Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1949, p. 16

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i-t, .t.,~ * .'. ]RAM. s!XTEU< TM ,CAIUDnAN 3?AT1*MÀP1, 5DWMA±Ç VI.LE, WTAft!O 1'RURBAY, J1Jq* 1M. 1lm ierr TRADE 1- Iw ý. m BIRTH IIMNERSON - At Bowmanville SOSPital on June 5, 1949, to Mr. àîid Mrs. James Sanderson, a daugbter, Janene Louise. 23-1* *ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Mariow of Nestieton, announce the en- gagement of their eider daughter, .V!ad line Eliza to Clarence James Ferrer, sonl of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ferrier of Perth. The wedding wili take place Juiy 2nd *t Nestieton. 23-1* 4, The engagement is announced of Myrtle May, daughter of Mr. -James I4ny and the late Mms. Hoy, «Kendal, to Mr. Johnny Sarchuk, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamés Sarchuk of Wakaw, Sask- etcbewan. The mariage wii itake place the early part of July. 23-1* -Former -Mayor and Mms. .D. Rabbins, Toronto, annýounce the #ngagement of their daughter, Jean Annette Robbins to Mr. Floyd E. Pethick, son - f Mr. and IMrs. Sheldon Pethick, Enniskii- len. The wedding to take place ýit 7:30 p.m. on June l8th in St. -Paul's Anglican Church, Bloor St., 'Toronto. 23-i CARDS 0F THANKS Mr. E. Joint wisbes ta express .iis thanks to the Supeintendent *nd nurses of Bowmanville Hos- bitai; Dr. H. Rundie. also Dr. Bird. Sf Oshawa; and ail the fiends Who called during his iliness and a special thanks to the Goodyear enipioyees. 23-1* Miss Grace Smith wishes to thank al] her friends for their cards and many sets of kîndness during ber stay in the hospital following a motor accident; with special tbanks to Dr. W. H. Birks and Dr. H. Ferguson. 23-1* Mrs. George Clarke, Newton- ville, wishes to express hem sin- eere thanks ta friends, neigbbors ànd relatives; also Drs. Hamilton and Houson and staff of Port hiope hospital for cards, fiowers, fruit and many acts of kindness shown her durîng her recent accident. 23-i1 -Mrs. Ken Nicerson wishes. to express sincere thanks to the 8 u perintandent, nurses and staff éf Bowmanville Hospital; Dr. Bird, Oshawa: Drs. V. H. Storey and C. J. Austin: special nurses, Mrs. Uurrsy Grant and Mrs. Tom Çowsn; also thanks to neighbours and friends for the many cards, * fts and fiowers received during rrecent ilînesg. 23 -1* ?Mrs. Howard Stevens, Enniskil- len. wishesi to express ber thanks to tbe Supeintendant and nurses 0f Bowmanvillc Hospital who were so kind, and to al those Vho sent cards and flowers, and 1many acts of kindness during barý çtay in hospital, and also since retumning to hem home, with apeciai thanks to Dr. H. Ferguson, Bawmanville, and Dr. W. G. Mc- Kay, Osbawa. 23-1* Mm. Chris. Barchard wisbes to j x ress bis sinceme thanks to the ~uperilntendent and staff of Bow- manvl le Hospital; the staff of the James Publishing Co.; Independ- ént Order of Oddfallows of Bow- mhanville and Orono especially: UJnited Chumch of Newcastle; aiso many friends who so kindly e- memberad hlm with flowers, fruit. cards and many sets of kindness during bis recant stay in hosia *ith speciai thanks ta Dm.A.F Mackenzie and Dr. H. B. Rundie. 23-f IN MEMORIAM ALLIN-In loving memory of a dean wif e and mother, Jfttrife Allin, Who passad awey June Tt, 1P42: If I had ail the world ta give, I'd give it, yas and more, ?o hear her vo'ice and sec ber smîle, And great ber at my door, but aIl I can do, dear mother, Is go and tend youn grave, And leave behind tokens of love To the hast mother God ever niade. 1 like ta think whan life is done, 1 Wberever heavan may he. 10int she'Ill hastanding et the 1e dont- c. Up there ta walcome me. ..,Sdly mitsed hy hushand and dtughters. 23-1 HOBBS-ln ioving memory of Dad, Fredrick Thomas Hohbs, Who pMssa away March 7th. 1946, and AMother, Elsia Mey Hobbs. Who p4sscd away Juna 9th,,1946: -,Always reniemberad and ssdly rwased. son Tom, daughter-in-iaw I Iae and grandson Ricky. 