Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1949, p. 12

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BRING YOUR --TAEPYCS f MESSAGE BE FORESAV-NIU 12,000 READERS-- COT3cPRA _____ ____ ____ ___Sel * LOI' BIRTHS ZÔLE-At Victoria, B.C., August [949, Mm. and Mrs. Ronald N. ,ble (nee Marion Brown) wish ýo announce the birth of their ton. 32-1 %I-ALCOLM-Mr. and Mrs. Law- eence Malcolm <nee Gwendolyn Brooks) Nestleton. are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter. Gail Domeen, at Bow- mnanville Hospital, on Frîday, August th, 1949. 32-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. George B. Rahm :)f Blackwater, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Elsie Aileen. to James Mc- Laughlin. son of Mr. and Mms. Russell McLaughlin of Bumketon, Ontario. The marriage will take place the latter part of August. 32-1* MARRIAGE INNES - WRIGHT - In Toronto, on Saturday. July 3th, 1949. by the, Rev. H. H. Kent, Thelma Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wright ta Robert Field Innes, son of Mm. and Mrs. James Innes, ahl of Toronto. 32-11 DEATHS BRATLEY - Accidqntally, on Highway No. 2, Saturday, Augt7 6th, 1949, William Stewart Brat-! ley, in his 69th year. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on August 9th. In- terment Ebenezer Cemetery. PATERSON - At Bowianville' Hospital. on Tuesday, August 9th, 1949, William Leslie Paterson: aged 49 years, beloved husband of Alice Maud Pringle and dear father of James P. Paterson. Dear son of Mrs. J. J. Paterson, Symnia. Ontario, and the late Rev. 'J. J. Paterson, D.D. Brother of Dr. James C. Paterson, London, On- tario. and Norman J. Paterson, San Raphael. Calif., U.S.A. Rest- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thursday at 3 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetemy. 32-1 IN MEMORIAM LEE-In fond and loving memorv of a dear son and brother, B65607 Pte. H. R. Lee, who was killed in action near Caen, France, Aug. 12th. -1944:11 There's a sad and aweet remembrance. There's a memory fond and true, There's a token of our love dear Harry And heartaches still for you. Too dearly loved ta ever be forgotten. -Lovingly remembered by his mother and sisters Beatrice and! Alice. 3- CA-lx"RD 0F THANKS The family of the late William J. Bagneli wish ta express their sincere thanks ta, their mnany friends and neîghbaurs for cards. flowers and kîndnesses received during bis ilîness and at the time of hi. death. With special thanks to the Lions Club, Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodge. 32-l! Notice ta Creditors and Others In the Estate of W. LEN ELLIOTT, Deceased ALL persons baving dlaims againat the Estate of W. Len El - liott, late of the Town of Bow- manville, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of July, 1949,, are hereby notified ta send in ta W. R. Strike, solicitor for the Executrix, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before the lst day of Sep- tember, 1949, full particulars of their cdaims. Immediately after the said lst day of September. 1949, the assets of the testator will be distributed amonÉst-the parties entitled there- ta. having regard only ta dlaims of which the sa't6.Solicitor for the «Executrix shah then have notice.i Room and Board HIGH School girl desires room and board. Willing ta assist with housework. Apply J. Reid, Post Office Box 191, Bowmanville. 32-1* Help Wanted GIRL or woman for housework. Phone 835. 31-2 BOYS wanted. - Apply Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 32-2 FARM help, experienced. mar- ried, housing accommodation, hydre. tracter. Write Box 290. Statesman Office. 32-1 WOMEN or girls wanted, light factory work, ne Saturdays. Ap- ply Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co., 160 Church St., Bowmanville. 32-1 SALESGIRL for modemn Bow- manville store, experience pre- ferred but nlot necessary. Apply in writing stating qualifications, etc. to Box 292, c/o The States- man Office. 