p B R ING YO0UR] MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS TH E C A ITA D i^ Nýrir~ M t N ~ W 1 I I ç 1 LE ~ I . I ¶\ISEL à'4',~ TRADE sflÇ SFI ink BUY w'.- - bAGEr SIXTEEN Additionai Classified on Page 6 COMIING EVENTS Notices Articles For Sale B IRTHS 9Please reserv e Thursday,. June Dr. C. W. Slemon's office wilU E C N DAN S A E M NWAS}iING machine, in good con __!2.fo the Fastern Star Garden bo closed from May 28fh to about1M E C N DA T ES N dition. Phono 2889).22 MacMillan-Dr. and Mrs. Angus 'Pai- 'v to bo ocld at home of Mrs. August 1sf. 2- MacMillan. Vaneouîver. B C., are 1 J Marr, 23 Low~e St. 22-1* TOs.yrso e abiu happy to announco the birth of a On and aftor this date I will floor covering, Phone 736. 22. son, Bruc oad nTosa, Dac nCeae aiin not be responsible for any debts * d -ieDnlo hrd., Dnei asraPvlocontracted by * au MTWOpiee cestrfildPho May 26th, 1949. 22-1* Fridav night. June 3. featuring Shackleton. my wfe, Mrs. Jane n ---AI Stick and fis orchestra. Round Shcketn.C l siie d '1 PETHICK -Clifford and Stella ai"' squarednin.Amission: Mvît.14 rdSakeo..IErfieaoi odcn Pehik is t nnune hejladies, 25c; gents, .5()e. 22-I1BoMa nviile149 Ont. 20.3*tor lon. 100 lb. capacity. PhonE illh o a pi t on Sodai- a - B w a vi22-n.2 -* n g od c n AY vu ihn oatn h WE DELI VER Texaco Gasoline Clre11.2- 29h 99.2-eEnglish Football match at the Motor OiIs and Greases to Bowv- 14 HV oc,$,o -Exhibliion Grotînds. Toronto. On I manville, Enniskillen. Tyrone., privately owned, good condition- STNBIG--r n r.J Jine 1,51h. please contact Mrs. C.- j Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bob EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23 1948 Phono 2383.2- A.STONEBRIDGrecMr aidMr. A. Jarrett. Balmoral Hotel, at Stocker's Garage. Phone 804 or- A.Stnerige(ecBetyMu-once in order to determine the 864, Bwmanville. 22-tf______ HOE erop cultivator. for Allis- ton) are happx- 10 annouiuec theý number of tickets and buses re- IChmestaormdeB.A hirth of their son. John, on May ,pclhy H. Schmid, NNemcastle .22-1p 29th, 1949. al Oshawa Hloslptial qir-cd. 22-1* Oshawa Furriers, Mrs. E. Pîg-dnpprto.cospvyoITH DE HS-NAG ETS- ARAES-______ __ Bofh doing x~ cil. 22-1with new fr coats, factorx' f0 CARDS 0F THANKS $ 1.00 Per Insertion H D O p ls 0 f. a d U. A T,'rolîe Park Annual Field Day wearer: also remodelling, rep air-- ply John McCullough, Pontypool, YELLOWLEES M.and Mis. on Junc llth. Commeneing at 3 ing and storage. Il King St. E., 1 IN MEMORIAIMS- $1.00 Plus 10e a lino for verses Per insertion PooBta rl.2- Neil Yellowlees wisii to annotince p. m. Children's Sports arnd a Oshawa. Phone 3148 or Bowman- UNPdilgo ane,$5 fhelicbrth of their dauîghie..liasebail game. followed by a ville 2890). 22-21 NOTICES - COMING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE M.TURNPdrill, PhooeCarne 3823. Mai-l\vo Grue.af Bowmanvulle Jkiiiio i football game. Suppor Ser- - - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENI - IVANTED - ETC. M .Pdei hn lrc32 H-ospital on MaîX' 31. 