23.1* SHERWIN--In -memory of s loy- 1ang father. Walter R. Sherwin, who departed from thia 1f e Nov. lth, 1942: sister Mary, Aug. 15, 139, and mather. Jane 13, 1944:' T'ere is e link death cannot q ever, 4va and nemembrence Isat foever. -Ever remembral hy Florence and Lauria. 23-1* NiRENN-In pnoud and loving reayO! mnY two dean sons, Aftxander who went away with teIseTt Contingent and was killed 0 YVileheke an theIlitb cf Jane, 1916: aise Of mY oldest son, Henry Wi'ann, Sergeant in the 3d anchester Regt., ha was XPmied and bad ana daughter,, -:SadlI' mouned hy bis sistars end mathen. Mrs. A. E. Wrenn. COMING EVENTS 1 Dance in Tyrane Hall, Satur. .day, June llth. Ruth Wilson Vtr. i ety Band. Admission 50c. 23-1 St. John's Annual Garden Party ta be beid an the church latwn, Saturday, Juna I8thb'at '3 p.m. Dance and carda t o*- Schooi, Friday, - Aie lth. Atl;. mission 25c. 23-1 Reserva Tuesday, June 14tb for the Hampton W.M.S: tesat. the home of Miss L. Reynolda fImi 3 ta 6 o'clock. Tea 35c. 23-1 Day from Hampton "Sha's My Disy" at Enniskillen shed June ,jS1th,8:0 Admission '35c, 15c.' Dancing at the Avalon, Oshawa avery Thursday, Friday and Sat-' urday nights. Qood *music tand exceptionally good dance floor.; 23-1* Dance at Cacsareaa Pavillon aon Friday night. June lth, featuring AI Stack and hii orchestra. Round and squame dancing. Ad- mission: ladies, 25c; gentlemen, 50c. 23-1 Young people plan ta attend the Young Progressive Conservative Weinam Roast and Dance at, the West Sida Beach on Tuesday, June l4th. Transportation leavea the Balmoral Hotel st 8 p.m. Ad- mission 25e. 23-1 The Salins Mamried People's picnic wiii be held at Lskéview Park, Oshawa, on Thurs., June 16. Supper served at 6 p.m. Bring yeum own cups and silverwarè. Kindly cansider this your in#ita- tien ta came and join the-fun. 23-1 Tyrone Park Annual-Field Day on Saturday, June llth, cammene- ing at 3 p.m. childran's sparts and basebail game,: Salem girls vs. Maple Grave girls; 4:30 Jun- ior Football game, Salins vs. Ty- one; 5:00 Supper served; 7:30 Senior Football gaine. Dance.and i draw for lucky prizes et nîght in the Community Hall. 23-1 June 3th-Keepthis date open for - the Newcastle Lions Club Camnival and Street Dance. Coma ta the sinall town for a big town night of fun and entartaininent. New and aid gainas. Bigger and Better Binga. Tug-of-War Coin- petitian. Round and, Square Street Dances. Something for everyone. Start your holiday weekend on a high note with s visit ta New- castle. 22-3 Enfield Anniversary Services Sunday, Juné l2th. Services, in the afternoon at 2:30 with Rev. S. Henderson, BawmarIville, as speaker. Evening service at 7:30 with Rev. C. W. Smith, Port Perry, as speaker. Music by the gchgol assistcd in~ the eveýnipg hby rlefnn Aluin, saioist,.Newcsstle. Tuiadjiy evening at 8:30 the N-ewéiatle 1.k will presept their play "I4ughifàg Irish Eyes" with mnusic botween- acts. Admission: Aduits, 40c; Children 20c. 23-1 Ebenezar Sunday Sçhoal Anni- varsary Services wili he held oni Sunday, June 12th at. 2 and 7:3 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev., W. R Tanton, St. Clair Ave. United. Chumch, Toronto. Special music by the school. On Monday, June l3th, commencing at 5 p.m.. 'till ail are sarved. An olde tyme country style suppar will ba ser- xied hy the ladies of the coýmmun- ity; followed in the evening.bya concert and a 3-act play "Smiling Irish Eyes" presented hy New- castle Y.P.U. Admission--Adults: Tes and Concert, $1.25; Tes Only, SI1.00; Concert Only, 35c. Children, 1.5 and uinder: Tes and Concert, 75c; Tes Only, 50c. 22-2* The Anniversary Services of the Maple Grove ,Sunday Sebool will be held on Sunday, June lGth at 2:30 and 7:30 pan. The Rev. W. F. Banister, B. Th., B.D., pastor of SimpsonAve. United, Churcb,. Toronto, wili ha the guest speak- er. Special singing in the aftcr- noon by the Sunday School and in the evening by. the choir, aî- sisted by Mm. Sam Castie, Peter- bora. st bath services. Offering in aid of the sehool funda. . On Monday evening,~ June 2th at 7 p.m. a girls' softball garne wiil be played, at 8:30 p .m. tbe Wornen's Instituta of Ma pie Grave willpie- sent their play entitled "Alwa'ys TelIl the Truth." Speciairmuisic betwaen sets. Admigsion: aduIts. 