Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1949, p. 16

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£flrrvwW ¶'Wt C~AMAflTAN ~'rA'rLqMAN. ~OWMANV!LLZ. ONTA~f1O fI!URSDA?, OCTOBER Oth, 10* SEL.. wpw~ et, BIRTHS ASHTON-Mr. and Mrs. Harold ,lLshtorn (nec Gladys Kersey) are b~kppy te anneunce the birth of ïi son, Douglas Richard, at Bow- ntanville Hospital, Thursday, Sept. IMt, 1949, a brother for Clare. 40-1*' %-OK-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook <pee Helen Stephens) are happy Io announce the birth cf their a4ughter, Susan Patricia, on Sept. .Ieth, 1949, at Bowmanvillie Hos- t0-f 1tOOMBES-Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Coombes, (nec Rachel Hilderiy) IIbe happy te announce the birth a son, Dennis Guy, at Bowman- il1eHsptaSunday, Oct. 2nd, ,49. Mother and baby doinsZ well.40-1* ,.ÇOULD-On Friday, September .3th, 1949, te Mr. and Mrs. M. G. tould (nec Dorothy Bonnyc!astle) at North Bay Civic. Hospital, a diaughter, a sister fur John and ,Mary. 40-1 ,ICKARD - Jean and Brenton :Rickard are happy te announce the iirth of their daughter, Beverly 'Vaat Bowmanville Hospital, *n Friday, September 23rd, 1949. ýPL sister for George. 40-1* DEATHS .ROWN-In Bowmanville Hos- 'ita1. on Sentember 26,_1949, An- .,mc Laura Brown. beloved wife *fE. H. Brown, Bowmanviile. 40-1* ÉOSKIN-Passed away in Oshawa Geënerai Hospital, Monday, Oct. 3rd, 1949, Cephas William Has- kin. in 'bis 77th 'ear, beloved -i&husband ef the late Charlotte 1Cann and father of Lola Mount- joy. Funeral service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Par- lours. King St. E., Oshawa, on Thursday, Oct. 6th, at 2 p.m. D. S.T. Interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. 40-1 IN MEMORIAM BROOKS-In loving memery cf a ddar son, husband and brother. P. O. Glenn Wesley Brooks. whe was killed in action over Dort- o~iund, Germany, Oct. 7th, 1944: i4s angels kccp their watch¶ Up % there, ýIlease God, just let himn know bhat wo down here, do ne forget We love and miss hlmn so. LEver rcmembered by Mom, - ad, Dora, Gwendolyn and Grant. - 40.1* ,frCKMAN-In loving memory cf &-dear hushand and father, Fred- eÎick Raymond Jacekman, Who passed away October 8th, 1944: Sunsbine fades and shadows fall, But sweet remembrance outlasts Mis memory is as dear today -As in the heur he passod, away. .-Ever remembered by wife and family. 40-1* MANNING-In loving memory et a dear mether who passed away Octoher 2, 1943: Tbe depth'q et sorrew we cannot - tell, 01 the loss ef one we loved se - Well, 4nd while she sleeps a peaceful slecp 14er mcmeîy I shaîl always keep. .-Ever remembered by daughter, if-an Luxten. 40-1* WêORDEN--In loving memory of j. dear husband. Russell L. Wor- dien, who cntered into rcst Oct. Ath, 1948: IM'emory wanders as twilight shadows taîl, 2Zack te the days et happiness, days beyond recaîl, A.nd a vision cornes before me, -se calm, se dear, se sweet èithose iips that new are sulent And whosc cyes are closcd te sleep. 42Ever remembered ,byhyis wife, tihel.40.14* For Rent TÈHREE garages, central. Apphy 4nt. 7, 63 King St. W., Bowman- viile. 40-2* *MREE-roomed apartment, cen- t»al location. Write Post Office âox 459, Bowmanville. 40-1* APARTMENT-suitahle enly fer tWo adults. See N. J. Scott, Oiookdale - Kingsway Nurseries. (Np telephene cahs). 40-1 tIGHT-roomed brick house inj ]3bwmanville. Irmmediate poss- ebàion. Jrmes Nixon, Broker 180 Liberty St. N.; Bowmanville, Nione 682. 40-1* FOýUR-roGmed apartmcent, thmee- *~ce bath, hot and cold water, fWeplace and fixtures, newly de- corateti. in Newcastle. Immediate 00session. Phone Clarke 3231 or 4420A. -40-1 Lost ÎINO mcd heifers. lest hetwecn SÏpt 25th and Oct. 2nd. Please njtify Thomas Wilbur. Enniskil- 1w. 40-2 TCASE, gey with brown Slost about Se2pt. 2th. Fnder ,oOs notify Walter Graham, ptçxering. 