Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1949, p. 1

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«Durham County's Gyreat Fam'ily Journal" v 'JAjtJ~.1 i à BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THTTRSflAV .TTTNFI 9i-'cl 1Q~1M Large Crowd at Opening of Rtoy Nichols New Showrooms iu Modern New Building Bowmnanvlîe's newcst and mos modern building, which is aIs( fitted witfi the newest oh' ultra. modern equipmnent for mohor cai sales and service, was formaîl' opened tu thé' puhlic. Friday night May 27, 1949. The o%%ner of tii compolete cstahlishment, Roy W NichoiS, General Mobors repre- sentative for the past. 16 'years at his main s;ales andi service plant ah Courtiee. with Mrs. Niehiois aua gracieus lios ess, %wclcomed more, than 1.500 people as their guests Io share the \vcrv elegjanti y arrangýec function of the officiai openîng. ('olorful Scene Th e guc>ts1 iiicluided i aniv lot. able fig ures îo i the automotive in- dustry and a host of irmn friencis of Mr. andi Mir. Nichols froin this entire community. Ini hhe clear ev- ening sunlight, the sctting was in- deed brilliant anîd colorful. Locat- ed on the south-east corner of' Silver anet Chumii Strecels.bue white stucco exherior of the build- ing, witb iît. ciromîum-trimmed plate glass F' nos tooci outi n ail its beauhy in the framned back- ground of maple recý ie,' dressed vith their spring-green leaves. New Car Display As the gucts wvere met and weleomned to inspect the interior of the buildiiig the ' were accord- ed a viesv of the superb planning by Mr'. Nichols. tliat went into ils constructimn and ihs service facili- tics. Bcvorod the wvide concourse of the cemnent driveway leading in from b)oth streets, the lar'ge,1 overhead. automatic doorway, opened immediateiy ho the ser- vice floor upon which rested gleaming new,ý General Motors cars, Buîck, Oldismobile, Chevro- Jet and Pontiac. The adjoining showroomn and managers office helsi anoth-r new car. lVealti of Flowers Evcrywhere about, along the spacious wvind-ows and before each car, were vases of cut fiowers which came" as hokens of' goodwill t and esheemu frorm hugincs imari eo and personai fricnds of Mi'. andi t- Mrs. Nichols. Each lady, guest svas r the recipient oh' a fresb ired rose. yAssistîig M.Nîchols were tsvo tcharming young ladies iii evcning sgowns, Miss Lucîlle MWade. secte tary for i. Nichuuls, for tic past - ine yeai's, anid Miss Doris Cliart- t ran of Bowýmanv-ille. iieice of \Ir, t and Mrs. Nichols. Miss Wý,ade \\as sgowned in pale pink taffeta anr! rMiss Chartran chose black veive,(t iand affeha. Gifts for the, male i guests \wnre siim,. maroon pencîls. Flags and M1usie Diapeci aioîg bue rear wall were large Union Jackçsvwhîch .lle c the public address sy steni iodia l- *ed for the occasion b v the Radio Shop, Bowmanviiie. The riaiist on the proi.ram, Mi's. Robt. Ev-crs, Bowmnivillc. \\as gowsne iniiij bipek tiet taffela e,,cliiig drýesa. rAfter the formai addi'ess of ssci- comne by xi'.Nîchol.. the micro- phone \vas tuirneci over ho Bob 1MIf' vlltre, Aclvertising Manager, General Motors O.shawa. andi weli known Ma 1e(r of Cei'emonies. Host's Address Mr'. Niciiols sais: i: certaijîîiv affords me great plizicasr o x corne you ail hoe buis ev-eniîîg ho tbc openirig of ii'- iîew chow-rýnm and service deparhmieih. 1 am here ho serve *yoî aI i. I'di like tb bhank bbe Bowýmanvýiiic Co'îîîcil: Police Departmenl: Hydro Comission: Bell Telephonte Compaiiv and neighbors for thecir w'oiideiful Co- operation. Aise a speciai"tbaîik you ' b the- Gay Conistruction Co: Oshawa Wood Prorluet. Higon Electrie; Parker Piumn-bitig;Mai'- Iow Decorating: McCoil Fronîtenac and General Mohoî-s, for making this opening possible at this time.