Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 5

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~.si< TEE CANAMAif ~A"FUAw UIIWUDAMqm t W ~Ç A ~ -~ W 4d~A~ V AA.*Ud~, ~.DLI JJLIUVJ .. .... Bowimanviie ,~ s I Mia. A. Mauer, Woodstock,i viiting Mr. and Mns. Roms Striki Mr. T. H. Robinson, Rochester N.Y., la visitlng Mr. andi Mrs. Nor man Hanna. Miss Helen Gunn, Tbronto, spcn the wcckend with hem parents, Mr andi Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Miss Barbara Lyle, Toronto spent the weekend with her mo. ther, Mrs. George Lyle. Mr. andi Mms. Gordon Campbell Toronto. spent the weekend witl friends in Bownianville. Mrs. E. W. Rundle, Toronto spent the weekend with her sister, Mns. P. E. Greenfield. Mr. Francis Chapman and Mr, Doii Loates, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. Don Quick. Rev. and Mms. J. Chapman, Tor- onto, visiteci Mr. and Mns. Ross Stevens. Mr. andi Mrs Stewart Cramp, Carnpbellvi]Ie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Camp. Mrs. Beatrice Hall and Mms. Pat- erson, Toronto, spent the weekend with Dr. J. C. Devitt, Mr. Root. Evans has returned from a two manth's visit with his mother in Liverpool, England. Miss Gwen Hoskin and Miss Lex Dingwall, Toronto', spent >the weekend with Mrs. R. T. Hoskin. Miss Norma Piper, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Piper. Miss Betty Clayton andi Miss Gladys Brooks spent the past week recovering from a tonsilectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames, Que- bec City, are visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ames. SALVATION ARMIY Sunday, lune 26 FAREWELL SERVICES Fôr Lieut. Farmer and Lient. MeKenzie Il a.m. and 7 p.m. ST. PAUL'S United Cherch Minster: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mmi. Rets Dudley Chair Directon:- D. Alex McGregar Sunday, June 26 il a.m. - Worship Sacrament of Baptlsm Sacrament of The Lord'. Supper NO EVENING SERVICE 1939 1939 1938 1938 1938 1937' 1937 1934 1933, King St. W. is Mra. C. Garfield, Toronto, is e. visiting ber broth, Mr. W. F. r, Quick. r- Mr. and Mmi. Fred Smith, Gloria and Bibby, were weekend visitons t wtb Mn. andi Mmi. Daur. Aken, -Hotel Gafton, at Grafton. Mrs. Jay Spurm, New York City, is spending a summer holiday with hem relatives, Mm. andi Mrs. C. A. Jarnett, Balmoral Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Newell, De- h trait, Mich., and Mr. andi Mrs. -Charles V. Hoan wene weekend guests of Mn. andi Mrs. E. V. Hoan. Dm and Mrs. W. Rudeli and Scotty spent the weckend with bis parents Dr. and Mmi. M. J. Rudel e.Pt their cottage at Oliphant. Mm. aud Mmi. J. E. Finnigan andi Rickie were weekend guests with bis parents Mm. and Mri. J. Fin-j nigan, Fankford. tMmi. Gorge Thmeshem attendeci te weddmg of Jack Bell andi Luci- mI incheck in Detrit, Mic.,1 last week. Veteran Olver Roberts vîsiteci ald commades of the South African and World Wam 1, in Toronto an Sunday. Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn is spend- t ing the summer at hem tourist1 camp at Midlanci, on the Georgian1 Bay.t Mm. Ray Dudley visiteci in Kit- chener at the home of his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mms. Raymond t Cole.a Mn. andi Mrs. James Hethering- ton, Wheeling, West Virginia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben ti King. ti Mn. George Underhjll, Peter- bora, spent the weekend with bis b parents, Mr. and Mmi. Morris Un- derhill. ti Plan to attend the Recital at Trinity Church to-mamrow (Fmi.)c night, at 7:30 by Miss Challis andC pupils. 