50c; children, 20C.. 23-2 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoo Repair Shop, King St. West.. 9-tfý REPAIRS ta aIl makes of refrig- eraters, domestie and <Ommercial. Higgan Electrie 42 lng St. IC., phone 438. 26-tf COMPLETE brake service brake dram iathing, grinding antl hon- ing. Brakemaster cylindePu and wheel cylinders honjd and l ~ish- Articles For Sale PLYMOUTH car, 1934, ini fair1 condition. Phone. 2485. 23-1 FORD coach, 1929, good rubb er. Phone 2069. 23-1* QUANTITY of potatoes,' cheap. Phone 2904. 23-1 1946 CHEV. 14 ton pickup .truck. Phone 2332. 23.1* 1YiIRO poles, 30-.ft. and-üp. Ap-c p1y Jphn McCullough, Pontypool,e Phone Bethany 8rII1., 22-2*1 1931, FORD coach, 4 good tires, reconiditioned motor, new top. Phone 0-làrke 2820. 23-1*. 19 fiat CLARINET, Boehm system, in excellent c ondition. Phone 608. 23-1 RANGETTE, gond- as new; tbree- bumnar coal, oi stove -with venl. Phone 961 Bowmanville. ý23.1* Mý7ASSEY-Harris 44 tractor. Mer- lin Suggitt, R.R. 2, Nestieton. 23-1* BARN, two tonies, 2618elx20'6", $500. Apply Mrs. Annis, 105 King st. E. 23-1* 1929' MODEL A Ford coach, in fair condition. Apply 57 Liberty St. S.- 23-1* 1933 CHEV. sedan, in good con- dition. Leroy Short, Wharf Road, Phone 2479. 23-1 UPRIGHT piano, Kingsbury'make gond condition. Apply 12 Jane St. 23-1 CORDW'OOD,' cut in - foot lengths, maple and beech; two cords to ioad, $16 per cord. Phone 2952. 10-tf NEW Model Beatty washar, now available, save $20, standard tub and wringer. Phone 408, Mason & Dale. 23-1 KITCH 19N cupboamd; basement or outside steps, "5 tread"; electrie grate for firepiace. Phone 818. 22-2* PRACTICALLY new Massey side rake and tedder, excellent condi- tion. Howard Forder, Blackstock. 23- 1 KITCI-IPN cabinet, spartment size, price $8.00; lady's suit, size 14, mulberry color, price $10.00. J. T. Martyn, 20 Division St. 23-I * PAIR of new roller skates, or will exebange for doli carniage or other similar toy. Phone 2854. 23-1 STO.V-5-burner coal oul stove with attacbed oven, almost n battery radio; guitar. Phone 2459. 23-i '32 ROCKNEY coach, in good condition, nice dlean car. E. D. 1Çnapp, Middle Road, Bowman- ville. 2. 1937 PLYMOUTH sedan, go coedition, $650.00 or trade for: 14 -ton pickup truclç. Phone 980 Tbursday nigbt.231 '29 CHEV. coupýe in fair running order, good rubber, no licence. FQT quick sale, $50.00 Enquire #tSRkckham's Garage, Hampton. 23-1 BRIGHTEN up for S pring! Can- ada's finest Venetian Blinds mca- xured and înstailed. Frac èsti- mates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone 48o. 8-tf WESTINGHOUSE eleetric range, 4 plates and good oven, suitable for home or cottage. A. C. Andar- son, 94 Queen St., Phone 2897. 23 -1i* ONE Case pick-up haler with j auxiliary motor, A-i condition; also John Deere tractor, in good condition.. F. %oMAllenl, Phone 594. 23-i GIRL'S bicycle, C.C.M., will sali for $30,or trada for' good boy 's bicycle; aisa medium size tricycle for salé. D. Grills, Courtice, Phone 2715. 23.1* ONE 1930 Dodge Deluxe Sedan, good tires;* and one 1936 Ford Coaeh, with good tires. Apply Bert Johnson, R.R. 2, Burketon, Phone 2290., 23-1 1942 BUICK Speeial, aIl acces- .sories, new motor, ail new white sidewall super 'ushion tires, spot- less insido and out. Apply Clifford Macklin, c/o Garnet Rickard or Phone 2813,,Bowmanville. 