*" Fine Tributes In resnoise, officiai greebiîîgs and congratulations were express. esi Io Mi'. anîd Mirs. NichoN bv Ma.v- or L. C. M2son.. Bowsmanviii--. ansi felicitations foliowed from Mir, E. J. Umphre7-, General Sales Mana- (Continued on Page Six) New Veterinarian Jamaica Queen of the Antilles - . Paradise of Beauty and Living States Stan Smith at Rotary Club B#wmanville Legion Branch Present~ Èeàamous IL C.A.F. Band Tues. Night One of' the musical highlights of' the .1 car will be prcsented in the new Memorial Aena. Tuesday evening, June 7th, when the Cen- tral Air Comm and Band 'of the R. C.A.F. will present a bandi con- cert. T:;ýe CAC Bandi was organizesi by its Bansimaster Warrant Of- fice, Clifforci Hunt during the summer oh' 1946. The majoi'ity of' the men ini the CAC Band servesi in many bonds ini World War Il. During 19471, Central Air Comn- mandi Bond hiavellesi opproximate- ly 25,0001 miles in eastern Canada, from as far ss-st as Sarnia ansi Windsor, eastward to Halifax %vhere it plp.yesi for varieus civil- ian orgon.zations ansi charities and rnibtaiy bhospihols. Jo 1947 nt bbhes-nd of' a years existenice the CAC Bond wsas hon- ouresi wbcn it was engagesi by the National Exhibition, Toronte, as the officiai "Duty" -bond for1 exhibitin.1 Wherever the CAC has playesi it has thmilled audiences by ils superbly renderesi musical pro- gram. The program is net limiteci te Marches 'but ranges fromi olsi classies ho modemn opera scier- tiens. Audiences usualiy go homne frein these concerts obxiou'siyý wanting more-the biehest thi-iute that cao be paisi te ibis group oh' mu sic ions. Tlîe Bovmanx'ille Brancu oh' bbc Canadian Légion arce ho ho con- gratulatesi in. pi-ocuiingý this bond for a concert. Thie Legion ai-c pre- Senting thi s concert ini apprecia- tion for to nr-operation oh' the cihîzens Of' Be'malixiiie ansi iii-- rounding distr-ict at their coi-nival andi the cthci- evcn's bithatthes- bave sponsoi-cd during the pash ycar. The public is :îcvisesh o comeý carly te pr-ocurle- scots. hbecause this bond bas dra'assuici'osds cf thousaniss ah concert-s thi-oughLit bbc country. The Rotasry banquet roomn in the Balmoral Hotel was crowded to capacity with members and guests, Friday noon. to hear guest speak- er Stan Smith, former resident of :he island of Jamaica, describe the beauties, resources anîd living c-onditions of this Queen of' the Antilles. A Welshman, schooled in radio, Mr. Smith %vent to Ja- mnaica as a youth and spent 14 ycars in radio Promotion in the capital city of Kingston, before cOmiiig to Canada witb lhis familv a ycar andi a haîf ago. At present ;le is on the staff of the Eowman- ville Boys Training School. Brooklin Spring Fair Bigger and Better Saturday, lune 4 His talk, which he p)roýiected ;lueiihIy from brief inotes at hand, 5Vas a revelation of sxbat a visitnî- ho Jamaica cotîld expert ho findi as a hourist. The topograpby of the countr~y, witb an area of 44511 sq. miles. was a scîrîes oh' plateaus, gorges anîd mountaiis. risiîîg frein the sea on aIl sides andsiaIl covered with lusli vegetatioli hoth rultivat- cd and u.ubvbd The majestic Blue Mountain rising ho a beigut oh' 71)00 ft. cao bc seen froin aimost any vanhage point on thie island. Historicailv, hhe population has seen mnany changes. When Colum- bus. landied. there in 1494 he