Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1949, p. 15

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TRuMlDAY, JUrNE 2nd. 1949 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Programme of Disease Prevenlion Dy Health Unit Drings Good Resulis No cases off whooping cough have been reported in the United Counties-off Northumberland and Durham diuring the past six mnonths. Inoculations against whooping cough have been given bY the Medical 0f ficers off the Health Unit and the famiiv doctors to large numbers off infants during the past three years. It has been estimated that during the past two years about 2 out off 3 infants in the United Counties were inoc- ulated against whooping cough be- fore they reachcd the age off ane Yea&_As a cule the inoculation uàe% cornbined one including alfol4protection against ditherîa and tetanus as well as whooping cough. It is hoped that future ex- perience will show that the in- creased immunization of infants against whocopinga cough wîll cesult in a continuied drop in the num- ber off cases of tbis disabling dis- case of infancv and eaclv child- hood. The introduction off inoculation against diptheria same 'years a-Io resulted in a dramnatie draop in the number off cases off dipthcnia. It ýs too earîy vct ta know with cer- tainty off wlhoooing cough vaccine will resuît in a continued decline in the number of cases off whoop- ing cough but the experience flot onlv in this arca, but clsewherc has been encounaging. Chest X-Rays As part of the campaign against tuberculosis plans have been made to hold a number off mass chest x -ray sunveys in the United Coun- tics during June. The first massj x-ray murvey off the United Coun- ties was started in 1946 and com- plctcd last year. The survcys being held in June are the first off the new series and it is planned that the whole acea %vill be re-survey- cd during the next two yeacs. These surv'eys will be sponsored by the local Tubeccuiosis Associ- ations and the preliminary work and organization will be done by volunteers. The x-ray films wii he paid for out off funds collecte.' through the sale off Christmas çeals. Mobile x-ray units off the Division off Tuberculosis Prevent- ion of the Ontario Department ofr Health m-ill take the x-ra 'v plates. At the regular April clinics at Cobourg, Port Hope and Bowman-c ville 115 pensons had chest x-ra vsi and anc new active case of tuber- Nurses rmade a special effort ta maire borne visits on behiaîf off W AN TE Dchildren %ith orthopedic defects. cloaeýd for Euster holidla.s.M Jmmeaialelv prepacation for the Rotany Club £Clinic for Crippled Children 1t Y'OUNG WOMrN May. 16 to 21 Years Cleanup Drive For Cherry, Strawbercy, As is usual at tbis time off the Raspberry Picking ý car there has been a gencralin tecest in the dlean-up off premi«i-s. Accommodation in Farm The public ma 'y view the debris Service Force Camps as an eycsai-c, while those engagpd Supevise byYAV..ýi in the field Off Public hcalth see ir Supevisd b 1.W(Z.i.. it a breeding place foc fliesq. he- Good Mcals - Good Pay ther the problecm be one off aes- Good Fun - htics or sanitatian, the solution lies in the early and continuous For Registration Fnrms cemnoval off aIl garbage and accu- appl3' (o:- mulations. High School P'rincipal Flics start ta breed iin the spning NeaestEmpoymntOffice even though the ' may iiat be no- Nearst Eploycnt iced until the summertîme. They or brecd not onlv in manure, but al- Ontario Farm Service Force tation. On the facmn it bas beeiî 9 Richmond Street iEat reccmmended that the inside off Toroto 1 Ontriothe milk hIouse and aIl buildines Toroto 1 Ontriain xvhich animais are houscd be Auspices: sprax-ed witb D.D.T., used accord. Dominion Provincial Farmn ing ta directions. in late May and Labour ('ommittee a second application in late Juiy or carly August. On