25-1B Mn. and Mrs. Arthur ClarkeE and Phyllis spent the weekend with the former'î sister Mrs. Hilda I Myers, Rochester, N.Y.k Mns. F. A. Fitchett and grand- M daughtem, Susan Fitchett,' Mon- S] treal, are visiting hem sisters Misses Elizabeth andi Carnie Painton. s m r s. J ack - - - N ic ols and M rg attended. Maple Graveanniven services on Sunday andv NO FAITH? NO GOD? NO CHURCH HOME? We Believe W. Can Help Vou Corne to the DAPTIST GOSPEL SER VICES held Sunday Evenings 7:30 P.M. in the Union Hall, Division Street Pastor: L. W. MATHESON, B.A. 35 Horsey St. Phone 2855 SOCIAL AMDPENSONAL latnadotheÏ relat ,,pg niipw a ±i issdean P.rp gamet tw bano gone taU Buffalo Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott ane rsany with hem sister, Mms. W. J. Lang- childnen, Peterboro, with Mr, an( were maici, Oshawa, before rcturrnng Mmi. Frank Wright. -to hem home in Portage la Praimie, Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Joncs, To. - Man. onto, withi Mr. andi Mn. J. A St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary Rosevear met June 20 at the home of Mrs. Arlene Roievear with hem grand- Alex McGregor. Mrs. Porter wss parents Mr and Mmi;' J. W. Lar. in charge oi the meeting. The mam, Millbrook.. theme for the manth is "Keeping Mm. and 'Mrs. W. J. MacDonald the Lord's Day". The girls quin- and Bruce accompanied Mr. anc tette from Grace Lutheran cburch, Mrs. Jim Graham, Bowmanville, Oshawa, sang a numben of beau- ta Cobourg ta visit Mms. A. W. tiful selections. MacDonal and Miss Minnie Mac. For the third summer William Donald. Robinson and Ray Dudley have Mm. and Mrs. Ivor Gerny and accepted positions on the Great Mm. and Mrs. John Gemry, Richard Lakes C.P.R. steamer "Manitoba". and Pip Toronto, Mmi.. F. B. Tbey sail today (Thursday) Glaspell, Zion, with Mr. andi Mrs, 'through island studded waters af Ralph Glaspeil. Georgian Bay, Lake Hurron, St. Mm. and Mmi. Haroldi Awde and Mary's River and Lake Superior. Donald, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. D. This boast sets out frani Port Mc- G. Hooper snd Mrs, C. F Awde, Nichol ta Fort \VilliaYn. Orono,. with Mm andi Mrs. F. Wer- Mr. Bill Mutton manager of ny. JBowmanville Midgets basebaîl Mm, and Mms. W. J. Miller sud team hbraught ta aur attention an Miss Beth Miller atteuded Decona- error in last week's paper. The tion Day services at Venonville unifrms ornby te Migeton Sunday and visiteci friends at unifmmarewon by the frMîdget Graiton and Venonville. tca ar beug ai fo frni he A numnber from here ehartereci proceeds of a draw ta he held on Taylor's bus and attended thc July 2nd sud were nat the gift ofSedn ewateTitd o- BilI Mtton.cer game in Toronto. Word has been received that a Congratulations to Mr. sud Mms. well known Durhami County Boy, Lloyd Skinner on the bimth of a Mm. H. Wilbur Hutcheson, native daughter. ofa Enniskillen, passed away in Tymone Jr. Young People joiued Winnipeg, Man., on June 18, siter Newcastle snd Bowmauville Trin- three years' illness. Burial took ity at a picnic at -Orono Park on ~,place Tucsday in Winnipeg. We Tuesday eveuing. Tyrane won the hope to publish an ohituamy of shicîci for second year in sparts. Mr. Hutcheson in next weeks' Statesmian. On the aiternoon af June 14 at WOMEN'S INSTITUTE a mass meeting of the Baptist Con- June meeting of Tyrone Wom- vention J'n Walmem Rd. Church, en's Institute was highlighted by Toronto, Miss Kate McLaurin, who a very intemesting as weillas iu- resides with hem sister, Mrs. J H formative talk given by Gregory Jr, ,wa presen«dwi * lo 'r Friend an bis visit ta the gold in a spe&ofa appreciation of hem mines at Kirklsnd Lake. Gmcg. womk in India. She replieci with divideci bis talk inta three sec- a fwwl chasen words which tians: I. the gold mining industny weýeewewecevedbya sandngaudi- in Canada; 2. types of gold i xn- e e amece icd by à sad ig ng a d fi al ,3. how he got the ence aplaudit inthniasaicaly. u t oaisanie. The Mrs.J. . Camus fomerl . peaker used a blackboard ta il- Bawmanville, sud now residing at lustrate bis talk sud made himsclf Burwash, spent the weekend with clear wîth words andi diagranis. Rev. sud Mnrs. Gea. Mason prion To supplement the program ta going to Petcx,ono ta attend preseuted by Mmi. G. Alldread, the Hall-Breckanbridge wedding. a piano sala by Mmi. G. Brent, andi After the iWedding she plans ta a reading by Mmi. N. Waodley fspenci two weeks at hem cottage at were much enjoyei. Thanks waî Lake Scugog. expmessecl ta the