23-2* -BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets. In stock eady ta go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry. sier, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathed). Bob Stoeker's Garage, Bowvmanvillc. Phone 804. ý22-tf TRADPE-IN - Washers, $29.50 up, guaranteed; eleetric anges; ran- gettes, gasoline stavas,; coali ou staves, vacuum eleanerff and anc white enamel coal stove, with aheif. Murphy's, Phone 811. PLOOR Covcring! Congoleum run- nom, Congoleumn and Rlexoieumn, Deluxe in yard goods and rug sizes; misa iniaid linoleum with canvas back. Y. F. Morris. Ca., Phane 480 . 8-tf cd.Pamaus Ryhnd *rk NW -Westinghouse electric bonling, no rivets, Rayýestis1 ranges, $299, availahie, imrn'el- brake lîninga. Brakes shoes cx- j ste delivery; ana only Wetini. changes in stock rcady to, go. Boblbouse washing machina, paint Stacker'q Garage, Phono 804, j slightlyv scratchaI in shipping, reg. Bowsnanville. 22-tf,$ 154.50, to clear $125. Murpby's, - ___________Phono 811. 23-1' Personal BRICK building known as Prov- idence Church, locatad on corneri HYGENIC' Supplies ~ (ruber -of Iot 3, Concession 3, Darlington. goals) inaiied postpaid in plaih, Purchaser -ta remove building seail en velape with price liit.ifrorm property. For funthar par- Six sampla, 25c, 24 saniplesSIM. ticulars sec F. S. Blackburn, New- Mail Order Dept.- T-38, NovrRuItg- lc'astle. Ont. Sac.-Tras. of, Trustee ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Board or S. C. Allia, Phone 21)8ý 18-9 - Bowma.vikl. ont, 22-2 Aiticles 'Of Scle REAL' Car Value! 1936 Ford Coach, haiving a new motor snd clutcb installed recently; also new paint job and slip covers. May.be, seen at Alexandîer Motors from 9 to 6 or at Mll St. N., Orono. - E. L. Bowen. ' 31 ALL kinds, of meèat, good quaility, smoked bacon- and. hams, sausage and hambur.ger. Da iington Abst- toir, Hampton, Phoné 2836; also custom- kiliing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf ANTIQUES - wilnut sidaboard, four driwers; square dining-room table, walnut; kitchan table; six kitchen chairs; chest of drawcra; ice box; cupboard; cross-eut saw; dirt scraper;. ladder; wheeibaî-rôw; water pipes;. lawnmnower. Apply 103 Scugog St. 23-1 SHELL. Ou Co. now bave tanks, (250 gai.) and rotary pumps availabie for boan to farmers. Im- mediate delivery. No contract or daposit required. Meter on tank truck engurea accurata deliver-ed quantites. Phone 497 for inform- ation. -20-4* MUST'SELL--one Findlay Quebec hester; Empire cook stove, light grey enamel front. shaîf and watarfront, Acme' Quebec stove, with aven; enamnel top table: al in good condition. Phone Gordon Scott after 4:30 p.m. between Monday anhd Frid'ayat 2440. 23-1 NEW Case VAC tractor; tised Case D tràctor; uscd Case" C tractor; used M.-:H. 102 tractor; new Case 41/' one-way dise; new Case 2- dise plow for tractor; new hay- loader; new tractor manure spreader; 8' Ezeeflow fertilizer spreadem: Beatty Bros and De- Lavai Water Systems; usad 10" plate 'ginder; new offset dise harrow. W. H. Brown, Case DealZ er, 'Phone'497. 23-il BRADLEY Furniture Ca., 40 King St. W,, Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroomn suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfits, completp, $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colors; 3 PC. allover velour cbesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses. $24.95; tri-light lamps, compiete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chcsterfield suites, $119-00; 9 x 63 Axminster carpets, green or winfe oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.'95-1 table lamps, $6.75. Everything for tbe home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271. 6-tf For Rent THREE-roomed apartment. Write P.O. Box 459, Bownianvilie. 23.1* ROOM for ent. Apply Mrs. Glenn Campbell, 26 Flett St., Bowman- ville. 23-1* PASTURY. with ruiAninà watcr. PSpn*e*.2300, O. JT. Hertzberg, R. R. 4, Bowmnanville. 2311 COTTAGE at Sunset Vicw, Scia- gog Island near Port Perry from Juiy ?3rd ta August l3th. Phone 242&. 