found native Iodians. Spanish exploita- lion.folowedi bv brief French 'itrusion gave way ho flic con- quering British aîround 165.5. En- larging tbc main developed re- source. îîame]y -suigai' production, the Britisbh ook asivantage oh' the lave e trac, 2 to dring negrees from Africa as slave labor. Sugar lias coohinuesi ho be bue chief export- able commodity witb ils alliesi Productioni of î-um aîîother large enterprise. Johin H. Werry, D.V.Mý. First Doctor oh' Veterinary Me. dicine to locate in Bowmanville îs a private practitioner since Dr. F. Tîglie pos-sesi on, John Henrv Wcri'y, DVM arrivcd in town. Iwomiday.v'te take up residence with bis tamiv iat 4.3 Carlisle Ave. and begin immediately bbc practire ofh' is profession. Dr. Werry has iitted oîîthils office in bis resi- dcîîce andm cao hbe contactesi by caîling bis office phone 808. The sturdy, broad-shouidcred, reci hait cd oung man of' 26 years, yhioso The Shatesman întcrviewcd on bis arrivel exhîbitesi a frîendly smiic and the capacity for bard wxork customarv witb a son oh' the soil. Dr. Wcrrv ý s bbc second son of 1\i-. andi Mrs. Rupert Werry wAho far-m a mile and a baîf east As a youtb, son John bielpec on the farm and receivesi bis edu- r-aIioii in Blarkstock Public anc Continuation Sehools. At, age I9 tic enlistesi in the RCAF and wvas an Offiror Pilot in the Fighteî Canada ansi 2 y ears in active oper- atioris over England and Europe. Back home again he enteresi the Ontario Veherinary Coilege, Guelph, graduated from the 4- výcair -ourse. Ma ' v25; reccived bis DVM diegrec at the Convocation iii Guielph, uîider auspices of' the Senahe oh' the Universit* yoh' To- ronto. A i-car ago he intcrned. ac- cording to the requirements leàul- ing ho a degree, with the notcd Bveofar specialist, Dr. K. B. RwofGuelph. Dr. Werry was married in 1946 t0 Miss Evcelvn Philp, dàugliter oh' MIv. Fred Philp, long resident as farmer in the Township oh' Cartwright. Dr. and Mrs. Werry 'ave one daughter, Anne Marie, one year nId. T'he entire cornmunity joinsi A'itb The Statesman in extcnding a licai-hv welcomc ho Dr. Werry and familv as ritizens of' Bow- Tianville, Dance Called Off D)ue ho unforseen circun- çtances the sti-cet dlance that %vas ho have been held follow- ing the Rotary Club Benefit Srofthall zame on Frida.v ev- -'inzl~ lias heen cancellcd. The exhibition softball game between the famous Sunday Momnriing Ciass Girls Team 1 andi the Durham Girls AUl Star teani ixili start at. 7 p.m. ah R.H.S. grounds as schedulcd. P,'nceeds %vill he used for 1 CriPffled Children's W'tork. 1 Populak àc wti coou vratsue he dorcenath tslourn vintieu sctepomuintfee1e2 riins le icngt. opultionoh'ital iyl ins. Kipulson the3capiba ityebitneapopuatnd oh'a300,000 isrtr bfcrbusiessan ocial hied- qrbWepfoleth ompractivels ness enterprise andi goverroment. OfficiaI confirmationî has beci: W. I. Demnonstration received tlîat Jack M. Grecen, Nestleton, bas been appointed oh'- Making Sandwiches ficial tester for Durhamn Countl- coder the new îreguiations an- And Salad Plate neuncesi by the Ontario govcrn- nent under the Dair.v Herd Im- B3osxianvilie WlI. met in the provement Act. Jack takes Up bis Union Hail on Tbursday. The duties ';on June lsh andi already meeting Wxas well attendesi. Cern-bas 25 lbei-os lîstesi for immediate munits' siîîging was led by Mrs. inspection. T. Biittery wýith Mrs. A. Cale ah Anticipating that an appoinît- bile piano. General business andi ment WOuld shortlv be made from. discussion were disposed of' foi- amnoog cxperienced