Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1949, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO frrnT1L~flAV 1Y~C Ti~IRWR 1 tm~a Hello hamemakers! Keep sup- P lies on hand for ani impromptu after-the-game supper. Serve a hot and hearty meal in one dish such as cheese spaghetti, creamecl eggs on biscuits, baked beans in casserole, waffles and niaple sy- rup, curried rice with bacon, or salmazn burgers. Many foods are now aVailable in prepared mixes at a reasonable price ...the spaghetti is packaged with grateat cheese; the dried eggs in tins; bis- cuit mix in boxes; and then there is waffle mix. bottled syrup, in- stant riec, canned sausages, breaat rall mix, instant coffee. and canned cream or evaporateci milk. Some of these foods require baking, but even this does flot prevent having an amount ai- ready coaked for a crowd if you have fîeezing space in the reirig- eratar for keeping. However, if you have working space in the kitchen, it is a good thing ta en- courage the 'teen-agers ta con- coct their own refreshments. Same times the young folk will make very weak coffee and enjoy it which is samething for whicl you would be chastized. The most appîeciated act is the offer af assistance by two or thrce people in clearing and wasbing dishes. TAKE A TTP 1. Follow the directions on pre- paîed mix packages explicitly. 2. If you use a bottie cf swcci pickles, save the juice and sliCE onians into it. then store in a dark place for faur ta six weeks be.fore . au serve as pickled anian rings. 3. Make carrat sticks and turnip slivers by peeling and siicing pencil size, then eil (Without water or sait) in a jar in the ciectrie refrigerator. 4. To blanche aimonds, pour bail- ing xater over them and let stand five minutes. Drain and let nuts partiaily cool, then squeeze of the skins. Place nuts in slightly greased shai]ow pan andt brown in a preheated avený at 375 degrees for ten minutes. 5. Specify the thickness cf sliced J3eteenMeal Vitality For Children Healthy, active childien need lots o! vitality ta wvork off that excess cnergy. That's wh1y be- tween meal snacks are so important in their every day diet. Keep a plentiful supply cf Gien Rae Dairy Milk... pure, rich and tasty ... handy at ail tumes. Give theni an EXTRA glass every foreitoon and after lunch. cured hem, chops, steaks, etc. If the meat is cut toa thin, much CÂDMUS of its fiavaur andcd character is iost. (J.ntended For Last Week) 6. Sandwiches can be made ane u rnee pnae day ahead of serving . if you dahe a Deitts llonrid a wrap and store thcm in the Tanre as only 's alonrd du< refrigerator. The best way tata cold wather andfa rodsdu serve ham, cheese and peanut t odwshradbdras butter sandwiches for a crowd Mr. and Mis. Willard Cook, is to toast them ail under the Oshawa, with Mr. and Mis. Mar- preheatcd boiiing element. vinI Nesbitt. 7. A small amount of appie sauce Dr. and Mrs. Harold Onr, Mr. y on a park sandwich makes it and Mis. Lean Braliey, Toronto, h tasty and moist. with Mr. James and Elnier Nec- ît 8. Aiways use a cookie shcet or bltt. f jeliy roll sheet for biscuits, Mr. Sharp, Nestieton, had a e scones and cookies, as the re- serious aperation ini Peterboro suit wil be even brownness on Haspital and is getting along fine top and bottom. now. * THE QUESTION BOX Mr. Ross Philio, Toranto, with * Mis. C. B. requests recipe for: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philip. Chcoae 1nenusMr. and Mis. Marvin Nesbitt cup sîiotcnGingerus attend1ed the presentaion1 for Mr. S'2cup molasses Cadmus fari forum was held 2 squares unsweetened at Mr. and Mrs. Aiiey Johnson's. chocolate Mr. and Mis. Norman ]ýdgerton 21*2 cups flour werc supper guests at Mr..and 1, cup. suigar derMis. Marwood McKee's. t i tsp. baking owa Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry -and 'l tsp. baing sod baby, s Toronto, with Mis. Mere- 14 tsp. gingt dith Thompson and John. t 1icup rniik Combine shortening. molasses T R N and melted chocolate. Sift togeth- T R