Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1949, p. 20

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rX. ---r lUi... promoting goodwill ln their Tnheuilaunna'a . The spekrsrse.w rn To uerço e reuaie -Two Gulding Rules ç 0 ciples which should be followed beveryone in- orde tathe lu Ad res t o alRoaè-Cu might rid themselves of intoler- In A y iance and prejudice. The first, ai- 41 ready mentioned, was to learn th.e "People should learn ibe fants yarid and Northwestern - Univer- tacts betore d.ravCing an conclus-1 &bot éhes bfoe teyetdezn.sites ndwasoraindthere as ions about any other race. or thaboutothr ore they conDemn sia tie oadis crined R assgroup. The other was to.judge ail thdoe skgp"s, n*adDr. Rio he ehds inse.H l people as individuals. In. other RaryJonsubnan address tn he studied at> the University of Paris. words, don't judge a group or meeting, Friday at the Balmoral During the war he .served in the race throught what y ou know Of Hotel. He went on to explain that U.S. Merchant Marine. Two years one. or two of its individuals, be- much of the prejudice and intol- ago he came to Canada otk cause both good and bad will be erance in the world teday is based over his present position and has founld in every group, the. same, on ignorance and that, by learn- been residing in Cooksville since as in your own. ing the tacts and getting to know then. He is a member of the To- "In my travels, I have met and other people, a goed deal ef this ronto Kiwanis Club. knewn many people of many dif- t ype of feeling cou id be done Intolerance Worldwide ferent races and creedsad, awywith. strange as it may seem, I soun awy"This mnatter of prejudice, in- liked them awel s-Ifikeu t h e Dr. Jones' interest in this feel- tolerance and bigotry is an inter- peoleof sy wnace"i' ngws explained when Past estîng thing," Dr. Jones said in Jones rernarkect. Si President Lou Dippeli told. in his his opening remarks. *"It's found1 introduction. that hie is Director ail over the world . . . 1 can tellJ Brotherhood Week of the Canadian Council for you of intolerance in any part of The greup hie is working for are (hristians and Jews. He was edu- the world. I was at Nurnberg doing their best te proinotc od cited in the United States at Har- when Hitler had his last great will and uinderstanding i h rally there. I was in Czechoslo- world, hie said, and one of the vakia when the Germans marched means they are using towards in 1 saw ther intolerance of these ends is the observance of an us e~very possible type. Intolerance annual Brotherhood Week. Ti e 'frace. of creed, et religion." ceming year they plan te observe an W ffUnited States and Canada the week on a national scalle in Comig bak dser e bonethe U.S. and Canada, during the hlwek Fb. 9 teFeb 26 surprised ~at the Conciuding his remarks, Dr j' United States cempared with theJoe ad"Iwnt ugth - igorace f Aerians asfarpeople of this tewn te do their as Canada is concerned. He add- best te pronote goodwill among A e.however, that Caiiadian's the citizens here and thereby w kned geo ua eain make foi' yourselves, and for ail Ul iw'as net as great as their know- oftlus. a better Canada." a - ledge of another people. Ili cern- Amoine thnseD. paring the two ceuntries. hie call- Jones was made by Secretary ' ed the U.S. a "great meîting pot"~, Bill Rudeil and Presîdent Walt ba into whicb are poured numbers DeGeer passed it on, along with- of people of every race, creed and his ow'n persenal thanks.1 religion and out of wvhich cornes Preceding the address, bîrthiday Ac that race known as Americans. congratulations and flewers wereI~, Canada, on the other hand. hie presented te Rotarians Elmer OttjVV visualized as a great symphenyanChriCrt. orchestra, wherein each group re- Conlng Art Contest Ca tains its own individuality and Rotarian Jack Eastaugh an- Plact yet submerges itsclf withi the nouniced fthc tact that the Retary By other greups te produce one great Art Contest would be held in theI Powg harmony. icoming spring, final judging te siflg Although the racial and relig- take -place on April 12. The con- Rang tous groups are living this way test, open te boys and girls under Brai in Canada today, fhey are net yet 18 years et age in the Townships polie perfect, hie said - they do net of Darlington and Clarke, is spcn- thie% yet preduce a