autsîde sunn'v walîs. especially those near which 'I j- Compiete Line off implements Now on Display:_ MOLDBOARD PLOWS FIELD CULTIVAI ]ROW-CROP CULIIVATORS TILLERS SPIKE TOOTH HARROWS SPRING.TOOTH1 TANDEM DISC HARROWS HEAVY DUTY M SOIL SCOOPs CflRDWOOnn A LTORS HARROWS IOWERS vs OS HA WA manure has been piled, the use off this spray will also be advari- tageous. Care must be exercised, when any of the sprays are used inside, that it does not fall on utensils, food or water which may be used subsequently for either animais or hurnans. Containers off dry D.D.T. should be covered and kept out off reach off children and animais at ail timnes. Town Cases For persons living in towns and villages much can be done to con. trol flies by keeping al garbage in metal containers with tight- ffitting lids. Where there is a local by-law dealing with garbage, a common requirement is that the garbage be wrapped in paper be- fore being placed in the can. It, in addition, the garbage pail is dleaned and sprayed with a D.D. T. solution, aftec being emptied, much will have been done to abate the fly manace. It is off the greàt- est importance in the control of diseases %%,hich mav be caccied by flies, that these pests be exciuded fcom the home, and fcom any place where food is being served, by the use of secens; that ail food be kept coveced until served and that al food and sccaps be re- mnoved immediately aftec a meal. Many experts have been off the opinion that flies may be reSpons- ible for the spread off the virus if infantile paralysis. The time to start contcoliing flies is early in the season. Dead flics are good fMes, but better flics are those which h ave never been born. It is only thcough the co-operation o0 ail citizens eadl in uthe season in eliminat breeding places that the lat happy state off affairs dan achieved. BLACKS TOCK Miss Norma Hooe-y, West wvitb ber parents Mc. and Mrs. Hooel - Miss Veca Fonder, Toronto. w ber motbc- Mrs. John Farder. Mrs. R. Bruce. Miss Kin-,1 and Mrs. Gai-don Strong and fla l.\ spent Saturday xvitb Mn.E Mcs. Ross Courlis, Cobourg. Mr. and Mcs. Alvin McGill,1 and Mns. Orland McGill a danghtcr, Liondsay, with Mrs. G Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. -las. Bcadburna familv. Mr-. and Mrs. Wesley Bi- buî-n. visited Lamne Bcadburn Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Robert Satiler ba retunneti home having speott winter in Bowmanville. WeE glad ta have thcmn home again. Miss Vivian. Sadler, Toron speot the xveeircnd with her pi ents. Mc. anti Mns. Nelson Markt have movcd imb Mc. and Mi Wallace Ma clow's former home. Blacirstock hati thein ficst haý baIl game on Friday evenir Thr y looked very nîffty in the ncxv outfits-grey trimmcd wi ced. Thcy defeatcd Janetville 4- We hope Ibis will be a gooti arn as tbey defeateti last yeaî champions, Cartwright was treated ta a ri cital on Tbursday and Fciday el enings by the pupils off Mrs.1 WVilson anti Mrs. Lamne Thompsai T'he Platfocm was lovely with a kinds off spring flowecs. The chi icen wece a credit ta their teacl nrs. 'i iL c c The Wo-He-Lo Mission Bar met at the home off Mrs. C. Hil Joan gave the prayer and read Psl.Roll cali for next meetir is a Chinese proverb. TreasurE gave ber report. Progranm was as follows: Mrs. Hill read a stary: 'lntr< ducing Mr. Dickinson" and Bett:, Joyce and Catherine asked sorr qUestions. Mrs. Hill told sorr riddles and gave some Chines proverbs. W.A. of St. John's W.A. off St. John's Church wa heidl at thie home off Mrs. Harrý iMcLaughljn, Nestleton. Bib]i StudY was 'ably taken by Mrs McKibbin. Chapter off the stud: book "Looking Forward wîth th.