1949). A sis- ad itr) p ni. Senior football gaine The Durham Coîintv Trustees' 22-1 fe orCru tu( iuuîa 2- *~t-v Dic andi ulaw for luckv and Ratepavers' Assoc-iation 'îî Cash Rate: 2e a %vord (min. 35c). 'tust bo- paid before insertion ------- t e r o r C r o l a n d o n n . D a ( ( a n i l lE L E C T R I C k e t t l e s f o r t h e J u n e EIGAGININS22-1 auditorium of Bowmanville High box numbers or replies direeted to tMis office. Radio Shop, Phono 573. 22-1 ENGAGEMENTS _ -Sehool, Tuesday' evoning. lune.l The enigaigemenýt is anI u. folsteii breeders' picole and l4th, at 8 p.m. Address W lead-ch infai of Jean Isalbel, dauiglîler of Mrt. * Field Day ait Oroiuo Park. Satur- ing educationist Mr. Gordon Dtif- (Additîonal Insertions at Sanie Rates) 1927iionCHEROLtETCoandh, i0 fa M. Crossniaii and tuil(!aie Ci cil uni . ' cRie 4. Jiidgiiîg compeul tioîî fil',Tont.Eteainnîh-odtonnebttradhaei E. Crossman. tlu Mc, James F.JG. ( t(iiliienuinjeg 10:3(0 ani. Picnic omnir tln.Ai ctls ALL (LASSIFIED ADS 31UST BE IN NOT LATER THAN Pon28. Nokes. son of' Mrs. G. Nokes and îunII-1. Gîiest speaker, R. H-. cordialli- invited. 22 -2 NOON IVEDNESDAI'. Cashl, stamps or moniey 1932 CHEV. coupe, in fair condi- laIe Ja mes Nul s. l'lie iau ului,'lTronto. Programniof od- __________gl____at._io__ne gnewet.Phn will take plaie li îe 1I Bl. ait:j sports. A il brecders and friends For Bent ode-wthore t6gt ï.aelin2owcrgne-et.Phn o'clock in Tri nitv Ciircil. 22-I": Wil] Le'el -cunied. - - _________26.2- Il --:1. J. Brooks. H. C. Muir, TWO uîifurîiished rooms. Applv 1933 CHEV. sedan ini good con- Mn. and virs. 1-tliol f P. stlngei'1 Pcesideîit. Secretarv. 89 Liberly St. S. 22- 1LI HI*UTFR ADYRFEC dition. Leroy Short, Wharf Rd., announice file emuue of theic 21-2 SUMRctaefrJno vCLPTI U O AD EEEC Phonîe 2479. 22-V eder d aîiighteci. Coi-duiila M ii.,- - -S M R cot e fo Jn eo he w k. a Wiia s P itEN L H In Mr-. Fritz Carlios leiecb>t of'!Juie 3(th--Koep this date open 'le ak k iWlla' oneNSuGgLhno34I2i________________________________________pi-am,îîearlv uîcw. Ap- Fraucnfeld, Sitzerlanud. The lui-file New.ýcastle Lions CIlub ply 7 Veteran's Avenue, Phone marriage xviII takýe place qiietli Cuuiival anid Sitreet Dane. ComeGRGErnsns ecto.AM 1T PITD I 2820, 22-1 in Torolo at lGARAiGEfiJubusinesliesoin Iltnn to a bNg own .LLp ---- in Trono a Il(, nd f Jii2. -Io Il le oftii al d eiutforaeit nini ply Aparîment 7, 63 Kin g St. W. e ar 2-*iihoffu an netiiet22-1* -1--- - -_ UPRIGHT piano, Kingsbury make Nnîv auud olîl guioes. Rigutei uuuiuîFOR prompit, efficient, guai-anteed ALrDREiAD--lii loviiig nemorygo oiiin pl 2.aî Mr. and Mis. Andrew V. Dili-' Iletiti- Biligo. Tu'ig-of-W;ar Con-! PA,5TURE wvith runîniîîg watcr. service, dveing and ciistom xvi-, u rrîc cw i le and mohe-.St ate 5p1.22Ja1 in. ox-mnv le.anoiine11 pt ou Rud iu Sjuar SietPhoneo222001, O. P. Herfzbei-g, R.R. Ir teNa-a he earBa W I lui, icho passed away-____________ engagement of1 their daIIghtcc,, Dauces. Soniething foi- evervoiîe. lý Bo\\,iianx'illc. 22-1 ýShîop, Kinîg St. West. _t uI 1t1CONRgslnwahgmc- , wekend. ona -iflbi 1alfil(, w -OrId tb gîve. me, good condition, îeasonable; 'Rose Ailecîî, lu Victor Rouv Anget-, Slnd youii lolida weked u 1 COTTAGE, east side beach, cent1 REPAIRS 10 ail makes of refrîg- lui give il. 