23-1 LAKE front furnished cottage, East Repch, seraened v'erandah, hydro, insida convenience, fire- place. A. H. Clemnens, 38 Con- cession St., Phone 2433. 23.1* MODERN 3-roomed apartmnent. newly deeorated, built-in eup- boards, tule floors, heat, water and laundry; $50 monthly. Apply Apartment 7, 63 King St. W., Bow- manville. 2371 Notices Dr. Storcy's office wilr ha closed June 27th ta August 7th inclusive. 23-8* Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will ha closed from June 9th ta June l9th, inclusive. 23-i WE DELIVER- Taxaco Gasoline Motor Oils and Greases to Raw- mgnville, Enniskillen, Tyrona, Orono and, Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocl<ar's Garage, Phono 88.4 or 864, Bbwmanvîlle. 22-tf Oshawa Furriera, Mrs. E. Pig- den,' proprietor, can supply- you with niew fur caats, factory. ta wearer; misa remnodeiling, rapair. ing and starage. il King St..,ýI Oshâwa, Phone 3148 or Bawman- ville 2890. 22-2* The Durham, County ,'Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association-will bol their-annuel meeting in thea auditorium of Bowmanviibe High Sehool, Tuesdayý evening, Juna l4th, at 8 pam. Address hy lead- ing- educationist Mr. Gardon Duf- fin, Toranto. . Entertaininent by Bowmanvilie talent. Ail aduits cordiall1y inïvited. 22-2 ISummer Resorta SILVER Birch Lodge - Cabinis, twin bcds, spring mattresses; large shady gro«unda. Enjoy a pe aceful vaeation. with excellent mreals. Write C. Christian, Bo*- manvilie or Phone 2625. 21-40 Work Wanted. TILE work wantcd, glazcd cbr ed wall tule, rubber or mastic floors. Phone 2902. 22-4 TRUCKS-Iettered and sign writ- ing. George T. Forsey, Phone 936. -23-i Custom Work TRACTOR Custom Work, pîough- frg, cultivàting_ and seedîng. P. S. Allen, Phone 59t.- 1641L Real, Estate For Sale LOT on Jane St. Apply 57 Lib- erty St. S., 23-2* tLOT, on Odeil Street, $200. Mrs. Norman Burns, Phone 2Z159. 23-1 GOOD bouse on Carlisle Ave. Apply E. A. Faîrman, Phone 2896. 23-1i i BUILDING lots cbeap, south of railroad on High St., new sewer. Appiy 71 High St. 22-2* $1600-Cottage, four rooms, ver- andah, sorne furniture. Lloyd Ncholls, 10 East Side Beach, Bow- manville. 23-i CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additionai garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. 22-tf $770.00 Down - $37.00 monthly. Beautiful bungalow with oak floors, three bedrooms, large 'L" shaped living-room with dining- alcove, '3-piece modern bathroomn with shower, up-to-date kitchen with shiny white cupboards and beautiful tiled wall along full- iength of counter. Large ]and- scaped lot. Possession three weeks. Larger down payment may be made if required. Phone Bowmanville 772. 23-lf R e alEstate For -Sale COOKK REAL ESTATE Properties for Immediate Possession In Newcastle choice building lots on Mill St., also two, on Church St. $95000=1n N.ewcastle, 6:-roomeci house partly buiit, good location and lot, $200* down;, balaÀce as rent $25.00 per month until fully paid. $12,500-In Oshawa, new store. 21' x 64', stucco 'and brick, al conveniences, bot air heating, $5,000 cash wili bandie. $5,000-Myrtle Area. frame and insul-brick home, modern kitchen, ail newly decorated, hardwood flooring upstairs and6down; good lot, jrorkshop, garage; telephone and hydro. Contact EVELYN E. COOKE. Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 23-1 Help Wanted SALESGIRL for store, for sum- mer. Write P.O. Box 137, Bow- manville. 23-1* CARPENTERS, experienced in $6,800-Oshawa, solid brick, six mavile77h 3- lovaly roomsasnd modemn 3-piecej bath, hardwood floors, hot watar MAN for part time work- wsnted. basting and doubla garage. Apply Bowmanviiie Wool Ca., Liberty St. S. 23-i $l0,000-.-Bowmanville, solid brick suitabla for duplex, 15 ooms, 2 WOMAN ta dlean floors, twa baîf extra lots and garden. Revenue days s waak. Apply Apartinent $115.00 par month. 17, Waiker Apartinents. 