Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1949, p. 1

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'"Durham- -2ounty's ÏCjreat Family JournaW VOLUME 95 BOWMANVILLE., ONTARIQe ?HURSDÂY, OCTOBER 27th, 1949 6c PER ÇOPYNUBR3 4ATTEND JUNIORNFARMERS' DAY TRISSATUDA Tentative Contracts Let for New Meiuorial Hospital Stii RequireMoré . Funds The erection ai the new Mem-a the plans and speciiications te orial Hospitali may be started a; b'ning the cast ai the construction1 * lot sooner than mast peaple îhink. i doser ta the manies naw avail- Cantracts fer the genenai con- able. structian and the beating, plumb-j Secretary-Treasuren Ray Diii- ing and ventilation were tenta- ing informed tho Board that the! tively awarded aI a special meeting building iund at present stood o! the Bawmanvilie Hospital around the $320,000 mark. This Board, Tuosday evening, held i total includes cash donations, in- the Nurses' residence. dividuai promises. go,-cinnnîen, *As each ai the six general con- grants and grants from the lown e ~ acting tenders and three plumb- and othor surrounding municipal- ing an-d heating tenders wero op- ities that are senvicod by the ened andthe total pnicos reveaied hospîtal. Il îs expocted that a the. members ai the Board greet- drive for furîhon iunds will ho ts.d themn with mixod &motions. made in tho noxt couple ai Thé*-ienders revealed thé~ present months. Anyone wishing ta make * price.cf total construction runs their donation ahead ai that lime iii the neighbourhood ai $350.000 are roqiiosted ta send thoin do- pblus architect's fee and oquip- nations ta Mn. Dilling. ment bringing the total close ta -' Chairman ai the Board Melville the $400,000 mark. S. Dale conducled the opening of the tenders and the business. The tenders tentatively acceptodj Those ai the Board who wero subjLect ta revision ai pnice, were pros ont at the meeting itlrei those ai the Bradford-Hoshal Ca. j Secretany Ray Dilling, M'rs. Lamne o! 'Port Hope and Toronta for the i T. MNcLaughlin. Mrs. Forbes Hey- general construction and that ai land, Mns. Morley Vanstono, Sup- the Universal Plumbing and eintendent Lenore Harding, Dr. Heating Ca. ai Toronto for the!i C. J. Austin, Dr. W. M. Rudeli, plumbing and heating. 1 Deputy-Reeve Frank Jamieson, * owever, a meeting ai the Gea. F. Annis, Russell Osborne, contractors, the architect and the Joe O'Neill,,,' Sid Little, Owen Board in the veny near future will Nicholas, Wni. James and architecl t 'be called ta cut down on some Harold Smith, Toronto. *Canadian'Chamber of Commerce -Selects Dowmanville as Test Centre lu Project for letter Education Éowmanville is te be a guinea_ town in an educatianal exper- *41eing carried eut by the ý2aiit.e-rber ofComre i n co-operation with the Canadian Education Association. At a meet- Sing of the Board ai Directors af tt,Bc:Dwmanville C of C et the Cosûm'unlty Centre Thursday rzig4t, Mr. T. H. Hamill, Assistant maànager of the Ontario. C. af C., explained the project ta the local Çhamiber and outlined seme ai the activities they might take înto 1: "The idea ai the project is to get businessmen and educators working together on ideas for the education af children 10 orde: that each might learn fromn the ether something oi what is need- ed for a more camplete educa- týon," he said. '-By complete, 1 riean that they should be educa- tqd so they will te better able ta' step ino the businesses ai the - eommunity and carry. them aon * when they leave schooi." One of 6 Pilot Tawns Mr. HamilI went on ta explair that similar projects were being develaped in five other cities and towns in Canada, each of whicl- represents a difierent type af cznimunity. Bowmanville he classed