speaker, ta Mmm. About 25 members ai Trinity H. Skinner, tbe hostessud others Young People's Union atteuded of the graup by Mrs. A. Hamilton. the Oshawa Presbytery Young. The business session was pre- People's picnic at Orono Park ou sided aver by Mms. Glaspeli. The Tueîday. The sports shield awar- following items were transacted: ded ta the Union securiug the $2.00 ta be sent the Federation highest number af points in the af Agriculture; secrctary assume sport competitions was won by duties osf press reporter with hon- TYrone Young People. Presenta- oaanum raiseci ta $10; Mmm. Goodi- tion ai the shield was made by man presenteci repart of district Margaret Pillan, Recreation Con- annual; report of supper serveci at vener ai the Pmesbytemy Executive field day shawed neamly $60 clear- ta Bill Jewcll, President af Ty- cd ta be divided with the park roue Union. Next event ai intemest board. ta YungPeape i th cruse rom Next meeting at Mmi. Don Stain- 1 to tau'g Phoplweihopeetarbave Mmi. Cobourg ta Rochester on Saturday, Paut of Columbus speak en July 9th, sponioreci by the Bay af Estonia. f-Quinte Conference Young People's Executive. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the WOMEN'S AUXILIARY home ai Mrs. D. S. MeGregor June 21. The meeting was apeued Despite tbmeateuing ain show-~ lby the president 'Mmi. G. C. Quig- ers the members of the Womneu's ley. Theme of the devýotional Evening Auxiliary ai Trniity Uni- "Keepin the Lord's Day" wax ta- ted Chumch held their picnic on ken ty Mrs. W. H. Carruthers. Tucsday aiternoon, at Orono Park.j Mmi. R. Whitmee sud Mmi. R. Approximately 50 women and. Hetherington. Mrs. G. C. Quigley childmeu leit Bowmanvillc in aý gave a most intercsting talk on but fom Orano at 4:15. A short Dr. Beaton, bis work as a mission-I business meeting waa held. Most amy iu West China. Mmi. G. C.1 of the children spent their limeý Quigley aud Mmm. D. Armistead lin the îwimming pool. Ail enjoyed were hostesses May 31 at a tes at the picuic suppen that was eaten the manie where a large amotint at 6:30. of gifts were receiveci for the bale, Mmm. A. E. Anderson, who i which was packed sud cxpmessed maving lu Wellington, was pre- f by Mrs. Armisteaci ta Nothermn îented with a Nellie Patinson' Frontenac sud the Victor Mission cookbook. Home in Toronto. At 7:30 the tired. and happy The an -ho naks evry in-picnickers neturned home. ute caunt rft.rn b mpxth -..~ - i_ W, .j' of-the hour. Hampton Pupils Tour Industries in t-to-gethem ai this well knawn white ilipper satin gown with of the present plastics industry. get d ' e, ital% nas averageci over 100 J strike. a month Iately. dluy Toduy! Alex. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Druq Store MorcGlID rg ore guesta of Mr. and ý4rs. R.R. Stev- ens. Mrn. Gertrude Stephenson, Newtonbraok; Mr. and Mrs. Herb- ert Brown, Toronto, spent Thurs- day with their uncle and suint Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. i Mr. Gary Dilling ià again spend- ing tbe summer on the S.S. Nor- isi, auferiry andi passenger boat tarusbetween Tobermomy on te mainlanci and Manitoulin Island. "Craft Sbop" is being opened an on about June 30th. Any persan wishing us ta handle their work kindly bring sample, write or phone for an appointnient. Phone 515. 25-1 Mr. T. Arthur Beacock, Wey-4 buri, Sask., has been spending a few days with his sister Mrs. A. W. Pickard and family enroute to sail for England on a two montha trip through tbe British Isles. Congratulations ta Miss Collette Ferguson, daugbter of Mm and Mrs. E. S. Ferguson, who passed ner second year at University of Toronto with second clais hon- ours, Mms. Eva Hastings, Oshawa,V Mrs. H. H. Dilling and -Mirs. Ed- ward Large andi Eilecn were in Owen Sound Wednesday attend- ing the funeral of thein cousinb Mrs. Sam Quinn. b While in Orono at ber daugb- a ter's, Mrs. Everett Cain's, Mrs. F. Cator contracteci blooci poison- jý .ng in hem Ieg from an infected ai toe causing cansidemable iflness. She is now at ber home in Salem. c] A