Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1949, p. 8

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Jr4G]g E!GHT IThe Orono News ~.nivesary srviesMrs. B. E. Lo g a n = ý = a;Y servcof Park and supper early in December. St~UniedChurch o Sunday, Delicious refreshments were serv- Odt. 16, were largely attended. ed by memlzers of th W.A. Rèv. A. E. Kewley of St. Clair Mrs. Howard Cole, Hampton, Av'e. United Church, Toronto, was visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Billett. g*~st speaker at both services and Miss Shirly Porter, Oshawa, the messages he gave were a great with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. N. ijàpiration. The choir under the F.' Porter. ]é#dership of Mrs. W. E. C. Work- Mr. and Mrs. Jock Davis, New- man was heard to good advantage market, with her parents Mr. and Ii' two antbems at each service. Mrs. D. Myles. Ai the evening service Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Homne, Ldrne Thompson, Blackstock, was WVbitby, with ber mother Mrs. g4.est soloist singing a well ren- Fred Tamblyn. déired solo. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson ,,Miss Joanne Rutherford is a and Jean, Blackstock, with her p4tient in Bowmanville bospital parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Cobble- with a broken arm. We hope she dick. 4~s a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Billett, Jim- Dr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie, Peter- mie and Douglas, Scarboro Bluffs, boro. were guests of Mr. and Mis. and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billett W. J. Riddell. and Mary, Hampton, visited Mr. Miss Gwen Chatterton, nurse- and Mrs. Bert Billett. in-training at St. Joseph's Hospi- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. t4-1 Peterboro, spent Sunday at Ray Greneil on the birth of their home. son in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper bave Mrs. A. F. McKenzie attended returned from a holiday at "Glen! the funeral of ber uncle MVr. Jack verdean", Hall's Lake. Comrie in Keene on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rickaby, Miss Marian Brown, R.N., Osh- Toronto, were guests of Mr. and awa, vieited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mis. .Carl Billings. Brown. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ladies of W.M.S. were well rep- Colin Taylor who were married resented at the Autumn Rally at Saturday afternoon in Orono. Newtonvile United Church on Prof. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Thursday. Guelph, were in town Satw,.X0a Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Eustace and attended the Taylor-W ýuocl spent several days in Muskoka 'iuptials. and whlie there visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Alex. and children, Belleville, visited Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hancock. Charles Taylor on Sunday were Women's Association of Park Mis. George Hamilton, Ross, Viv- St. Church met Tuesday aftep& ian, Wilma and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. fioon at the home of Mrs. V. Rob- Roy McGill and Arnold ,Ponty- inson. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Presi- pool, Mr. and Mis. George Boutil- dent, presided. Mis. N. F. Porter 1i4er, Mrs. Jennie Blewett and gave the devotional. ber theme Leonard, New Toronto, and Mr. being "Thanksgiving". Arrange- and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Ken- zments were made for a bazaar neth and Shelagh, Bowmanville. FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS OBTAINABLE AT B 0F M FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE What do you need to increase your success in farming and -your comfort at home? You may be surprised to find how many good things you can buy with a Bank of Montreal Farm Im- .provement Loan. Why flot check the following list? Construction, repair, or extension of buildings, including bornes, tractors, trucks, mach- inery, implements; livestock; electrical, heating, or water systems, fencing, drainage, or land improvement; washing and milkir.g machines, refrigerators, cream separators, motors, or other elec- trical appliances. The only charge you pay is a simple