39-20 10%LF grown grey and white kit- hemor vith bobhcd tail, 1eî's0tthe name *Bootzie.11 "IIfinder kindly retumn it te' ~Bowmanville. Additonal Classified On Page Nine Articles For Sale APPLE barrels. Apply 273 Simp- son Ave. 40-1* SUIT, size 14; faîl coat. size 12, good condition. Phone 926. 40-1* CLARE Jewel range for ceai or woed. Phone 2379. 40-1* 15 CORD mixed weod, $15 cord. Jim Gray, Janetvilie. 40-2* MILK fed capons, 50c lb. Phone Bowmanviile 2836.' 40-1 MODEL A Ford, in good condition, cheap. 154 Wellington St. West. 40-1* '29 MODEL A Ford, in fair con- dition. Apply 57 Liberty St. S. 40-1* '37 BUICK sedan, radio and beat- er, Ai condition. Phone 2520. 40-1 QUEBEC heater, with oi uruer; one jacket heater. Phone 2076. 40-1* WHITE enamel coal annex; smal separator. Phone 2430 Clarke. 40-1 FINDLAY cook steve; waise med- ium size Quebec heater. Phone 2112. 40-1 '37 PONTIAC opera coupe, radio and heater, good condition. Phbne 2520. 40-1 PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates, we measure and instaîl. 37-tf PIANO, with bench, Mason and Risch, medium size. Reasonabie. Phone 545. 40-1 SMALL garage. Can meve whole or in two 'parts. F. Williams, Phone 2622. 40-1* 1940 FORD coach, radio, heater. defroster. good tires. Howard Pick 'ard, Phone 2060. 40-1* REMINGTON W.R.F. .22 rifle and l-gauge double, both for $40. Phone 2008. 40-1 f160 PULLETS, just starting te iay; also ¾!! h.p. ectric metor. H. Beauchamp Phone 2661. 40-1 FOU-umner gas steve, with oven; ice box, 50 lbs. Apply 69 Scugog $t., north door. 40.1* 1941 CHEVROLET Sedan Special Deluxe, good condition. Phone 2704 after 3 p.m. Friday. 40-1 MAN'S tweed overcoat, practic- ally fiew, size 36, bargain. Apply 29 Elgin St. or Phone 620. 40-1* BLACK seal fur coat, in good condition, worn oniy a few.times, size 36 - 38. Phone Clarke 2513. 40-1* perfect. fair running condition. Roy Bothwell, R.1P. 3, Maple Grove 40-1 ONE building, approximately 14'x 30', nearly new lumber. Apply 140 Wharf Road, after 5 o'clock. 40-1* GIRL'S winter ceat, size 10 yrs.*; wine, pleated skîrt and tunic; aul in good condition. Phone 2933. 40-1* GIRLS brown winter coat, size 8, quilted lining. detachable hood, like new. à Duke St., Phone 358. 40-1* NEW "Arvin" 4-tube electric radio, ivory. price $21,00. Harvey Smith. Middle Road, Bowmanville R.R. 6. 40-1* CEDAR trees, suitable for bedge, 10 cents each at Jas. Delaney's. 'i mile north ef Hampton and 1 mile east. 38-3* SIX volt Viking radie; 6 voit Viking air charger, compiete with battery, $25. Clive Lamb, Bow- manvilie. 40-1* FIVE hundred Barred Rock pul- !ets, 4ý'2 months old. Richard- sons Farms, Pontypool, Phone 81r16 Orono. 37-4 CORDWOOD, foot lengths. soft, $12. nt farm, $2 for deiivery. Margwiil Fur Farm, Phone ow manvilie 2679. 4- 1940 CHEV. baîf-ton panel truck, excellent condition. $600. Apply William Laird, Mapie Grove, Phone 2511. 40.1* NEW'stock cf baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and aIl hahy's needs. Sec those specials at Morris Ce. 37-tf M'OFFATT electric steve, 4-plate, ciosçed elements, in Ai condition; q1so Beatty electric washer. E. H. Brown, Phone 349. 40-1 LARGE Findlay cook steve, with roservoir, in good condition, suit- able for largo kitchen. Mrs. John Rict<ard, Phone Clarke 3223 NEW 1950 Fargo ta-ton panel and 1950 Fargo 'a-ton pick-up. Palmer Motor Sales, 20 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 487. 4- BEDROOM Suite, band ncw fîcer sàmple, smart waterfall style. For quick sale, $66. Wilson's Furni- Articles For Saleà DRY beech and maple, $18 per cord, cut in one foot lengths and delivered; limbs, $14; ceclar and popiar, $12. Frank, Gilmer, Phone Clarke 613. 