as an integration ai botlh industry and agriculture. Othex types are represented by Exeter, Ontario, which is almost whally agricultunal, and Kitchener, On- tarie, which is much more corn- p letely industriel. The Canadian Chamber he stated, was oct at- *- tempting ta tell these towns and 1- cities what was ta be done, but * was attempting ta determine what might te done in an effort to further this type ai education. They want ta learn the answers ta mnany questions and use these answers, as a guide fan activities in towns and cities ail across the country. TO Study, Net Interfere As a startiog point, Mn. Hamili suggested the chamben set up an educationai committee from a.mang ts membens and ask the educaters in tawn ta do'the ýame. These two cammittees, prefer- abiy af equai numbers, wouid then meet togetnen and discuss variaus methods af increasingr the contact between business and education. He was very definite inl stating that the chamber should not attemPt ta tell the Ieachers how ta do their jobs or 'try ta influence the curriculum 3nfavar of any particulan busi- ,, ss Rather, they were ta learn mare af what is takiog place in schoels teday afid let educators know what the businessmen want bY way af graduates. SUggeâtions For Action A number af ether suggestions Were mentiened. They had came from a meeting af the Kitchener, Educational Committee, which is iurther advanced in the project thaji Bawmanville. Ameng ather things, they suggested that busi- nessmen shouid be pravided as speakers in schools, that schools should haid "open houses- sa C. of C. meMbers might see sampies of work being done. That con- versely, visits ta industries and businesses be anranged for pupils in grades 7 and 8 and in high school and that there te a better recognition af the scholarship needa af schois, iram the peint o! view ai professianal training. * - Sebolarahiva to Aid la passilIg an these suggestions Î \(Co.ntinued on Page Light) Vanstone's Mili Pond Drained to Repair Timbers of Dam Vanstone's miii pond was con- verted to an area of slimy, mass- covered mud last Thursday when the pond was drained sa the drainage entrance to the mili could be cleared of debris. The gates to the dam across Barber's Creek were lifted and the water allowed ta roar through during the night, leaving the erstwhile bottom of the pond high and dry, or as dry as soggy mud can be. The main reason for the dam at this point is ta build up a sup- ply of water which can be direct- ed into the mili and produce the power necessary for the opera- tions there. However, the contin- uai passage of water through the outiet some fifty feet east of the, dam had partially clogged it with a collection of dead leaves, sticks, branches, etc. This, naturaliy, cut down the effectiveness of this power supply. It became neces- sary ta dlean away the cause af the stoopage aind that is exact- ly what was done. At the same time, when the gates were lifted, it was noticed that some of the timbers of the dam had bocome rotted, with the passage of time, and a number of them were bad]v in need of being replaced. At first an effort was made ta remove entirely those upright timbers which were s0 weakened, but it was found they had their bases in the cernenti frame and could not be removed wholesale. Since the portions be- low the waterline had not been affected to any degree, it was de- Completes 30 Years Charles Cattran Plant Manager af the local Goodyear iactory was presentec with his 30-year service pin or Oct. I lth by Wally Deony, Vice- Presideot in charge af Production. In commenting on this occasion the Wingfoot Clan gives these particulans ai Chariie's careen: " Born and educated' in England