'ci andc mîore, also Arx'in car radio. recoodition- son of Mr. and Mis. F. R. Aiuer ,Iiii note uilb. a visit fo New-lo-ssoi Apl Mrs. Alliti! eratcrs, domestie and comimercial'TOicar fier cuire aîîd sec lier c.PoeCak 63 2t Kingston. Th(e wcdding xiii taise ensIle. 2-3Willianms.Phone 439. 2 Hgo99eti 2KngS.E,ýie place quîctiy on June îî th. 1949. . .- ugnEet 2Kn t . ue 22- 1 Salem Suiîday School Anniver- PASTURE for seven head cattleHi il Ict cu cerr sary ervics wil be hld onrurmig walr. Phne 286. A.nutotherii coIOrîck $40. Waiited $40,Wa ooclgo hobous Mc. anti Mrs. Charles A. Johnsis sa Sevce:30 ehedo rnun aer9hoo286 .SHOE Repair - xxorkm-aiîxlip Is go0cintu1(Icl inni grave, doors. C. Mitchell. Port Hope R.R. announce te engagement of their 7:30> pin. when the guesf speaker22Sîda.Juîe that:3)îdC.P-r.1anpo- gcliaranfee air,-l3ouK-nse i loy A i l- chebiît oetîs0fod ve I hn lrk 12 2 daughter. Fia.\-i Lavinia. to Run- wilt. be Rev. A. C. Luftman ot FIFTY acres good pasture xith EllisShoe RePar39iîgS... Tteled oierGcexc aId -Haroldi MnDonald, soi t fMi-. Geiwoc Music bv fle Suni- running wator. neai- Newcastle iBoxcmaîîvi191iWIPPT sdanin__o and Mrs. Beriida McDonil. day Selîtol Choir. On Moridav Appiv R. LeGresle)-, Phoneo 1130 I liLn lu10tîiuck x len lufe is donc. conditton, five real good l ires. The arragewilllak plce n ecenig terewiliho bal gme Cark. 2-t~COMPLETE brake service, bîuuke Xluci cluavro nîaY bc, Apply 35 Jane St. or Phono 2749. Wednesda\,,June 22nd. 1949, i .belcx-eeîi Eberiezer and Salemdrmai ggîniîuaiihu-Tc.sbIlestdng Ifuer2t 4:3 0 p.m., in Trinitv United Men's Softbal teanis commencingFL R poshr adîacimig Baknstrclndisauidc Chucdli, Bowntauad villc.i22-log.al 7loylock and uit 8:15 pandm.1 I Chrc, * 7 'cok ndai815p..cleaners rented by the day ou îv\hecl <vliicdeIrs brnect auud pVo . i- itinu Io iinl'oie Ile.1946 PLYMOUTH sedan; 1936 îluipoi evc lu iîpo haIt dlay. The Radio Shop, Phone ed. Pernatuise Ravboici brailu I «Iý-Il.iuissed by liusbancî and Chev. coach. hoth in excellent .7.22-I bonding, no rivets,Ra wtsIc'nle: 2l codto.Pno98Bona- Mcr. and Mus. John Bradlanlore seuil tîei- plav "Shes My Dais' - - brake linings. Brakes siîoce. x- ville. 22_1 Cohoconk, Oui.. autnotiu-ethe eut- n thue Chîuîîh. Muisic- betweeui FOUR-roomed apartment, conven- ýchanges in stock readv tu go. Bob gagement of their canglter, BLîtluanIs. Admission 10 the play 35c ionces; carlv possession; sii Stonker's Garage, Plouc ' 804, BARIE ;î-Il) oviiug menîorv of a 'HOTPLATES a In diRauîgetles, Louise. lu Lyn-us Spr, SOit 0f auîd 20e. 2-2 cotp e also garage. W rite Box Bo xcnauvillc. 2> tï nI uic lin uuai id d li er John A. mari sye 1 h oe fr n. P o Mn. Fîecl Spiv and tIe late Mis. 25:1. Statesotan Office, Bo\wmiii- ~ ____-- BIcre ix ho passecd axay Jonc pare for tle lot kitchcn 00w. TIle Spry, Norlaîîci. 'Ilenîarî-iago xiii Ebeucczer Scînday School Anni- ville. 22-1 n I. ~>~ Radio Shop, Plouc .573. 