brief cooling ràin fell about ai this district Tuesday afternoon. IV aftem we had written thestory of ai the intense beat tha has pmevailcd P here for some weeks. The empera- tc ture dropped from 92 to a comfor- able 87 after the shawer.W Miss Jacqueline R. Heyland has been successful in hem examina- Si ions at MacDonald Institute, On- Pl tario Agrieultural College, Guelph. Sbe is an thie summer staff at a] "Woodeden" Crippled Chidmen's 'w Camp, London, Ont. nc Mr. E. Gardon Elliott, North P. Battlefomd, Sask: Mm. and Mms. Keith Ferguson, Toronto, Mr. and v Mrs. Alfred Challener, Mr. George Kerslake, Hampton, Miss Mary R( Peters, Newcastle, weme guests ofW Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey. haw's. c Mms. R. N. Rae who has been vi- G iting ber aunt Miss Carnie A. tai TYRONE Mrs. 1P. Snowden, ifin u i& Snowden, R.N., Kedron, viaited Mr. and Mrs. S. JewefL. Mr and Mra. Murray Tati, at- tended Maple Grove aniveraary and visiter her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Murdoch, Base Line. Mr. and Mrn. S. Hall and baby visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm, Burketon. Mr. and Mns. Fred Youngrnan, Pontypool, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman. Mr. and Mrs. A. HUis with tieir son, Mr. and Mru. Gordon Mills, Hamilton. Mr. and Mnr. Francis Hall v-lait- ed frnends at Onillii. Miss Arvilla Beckett Ieft Tue&- day to spend the summer at Hall'î Lake.0 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bîgelaw and Rhoda, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bigelow. S Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puk and F David, Oshawa, with Mr. and 0 MIrs. G. Brent. si Miss Jenny Beckett, Bowmnan- T ville, is holidaying at home, i Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm visted M4rs. W. H. Rahm, Burketon. ti Children and some aduits were tc quite pleased on Sunday when our w bus driver said he would take bis si bus to the lake for thcm to enjoy ai adip on such a hot dày. Pl A goodly number turned out Mv Monday evcning, ta charivari Mr. et] and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and ru hildren, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett Pr nd Arvilla, Mrs. Irene Graves ,, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and Clem hc and Doreen attended the Wotten- a Powell-Webber picnic at Hamp- m, tn Park Friday. Miss Retta Cann, Bowmanville, o with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees.4.I Mr. and Mrs. Stanléy Mahoney, fo, utton, visited Mr. and Mms. W. F. a Park. a Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodiey Wf ind Miss Joyce Woodley, visited vith Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Con- ior, Toron to. Mrs. W. H. Taylor visited Mrs. P~ Hayward, Bowmanville. Mrs. C. D Hodgson, Bowman- ilIe, visited Mrs. Donald Davey. jq Mr. and Mms. James Timlin, ' loseneath, visited Mr. and Mrs. rillis Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Philp and SCE hildmen, Petemboro, Mr. and Mmi. Ma ;erald Philp and Bill, Morgans- Ha n, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard pic CoMpeUUtve Prieea amd Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for Tlauraday, FrWday, ,gaga Wb t500ZV the iighIt.telimit quaallie Vote as You Like.. but VOTE Election Day - Monday, lune 27th PECIAL LOW-PRIOFEI FIEST AID WEEK wit j1 JUNE 2Oth to 27th Gfet Beprpared ta meet those emergncies that May ispne ocu o olidays or at home - cuts, bites, burns. etc. Hv itAid supplies on hand. Get them this week .~ 7 Mecea O ntment - --~ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _29e - 59e - $1.19 Rguo - Eye CUPS------ 8c - 2 for 15e Medicine Glaises-- --- --- -------- - - Se - 2 for 15e Absorbent Cotton; J. & J. or B. & B. 1, 2. 4, 8-sud 16-oz -. ---------- 17e - 30e - 55e - 90c - $1.65 Adhesive Tape------------- - 10C - 15e - 20e and pI.D.A. Sterllized Gause, 5 yards -4-e-EN-L-----HEALTH---ALTS Dettol --------- --- -59-------------- - $4.5 EG SRHAT SLO I.D.A. Tincture lodine, 1-oz., reg. 20ac -------13e 1-z i 9 1v-y-Dry -----_------__-------------_----- - ------ 59c Mentholatum ----------------------_____ 33e - 73c Speelal Absorbent Cotton, 1-lb. ------------ ----- --- 79c BORACIC ACDn- ID.A. Brand, 16-o,., reg. 25o . 