interest of five per cent., and repayment terms are easy. That's why thousands of Canadian farmers borrow from the B of M every year. They know that a Farm Improvement Loan more than pays its in- expensive way by making possible purchases that quickly bring more profits and comfort. Now is the time to get ahead. See G. E. Moody, B of M manager at Bowmanville. He'll gladly discuss your requiremènts with you. OUR BEST DRESS VALUES 'Careful selectlng on our pari brlngs you attractive dresses at prices that are truly as- tonlshlng! in the most want- ed colors and fabries. . . the mo5 Sand «"occ season. ost important casual ccasion" styles of this ïUITS for FALL Come see our vast rollection of men 's wear for Faîl . . - more styles, fabries and colors than -we've had in many a ycar. Double and single breasted, pin sgtripe and plain suits. Wlde lapels, slit pockets. In bIne, brown or grey. Al Slzes. CornehI NOW, while ou racks are full and Your selection Is at its best! Couch, iohnston & Cryderman FIi<)0'F. 836> 49 KIng Ut.. W. BOWMANVMLLE TEECAADI( TATUMN.EOWANTLL. NTARI --. - Z.Pl.1. - . 4ilau& . leu" Orono United Church Rededicated With Impressive Services The-reopening and rededication of Park Street United Church, Orono, on Sunday, Oct. 9. was in reality a tribute to a group of godly people who, in the year 1862 erected a spaciou!% building in the name of Wesleyan Methodismn. Beautiful in its very simplicity, lhe church bas served the spiritual needs of a host of folk through the intervening years. So substantial and sound was the original workmanshîp, that littie bas been necessary in the nature of upkceep apart from nom- inal care and re-decoration. Recent years have seen a desire on the part of the congregation, bowever, for the comfort and actual economy which could be effected by the addition of a large vestibule which would serve as, a shield against the incecrrent weather of wînter, beside offer- ing greater cloak-room facilities and a basement kitchen as well. On undeîtaking the task, the advantages of a new hardwood floor in the auditorium were taken into account. The walls needed the brightening influence of fresh paint, it was conceded, and the lovely cathedral-like ceiiing couid well do with a cent of vaînish. Even the pews which had served their day se efficiently and thor- oughly could he replaced with something a littie more comfoît- able. Se it was that new pews with a centre aisie came into be- ing. A new choir and pulpit aiea were planned. The building as it stands is a real tribute te ail whe have lab- ored for the chuîch in Orono, both present and past, ministers and iaymen. It was an ideal day for the re- opening. The weathe-~ was ideal, and the bîight gleamîng interior of the chuîch, made possible by a~ fresh coat of paint on the walls and varnish on the woodwork add- ed greatly te the occasion. The new pews were aise a greýat im- provement over the former ones, along with a new gleaming bard- wood floor. By the time the service was ready to commence, the church was filied te capacity. Net a va- cant space was left in the spacieus auditorium, and the gallery along two sides of the church and one end, were nearly filled. Présent wvith Rev. A. E. Eustace in the pulb pit was Rev, D. C. Amos of Belle- ville. In summing up ail that Rev. Amos had said during the lay, Rev. Eustace ctueried .'hether the spiritual awakening of se many worshippers foresaw ivith rededication had not receiv- ed its inception hy the powerful messages of the visiting minister. The large choir provided splen- did music unden the leadenship of Mfrs. W. E. C. Workman. Mrs. A. Au. Dîummond contnibuted a beau- :îful vocal solo at the moîning service, and a sole in the anthem in the evening. Financial response te the pie- sent pressing needs of the Church are saîd te be mest gratîfying, the sum of $960 being raised at the morning service, with that of the evening as yet unreported. WEDDING TAYLOR-WOOL Part St. United Church. Orono, was tbe scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 15, when Gertrude Winnifred Wood, Bowmanvîlle, and formerly of England, became the bride of Col- in Kemp Taylor of Orono. Rev. A. E. Eustace officiated. The altar was decorated with mums