Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1949, p. 17

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?RT7RDAY DECEMBER 8, 1949 THE CANADIA1V STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTAIO PAGE SEVENTEEN Durham Temperance Federation le-elects N. H. Staples as President Jean Tremhlay Contesi Winner The Annual Convention of tbe experiences in various places. Durham County Temperance Fed- Furthcr. he pointed out that eration was held in the United the attitude of thc Government Church at Garden Hill on Fr1- lxvas much more favourable to the day, Nov. 25, with representatives cause of temperance, than form- present from Newcastle, Orono, erl.y. Clarke, Port Hope, Hope, Miiil In discussing the problem of brook, Cavan and Cartwright. the Alcoholic, he pointed out that1 The meeting was opened withJ here is a problem dcmanding our a period of worship conducted by most serious consideration. We Rev. P. F. Gardner, Canton, after mnust flot put ail victims of the which President M. H. Staples, traffic in the samne catcgory. Orono, assumcd the chair. 1 There are at ieast two classes, The President welcomed the 'which must be deait with separ- delegates, and then told of bisj ateiy. First, there is the man activities during the ycar in vis- who wants to drink, and so goes iting various groups in the cause out and gets drunk. In the sec- of temperance. ond place there is the man who Mr. W. F. Fallis, Treasurer, re- idoes flot want 10 drink, but when )orted that thc finances of the once started he cannot stop. rederation were quite iow. He Basicaiiy, the prohlemn is spirit- ,uggested that a collector of funds ual; and we must seek ta find 7or tlW Federation be appointed solutions which will allow al in ean? municipality. He then men to live a full life. -sked to be reliived of his office, A delightful solo was rcndered wvhich he had held for many by Mrs. Maurice Cruse with Mrs. -cars. The request was grant- H. Foster as accompanist. ,d. Rev. W. W. Patterson, Director One of the features of the after- of Temperance Education, report- moon session was an address by cd that he had been permitted 1ev. John Linton, Field Secre- to show certain films in ail the 'ary'. He spoke first of the High Schools in the County, and .hanges in the staff of the On- t0 the higher grades in certain1 tario Federation, due to the re- Public Schools. Wherever he had tirement of Rev. Dr. DeMille, and gone, the films had been wcl Rev. R. A. Whatlam, and the received. appointment in their places of Rev. D. C. McLelland, Field ,iev. Albert Johnston, and Rev. Secretary, rcviewed the workt D. C. McLelland. Mr. Johnston being done in the County, mak- jccomes General Secrctary while ing several suggestions as 10 '1r. MeLelland is Field Secretary programme for another year. or Eastern Ontario. At six o'clock, the ladies of Mr. Linton told of the doors of Garden Hill United Church, ser- pportunty that are opcning ail ved a bountiful supper. 2cross the province, îllustrating At a business session follow-c ,is point by references 10 hising the supper hour, il was de- i ........ & I 'AY cidcd te make a change in the County organization, by dividing the County into four districts, each district with a Vice-Presi- dent in charge. These officerg were -agred upon: Past Presidnt -E H. Brown, Port Hope; President- M. H. Staples, Orono; Vice-Pres- ident-W. Manvers and Cart- M. H. Staples wrighit, P. J. Rowc, Vicw Lake; E. Manvers and Cavan, Oakley Carley. Cavan: Port Hope and Hope, James Carr, Port Hope-, Bowmanville and District, Wilfrid Carruthers, Bowmanville; Secre- tary---Rev. H. A. Hunt, Newton- ville; Treasurcr-Donald Spîcer, Miiibrook, Convenor of Public Speaking-Rev. A. E. Eustacc, Orono; Film Director-Rev. W. W. Patterson, Newcastle. The evcning session was givein over 10 the annual Pubfic Spcak-1 ing Contest. There wcrc nine1 BOO o ap'LMaCe4 Across Canada, travellers are specding ta their d.esination on trais of the Cmnadian National, enjoying delicious dining car meals, comfortable sleeping aoeommodatlons, rooms and berths, and every travel comfort. Famous trains such as The Continental Liniited and The Occan Limited, attable yon to cross Canada from the Pacific ta the Atlantic. The International Limnited, The Inter-City Limited, The 'Washingtonian are typifying Canadian National's importance as an International carrier bctween Canada and the United States. These and other great trains, together mith dependable "lIocal? cover more than two million miles eadx month and make up the Railway "Blue Book" -thec Canadian National Time Table. Onlv Canadian National serves ail ten Canadian provinces, and thxe "tBlue Book" is your guide to evervwhcre ln Canada or across the Border, be your journcy for a day, overnight or longer. l'oit enjoy courIesy and servic ... >'ou travel in com fort ... 