22-1 take place ini St. Margaret's Roui- c\î-isuui«v Ser-vices will bho bld on C i' o ae Nol c'rcl luhutt îusised bc ' oud ___ an Catholue Cbtirnh, Cobocouîk, Stuidhav, Junîe 121h al 2 anud 7:3(0 WILL cent first class gar-age îxitî,-.-lh u,. . i uutcs ii iere CORDWOOD, eut in foot leuiglîs, July 611. 22-i11:rp.i.Guest speaker, Rev. W. R. space for two cars or truck. Brick WH-ITE Leghorn Puitlet Bargzains 1îIiîtîuiIe ui'ogr ife. nuaple and beech; tîvo cords f0 'l'uuilîuî St. Clair Ave. United anîd stone building, central, o)p- wihtleth ey last 2 xie'k olcI $34 ,93 0fiiiat iunidced . phuere. load, $16 per cord. Phone 29.52. Mr. aîîd Mrs. Lwec C. ,Cfiiurnlu, Toronuto. Special muusic pîsîte Badmntonî IHatI, King St 3 'Aek old, '"9.95; Chi-c, E cu c ucuîlerc by wl le White annouuice fhe enîgagemîentîî hi-flcsclu.il. Oui Muncas-, Juin- E. Apply Wood Seîîate, in sane I$69.Bar uioc \'u te xel~uid :uuu son rray. 22-I19i10t of thein dauiiilt ci-, Lor' eB-r:tb uuuî.uugrt5pni.. ' ill btuilIdinug. 22-1 1L.eghornis,$1 .0)0)pet- huudred iii19e31ICHEV. Coach, 4 îexv tres, malea, fo Arthluir Rossix cl Bu cý- utIl aie serveci. Aut oltîe îvme iAlhoothier Luglît atid HeaixIbd n mlru ai-cniin ges. sn 0 .Mcand Mc:. Mucr uuuti îsl cpprwl b e-MODJERN, fixe-i-oom apailment, Breeds, nou-sexecl. pullels aîcd SAeLvNTi ir lovuig Biuce Ashtoî. Bcrkefon, Phouir Bturgess. "ite ucucriage xxi Il halýe výI b h Ie ladies uthiocfuncu uefidleaelbi tii uicommunB-r Crerî. urks îîuue o . ; VixieIStpe-,PrtPr1 653. 2l place on Su tiii', ne 251th . ai utc : l loveci itu fie ei ing bs' a boards, mastic tule flocîrs tîog-Pcts Sentd for 1rcluiced ire luubox. 75i citlob.:tJou 4.- ______Il___in-___A 3:30 p.m., iiinIPI(îr Goxeied îule ncî-ct andî a 3-acf play "Smiig Ouit, t ermostat rouul beatiug, lIst, for Juuuur. Tîve(dclle Cluick tI;:IEbx 3l.cpct- xclii Churt-h. 22-Irluit Esus'pieseuiîecl IvNeîv- laiIiîdcvN,,$510 nonul. Apply Apt. 7Hlatchenies Limited, Ferguis, Ou1- N ii iie ctaIýe 1aiv sx' eclet odton hn c-le Y.P.U. Admission dilsc3 uî S.W1Bwaîvie tario. n-2 'l e i o, dcr 280or apply 26 Liberty St. N. _________ _________63_King22t1 ._Bwanv l' e lcca2iu- îo21da 23 1V1jRRj.lcGE !'Tua uandcCouicert,$1.25; 'FouiOuls'_________ ____(,\,Iu~Cuiu 1.ii in~CI-'CrIdy,2- O:Conuucrt 0111Y, 35c. Childieuti-u.ctinrSalies B in:ut Sci:iuu ia.1933 DODGE sedan, runiuuig mon- S A R V I S - L IIt Y l i V a u t - 7 ) i. > u u u c h u u d e r : T e a a n d C o n c e r t . R o o m a n d B o a r d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ i i . C i b y î î î f e a n d i lt m - c ic.g o d t r s a r a u .M s couver, B.C.îtu ontui iïii i21, 75c: T'cua QIls So 22-2 - 1 haie ri tecdi iu:llrutinî r W. J. Leask, 118 Elgin St., Phluc 199,lvidatg ier uit Mc iRXs A D FTH N S O1OM and board for mari. Phone i(rlom Mu-s. NormniauAffintoulu]-titi. orlvclugie (f i- ii AR22-1HA KS 71,hypiublie acit i ou i Satuu ci x )1I . linnoi- of a loxirug - - Kennel A.