( Chu.rch in Honan" written by Ri Rev. Wm. White was given b. 1 Mrs. Thos. Smith. A reading fronr the Living Message on Chine which fol!owed along the samE lines as the study book, only writ. ten more recentlY, was read by Mrs. McKibbin. Fruit and flower committee reported on their dut. ies. Good, mended second hand lo- thing is ta be left at Mr. Jeffery's store. This clothing is to be sent to the needy in Europe. Mrs. McKibbin read a letter off thanks fromn Miss Haslamn for our dona- tion t\woard an x-ray machine for Dr. Haslam, a missionary in In- dia. Mrs. iMcKibhbin also thanked 'Île ladies for recent kindnesses to her and her family. Committees were formed for Ist July booths. iMrs. Malcom was appointea new convenor for Communion iTable floivers. Four members of- fered to supply flowers for the next four Sundays. Mrs. Malcolm gave an interest. ing report on the annual meeting dealing \vith Communion Service and items of interest from ad- dresses and reports, Mrs. Gea. Forder is sending for bleached Lags to be made into s;omething useful for the church. Lunch was served and a social tim e spent. * AUSTRALIAN WHEAT The revised Australian official estimate off the 1948-49 wheat crop is 190) million bushels, com- pared with the 220 million record crop last vear. The probable dis- position of the crop will allow 60 million bushels for domestir tise (38 million for food and 22 million for feed), 18 million bus. hels for seed and farmn disap- peacance. and 18 million for carryv over ta next season. The quantity emaining. plus carry-« over from last veac, %would make available about '120 million bushels for export. Shown in front off the main doorway off the new Roy W. Nich- ais sales and service cstablish- ment, which was focmalîy open- cd in Bowrnanvillc, Friday, is the ficst car delivered fcom the prem. ises by sales manager Dean Hadg- son who bas been associated with Mc. NichaIs for the past Iwa years. Standing beside the car, the Mrs. Ja-rrtt is acmiring thel very latest modei Oldsmbile pro- tvo-tone finish n the chassis, ducd by General Mtors of Cana- light green bodvN with dack, top, daOshwais hepurhasr, r.nickeled irinlmings and white daOshwais hepurhasr, c.sinlewaîl tires. Nonchalantly son C. A. »arett, wvith his family and Michael Jarrett faces the camera. Mn. HodgFon, manager, on the Mc.' and Mrs. Jarrett came fcom rnight. xvho hands avec the keyvs England three yeai's ago and pur- a fler the ale had been campîeted. chased the Balmoal Hotel ini The.-, form a happx- graup. Bo\ývmanille. shrubs and flowe-s verc given. -Mrs. Woodlevý conducted a ques- 1tion period from which xs-e ail de- rived much help. To round out the program on Agricultre Mrs. W. Taylor read a delightful litile poem Hlyo~s and 1Mi-s. .Jewell rendercd a piano solo "Rendezvaris" Mrs. Stainton ex- presscd thanirs ta speaker and ta Mrs. Goodmiin, aur hoastcss Business xvas presided avec bv president :Ors. R. Glaspehi and resulted in the following: Report off district cXecutive meeting: de- cided ta erect a pale \vith'fîag at the park: ladies off the InstitUte ta organize and servxe the suppen an field dqy as a comnuunit%- ef- fort; a strawberry- social wil1- be held vith group leaders commit- tee iin charg-e: donation off $2 ta the Institute foir the Blind; secre- tary will annaunce aIl meetings: a suggestion Ihat the secctarv taire aven the duties off press cor- respondent with an icrease in ce- nunîccratian was hcld aven for fu- ture cansideration. June meeting is June 15 aI Mrs. H. Skinner*s witbi Greg-orv Fciend ta give an address on his trip ta Nartborn Ontar;o mines. Courtice Teamn Tops In Darlington itîng -ývith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brent. tterT R N What might have been a vcry ý serious accident happcned an Mc. Milton Victue, Mrs. Lauu-a Miller's Hill just wcst off the Long Virtue. Mr. Wiliam Hambly and Sault Sci-îool, when Mr. Fred Mrs. Elva Beckett. Bowmanvill. Smith and Miss Grace Smith w-ere are on a trip ta Halland. Man. i'etum-ning home from churich on Congratulations ta Mr. and Mcs. Sunday at