Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1949, p. 4

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PAGE TDUR THE CANADIAN STAT!~MA1q. ~OWMANVTLL~I ONTA~RTO qWYU.qn~&Y I,àw ~ 4L IM PONTYPOOL (Scribe Youngman gives impres- sions of a holiday tnp through Province of Quebec). Snowfences on the Provincial Highways, in the Eastern Town- ships of Quebec are erected as around here, but in addition, have two crotched sticks interlacking each other and set at an angle to the fence, to prevent it blowing over. These sticks are about eight feet long, are placed at the top 0f every fourth steel fence post. Then, angled to the ground. ~Through these same townships, ~id in Quebec Province too. very f~w barns have stabling under t~iem. Many wells do not have pumps, but a long pole with a nope attached ta one end and a crotched pole set upnight, in the grounçi ta act as a fulcrum. Around Dacre we saw many wooden pumps. Guess a lot of folks remember when they were ~Ientiful around home. Because of the language, we feit more like foreigners in Que- bec Province, than we did in any part of the United States, though we must admit we were treated witk the greatest of cauntcsy and kindncss everywhere we went. The drive ta Quebec City was undertaken on a cool, sunshiny day. For the first 130 miles there was not anc hilI. The road runs beside the beautiful St. Lawrcnce River. On the other sîde of the road are the Launentian Moun- tains. We noticed some thatched roofs on farm buildings near Three Rivens. These are the ~irst we have ever seen in Canada. On this particular day, the Cath- olics were ceiebnating a Holy Day. Everyonc was drcssed up and eithen going ta or from church. A few service stations anci res- taurants wenc apen, everytbimfg else was shut tight. But in the evening shows, taverns, etc. wcre going fuil blast. In every village the most beautiful building is the Roman Catholie Church. The architec- ture o! these plaçes o! worship is simply stunning. No matter whicb way you turn you will see a pniest or nun, or separate sebool or cburcb. We hopped aboard a bus at Jacques Cartier's monument, four tickets for a quarter took us up the bih into the vicinity a! the Hotel du Frontenac and back PROCLAMATION The Town of Dowmanville will return b EASTERN STANDARD TIME ai 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 27th, 1949 On this date we request ail citizens of the Town of Bowmanville to turn their docks and watches back ox¶e hour and thus change f rom Daylight Saving Time to Eastern Standard Time. L. C. MASONI Mayor, Town of Bowmanville. God Sctve The King ~J~JJJ~ J - ~YI2? North American Football owes Its life to a visiting Canadian Universityl If was 1874 ; ; ;~ McGmll University were guest opponents of Harvard in Boston. ~' Duang the warm-up pcriod, the Harvard team noficed fo their amazement that McGill ~ere kicking and carrying the bail. West final for the Dominion Football Champ- ionship and the Grey Cup began in 1921 Toronto Argo. nauts defeating Edmonton Eski- mos 23-O. The two captains got together and dis- covered they were playîng different games. McGiII had corne to play rugger, Harvard was ready for a soccer match. But the Harvard captain, with true Bostonian courfesy, offered f0 play McGill's g~ime. The resuif was the first "football" game ever played in the Unifed States .. . ending in a scoreless fie. Good sportsnianshlp has won many world friends for Canada - . . just as the spirit of working together bas made us one of the world's greaf nations. These two-sporfsmanshlp and team spirit-keep VOUF opportunities for work and play in Canada . . - unlimited. F3.500 Durham Tobacco Sold From 44c to 22c a Pound Close to three-quarters of the mîllion-pound crop of fiue-cured tobacco in Clarke and Hope Townships of Durham County has 'been soid with the buyers in the ficld for only a week. Now only two of the four buying com- panies are stili in the field in this district. With most of the better crops bought up, buying bas definitely slowed clown. 'n Norfolk and El- gin Counties. the buying is also slo~vcd up ~vith some of the com- panies withdrawing from the f ield. The Essex County crop went on sale yesterday and most of the crons were bought up with- in the day. Highest price paid for any crop in the Durham district was 44 cents while the loxvest was 22 cents Tliis is somewhat lowcr than in other districts, due mainly to the dry weather just at the han- vest season. Other sections got the ram that helped the tobacco to ripen evenly while nain missed this district entircly. Two of the four buying com- pamiies, flic British Leaf Tobacco Company o! Canada at Chatham, and th~ Hodge Tobacco Company of Canada, Kingsvilie (McDon- aid)), have withdrawn their buy- crs from the Durham district. Stili buying some crops. however, are the Imperial Leaf Tobacco Com- panv. Ltd.. of Montreal and the C~nadian Leaf Tobacco Company of Chatharn. 