N er flaur, baking powder, sugar,____ soda, ginger and sait; add ta first -___ mixture. Mix in the miik weîî. (Intended For Lait Week> Chili until firm in electric refrig- Mis. G. Arnold, Miss Mary and eratar. Cut off in. pieces about Master Tom Arnold, Gormiey, the size of your thumb, roll pea- with Mrs. Mina Hughson. nut shape, giving tbem a siight 14r. and Mis. Waliy Mutton, Mr. twist in the centre. Place on a and Mis. Douglas Mutton and giazcd baking sheet. Bake in Wayne, Coiborne, wcre guests cf electrie oven at 400 degrees for Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp and Miss 6 minutes. Makes 24. Jean Philp. Miss S. N. requests recipes for Mrse< A. Shortt, Toronto, witb doughnuts that do not have to be Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. roiled out: Mrs. V. Millsan, Toronto, visit- Nimble Doughauts cd Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. 1!,ýbupssifed fourMr. and Mis. John Hatherly and 12 cups saied fowdr famiiy, Ncwtonville, wlth Mr. and 2 tsp.s akigowerMis. R. Hatheîiy. ¾ tsp saitMrs. Gporge Aiidread bas re- 1,1 tbsp. melted sbortening turîîed home from visiting ber i2 cuTi sugar parents and ather relatives at 2 egg yolks Moncton, N.B., and Montreal. là2 tsp. vanilla Mis. Mina Hughson has left to 1 tbsp. orange rind spend the winter at the home cf 3cup milk bei- daugliter Mr. and Mis. Lard for deep fat frying George Arnold, Gormiey. Sift flouar with baking powder Miss Marie Taylor with fricnds and sait. Beat together thorough- at Wesleyvilie. lylard, shortening, sugar, egg Mr. Keith Davey, Dixiè, spent yolks. vanilia and orange rind. the weekend at home. Add milk. Stir in the dry ingîed- Mr. and Mis. F. L. Byam visited lents until thoroughiy mixcd. the home of ber aunt, Mis. Henry Drap batter by smaii spoanfuls Rennie of Cannington, who passcd into deep hot fat at 360 degrees. away last week. Fry until brown on anc side, then Mi. and Mis. J. Coibary. Mr. the other. Makes about 18 dough- and Mis. R. Aimr-, Biooklin, nuts. visited Mi. and Mis. K. Calbary. Mis. T. I. requests recipe foi: Mrs. John Home, Hamilton, Fudge Frosting visitcd ber daughteî Mis. A. 2 ciîps sugar Hamilton. 1cup miik Mi. Mac Hamilton visited bis i 132 tbsps. butter mother Mis. R. 13. Hamiltan at 2 squares chocalate Queensville. 1 tbsps. coin syîup Mi. and Mis. Don Thonipson 1 tsp. vanilia and Normie, Caurtice, visited Mr. I 6 maisbmaliows and Mis. A. Yaungman. Put first five ingredients inta a Mr. and Mis. Russell McLaugb- saucepan and bail ta the saftbaii lin, Enniskillecn, visited Mr. and stage (234 degrees). Remove Mrs. Earl Pîescott. fram the eiectric element and stir Mis. Laura Virtue was pleas-0 in the maishmaliaws until they antiy suîprised Wednesday even- l dissolve. Cool and add vanilla, ing it bei-ng ber biîtbday. Al ber À then beat ta the desired canstitu- childien and gîandchildren and ency. her brother, Mr. W. Hambiey, * * *were present. After ail had par- Anne Alian invites yau ta write taken of a sumptuous meal, Mis. ta her c,o The Canadian States- Virtue was presented with a man. Send in your suggestions on bridge lamp and other gifts. À homemaking prabiems and watch TYrane Recreation Park Com- tis coiumn for replies. mittee met in the hall an Nov. 28I with aIl members in attendance. Ralph Glaspeli was eiected chair- WESL Y VLLE man; Treasurer-Dougias Barr; decided that due ta insufficient1. (Intended For Lait Week) interest the committee wouid notj Faim Forum was heid at the sponsor a rink this yeaî. In re-0 home of President Clarence Nich- gard ta damage ta Park Propeity 0 olus. A very good discussion was it tvas decided ta cîcet suitable0 follawed by lunch. signs an the Park wvhicb it is 0 Tuesday evening the Young hopcd will hait this dtestruction. Peopie's Union held a social Committee members voiced evening in the chuîch. Miss Mur- their appreciation of the splendid .el Mason and Dr. Oke led the work donc by the Board of Trust- sing-song. Mi. Stephen Sayweil, ccc o! Tyrone Hall in