personoel, lowed by a report oh' the distr'ict The Stabesman pubiisbed the full directors ni-eeting rcad by Nuis. bext oh' the new i'egulotioiîs in last L. Dumas. \sveeks ise Now that tbc ap- Mus. C. Gatcheil ansi Mrs. M. pointment lias boceî made it mav Clark wci-e appointer] district dei- be fouînd ceîivenient ho refer back ega tes ho iuhe Convention June 9tu, btu e article in this papeir. The bigblight oh' bbc meeting Jack Gîecen graduatesi ouly a was a dieilonstration oh' fanes few v weeks ago foi-omhbbcKcmrpt- sindwich makiog and saiad ai'- ville Agri-ul]tiirai School svtbhlmh ranîgement. This feature xvas most deguice Associabe in Agiicultural ejoyable and displayed a great S ýieiice. Ail bonor studeot andi deal oh' efficiency* andsinidis'iduali- si'boiai'Amip wviniier. Jack is xxell tv on bbe part oh' the demonstra- qualifiesi for lus ness' Job. He wîll lors, Mrs. T. Buttery ansi Nrs. S. ros-er the eotire CourthyVin i but Grant. w-ork on a fuîll tile basis. He is Meetinîg closed wilh singing The a former member oh' one oh' Ed. Kiog. afhem ss',hich tea wsas ;ervedl Summers' Junior Farinai' Judging and the members eiîjoyesi the ah- Teanis, aîîd is a son oh' Ex-Wardent tractive sap)dsiches made during Norman Gi-cen ansi Nis. Green, ý bbe diemon.ctrahion. Neshîctoni Just in time to reinns our re0,d- ership of a very important annual event, w' raIl attention to hhe Brookliîî Spring Fair, which takes Place twAo days heîîce. on Sahurdia. June 4. Always an event Iliat draws large ci'owds. the in- dications bhis year poinît to the greatest cmowd on record. The livestock show xx-ljiii icluclýe heavy and light boises. dairy andi beef cottle and the Bîookliîîî anj is now bute cficiaî Panisu Show for bile Otario-Duirham Jersex Cat- îtle Club. The big variehv of cii- -herbaiuîment includes horse rt iug. bail aîîd fieldi sports, log saw- ing and so foi-tii. Tii'-' x-iid up \55;!I bc a danîce in the Township Hall. Minister Inducted In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churc-.. A large corgregahion %vas pre- sent at the induction service oh' Rev. F. R. Meredith as miîiister of St Andrem,'s Pebtra bhrc, Tuesday eveoing, May 31. The service was conductesi by Rev. Ritchie, Wark\vorth, Rev. Lewis Fowler, Port Hope, and Rev. Read, Coîborne. After the service a recephion wxas held and Rex'. and Mrs. Mer- edith svho are now living in Bow- manville xere given a warm wel_ come to the church and tbc îown. Before coming te Bowmanviîle, Rev. and Mrs. Meredith residesi in Renfrew. Jack M. Green Appointed Dairy O fficiai Opening of Roy W. Nichols' Showroom O ut standling SociaEvn Ig tc tu sm .Vcc:,uiga pleas'ng social cIe- the recephion of' guîestsbs lti hoi.< d lereiie.o' *cdrsea anager, General Motors, Osha- Genera1 Sales Mngr eca db o .Ncesh oia-C-s torne oh' Ontoarlo Cocour hbNrNik~i a~lcosit niiiahteganiocîn h he 1es_.Mrs. Rox' WIV.Ni. iol ,. A ooh'standansi Mrs.Nschois. new ox W Nîcols arfsrt-ie weaîh h' losersinvgscsscmfîus naoe, 1'. nMss Liciils.xsa. At the right, Miss Doris Char. Motorz, O>basx-a. vleFridi-y ex'ning, wcre txsoo'ntY01he(,fand.M»sli-FnN N -hcwJs0s5 crcnausefu h ni saleW. eNterr:s inrBse'ran-cverYh ofc hu il. tdcr:î.e. Wc c cc etts hoMis. Neho. ,tran. Boxxlans'ile, niece' of M. Attending the reception at ttliefriincls o' ongstnin.Sbos'.n20 Iý-e lfiansi Iis. n,;sonstens 6~a'.Intehtu.îoi o ,e ,evh idn an hvile, -]a ville, Fri.uas Ceeiîing, MaY 27, adn-..r.nýig friers ý.EU.si .. c: ..'up sa rose <o~ni-W ,sA nsiMrs. N;chois. presents a rose ocop o'te crnu, ianiacec-it- lnF. ni i.' . u sn r cs .'