9J GETTUNG UP 9er~~e9 ~e1« V00.c? Il morning finda you only haîf rested. st~ll weary-iI your sleep - a broken '-,"fitIul tossing anil turning -your kidneys mayTo Le to blame. When jour kmdneys get out o! order, your sleep usually suffers. help your kidneys regain a normal condition, use Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Dodda help the kidncys get rid ol poisons and ezeesa acida in your system. Then your uneasineas dissppes.rs -you rau enjoy restful unbro&en aleep- and awake refreshed and ready for work or play. Get Dodda Kidney Pilla todsy. 147 Dodd~ KidneyPiIIs I New Members in U.N. Security Council Y' down ta aur hotel, the St. Roch. While up in the aid town we hired a hanse and Victoria, the wife wouldn't trust ber irail weight in anc 0f those two-. wheel~d 'caleche" affairs, whose spnings are strang enaugh ta hold up a locomotive. Our cabbie spake pretty fain Enghsh, gave -us the warks as fan as a very interesting drive 'vas concerned. He shawed us everything warthwhile, gave us I dates, etc., and was very impar- tial in his statements. His chie! .ciaim ta fame is that, a year ago last winter, he drave George and Mrs. Drew, and Tar~ and Mrs. Kennedy around Quebec City in his sleigb. He thought they were four very nice peaple, but voted for St. Laurent, By Gar! To me, who loves history, it was thnilling ta stand an the Plains o! Abraham and nead the inscription that says: "General Wolfe feil mortally waunded an this spot, duning the battie for Quebec," etc. It was e*citiing toa, ta look down three hundred odd feet ta Wolfe's Cave, the spot where the famous General de- barked fram bis boats, before ciimbing the cliffs ta the Plains o! Abraham, victory and death. The famous Plains are now lovely botanical gardens, ilium- inated at night by a battery 0f very powerful searchlights. It is recorded that on the nigbt Woife's boats were being pro- pelled siiently ta the lauding place, Woife quietly recîted parts o! "Gray's Elegy in a Country Church Yard," then, turning ta a group o! bis officens said: "Gentle- men, I wouid rather be the authon o! that poem than take Quebec." Well, be iost his life taking the city for the Bnitish. Thus proving what Gray, in bis Eiegy, said: "The paths a! glory lead but ta the grave." Although the British General captured the City o! Que- bec aver 150 ycars ago, its popu- lation is today 92 per cent French C~nadian. Has seven Protestant churches, ane Engiish speaking hospital, the smaliest, narrowest streets in America, named "Under the Rock." Its botels are the last Word in comfort (and price). The arcl~itecture ef its buildings, bath ancient and modem, is beau- tiful beyond description. The Salvation Army operates there. There are exactly 84 Jewisb fam- hies, with anc small Synagogue. The city fathers keep them sc~t- tered, won't allow them ta con- gregate in a Ghetto as in other cities throughout Canada. There is a statue of Louis Hebert, the first Frencliman ta farm in the new country (1617); a monument af the first R.C. Bishop; one each of Champlain, Jacques Cartien, Wolfe, Mont- calm. In fact, there is a monu- ment ta anybody who was any- body in the eanly days a! this great land of ours. It is add ta sec the ancient cannon, cbeek by jowl with Ger- man guns captuned in the First Wonld War. The three famous gateways and the aid city wall are lovely beyond description. No other place in Canada can grip the imagination like the aid City o! Quebec. Frankly, I would -prefer ta see Quebec, the Capital 0f Canada, than Ottawa, because of its many connections with the carly phases of Canadian histony, it~ unique physîcal situation, its combination o! the ancient and modem, its revenence for the many things that really count in life. What is there at Ottawa, outside of a set o! beautiful Parliament Buildings, a splendid neference libenary of four hundred tbousand books, plus a bunch of politicians? YOUR EYES and Oshawa, Phon No. 80 M Vision Rewnitten tram previaus copyrights o! C. H. TUCK Optometnist Disney BIdg. <Opp. P.O.) e 1516 Diîring the past fcw years so mueb rcspon-.ib~itv bas been thrown upon thc