Mr. Cattran went ta the United States in 1916. He jained Good- year in Akron in 1918 in the De- velapment Dept., and was trans- ienred ta Bowmanville in 1929, in charge af Development at the plant here. ln 1941 he xvas ap- paioted Assistant Supenintendent and in January, 1944, be toak over the position ai Plant Manager." The Statesmnan joins with his many. friends in town in extend- ing cordial good wishes and con- gratulations on climbing the lad- der ai success and serving 30 years wîth Goodyear. Pheasant Season In Darlington Limited to TVAo Days Licenses are naw on sale for the hunting season in Darlingtoii Township. The seasan starts with a two day pheasant bunt Nov. 4 and 5 and continues open for foxes and rabbits until Feb. *28. Licenses may be purchased irom afiy ai the following Deputy Game Wardens:-Wallace Pasce. Enfield; Harold Milîson, R.R. 1, Bowmanville; W. L. Miller, Hampton; Cynil Mumiord, R.R. 1, Hampton; Tom Wilbur, R. R. 6. Bowmanville; Jac1ý Graham, Hay- don; Arthur Milîson, Enniskillen; Harold Milis, Enniskillen; and H. Sweetma7n, Courtice. License %~es are: Resident 50c; Non Residei¶t $2.00. The bag limit is 3 cock birds per day; no ben birds ta be taken. Na rifle ai any calibre ta ho carried during two days ai pheasant hunt. Hunting hours 8 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Standard Time. Only a limited number of nan-resident licenses will be sold. The Mason Building Made Attractive By the Abernethys Surroundod by a- fresbly- paînted expanseofa brick facing and store fronts, Harold Aber- nethy took a last dab at a silver- stnip on the front ai L. C. Mason's Law Office on Monday, thon stopped back, in the mannen af ail paintors, and critically eyed the work done by J. H. Aber- nethy and Sans on tho front ai the Mason Building. Fan nearly twa weeks brushes had been dipped in pails ai cream, black, siIx-er and yellow 1naint and ex z Durham lub Tems Wintee Talented Artisis VaubePzetoe.Gvi- Duram lu TemsWinTh0 'alubl Prze tohePay Return Visit i'Cv*- 0f Five Contests ait 0.A.C., GUelph Lions Concert Series For Competitions and Show- 1erm a a l eed nfIte aris 1xhnsi Clubr And EterDominion Fnas t Roya forme i arete art iwon :uJnir fg_'Zur ville for the second in the Board Juni r b arke i g Fe a . - On October 21, one hundred out of a possible 520. of Education sponsored concerts,_____ and seventy-three boys' and girls' Swine Club' - lst. Durham ta be presented Wednesday, Nov. Przlisantieofeesig"trrgBrbaAnSct 'Club Teams with twa members County, 941; 2nd. Middlesex 2nd at the High School Auditor- for the Junior Farmers'Maet TemievnheCfSh' to a team, competed at the O.A.C., County, 918; 3rd. Huron County. ium. Mraanucerhi e kyte sto egin eet 2p, he lfShW- Guelph, in the various projects. Teamn members: Howard Trewini, Marguerite Gigniac, the young wmeanvillee C iswkb hamber afCom- u g iincastheir critical eyt The winners af, each project. with Burketon, and Donald Prescott, soprano who was awarded th( merce. The market is ta be held on the first entry. Prizes in tbi3 the exception af Poultry, will re- Burketon. High contestant:' Ho- higheszt marks ever given in To-inteMmra eaBw h-cts ilb wrd ntre present Ontario in the Dominion ward Trewin, 492. Swine Club, ranto-or elsewhere in the K' ani.,nteMmralAea omn cnet1l eawreîi ho fiasagainstth other Provincial (Durham East) - 6th. Team mern- Music Festival, heads the list of vilo SaudyOc.9,nd ifentlses-Dr"Hi1 Teams at the Royal Winter Fair bers: Arnold Brackenbridge, Mi-artst.ail Junior Farmers under 26 years Beef Heifer and Baby Eeef. -Jf2 af age in Durham County are! the first two classes thlere wiJu The ovin a t1s4.tr h brook; Gea. Skelding, Newcastle, Twenty-two