23-1 YOUNG woman as part time me- $8,000 ' General Store on No. 2 Icaptionist in Optometrist Office. Highway west of Port Hope. Soaud Apply 22 Division St., Phone 2024. brick building includes excellant 23- living quarters, 6 oonis and bath,] garage, goad gard*en. Turnover FULL and part time, ta work inj $30,000, iow taxes, ternis. refreshinant hooth, ae 16 or ovar. Apply Craam of Barlay Park, $5,Q0-Farm close ta village of Bowmanvilie. 2- Kendal, nortb west of Port Ho GRSpree wnedb 100 acres. sppmoximately 50, work-GIL orwmn ate r able, balance excellent pastume. steady work, no Saturdays. Paul Streami runs right througb pro:- H. Simpkin Cabinet Co., 160 perty, 6 oomed bouse in spotîass Churcb St., Bowmanville. 23-i çondition, barn and garage. CAPABLE girl or woman for 59.00-Fn o No 2 îghwayhome where summer guasts are between Bowmanville and Port iBtake.hrt o PnvlMrshon Hope, 137 acres, 100 workable, lk2Sot,3-ani1, hn bàlànce pasture, bush and orch- 27.2- ard. Barn and diving shed in iMARRIED couple wantad for good condition. steel oofed. House small hospital east of Toronto. bas 7 roonis and large sunmoom, Woman teacst as second cook, man modemn 3-piece bath, cellar. hard- as genenal bandyman and fireman. wobd floors in 2 oonis. Electricity Ta live in. Good working candi. in ahl buildings. tions, and duties ta commence et LEROY HAMILTON once. Writo Box 256 Statesman Broker Orono, Ont. Off ice. 23-1 23- 1 -- ATTENTION PLEASE-Wanted, $4.000 -Bungalow, four rooms, Reliabie man as dealer in Bow- hardwood floors, 3-piece bath, in- manvilla. Experienca not necas- sulatad, sun porch, in goad local- sary. A fine oppartunity ta step ity. inta aid profitabrle business wherc Rawleigh Producta. have been sold S4.500-with $2.000 down, two- for vears. Big profits. Produets family brick bouse. f ive roms furnished on credit. Write Raw- aach, on King St. West, suitable leigh's, Dapt. ML-F-140-163, Mon- for business.I treal.. 22--5 $4500-witb $1.000 down. sami- detachad brick bungalow. King St. East, 5 large oomas, 3-piece bath. 14,800-or nearest offer. Bunga- low, insul-brick, insulatad, 41ý rooms, h.a. furnace, 3-picce bath, city conveniances. bydro, tale- phone. on large lot 60'x335'. in- mediate possession, low taxes, on Highway No. 2 at Maple Grava, nicely landscaped. $12,650-Half cash down. 10 raom brick home, large verandahs, 6 large bedmoonis, fireplaces, bard- wood <onrs, 2 car garage, beavy wiring, automatic stoker, h.w. baating, newiy decorated, large landscaped grounds. Has peacli. pear, apricot, plain tracs, grape vines, garden ail pianted in hasti location of Bowmanviile on Con- cession Street.1 LOTS $175.00-Hunt Streat, Bowman- ville, 108x115, sewer, watr. $275.00-Prospet Ave., Bowman-ý ville 50xl66, sawer, weter. $500.00-Corner lot, QucaeS. Lambert St., % acre, sewem, water. $300.00 each-Three lots et Maple Grava, just off Highway No. 2, 100x250. Tarins. $l,i00.00-Comner lot on Hugbway No. 2 et Maple Grave, 135x300. suitable for business or matai. Tarins. $5Q000-At Maple Grave on High- wsy No. 2, niceey traad, found- ation dug, 75'x335'. Ternis. $l,l00.00-At Maple Grava on No. 2 Highway, niceiy treed, 100'x330', suitable for business. Tarins. COTTAGES $l,500--or hast offer, 1-rooni cot- tage with 17' motorboat ineluded on Lake Scugog et Caesarea. Ternis. $2,500-balf cash, six romnf<rn- ishad cottage on West Beach, Bowmanville. Wanted To Buy USED pump jack. Oscar Mc- Quada, R.R. 1, Burketon. 23-10 CHICKENS for American Mer- ket. Phone 2833. 23-4 HAY standing in the field .to, ha harvested by advçrtiser. Phone 2471. 23-1 BEFORE selling your liva poultry tny us. Our pricas are higber. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phane- 7 r 13, reverse. charges. 17-tf Lost $5.00 REWARD f or the retumn of iîight ovarcoat left in north-east corner of Bowmanville Mamarial Amena after band concert Tues- day avening or for information leading ta its raturn. Coat or in- formation ta ha laft et Police Of- fice or Statesman Office. 