Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1949, p. 5

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I! A %AW~~UD W i..A - ~lA ~~ NW4M 4U U W IAfL~V ILAU, VJNA MUfJJ~~EFY *Mi. and Mis. Wm. Grady and muso, Sarnia, visited with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L Good. Miss Brown, Toronto, visited with her aunt, Mns. T. Brown. Mis. W. Braby, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister Mns. C. Duncan. Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Bob Morten <(nec Lois Turner) on the birth of their son. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Barlow and faxily, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. H. Barlow. Miss Canol Staples, R.N., Ton- onto, visited ber parents and at- tended the Cooper-Tennant wed- ding on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooper (nee Joyce Tennant)i on their mariage which took place Saturday afternoon in Park St. Chunch. Mn. J. Mason spent the weekend FOR SALE BYs PHONE 556 with Mis. Jas. Dickson. Miss Shirley Porter, R. N., Osh- awa, was home on Saturday and attended the Cooper -Tennant wedding. Rev. A. E. Eustace gave an in- teresting and encouraging report of the confenence held at Picton to the congregation of Park St. Church Sunday morning. He said he had received a great deal of inspiration from the fine ad- dresses heard, and spoke veny feelingly about the ordination service on Wednesday evening when 6 young men were ordained. Miss Jean Rainey took the alto solo in the anthem "Spirit Di- vine" song by the choir Sunday morning. The people of this district will greatly miss the cheerful voice of Jim Hunten saying "Good Evening, Everybody" over the air, at 6:40 e ie JW. Jewell "BIG 20" 2-7 KING ST.W toourv. (jradRT l t i,m& Elom, Cowtuw On.f o Toland PubJcüU A4 94"~toc474"Ci THROUGH GRAND RIVER VAL.LEY Yer the sight-seing tourlati mugnificent scenery and hiutori- mal landmarks abound in the loveiy Grand River Valey-stretching 165 miles fram Port Maitiand, on Lae.Erie, through Brantfordi Kitchener, and Galt, ta Mt. Forest. Vst the historie reserveof ithe. Six Nations Idaa. .. the it-tle Church of the Mohawk ... the tomb of Joseph Brant, famous In Ontario we have a bofda>' paradise . .. let's do ail w. a taecaoourage visitors £roma across thc border. Published in support of the tourist busi- 4 ness by John Lahatt Lùmited. Indian chief. Ses the homo of Alexandor Graham Bell, where the telephone was invetd. . . the rnhgnificent Bell monument at Brantford. Travel through the scanic Grand River Gien at Elora a. long the. historie water route of the Six Nations. For informa- tion on accommodation and routes. write the Bord af Trade at Kit- chee, Brantford orGait, Ontarlo LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKI The Orono News M&sI. L j.àa KENDAL Mr. Geo. Clarke down fron' Toronto to spend the week-end with Mrs. Clarke at their suminer home. Mrs. Neva Little visiting Mrs. Cocul Glass, Sunday. Miss Grace Mehcen spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Vance Allen, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Tattersal, Mrs. Mullen and Arlene, Oshawa. vis- iting Mn. and Mis. Henry Hoy, Thursday. Mn. Jas. Kenny, Port Hope, vi- sited friends in Kendal, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Alec Hoy and sons spent Sunday with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Henry Hoy. Mn. and Mns. Stevens and Les- lie, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Al. Stevens, Sunday. Messrs. Jos. Martinell and Ive Little spent the week-end fishing at Diamond Lake nean Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. N. Therteli, Mn. and Mis. N. Elgear and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woodcock at their sum- mer home for the week-end Kendal Public School pupils played a softball game at Clarke Union Friday afternoon agaînst a Clarke Union-Leskard team. and won by a lange score, 52-8. Kendal hball team played several softball games this past week. Newtonvillc again managed ta came fnom behind in the last inning and to win by a score of 10-9 at Newtonville. Crooked Creck team were the losers here Monday by a large score. Kendal hard hall team played the Flyers of Port Hope last Mon- day evening in Port Hope. At the 5th inriing Kendal led by a score of 21-4. However the gaine was called on account of darkness,j and, as Kendal team had flot been on the field ready to start sharp at 6:45, Part Hope claimed the onme the gamertunday wen te gamheae. ucaiterest is en te return game Is being played. SOLINA Congratulations ta Mn. Gardon Pascae on passing his 3rd year in Mechanical Engineering at Uni- versity et Toronto. Visitors. Miss Mabel Harris, IVthittby; Mrs. Frank Vernont Glendakl, Calif.; Mn. and Mis. R. Hontop, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. William McGowan, Toronto; at Harvey Harris'. Mn. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson and Gary, Cadmus; Mr. W. B. Ferguson, Hespeler; at Bruce Montgomeny's. Mn. Charles Johnson and Philip, Peterbono; Miss Irene Bnagg, Ton- onto; at Jack Baker's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Culling, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Carl Pot- ten and Harny, Miss Annie Patter, Toronto; Mn. and Mis. Harold Pat- ter and family, Hampton, at Alex Potter's. Mi. and Mis. Allan W. Balson, Judy, Peter and David, Catanaqul; Canolyn Balson, Bowmanville; at A. J. Ba]son's. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis at- tended the graduation exercises at Woodstock hospital, when Ralph's cousin, Miss Barbara Black, graduated. Sunday School will be held Sun- day at 10 a.m., with church ser- vice at 11 a.m. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Bill, Malvern; Mr. and Mis. Art Moore, Ronnie and Canal, Whit- by; Mn. and Mis. Bill Stephens and Linda, Mrs. Edith Marlow, Lillian and George, Bowmanville; at Frank Westlake's. Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and Phylis Ann and Joan accompanled Mms. Manlow and childnen to visit friends at Nestleton. STARK VILLE Miss Iva Williams, Toronto, vi- sited ber sister Mrs. Fred Todd. Mn. and Mrs. l'red Todd and Rass and Miss Iva Williams vis- ited their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mis. George Joblun, Valentia. A fine congregation at Shiloh Sunday morning and Rev, Bunt preached a fine sermon. Mi. and Mrs. R. Cnaig, Mrs. Cunran, Miss H. White, Toronto, called on Mrs. Richard Hallowell, Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. John Stark upon bis marriage recently. Mr. Stark was a resident ber. for many years. Mn. J. Hallowdll spent the weekerxd wlth bis brother W. A. IlIowelI, Newtanville. Mr. and Mis. Dan Shutka, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mis. M. Shut- ka. Mis. George Kimble, Newton- ville, with Mns. R. Boughen. Mrs. LIew Hallowell visited ber mothen Mrs. T. Falls, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Ororno, with Mr. and Mis. Victar Farrow. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Todd with, Wedding of Newcastle Interest MR. AND MRS. WIELLIAM SPENCER GORDON who were married in Newcastle recently. The bride is the former Shirley Eileen Brunt, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brunt of Newcastle, and the bridegroom ia the son of Mr. John Gordon of Newtonville and the late Mrs. Gardon. Courtesy Oshawa Tuimes-Gazette Mn. and Mis. Don Stapleton, New- tonville. Mrs. Lycett, Onono, vlsited Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mrs. Sid Hallowell and family visitod Mn. and Mrs. Rusk, Port Hope. Mrs. Hoskin, Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Glass, Kendal, and Mrs. J. Jack- son visited Mr. and Mis. Lamne Paedon. Miss Colleen Falls, Toronto, vis- ited Miss Mary Hallowell. WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at 10:30 with an attendance o! 27. Mrn Edgar Barrowclough taught the Bible Class. Chu rch followed with Dr. Oke preaching an "Why Should I be Affocted by Jesus Christ". Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maynand and famîly, Toronto, spent Sunday atornoon with Mr. and Mis. Roy Nicholls Miss Dora Anderson neturned to ber home in Westmeath for the holiday weekend. Mn. and Mrs. To>ppin matored ta Fenelon Falls to visit fniends aven the weekend. Among Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Snell were Mr. and Ms. -Ken Lanigrnan and WANTED Immediaiely YOUNG WOMEN 16 to,21 ears For (tntxy, ILMwbcrry, Raspberry Picklng Accommodation la Farm Service Force Camps Supervised by Y.W.C.A. Good Meals - Good Pay Good Fun For Registration Forma apply to:- High School Principal Nearest Employment Office or Ontario Par: S ervice Force 9 Richmond Street Est Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices: Dominion Provincial Faam Labour Committe. 'j v WANTED CHICKENS FOWL EGG CS CAL VES L ÀMDBS EH0GCs (Ail Hogs graded, by Gov't. Grader accordlng to regulations) GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU MARKET THESE PRODUCTS LARD 20-lb. Paul $3.30 Pickering Farms - IMRTED - Phone 336 Nlght or Day Vhltby outailo family, Toronto, Mns. George Diii- ner and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinnen and family. Mn. Gardon Elliott, Port Hope, had Sunday tea with Murray Payne. Miss Hala Holdaway, Toronto, spent the weekend with hon mo- ther Mrs. L. Holdaway. Miss Helen Barrowclough, Lakepont, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough. Mrs. Wilired Bee spent Friday and Saturday in Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. Hill and Laurel, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Archie Ford. Mr. and Mrs. George Tufford visited Mn. Jim Boughen in Port Hope on Sunday. Mrs. C. Payne and Ruth spent Sunday afternoon wlth Mr, and Mis. Arnold Thonndyke. 