year aid Maria eligible ta enter the competitions.1 be ten cash prizes ai $4.00 and mi Tudeinroviniil beagus t a the Grain Club - lst. Middlesex De Satto, who studied violin at Citizens of town and country are, the third, five cash priZC7 of $4.OQ.. Royal Wint il e Fair a otheil County, 937; 2nd. Durham Cotin- the Ursulin School of Music i invited ta this event. The admis- In aIl classes there will be mer- Royl Wnte Far ad tey illty, 930. Durham Team n iembers Wýindsor, where hie received hi, Sion is absolutely free. chandise awards worth $7.50, $5 also visit Hamilton, Niagara Falls were: Sam Turner, Bowmanville, A T.C.M. with First Class Hon- aa 25 o iscn n and Ottawa with ail expenses and Roy Werry, Enniskillen; 3rd. ours, wiîî also play at the next Activities for the day will be- ai 25 o isscn n taken care of by the variaus rail- Ontario County. concert, gin at 9 a.m. when the various! third, respectively. The calves to raads and from grants received Potato Club - st. Durhamn Tepaitfr hscneti market displays are ta be set up be judged must have been born ifrom mnany commercial and agri- County, 915. Team members. Saskatchewan born French-Cana- Prizes are ta be awarded for the int. 1948.heBb ee ie cultural organizations. Elliott Dunbar, Port Hope, and da vneGiut mn e three best displays: $10, in mer- Sp.1 98 l din Yvnne uiget. mongberA separate contest has been nth mpttnsaGuphLloyd Martin, Newcastle; 2d distinctions are the winning of chandise for first; $7.50 in mer- ragdsth he ilsry Ith opttosaGulhNipissing. 896; Hîgh contestant:thBah hidanBusrfo chandise fpr second, and $2.50 liarne ata h il a 1 three af the five prajeets were Lloyd Martin, 459.teBc hldad urryfimcans orhr. show off their candy-making abil- w1Xon by Durham County Viz, Poultry - lst. Elgin Caunty; the highest marks obtained in the mrhniefrtid ities. Entries are ta be one.-hiE Sxine, -Beef and Potata Clubs,2n Lnon British Columbia annual festival. At 10 a.m. the first maving pic- pound ai either MapIe Crem r *with Grenville County takingth n.-icl County. a schalarship tenable for two vears ture of the day will be shown. Chocolate Fudge, which will be Dairy Club, Middlesex theGri On the Durham County Beef Ifurther study in England. At 1:30 p.m. more films will be judged in separate classes. Prizes GanTeam were- two first cousins who Jme Club. the Poultry Club was won hae18 Je Be lb h as Milligan, young barîtone shown, beginning with pictures an for fiist, second and third in eachi byv Elgin Countin Bthe Girls'work h a had consîderable success "Banff" and "Western Harvest- class will be $5.00, $3.00 and $2.00 *Competition Carleton County woninteC ntfofveeas A as a concert artist rounds out the iig." There will be others, in- in merchandise respectively. *the Food Project and Elgin the " int xvorthv of mention is that pragram. cîuding features for children, a Judging in this contest also begins Clothing.Donald Taylor is the third mem- Tickets are still available mron sample of which is "Figure Skat-. at 2 p.m. Cheothning i h aiu ber of the Taylor Family of three memnbers oi the Lions Club, Or ai Thestadin inthevarauswho have won at Guelph in On- Alex. McGregor's Drug Store t clubs out af a total ai 1040 for tario Competitions. The others *each club were as follows: included Bruce Taylor * on thejo n M e t g ofR ar a d Li s Couty Club - lst. Grenville winning Grain Team in 1944 and Bermudian Flowers Jo tM e in ofR t y a d L o s Cutscore 934; 2nd. Lambton Evelyn Taylor on winning GrainL i Cont,3rd nario ounty.