and gladiolus, making a pleasing back- ground for the ceremony. Given in niarriage hy ber bro- ther Mr. A. E. Wood, Tyrone, the bride looked lovely in a street length gown of teale blue crepe, with matching velvet hat, feather trimmed. Her corsage was of baby mums and roses. She was attended by Miss Reta Forsey as bridesmaid who looked charming in a gown of burgundy erepe, matching vel- vet hat, with feather trim and wore a corsage of roses. The groomsman was Prof. W. H. Brown, Guelph, and the ushers were Mr. Everett Brown and Mr. Ervan Rainey. Mrs. W. E. C. Workman piayed the wedding music and Mr. Glen Aluin, Newcastle, sang "Oh Per- fect Love" before the ceremony and during the signing of the reg- ister 'Through the Years". A reception was held for 35 guests in the 100.OF. Hall where Mrs. W. H. Brown poured tea frorn a nicely decorated table cen- tered wîth the three tier wedding cake. Mr. and Mis. Taylor left for a wedding trip and on their return will make their home in Bow- manville. 800 yeanly growth of population i overcrowding Malta. ORDER RESERVED SEATS NOW!1 ROYAL WUNTER FAIR. ýN OV. 15-23 u As the supply is Iimited, reserved seats must be obtained immedi- ately by out-of-town visiters. RESERVED SEATS AFTERNOONS Frldoy, Nov. 18 to Wednesday, Nov. 23 $1.OO includlng gênerai Admission Reserved Sects,, Nighte $1.50 - 1.75 - 2.00 Isdudlng C ,o admission Enclose a seIf-addressed envelope with your cheque or money aider t- ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR Royal ColIs.um, Toronto, Ont. Buildiing Committee of Park Street Church, Orono The above group form the Building Cern- mittee of Park St. United Church and through their direction laid the ground work for the extensive renovation of the church. The front îow, îeading fnom lc'ft te right are: Rev. A. E. Eustace, minister; Mn. O. W. Rolph, treasurer; Mus. M. J. Tamblyn, representing the W.A.; Mns. A. A. Dnummond, representing the Sunday N ew Look at Park Street Church, Orono The above photo of Parkz Street United Clîurch, Orono, depicts to what extent the alterations and decorations have improved the interior setting of this sanctuary. The rcopening of the church on1 Sunday, October 9th, witnessed one of the largcst congregations in its hîistory. Beautiful flowers and ferns graced the choir loft and pulpit. -Courtesy Orono Times Sehool; Mis. M. H. Staples, chairman cf furni- ture comnmittee; Mr. C. W.. Billings, chairman cf the Board of Trustees; Rev. D. C. Amos, guest speaker for rededication service. Back rew, left te right: Mi. P. Chapman, chairman et building comniittee; Mn. W. J. Riddell, chairman of fin- ance; Mr. M. J. Tamblyn, chairman of memorial windows. Enfield, Mr. H. E. Stevens, Palm- erston, with Mn. and Mis. Howard Stevens.. Mn. and Mis. John Griffin and famiiy, Yelverton, spent Wednes- day afteînoon with Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mn. R. J. Brice at Mi. A. Lead- beater's. Mn. A. Leadbeater with friends at Glen Meyer and Fisherville, Ontario. Dr. J. E. Dalton, Victoria, B.C., with Mr'. and Mns. O. C. Ashton. No Hard Coal Stock Piles Locally With some of the local weather prophets predicting a long cold winter, citizens of Bowman- ville may have been wonder- ing if they will be able to feed hungry furnaces this year. According to coal deal- crs in town, there is nothing to worry about in this respect at pre- sent, but if John L. Lewis decides to caîl hi5 hard coal miners out' L there xiii be some mighty cold houses before spring arrives. The three dealers doîng business here ail report that they will be able to answer demands for coal if ordcred sbipmnents corne in on schedule. If, however, the ship- ments fail to arrive for any rea- son, there are no stockpiles to draw on and there simply won't be any coal available. House- holders who failed to lay in sup- plies during the summer (and there are many in this category, who waited for priccs te corne down) are goingto be left on the short, and cold, end in the latter case. Both Sheppard and Gili and Effa Wright, Oshawa, favoured with piano duets. Mrs. S. Saywell, Oshawa, spoke very fittingly to the mothers of the Baby Band, mentioning especially gift boxes and help ing churches abroad. Ruth Lamnb and