0 Mrs. E. H. Cale visited Mn. and eMrs. A. E. Billett, Spningford Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, Toron- 1ta, visited ber sister, Mis. C. E. sHorn on Thursday. Mn. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, at Jae àChapman's. SMn. and Mrs. W. Cunningham 1and Hazel, Cameron, visited ber sister Mis. Harland TruIl. Llayd Kensey, Mn. and Mrs. Ted Kersey, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Reg Kensey and Ronnie, Ajax, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mclnstry, Mr. Mcl McCune, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ash- ton and Claie, Enniskillen, at S. jKersey's. iMn. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Springfond, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox and Mrs. E. H-. Cale. Mn. and Mrs Bloyd Wilcox, Ca- bourg, spent the weekend with their parents. Miss Phyllis Niddery, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Hervie and family, Cameron, with Mn. and Mis. Harland Trull. Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Nash and Mr. and Mrs. John Nash, Detroit, Mich., woro guests of Mn. and Mrs. Wili Chapman and attended the 40th wedding anniversary celebra. tian o! Mn. and Mrs. Chapman at the home of ber brother Mn. and Mrs. Tom Gibbs, Tynone. Congratulations ta Mrs. King- ston wbo recently celebnated ber 89th binthday at the home of ber daughter Mis. Chas. Daw. Rela- tives present on this occasion in- cluded ber nephew, H. S. Muzzy, Worchester, Mass., Mn. and Mns. W. Harper, Misses Ruth and Mary Lau Daw, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Fred Daw, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Daw, Bowmanville. Congratulations ta, Gwendolyn Caverley, daughten or Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverloy on ber mar- niage on May 21 at Vancouver, B. C., ta Winston Bnadley Sarvis, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ewart Sarvis o! Sumas, Washington. Rev. E. S. Linstead attended Conference at Picton last week. A numben from bore attended anniversany services at Salem and Zion on Sunday. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. W. Chapman who nocently celc bnated thein 4Oth wedding anni- versary. BROWN'S Several fnom bore attended the Post Nuptial Tea fon Mns. Bill Gordon (nee Shirley Brunt) at the home o! ber parents Mr. and Mns. W. Brunt on Satunday after- naon and evening. Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Elmen Green (nee Doreen Cas- well) on the arnival of their son Garny Lane in Bowmanville Hospital. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. J. Curson and Jimmie wene: Mr. and Mis. C. Stafford, Miss B. Lundy, Mn. Wm. Kelly and Mn. and Mns. J. Hartwlck and Dianine, Toronto. Busy Bees met at Mrs. J. Cur- son's witb ton members present. Nexrt meeting at Mis. T. Clanke's ,)n July 6. Several froin home attended the bail game between the Sna Monning Class and Durham AIl Stars In Bowmanville. Mis. J. Hillien and Mrs. Geo St*Phenao attmnded the Gradlua each .vening, Wé deeply regret hic sudden passing. He will b. grcatlY missed in the rural dis- tricts. Misses Hilda Braby, Ethel Wy- lic and Marion McCallum, Tor- onto, visitod with Mi. and Mis. C. Duncan. Mr. and PIrs. M. H. $taples, and Miss Stella Penfound attend- ed Convocation at Toronto Uni- versity on Thursday whcn Anna neceived her B.A. Degre.. Con- gratulations. Mn. and Mrs. Rau Hall and family, Mrs. N. Hall and her fa- ther, Mi. Williams lef t Orono to keep a tourist home "The House That Jack Built" on the highway near Oshawa. The W. M. S. held their June meeting on Tuesday attennoon, with a good attendance. Miss M. Davy, the President bad charge of the devotional, Mrs. H. Rowe's group had charge of the program and at the close of the meeting served a delicious lunch. Mrs. Clarana Duncan leaves this week for Cornwall to attend the wedding of ber neice. She will also visit ber son John's ýamily at Ottawa. Many people are often displeas- ed with a portrait because they are used ta seeing their faces in the mirror, which reverses the bain parting and other unsymmiet- rîcal featunes. Good Report-Oui neputations are something o! a min-or. It is worthwhile to wash the face and comb the bain. I7h1ndd~s rr~t rmnler !Atthe polis on lune 27 the voter must ask himsecf, ahead of anything else, who should be head of the government. In Louis St. Laurent, Canada has found a great national leader. That he had high abilities of the min'd was proved by his