40-2* FLOOR Ceverings for every room of your home; cheice, cheerful patterns; wonderful value. Sale 49c sq. yd. Wilson's Furniture Ce., 20 Church S., Oshawa. 40-2 MASSEY-HARRIS twe - furrow tracter plow, adjustable 8 te 12 i. furrows. In good cendition. Phone Clarke 1213, W. Howard Pearce, Newcastle. 40-1* 1938 FORD Coach, dlean, 5 goed tires, good rlunning order, terras arranged. Apply C. D. -Shuddle- boom, c/o H. Earle Osborne, Bewmanville R.R. 4. 40-1* A NUMBER cf steel cattie stan- chien s, Beatty make; pump. for drawing water into orchard sprayer; medium sized vise grip. 156 Wellington.St. 40-1* FOUR 20-inch car tires and tubes; Renfrew washing machine, nearly new; 7-yr.-old Jersey cow, milk- ing good. Frank Webber, New- castle. 40-1* NUMBER of new steel oil drums, dlean and ready for use for steve oil or gasoline storage, on sale at $3.50 each at Bob Stocker's Gar- age, Bowmanville, phone 804. 33-tf BUICK Auto-trac, will pull any- thing; wbeelbarrow; points for Ford piews; bydraulic' seats for ail makes of tractors. See -Har- ve.v Partner, Tvrone. or Phone 2328. 40-1 BONDED Brake Shee Exchanges, ne rivets. In stock ready te go; Chev.. Dodgo, Plymouth, Chry- sier, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathod). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowmanville. Phene 804. 22-tf WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplic- ity. Available with water pump and ehectric heater - heat your water right in the washer, fromn $117.50. Easy terms. F. F. Morris Ce., Phono 480. 37-tf NOW is the correct planting time for Giant Flowering Peony reets, in colors mcd, white or pink. Im- mediate delivery. Three for $1.89. Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, iBowmanville. 40-7 BABY Prams and Cribs, ail new styles and colors. We are over- stocked, aIl prices reduced for immediate clearance. Wilson's Furniture Ce., 20 Cburch St.. Oshawa. 40-2 SPRING-FILLED Mattresses, all sizes, guaranteed construction, smart coverings. SpeciaL manu-; facturer's clearance makes thjsi very low price possible. Sale $19.95. Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 40-2 ELECTRIC motor. double sbaft; lathe; jig-saw; sander; annex, ceai or wood: ping peng table; men's hockey skates, size 8 or 9; ýaskçt. bahl; kitchen cuphoard; singip cet; large quilting framne. Apply 103 Scugog St., Bowmanville. 40.1* YICKORY Jewel boX steve- Oak Treasure coal steve, and *1 Ou Burner heater, ail in good condi- tien; 200 grain sacks and Delco rLight Outfit consisting of engine, 16 batteries; ciectime iron and eiec- trie radie. Apply Kenneth His, Orono R.R. 1, Phone Clarke 5r3. 40-1 f NEW John Deere M tracter; B tracter: 41 '½ ft. tiller; 3-furrow plow; 2-furrow piow; stiff tooth cultivator; rubber tired wagon; used tractors, plows, discs, cuiti- vaters, seeder, tiller; aise custom work and combining buckwheat. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St., Bowmanville, Phone 594. 40-1 TRADE-INS - Beatty wasber, $39.50; 'Stromberg-Carison cern- bination radio, $99.50; 50-lb. ice box, $29.50; Westinghouse eiectric range, in use one week, $175; smali mantel radios, new, regular $2995, te clear $19.95, Findiay ceai range, with shelf, ail enamel $5000. Murphy's, Phone 811. 40-1* TRACTOR and horse-drawn man- ure spreaders; 2 and 3-furrow tracter plows; 16 and 20-tooth cul- tivators; No. 44 Standard tracter; potato diggers; Pedlar barn roof-. ing, 6, 8 and 10 ft. sheets. Farmers would be weli advised te buy their machinery now as prices will in- crease in the near future. J. Howard Hancock, Phone 781, Bowmanviiie. 