Gloria Wright favoured with a piano duet. Group 2, under leadership of Mrs. H. McGill, and Mrs. J. Siemon. servc a delicious lunch. Mrs, Russefi Ormiston, Mrs. Leonard Bradley, Mrs. Walter Ferguson, MVrs. T. M. Slernon, En- niskillen, enjoyed a -bus trip with Enifield ladies fo Bri-hton visiting Rev. and YIrs. J. A. Plant on Oct. 12. Mr. Frank Sr-nith, Enfield, ac- compr.'ied _7\Ir. andicin,îs. Earl Tiewjin atid Don. n and iVin. MJncý inra o'c:n vxisit Mr. andi Mis,. roy Tr2wîvn ut Port Credit. ".7intusihi, Y v v.,re Thiants- PiV!1~ ' i l.s: iali 21'. and LMls. Gcore ,rwu Miss EIs<e Oke, Toronto, ac- coiiipiiiiied i-'. and Mis. Albert Oke te visit Mi-s. Jaimes Oke at ShIX:. san, iî'sDon Car ~arid famil, Iliydnî. utii Ml%. nnd Mrs. Leine Laibi. Masters Garýth Lî Gill and Bert Wei-ry vwîtih thcir' Cousin llastei' Brian orodneOsIlawa. Mrlî. and 1\lr-s. Mi llen Sta iitnoi anid f,itrnil.y witli 10i% and i'vlrs. W. J, Staitol, orolin. Mi'. anid Mrs. Bill Jewvell, T.y- rotie, wveie weekend tgueŽsts of Mr. and Mi-S. John Oke. Mis. Fî'ec Bailey, Blackstock, \Xilh Mr. . ï,d IMrs. Rî's.'cell Mc- LLlCh] ii. lus. .1 i I L-I,,tgl iin Sr., s'eturintd te fL-rke'on ivî ti hei'. lJli ,s l~yTh-irn-lon visitcd Mr. andt \[i E. lý.icNvýi. Mir. and 'Jrzs. 0. C. Ash ton, Lois andc Cri'swith M. .an-icis E. J. IiiioToronto. Mrs. Clifio'ul Petlhick and Patsy with Mî's. Jack Potts, Haydon. Mrs. E. Stnîîtt. witlh Mrs. Bert Mr'. aiidMi' David Grýay and Carol, N'2Uaîl.Ms. M. Me- I)oniilat cd U at, ln.nnniiville. x%'îtI i'. :ncî vi:.J. Adins. W.c aire glzte ho lave seen Mr. Fi-ed Ell? annnda[fier bis illînes z. Mi%. anid Mrs. Lu'nnaî'd Sta in toni anid faiil ' v with Mi'. and Mns. J.! P<itts l-a.,iin. ,Mns. W. Rowiing, London.,i visitiing Mir. and Mrs. J. A. Werry and farnily. Mnr. and Mis. Bruce Ashton and Lai'ry, Pipie 1h11, Mns. E. C. Asion at V'. and l\hi's. Harold Asîîtons, Mrs E. C. Ashton re- inin iiiq foi, a viý it. Mîcse. eus and Marjone,. Mclnitoshi, Wlîithv, spent Thanks- ý'vig v.cclend xvith Mr. and Mrs. Gco. rvii Mnrs. C. Piiilip, Toronto' Mr. Carnet SiîcleioenOrangrvillC, visited Mir. anid insr. R. McNeil. Mrs. A. MucNeil, Ilay don, ut Mrs . Mrh. unidVIs.Rui-eil Griffin wcre We!nc. a fternoon callers at Air. aIýd MIvs. L. Griffîn's, Purpie Hill. Dr. and Mis. Clanke Dorland and familv, Lapeen, Mieh., with . and Mnýis. Jolhn Doilanid. N'liss Elsie Samis, Mi'. anid Mrs. i H'arold Oridtoni, Lois and 1rvin, The Sensational New ASTRAL BABY REFRIGE ATOR Os specially designed te give you the advantages of electrie erg eration without loss of valuable living space. ]FOR... 1 0OMES CAPART31ENTS CBUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES NURSERIES *SUMMER COTTAGES *TRAILER HOMES 31MANY OTHER us;r S CHECK THESE FEATURES 1. Electric Universal A.C. / D.C. heating element cf low current consumption. No muter re- quired. Plug in any-where. 2Attractive, Modern Design Sturdily constructed from aIuminum al- lovs, finished in lustrous, white enamel. Cabinet flat-topped for your convenience. Plastic door panel. Platcd internai fit- tlngs. Smooth Nvorking handie and yield- ing rubber gasket creates air-tlght door seal. 3. Space-Saving & Compact Speciflcally designed te provide compact food sterage ivhere space is restricted. A handy base is previded for table inîunting.- Adjustable shelves and door- trays permit alternative arrangements. Ice cubes for your cenvenience. Available for Immediate Delivery THE Phone 573 $14935O m m Holgate and Son depend upon Pennsylvania Anthracite for their supplies cf ceai and it is just this ceai which will fail to arrive if the miners go on strike. Neyer- theIess, both companies are opti- mistic about being able te fill al their eiders this year. Owen Nicholas aise bandies Pennsyl- vania coal but has placed orders for supplies cf Alberta Anthra- cite, wbich is flot likely te cease production because cf strikes. Government subsidîzed, this ceai is some $7 a ton cheaper than the American import, but it is net as bard as the Pennsylvania and, accordingly, will net last quite as well. On the whole, there was ne wor- ry expîessed by the dealers con- cerning the ceai consumers in Bowmanville and they expect te be able to filail present eiders and ail those te