( îxnulx lantciiîuu .1une 4. ui thîe reil 0f 'T'le Guute u nu lu ai I-li ,uciuoi ilcr IGeor-' 1936 DODGE Sedan, r-adun, hat- Ont., to Wuiiii B iucli-i Saics M1ýri tuaArgue iiexuhies tb Sin- Si.rrrer Resorts cccivReslirlnnl Kung Si .e rrP r> - ipuu.scî awxay one ci-. deti-oster, good condition. Ap- 1 ,vounger ;out cil lDr.,aud 'vlr ic i i ciilx i tauc iciigguioiur~,sittd tri- - l-- Neiiast le. heu- eut ire boiiseuîold I i c.J -: .1 9418: I W ans G rg .E iklei 1 S. Saris. Suc. ia î .uiiiigiuii.uoiuor luil ssis itanîe ad cl- SILVER Birch Lodge --Cauini eftsf. Thuis sale \ill imrl:d r u snliile ;sicepiiug. (rom 8 to 6 ctaytime. 22-1 22-I oui tciii Il-ii e o' lte tire t l etîs. Sprimug mat cesses: rîr-cit r et -crugera lor. ixasiiug I îcuu Il f(11\'Sp i _____ xcuu s adi EIcu- uc. -itit a Ic iilue if uoi. hciî V i t c i ut1ouncs tua lui: LARGE F idla v a-u Islnxeblack DEliT-I rhbs xvoîis. oh 221 1larigeo ai grouncds. E a iihi e.n a un flirai mu- O l 'o 1,;\i(fii l-r -adi> missgaber, i iI white euîamel trunu.gooci ý _ _ _ _ _ r p a n t u o n i i t uc u t t u r e u u F o i r B , , (1 1 1 C o u l i l u i c " c a m o n u c i t i o n : s m a ll o a k d r e s s e ri r M. and Mrs, Frank Coulfeî- meals. Write C. Christian. Boiv- ulurs sec bls. Terms cshî. Sic , ir "l cucn hercilvDaivid. rPlonc 840. 2- ALLIN- Ai eli houi Tucs- Ixrl o express their- suncere manvîlle or Phone 262,5. 21-4ý:, aI p.m, Sharp. Jack Reicd, Suniici euuj(,I. 'Ihomnas,:,encuîIIiandr da a <1 c uIlt huka1 ienau re~ voiiiucae.2- luu: u e 2ItCF box, wiute euamcl, f-piece dauughtcm Of hle tcIM. anducl M s o kiuîclv cenenberod M.Coul- I V anted I-breakfast suite: '2tires. 700-18. William R Alliit. tiestiuig ui ttîe l'm xvtiî curcî, fruit and______________________ Vork Wanted D'.l l axrc icious0 Applv E. P. Knapp, Auto Wret-k- Morris Funecal Cluipel, Boîvuiccr- dciriuîg lis rerent illness. 22.1*î A HOME toc a small part fo.xltîovig uuuîîucr- uceorguuus Duval) cs uîi od 21 ville, tonfilI lhmii scicx oouu. Sei---- trirpp. Applv yMcs. B. Han- 1WýORK U attecî hy diii-. EdaarujiriO -Asai' Jutte Ird, 19489. KITCHEN cupboard: bascmeuut vasice in îeI auedCcit x-,::.0Mr. ud Mcs. L. Hockin wish ton hoe23.22-. o, ..52- 1 I ctwe'lu, c. .r> cnurail -ospital: . or ouilsicsteps, 5tec;electrîc ca îe u iui-iu i < P .1 1. 0I i nk Rt-v. F. YardIey frieucîs, (h oc_,_Phone 2333. 22-ish Cator, R.R .5 Boxi m auPhonec818, Intormeut Boý it uucuîIle (.t'tCeiecs-. ueiu,,boiurs auidhe Dalington CATTLE xanted toc pastuire. ruuu- TILE vorký wanleci, giaeci colcut- xx c> c Io~- haie Icard grtofr iepac.Phn 88 21 Footbalil leagute foc- tleur beacuti r iing waler. shacle. Appîx- A. L. cl vaî ilfeihe îîr or masuticAl(22iii1c 'l iria tut] flcoral 1m bîttes and ki nd wordsci, Tîbb, 596 Kung St, E., Osbaîva. t bus.Phonne 29012. -1 wAicniu t ci i urcar-_________________ (2 f c. ffiStSt. 0voul.BRIGHTEN rip foc Sping! Can- FRANCIS-ses and!aattlecfor troc ..\ann tedeTo ientheuieceut deaivlio lai-c lost acias funest Venefian Bîîuîds mea- Salemnu Mcuuai MNai- 30i, 1949 Regicuaid Misqîtodis (Wheaîhei-î DAD-rceii c t10 mcli sum-ed and unstailed. Free esti. Terma ituic Ruilr xioixoh 12;21.i, ik up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 The p___ ___ liq'iii Iuic Ir-- ucart mates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone Richard Francuits, îrzed 8 M orio oiea4 J.ur p y ph nerrA E __vot_ ae__6-_,0 11_80__ Resîitug ut Ilu(Moiri. Fiucal Thc taîîix-* v f the laie '.