40-1* BRAL)LEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; feit base floor covcring, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, alI colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. naturai finish breakfast suites, $66.OQ; spring- fiiled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complete; $12.993; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3_pc. allover velour bed chesterfielï suites, $119.00; 9O Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table lamps. $e.75. Evcrything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271,.11-tf Wcrnted To Rent Important Auction Sale' Liquîdating Entire Stock and Factory Equipment - Meiallic Arts Co. of Canada Ltd. $20,000 Worth of Stock and Equlpment t be o old Without Reserve Sale to- Be Held IN THE SKATING RINK ORONO, ONTARIO on SATURDAY, OCTODER STH Sale to Commence at 10 o'clock in the morning The Following:-. TINSMITHING AND METAL MACHINES 1 Circle Shear; 1 Set RelIs; 1 Squaring Shear, 42 indh Brown Bogg (practicaly new); 1 10-inch Swing Atlas Lathe, Chucks, Teel Holders, Wrenches (only used a few weeks); 1/3 h.p. Motoir; I Biuepoint Grinder; 1 Pedestal Grinder and Counter Shaft; 3 Steel Hammer Plates; 3 Buffing Lathes and Counter Shafts, Pui- icys, etc.; 1 Spinning Lathe; 1 Delta Drill Press and Moter; 5 Steel Face Plates, Number of Forms and Chucks; 2 Vices; 1 Model 101 Brown Bogg Brake and Folder (practically new); 1 Metal Bender; Benchos, Tables, Metal Rack, Blowers and Blowem Pipes: Beltîng, Pulleys, Couplings, etc'; Nuherous Smail Tools. FACTORY AND SHOP EQUIPMENT Electrie Motors (60 cycle):-A Number et 1/6 b.p., /À h.p., 1/3 h.p. and '/2h.p.; 1 1 h.p. Wag- nom 220V, Single Phase:;2g 2 h.p. 220V, Single Phase; 1 2 b.p. 220V, Thmee Phase; 1 3 h.p. 220V. Three Phase; 1 10 h.p. Generai Electric 220V, Three Phase; 1 10 h.p. Eng- iish 220V, Three Phase, fully en- ciosed (pmacticahly new); Line Shafting and Equipment:- 24 teet et 1 15-16 Shafting; 6 Hangers, 16 inches te 18 inches with i 15-16 bearings; 1 Compression Coupiing 1 15-16; 30 feet et 2 3-16 Shatting; 6 Hangers, 18 inches te 20 inches, with 2 3-16 bearings; 1 Compress- ion Ceupling, 2 3-16: Many Metal and Wood Pulîcys. ahi sizes; BeIt- ing. ranging from 2 inch te 6 inch1 widths; 3 Dust Blowers; Several Quebec Heaters; 1 Chemical Toilet; 2 Paper Cutting Machines; Elec- tric Fixtumes, Switch Boxes. Large Quantity et BX Cable, etc. WOOD IVORKING SHOP MACHINES 1 24-inch Planer and Matcher. with Side Heads. etc.; 1 18-inchi hy 4 ft. Woed Lathe, Steady Rests and Plates; 1 14-inch Delta Band- saw; 1 Large Beit Sander, 6 1 f t. Adjustablo Table, custom b uilt (like new); 1 Smali Beit Sander; 1 8-inch Bench Saw (Walker Turner), Complete Extensien Table, Up Fonce and Cross Fence; h Largç Shaper and Counter Sbaft; 1 6-inch Delta Jointer, 1.à b.p. Motor; 1 Doweli Machine, Extra Heads; 1 Utility Electrie Hand Drill: 1 Wheel Sander, 24- inch; 1 12-inch Saw Frame and1 Table, 1 Medium Sized Cyclone Dust Collecter, with Pipes, Blow- or, etc.; 1 Saw Table, Puliey and Shafting; 1 Jig Saw; Nurober of 8-inch Saws; Number et Band Saws; 6-inch Dadees; 8-inch Da- dees; Quantities et Shaper Knives, Planer Knives, Drills, Wood Clamps, Routing Bits, Glue Pots' and Glue; Dozens and Hundreds' et Hinges, Catches, Rivets, and Smali Items tee numemous te men tien. MANUFACTURED GOODS Hundreds et Trays, in hand wrought Copper and Ahumînum, Wooden Trays, Hand Painted Trays; Childmen's Chothes Trocs, Wall Backets, Bcd Trays, Doli Cribs, Knife.Racks; Hundmeds et Dozens et Hot Dish Mats, Ahi Sizes, te he sold in Sets and Group Lots; Dezens et Glass Tumblers and Glass Relish Dishes; Phonogmaph Cabinets; i New Of- fice Desk, Oak, Hundreds cf Yards et Good Quahity Flannel- ette; Many Novelties tee numerous te mention. GOODS RN PROCESS 0F MANUFACTURE Dezens et Pieces ef Tables andi Table Legs. Solid Walnut Tops and Legs: Many Pieces et Veener and Shoots et Veneer. in different t.ypes et woods; Dowells, Different Sizes and Longths;, Shoots et Ahuminum, Bar Aluminum, Alum- inum Rods, Blanks