>9th. Tearn inSumesAgic4tra Bloom at Balmoral Featured uy M asterly Aaaress County Team, Marion Tink and Represtntative, and his Junior In spite of the frosty air and ~N I n lP n "aw Isobel Cruickshank, Hampton, Farmer temporary assistant, Bruce nippy breezes, there is stili a On UUSBVB1Ntiona Pr 5ia.im were 23rd, with 48 teams compet- Taylor, Enniskillen, who coached littie af summier ta be found in ing. the teams are justly praud ai the Bowmkanville. In the lobby of the Social security legîslation cam JBeef.Club - lst. Durham Coun- excellent standing made at Guelph. Balmoral Hotel may be seen a Juveniles Play Here in for some harsh %vords xwhen Mn ty, 937. Team members: Donald One of their important tasks is vase with three strange and1li G.Pre desdth Taylor, Enniskillen, and Glen H. ta give iurther caaching ta these exotic blooms. They are Bird of Saturday in Finals JonG akr drse h Lamr esltn 2d li treDrhmCut tasiIPrds combjned meeting of Rotary and Larer Nstctn; nd Egi treeDuha Cuny tam bPaadse flowers, brou ght toF Lions Clubs Monday evening at County, 934; 3rd. Reninew. High preparation for the Dominion Bowmanville by Proprietor .A or McCallum i..up StJonsPrhHalHemd contestant: Glen H. -Larmer, 475 Campetitian at Toronto, Nov. 14. 'Janrett of the Balmoral Hotel, tohnsmajo ons Hale l. eade who has just returned with bis1 The basebaîl season in Bo0w- hîs talk:- that pensions and other .son Michael, from a trip ta sunny manville is nat quite over, as is such means ai government. Outsandig Prces Publc Sc ool oys Bermuda. The flowers were stated elsewhere in this papen. supplied security would cast bil. Beig ealze I ymblooming In their nativ'e soil on Overlooked bn the general excite-! lions af dollars, whîch wiauld BeingRealzed n yn Class Form Saturday marning, but by even- ment and disappoiniment af the 'have ta be paid by ail workinIg At Shorthorn Sales New Bowling League ing they were adding a very cal- Provincial Play-offs was the final men, and that these siema _____orful touch t the local hotel. The game ta determine the Cha mpions sures would rab the individual plant, whîch stands about 2 feetj of the Lakeshone League in the citizn. aitis country oi much Shorthorn. breeders of Durham ,A new bowling- -league ha iigh, bas a sturdy stem and long Juvenile Class qnd the winner ai oi their freedom. Couty nd istictareagan sartd lst atudaywhe tewaxy leaves. The bloom itseli is ithe McCallum Trophy. >Ir. Parker, President ai the making breed history. At two miembers af the Public Schol lke a bird in flight-the "wings" Tetotai optn o meilLebsrneCmay recnt als a Unonill, O- oys Gy Cassxvet otaactonare the shade of a talisman rose, these hanaurs are the Bowman- 'Toronto, i vas introduced by Ro- tario, the oifering of James Rus- at Martyn'ff Bowling Academvy, and thehead"' and 'beak" arevil Lene"B anthOs-ari RsSrk.Rosm - sell averaged aven. $1100. the top under the auspices ai the Com- royal blue. This gorgeous bloom avll Juvenile "B" otiandw ioe ta the Os-trî B spStrkeross men-p sellingr bull at $3.300 being pur- munity Council for Recreation. which is neyer seen in Canada aaJieie""otis w inc h h pae a tp chsdbà at .H1uiod ee emnmdafe aiu xet-oî games have already been played in bis business", which is quite chaed y Cpt.C. . Mmfod. eve temsnamd atervarousexcptwhen împoîted, is o* 10i the final best-af-three serbes, true-he is known as one of thp Hampton, who awns the langest wild animaIs, campeted with once 1 ai o the many beautiful f4owersanechemnwhsoe vnbt-fo ed enithcu- Shorthorn herd in Durham Coun- another for the honouns ai theiwhich 'blossoms in profusion ond a scredt. The winsne ain het wheenn tnde conc ty. The next day K. E. Deacon. day, xith the Panthers comîng this semi-tropical coral island. third and final game will be de- are concernced. He has been a Beath Farms. and Murphy Bras. out an