noon. They- came in on Leslie Thompson (Miss Edtith contact with a car diiven b 'NMcr. H.Henn 'v), Toronto, andi Haydon, on Hoxvard Brawr,, Toronto. MViss their marriage. Smith was cut about the hcad and vitb Congratulations ta M. and Ms. was rushed la Bawmanville H-ls- Clifford Sbced and Mn. and Mrs, pitat by Mi. Biýo-wxhcre it took Neil Yellowlees on the bintb off several stitChC.s ta close the culs. Mr. daughters. Mr. Srith*s car was batI.k dam- and Mc. and Mrs. Roy Cornish and aged but the orbei- car was ablel adLinda, Miss Nellie Scorgie, Mns. ta continue. Mr. Smith suffered1 George Dccxv and Bnian Drew, . ome brtîises. Mr. Browvn had Mn. Oshawa, xith Mcs. W. T. Worden. came dovn fcom the city ta bis ic. M.and Ms .MtiWr ranch and was retui-ning home. ;o rPn. iM. and Mrs. ahsWr- Mr. and Mrs. HI. Little, Dun- rat Pd . adMr noMs ai-on: Mr-. and Mrs. E. Mar-shall, and Ewand Wacburton and family, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Lamnei -ad- Os hawa, xith Mrs. W. Miller. Ans in Mrs. Emburgh andi Billie and WAnnis.stiut Jîmmie, Embucgb, Mns. Norman Wmn nttt aeBousîey, Toronto, with Mc. andi MaY nmceting off Ty rone Wo- te M rs. F rancs Hall. me' I'titutc xvs aîgeIN given te Caole and Donna Yellowlees avc ubisiness toppd off with are witb Mr. and Mcs. John Oke, a shaort but. exceilent pragcam pre- t, Enniskillen. nted by goup leader Ms. D. a- Mn. anc. Mrs. W. E. StevensStaint'On. The main item was a Hampton, with Mr. and Mns. H. splenmdid talir on "Home Garden-t R. Burgess. ing" bx- Mns. N. Woodlex-. She 1Ws Mr. and Mcs. Russel Vintue. Mc. spoke off the value fînanciall at n.and Mcs. Leon Moore and famiiy spiitually, off xel-kept gai-dens i d wit h Mr. and Ms. Theo. Down, agd axns. Many splendid simple n.Lakeficîti. Mrs. Vintue remaineti hints an chaice and cane off . fon a visit. th Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, -3 Columbus, with Mn. andi Mcs. R. en B. Scott. r's Mr. an~d Mrs. Ivan Ellicatt andÈ cidePeterboco. Mn. anti Mns. h e-0. Wright, Backstock, witb Mr. .-and Mrs. F. Wright. Yc ad famîlx', Bow,&manvilîe, have moved ain wi:th bis mother, Mrs. Bertha ~' i-Yeo. h- Mcs. Reg. Ellott and children. Mrs. Wesley Elliott, Kendal, withJ Mc. and Mns. G. Rosevear. E Mns A. B. Shephens, Arthur andb i d Beverley Stephens, Tononto, with Il, Mc. and Mns. R. Burgess. a Mr. an-J Mcs. Henry Stainton Out ai HomeH lg visiteti Mc. and Mrs. ClarenceCI en Englisb, Newvcastle.r Mc. and Mrs. J. Wismer, Frankr 50 RANG . . . it happens and Eddy, lslingîon, w?ýith Mn. andi 0- Mns. H. Colbarv. . . . and the l1ittie tvoman a Y, Mr. Donald and Miss Helen Bun- s mel(?,Whrdo f te i-ay, Toronto, Mc. Chester Hoskin assmely() lVeed e and Etigar Sîrutt. Burketon, visit- '%e îii'e whIile the carpenters r ce ed Mc. and Mcs. H. Hardy. i Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson. Mr. w~ork- and how~ do we t and Mns. T. Hamilton, Toronto,f with Mrs. C. Stie. pay for it?' And you say f Gîad to hear Mr. C. Stice bas ] rcturned homne from a holiday (modestIy): S . feeling somne better.0 S Gtîests at Mr. and Mns. 'r. "That's simple. 1 ivisely 1 le Gibbs' ta celebrate the 401h Wed- t S. ding Annivensany off Mn. and Mrs. boughit Rent and Additional r.a y' W. Chapman, Hampton, wece Mn., G le and Mrs. S. Nash, Mr. andi Mrs. Living Expense Insurance ha t. J. Nas, Detroit, Mic., M. and Ou Mî-s. W. Gibbs and familv. Mn. anti from e il Cil a Ms A. Peeling and family. Osh- S e awa, Mc. and Mns. W. Elliott, Mr.H N. Sacb, Tbornton's Corners, Mir. f artyIR j -R. Petit, Miss C. Petit and MisR.uJam es ili y G. Chapman, Toronto, Mr. and ste Ir r.R ib n aiy c INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE H anti dMcs. Jackr Gibbs and Michael, on:Ofc68.Rs49 i Tynrone. The happy Couple wene Poe fie61 e.43 h presenteti with a punse off moncy. King Street, Bowmanv'iIIe Mi S M. and