32-1* JUNIOR Postal Clerks. $1380 - $1980, Bowmanville, Ont. Full particulars on posters displayed at offices of the National Employ- iment Service and Post Office. Application forms, obtaina bl1e thereat, should be f iled IMMED- IATELY. with the Civil Service Commission. Ottawa. 32-1 WANTED-Sa]esman. ta seil vac- uum cleaners and electric polish- ers. We have the best proposition ever offered, mnust have car, good references, married preferred. IWrite Distributor, F. H. Patterson, 466 Bolivar St., Peterboro. 32-2 WANTED-Reliable man as deal- er in Bowmanville. Experience neot necessary. A fine opportun- 1 itv ta step ifo old profitable bus- iness where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw]eigh's, Dept. IML-H-140-163, Montreal. 31-4 PERMANENT sales position open in Bowmanville district. prefer active aggmessive middle -aged man, must have car, with exper- ience in selling insurance, elec- trical appliances, bread route or simiae sales work, most of our dealers have made over $ 1,800 first six mnonths of 1949. Write give mefemences, Sales Manager, 386 Water St.. Peterbomo. 32-2 finest Venetian Blinds measured F or Rent and instai]ed. Free estimates. F. - F. Morris Ca., Phone 480. 25-tf TWO unfurnished roorns. Phone 384 Bowmanville. 32-1 1946 CHEV. sedan, Fieetmaster, black, new tires, firat chas. con- BUSINESS offices above Carter dition. Apply Wally Braden, 88 store. Avaihabie immediately. Queen St., Bowmanvile, after 5 Apply N. Scott, Duke, St., Bow- p.mn. __ manville. 32-1i Wanted To Rent YOUNG couple and child require! fou-roomed un4furnished apart- ment on or before September lst. Phone 484. 32-1* Auction Sales Don't farget the Durham Coun- ty Community Auction Sale ta be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, on Thumsday. August 11 at 7:30 p.m. sharp. This sale will include the farrm stock and implements of William Drew of Manvers Town- ship as well as a large number of milk cows, fat cattle, calves. pigs, brood sows and dozens of other items. Remember the date, August 1l, the Sales Barn, Orono, the place where ail farmers meet.- Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer. .21 1 have received instructions fromn Mr. Harold Liâtle, Lot 25, Con. 1, Manvers Township, 1 mile south of the Marsh Chumch, ta selI. by public auction on Friday. August l9th at 1 p.m. sharp: 1948 Ford tracter; a full line of tractor ih-plements; potato equipment; his entire herd of Durham cattle; two standard bred colts, sired by Peter Grattan Royal; pigs; grain, and many other items. For fur- ther particulars see bis. Terms cash. Jack Reidauctiner. DATE atBowmnvile, his32-2 2nd day af Auxust. 1949. ____ W. R. Strike, K.C ..I have received instructions Bowmanvile, Ontaria, fomMsGereCFstra Solicitor for the rmMsGegeCFot o Execurix.31-3seil by public auction on Satur- day, August 20, at ber Glenn Lamma home, 264 King St. E., _ _Wanted Bowmanviile. This sale will in- chude dining-room and living-room A GOOD used boat, 14' or larger. furniture, beds, dressers, pullaut Phone 2279.- 32-1 couches. chests ai drawers. sew- DEADhores ad cttleforfre ing machine, angle iran, extension DEA bosesandcatieforfme Ilad dem, lumber, bricks, staves, pick, up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 cooking utensils a ,nd many other or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone items. For futher particulars charges. Gardon 'Young Itd see bills. Terms cash. Property ________________ 1______ soid.* No reserve. Sale at 12:30 DEAD Stock! Free Service. We sharp. Jack Reid, auctianeer. wuhl pick up ail dead or cripphed 31-3 farm animaIs free af charge. BLUE Uongoleum rug, size lx,ý mnedium tricycle, scooter, gr' sldewalk bicycle. go-cart,' 5-light fixture. 25 Brnwn S., Bowman- ville. 32-1* PIANO, Mason & Risch, medium size. goad tane and condition, $175; also blue convertible strol- 1er $6. W. M. Stacey, 67 Conces- sion St., Phone 545. 