17e MINERAL OIL 1.D.A Brand, 16 sud 40-o.., reg. 45e, 89e ----- 37e - 73e OLIVE OIL 4 I.D.A. Brand, 4-oz., reg. 35e .______ .27e SYRU , FIGS & SENNA _ _ _ _ _D r h ' r e I vt I.D.A. Brand, 3-o., reg. 25e De-rigt!19c *iht VITAMIN B-I TABLETS "RI I.D.A. Brand, 100, 300, reg. 37e, 79e 23e - 49e TAKE ENO'S "FR1111 WRITNG PAD E jW-1 1 i I± Ej gi "Bro n!e" ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _--Se, 2 for 15e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WAX PAPER TAN WITHOUT BURNING LD. . ran , 00 oo rol 7eS N O W T A N * TO BRUSHES Nylon Bristie, reg. 25e ---13e, 2 for 25e large tube 49C WAH ezyy Quallty - Good Value - 9c, 3 for 25e j Inseacticides, 1usd tRepellents, Etc. VELVTTA 622 -- 9c ITABLE LAXATIVE Effective against rmaquitaci and Black Flies etc. I L Alsa protects against Sunhumu. One apphication effective 2 t a 6 bou m a. __ _ _ _ _Ji pa og Tantoo ------_ -- 57e D-Ter ~- 59e49 4 -12 Repellent - -----------5c Fly-Tox ------25e -45 - 75c e*U CENTS. Tat Ant Traps ---------- 35e - 3 for $100 Rogulr v lReids 10% D.D.T. Powder ---0e---- so J i lek L af4--- ------ ------- -33e -9e 2.15 Green Cross Flower Spray -------------------- 30e - 90e 23Ç Green Crois 5% D.D.T. Housebold Spray 25e - 45e - 75e *i Drugs Phone 792 -t -.--...,. . , - ?ascoe Clan Hold 'Oth Annual Picnic It Hampton Park On Satumday afteruoon 130 de- !endants of Edwamd Pascae and lay Osborne assembled in .mpton Park for their annual [ic. This was the 60th annuel 'I *,.~, USED CAR 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedanette, Radio, Underseat Heater - A real buy 1946 Plymouth ýSedan - "Clean Car" 1947 Pontiac Sedan - ""Like New" 1941 Chrysier Coupe 1941 3-ton Diamond T Stake Truck "A Real Bargain" Ford Coach Plymouth Sedan Plymnouth Coupe 1-2 ton Panel Truck ""A-i Condition" Chrysier Coach Dodge Sedan Packard Sedan Chevrolet Standard Coach Oldsmobile Sedan And many ofher good used car bargains ai ART'S CAR MARKET Open Eveninqs 'tii! 9:30 pa. - PHONE 2148 - 1 a-uR-ý- 1 1 On the momning of June 6, tü entrance class of Hamipton Schot naci thc pleasure of taking ac vantage of the gencraus plar made bY the Home and Scho( Association, ta take a tour thraug the leading factonies andi business es in Oshawa. Mr. R. Farrow, principal, an, Mms. H. Cale provided the trans portation and taok us first ta Osh awa Dairy. Thene we saw how th weighing, testing, pasteurizing battling andi refnigenation of miln is performec. Then, until noar we wcre conducted by Mm. E Pearson through the most intenest .ng phases of the body assembl: 0f aur modemn moton cars at tht General Matons plant. Sbortly aftcn the luncheon houx spent at the Oshawa Memonia Park, aur teacher took us to the Offices of the Times-Gazette tc ee bow a daily paper is published. Tbis indeed praved veny intemcst- rig andi womthwhile. From there we again went tc the Geeral Mators for a second tour of the plant. This time we wre conducted thmough the chas- ii assembiy line. The mast fascin- ting feature of the tour was the lacing of the body on the chassis. Iodern science has produced ma- ,hines which work wonders. Finally, the camplete car was ýn off the line and tested on the )roving grounds. Aftem the tour ve neturned ta Hampton ta the iome of Mms. J. R. Reýnolds wheme bountiful supper was senveci by nembens of the association. A sincee wish of thanks goes it froni the Entrance class ta he group wha made it possible or us ta bave such a worthwhi]e nd educational expemience which ve shah nhever forget. ta m ily .y u L . This Couple lot t Devon, Eng.!W land, over 100 yearu aewstha Young fanly to make a home In, a new land and many we the pri-UM vaios ndobtaleeutting (ji aaP ,o adta pravide sustenance for FLOUI d. theïr famîly. They were blessed Mi90 nswith six sons and two daugbters ol They all made their homes& i ar-7fer i4e 7é *aeet h lington except Edward who set 1 Grace in Dakota. Only nine ae " aI ~ Inow living who attendcd teir U..J d- first picnic 60 yeams ago.W es à- A suxnptuous supper wac served .e ta which aIl did justice atter wbich 91 Percy Pascoe, president, calld fitted bodice, long sîeves with a Lk the meeting ta order andi the fol- net frili. The gown had a net rlowing officers weme electcd: yoke, sweethcart neckline trim- ~President-A. L. Pascoe Sec.