(ae s, G o- o.ouuu-gu4nJ Wepax pluone PLEse - if > -.o'bave a 6-comui lu ici. c' i tfel-,ccil Chapel. Ecuxi iuuouci le. Servcin iiii utlv Roachu xish 10 express îîueu r c reGndnYcn .c.1-fbs uhure.iot>uugxricc v\ e1947 DODGE Spet-lal Delixe Se- l c an ce', W rite B ox 255, D er)i eci can c c;î;,îîl2-îP thc Chiapel. WdiccsJuime 11in- ucere iiunuks Saniclappreciation STRAWBERRY BUYERS I ivilluum tuc.2- glgteclu-mlae x at 2:3<0 p Iutc. lert-nuf laiiîoim'Io ail ilueur rueucsfortI arsse"Im-- 49Pemersraîue niait cil w le (. age 30-35 Pl(-,t cc r îîci Siieci Gor:gi a. 2 2 - (4FLOOR Covering: Couigoleunrun- înerîuitRocuii1x îeCenctel*x. us A. J. Short adfa 'i-idate île assets ofuthîe Estate ccli i- îP>ii tesou icte uprcilier, Congolecîniancl Rexcleon ________22-ixx -to iexpress t heur suncerebe dustrb hluceu loc 01 2I___ O e uuted mc urg lregard 1 IIo'r c x î Deluxe in yar-d gonds and rug 11cr-ru k-r1t tueur uelatives. fnîeîds c-la rni that huave thiubÎen er AT TENTION - imr, fada SiZes: also rnlaid linoleum %vil Rilfoe-.jtf1Sadpul a bic Mari as dealer- ii Eux,- - pu -cci c c, i c uF,.947: Porris41<C8-t TRAcTRuiciioî.i uk.ifx1mcccx cd dcii-- ario,te i 8thîdavx-of Mc,1949 rc1c, fniîppmtYu-Ici cel) ca u't- .AMUirs u ubu-Seui iuîg. n r ~ rcd sclug E irg thm rtuf bercax-eieuît uiaîcin Msn i mu10o d profitable huintttsr-r>lce A itir iii - 'lii ý, i t ) (f1 da%: ofler: 4 tires. 4 mcxi'tubes, 4 steel S~ ~~~~~~~~h A rJc-.î 9t îo-, Sr o-f a u 1- i x g lu usbauid art-scr-ler. elt v., R:îcclecgl Proilicîs us, e beeris l <1(lir .iii uc x oedrns agnuîescc ovi - icer(- A spi'-icul thcîuks 1 Di-.30 Kintg Stucet \V-st.loi eaus. BEg profits. P-rcictlu "u-,ict îcî n p- r' 'si' CO oibî s'm l- TRACTI ,, .x :ucg gaccc ul- C W Sieution -'llice NosCo. aticd Btuxxîau cil le. Ontariuo. izeî -lid u cec t rieEc c: Sc>r ir u i cl -cc r-rum-aIIliess:uesmusbuokgur tu a L :Arr ~ J ii- Be' Fiaclls Varcles for flus um- Solc iîoi for te ExecoICîrsI: icul rDept. M L-F-40.163 M on - bciiia..band and famuix-. auteed . $72.. G . j m e o ~iu iî n c a e 2 . 03 treal. r2- > I2 -1 w Tire Shop, Phone 467. 16-tf i Articles For Sale Addltioni l Casified on page SHELL 011 Co. now have tanks PesFrSl -*(250 gai.) and rotary pumps Pets_____For____Sale __ -available for boan t0 farmers. Im- EGIH Lbao upe l mediate delivcry. No contract orENLS Lardrppis7 4- deposit required. Meter on tank i weeks old. $3 f0 $5. Apply J -truck ensures accurate deliveredMupBrvew are- e quantites. Phone 497 for informi- castle. 22-1* I atio. 20.4 Livestock For S BRICK building known as Prov-? idence Church. located on cornert FIFTEEN young pigs, Phone 2215, of Lot 3, Concession 3, Darlington. Les Andierson, Bowmanviile. 22.1 : Purchaser to remove building' from properiv. For frerpr PIGS for sale. 9 chunks, Phone 'ticulars sec F. S. Blackburn New- 12581. 22-1 castle. Ont. Sec.