32-1 BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets. In stock ready ta go; Chev.. Dodge, Plymouth, Chry. sier, Oids., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowvmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf '31 CHEV. roadster, newly paint- ed. new tires. looks like a new car; also for sale one good milk- ing goat. Apply ta S. Thomas, 6tb Line Clarke, just east of school. 32-1 ALL kinds of meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hamns, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf FLOOR COVERINGS - New de- signs in Inlaid, Moulded and Gran- ite Linoleumn, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoleum and Rexoleum yard goods now in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide. Bring in your measurements for quotations at F. F. Morris Ca. 25-tf TWO 3-furrow tractar plows; 13-15 run fertilizer seed drill with power lift; No. 30 Standard trac- tom; No. 44 standard tractor; tractor disc harrows. Howard Hancock, Massey-Harris Dealer, Phone 781 Bowmanviile. 32.1* SPRAY lime suitable for brick- laying, stone masanary, $20.00 per ton, F.O.B., Orono; cedar shingles, 3 grades; Master Purina & Co-op. feeds: farm accessaries of every description. Phone 37-r-1, Dur- ham Farmers Co-op., Omono. We deliver. 32-1 TRADE-INS-Guaranteed Moffat electric range, 4-humner, low Phohe: t iebor o r 02 oli orect SUAI2500 ecndtindwa Phoe: etebooug t406norest AUCTON SALE e. white enamelled tub, $69.50. 20-tf____________ Canadian Beauty ranRette. guar- SI hav e receiv.ed instructions from anteed, $29.50. Two-burner hot Announcement the Executar af the estate plates, $3.50. Mantel radios, $10. of the late Coal ail stoves, $20.00. 3-piece 1 %vih toannonce tat 1haveChesterfield suite, lk e.ue I wish t a auesn eta Ihve ena rFrancis onhy six months, $59.50. Apply mept at My r esidence. 126 King!J ta sell by public auction on Phane 811,* Murphy's. 321* Strcet East. F-ione 972, Margaret i 1 ' h CASE equipment A tatr Periis. (nee Margaret Cale). 1 uiUtruay, .nugUsi 13t VAC ntctoVASC tractor se 32-3at 1 P.m. sharp Model C Case tractor, on rubber; at 62 Seugot Street, Bowmanvile, Hammermui: forage harv.ester and Personal hem entire hausebold effects. blower; offset disc barra'»; 2-dise This sale wilh include modemn and tractar plow; 3-furrow tractor ù-LYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber antique fumnitume. dishes, glass- plow; new electmic efrigerator; ,;aa't!) mailed postpaid in plain ware, bedding. linen, sewing 2 12' steel gates: famm fence and E2a1ed envelope with price list, machine, electrie band saw with, steel posts; steel tmay cernent St*:: Sernpies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. ail the attachments. cooking uten- wheehbarmow: electric fencer, and Mril Orde-r Dept. T-38, Nov--Ru b-.-, and dozens of other items. batteries. W. H. Brown, Case ber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Temms cash. No reserve. Jackj Dealer, Phone 497, Bowmianville. ib27-9 Reid, auctioneer. 32-1 32-1 Articles For Sale GUITAR, case, music, etc. Cheap. Phone 2908. 32-1 KITCHEN cabinet. in good shape. Phone 2260 Bowmanville. 32-1 STACK of faîl wheat straw: one ubber tired wagon. Blake Short, Phone 2479, Bawmanville. 32-1 1934 FORD coach, in fair condi- tion. Don Spencer, Phone 912 after 6 p.m. 32-1* FAIRBANKS - Morse autamatic electric water system, used only 2 weeks. Phone 2751. 32-1* CHERRIES are still available at Parker's, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 3212. 32-1 RED Astrachan apples. C. W. Downey, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2590. 32-1* GYPROC lath, 5,000 ft., W. G. Bowles, Nestleton, Ont. Telephone Port Perry 192-r-1-1. 32-1 GOOD 1934 Dodge coach. Cheap for cash. Apply Cliffard Shred, Tyrane. 32-1* TWO-furrow tractor plow. Wal- ter Frank, R.R. 5 Bowmanville, Phone 2403. 32-1* 1932 CHEVROLET Special Deluxe coach, heater; also coal ail stové. Apply 103 Scugog St. 32-1* '35 PONTIAC sedan, good tires, slipcovers, $300.00. Terms. Phone 811. 32-1* ONE large solid oak dining-room table, with six leaves. Apply 22 Hunt Street. 