Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1949, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TEE CANADIM< UTATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO ThURSDAY, JUNE lOth. 15 Bstablishaed 1854 with whicb linlaeorpoalad ta* Bowman'villeNews, lThe Nwcastle Indp.adont and The Orono Nws 94 Years' Continuous Service Io the Town2 of Bowmanville and Durham County Authorlzsd as becond Caos MaiL. Post Office Department. Ottawa AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER w ~sx Monme Audit Bureau ai Circulations Canadian WsekIy Newapapers Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES . 4 $2.50 a Year. stnctly in advance $3.00 a Year in the Unitod States Publisbed hy THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Bawmanville, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, Editox Political Editorials Back in the Good Old Days in the 80's The editor has just received a clipping f ram the Fort William Journal, which we reprint os further proof that times hav.e certainly changed in tho writing af political editorials in The Statesman. The fallowing editorial shows the style *m- ployed by the editor back ini 1885 when h. was the sole owner, publisher and editor ai The Statesman. The adjectives used in thi "good old days" are rather in contrant ta present ex- pressions found in these columns. It would indeed be interesting ta speculate on how the formor virile editor would write on the character ai the present campaign in this caunty. We quote from the Fort William journal: "We are indebted ta Mr. D. Duncan of Schreiber for another glimpse of the editorial stylos of somo editorial writer. an Cenadian newspapers in 1885. Mr. Duncan han sent elong ar copy of the Bowmanville Statesman, which cipparently did not liko a certain politicel figure in West Durham eit that time. Follawing is a portion of a strong oditarial: "The prosumption, ta, af this political jump- ing-jack i5 scmething intolerablo. Ses the of- ficiaus and pompaus air h. a.sumed on the platform on Friday night, and the cheek he hed ta pop up and second the resalutian that ho did, when mon of influence, respectability and political integrity wcre prepered ta do it. "What woight han bis name ta a resolution, pray? l)espised alike by Reformer. and Con- s ervatives, a roproach ta the poitical perty ta t whaso akirti ho cings, a mani (?) wha wes known far and wide as the publisher ai the worst specimen af a local newspaper thon pub. lished in the country, a charlatan thart sold bis political friands for a mess af potage, a pompou, self-glorious, meddlesame, politicai varmpire, whoso inexorable tyranny towards apponeàts bas ef ton dane violence ta aur Parrty's intereelg,'bhis n=me ta the reolution could not possibly be otherwiso than nauseous ta thone familier with hier, paît histary." If anyane cared ta attack a public man in auch stylo in the prenent day and cege, ho would mast certainly attract nation-wide intereit. Me might also find hfmazelf presently.invalved in a libel action that could easily leave hlm withaut at newspaper. Noted Penal Authority Upholds Virtues of Hard Work Speaking at Bowmanville Rotary Club, Col. Wallace Bunton ai the Salvatian Army, Toron. ta, considered by leaders everywhere ta bo the outstanding Canadian authority an whet really causes crime and how it cen be circumnvented, mado this significant statement: "We are plac- içq boa much emphasis an recreation today and not enough on the old-fashianed virtues ai hon- est bard work." He disclosed that crime stat- istics today foature the 14-25 year ege groups. Some time aga The Statesman oxpressed the same opinion and was immediately taken ta tank by a local political spokesman who scaffed et this Idea by asking if enyone "foît a weakon- ing ai thoir moral fibres, ta let him knaw." Cal. Buntan has supplied the rebuttal which we chose ta ignore. Adherents ai ai socialist-minded political party are advised ta check official statistics and read the report af tho speech ai Col. Bunton which appears in this issue. Canadian Livestock Men Deplore Govemment Plans Having embraced ocialiat state trading in Canadian farm products as represented in leg- lalation and controls put ia o edc by the Liberal government in Ottawa, aur fermera have not anly lest hundreds ai millions ai dollars by beizÏg forced ta accept state-named prices, but 20 countries that niake Up Latin Amereca by quating. resulta for 1939 and 1948. In 1939 we bad a favorable balance af trade in this airea *af over $4,000,000. But in 1948 wo had a n favorable