-Treas. of Trustee Board or S. C. Allun, Phone 2198.1 TAME white roice. Phone 2612. P_ BoWmanvile. Ont. 22-2 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22-1* 1YORKSHIRE sowv, second litter, NEW Casc VAC tractor; used Casei due middle of June, Phone 2.819. p-D Iactor; used Case C t.ractor; 22-1 1, lsed 1M.H. 102 tractor; new Cas e1 4 '00ewavdise; new Case off- TWENTY Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks - sctdiehro ne Caehe- old. John E. Griffin, Yelverton, 5. rowPIOW: new ha 'v loader; Phone Port Pcrry 2.541,4. 22-1* 3new Refrigerator: Beatty Bros. THREE Registercd Holstein bous -1 steeIl stalls and pressure svstems; 2vasodI1ots l n aluminum and steel roorîng. W.2 erl,1 months old rF an d 6R ce 1. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. Bo15 a~î1e Phone 2403. 22-1 le 22-1 __ _ - - 1 - ýNUMBER of young pigs, 8 weeks -_ TRADE-INTho1 washer, $29.50,. old: number of young sows rcady ir cnamnel tub: white enamecl coal to breed; \'oung Holstein cow due rand wood range wî,th sheif, deep the middle of Jonc: also Frost & fire box. S74.50; 3-piece chester- vWOOd mower in good running field. like new, 'vine and green, condition. Apply Reford Camer- - 79.50; steel hecîs. $5: springýs, $5; on. Phone 2537. 22-1 2-borner gas stovc wvhite enamcel,1 S29.50; trilight larnps. $1250.1 -Murphy's, Phone 811,Bo a- - ville. 22-1* NEW table top Westinghouse elctrie range, slightlyý scratched in shipping, regular S299 for $259: TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE new rangettcs, $5450, with auto- Federal Buildings matir oven control, $6450; newf rovince of Ontaro Westinghouse washcr, paint sligh t-I l Iv seratehed on \vringer, reguiar SEALED TENDERS addressect f0 e$ 154.50 to clear $125. Easy termas* the undersigned and cndorsed Murphy's, Phone 811, Bowýman- "Tender for Coal" will be receiv- *ville. 92.1* Pd urîtil 3 p.m.n (E.D.S.T.). Wed- -nesdlay, .lune 15, 1949, for the BRADJLEY Furnifure Co., 40 King FUIPl Of coal and coke for the St. W., Oshawva, Phone 271l-3-pe. Dominion Buildings throughout bedroomn suites, $69.00; steel bed the Province of Ontario. outfits, completp, $26.95; feit base: Forms of tender with specifi- Sfloor covoring, 49e a square yd.; cations and conditions attached chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colors; 'can be obtained from the Purchas- 3 pu. allover velour chestertield îng Agent, Deparfment of Public suites, $149.00; fi-pc. natural finish XVorks, Ottawa. and the Super- breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- vising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. filicd mattresses, $24.95; tri-light East, Toronto, Ont. lJamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, Tenders shoold be macle on the ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. aliover forms supplied b ' the Department velour bed chesterfield suites, and in accordance with depart- >$1 19.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpefs, mental specifications and condi- gr~een or wine oriental designs, tions attached theroto. Coal dealN $49.51); chenille bed spreads, $6.95; ers' licence numbors must be given table iamps, $6.75. Everything fori when tenderinR. the homne at Bradley's. 40 King1 The Department reserves flic St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf 'right Io dcmand from anv"s- cessful tenderer. hefore awarcte Boomand oard the order, a securitv deposit in he Roomand oard form of aeertified choque on a 'Nanted ehartered bank in Canada, nîa( payable to the order of the Hon- flOOM and board wanted for con- ourable the Minister of Public struction foreman. Quiet home o nt.eq af the 0tepcrcnof he e in Newcastle area preferred. amounto h odr rBae Writ Bo 25, SatemanOffceBonds of the Dominion of Canada BWmanvio 25,le. te 22nOffceor of the Canladian National Rail- Bowm nvile. 