top with a grand total Mir. Jarrett stated that Bernin- cae aehr egeCap ebna oot oayCu combined aifering ai 45 head ai for the morning af 1.015 points.1 da is certainly a dlmillionaîre's cae aehr egeCap ebr1o oot oayCu Shorthoros made an average af Second and third places were paradisea'. It requires a smaîî for- lori. lor man *' years. well aven $600, many irom these taken by the Lions (1,001) and tune for just one week's vacation . Tistrd a mvle wi l be la edenisVeyH sales going ta U.S.A. buyens. the Tigens (990). Membens ai the at this famous holiday resort-so !nBomanil nStr ,Ot In his opening rr'marks. Mr. Privately Jack Baker, Hamp- xinning team were: Bob Johnson, i don't plan on taking a holiday in fIld'4.> It w,,Il - earherlast chance the intdSae a nflCanda ton, made the sale ai A. W. Lloyd Stainton, Dan Laird, Don Bermuda on a Fhoe-string. fed twl etels hneteUie ttsbso aaa Wright's, Blackstock, six-year-old Cowle, Brian Martyn and Harvey - * (-1'. ý, % il 10 tO ce9 a as regards actions of the govenn- Ransom bull ta Chester Mitchell, Webber. bpxeial1 gai-e until next spring ing bodies ai the txvo countnies. Pipestone, Minneg'ota. Another A trophy bas been donated by Turkey Dinner and the team would uodoubtedly In this relation. lie expjreýsed sire pnaving out is a Ransom bull Hoopen's Jewellery tobcwarded oeu ata a good crhwdtiut. placed with Garnet Rickard. The ta the winning team at the end Attracts Big Crowd ottaxiesthtl. Champion bull at the big Mark- i the seasan. Next Saturday, Manyg j r wa hamn Fair was sired by this bull.1 thnough the generosity ai the Coldi yTundA a Also a bull sent ta Quebec two'S nsBvNg Cma~ re T sa ln io up'H l tri ion s Centre years ago. on mail onder, has pop will be served ta al the boys It ere aa long. oglieu sined the Champion steen at Sher- participating. It'i hoped there 1 h e night. outside the Panish eda Lin C nt - brooke, Que., Show, aven mare will be eight teams by the.* Hall ai St. John's Anglican Church By Home Economist than one hundred show, steers, Fniday eveoing when 250 veny' besides, the bull himseli was i huogry people attended the Comn- MisJa NolHm cn Resex-ve Senior Champion bull H lo eenP r"muoity Turkey Dinner spansoredomsfi-DhmCuny ha at the same show. and a daughter, jH lo ee at ytetaceso t onsSn -itfrDra ony a the Junior Champion female. T BiH ldatArn,% te cher iSt on' u-jutcncue atodY course! Durham County thus provides1 , Tastefully decorated tables al- Nurto atheLnsC - some of the best Shonthonns and 'M~onday Evening mast creaked- thte!bndnemu nit.) Centre. Her "puýpls' wýerec on Nov. lst at Oshawa, the Blue af deliciously pnepaned food ' prospective leaders ai the Junior: RiboQ aemaagdbyJak The Recreation Cormmîttee ai which included 100 pounds afi1heing organized at Blackstock, Baker, 'Hampton. will ofien more Bowmanx-ille is spansning a mon- turkey, complete with potatoes,i Maple Grove. Mi]lbrook, Monnish, attractions for beef cattie enthus- ster Hallowe'en Party, Monday, vegetables. dressing, salads. pump- cidedte eu ihe iles' belw thepertl whi""'v"JcL"' dluex- -IcLuer -3, 10Wnicnail ae in-KInJli- aalUnipeaGardenancHîlGardn nHil and zahzaethvilll cîedtacu te ils eiw hepetl wipedacross the face xited Who might wish ta came. beverage - ail ion the nominal jo "The Cereal Sheli,*" the project injuned Portions which had be- ai this building. Now the job The evening's fun will begin at charge af 90 cents. The ladies for the coming year-s workpo came badIy rotted through con- was completed and the fresh,ScusR aieO r 6:30 p.m. at Central Public S.hooî ai the church who cooked and \-ided material for~ considerable stant contact with bath air and gleaming surface added a newvSo