TE rAZILTTSM.D'W AVLI NAT ~If~~A~I-- . .4y - w.-. BJX t. 14. The Newcastl j MhMma~ Miss Betty Martinell, Kendal, is visiting Miss Darlene Cooper. Mr. George Brown, Port Stan- ley, spent the. weekend in town. Mr. Harper Kelsey, St. Thomas, was guest of Mrs. Dora Brooks. Mrs. W. Brooker, Meaford, visit- ed her sister. Mis. W. H. Gibson. Mr. Wesley Kerr, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thick- son. Mr.and Mrs. A. W. Glenney and Edward spent the weekend in Or- fllia. Miss Joan Duck, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duck. Mr. A. E. Mellow, Kinçston. lias been vacationing here with his family. Miss Reta Roecliffe, Guelph, was guest of her sister Mrs. Art Rand ail. Mr. George Wright is holiday- ing with the Doug Wright's at Trenton. Miss Dorothy Bonathan, Toron- to, is holidaying with her sister Mis. M. Sallows. Mr. and Mrs. Ailan MacLean Howard are spending holidays on the Howc'ri ?state.- Mr. zý. Ed. Milligan and Caro' visited the Milii- gans Leway. Mr. ,pencer returned to Chesley with Mr. and Mrs. Buster Harris for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyd were down from Toronto to their cot-I tage over the weekend. LORNE'S PH( Days - 580 SUMMER Fas] Ou thism Choose ln co please couchy Joho'st'or N -49 King t. BOW C A, HilE Frncda, I In Case of Bain Cai Mis. nLucyTorato and Iuw.LionsCanivcd Durhàm Cont B yForce officers azidmen enjoyed mon Barrowelough. (%day 11Mr ad m P O'Donnll, Trontoweie eek-~~- the hospitality of! us home while Miss Lemon, Hamilton, has beenSeU end guesta of Mrs. Wm. Kenefick Held T urU7 i i iunm'i s.viga Tfnodrngtewa t eiha Pr ria le l d p n e tand Edgar. P"O llvAaaqo ~ ~ srIng at4Tfino duiinught he war.hired toteah atPor Briain e ~ ~ ~ ~ Rv anedne l ne~r~ MLi. ohn Bon athanHuge SuccessBYuklD M~OIY Vctra'~eboih i~~br.andMrs. Ken Dinner, Bar- takng i Helne ors itBro trmtAhadfMi. BarrowvQu.lae ivdatMon S. ar,99gh holidaying with his mother Mis. Thursday evening, June 3th, or Winnipeg for over 60 years, H. dett Avenue: U P SSC S Mr adMr. aceSutnCo-Sam Bonathan. the Newcastle Lions Club scored Wilbur Hutchinson, 86, died June *Mr. Lovekin was maîried in CHEQlL UESLbP C S Mand Mrs. Donald Gibson a huge success in the. event of 18. He had been in failhng health 1900 to Helen Stevens of North FOR ALL - ROUND SAFET boine Mss B.te hlMaclntosh. d and family are staying at the their annual carnival. The whole for over three years. Ahdover, Massachusetts. ACHush.ain ttahs. n Howard home for a short and affair was uinder the capable di- Boin in Enniskillen, Ontario, .Surviving are his wife; a daugh- AC He g log eken twithhspetpes aain rection of Carnival Chairman Mr. Hutchinson was educa'ted in ter, Mis. Jerome Donovan, Jr., You probably know of cases where a friend paid cash, Mr. aong Ms. eeknith Aien folks, Mi. ani Mrs. Cutier, Toronto, non -LionBes' ably assisted by the village school and Albert Col- of Yorktown, Virginia; a son, Dr. for something, forgot his receipt, and needed it later. Annoying: Mr.andMr. KithAien.t te oliay s eekndmanyno-is and Lionesses. A lege at Belleville. He went to Win- 0. S. Lovekin, of San Diego, Cali- situations like this are neyer necessary. When you pay b3~ the oliay weked