Cut in Dit- forent Sizes te ho Shaped and Hammered; Hundreds of Mill-1 board Cuttings, all sizes, cut for hot dish & plate mats; Flannelette Cuttings for back ef place mats and tmay bottems: Roils et 'Orn- amontai Paper; Hundmeds of Pic-1 Paper; Largo Quantities ot Sand Paper: 288 Card Box Cartons;, 6500 Wooden Blocks; Onamental; Transfers: Several Hun d r le d Pounds Mihîboard Sheets. SPRAY PAINTING MACHINES 1 Bru nner Air Compresser, Large, nearly new; 1 Passeche Air Gun;1 i Compresser (usod);- 1 Air Clean-1 em and Hose; 1 Compresser Tank;j 1 Spray Booth and Fan; 2 Gas Masks; Many Galions of Paint, Deluxe Duco, and Standard. in Pints, Quarts, Gallons and Five Galions; alse Lacquers and Filler. LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Plywood Cornice, in Birch and Walnut: Large Quantity ef Ply- wood Sheets, 3xz6 and 4x8 feet; in Birch. Oak, Gaboon Mahogany;, 1 Pile et Dry Bassweod Lumber, 1-inch; Some Basswood Lumher,f 2-inch; 1 Pile et Dry Oak Lumber. 1-inch and 2-inch. Odd Pieces et Oak, Mahogany. etc.; Quantity of Red Brick; Sevemal Bags et Cernent. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Filinig Cabinet: Newv Oak Desk: Letter Files; Typewriter (just ebuilt); File Boards; Letter Bas-r kets, etc. FRED LYCETT. Clerk. Wanted DEAD herses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Cohourg 1266W. We pay phone charges. Gordon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD Stock! Free Service. We will pick up ahl dead or crippied farm animais free cf charge. Higbest prices paid for oId herses. Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. 20-tf DEAD or crippied herses, cattie and sheep. Free pick-up. One heur service. Margwili Fur Famm. Cail collect, Bowmanviile 2679. Higbest available prices paid for old herses. 38-tf Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of refrlg- eraters, domestic and erommercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely e- built and e-upholstercd. Satis-P faction guarantced. Have cur consultant eaul at ne obligation. Enquire at Weher's Fabrie Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf -JACK REID, Auctioneer. 40-1 Livestock For Sale 10 PIGS. 2 months old; 8 pigs, 3 months old. Ralph Simpson, Phone 2437. 40-1* CHOICE, purebred Oxford ram lambs and shearlings. Priced te selI. Foster Snowden, R.R. 2, Oshawa. 40-11 100 WHITE Leghorn Spruceleigh pullets, 6 months old, stated lay- ing. Phone 3603 Clarke. Mms. J. VanAllen, Newtonvilie. 40-1* NUMBER ef Registered Yorkshire boars, simed by First and Reserve Grand Champion 1948 Royal. Leland Bail, Phone 51r16 Orono. 40-2* Pets For Sale PUPPIES - mother pedigreed, Scotch Coliie, cheap. Phone Orono 56r14. 40-1 REGISTERED Cocker Spaniels, golden red colour. Bernard Diii- ing, 23 Nelson St., Phone 2770. 40-10* Chiropodi#t T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases cf the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf iureCo. 20 hurh St, bhaw. -_- --- -- -- -COMPLETE brake service, brake 40-2 URGENTLY needed - two or drumn lathing. ginding and hn Found ALLkins o met, oodquaitythroe rooms or smaîî apartment. mng. Brakemaster cylinders and is WL ints c met, oodquait, Phone 4091W Oshawa, Colect wheel cyinders honed and polish- IN THE Peterboro, Rice Lake ds smoked bacon and hams, sausage m ai~ hmbrgr.Daligtn ba-'40-1 cd. Permafuse Raybond brake trict, a truck tire, size 700x16 nd Irdhmugr alntnAa. bonding, ne riVets, Raybestos whcel. The ewnor may have same toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; aise FARM-betwveen 50 and 200 acres brake linings. Brakes shees ex- hy preving property andi payîng customn kiliing, pickling, smoking with sandy loam, bas own modemn changes in s tock ready te go. Bob- for this ad, If net called for hy arnd sausago making, rendening machinery. Phone Oshawa 2008R.! Stocker's Garage, Phono 804,J Oct. ISth. it will be sold. Wm. lari. 23-tf 40-2 1'Bowmanville. 