32-1* BRIGHT, plump, Comnel Fal wheat, $200 per bushel. A. John Baker. Phone 2472. 31-2 1941 CHEV. sedan, good tires, motar in excellent condition. Ap- ply John Graham. Haydon, Phone 2452. 32-1 FORDSON tractor, front wheels on rubber, in gaod condition, me- cently overhauled. P. J. Element, Middle Road. Phone 2194. 32-1 SOLID oak buffet and cabinet, 6 leather seated diners, good con- dition, veneer buffet, table. 51 Temperance St. 32-1* '40 PLYMOUTH sedan, first class Newcastle 3, Phone Clarke 2811. 32-1 COOL o. ff for c, nnr_ flnnR 's Articles For Sale. PAIR of budgies, one blue, one green, lovely pair of birds; also their, large .breeding. cage; .2 nearly nçw breeding- cages for. canaries and two good hen can- aries. These are both young birds and good breeders; also myj entire stock af tropical fish' (about -15 varieties) and aquarium and globes. These are ail well stocked with plants and snails. This is a lovely collection. Will seil in one lot or separate. W. Thetford, 36 Carlisle Ave., Phone 312. 32-1* BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King1 St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3pc. bedroom suites, $6D.00; steel be4 outfits, complete, $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49c -a squaýe yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suites, $1 49.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses, $24.95; tilight lampa, complete, $11.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.0; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x'6 Axininster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the home- at Bradley's.. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phonte 271. 6-tf Wanted To Buy SCRAP batteries, $1.00 per bat- tery, G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 32-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Work Wanted TYPIST, full or part time. Write Box 291. Statesman Office. 32-1 CUSTOM baling (twine tie), sta- tionary or pick-up. W. Wesley Werry, Phone 2471. 32-1* EXCAVATING, grading. bulldoz- ing, farm drainage. F. F. Welch, R.R 1 Oshawa, Phone Oshawa 3744J2. 32-2* SCREENS made ta order, alter- ations, porches, verandahs and kitchen cabinets. Don Spencer, Phone 912 after 6 p.m. -32.1* Lost AT sale in Newcastle, Aug. 6th, 1949. small Ronson lighter, en- graved. Reward. Phone 71 2. Bowmanville. 32.1* BLUE 8-ton hydraulie jack, lost in vicinity of Middle Road, Wed- nesday night. August 3. Reward. E. D.. Knapp, Middle Road. 32-2* SILVER brooch lost Monday on King Street. Valued as keep- sake. Reward. Finder please re- turn ta Mrs. Thos. Vanstone, 206 King St. E., Bowmanville. 32-1* Repairs e FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the -Neat-Way Sboe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig-1 eraters, domestic and rommercial Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 43.12-t COMPLETE brake service, brakeI drum lathing. grinding 'and hon- ing. Brakemaster cvlinders and1 ENNISKILLEN wheel c.linders honed and polish- Dm. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, éd. Permafuse Raybond brake cahîedi on Mm. and Mrs. W. H. bonding, no rivets, Raybestos Moome brake linings. Brakes shoes ex- Mrs E. Strutt spent a week with changes in stock ready ta ga. Bob Mm. and Mrs. Harmy Strutt, Osha- Stocker's Garage, Phone 804, 'a Bowmanville. 22 -tf Mrw. Gardon Stevens bas me- turned home from visiting friends Notice to Creditors in Toronto. Linda and David Stainton en- Creditors and others baving joyed a week's holiday. witb dlaims against the Egtate of Mm. and Mrs. R. Hope, Port Perry. George M. Nesbitt,'. ate of the Ronald and Helen Hope returned Village of Nestieton, in the County with them. of Durham, Gentleman, deceaed, Mm. B. Oliver, Toronto, witb Mm. are hereby natified pursuant to and Mms. A. Leadbeatem. Mrs. B. R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 165, Section Oliver and baby David wbo had 5i, and amending Acts to'send in been with Mm.. A. Leadbeater their fully .certified statement of