eîeeting the Oshawa, showcd se¶teral înterest- memorial posts at the entrance .ng films, ane of whicb was on his ta the Park. rip ta Floîlda. Master Ross Todd, C.G.I.T. met Nov. 22 when Mis. Kendal, provided gaod entertain- Fricnd gave the girls same in- mient on his piano accordian. Mi. struction in gymnasties which Dick Morton, Orona, playcd a are closeiy reiated ta ballet and numbei an his trombone and aiso tap dancing. Mis. Friend also gave a vocal number. tô]d many interesting things con- Arnald and Harold Austin and ceîning dancing. Eveiyotie en- o I i I i i i e SKNN 1BLEMISHES Help clear your skin this easy way, and see what a big improvement it 'can mnake in your appearance. "Doff for the Skin" is a greaseless, invisible pre- paration that may be used any time convenient as an effective relief for skin af- fections. *Discreetly covers the blemlsh. *Splendid for after shave rash. *Soothes. and stops the itchlng in a few minutes, then starts ta work lm- mediately belping to clear and heal your skin, and make It softer, whiter and emoother. "An effective relief for inipetigo, pimples. ecz- enta, psoriasis, and such distressful ski blemishes. "Leaves the skin with that healthy dlean appearance admlred by ahi. 'Used successfully for over 15 years. Dlstributed by D.O. SALES, Iller.>, Guelph, Ont. Sold By:- Jury &Lovel Phone 778 Bowmanvhlle Lots of DoIls For Little Ladlies DoIls! DoIls! Hundreds af doils! Big dolis, littie dolis. fat doils, thin dols, clainty dolis, and just pain, ardinary doils. Enough doils ta please every littie girl in Can- Toy couniters are just ful cf For those who like a doil to play wide-eycd littie beauties, waiting witb there are the plump choco- ta be climed by some laving late biown "Mammic" doils and "'littie mather". And there is a the unbreakable baby doils. For wide variety ta choase from. 1.ittie folk there are the soit. com- Most pf them are glamo.rous, with fortabie kind with woolcn bain crisp argandy dresses, or rustling taffeta gowns dainitily tîimmcd with touches o! lace and ribbon. And the wigs-blondes with shin- ing so! t curis, glistening bru- nettes, wîth bau ecut in the latcst style, and the odd anc or two with a flaming rcd coiffure. Some are so iovely they arc aimost too %YOURS TO ENJOY, The GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET is ane of our smollest birds. It seems remarkoble that sa tiny a creature can stand aur severe winter cli- mate. Usually ta be found in spruce trees, he hunts scale insects and the eggs of plant lice and deserves protection. YOURS TO PROTECT CARLING'S THE CALING IREWEIIES UMIED WATERLOO, ONTAMO t 0 1145 CARLINGS D200 and calico drcsses-you knaw the Ann Scott doil is taking over first sait we mean, the cnes you can place. These little lovelies are cuddice t nigbt in bcd, and wili compicte with skates whicb can still look like dolis in thc main- be removed froni the boots, and ing. This year some o! them are a dainty skating dress just like made o! practicai washablc plastic one worn by Canada's queen of s0 that youngstei of yours can thc ice. foiiow al ber mothcily instincts We know you'1l have fun shop- o! cicanlincis without spoilîng the ping for these littie charnmers- features of ber "fevourite chiid". and thev may be puichased at For nu ber ! y ars reasonabe prices right here in Foetums"udoil ofs en the Bowmanville. "Wtm"dl a enprime __________ favourite-and many an bour bas been spent by little girls just Agricuiturel plenty i Indiks changing diapers on bier *"baby". aim foi millions ai her uider-" This yeaî, bowevcr, the Barbera nourished. j -. . - b ~.j ~ KNITTIN(ê NIOLUS DONT THROW BROKEN ONES AWAY .. SHARPEN WIT14 PENCIL SHARPENR OR KNIFE ... AND THitYbE "AS GOOD AS NEWf- v 4, t -1 I. k'I.%~~~ - . -.7 GLEN RA£ DAIRY ý.,Phone 444 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, SOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -THURSDAY DECEMIRER 8. 1849 Le k, r. 1. a Di e

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