08 Special 810 Winîlex for cleàning windows bottie 150 Tuna 4-oz. tUn 250 Quebec* Maple Syruk Gallon $4.00 FISH IS CHEAPER Try Our Frozen Fish and Save on Your Meat Bis Birdseye Fresh Frozen Fruits & Vegetables - Free Delivery - King St E. Phone 367 Bowmanville I I"~ i 1937 Pontiac Sedan- Smnooth Chevrolet - Moton. Clean Intenior. .- 1936 Dodge Custom Sedan- Turret Top, Good Trunk. Smooth Motor, Must be sean ta be appreciated. $6452 $4958 1932 Ford V-8 Coach Good Maton. Cheap$ Transportation at -- 25 - TERMS 1938 International Stake - This ana has seen a lot of rouçzh use. Make us an offer.' 1940 Ford Hall Ton Pickup - $595800 ORONO PHONE 86-2 OMM- 0 Slissons' Garage Il, 8. 1 TEZ CANADUS BTATUM«. BOWMAnvnl& ONTAMO TEMDAT. APRM 2M., ipso

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