perfect harrnony. sored by the Yeuth Service Cern- spire *An attempt te perfect the har- rittee ef the Rotary Club, of greet meny was the reason for bis coin- which.Jack is chairman. He stated whct ing te Canada and taking the po- the announcement was perhaps woc pA44V0 Tj.y #r/AI sition he new holds, hie explained. premature, but hie wanted te be afin me m The large number ef large groups, sure ail Rotarians knew of if in is ne ~7~~ 4 G'T both racially and reiigiously plenty of tirne. lieu- separated. makes t inevitable Power Conservation, Win] that there should be feelings ef Rotarian George Chase, mana. MecC ferent ofCA 'T he m.it- r o omavle uleUtili- servs Backd b Bi Buines tis, aida fw wrdste the mem- trip Backedouby Big aBmori eef.bers on the present necessity of who Wht oldmkeamoewe- Scheols, service clubs and Power conservation. He stated first coame gift teaun absent Icved one groups and organizations of var- that unless conservation was didr thon a chance ta spend the holi- ious kinds should be working te- strictly observed during the nexf and day season at home ... send a ward the promotion et goodwill three weeks. power cuts wouid be fort prepid oiiay ickt tis ear and a better undcrstanding et the necessary in the near future. The ice preai ralwy ickt hisyer! human race as one race, Dr. Jones power was cut once during the equil 'stated. In this mariner, lie felt past week, hie said, and the reasen Lake For arrangements to ticket Canadianis would be moving for it was simply ta'teue h dsirenger fomn y he inea t themselves and their country t- became overloaded because tee tGwk desredea outhenercs Jward the hîgbest Possible stand- mucb power was beiug drawn at time agent of the ard cf living. He mentioned that one time. He asked the people of taker many of the mest prominent busi- the town te co-eperate in the same mnan, ______________________ ncssmen in Canada and the U.S. manner they did last year, when ering arc bchind the organization hie is fhcy did very wcll and kept Bow- peuht 0 ~J werking for. Tbey realîse they rnanville out et a lot et trouble Chile will be doing themselves, as wcll expcrienced by ether towns and whici as everybody else, a service by cities. ___and1 - T- .u - -.-.*oeoa*law4ee CIVE FAI Choose f rom selection of fabri( Any woman wo appreciate a lenc erial from whicl make a new dresE HUDSON BAY BLANKETS AND C AI the New Low Price! BLANKETS 34~ POINTS 4 POINTS IVEIGHS 5 lbs. %VEIGHS 6 Ibo. $12.25 ea. $14.75 ea. ('enplet.e Range of Colours and Colour Combinations. IRICS4 the lrges cs intown )uld eall gth o mat à she ca s or coat ý 0 A T SHORTIE COATS Men'a style ln Red and Black I~~ Ladies' style in Red, Blue, Turquoise Camel and Multi-stripe $35.00 HUDSON BAY BABY BLANKETS ------------$6.50 ea. Drapes, Made-fo-Order FLANNELETTE SHEETS and PILLOW CASES Venelian Blinds ALL SIZES of TOWELS SEWING PATTERNS Weber's Fab'ric Centre Bowmnanville THtE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAËTO HUWNGRY BOY'S DREAM-A ragged Italian waif, living in the wake of var, dreams of food. Today he'll receive a glass of Canadian millc fromn the Jnitcd Nations International Children's Emergency Fumd (UNICEF). Canada id a score cf other United Nations countries are helping the sick and hungry hildren of Europe and the East. The postal address "UNICEF, OTTAWA" %accepting funds from Canadians to buy Canadian food for such ragged obies as these. Six million children need help. -ross Canada My Neighbour 'ith the Weeklies 1 Du A We1 ,nadianla: Meeting lunfthc saine ze af lunch fime, the Vicnna s'Choir on. tour askcd flic vel River, B.C., Lions Club te 1for thern. For "Home on the ie,*' they exchanged with ýhîn's Luilaby" . . . Aurora, ce weîît searching for the ýves whe removcd 17 te 201 ta bushes frorn the bowling1 an, ground . . . At Cobourg,1 an hunters went out te the is te hunt deer, oeeoe the .a]s invaded the town. which -aily reciprocity . . . A mil- to-one coincidence for a riipeg raiiway cenductor, J'. L. uliough, retiring from CNR rice affer 40 years. on his final was engineer. N. A. Arthurs, happened te have been on bis Lforty years age. Their duties not coincide between tflfirsf hast . . . Ciiff Labey, pilot the Sask. Forestry Dept. was lccked witlh bis ponteen ipped plane on Musquaka e, chopped their plane out cf lake. histed if on the ice and