-itîejaogtu S.h rs %vere the arrairtgement.smade1ifor among bihe îhrong of I5U0 v:sîtoQrý,W eckier, Presîdent and Genemal ho emiling Mm. E. J. Umphrey, Icar saleà ýervIce enterpjrie open- )KC., Darlaigton boy ansd former à :ne itWGene-rzil .VIotorý cc?s rc 1 i~ ~ ,.- ~ 1 Sunday Morn' Class Newcastle Boys Win Honours Bail Team Play Durham Ail Stars Gradualing in Agricullural Science Th RtayClub of Bow a t nan-g iulu a olg vil sfeaturing a basebalgm AIO tro g ic tu l le e on Frida v night at the High_ _ _ _ _ School grounids between the famous Sunday Morning Class Team of Toronto and the Durham i 0 Girls' Alil Stars. The Sunday Morning Class team needs no introduction after last year when they provcd thern- their two visits to Bowranville selves to he one of the hardest hitting and snappiest playing teams on record. These girls in the 'Swing Skirts * ' are paying a team marie up of girls picked from the girls' soft- bail teams of Bowmanvjlle and the surrounding district. The names of the girls playng ~-~ in the Durham Girls' Al Stars and the tpams from which they are picked arc as foilows: Betix Brown and Doroth.v Wright froni the Oshawa Hospital eam: Emma. Shred and Doris JuIl from the Bowmanville COF team: Hilda Cowling and Joan Craig from thce- Salem COF team: George Carru- Y thiers and Evel.yn Bonathan from flic Newvcastle tearo. The Orono, team managed by Stan Payne and Farncombe LeGresley Donald Jose the Oshawa team managad by AtteanaCovctoofgalae oclukithicos J a c k G a y a re a is o to h a v e tw o A t h e a u a C o v c t o o f g d u e s o o i l c in h ir h s representatives on the Durham the Ontario Agicultural Colege en fild of enceavour. Ali tars hed atGueph, ay 2th wo I- ,Dr.' SicineySmith, President of AIl tar. hlci t Gclp, My 25h to b *îe Univers ty of Toronto, vas The DurhanmAlil Stars have cal studients, Farncombe Lt-Gies- unable to Le prcsent because of b e en p ra c tic in g fo r so m e tim e a n d led J se b o h o N e Il î ai , nd D . a m l B at i have high hopes of defeating the ly and DorialdJsbt f ii a-c r aulBat To rtoho eam. astl, reccived the degree of dean of thle fac lty <of arts of the The poceeds from this hall Bachelor of Science in Agricul- Unîversît v of Toronto, addressec game are to go for Crippled Chil-tucte ahrninbstad drn's work. Sra h at c~ gein b i sea Due o unforeseen circumstan- Because of the large graduatingSaeAve cesthe steetdane wichvasca ss of 2,56 men and women thc Dr. Bettie said he would wisll plannied to take place after the convocation was leld in an.ar- for the radu-ites in be ralists, bail gaie as been postponed to phîheatre consruced on the but not yet corpleely so as there a laer date. front campus. Normally it. is held eare many ihings vhch are wortl- in War Memorial Hall, but the \vhile bcs;ccs tiie peak of effir. saing carcity was insufficient icncy. He strssedi that ail du. Y ng C' Ora zejfor the large number of candidates c"Qli efcic"nadalta Youn PC' Org niz andthei guets.a teacher cani do is give stimulus B e i g F r stand the r p est . G ~ tsand gu idance. H e vw arned gainst Durham County Unit The members of the Board of one'sproiessiona1 life. There are Governors and tlhe Senate of the many finer things in life in which Uiiersitv of Toronto, accompan- cach shoulci make some contrihu- An enthiusiastic gathering of ied hy Ihc;r wives. were hosts at tion, One should do the best that young people from Bowmanville 0000 luncheon to a number of he cao and ilot compare bis con- and district, met