22-tf I Cowan, Newcastle, Ontario. 39-2 Real Estate For Sale FIVE-roomed house, light and water, possession Nov. lst. Phone 468. 40-1* FARM-56 acres, 1 mile east of Hampton. John Liptay, Colum- bus, Phone Broeklin 2r22. 40-1* FOUR-roomed, insul-brick house, fully insulated. bathroom with electric hot water tank, U-acre land, $3,500. Possession immed- iately. Appiy Russell Brown, 87 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvile, Phone 819. 40-1* FRAME dwelling in excellent condition, hydro, bath, garage, on No. 2 Highway, west of Bowman- ville, good location, bus stops at door. Could be made into, a ser- vice station or grocery store. Yours for $6,800. Immediate possession. .JAMES NIXON Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 682 Bowmanvilie 40-1 HAMILTON & SMITH $12,500 - Gentleman Farmer's country estate, 15 minutes drive from Bowmanviiie,- 107 acres, splendid barns 95x40 and 67x30, impiement house 40x30, all steel roofed and rodded. Beautiful stone residence of 9 rooms. centre hall plan, weli decorated, furnace heat- ed, attacbed double garage. Love- ly lawn and 150 tree apple orch- ard. 55 acres sown to Fali Wheat. Additional adjoining land avail- able if desired. Half cash. $3.200-Solid brick bouse on good residential street in Bowmanvilie, close te shopping centre. 5 good rooms and 2-piece bath. Wel decorated tbrougbout. Good cel- lar. Possession arranged with tenant. Hamilton & Smith, Brokers Orono Ontario Phone 32r10 - lrl6 - 39r2 40-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $2100.00-Frame 6-roomed house at Burketon, railroad and bus service. Open to offer. $3575.00 - 5-roomed brick semi- detached bouse, b.a. èfurnace. $1500 down. $4200.00-7-roomned house, garage, large lot 66x454. Ahl newly de- corated. Good location. $1000 cash down. $6200.00-New bungalow, picture window, modern kitchen, five rooms, b.a. furnace. heavy wir- ing. Haif down, balance mortgage. Immediate possession. .7500.00-Farm, 110 acres. goodi buildings. 80 acres cultivated, 8.000 Scotch pine trees, on main highway. Will also seil stock etc. $3,000 down, balance mortgage. $9000.00-with $4.500 down. Farp 263 acres. geod buildings. hyd ifo milkhouse, silo. mixed bush, creek runs throý-,h property. $9500.00-or reasonable offer. Low down payment. Excellent brick building with 3 apartments. Good revenue. Ideal for anyone leoking for a business location on, Main Street. Don't wait tee long on this. Bowmanville is growing. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West ýJ. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone 326 - 2017 40-11 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-8 CONSTIPATION Sufferers - A famous formula, developed by Robert G. Jackson, M. D., bas helpeci te relieve thousands cf sufferers. This formula is known as Roman Meal and is a delicious cereal that belps nature relieve constipation. It combines the natural food values and delicieus flavors of whole wheat and whole Wanted To Buy USED sbotgun, 12, 16 or 20-gauge. Apply 125 Scugog St. 40-1* CALVES for voaling, any size or age. Good prices. Ralph Davis, Phono 2413. 40-1 SCRAP batteries, $1,00 per bat- temy, G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 32-tf POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. Wc call at youm door. Phorie Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf THRË upright pianos, immed- iately. Will pay highest cash prices. tWrite Box 319, Statesman Office. stating price and make. 40.1* BEFORE seiling youm live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phono 7 r 13, reverse charges. 17-tf Room and Board YOUNG man desires room and board in Bowmanville. Write Box 318, Statcsman Office. 