r, ff. Only second or third aa pontoon plane bad ever ni. off trom ice . . . A Toronto 10. J. Johnston living in Pick- ýTp., near West Hill, has try frorn primitive tribes ot land f arm lands et Holland, eh have ne combs or wattles produce coloured eggs; se tar has prcduccd eggs coiored :late. green khaki. gray, eand taupe . . . New Lis- d, householders whe want aempicyees te thaw their ýthis winfer will be requircd y $10 ou the line befere the is donc . . Living alone iu gcabin. on the shores ef Du- ou Lake, Capt. George Bleu- 81. wlio once rcpresentcd Can- in. speed skating trials iu way, stili eutdistances young- eto the Val d'Or district. One tien is te perfd&mn with Bar- tAnn Scott in Maple Leat ens. ridgctown (N.S.) Bulletin: CCF leader, speaking before annual convention of the Can- SCongress of Labor, rcferred li increase in cerporate pro- in 1948 over 1947 ot $485,000, by coupling this staternent Lthe increased cost of living, uted fliat oee act spraug ithe other. Had lie iooked ier lie veuld have seeii thaf the samne period wages bad ased by alrnost a billion dol- while profits liad increascd than hait a million. ýw on living by the Elmira et: Living in the present, en- ig its pleasures and planning he uncertain future is lite and )uid be taken with the bcst rpossible, for the good et aves and maukind in generai. iaking et the rentai. controls, Niarton Echo philosophizes: govern ment, badgered con- iIly by groups from, sides et fence, lias tried te cempre- "Kcep them ail happy," bas becu the slogan ot Canada's rs. Like nîcst compromises, ne solution. Wliat if dees is evcryone slightiy unbappy. other comment en rentais: er on the part ef the Goveru- bwould have been what wc se long recommendcd, a firm uncemeut that on a given six rnonths or a year frem present, tlic Dominion Gev- iet intends te drop rentai iol. That program would per- eopie te make their arrange- ;ahead et time. If would ea normai real estate mar- xn the Observation Post:1 ung, vigoreus and undevelep- Dunfry like Canada can nef wiii net achieve ifs destiny, spopuiated by those who pre- o lean on a benevolent and1 ialistic geverument, rather to exercise theirtminds and es lu an atmosphcrcetoftree- and eppertunity. cemrnentary asks: "To prove elitbility,, Rev. J. G. Endi- 'eveals he knew of Russian sien et the bomb lor)g be- Mr. Truman. This gentleman it disciesed liew a professed eommunist enjoys the rare dence of the Kremlin ini these ýrs." che olive kearc tewn pipes te la: jobi a 109 buissi din, 8 ada Norw sters ambil bara Gardi Bri The the ai adiar te ail tits i. and with sugge from. farth( over increî lars, iess t' Ve% Signe joyini for fth it sho view ourse] Spe the V Our1 tînual the ti mise. long1 leader it isi keepi Anc "Wise ment have, annou date, flic p ernmE contr< Mit pE ments create ket." Froi A yoî: cd cei and v~ if it is fer tc paf err than t musch dem à A c bis ne cott ri pesses fore Il has nc non-Ci cent idi mat te: A ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- gest ýustralia bas the world'a big- ct yster farmn. By Maude Newcomb Fuuny how wc take thmngs for granted! I had appreciated a drink et cold water but until this sum- mer I hadn'f given inucli thought tote labor involvcd in making that water availabie. This beiug a very dry sumîner eur well was gcttiug low. My neiglibor was driliing a well. Early and late lie toiled, and we toek au intercst in bis progress. Net for ourselves. Wlien our well gees dry we gef water frorn a spring on another ueigbbor's place. In a short tirne the drill struck solid rock and the goiug was slow, but eur neiglibor, past seventy, did net give up. He did bis chores, lie put in lis garden, and when lie had a spare moment lie worked at bis drill. Fer weeks lie labored. He waà carrying the watcr foi' bis lieuseliold 'rom a well across the road. That wchi. lis great-grand- father bad dug ever a hundred years ago. MY neignoor s weîî 15 110W tlfl-'bcrrewed xvas used te pay accum- THURSDAY DECEMBPR R lue ished with pipe. and punip. A bigI ulated debts. block of maple sits under the The Board makes first mort- pump witb a white cup on the gage loans up te $5,000 at 4!