2 -11waY Company and its constituent companies unconditionaI1ý, goar- PersonalI anteedi as Io principal anîd interýe.,t by the Dominion of Canada, or tlie HYGENIC Supplies - (rubber 'aforementioned bonds, and a cer- goods) mailed postpaid in plain tified cheque. if required to make sealed envelope wîth price iisf.i up an odd amnoont. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00.1 Such secrnty \01 serve as a Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- guiarantee for the proper fiilfil- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, ment of the contract. 18-91 By order. J. M. SOMERVILLE. Sec cet ary. WantedTo Buy Department of Public Works. -Ottawa, May 26, 1949. 22-2 LAVE poîiltrv l'or American mar -________ ketf. Phione 2833. 18-4*r __I Purchase of car insurenice from BEFORE srlling your live poultry1 the govPrr.ment is compulsors' in !rY u.s. Our prices are higher. M. 'Saskatchewan whefhcr *your car Flatt. R.R. 1, Bef1hany, phone 7 r is already privately insureci or 13. reversr charges. 17 tf nflo REMEDIES KEEP VOUR FAMILY HEALTHY Ail Rexali reniedies are thorouthly tested by Rexall's IResearch and (onirnl Laboratory to give .vou the utmost in BISMIAL REX-ror fast four- wa3' relief from upset stomach. "Nrîîtralizes exeSs acidity " Helps reduce iras "Relex-es heartburn "Soothes irritated st.omach 4-oz. - 85e L. P.('. ATHLETE'S FOOT 0O'NTMENT - Allas-s ltchlng, kilis germs, heals skin. lu z<. - 31i 31 SOLUTION - Antiseptir motilli wasIi andi garirle mini- mizes had and offensiv-e breath. 4-oz. 29C $-oz. 57e IAN-A-SEPTIC LINLMENT - For quic< relief from pains andi hruiies. 4-oz. 69c 16-oz. X1.89 Rexal PVRESr A - S - REX TABLETS - Dependiable fast relief frnm pain and simple heaatilie. 24's 21c 100's 59e Rexail Anaesthetir Hemorrhoid SI'PPOSITORIES For relief from internai or For Ladies Only Glamorous Adrienne Rrailtx- Preparati0nsrubî1v anti skil- fuillv harnionized Iobenianr Your natural loveliuiess. Face Powder: right flattov-inz sh ades - . 85f. Rouge 85t. ('ologne Deranfer, refreshingis' fragrant 81.3.5 ('reams: ('Ieansing, ('old or Tissue to suit your skin 75(- Deodorant (ream, will flot itain -------- 45v Silque Shampon ---____65<- For Men Only Distinguished i achorlor Groom - ing- Aiis tilstinrtiv'ely maeu- rUne, decidedly correct ai eeoiiomlcai. Smoker's Tooth Powder, xwitli Sodium Perborate - - 50v Shat'lng Cream --45<- After Shai'p Lotion 75v Bath Soap (2 cakes in box) Box $1.00 Deodorant Cream 45V J xURYils RexaL "3"HaroLo DRUG STORE It Is DonMProperi -. . .-. . - - . = -. - r.r - YOUR REXALL s ,PutTSA,3TN n,14 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMU.M COST 35c PER AD