balance of moue dieu $98,O000. T appears a quite normal wary of gain g brake. Whert's 1h.e nswor ta ail tMfa calculated sacialization of Canadien fermnera by the Liberal- CCF alliance et Ottawa? The simple answer ia te meke f arming secue and profitable. The sbortest way ai bringing this about in ta farce the government off the backs aif farmner. and lay down intelligent policies such as tho f armn pro- gramme aifixhe Progressive Conservetive Party, which will band beck ta the farmnera theniselves their ireedom ta run tbei.r ewn aff airs. Race Discrimination Something for }Higher Court Much public discussion we. instantly ereus- od whon e news report told ai the decision of the Ontario' Court ai Appeal, lune 9, wbich upheld the right ai e group ai people in On- taaota exorcise race discriminatian. The case rested upon action taken by a group ai cot- tegers et a Lake Huron reoat ta "bar Jews, Negroas and other 'undesirable' people fromn their beach iront." What evidenco was submnitted ix support ef this undemnocratic procedure ix a firoe country was net disclosed in the pross îtary. "Undesir- ables" ai course cen ho read ta include people ai eny race or color, yet Jews and Negroes were speciiically mentioned. There wili b. wide- spread public approval ai the enneuncemeut thet this case will ho taken right ta the Supreme Court ai eanada. The Statesmen viows this situation as an affront ta the principles ai democracy under which human hoings should ho held equal under the Law. Of course thero are many cases wbereý Il'undesirablès,' nona tter whet their race, et. tompt ta disrupt community harmony and nome- times try ta destroy establishod buinesse.. Even this local community would net long taler- ate this sort ai business. There are elways facto and motives in ovory background. Grain Farmers Socialized by Action of Liberal Government Declaring that logisietion eiiected by the Ottawa government, which hets braught coarse grains under contrai ai the Wheat Board, has placed an it an "Impossible lob," the Financiel Post, Tarante, Canade's leading financiai jour- nal, in an oditarial. lune, 11, reviews this Lib- eral-Socielist state monapoly e. follows: "An impassible task is being banded over te the Canadien Wheat Baard. Aiten Aug. i it becames the sale marketing agency for coase grains (oets and herloy) as il bas been for wheat since early in the war. "In the face ai the graveit warnings from ail parts ai the country and, it ia believod; the wishes ai Whoat Board officiels themiselves. this mnovo bas been forced hy pressure ai the western wheat pools aperating thraugh the Canadien Faderation of Agriculture. "Among unbiaed observer. thero will h. iew indood who wauid pronounce the exporiment in atate marketing ai wheat an unqualified suc- ceas. Praducers bave been forced ta accept prices that have at times run 50% bobow the real market valua. Thora has been regimentatian thal the f aIbers of those praducers would nal have folerated for a singlie season. "But marketing ai wheat wiil b. child's play compered ta the markating ai coarse graina. Wheeb gaGs largely inte expert channal., the other mbt domestic. Wheat is largely growu by fermner, for consumptian by urban peoaple. Coarse grains me grown by fermner. and largely bougbt by i anars as iead for livestock. It'. not just a simple matter ai cestern feaders and western growors. Thora are feeders and grew- ors in every province. The Wbaat Board i. go- ing ta ho squarely in the middle ai clashing interests. No mattor whet price it nets lb cannot hope ta please bath sides. And being a public monopoly, poliical and sectional pressure in hound ta ho axercised againat it wibh costly con- sequances for the taxpayer." It's Your Duty to Vote This is e year when Canadiens exercise on. ai the grealest priviheges ai Domocracy - lb. righbta ovota. On lune 27th we have theoepporbunity te elect a new Mouse ai Cannions. The mon we choose wili ha aur constitutionai leaders in doniostic and foreigu pi feins. Great responsibil- ity will rost upan theni. But Ihir responsihilily is finît of ahi aur re- spansibiiity. beceuse we choose thon. Democracy in e form ai gavernment for fre. and upight people, wbo tae pride ix governing themselves, and who do govern thernselves. Let us nat dol aulb aur democratic rigbt and duty. As e layai citizen ai Ibis grand country, ib is yaun duty and rospansibllity Ia cat your vote an lune 27. Vote as you please, but vote. There's Opportunity Here lune graduatea, like lune brides, look for. ward ta liviug "heppihy even aller." But