t eaieO e where the kids wilî forn up for' served the sumptuous banquet discussion among the womnen Who water. This wvas done and the spot ai brightness ta King Street. $300 inAp l Day a panade ta the Arena, where were unable ta cape with the wl nevu-t xli ete work completed Saturday. The wonk was stanted from the W seP p rD ie i the activity wiii ta-epae crawu who attenueo and wr lb h au ficuigcr top af a steel scaiiold, with a r The Boys Training Schaol Band compeIied taotiirn mare thn5 eals in their plans for meais. B sns Ledr paintens wonking. at ten and fif- will lead the parade. people away. irn thTusa ateon Buies e d r teen-foat levels, on the brick fac- When ail contributions, divid- Once down at the Arena, the Proceeds aof $35 will be used sesingathe Tusraft f how John G. Parker iog of the upstaîrs apartments. ends and expenses had been panty wiîî begin in earnest. fo rcse bok ndsplesion a e m nstatnd asseholeaawa oil eilto This scaffold is samething un added, subtracted and othenwise Thene will be games ai evervIfo s in the Sunday School. ds a ie.Teproei asdb ogeswihwl usual. Even though it appears ta computed, it was faund that the description, movies fai al types this was not ta show the ladies undoubted!y be passed by3 h be somewhat cumbersome, it is Bawmanville Scouts and Cubs are and, ta top it ail off, a contest r hat ta do ta ensune success in Sonate in the spring. This legs- actualîy casier and much saler ta icher by more than $300 as a fta doter mine the best costume.* Some Mvarried Mven cookinq. but ta toach them haw tien broadens pension coverg js than a laddor. Since il result ai their wasto paper drive ai the evenîng. Pnizes wilî ho cmsin sections ai five or ton adApeDyadteRtr- awarded for costumes in diffen- Must Pay Poli Tax t1o~ri~t ohd ate1 uha xotta niiul foot lengths, it may ho built up Liens apple auctioni. ont classes and mare gamos andi trSttues ing. h rew rk-eriveag e benefi0sat tea re imthynrew rk-earni lge ta $4,800atyerth l ta nydeird eihtwibot ny Th coletin i ase-apr oviteswilI follow. Proba Foibowing the demonstration1 tirement age ai 65. It is posil diificulty. Tt stands on four "leXs", totalied samo sixteen tons which Sudges for the contosts are the - ---- iim a seto 'o mno 6,wthawf ail ai which are easily adjustable were sald for $96, the pnice hav- presidents and secretanies ai the Some confusion bas appanentlv -nieai iewssetyio a f6.wt iea Q ~meal planning, with particulai- ta dîaw a maximum pension ta make the workiog sraelvliog fallen considerabiy since last Lions and Rotary Clubs. aio -oncorning payment aiof pai napoe-yblne nearly $190 per month upor - an al i hih av woes nyean. There were no exponsos Tho games will include ail the poil tax iohiosvniguast eek s an them ta facilitate mavement. in Ibis case, since tukr do- old Haliawo'on favorites and it naunicement in The Sficmn ienurt ih oîdas oiell suf- tîrcluement hs figr eedsnt n They save manpawer,taa, sinco natod thein services and thedo ! has been hinted that the mavies This confusion ii easily explained 1ficietitin ttacwtia e. ng ldreonearitsfor deeant chi th03- do not require a man on the Shop supplied their sound-truck will ho mostiy cartoons. Ail you ' the anflounicoment contained Te Wdedyssin wsbîî am o o eîhIsr ground ion each man in the air, for advertising at no cast ta the 'have ta do ta gain admission is ane slight error. Tt stated that pndicsngmto forace as laddens do. Scouts. The total pracoeds of1 be there, sa came on alang, kids. onlv single men aven 21 years spntion nuss ucing m a o- Woance.rPesin When the second storeywa the Aipl Day wene $230, mcm ' andi join the fun. Parents ana ai a*ze had ta par the tax. where- jgnz1inadcnutn