wih M. gest fM.ad r.E.Br heeni gantto misalingthe npeg as an accountant for David farnia; and eight grandchildren. Bank of Montreal cheque, missing receipts don't matter. Tht. an ld a r. E ulTent . chard and family. event. MxelFr mlnetC.i Dean G. R. Calveit 'officiated cashed cheque automatically becomes your proof of payment. and rs.E. BllTrenon.Mr. and Mrs. "Buster" Harris, Speaking o! events, one whi - at funeral services from Hay-ThBofMceuba ntrimratadnag Fr aranrto s li ehope se oy, Tli n e n isward's B.C. Funeral Chapel onTeBofMceuhaanteim ratadnae Weran re sorrylta er hat Ms. BodTillierand Gesey anitd Miss caused many cheers and groans Monday, June 20. Services were over cash. It's much safer. Coins or bills, once mislaid, car will soon be around again. BtyGaCelevstdfiwAs the Tug-of-War. There weie floe yceain cause much difficulty before they aie found, if ever they are. Mrs. Ethel Fetles, Chicago. vis- ends and relatives here. three teams competing, Shaws, fioe yceain But you can't lose money, kept in youir B o! 'M account. And1 ited hier brother, Mi. Herb Troms Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wallace.. Jascoe's and Orono. In the first ' and famil,y and friends in town. Toronto, and Mr. Pete Wiîstiuk heat Shaws won from Orono in your B o! M cheque-book is more convenient than a bul4ei" Mrs. Goron Ashdentertained and fîiend, Hamilon, ere guests the best 2 out of 3 tugs going the WEL YVL E-ilodad0uhsfr MsD.ShamadMis. Geo. of Mr. and Miýs. Afe Gray. whole3 tugs. Shaws next took You can avaîl youîself o! this handy, popular serice, Toyne, Rouge His, on Thursday. Mi. and Mrs. I. J. McCullough on the Jascoe team but found Suniday School met with attend- by simply visiting the B of M branch at Bawmanville, where' athsrs.Tortomspendthe eok- endfat illia enjon the e- them fîriv i two tug m inlyance o! 31. Mi. Carroll Nîcholis G. E. Moody, manager, or any member o! uis staff, will be glad, athanToront, spet the eek- nd at rilliaenjoyng there- te firacted uas. Supt.atin athe. absencein o!etbseopenf anopaccnounturforfnyou. end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Toms. freshing waters of Lake Simncoe. aftei the competition Lion Trewin Aife Bee. Dr. Oke preached on Mi. Bert James, Detroit, Mich.. Miss Mary Bell is spending a Colwiil presented GarnetoRîckard calld o bi aut Mss Elenmonh'sholdayswit frend inrepresentative o! the victorious"aw eShudTikoJss Jamlesonhis guet oMs. E. Toont' opior as wiien d hoeitoteam with a silver cup embiem- Christ". Jae h sgeto Ms .Trnopir ogiighm oatic o! their victory, as well as -Congratulations to Jane Reeve Wicks. Cayriga for the siommiier vacation. individual medals for each mem- wh pssd erfirsT Fat rdiopic-upserie ta attending a sumnier course for- Traev-Ebly joinerd Mr. and McMuilen was in charge o! this Mr ion u a roe, oonth o.masn oeln g techol. Trnt NrmlMus. .C.ir1 BikeIl, Bownianville, event. We are told the Lions hope ceieoîateci hi sarrowciohy o-mensn mrelngor Shl.on ail ckdtrip to Erie, Penn. to make this Tug-of-War anndabirtday Ma ngo nuhhat o-tai Mis. Dennis Griffiths and Joey. \Itl*,ray \\Vatoti upon his gîad- nual event.ann-dywsngodeohhatht oSLa! Hamilton, are spending a ný'eek ,t)nio roni l3ownianville Hîgh take an active part in drawing in wihMr.andMis. H. S. Britton %;tlli()olai;a osiio i Following this the crowd betook hy wit Mi ad .ttwofice o. Cnad Pckesthemseives to the many games -Miss Margaret Hodgins and four and Neil. teofcso aaaPes , htionînd ret aie fothber teachers o! Prescott calied K N IS R A DICO T AXI S Mr. and Mrs. Norman White Toronto. whio ferlpe andr eat aiy o!s arl Browlu and Norma, Toronto, spent the Xlý;sBar*bara Bonathan, nurse- wonde rl rz heies aoetrn- o udyo hi a oTrn weekend with Mi. and Mis. Talbot in-training at Victoria Hospital, mten. Nriwerethe cofideo - H ibraucisnto fMis. Harouros c24oughSE VIC AlIdîead. London,. ;pent. the w'eekend withgthe e duitedconfucesio .Wlu ucisnt o umrcuss Mr. and Mis. Herb Alexander. Mrp.ns u n isa.te wr upie ihtckt nSndy o n ewt abToro-24H U SE VC lie paent Mr an Mr. H C.duîîng the evening which if they 1883. From Maxwell's he went to hset Mr. and M n s CabeRc- Markham, and Mis. Geury MUattice, Boiîatlîai. presented at the refreshment Westbrook and Fairchild Cana- niM.adMs.PryDP-- - Ottaa, isied M. ad Ms. ar- i!te WyneRowejoied is nell Ph ne:Day561 - Night 561- 707- 922 ottawa, vsited M.hand Ms. Haroward Va'n Rowe nhi booth in the campany o! an empty dian distributaîs for John Deere *Miss Duff of Myrtie has been ai oc.mte u.Hwu oead pap bottie entitled them ta free Ca. of Moline, Ill. Upan demise iefothflown trma nwh his rote ndpa sts, M. an ice cîeam, pencils, windmills and a! the two partnieîs he acquired Wesleyville. Miss Heiene Barrow- FOUR NEW CARS ALL PASSENGERS INSURED J. sgalt, Tront. an hats. the business, expanded it very ciéuhwl ertrigt ae Mrs. .Gut ot. For a short portion of the even- mateîially and iater soid out ta or o ah ile rtun ing et e- RMT EFIIN EVC Mu. and Mis. Russell Yeo, Osh- ing band music was supplied by the Deere Ca. for a very substan- pr atahaani etme.POP FIIN EVC w C MU awa, Mr. and Mis. Roy Burley, aFf n rmbn îmBw ia iue hnfratm eb- Mr. and Mus. Grenville Fiett MAaNFifonvidle, andbMu. ad Mis. H. manvilie.rcame en forMaagie frie and Claire, Fenelon Falls, and Çeoham , aron . eîand r.Ha Ta îae nra anagror heMs. Telford, Vancouver, with OPERATED BY LATHANGUE 1BROS. coathlers on u. and M s W.ay- ondota o ejoyabeSay M aseCa. at Hamilton. Mr. and Mus. Arnold Thorndyke. taison. M.adMs. .Ly night yaung and ald alike toak eMr. Hutchinson left the machin- Mis. Bowen and twa sons, MIlon- ____________________________ Mt ida a.Cron. At. part in Oid Tyme and modiern l business in 1923 and became a tracle.o finl M.S------------ streetidance ta the musie o! John-sharehoider and directar in the el alda e nl u i is N Ein with Mr. nd S costt'sOncesta.heemsi flJohn- John Deere Plow Company of Mo- ~~1 DNENeasti e wî is aunt.Mus Hau- ong weie lucOrchesra.whe ow-nners: Ill., Western Groces of Win- Evenings - 2464 r enswe h eundfo heu recent trip out west last week tewseî hs egt e-Lîmited, Dominion Fruit Limited, -11-l. Sevralfro hee atened hecastie, the bicycle and Jack Nes-A. R. MeNichol Limited and Fisher - ________________________ J ly lt somrtsa attOrno Park. bitt, Newcastle, the radio. and Burpe Lmited. \\*\1', Jlstsot a tOooPr.He was a member o! the council ,~' _____________________Some local fellows: Alf. Gray, Ted TFhe following list are the suc- o! the Winnipeg Board o! Trade 1 "..' ç tîn ad Jo nnyAlquit plyed n resp onsibilities: Draw, Ken Ste- fr1 er n ntebado ~ '-5~I ~ ',- 1: tbe Clarke Ail-Stars haîdball phenson; Bingo, Dick Davies, Pan- goveunaîso!WseCoegfr Y.. A team. ~~da Beaus, PryHiBti 30 years, a member o! the board ~ ~ g-)~I D E S a dd u ht r ~ u an al a d nc o , re A a r, Da t, ei 'i th ro in i l om ite o M nd Mu. Vi to . aie G am e, G eorge W a ton, Crow n and of directors of the Y .M .C .A . and \' v x .p P D IRE S S E Stwart Ovr an Uner, ou9theassociation for seveual years. Mu ad Ms. . Phlp.Mu.andWalton, Blankets, Harry Jase, Fish Chairman o! the Winnipeg f,\~' ~nn Wise T Mus.E. J. Racbei o! Kingston Pond, Clarence Clarke, Coconuts, Cammunity Chest fou four years, /*(1 hion ise[weue also guests o! Mr and Mus. Art Randail, Refreshments, Bren- hie was an active member a! Grace BudgeiWise!Pbilp.hetsitaspopea ton Rickard. pie.wr rw Methodist church, later transfer- .~/ ur nwlyarried hipmnt ! th col shueso! te lke. un-with these winneus: E. D. Parker, chuîch. 'ýur ewl arivedshimen of the oolshoes f th lae. un-Chas. Rogerson, Asa Clarke, Mable He was married twice, bis first R3 day saw the largest cîowd at New- Cobbledick, J. G. Stephenson, Mus. wife being Margaret McLean o! V R T M /PI R M efrom a variety of gay styles for a long time. Whether ou not of Newcaste; B. Fagg, Mus. Gaînet Survivais include bis widowE ER cobiaton sre~ this method o! solving the beat Riekard, Shirley Biekell, ail o! Charlotte Isabel; one son, Stanley YOU'LL APPRECIATE A£ ooîir cmiain ue problem brings results is still du. Bowmanville; Clarence Martin, MeGregor Hutchinson of Winni- Pl* POLICV 0F PRICE e our personal preferences. bious. Leskaud; M. Succee, Orono, and peg, and one sister, Miss Lena . Th Rckr FmiyMu adMiss C. Stewart, Kendai. Miss Hutchinson, of Stratfoud, Ont. MAKN V rV Mus. Garnet Riekard and family. Joan Stoneburg, Newcastle, made The funeral service xvas beldFO VOR CNT T Mr and Mus. Stan Rickaud and ail the draws. Mus. Howard Wii- in St. Stephen's-Broadway chuîch. family, Bowmanvilie, Miss Marion son, Newcastle, won the large Rev. H. A. Frame afficiated and PROTECTION. VES, IT Rickard, Toronto, and Mu hnd carton o! groceuies for guessing burial was in Elmwood cemeteîy. PAY& TO SHOP AT A &P. Mus. Bueniton Rickard, Newcastle, the number a! peanuts mn the The A. B. Gardiner Funenal home enioyed a picnic at Port Britain jan, liii. was in charge o! arrangements. on Sunday. The Lions wish ta thank the Active palîbearers were Joseph YOUR BEST BREAD BUV Colonial Coach bus lune now following merchants fîom Orona Bail, Daryl Chapman, Ronald E. bas ne stppig paceat an-and Newcastle who s0 kindlY do- Birchard, C. W. Davidson, George ANPGOE RS- dall's store. Tickets must now be nated prizes: Oiono-Coleman & M. Hay, and Leonard A. Reid. t'purcbased priai to arrivai o! bus- Pbilp, Fuost's 5c ta $1.00 Store, Honorary palîbearers were W. P. IL R A j'es fiom Mn. Randaîl in the for- Lunn's Hardware, O. W. Rolph Riley, W. K. C. Fisher, L. J. Rey- i mer Hydro Office. Tbeue are now Hardware, Cornish's Red and crat, . E Grham T24Anea j ~sevenai additionai buses eacb way. White Store. Newcaste-Hoar-~sonadH .Ahon LIE H T 4o a Z Watch fou the new scbedule. Gauagè, Sunnybrae Service Sta- _________ A & P CUSTOM GROUND The sympathy o! the community tion, The Gateway Lunch, Queen 'S is extended to Mr. Herbeut Brene- Hotel, Thickson's Store and H. J. Na * e a lb5orne derwf n rteJl .Mus. tak otoAknsAppliance Arhu CnLveinANN PAGE FAMOUS ful wa tSunla etHome ronto. from whom the thuee main ____ gàs o rz s w u ban d (Victoria B.C, C alonist) some Newcastie znwr trte noaiertness lme th ladro frun Thank you f or yaur sug- senAtAssociation to Meet from a !arm near Newcastle, On-getosP ST Y LO R a -bbg49 abut2:0arn. the fire brigade Saud yAfen o taria, ta the pinnacle a! success as A T Y F O R7-bag 9 answered a call to Jack Mounow'srdy£ LefO l a banker, miner and planter, end- Thousandsof aur custom- WHITE CAKE MIX Ifaim east on No. 2 highway ta ulc peu ed in death bere, June 17.erhaeee kid fV lI - - save bis barn. However, upon breo the first pbi apa- Mr. Lovekin's amazing energy enug li arrivai any hope o! saving the acs fMu. John M. James, re- and talent for success took him toWieu et I ling us35 barn were ratheu dim so they cently elected ta represent Dur- from bis native Ontario to Cali- juswathe like and don MPL'LA concentrated upon saving the a County at Ottawa, wili be ta founia, Hawaii and British Colum- like about their A&P stores TP DrK- '/-J inspectai o! banks on the Haw- What is an unsafe speed? TheaiaIsad.ERf BLED E p 3 lg MEu1iDepatment of Highways says its Had Orange Groves RE or BU BRAND ULLr. for the conditions o! the raad, the to aliona he a perated M Steaks or Roasts traffic, the weatheu,thcao several extensive orange graves -a IGOR OEESF@ r MÀN V IL LE L IO NS the drivers own ability. cr Riverside. He was, at the sanm PO TIO SuuSE.ON IN R9NEESRUD bO time, a pianeer l h deveiap- BLADE BONE OUT GRADE A ment o! the Palo Verde Valley in- RV A I.Stafford Bros. On fte ansre nteFREH YOUNGMILK FEDGRAE:: R N I A L ity f Blyhe, alifoniais na- CICKENjS 3 4Ibo,.ib Moenumental Works ed after Mr. Lovekiitheîiei DI-KJ&ýHLOF lb.,7 HIELN tN b 5 PhoneWhitb 552 in Victoria, opeiating a farm aCI.IOPPED VIRGINIA CK - S CHO O L G RO UN DS 318 DundaaSt E., Whitby Metchosin. Thaugh he returned rie j ** . .5<COT E j*l. MONUMEIS AND faiysen ayo their Sum- PR!MI4JM FRESH RESTIGOUCHE MAIRKERS meus on Vancouver Island. . . . . . lb. s3*l. 7 1Puecise workmanshiÇi and in 1936 to achieve local fame by 1 OCESLCE C OICE T C LA.KE J uly 15thcareful attention ta detail building a handsome residence ai Ys are your assurance when Long ~Beach o teinaccessible ==BEU S A *.0 M l you choose from the wide West Coast o! Vancouver Island. - MOKED 30FRESH seo! o imported and Mr. Lovekin was living there Ap lb. ~m, b irnival wilI be held Saiurday, July 1 61h i domestic Granites wantendi Wrboe u.WI g5IK AUUW.I AFM =I Mabls nstcb latofîi roery Partdin o! bis puopeitutylIi liIl 1 ll1 was111 used1111Il llIllo 11111 the onstuuction o! the R.C.A.F. base at nearby Tofîno. Many Air- j *1 PHONE 836 6 S AL E OF CHI LDR EN'S DRESSES * Greally Reduced Prices -ALL SIZES r 9nnTw-4zT%àv TYTI gS WwL ' TEE CAIqADL4N STATESZ«, BOTnEANV=. ONTAMO - - ' *