- md witb seeci pearis andi nhine- -Treas.-Evelyn Dewell; Sports stones and a full skirt and train, SCoz.-Gamdon Pearson and Dean Her embmaidemed fingertip v-cil e cauhn.was caught with a headdmess of O.ldest lady-Mns. Richard Pas- peals and hinestones. She car- coe; Oldest gent-John Pascoe; ied a bouquet of red rases and Youngest baby-Ruth Pascoe; stephanotis. The maid of bonour. elargest family-Cecil Pascoe (7) Miss Helen Camemon, Zian, wore 0and Haroldi Pascoe (7). Comîng a nule green lustre taffeta gawn froni the greatest distance were with matching braideci headdress, M. and Mmi. Carl Pascoe from veil andi mitts. The bridesmaici, North Bay. Miss Madeline Hall, sister of the Short -speeches were made bY bride, wore a lilac lustre taffeta H. L. Pascoe, A. L. Pascoe, Chas. gown wîth matcbing braideci head- Mackey, John Pascoe, Bill Pear- ciess, veil andi mitts. Both gowns son, Wili Pascoe Jr., Ellis Pascoe, had a fitted bodice and full skirts. -Haroldi Pascoe. The bridal attendants carried bu- It was decided ta get out a fam- quets of yellow rases and stephan- -ily tree and have badges fan 1950. osis. Mr. Mathew Marchant, br- The sparts cammittee ran off a ther af the groom, was best man long list of events fram wcc tots and Mm. Roy Hall. brother of the ta the "has-beens" and createci bride and Mr. Donald Wilcox wee mucb amusement aftem which ushers. they ad a peanut scramble. Af ter the ceremony the recep- The picnic will be at Hampton tian was held in St. John's Parish Park the third Satuday of June Hall. The bride's mother received in 1950. wearing a queen's blue crepe - gawn with wvhite accessomies and a corsage of yellow roses and s WT11TTP , stephanosis. The groam's mte WEDIJd NA assisteci in a white andi rose figur- ed silk gown with white accessor- MARCHANT - HALL ies and a corsage of yellow rases White and pink peonies provid- and stephanosis. cd a lovely setting for the wedding For the wedding trip ta north- in St. John's Anglican Church, ern Ontario, the bride wore a Bawmanville, for the wedding f grey gabardine suit with wine ac' Evelyn Hall, daughtem f Mm. and cessomies ad hem corsage was a Mrs. RayaI S. Hall ta Mark Mar- lavender orchid. chant, son of Mm. and Mrs. Heny On their return Mr. ad Mrs. Marchant, an Saturday, June 18. Marchant will reside on High St., The cercmony was peformed by B3owmanville. Rev. J. dePencier Wright andi the wedding music was played by Mns. J. A. Gunu. Special music was provideci by the chir and Mrs. The scarcity of ivoy billiard Ormiston sang a sl, "0 Promise alls in 1868 was the reason for Me.,, John Wesley Hyatt's search for Given in mariage by er fath- and development of plastis; his cm, the bride wae a beautiful plastic billiard ball was the start MRET For B0G S. HGGBS CLMDS CLVYES OIVEY ]Pickering Farmi -LIMTED - Phone 336 Night or Day The Siatesman Sold Af Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastl. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle Wilson & Brown, Newtonville T. M. Sleon, Ennisklllen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton 1 Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreil, Orono W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Loveli J. W. Jewell, W. J. 'Berry ani& The Statesman Office. Your DEST Dilv MnAv- cne nOJ4 1 m MW ; 1 'W - - - - ---. -- i I.D.A. Brand, 4 and 8-oz., reg. 25c, 45e 19e - 37e m TMýCAJUIffAX o%%"àiàvà% PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 1

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