40.1* - Additonal Classif ied On Page Nine ]FARI SGLD I have been authorized te sdil by public auction for J.* E. Gibson LOT 21, CON. 1, DARLINGTON One hall mile south of Sheil Gas Station, Maple Grove on Friday, Oclober 7ih The following:- BOUSES Bay Herse, 10,years; Bay Mare, 8 years; Bay Marc, agéd. CATTLE White Cow, aged, due Febmuary; Holstein and Jersey Cow, 4 years, net bred; Black Cow, 3 years, bred in June; Jersey Heifer. 2 years, bred in June; Red and White Cow, 7 years, bred June lst; Holstein Heifer, 1 year; Bull, 1 year; 2 Caives; 1 Veal Caîf. PIGS 20 Shoats, 80 lbs.; 1 Breed Sow, bred Juiy 13th; 1 Brood Sow, bred July 29th. IMPLEMENTS Tracter, bome-made (Star en- gine); Binder, Mc., 6 ft.; Mower, M.-H., 5 ft.; Seed Drill, Int., Il- disc; 2 Cultivators, M.-H., (13); Harrows, 4-sec.; Roller, Int., 3- drum; Wagons (2); Sleighs, tob- oggan; Manure Spmeader (Deer- ing); Cern Binder (Deering):, Gang PIow (Int.); Gang Plow (M.-H.); Single Plow; 2 Kettles; Rake (Frost & Wood)-, Cern Scuf - fler; Fanning Mill: Scales, 2,000 lbs.; Cider Mill Press; Sawing Machine; Electric Fencer; Separ- ator (M.-H.); Separator (Eatonia) 500 lbs.; Hay, Rack; Buggy, Cut-I ter; Pig Crate; Quantity of Cooper Tools: Work Bench; Trailer; Forks, Hees, Chains; and many' other articles. POULTRT 15 Mixcd Breeds. HAY & STRAW Quantity cf Hay and Straw. GRAIN 450 Bushels'Oats. CORN & BUCKWHEAT Quantity cf Standing Cern; Quan- tity et Standing Bi*kwbeat. HOUSEHOL» FURNITURE Large amount of Household Ef- fects including: Dining Room, Kitchen Cabinet, Stoves, etc. Terms Cash Sale 1 p-m. Theron Mountjoy, clcrk. Eimer Wilbur, auctieneer. 40-1 Auction Sales I have been authorizçd te seli by public auction for Mrs. Lyal Corden, 62 Scugog St., Bowman- ville, on Saturday. Oct. lSth, at i p.m., modemn and antique fumni- turc, dishes, glassware. inen, steves, G. M. electric Frigidaire, new: electrie washing machine, neamly new. Sec bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 40-2 1 have been authorized te sel by public auction for Gco. W. Gilbert, Lot 20, Con. 6, Darling- ton (first corner north of Hampton and hait mile west) on Tuesday, Oct. l8th. bis farm stock and implements. Sale at i p.m. Item- îzed list next&ýweek. Terms cash. Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 40-1 Dcn't forget the Durham Coun- ty Cemmunity Auction Sale te be heid at the Sales Barn, Orono, Thursday. Oct. 6th, at 1:30 p.m. There will ho offered for sale ahl kinds ef livestock. machinery, furnitume and dozens cf ether items. Remember the date - Oct. 6th - the Sales Barn, Orono, the place where ahl fammers meet. Terms cash. Picase note the new change of time - 1:30 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 39-2 Wood Sale -I have received instructions from Harold Kyte te se&i by public auction on Lts 2 and 11, Con. 2, Cartwright Twp., I ',i miles north of Burketon. on WE DELIVER Texaco Gasoline Meter Oils and Greases te Bow- manville. Ennisk.illen, Tyrone, Omono and Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf Strayed _ _ YOUNG black and white hound, male. Phone 2662. 40-21 Work Wanted WHITEWASHING-Barns, etc. E. G. Ceady, 38 Glynn AvrqÉ"jx, Ont. M- 4* Help Wanted APPLE pickers-all or part time, 75c per heur. Joe Crawford, Hamp- ton. 40-1* CARETAKER for Lions Commun- ity Centre, married couple without famiiy preferred. Ross Stevens, Phone 443. 40-1 LADY te care for yeung cbiid and do light bousework for period cf three weeks. Phone 2093 or Write Box 477, Bowmanvilie. 40-1 WANTED-Man for steady travel among censumers in Bowmanviile. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- 1er considered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-J-140-131, Montreai. 