chi Id. the student and the office worker that every persan in evemv walk o! life has - become eve (onsciaus. Ever\ anc appears ta be carry- I mng a greater burden in the use o! the e~ os. The necd 0f intelligent eare N indeed great. Not of - ~ tii'-' intcrest o! cari-ection vision but in the detecti on o! svmotoms a! troubles more ne- mate. liv the intelligent employment o! moJeru methods and equip- la mmîuch greater degrce o! e': aîîd effmtiencv is po~- 5îble îoclav than bv the use o! many ûldem mcthod~ - (.Copynîghted) ZION (Hope Twp.) Congratulations ta Mrs. Emma Rutbven wbo became Wortby Matron of the BowmanviH~"Chap- ter, Order o! the Eastern Star. Also attending the banquet anci installation ceremony was ber sister-in-law, Mns. Ida Duthie, Past Matron o! Hartney, Man., wbo With Mr. Dutbie bas been her' house guest, and have now neturned ta their home in the west. Congratulations aiso ta Mrs. M. Inwin wbo won a live maliard drake at the Hunten's Bail, Port Hope, A number fnom Zion attended the Mornish Bazaar on Tuesday. On Wednesday evening motion, pictures were shown at Bunker Hili School by Mr. C. Canveth, Newcastie. An' intenesting group o! selections testified ta the cane with which Mr. Carveth caters ta the needs o! bis audience. Caf- fee gnowing in Brazil, Mammais o! the Rocky Mountains, showing the variation in ha-bits o! species fnom summit ta vailey; City a! Ottawa with proposed develop- ments; a short short suggestion fan Remembrance Day; Three Littie Bears-a film for the young en- joyed equaily if flot more by the aider ones. Mn. George Hamilton, Chairman a! The School Area Board, Mns. Harnis, teacher, cacb spoke in appreciation a! the frce entertainment wbich bad been offered. Deliciaus re!resbments Duming the past few years thc with flavaunful coiiee were senvcd. Mn. V. Climo, Cobourg. and brother fnom the west, visitcd thein. cousins, Mn. and Mns. Stan- ley Joncs. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Swan, Km- cardine, visited Mn. and Mrs. 4r- thur Walker. Mn. and Mrs. fl;uthven visited Mn. and Mrs. Teeple, Bowman- ~rille. Miss Helen Morton has been staying with Mn. and Mns. Bull Morton, Pcnrytown. Mn. Norman Walker, Qucen's Universîty, was home recently. Mr. Edgar Walken, O.A.C., called at. bis home while en route ta Kingston with bis tcam. Mn. and Mrs. J. Maody and !amily, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. R. Dey and family, Mamnish, visited Mn. and Mrs. W, J. McCullough. Amongst those wha have gone deer hunting are Messrs. Eus- wonth Caswell, Mac Irwin, E. Ruthvcn. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Joncs and Gwen visited Mn. and Mrs. W. Joncs, Toronto. Mrs. Farrester, Westport, is with ber sisten-in-law, Mrs. E. Ruthven. Wheat Varieties Canada Grows Canadians may justly be proud o! the wheat tbey grow. The reputation tbey have enjoyed fan 50 rnany yeans bas been bujit upon the high quahity a! the wheat fan Ilour making purposes, and for the uniformity o! the different commercial grades o! wbeat inom year ta yean. This higb standard bas been vigilantly maintained by ]icensing only vanieties that have sbown bîgh quaiîty not only in the field but in repeated mili- ing and baking tests. For aven twenty years, samples dnawn fnom cangoes leaving Fort William, Ontania, Vancouver, B. C., and as frequentiy as passible from Fort Churchili, bave been analysed ta ascentain what van- eties wene actually being shippcd out o! the countny. The annual sunvey bas just been completcd and the data are quite gratifying. The tnend in the upper grades sucb as Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Manitoba Nonthern bas been for an increase in the amounts af Marquis and Thatcher vanieties in shipmcnts !rom Font William, wbilc in thase !nom Vancauver, Thatcher has in- cneased very matenially. The amount af Red Bobs in the Font William samples bas remained much the same as hast scason but thene bas -been a decided dechine in the Vancouver shipmcnts, amaunting fnam four t~ six per cent in the different grades. total percentage 0f theue new rust resistant varieties, Thatchen, Apex, Renown, and Regent, ahip.. ped from Fort William and Van- couver has had a very marked effect in driving out some inferiar vanieties. The poor quality wheats have now reached trace proportions. It la expected that the introduction of the new Red- man and Saunders varieties will still funthen improve the quality situation, says J. G. C. Fraser, Cereal Division Central Expeni- mental Farm, Ottawa. To date, neither