7014 arrive refres/,ed andi relax-cd when you go Canadian National. CANADIAjNATIONAL RAILWAYS e AMRINES A STEAMSHIPS - HOTELr» e EXPRESS e TELEGRAPHS contestants, ail of whom gave splendid addresses. The Com- mittce of iudgcs consisted of Mr. A. E. Martin, Inspector of Pub- lic Schools in Northumberland County: Rex'. D. C. McLelland and Mrs. S. J. Gray. First place wvas given tb Miss Jean Tremblay; second to Miss Bernice Bell, and third to Miss Hazel Webber. Miss Tremblay was awarded the Slver Cup, which she will hold for one year. Ail the contestants were award- ed silver pins. The worship period for bbc ev- ening session xvas conductcd by a Young Peopic's group from Mill- brook. The Secretar.v presented reso- lutions of thanks and appreciabion to the ladies for the wonderful supper provided; 10 the Church officiais, for the use of the Church building; to the soloist and ac- companist for the special music provided. The Director of Education pre- spnted a filmn entitled "Liquid Lore" which depicted the good and bad uses of alcohol. The meeting was brought toaa close with tbc benediction. Toys A-Plenty For Christmnas Shoppers In Local Stores Ail during the long, hot sum- mer months busy little gnomes and cives have heen husiiy bam- jmering and painting in Santa's worksbops, getting ail kinds of wonderful toys ready bo please millions of good littie boys and girls on Christmas morning. Dur- ing the last few wecks big boxes and littie boxes, of cvery imagin- able shape and size have been ar- riving at the stores in Bowman- ville in lots of lime for Christmas. MVechanicaily driven trains for littie boys (and big ones 100) are on sale again at varying prices to suit most purses. There is one electrie train wbich is motivated by four flash light batteries-and it selîs for wxell under $10. Anoth- er electrie train, availabie in both passenger and frcight models, is driven by a transformer and is soid for around $15. 0f course, there are also trucks of cvery description tu deliglit the boys, wagons and bicycles, trucks with trailers, cranes and farmyard equipmcnt, ambulances and fire- trucks ail in sizes ranging from six inches to two feet. Colorful cowboy outfits and a variety of guns wiil provide plenty of excitement to rojWn' tooti' Gene Autrey fans, and a ncw magnet controlied ice- hockey game wiil be ideal for days when the snow and ice has disappeared, and hockey sticks and pucks must be discarded. The girls wilI get pienty of playful practice in domestic chores for there are a number of mechbanical devices such as wash- ing Machines with a wringer, an imitation stove-just like the hrigbt lnew white enamel one in mom's kitchen, or a tiny replira of an oid-fasbioned. cook stove.' There is an endiess assortment of kitchen. utensils, doli-size china dishes, plastic ones too, -aluminumn pots and pans, cannister sets,= just cverything- imaginable tb make 'playing bouse' perfect. For tho1e luckv ultIle ladies wbo own. a doli boUse there are completcý sets o 'f furniture for- every room in tbe bouse, made of sturdy plastic and bakelite. There are more doli prams in the lower price category this year. For around S6 Santa Claus can buy a pram xvith foiding hood and water-proof cover. Sorlie, a littie more elaborate, range up 10 $13. In preparation for days \vhen ',oungsters are confined to the bouse thc mantifacturers have gone ail ont for quieter indoor gamcs. Sncb oid-fasbioned stand- b 'il aq snakes and ladders, check- ers, Chinese checkers are stili on the market witb the addition of cli berate ping-pong and darti gi mes. No, ive baven't forgoîten the ittle lots. They'll have great fun A'ith a plastie clown, which, x'hen wound up, spins round and round swirling bis umbrella. And there is a bird wbho pecks when he is wound up. Brightly colorcd