corne without any undue delay. FEEDER CATTLE SELL FAST In just about five hours auc- tieneer Duncan A. Brown sold 2,696 head of cattie for $368,822 at the sixth Annuai Sale of feed- er and stock cattle at Little Cur- rent, Manitoulin, Ont., Septem- ber 29. The overaîl average price was $14.90 and the top price was $12.10 for a load of canner cows. Five loads went te Harrisburg, Penn., one load te Buffalo, and the remainder were shipped te western Ontario, Madoc and Carleton areas. Manitoulin Island cattle have an enviable reputation for quali- ty, freedom from disease, and ability te make profitable gains in feed lots. At the fourth general T.B. test there were only three reactors-two herds infected out of 25,000 head tested. Grading and weighing Into uniform canlots was under the supervision of W. S. MacMullen, Livestock Fieldman, Dominion Department of Agriculture and R. H. Graham, Assistant Livestock Commissioner, Ontario Depaît- ment of Agriculture. The Manager of the sale was J. H. Wiikin of Gore Bay, Manitoulin. *for Fumitumeq a* nd Woodworki~ le yà K7êý WATERSPA ENAMEL Don't store away those aid chairs and tables. Dress themn in gay colors with Waferspar Enamel, and moke them useful additions ta your home. On. coat wiii caver aid enomelled surfaces solidly, dry quickly to Iong-Iasting J. H. Abernethy 94 Concession St. Phone 43. ALSO AVAILABLE AT Murphy's APPLIANCE & FURNITURE 52 King St. W. Phone 811--t Bowinanville TERMS IFl" DESIRED RADIO SHOP- BownvillS 38 King St. E 4 - Crcnu Illectric Phone 55-r-i Orono M-i FARTE AND HOUSE WIRING Repairs and Alterations ... ... Pole Lines a Specialty ... Free Estimates SUPERTEST STATION Hampion h AERO DUO JET DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL PUMPS QUAKER SPACE HEATERS DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES PREST - O - LITE BATTERIES G. H. WILBUR Phone 2752 I ib 4. Silent Having no muter Or other meving parts, the cooling unit is noiseless and requires the minimum of servicing. A thrce-point, celd centrol is provided. 5Lightweight IVeighs enly 60 lbs. approximately, niak- lng It possible te easily transport this refrigerator frem house te summer cot- tage, etc. Light enough te bang upon the wall. 6. Low - Priced Cen;idering the luw, initial price and negligible iunning cests, you get MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR. TEM CANADIAN STATESUM. BOWMANVMLE. ONTAIUO TWMM»Avý fýcTMim M- la« ENNISKILLEN Saturday evening, Oct. 8, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethiek were guests of honour at a gathering of 75 friends and neighbours at the Community Hall. The enter- tainment consistèd of a program of music and readings in which Misses Dorothy Stainton, Joyce McGili, and Marie Ashton, Mrs. F. Werry and Mr. M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen, Mrs. S. Rodman and Mrs. T. Redman Port Perry, Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy, Hampton, Mrs. C. Garrard, Haydon and Mrs. R. Seymour assistcd. Rcv. R. M. Sey- mour in his usual jovial manner acted as chairman. Mr. and Ms F. Pethick were prcsented with a chenille bcd spread and a vase of flowcrs as a token of estceem from the community. Dancing and lunch ivere cnjoyed and a spectai treat of ýce creamn provicicd by Mr. and Mrs. S. Pctliic. Rev. R. M. Seymour attendeci Sunday School session and gave a very interesting talk and illus- tration on one of the lessons on the National Temiperance Study course. W.M.S. wvas held Mt the home ef Mrs. E. Wright on Oct. Il with an attendance of over seventy, as thie Baby Band and their mothers were guests. Mrs. J. A. Werry hadl charge of tlhe Worship service. Mrs. G. Yeo had charge of the pro- gram. Mrs. Jabez Wright and Miss la R. B.BROWN Bowrnanville Phone 2639 Decoralor jINTERIOR & EXTERIOR - Moderate Prices - THE CROWN LIFE Insurance Company Established 1900 Homne Office, Toronto, Canada AGENT:- Lorne Allun 17 Division Street BOWMANVILLE FROM FACTORY TO WEARER .. . FURS.. Repairing - Remodelling *Storage Complete Une of New Coats Coats ivili be stored until wvanted. Budget Terms If Desired Open - 9 a.m. to 6 p.nx. Monday to Saturday Durham Furriers LMUTED Port Hope Phone 2128

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