living involves earning in living, and this yeatr's crap af greduetes is told that job prospecta ixn any fields will ho less favorable thax ix any yeen since the war hegan. Over the next iew years thon. in expected ta ha an ovensupply in bhe fields ai engineering, law, accountixg, business administration, personnel work, and journalism,. But thon. isa ecantinuing and ecute under- supply ai teechens. The cenipaigu ta waken tbe public la the needs ai teechens and ai education in gexeral bas bed axe unfortunabe nesult. Ilbhubacered off new recruits from an alreedy depleted pra- f ession. Ih bas puhlicized the uxderpaymext ai teachers, and has obscued bbe nlcb rewards many teechenî-haeo ound througb working witlx to-marrow's cîtizens. It bas stressed the long bours thay muat put inta their work, and bas ignored th. long suxnmons ai ravel, study, or et leait e change ai pace tbrough summer jobs. Thons is need for a two-edged ccampaign (1) ta show the attractions ai eacbixg, emd (2) ta increase the attractians ai teachiug. -Christian Science Monitor Thora are dozans ai seiety rules for bath driving and swimming. W. ail kxow thon. Sa why nat use tbsm? "Corne Let Us -Reason Together" YOUR VOTE Il in o nly eleven day. from ta-day that votera of Durham County, ln cammen with votera ail over Canada, will mark their ballots et the polis. AmId th. din and clamar af the custam- ary canxpaiqn ballyhea there in one Biblical appeal thet seems v.ry ept: "Camne, lot us reeson tagether." "For whom shal1 vote?" - that i the question Durhami votera wili b.e slclng theni- selves in thase secred moments behind the curtain when the secret ballot of aur democrecy i. in their banda and the voter in King! Sa lot us reason together without personal- ilios, without rancor. Sa fuer as the editor ai The Statesman ia concerned, freedom of the pross and the pross tradition requires that ho counsel hi. readers editorielly, from the beat af ell the information et baud. Thon the voter cen cest his ballot exatly as b. pleanos. Sa, we roi lect, wbat are the major issues? The editar will loave aside for now the malter of forelgu affaira, af foreign trade, ai tho Atlantic Pact, af E.RP, convertibility af sterling, ai air- plane scandaIs and a lot ai other mystiiying thlngs - for just aue simple issue: HOW MUCH IS YOUR DOLLAR WORTH TODAY AND WHO IS"TO BLAME? If every housewif e in Bowmanvillo,, in Orono, ix Port Hope, in Newcastle - in Durham County - will. et thi moment look mbt her purs.; if the workman will look et his pay envelope; if the fermer will look et the dollars ho gets for his produce - right. this minute they will grasp the point. The housewif e, the warknxan, th. fermer - these people KNOW that a dollar will net buy what it used ta buy. *. 0 *. The cost ai living in Canada,. as the aifficial index annaunced lait week will show. i. 159.3 as against 100 lu the 1934-39 period. The buying power ai the dollar i. lois then 65 cents now, comnpcred wlth thon. And in the food-index alan., the figure stands et 202.1 against the base figure af 100 in 1934-39. In a nutshell, the dollar ai 1939 wiil now buy only 50 cents.worth ai faod. The housewif e gets lois food for ber dollar, end the fermer gets peid in dollar's warth le.. then 50 cents as campared with 1939. 0* * 0 The housewife's iood-dallar bas gone down ta a value ai bass than 48 cents.. Oh, ye., tbey'li tell yau, the war did it ail. Ilb didn't. The war did somes ai it - BUT THE CHIEF INCREASE IN FOOD PRICES. THE CHIEF BOOST IN THE COST 0F LIVING INDEX, MAS OCCÙRED SINCE THE WAR STOPPED, AND ONLY SINCE THEN. How do you liko that, Mr. and Mns. Voter? The chief ceuse? Why. ai course, poaco- lime governznent speuding upon the war-time THE POLITIcAL SCENE AS THE EDITOR VIEWS IT The political scene s0 far pro- scnted in this column has deait broadly with the national picture in the prosent electian camnpaign. In every case brought forward tho facts disclosed have been docu- mented with page reforences fraxn Hansard, quatations fram legisiation carried by the present Ottawa regime, statemonts froax official evidence, al cf which have heen assembled ta give the electorate an authentic and un- challengeable view of the tacts. Space Declined At the same time, space bas been provided for the Durham County Liberal Association and the COF party, fully ta present their views. In the case of the former, the local political scene has been changed the past woek.1 Readers of The Statesman lasti week no doubt wondered at thc absence of the usual calumn spon- sored by -the Durham Caunty - AND YOUR DOLLAR scale and mare! Gaverument extravagance wlbb the taxpeyer'a mouey. Instead ai cuttiug down bureaucracy and govornmonb apending once the war ended, the Liberai gavernmeuî kepb an ils reckl en way, spending bigh, wide and band- same, and that oxormaualy swollen limt ai gev- arumout joh-hoidons sa nocesaary ta bandie the war, la carried farever on the hack ai the tex. payer and keepa righb on grawing. Tbey'll talk bousinq - thxe mail cans»picuous and miserable feilure ai aIl the failures af the Liberal gaverrumoul. They'll talk pie-in-the-.ky- social-security, gliîbering imaginary beelth pro- grams; thoy'li talk about anybhiug except whab tbey've doue ta your dollar!!!1 Tbey may try ta teih yau de-contraI did ib ahi; wha wa. ix office - wbore waî the respansibiliby for de- controlling ix sucb, disestreus fashion? 0 0 0 0 They cut off a minor portion ai your incame tex wbere you cen seo it - a pitauce; - but bhey keep up that 8 per cent sales tex that evex the Toronto Star couldn't stomach whan the Abbott budget came down - a hidden tex that pyramida until lb becames equal ta 30 cents edded ta avery dollar ai th. price yau are cberg- ed on every praceîaed article you huy. 0 * 0 * Wbo's heen in office while your food-dollar has been cut ix bwo? Who's held office whilo the situation ha. heen brought abaut thet the good hundred-cent dollar yau bought your Vic- tory Bonds with, cen onhy ha peid back ta you in 50-cent ta 65-cent dollars? The Liherals - the "Liberal" Government! ! Tbay've beau ix power ahi this lime. Fourteex yeers is mare then enough ai it. It's the sanie old gavernment now - with enother leader. The same aid body with a new face. The Progressive Conservativos undortake ta meke e direct effort ta hring the huying power ai your dollars hack ageix as fer as possible. To make your dollars buy more. The war is NOT rasponsibie for the main increcase i h coat ai living - nat the sale source ai your lower-value-dollers. The anly hope and promise ai reliai is in the Progressive Canservative Party. They promise ta end gavernment extravagance - ta send the bureaucrats home. Thet seema ta the editor ta o erely the main issue simpllfied. Axyhody wha takes bis or han dollar ta a store ta huy something cen understend it. Down ta brass tecks now: Under which perby bas your dollar siumped until you cennot save e nickel ai your income? a* 0 a The Liherals. Away with theni! Durham voter. cen do their part hy vating for Charlie Stephenson. Prime Minister, Mr. St. Laurent. There ought te be a Law.. More Evidexce Well, once again, we assemble another array e1 evidence, which may ho checked by any doubters, te show how Mr. St. Laurent and his Quebcc henclimen are con- ducting their present campaign ln the Province of Quebec. Speak- ing at a Liberal rally in Terre- bonne, Lionel Bertrand, a St. Lau- rent disciple, said, according ta authentic press reports very wide- ]y circuiated: "You have ta choose between Mr. St. Laurent, a French Canadian and Catholic, or Col. Drew, a Protestant and a Free- mason." Protestant and Mason Mon. Alphonse Fournier, Cab- inet Coileague et Mr. St. Laureît, speaking in Plantagenet, Ont., MaY 27, 1949, also reported in authentic press releases, said: "The chiot et government is a French Canadian and it is the tirst duty of bis cempatniots ta firmly sup- port bum. Anmand Flamand, broadcaster aver station CKAC aimost daily, 7:15 - 7:30, bas tald and repeated: "Drew is a Protest- ant and a Freemason." Prime Minister Speaka Official Liberal literature cir- culated in Laval and Yamaska, Queboc, trumpets: "'Five 'English' provinces have Catholic M.P.'s of the French language in the House et Commans and ahi are Liberals." But it was lett ta the Prime Min- ister hiniscîf, the Han. Louis Ste- phen St. Laurent, ta place hîs own caption on this sort of paliticai campaigning in his native pro- vince. The aged paragan of pal- itical virtue said: "*My Compatriots", "IJf My campatriots in Quebec ot My language and religion, want anc et their own ta continue as Prime Minister of Canada, let themn unite with the majority et their compatriots across the coun- try and contnibute ta a Liberal victory." This passage was re- ported as et May 23, 1949, in the French language paper, Le Can- ada. These things did nlot pass without protest even in the pro- vince of Quebec. Tacties Scorned Gea. M. Heon, a French Canad- ian Catholîc and member of the House of Commons fer years past for Laval-Two Mountains, scern- ed the kind et "compatniots" pro- sent]y engaged in the campaîgn above