rattles for babies and an abund- ance of unbreakable boys of every description max'y beliail Ibis year. Teddyhcars and pandas and i Ither cuddly toYs are mo.ee plenti-i ful than lasI year, w'hen the sup- ply could not mccl bhc demand. tNATURE - UNSPOILED 'YOURS TO ENJOY The CHICKADEE is a bird cf cheery disposition. Here al[ year round, he gives valuable protection tea ur trees. Despite his small size, he destroys on amazing quantity cf harmfui insects. His merry coui is known te everyonc. He should always be protcctcd. YOURS TO PROTECT CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES UMITED WATERLOO. ONTARIO L t ? It~, CARLI~W. S D0C ITALIAN COLONIES: Independence for two of Italy's former colonies, Libya by 1952,and Somaliland in 1960, was decided upon by the U.N. General Assembly. Here spokesmen of one of the groups concerned wait at a U.N. meeting to explain their desires. LAND 0F ISRAEL: The recently-formed State of Israel was admitted as a fuil-iiedged member of the Ulnited Nations in May. Israel's starred flag is shown flying in front of U.N. headquarters. INDONESIAN PEACE: The Netherlands and the Bepublie of Indonesia settied their long-standing confliet in November with 'V.N. aid. Shown here is the Round Table Conference at the Dutch capital of The Hague, where final agreement was signed. For betwcen lwo and lhrce dol- nlaZ~ there are some beautifuliy ade soft «animais:' and then there are bhe môre expensive ones ranging up bo around $10. Prices of ail local merchandise compare favourably wilh city prices-in facb in many cases bhey are iower, so whcn you do your Christmas shopping, do il carly, and BUY IN BOWMANVILLE. Moscow is being Ibeautified. Elections Postponed As Voters' List Late In Being Posted Holding of Haldimand township elections will be movcd on to a later date, it was decided at a meeting of the towvnship council because the voters' list was flot posted within the time required for the usual election to proceed on December 5. Ordinarily the voters' list would be posted on October 31 and in the ensuing 21 days the public wouid have time to'file any ap- peals. after- which the court of revision would sit. Nomination day would accordingly be held on November 25 and election day on Dec. 5. At the nomination day, there was an acclamation for reeve and deputy-reeve and six wcre nomi- nated for township council. Elec; tion for township council was to have proceeded on scheduie until someone pointed out that it was not legal to hold the election on December 5 as the necessary 21 days from the posting of the vot- ers' iist would flot have transpir- cd. The matter was taken up .vith the township solicitor who told them that they would have to change the dates in the by-law. Township council met and resclnd- ed their election by-law, brlnin" in a new one which set Dec. 28 for nomination meeting and January 2 for election day. GET wià«EGGS 0 Use Quaker Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash to provide your hens with the proteins, organic salts and vitamins needed for peak production. Helps promote flock health and livability. If you are looking for a quality mash that has what it takes to keep hiens in good flesh and maximum production, we recommend that you try Quaker Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash. F.uI-O-Pep Super Green Pellets replace the messy, old fashioned noon wet mash ~Q u aker~ fecding. Packed with vitamins and easy to feed Super Green Pellets are a boon to WlftP. r èPIyndUrrIUI Attempîs are being made 10 EGG ac aype Igrow cotton commerciaîîy inMS oud ah a e southern Alberta. When you are young you may g choose the greater good and pro- Ï-, ORDER TOI ceed 10 achieve it; in old age you accept the lesser evil. iThe benefac r wIrinCecilIR. L wTh e demaoce r swriong "ladvanced" schemes wbich pre- HA~MPTON MILLING vent peo3le from reaping the material, physical and moral Vie Deliver Phone Bowi benefîts of bealthful work. - .---____----_________ n. Feed only 3 to 4 100 birds. DAY FROIW ockwood. 00C. mncnville_2141 qv' x I..- ; HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED and FINISHED Edgers & Polishers To Reni For Particulars PHONE OSHAWA 3744wl Il LEGGETTE. OS HA WA1 - ~ . 1 1% -- - mmop 1 winter eLYL, productior ý ý-,- , 1.

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