23-1 Wanted. CATTLE wanted for pasture, run- ning water, shade. Appiy A. L. Tubb, 596 King St. E., O)ihawa.' 22-2* DEAD horses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Co3oourg'48J. Wa pay phone charges, Gordoni Young Ltd. 13-tf STRAWBERRY BUYERS-I will sali. my 1949 Premier strawberry crop hy contract. If interested sea R. Manning, Sixth Line,-Ken- dai, Phone Orono 23r8. 21-3 DEAD Stock! Frac Service. We wiil pick up ail dead or, crippled farm animais frac of. charge.. Higbest pricea paid for nid hamacs. Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. Nick Peconi, owier. 20-tf WACredi 6-room Bungalow in BowmanvilN e IoC e iors~ for client. e ADOHR 6 or 7-roorn bouse on Concession, AN1THR Division or Churcb Bts. for cash IN THE ESTATE 0F HARRIET client. TAYLOR, -Deceased. Sinall farmas on Highway No. 2, ALL pensons having laims also 100 acre farm suitabie for against the estate of HARRIET turkey fanm. Immediately. TAYLOR, late of the Town of Bowmanville Real Estate Bowmanville, in the County of 78 King St. W. Phone 326-2017I Durham,. widow, wbo diel on or J. Shehyn, D. Maclachlan, about the 25th day of Marcb, 1949,1 Broker. Rap. 'are required ta send ta the undar- 23-1 signal et 251 Bruce Street. Osh- awa, Ontario, full particulars of Roofing th saea n or bafore the th day of Juiy, 1949. after whieh date ROOF coating, by modemn sprayj the assets of the deceased wilha; metbad, goas on faster, goas an ,distrihuted having regard only ta heaviar. Frac ctmastes on all the dlaimes of which the Adminis- typs of rofing. Guararitced work, trator shaîl then hava notice. by bandel roofans. Beavis Bras.1 DATED the 9tb day of June,I Ce. Ltd.. 12 Lewis St., Toronto.; 1949. Phone Gladstone 0735 or Offord ARNOLD H-ENRY TAYLOR._ 4494. Reverse charges. 23.1. Admnisatrator. 23-1 Auction Sales. I have received instructions froin Mrs. William Patterson to seli by public auction on Satur- day, June 18, at ber residence, Kendal, ber entire housebold effects. For furtber particulars sec bis. - Jack Raid, auctioncer. 23-2 The Tentb' Durhamn County Community Auction. Sale wili ha held at the Sales Barn, Orono, on Tbursday, June 16, wbere there wil ha off ared for sale a large nunibar of milkers, spring- ans, grass cattie, calves. hrood sows, Young pigg ind dozans of other items. Ramambar the data, For Your Vacation or -Picnic Tan beautlfully with Gypsy Suntan Gi....5e Gypsy Suntan Cream ---5-ee Soothe Sunburn with Rex-Eme -- --------- _ 69e . (medicatpd sk e ream) GYPar Crean? (aintinent forn) ------ tube 75e Proteet your hair from water and afin witll a Bathlng Cap ---- 45c-60e-69c Bobby Pins (rubber tipped) card 10e Beach Balla M O-$1.39 Sun Glamses_.__2ge-49e-79c Polareld 'Sun Glasses with -e.528 Rexaill vs-Chek, a poison ivy treàtinent @-o..: - -. 75e Rexaîl Funti-Eeu fer Athlete's Foot-----------60ef RexalOrderlie ies 5-6e Pleasant, easy te take laxative Wan'ted To Rent TWO rooms, preferably uiW %% ished by the Ist of July. Wlite Box 257 Statesman Office. 3t GIVING UP FARMING AUCTION SALE The undersigned bas receivea instructions f rom Mr. Donald Robb to, seli by public auction at LOT 33, CON. 5. CLARKE TOWNSHIP 34mile West of Orono Forestry at 1 p.m. on 1 oti! 0, i-uj i:cus ar s atur -tha place whare alli er afray, June 111h meat. Jack Raid, auctionear. 23.1 The faliowing: 1CATTLE TWILGHTSAL-to.orrw jAyrshira Cow. 7 yrs.. due tima TWILGHT ALE-o-morowof sale: Brindle Cow. 5 yms., due evaning, Friday, June lOth, at time of sale;, Jersey Cow. 4 yrs., 7:30 p.m., at Baker -Farms. Hamp- due tima af sale; Red Durham ton. Speciais: 14 vace. Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., fresh; Jersey Cow, 7 heifars, frash cows and caives; 'yrs. due in July; 4 Durham Cal- Hereford and Shonthorn buils; 1 vas; Jersey Cow. 8 yrs., fresh; sawsand oungpig: caar patsBrindle Cow, 8 yrs., fresh; 4 Dur- arnd brace pales; DaLaval creain I yr-ods saparator. nearly naw; chumn; neýe am r.oîs whee!harrow; scuffler and othar MACHINERY implamants. Tarins cash. Ted M.