Mcs. McCî.i-h and S .daughtec Frances, Caokstown, __________________ wîth Mn. andi Mrs E. Decee ___________________ Mr. andi Mcs. O. Becirc!t and - Su Dawson ieft Satucday niorning Wbe ta attend the funecal off their 1 itl gaddugtr.EviaBeck- $650 Da h et.dug roff Mn. and Mrs DOW N! Henry Beckett, Stcatford. co Miss Docothy Wright was pleas- 1% storey brick homes for anîly sucprised at the home off veterans, early occupancy. Ieir Helen Cole on Mondax ex-coing. Fi blmetwihne The Wedding March was playcd Fl 'bsmn vt ev G as Dorotby cnteced the room ta hot air furnace. }Iardwood pif finti hec entire Sundav Scool floors throughout. dii- class assembled. Jimmie Coombes Fut acted as master off ceremoniesJ anti called on Gloria Bîent ta read the little addcess in verse. Ruîtb Pascce pcesentcd their tea- Large 5 coom brick hung- S cher xith a gift fcom the cîlass, a alows with good size rooms. pcett - cup anti saucer. A short M1odemn kitchen with ample Cal progcam fallowed consisting off built-în cupboard space. Sha musical numbers. recitatiaits and Mal a sing-song led by Mcs. E. White. a also a cantest. Mcs. Skinner and Monthly payments with Sae Mrs. D. Cale secved lunch. AIl principal, interest, and es- v wished Domothy evecy happiness. timated taxes $ 37.00 T Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and Teddy witb relativ'es at Oshawa. Enquire no%;-. Mrs. Frank Werry witb ber sis- Eryprhsr sue ter Mrs. Chas. Awde, Orono. Eal1ucasr sue Mcs. Harold Sinner with Mr.i of early occupancy. V;i and Mcs. Bill Lake. Newcastle. 1Mn. anti Mr._Raxmond lPp-Oe a ce 2 GraveI I zen r le 0 2 ou rti apIc hem 'oný si tacs MIr. J1. Kaine. Mc, andi Mcs. ia- Id Suils, Osbaxva.Mr-. anti Mrs. Nucte, Peterboco, w-îtb Mc. anti s. Orvi île Greer. Mr. Sam Hem., Brook-lin, -vt ranti Mrs. Newston Taylor. tirs. H. Rahin with Mr. G. îm. Saîctlueil. MIr. antiNMrs. C. Rahm, Theston. S. M. Laxw anti son, Montreal. ýsG. Ndr' Hampton, Mr dMns. C. Rabmn, Union, Mr. anti 1,000 .50o 00 0001 First Car Delivered From Roy Nichols New Show Boom M rs. . am and family, Tyrone, v ith m r.Hù. R ah m. Mr and Mrs. J. Sinclair are visi- ting in Niagara Falls. Mr. R. J. Hawthorn, Gelect, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hawthorn. Mr. and Mrs J. Frankum have moved inta) their new home. Mr. and Mcs. H. Gi and familv at their cottage at Bobcaygeon. Chervl Anne and Jim Rowan, Ennîskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. John Carter. Rev. Patton off SeagrRve had charge off the morning service on Su nda v. Sunday, June 9, Mr. Stephen Saywvell will be the speaker for anniversar, service at 2:30 and J:30 p.m. AIL welcome. Mn. andl Mrs. Michael Nemis, Bobbie and Larry at Niagara-on- the Lake Mc. and Mrs. Robert Killen,! ,Jahnnie and Marie, at Harveyî Balsans.,Oshawa. Mr. and Mcs. Christian Star and famil 'v. Mrs. Etter, Toronto, at Hans Geissbcrger's. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and fat-i]yateddE!dad Anniver- .arv a nd visited at Ralph Davis'. Mc. and Mrs. S. Maybury. Scar- bora. Mr. and Mrs. Ra., Dart. West Hill, Mr. and Mrs. N. Patter, To- ronto, at Henr v Dart's. Mrs. T. Venncr. Goderich, is visiting at Arnold Venner's. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonîey and Ted, Toronto, at Fred Came- an's. Mc. and Mns Hovvard Ahbott andfail. Enni skîllen, Mr. and Mrs. L. -'.cKetina, Osbavva, at Perc v Dav-idsanis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Came-on at Hilliard Simnpsýonis. Orano. Mc. Ar-nold Venner, Mrs. T. Venner,- t Gardon Venner's, Pickering Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hovvard Plaxton. Brougham, at Henry Balî's. Mc. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins andl Isabel at Ceci] Pascoe*s, Solina. Mr. and _Mrs. James McMaster ,?tnd sans, London, visited at Alex M cMaste r's. Mc. and Mrs. Ross West, Strat- fard. et R. W. Balî's. Mir. andi Mrs. Harold Giffo-d a~nd Jo ' ce at W. Baskerville's.1 Ne wcas tle.