in the Balmoral special convocation guests. These tribution with that of those more Hotel. T'uesdav night and formed special gucsîs includeci Hon. T. L. talented than himnself. In Closing Lhe first countY unit of the Young Kennedyv, Miinistcr of Agriculture Dr. Beattie cmrphasized the respon- Progressive Conservative Associa- for Ontario: C. D. Graham, Deputy sihiiity ' of the graduatcs to the on. Another will he formcd in Minister of Agriculture for On - service of nîlankindi. Port Hope this week to link up tario: J. A. Carroll. Department of Followinc the convocation after- with this national youth campaign Agriculture. Toronto; A. L. Mc- noon tea ivas serveci for the facul- flo\v spreading across Canada INabh, Principal of the Ontario ty, gradua*.-.-,,,-s~s from coast to eoast. Veterinarv Coîlege; andi others. Ilonors IVon Blain Elliott actcd as ehairman Chiancellor Speaks Awards \von by the local grad- for the programme of business . -:1 IiiV which preceded a social e-o The candidates were presented us1tes j'~< geiher and dance. Guest pekes W. R. Reck, Presidient of the spaeso extra-crîcjai'wor in mus- nluded Miss Mary Skeans and Ontario Agricultural College, and 1 c, w n hy F ro o ie e rely Mr. George W . H ogn' r. o the dlegrecs c ofrred by Rt. Hon .nd the LiI[erary- C. for extr-- r- ronto. now attending Toronto Uni- Vncent Massy. Chancecllor of the rc lr w r 0 m r o n 01 O versity and actively identified Uni\.crsitv of Torono, who later cet. and Uic Ontario Vetrinary 'ith the Ontario Progressive Con- -o brefytot Drduts.H~ oal dn Jose drmti. o ervatve Youh Movement. Char- speech . Fsoeed with hurour. Cyoonld Jo- ie Stephenson and Major John aineci oth advice andi admonit- oote, MLA., also made brief ons for the graduats. He first Legion Programme Dave Preshon was eected thegauieirs ne r rixicgc For Month of lune irst President of the ncw organi- ~~tst nur.Udrgaîih Very Important Event ýation. Taking place on the ve r iii5 s htb for a pecific lins' f the press dead-line of The oh ' vo rk nci for cit ienship. As 3latsm an, the com pee report citiznn oe Canada ou'c i rs u y Tý o m ltc of prime (o neccroi f the meeting is held over tili is to our c untrv. Can da as a rc on Ie agenda of t ihe ow ext weck. It was nnouriced that counbrv ý,iss prci fic and di ffren b nia nvii le Lrgion for thi nionth of' nembership in the ncw Associa- fro m al other counitries. This iF Jine; First corns tic g;zirlr on- oli is open 10 evrv voun g prr- irfl.v bth resut of lier ph. * sical crerb Io ho put oni hv li PCAF ýon in this district. 'the executivechaacci:is.*ut more spc- Bîan? of Tr( noii. îniIi Ui rw Mm- ,oes to w orik immediateiv to help illv hrcatse of the circciîc orial Arcna, T uiesday gi, June -e-eect, Charlie Stephenson to of lici'pcople and, heir w vof' Î. Don't i :ii.-s i rea'. be House of' Commons. life. It i. caF *v Io Jose sight of thse second 's he -Ge(t olit the Vote" rha ae cr :î c and t1 oio d t1inni drive s poislýored hbv the îî ilional We iiiîi.'î fir:b Of ail recognizliZ aqu rer.Carî an a îî Lsýgion. NliF Nl lliccnt G . P ric . B e s- tlcm . -b" , stpieci tuat incrpasirîg S r c i n u uica o tl" g o oni, Nottingham, Eiigland. is viFi- pride aind l iefiriri oui' couîitrv iîacks no ca!-irida te- but. ci rnel\- tir- ing lier urne and aunt Mr. and 'vere a]ko inmportant ho-day. Mrý. c all C c ta o vote and de- Ac PP.P POT)v f f BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JUNE 2nd. 1.949 XTTT1%,TlC)VID on z

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