described: "I deplore this brand et disunity, dishonesty and disharmony with ahil is appeai te -ace and religion." As nobed a- bave, this cehumn challenges any- one te check the records as quated. Statesman's Stand No matter wbat party, Liberal, Conservative or CCF mnay sec fit to intrude this sert ef stuff ixto a palitical campaign or any ather campaign, The Statesman will cendemn each er any ofthtem without reservatien. Since the malter was brought up ini a local village paper now wholly sup- porting the Durham County Lib. Liberal Association. At the hast moment the space was declined although the usual space was ne- served for them. New Soap Box We have since found froc copies et a Newcastle weekly distributed in Bowmanvillo carrying a double spread with the tamiliar writing foatured for weoks past in The Statesman, under the heading. "The Coming Ehection." This wheel-barrow stand in the rxeigb- boring village, bnings The States- man into ils language, re-itorates ils author's tamiliar phrase "dirty pelitics" and speaks of "low de- grading advertising." Anotixer Compiaint The main theme of the column1 in the village papor is a com-i plaining attempt te showv that the; Progressive Conservativo Party isi using untair tactics in Quebec te gain a foothold in thîs traditionai Lîberai stronghold hehd for so many years by the very tactics complained et. It simply isn't fair, accerding te the Durham Ceunty apolegists for the present it Sure Is Tim.e For A Change eral campaigu, the above has beex published te keep the record straight. Drew's Detractors We daubt if George Drew wili be much disturbed at beiug heid up ta attemnpted ridicule ln beixg classed as a Protestant and s Free- mason. On the other hand, it is likely he will be generaus eneugh ta avellook the calculated at- tempts 6f brother Masons ta imear bis character and distant bis fine miiitary and political carcer dur- ing the heat ot a peliticai cani- paign. That sort of thing is net politics, nor honesty nor decency.. .Truth Ibemanded Now in view of the fact that The Statesman has been accused of "dirty palitics" many people, in. cludmng real old-time Liberals, have urged this column ta reply in a way ta brixg eut the truth, the facts, the background, in the local political scene and show up the hallowness ef this gratuitous and campletely unfounded charge. As a matter of decency and justice it may be well te state the case. The Romans used shorthand as early as 63 B.C. Tomorrow What is important to you is the qualifications your executor wvîll have %when your cstate re- quires his services rather than the qualifications he may have today. As a permanent organiza- tion, The Toronto General Trusts is not subject to those chances and changes which affect individuals. While there are many circumstances which might prevent a personal executor fromn acting, particularly as he gets older, you can rely on the immediate availability and efli- ciency of the services of this trdIst company. We invite your inquiries. T HE TORONTO GNRLTUT CORPORATION Head Office: 253 Bay Street, Toronto a A DM INI STER ING ÀASS ET S 0 F *$3000o,000 PUBLIC MEETING. Progressive Conservative Association Meeting Town Hall, Ilackstock Thursday, lune 23rd at 8 P.M. SPEAKERS:- CHARLES STEPHENSON, M.P., DURBAN COUNTY JOHN W. FOOTE, V.C., IL.A. DURHAM COUNTY COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND ENJOY A SOCIAL EVENING GOD SAVE THE KING WANTED Imm.diatoly Y~OUNG WOMEN 16 te I1 Tears For Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry Picking Accommodation ln Paaue Service Force Camps Supervised by Y.W.C.A. Good Meals -Gool lay Good Fun For Reeitration Forme apply te:- Rigli School Principal Nearest Employment Office or Ontario Farm Service Fere 9 Richmond Street East Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices: Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committe x "p oef the MeWest Brantford Rooflng Products "I seli a lot of Brantford Sealed-In Siding. Its insulation board is compleiely sealed in moisture- proof asphalt. .. 100% effective in any weather. Faced to resemble wire- cut brick-or atone block. Resists fire. Requires no painxting. Cuts down fuel bis. Inexpensive, too!" Ask for "Brantford" Asphalc Shingiese.*Rol Roofings e Building Papers - Roof Coatingi sAsphair Mastic Floor- Ing ', Waterproofing Matetiala e Built-upmo, Th. Sheppard & Gll Lumber Co. LtdL AND Adams Lumber Company THURSDAY, XNE I@th, l"D PAGE TWO . i i Tffl CANADMW STATUMAN, nowbL&NVMLLP, ONTARIO

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