/j per l4lock that ail who are thirsf y may cent repayable over a peried up drink.. te 25 years. The Board may make We, who were but intercsted additional advanccs te bring the onleekers. get all our drinking total boans up te $6,000 in certain, water there, for the summer re- circumstances. Loans are made mains dry and even the spring iste pay debts, buy livesteck and low. The wvater coînes cold -and equipment and farm lands, and puire fromn the depths and we. te erect and repair buildings and having watcbed the drilling et the make ether farrn improvements. Iwaf c ha Ctnwanrpainf, a drink cf cold water. SA man wvho digs a well does a great and lpstîng serv'ice fer hu- rnanity. Geiîerations drink ef the *water. even hundreds ef years lafer. We have heard of the Wcll et St. Kyne but how littie thougbt we give te the man with his pick and shovel who dug the well. i visited Evangeline's well before it became a show place for teur- ists and a cow chased me out cf the pasture in which it xvas situ- ated. Do people think et the mari whe worked long heurs digging that well twc hundred or more years ago? Statistics Show That Farmers Are Good Borrowers Tlhe Annual Report cf the Can- adiali Farm Loan Board for the year ended March 31, 1949 has jusf been issued. The Board is a Dominion Governrnent agency rnaking mertgage boans te tarmers and lias been in operation for over 20 years. f The Report shows that during the year $4,919,300 was approved for loans. This is an increase of 42 per cent over the previcus year and is the iargest annual volume of business ' transacted by flhc Board in the iasf 12 years. Since 1929 the Board hias lent ever $65,000,000 te Canadian farmers and ifs current investrnenf in tarin rnertgages exceeds $24,i00,- 000. The general eccncmic condi- tion cf the farming cornmunity is reflected iii the tact that ap- proximately 96 per cent cf all first rnortgage borroweî's frorn the Board had ne interest arrears at the end et the fiscal. year. In- terest arrears at March 31, 1949 equalled enly 0.217 per cent et principal outstanding, . being the lowest percentage et interest ar- rears te principal linflic Board's history. Board officiais state that there is a neticeable trend teward ]arg- er farrns particularlY in the prair- ie provinces. and that ever i of the mney being borrowed is bc- ing used te buy farms or addition- ai farm iland. Tbey aise say that a gccd proportion et current ber- re\ving is for the. purchase et livestock and impiements and te make tarm improvements in con- trast te the situation a tew years ago when much of the money S=ekn at Cobourg, Rev. S. R. HneSon ef Bowmanville, told an 'auciience that "The thing that undermines civîlization today is flie lack ot respect for individ- ual rîglits." The Statesinan Office h The Sitesman Sold At Following'Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle ID. G. Walton's. Newcastle Wilson & Brown, Newtonville T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byamn, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Newton Taylor's, Burketon Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywefl, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreil, Orono W J. Bagneil, Jury & Loveil J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and D. W. BOTHWEIL MAPLE GROVE BOWTMANVILLE Years of Experience Electric and Acetylene Welding TO Ail Kinds of Maierial - Band Saws a Specially - ALSO Lathe Work Boxings Re-babbited and Skates Sharpened j Numerous Repairs KING'S Radio Taxis FAST RADIO PICKUP Means No More LONG WAITS FOR A TAXI 24-NOUR SERVICE Phone: Day 561 - Nighis 561 - 707 - 922 Six Modern Cars. . . *.Ail Passengers Insured Prompt Efficient Service Operated by Lathangue Bros. "Shop at MORRIS Co. and Discover the Difference"r FURNITURE FROM MORRIS CO. As illustrated, only one of the many Chesterfield Suites on dlsplay in aur store. i 'i il ~1 *4 1" LOWEST p RIc E s For lasting memories of a wonderf ul Christ- mas choose beautif ul enduring Fumniture f rom Morris Co. Every piece has been de- signed by Canada's leading craftsmen - Living Room Suites, Occasional Chairs, Coffee Tables, Cedar Chests, Lamps, Sec- retaries, etc. And before you decide just compare our prices. Aâd. You, too will say: ""Christmas Shopping at Morris Co. Means Savings." ila --------------------- hm- --- 1*.. E Sofi - Bright CUSHIONS S$1.69 la $4.95 10 King St. E. My neighbor's well is now fin-' !0_ THURSDAY DECEMBÈR B. 194b t E c c E f 1 t r d h ri 1 1

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