retumned home with him. Accountýs ta the undersigrted on Mr. and Mms. John Oke, Mr. or before the 27th day of August. and Mrs. Herb Rundie and Ken- A.D. 1949, after which date the netb Rundle, visited Mm. and Mrs. Executrix will distribute the A%- Joe C. Çaughton, Utica. sets having regard onîy ta th.e Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn and dlaims of which. she shahl then famihy, Mm. T. Bell, at Loon Lake. have notice. Mr Sulas Trewin, Toronto, with DATED at Lindsay, Ontario, Mm. and Mm,. T. M. Sieman. this Ninth day of August, A.D. Mm. and Mrs. Bob Smales, Osh- 1949. awa. with Mm. and Mms. J. Smales. Moore & Jordan. Mm. Geo. Reid with fiends at Barristers. Solicitors, Port Perry. Notaries Public etc., Mm. and Mrs. C. Cathmoir. Lindsay. Ont. 32-3 Murray and Glenna, Harmony, with Mr. and Mm.. H. Stevens. Mm. and Mm.. Harry Stmutt and Livestock For Sale Phyllis, Osl awa, wt r n Mm.. C. Pet ýick. SEVEN pigs. eight weeks aid. ,Mm. and Mrs. Harold McGiil, Phone 2572, Bowmanvilhe. 32.1*r Ross and Russell, Toronto, with FOUREEN gon Pig, svenMrs. John McGill. weelts aid. Lewis J. Wood, RR.41 r el ootwt r Bow!manville. Phone 2001. 32-1* and Mm.. L. Weamn. 100 EGHRN - _ _ Mis Jean Werry Peterboro, 100LEGOR pullets, st4rted Miss Domofhy Bo>wers, Nestieton, ta lay. Mm.. Frank Ovens, New- with Mm. ar.d Mms. F. Werry. tanvilie, Phone Clarke 3602. 32-1 IMm. and Mm.. Fred Bilhett and familv, Seamboro Bluffs, with Mm. BAY mare, 5 yeams, 14 bands 2 and Mm.. Roy McGill. inche,, quiet ta ride. Will sdi Mm. and Mrs. P. Ehlis and family cheap. Phone Orono 36m1. 32-h spent the weekend at Deer Lake. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, Miss FOUR pigs, 7 weeks aid; three Helen Turner, Oshawa, with Mm. Yorkshire sows, one year OId, and Mm.. F. Domhand. bmed 3 weeks. Apply Blake Short, Mr. and Mm.. Jack Potts and Phone 2479, Bowmanville. . 32-1 familY, Mm.. Winnie Martin, Hay- BLACK Peýceron, broken - n don .Mm. and Mrs. Frank Moore, horse, 3 years aid; also Holstein Malvern, with Mm. and Mrs. Wal- bull ready to serve. Applyv Frank ter Oké. Krohewski, .R]R. 3 Bowmanville. r M. and Mrs. Albert Luke with 32-11 Mm. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, Osha-1 REGISTERED Holstein bull. one Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Wemry at- vear aId; Registered Holstein bull, tended a tea party at Oshawa 9 months aid; Holstein heifers ta beach at the cottage ai Mm. and freshen faîl and eamhy winter. IMrs. Meredith Moffatt in honori Walter Frank. R.R. 5, Bowman- of Mrs. Moffattîs mot hem.c ville, Phone 2403 a2-1* Mr. and M.rs. Edgar Wrightj, zEVrj'IN Wr' LU JM Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 32-1 Doris, Betty and Laurence with hem sister Mm. and Mrs. Frank Frank Spry in Rochester, N.Y., Gloria and Camai returning home with them from holidaying. Mr. and Mrs. M. Staintone~d famihy, Enniskillen, Mm. and Mrs., Gamnet Towns and family, Col- borne, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. Master David TownF remaining l'or a bolidaMm. Roy Spry. Rochester,. NY., with Mm. and Mm.. F4gar Wright. Lets ahi go ta Or-oaa Manday night, August 15. Support aur' Enniskillen Football Tearn. We are'in the playoifs again. MAPLE GROVE Mm. and Mrs. Frank Behlamy and Phyllis spent Sundav with Mm. and Mms. Russell Ginblett. Master Donald and Miss Ln Barmabahl, Courtice, have etumn- ed home aiter xisiting their vou- sins, Tommy and Sharon Gim- blett. Church Schooî will meet at 10:30 a.m. in Sunday with Mis.s Farmer as guest speaker. Churcb School hast Sunda,. was in charge of Younz Peop!e '.'.rh Stan SnowrJen in(:.,.ai*, e. A 1r. 1 was sung by Mi.5ses Jea*n White 1 Noxzema - Special 6-oz. size ----------69c Rexall Corn Solvent ------------- 30c For the Teeth Rexali Chioradent Tooth Paste, Amrnoniated- tube 33e Rexall Chioradent Ammoniated Mouth Washan Llquid Dentifrice 8-oz. 75e New~! Pepsodent Tooth Paste, giant size . --75e Pro-phy-lac-tir Tooth Brushes - Nylon, Special - -. 