-H. Hoe Dm111: Bubbem-timed Jackson, auctioneer; Jack Baker, Wagon: M.-H. Hav Rake: M.-H. manager. Phone 2180 Bawman- Steel Wheel Trucks, nearly new;, villa. 23-i M.-H. Creani Sepamator witb elec- _____________________tric mator. used 2 months: Oil Chick Brooder. new,' Deering Livestock For Sale Birider, 6-ft. cul; Hay Loader, Me- NINE young pigs, 7 wéeks old.' 13-tooth Cultivator. Mecormick- 1Phone 2495. 23.1 * Deeming. new; Deering Momwer, 5-ft. cut; International Tractor ONE saw, due Juna 21st; also Plow: Single Scufflar; John Deere 7 pigs, 6l weeks. K., E. Dean, New- Manu re Spmeader; Peter Hamil- castle. Phone Clarke 1902. 23-1* ton Cul Box; Set of Team Harness, near new; M.-H. Twin Plow: Lever Harmows: Hay Rack: Buggy: Set REGISTERED Ayrsbira bull, twGo0f Scales: Wooden Wheel Wagon;, years old; sevan Yorkshire pigs. Set of Sleighs: Poultry Troughs, Ph.pne 2135. .23-1* [Wire Fencing; Fanning Mill: 2 -jTons of Scrsp Iran; Many other NINE month oaId Holstein bullitems. from accrQdited and listed bard; i Terma Cash No Reserve alsa 2-rôw Massey-Harris corn scuffler. Fred R. Stevens, Phone 2234. 23-1* Chicks For Sale TWO waak aid Startad 'Chieks, Non-sexad Barred Rocks $21,95; Pullats: New Hampshiras, Barrad Rocks $30.95, White Leghorns $33.95, Black Minores X White Leghamns $34.95. Cockarels: Barred Rocks, Black Australorps $20.95. Threa waak old add 5e par chick. Alsa other breeds. Also day aIds 12 pure bneeds and 13 cross breads non-sexed, puilets or heavy cock- ere.ls. Turkey Poults. Send for reduced price list for June. Twaddle Cbick Hatcherica Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontatio. 23-i Pets For Sale TWO budgies, anc Blue Cobalt, one two-tone groen, anc whieh is ready for training. Phono 2778. .23-i JACK REID, Auctioneer. 23-i Since Eire became a Republic, the Protestant Chumch thema i-, con'cerned with the propmiety of continuing prayers for the King of Engiand. Skinny men, womet> gain 5,10,15 Ibs. Cet New Pep, Vim, Vigor Wbat à thriIll ony' ilmir 1 it; ugIv bOllowA flrvd.ackly 'ef-oC lo.Tosnoc gîri. worneen o.wln nAver couti gain belore. They thank the epecin vgo-bYing,.lehlinq lonle. Ostrex. lu tonte&e ttmulants. lnrîgoratorg. drp t 0 ,nSi caliu .toili boo . M1roe àtrength and nounbmhent: Plit fleeli on lirA hnnle3. Dont teagetting imltt.top when voti-ve galurd thec5. In. là or 2(l Iba. ynusnemi or nra e~t CoM it tile. New "et arqinted creonLtOr T lamous Ocîrex ToneTbleUs for ne- vigor an aded pounds. thie vr day. Ai &il druggits. Summer lime is Insecf lime "622" Inseet Repellent Crcam 1 %,-oz. --- 4;'r .622", Insert Repellent Liquid 2-oz. 59e Odourless, wl not harni elothes Elkay's 5% D.D.T. Residual Pest Paint or Spray' 8-oz. 24r - 16-oz. 43e Elkay's Garden Dust le-oz. -.75e Phot ograph Your Fun! Brownle Target Cameras ".620" . - ------ __---..6.72 f.616"0 - . - . . . -$8.12 Kodak Duaflex ramera Kodet Lens $14.56 Brownie Reflex $11.76 Fiasholder for Reflex U.50 Kodak Tourlat Camera $49.50 F6.3 lena Flash Diomatie Shutter RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT Plus Etc Creme Shampon F RE E Sperlal Offer Llmit.d Time Only - 53.25- JURY ULOVELL YOUm REXALL DRUG STORE Wben W. Test Eyea Rt là Donc Properly PRÔNE 779 BOWMANVIILLE 1' - - - - - - - - BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 BEADERS i. CELL PAY CASH-~AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD STOCK UP ON SUMNER NEEDS AT YGUR REXALL DRUC STORE Yeu'il find auntan and holiday needs. enbancing cosmetics, rellable remedies, first-ald iteus, insecticides and household needs at Jury & Leveil - st ilices you can afford ta pay. -------------------- f . .1 6à

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