ai these twa varieties has appeared in the annual survey, as nearly every bushel has been used for seed owing ta the great demand for such purposes. It is estimated that there will be over thirteen million bushels o! Red- man and one million bushels of Saunders produced in 1949, much Qi which will be used~ for seed purposes. The iirst Canadian-made nylon was produced at a Kingston, Ont., plant on June 26, 1942. Since 1939 railw~y ireight rates :n the U.S. have increased 57 per cent; in Canada they have In- creased only thinty per cent. £SIUg 4MW Five former kinas ar~d one ioI~ mer emperor now make their' homes in Switzenland. I HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED and FINISHED Floor Sanderi- Edgers & Polisher To Roui For Partloulug PHONE OSHAWA 3744w1 N.. LEGGETTE OSHAWA Department of Educaijon Concert Series Third Concert HIGI SCHGGL AUDITORIUM Wedneuday, November 23rd 8:15 p.m. ARTISTS:- MARY SYME, Pianisi MAURICE SOLWÂY, Violinisi Reserve Seat Ticket Sale opens at McGregor's Drug Store MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2lst AT 9:30 A.M. Tickets avallable from any member of the Lions Club Increase Controls Decreased Acres The total acreage under culti- vation in Great Britain declineci by one bai! million acres in a year in which it was boped that the acreage would 'be greatly in- creaseci. Apparently Bnitish fanm peopie have tired o! directions and restrictions wbich prevent them from getting the most fram their labor. The eight boun day and bai! holiday each week for f anm wonkers bas decreased thé productive hours o! labor and precludeci flexibility witbout wbich efficient farm operation is imposs~ble. Most urban peaple in Canada are penfcctly sure that Canadian agriculture couid be managed ta the better advantage o! consumers if farmers were compehled ta pro- duce acconding ta plans provided fan them. These good city people are unawane that planne~ agni- culturel production that pnovided farm wages and working condi- tions comparable ta those a! city workers wouid nesuit in at least doubhing the pnice o! food in this country. Governments can do and are doing a great deal ta foster greater and more efficient pro- duction on Canadian farms througb scientifie and economie research. The adequate grading o! farm products ta pnotest bath praducers and consumers is an indispensable legal provision. Within the limits o! constructive activities thene is noom for the ex- pansion o! govemnment services which couid be financed witbout increasing taxation by discontinu- ing ail political pnice and market- ing schemes. Cariwright Council Cantwrigbt Council met at a Court o! Revision. As there wene no appeals tbe court cioscd. Dept. o! Highways nequested that road estimated be flot cx- ce~ded. Offer from Pont Penny for use of their fire brigade was accepted. Messns. Dysant and Fishen ap- peaned ne regulation at Amena ne curling. No action taken. Tenders opened tender o! D. Dorreli and I. Thompson was accepted ta operate anena. Council paid wid- ening road between Lots 23 and 24 land taken be paici for. On motion proper officiais ta sign lease for use o! Armounies in Blackstock by public. Treas. ta bave number o! Finan- cial statements pninted and dis- tnibuted. On motion assessor was given a bonus of $50O() for bis good ser- vices anci that the incoming Coun- cil consider- appointing an assist- ant assessor. Cartwright wili change ta Stan- dard Time Nov. 27th. Orders ~igned as follows: Clerk o! Pcacc certifs ing Votens Lists -- $ 800 For \Voî-ld Election suppiiese - ~ 0.65 Star Office pninting Voters Lists 111.78 Statesman advertise Voteî's Lists--------- 6.00 Sehool Area Board e5timatc 100000 Reeve seiecting Jurons -- 2.00 Asscs5on sclecting Jurons - 200 Olerk selecting Jurons - 2.00 E'. A. Hyland, Assessor salary and postage 154.52 F. A. Hyland, Assesson, bonus - - - 50.0-0 9, _____________________________ I Contact the Manager re Membership at Qrdno PHONE 37R1 Ecuador, India and Yugoslavia have been elected by the UN. General Assembly ta occupy the seats on the Security Council to be vacated .ne~t January by Argentina, Canada and the Ukraine. The representatives of the three countnies elected are (left ta right): Hoinero Viteri-Lafronte, of Ecuador; Benegal Narsinga Rau, of India, and Dr. Edvard Ka.rdelj, Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia. DURHAM FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE - ORON9 Feeds and Farm Supplies

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