mo- WoPy o esos donete -antr saoe o n as te cP tofthe 1 es($42) Ispectators wil ho equally wei- as anv man nv-er21 must pav O jeîngs. Reports af compieted pro- Th otfsu acem the silver and blýck front aofar.d the cest ai tags and printing came. tax if ho is rat alherwisa' cs Pat Ahieem n ke xlio. ol e iHooper's Jeelrptigan(2.0 a ab ddce.Nte oi ae ntemn icipî Day wbich takes place in the no Joascfell same colngon,$20.50ceedte tatall ed635. Nte o e ntemriiaa maximum ai between 25 aid8 ne ot o h ae oos roed he oald 235.or i! such taxes are less than the! spripig. billions of dollars por ycar by h Pethick's Barber Shop was next.. Monday night a bushel ai Mc- St. An drew's Form ol tax.l year 2000. Jo Canada, t hefigr iThe bnilliant yeliow applied tae Intosh apples was auctioned off at Terao o hsmsaewswudb prxmtl . 'the marne work oi the veteran the joint meeting ai the Rotary A Y. P. oieyThahe re oIbi mistaehwas 'St. Paul's C.wbilosid f b larsaimpery1.e a tonoralaris's ho Sem t an Lon Cub an agrndtoalself ta decide that there was strain Hold Initiations that lime, if the populationre RbrA.Byeplace it in the middle of the street, ai $3812 wvas coliected. This St. Andrew's Presbytenian enough an the packet-book ai a maîned sta*,ic. This type ai leisa Roer . ryese bightly doos it stnike the oye. maney was given ta the Scouts Young Peoples Society- held is, maried man witbaut the ddi-1lion wili inevitably came in- af Taronto. wha xvas elected Pros- 1 Last, but not least. came the LaW are they are naw icher by aponing meeting in the church i tionai drain of a $10 tax ta rnake S t. Paul's C.G.J.T. mol Wed- L- .l'e ,2ated, and will probal ident ai The Canadian Chamben j Office. which was iinished ini exactly $301.62. These funds wiil basement in Sunday voning, Oc- T himself eligi1ble for munîc;pal nesday evening, October 19. The be patt -erned on the United Stae of Commerce, the national ioder- the same colons as the jewellery go a long wyaei oteSotlbr2 I73 'lok oig hssih ijdmn l~ting opened with a sîng-song pas atian~~~~~~~~~~ aiBad a rd adsa. hscrpiîdtasomvoetbr ad te hvt b he Scutffice3rs f30 'or heyerwee -avorrec.Tisby a her is Tetal'er hch'eintaioP-leahepnseaeapaetl e Chambers of Commerce, at itssînce Non!hcutt and Smith's Fun- asked ta convey the thanks ai elected as foliows: Hionorai-y Statute Labeur Act, Chapter 274, rnony ion îwo new memberg, Fay ing ohiered, by the goveront Annual Meeting at Monti-cal thisioral Homo was painted Iast y-ear the Scouts for this helping hand Prosidents-Rev. and Mrs. F. Rý' Para. 2. Red and Jane-t McLaegor was con- .oriething for nothing," hoe- week. Mr. Bryce has spent bis !and was in no need ai reiunbish- extended by. the citizens ai tewn i Meredith: Pr-esitient-Jaci' KIt- '_____aicted b3- Miss Croasser. This' cla'med. ' But nohody cao lue n te rinig bsinss ii ng.and district, ison; Secretany-Greta McNauigh- f ias ioilawed by the tests ai initi - somthing for nothing. So - Northenn Ontario and for a num-__________ ton: Tre-asurei,-Doris Chartran: , Mn. Bob Stev-ens. Ontari - ation.. body always pays and il is genr ber af %ears rias been soîeu Dr. Bradley Palmer. Universiti, Conveners-Gertrude MacCrim- j icultural Coee uih pnt hr î a pn rr ail,, the worker who pays." w-ith the Chamber of Commerceiof Toronto. 'vas weekend guest An anti:-,tust suit bas been iiled mon. Doris Chartran, Florence 1Sunciay wvitn h is parents, Mr. ancdj ing Hallove'n decaratians andia1. movement in Canadla. --if Dr. and NMra. R F. Dinnuwell against a large chain groceryo Chaatran. Ralph Smpson. Ms. Rois Stevenh. atuEed animal&. (Continued hom Page Nia.. e it f1 tl s ýr an

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