40-4 ARE you ambitious? Weuld you like te earn from $50.00 te $60.00 a week? You wili in seliing from door te door 200 weil known and guaranteed Jito Preducts. Very littie capital required. Thirty days' triai witbout risk. Particu- lars: Jito, 5130 St. Hubert, Mont- real. 37-4 INSTRUCTORS - in smocking, dressmaking, ]amp shade con- struction, home budgeting and finance required fer ladies' bomne- craft guild now. being organized. Applicants must be proficient in one of these arts. and capable of instructing in it. Rate of pay $1.50 per heur. Contact V. Mathewvson, Recreational Director, Phone 982, for interview. 40-1 SALESMAN for special work in Bowmanville district. Must have car, married, age 30 - 55, good references and education. Prefer men with insurance, bread route, electric appliance or similar seil- ing experience. Men, this is a real permanent money making opportunity. Write F. H. Patter- son, Sales Manager, 386 Water St., Peterborough. 39-2 LIVE-WIRE salesmen te handle new line of Hand-Painted Ties. Sensational fast-sciling item. No special connections needcd. Seils on sight te -consumer. Aise ladies' scarves and kerchiefs, mcn's1 1 id scarf sets, sport shirts andA's Good living assured. NOc ition. Rush reply for free cat- iogue te Orientai Art Studios. 2035 St. Timothce, Montreal, Que- bec. 40-1 The Double Face 0f Comnmunismn By Josephi Lister Rutledge It seemos ihat thcre are people whe love te confuse or delude jhemýeivcz. Ê:pe,2ially is this true of those good people who seýrn te oe convîhced that the ultimate f ood is a levelling-down process. intheir conviction that Christian- ity and equality are almost. eem- plementary terms, they have fo- cused on one ef the double faces of communism te the excluvie-n ef the other-on t.he theory that is net even distantly related te the practice. Se, Dir. Johnson, the Red Dean ef Canterbury, frater- nizing with the preponents of communism s practicai creed, gathered in Moscow te taik Mos- cow*s brand of peacc, could say with untroubled bian d n e s s. "Taiking of peace in Moscow is like bringing one's samovar te Tula"-the Russian equivalent cf -carryirîg coais te Newcastle". In Soviet-occupied Germany, a New York Times correspondent tells of the continuing and accel- erating war against the religion of Christ of which the bland Dr. Johnson is a representative. The Red Dean, and rnany with him, choose te avert their cyes from this face o>f cemmunism's actual policy. Yct church buildings throughout the length and breadth cf Soviet-occupied Germany are being tom down. The reason giv- en is that the construction mater- ial is nece.zsary for the new farms established under the Soviet Help protect the forests, tbe homne cf the wild creatures, against fire by rcfraining fromn smoking on the trail. When you must smoke STOP, relax and enjoy it-, and when finished, care- fully extinguish your cigarette, cigar or pi p e. Total department store sales in Canada during the first six mentha cf 1949 wcre ten per cent higher than in the same period last year. BRINQ YOUR* MESSAGE BEFORE, 12,000 READERS r-- W w PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUJM COST 35c PER AD REMARKS:- This is an ail day sale with lunch being served in the' building. This is a grand opîortunity te secure some f irst elass machinery, tools, lumber, etc. Many items here are still hard te buy on the epen market. ATTENTION LADIES:- Here is an op- portunlty for you to purchase ai your price fancy hand wrought copper and aluniinum dishes aIl sizes and shapes, hot dish mats, place mats, andi many other kitchen novelties and utensils, aise yard goods. p Il..--...Ilvý - - -ýl'à - a met Kaz 9,TXITE. LM TEE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVt=. ONTAMO fHURSDAT, OCTOBIM M. leu

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