2 for 39e RexailiBriten Tooth Paste ------- tube 33e Amm-1-dent Tonth Powder . 59e 1 Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder Plain 25e-43c Ammoniated « .49e 1 For the Hair Brylcreem, large size tube wlth FREE comb. 49e Prophylactie Hair Brush, Nylon Brisf le, Plastie Handle ln green, boue or elear. Each . .8.. 1.06 Vitof Shampoo.-25c-99e Allenbury Basie Shampoo Sée Helene Curtiz Cold Wave Sbampoo -- . @De Richard Hudnut Egg Creme Shampon 12 Helene Curtis Suave Hair Dressing See 50.5 Wiidroot Hair Set, contains processed Lanolin ... .... 3pe Shasta Cream Shampo. --. 59eý Richard Hudnut Creme Rinse . - -81.25 JURY C#LOVIELL TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Mhen We Test Eyez It in Donc Properly PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE -i .'-.-..,... --' -. ~ .-..~--., Found PEARL Necklace, owner apjly at Olympia Cafe. 32-1 ON East aide beach, Tuesday afternoon, lady's wrist watch. Owner may have same by prov- ing property. Phone 2719. 32-1 Notices Dr. C. J. Austin's office will be closed from August 6th ta Sept:- ember 5th. inclusive. 31-5 Dr. E. W. Sisson's office will be closed from August l2th 'ta August 27th inclusive. 32-2* The office of Owen Nicholas Fuels will be closed for holidays from August l5th ta 2th, inclu- sive. 32-1 D'r. Keith W. Slemon's office will- be closed for holidays from August l7th to September 5th inclusive. 32-3* Law Office of Lawrence -C. Mason. closed August 8th ta 3th inclusive. For completion of cur- rent business up ta August lOth phone 688 or 553. 31-4 WE DELIVER Texaco Gasoline i Motor Oils and Greases ta Bow- manville, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf GERALU B. THOMPSON, *D.C. IDco o f Chiropractie. Spinal analysis by X-ray. Office hours 9-12 and 1:.30-5 p.m. Mon. and' Sat. Phone 2927, 185 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 32-4 Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville Take notice that: 1. The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowmanville intends ta construct as a loc.el improvement asphalt pavement an Elgin Street from Wellington ta Third Street, on Liberty Street from King Street to the Base Lîne and on Ontario Streetfrom Queen Street ta Liberty Street. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $25,000.00 of which $10,000.00 is ta be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot fr-ont- age is $1.50. The special assess- ment is ta be paid ia 20 equal annual instalîments and the es- timated annual rate per' foot ýis 10 cents. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation ta the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertakink of the saîd work and any owner may within twenty-onq days after the first publication of this notice file with the Board his objection ta the s.aid work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may approve of the said work beirig under- taken, but before doing sa it may appoint a time and place when any objections ta the said work will be considered. Dated at Bowmanville, this Third Day of August, 1949. A. J. LYLE, Clerk. 31_21 RealEstte or ale and Greta Snowden, a solo by M. Tomn Powell. Toronto. wnt Real stat ForSale Mvs. John Happs, Sacramento, Mr. and Mm.. Luther Hooper. ý FOUR-roomed insul-brick ouse, Calif., a former Maple Grve. girl, M. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton which was enjoyed by ail. and Danny, Detroit, Mic fully insulated, bathroamn with Mr a ace M.adMs nd Mrs. Harold Stainton, electric hot water tank. 1,4-acre Herb PascoeA Mm. Donnie Pascoe, sor, visited Mm. and Mmm. lowand. Aple8 Lbet 2St-S, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pascoe, To- Stainton. Bowmnvile. 3.1*ronta, with the former'. neice Mr. Harold Gully, Toronto, vs CHOICE building lot on Brown Mrs. Roy Metcalf. ited M. and Mrs. Norman Wo6d- St., 42' frntage y 69' deep, with M. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp, ley on Sunday. additional garden plt at the rear, Miss Joyce Van Camp, are Mr. W. J. Miller visited rela- 90' x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C.J spending a week with M. and tives at Hamilton. A. artett Kig S. Est. 22-f rs. Sam Snowden at Rice Lake. Mr. Dean Findlay, Sunderland, A. BrtlttKîn St.Eas. 2-tf Miss Mildred Snawden spent and Mrs. H. Findlay. UnIonville, BOWMAVILLEweekend with Mm. and Mrs. RoY are visiting Mm. and -Mrs. C. -Bige- REWA NVILLE McIntyre, Toronto, also with Mr. low and Mm.. T. H. Richards and REA ESATEand Mrs. Stewart and Miss Mar- Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Richards. $9,500 - Revenue property on guaret Stewart, Burlington.. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley King St. Ideal for business con- Mm. Jobn Lewis, Peterboro, visited Mrs. L. Woodley at Peter- version. 3 apatments. 3 bath- spent weekend with Mr. Ross bora. rooms, $4,500 cash will handle. Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth His and Mm. and Mrs. Ivison Munday family. Orono, visited, Mm. and $6.000 - Bungalow, 5 sepamaf e and Mary Lau spent weekend Mrs. John Hilîs. rolml nice comfortable home witb Mr. and Mms. George Brown Mr. and Mms. Leslie Fawcett with garage and garden, near at Glenverdean cottage at Butter- and Murray. Mr. Elmer Tbomp- evemything on quiet street. mnilk Falls. son,. Meaford, visited'Mm. and Ms. _______This cornmunity was sho)cked Lloyd Alldread and Mr. and Mm. $4.200 - 7-roomed frame bouse on Sunday when it became knawnO.ectt and bathroom, chicken house. that Mm. Stewart Bratley haci Sorry ta hear that Mra. Laura nearly an acre of land, garage. been killed on Saturday evening Virtue ils in very poor health. This is an exceptional good buy. b'> a car, and on Monday evening Mm. and Mrs. O. Beckett, visit.ed Terms arranged. we h od gtaon htMm. and Mrs. Gardon Belktt 'famsMm. Peter Litovchik, 53 Celina Oshawa. For I homes, business St., Oshawa, liad been hit on the oandBwaeyviaitngAure properties, see uis now, we have head by a failing brick, feul 12 WesorsKeBawmave,A nTy waiting buyers and need more ft. ta the gmound, when bis son Msr et ae.AlnTy listings. reached hîm he was dead. This lom and Ciayton Brown spent Bowrnanville Real Estate famiiy were former residents of Sunday at Dixie. 78 King St. West Bowmanville this comrnunity. Sympathy af this Miss Bessie His is holidaying J.Shhy, D. Maclachan. community is extended ta the be- Masters Aldon and Douglas Broker. Rep. reaved farnily and relatives in His, Hamilton, are with their Phones 326 - 2017 32-1 bath cases.grdpensMman M,.A HAMILTONa& MI THs 5 oM-ri.,and M r. Albert His, Miss abie, close t10aN. s.5 H 5gwy and ONEBessie Hilîs, Messrs. Wesley and soulhoflotool. Bghamn and 1.Raiph -Hills attended the silver svith see of of ntypve rn g 54co-x M.6Mrs. Errai Hughson, wedding anniversary of Rev. and ivith stTorontoofvisited gMrs.cMinaMHughndMrs. John Wilkinson at Oakwood dition. 2 storey metal clad. steel i Torniday evening.Mna ugh raofed 9-roorned bouse, rodded. son, Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Hoar and Cenre allpla, ncel deoraed Mm. and Mrs. Otta Tumnre and . Cenre allpla, ncel deoraed randdaughter. Miss KatieW ilcox, famiiy, Harowsmitb. with Mm. with an extra mom suitabie for Flint, Mich., visited Mr. and Mm.. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar and Mr. and bathroom. Pienty of cupboard R.' B. Scott, Mm. and Mrs. W. Mrs. Aidon Hoam. space throughout. Garage and Macoionaid and Mm. and Mm.. Mm. and Mrs. John McMahon, toilet atce ohue emn ilsSeat Tomonto. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Mc- eatah. e ia bouse cemet iisSewr.Mahon. Lisbumn. Ireland, Mm. and veraneda.Wal te n bouse 6nft Rex'. and Mrs. A. Gardner, Doris Il rs. George White and Jean, dbaedrn. btwe bue n and Gwendolyn, Dmayton, weme Bowmanville, with Mr.. and Ms. bamn.dinner guests of Mm. and Mrs Aldon Hoar. $l.700-Ideal summer honrie la- R. B. Scott Thursday and also Mm. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar -ac- called on other friends. cation on good county moad within Little Kay Davev with hem! companied by Mm. and Mrs: Lloyd one mile of village of Kendal, grandpaments, Mr. and Mms. R. Hoar and family are halidaying less than ten mile triangle frmrn avey. Bumketon. at a cottage at Norland. Bowmanvilie and Port 'Hope. 50 Camai Pbilips accompanied hem Mm. and Mrs. Otto Virtue with square acres with about 20 clear aunt, Miss F. Gardner, Bowman- 1 Mm. and Mrs, 'Percy Byers;* Cour- for residence, lawns and gardens, ville. and spent a week at Hali'sti. balance wehl waoded, fine trout Lake. What might have been a bad streamn and beaver dam. Ample Miss Lais Davey, Burketon,1 accident occumred on the ilîl 'i'st timber on propemty ta buiid bouse. spent a week witb Miss Gwenj of the village on Tuesday a erq Sacrifice sale. Taxes iess thanj DaveY.( noon. One of the Hayd[ený% 1 'ê thimty dollars. Mm. and Mms. Hamvev Stmong. donald trucks. Oshawa, strucl-t Messrs Hemb and Lawrence Gaud, frs rddra undoe $l,.900-Whitby 3,, mile north of Salern. witb Mm. and Mrs. G. Ail- foueshfgrademad tumned o n main corner, insul-brick bouse, 3 1 dread. icouple o tie adlamedo oorns and sunroom, asphaît Mm. and Mm.. Victor Freemnan was done fa the truck, but no dfle shingle roof, eiectricity, nicely' and famil,,, Brantford, with Mm. was injured. W ol ugs decorated. running watem, cernent and Mrs. Howard Philp. that tmaffic signs b. uistailed at celiar, diveway, chicken bouse. ,Mm. and Mrs. Milton Cornish. this section. lot lOOxlOO on corner, good gar-, David and Edgar, Fenelon Falls, Mm. and Mm.. Otto Virtue at- den soil. A very good bux' calîed on Mm. and Mms. G. Rose- tended the funemal on Tuesday HAMILTON & SMITH 1Vear aftemnoon of Mr. Stewart Bmatley Brokers Omono, Ont.1 Mrs. F. L. Byam mith hem who was instantly killed when Phone 32mbO - lrl6 - 39r_- ohrMs,. ilcapCn struck by a car on Satumday 31-11_ 3-1 nington. night. Burial took place in -______ IMm. William Macdonald visited I Ebenezer Cemetery. EVELYN E. COOKE j is sister. Miss Minnie Macdonald, Sunday Schooi and church ser- REAL ESTATE Wbo is quit e iii at Cobourg. vienx ndymrnga Prpetiswih metiae Mm. and Mrs. Norman Yeliow- viceanex SndylarnIa r peses~iohnmedat leies. Mm. Ai-chie Cation, Hamp- 1 n locok Posessonton. Mm. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Several fmom here attended $7,700--In Newcastle, large nine- Evelyn and Louise. Nestieton, Decoration Day services at Me- roarned brick home, fimeplace. suni- iMms. O. Wright. Blackstock, with Crea's a nd Bowmanville cerne- porch. bathmoom, shower, fumnace, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. teries. beautiful oak flooring 'rbroughout. Il r and Mms. George Alldread, Women's Institute will meet at Double garage. loveiy lot. Mr. James Al]dread. Mm. and Mm.. Mm.. Douglas Cole's on Aug. 17, Elmrne Farmell, Tomonto, visited Mrs. Roiph, Orono, wifl be guest $7.200-Near Oshawa, 12 mile Mrs. W. Robison, Pontypool. speaker. north af Na. 2 Highway, 6-roorned- 1 ýý storey insul-bric borne on an 8-acre lot. This home was built 4 years ago. Built-in cupboards, mastic tule floors, batbmoorn, fil basement, bot air fumnace, latin- dry tubs in basement, flat ate NDSM E hete. ns]-ri IraeGn chicken bouse. An exceptionallY .qNEIEDS weil equipped home close to school and transportation. $27001 wiil carry.j E L HM DCN SO OY NE T!, $630iiNestieton on 7A High- H A T E IIE F P OV NN R T way, large 8-roorned brick home, bathroorn, upstair balcony, new Purtest A-Sa-Rex Tablets ------- O100s 59c bot air fumnace, iox'ety landscaped garden. This i. truly a beautiful Andrews Liver Sait--------------- 39C - 69C home at a very low price. A ao 5 .0-$ 4 $5,500-In Newcastle, 6-roomed bungalow, excellent strb-divdced Bromno-Seltzer-- - - - -25c - l9 - 95c basement. 9-acre lot, orchard. A, splendid buy. B eIo a dIn 6-z 10 Plus uflity room large sroomrch,6o.$O -u- baeet1odgreicl D to 9-19 ThMMDAY. AlUGUST . 1 'AGE TWICLVr. THE -CANAI)LAN- STA«SMAN, 190WIL4?WTLLE, ONTfflO i

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