career in law. That he had wisdom in cabinet, unique gifts In parliamentar debate and a quick grasp of large affairs became dlean as sooiý 'lhe entered the Govennment. In International affaira, as one of the origi- nal advocates of the Atlantic Pact, ho made himself a world figure who spoko out as ne Canadian before him, in the councils of the nations. He also revealed an unaerstanding of ordinary people, because h. is j e C f - 'e, LOUIS ST. LAURENT, Prime Minuster of Canada one of them. This warm and1 essentialIy simple human being is the real St. Laurent, the pnoduct of the smali town, of humble beginnings, liard work, a big- family and the friendliness of country neiglibors. In hlood, language and instinct hd combines the qualities of two great To the voter it is equally important that St. Laurent is the leader of a truly national party, with proved strengtli fnom coast to coast, the only party whicli can hope to form a stable government after the election. His character, hif ability and his achievements have mado him the leader of ail the. Canadiau Peopl* VOTE LIBERAL!I INSERTED Dy NATIONAL UBERAI. ComMlTi THAT SOON WRECK THE SURFACE 0F A "BOARGAIN" PAINT1 frst place-andj tioa Ezreicli ut Mcmaiter uni- Molfatt, Dundas. Miss Moffatt won the Openating Room Tech- nique Scholarship as did her sis- ter last year at the saine bospital. Miss Moffatt iz the granddaughter of Mr. and Mis. J. Hillier. Miss Peggy Stephenson visited ini Shannonville and Belleville on Sunday, and while in Shannon- ville, was talking to a junior mem- ber of thein hard bail team, and she found that Trenton Sixardees who played Newcastle and won wcre beaten by the Shannonville Juniors. As far as she can see Newcastle should smanten Up. Schools Field Day 0f Cartwright Arena Held at Blackstock The Public sehools in the Cart- wright area beld their annual field day of sports on Friday ai- ternoon in the Fain Grounds at Blackstock. The weathen was ideal for such an event which was langely attended by pupils, par- ents and friends. The variaus events were keenly contested with these results: Champion---Girl--Joyce Coch- rane; Boy-Ralph Vine. Senior Boys-lst, Keith Van- Cemp, 2nd, Allen Larmen, 3rd, Allen Jackson, John Lawrence and Harvey Johnston, tic. Senior Girls-lst, Vera Harris, 2nd, Doreen Cochrane, 3rd, Aenne van don Heul, Shirley Hamilton, (tic). Intermediate Boys-lst, Blle Weston, 2nd, Doug Davison, 3rd, Allan Werry. Intermediate Girls-lst, Joan Venning, 2nd, Vonnie Grieve, 3rd, Shirley Ellis. Junior Boys-lst, James Trem- blay, 2nd, Russel Oliver,Srd, Jim- my Gnieve. Junior Gils-lst, Lynn Reid, 2nd, Shirley Hicks, 3rd, Joyce Hooey. Midget Boys-lst, Ralph Vine, 2nd, Jimmie Shephard, 3rd, Ardis McArthur. Midget Girls-Tht, Joyce Coch- rane, 2nd, Margaret Davison, 3rd, Margaret Ellis.1 *WEDDING BEACOCK-SANDERSON A pnetty wcdding took place at the home of Mi. and Mis, S. Sandenson, Nestleton, on Satur- day, June 4, when thein daughter, Evelyn Florence, became the bride of John Davis Beacock, second son of Mn. and Mrs. W. Beacock, Nestlcton. The manriage was solemnized by Rey. W. H. V. Walken, Stirling, and Mn,. Lorne Thompson played the wedding music. During the signing of the negisten, Mn. M. P. Fallis san "I'l Walk Beside You." Given in marriage by ber fathen, the bride was lovely in a gown of romance blue crepe with lace bodice and peplum. She wone matching lace mittens and her corsage was of Rapture roses and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Norma Hooey, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and worc a frock of camea pink crepe with tucked accents and elbow-length mittens. Her corsage was of blue carna- tions. The groamsman was the groom's brother, Mr. Lloyd Boa- cock, and ring bearer was Donald E.elving the guests were mms S. Sanderson gowned la blac crepe with touches of pnk and corsage of pink carnations; and Mns. W. Beacock, wearing grey floral crepe with a corsage of pink carnations. Following the reception, .the bride and groom left on a motor trip, the bride wearlng a green gabardine suit with black aceess- ories. On their return, Mr. and Mns. Beacock will reside at Nestieton. The Sftesman Sold Ai Following Store: Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastl, D. G. Walton's, Newcastle Wilson & Brown, Newtonville T. M. Siemon, Enn-iskllleu F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H-. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyrrel, Orono0 W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Lovefl J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry ani 1 n d Beacock, nephew of the groom. The Statesman Office. races. TIM CAVA"TAW WrAqqmwAw PA4%W"Avvwvv ràwmaimm -%, q1m.à àý 1

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