- Mrs. Grant Jack, St. John, Ntld., aI Alex iMcMaster's;. Mrs. Harvey Balsan. Ken and DoîiglaQ, Oshawa, at Robert Kil- len's. Football boys were defcated on Saturdax- night vhcn lhey played Enniskiilen 4-0. There was some excitement afler the game when somnebady kickcd a football' 'h-rougbh the window off George Killen)'s carc. Mns. George KiEen \vas cut on the ncck and had ta DO WMAN VILLE BUSINESS PROPERTY Located on one of the busy four corners Tt is ;' tw'o-storeY, solld brick building, conslsting of four rtail stores, seven self-contained apartments-frlgi- daires and electric stoves-hardwood throughout. It also has a new, steam heating plant installeri by FOREIrN IXCHANGE CONTROL 8CAlP For Complete Details Apply J. P. McLAUGHLIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 24 Elgin Avenue Torontc, Exclusive Listing THE RADIO SHO? 38 KING ST. E. J' PHONE 573 her and had to have 2 stitches in his forehead. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and Veronica, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Downey, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bray and family, Raglan. at Alan Fisher's. Caradiani primary- woolcn work- ers are paid almost -.0 percent more in wages than British wool- len workers. Between themi. Canada's two major rî vvsystems rnaintain nearly 56,00,0 miles off track, 10, 000 bridges. 180,000 culverts and over 100 tuinnels. U e eSe A 0e To avoid possible delay and embariassment at bor- der crossing points, be sure you have met the foreign exchange require- ments before you set out. The travel ration of $150 per person for the period November l6th, 1948, to November i Sth, 1949 is to ensure the fairest distribu- tion of the U.S. funds avail. able. For children under il years of age, the amount is $100 U.S. If you are taking a trip to the United States, you need ta secure a Form H permit to take out of Canada for any amount exceeding $10 U.S. or more than a total of $25 in U.S. and Cana- dian Funds. Fonin H can b. secured quickly and easily f rom branches of'any Canadlian BRYANT KOTOR SALES DON BRYANT, Proprietor FERGUSON TRACTORS - PIIONE WHITBY 2250 SHEL OJL CO. PROD UCTS NOW AVAILABLE TO FARMERS Get Your Tank and Rotary Pump NOW Consider Your Own Convenience, Saving and Safely DELIVERIES TO CARTWRIGiHT, DARLINGTON AND WVESTERN HALF 0F NMANVERS AND CLARKE Hu E. SAUNDERS SHELL FARM SERVICE PHONE 4386R - Refund on Phione C~harges teo shaw~a on Flrst Order - For Particulars in Bowmariville Area PHONE 497 1~ h. -q. s. j- s. 4- e- s. x-z%%Xzo VA£ £gaza PAGE PIPTYlEN 1 .. After txvo fuill weeirs off softbahl the Cauntice Impecials once again leati the league with txvo straigbt x-ictories. Afler beating Tyrone the 'y defeater Ebenezer. Fr-iday, 14-11. Commtice team bhad a big seven i-un latigaing inoathe 1a.,t nniiing bit, a belateti naIN- matie the score fai'ily close. For Catirtice Jackr Ga 'v again pîtcher anti for Ebenezer Jerry Peterson started but \vas rc'iex-ed bY Con Batîams n the fifth. Bill Runclle bit the onlv home mnii. At Sha's the Maple Grave H-avis mwcre handeti thoii- fîrst defeat as tbev boxet t the heavv itting off "Alexandria Manairchs,;. 9-17. Lt xvas a baftieoff bits andi eai slugfest folloxceti. Maple rax-e loadeti the bases in the iîstînn. with nobod 'v ont but o hn Stac ýý '-, pitching for Shaw s. elireti the ncext thrce mea anti cld ih(, visiîacs scoreless Shax',s bei prit on a beax'y hitting off- fensive anti this, coupleti witb 1 ose fielding by' Maple Grave ce- rîltet in1 10 cuns in thL% vec.v firsî nning. Maple Gi-ove trieti vainlv io overtake Sba\v's but althorîgh Ilev ircpt slax'ing the leati teamn 'an out. lIn the last inning Maple iraxe pulleti within 2 muns anti ati the bases loadet i wth nobody iut when two questioîîable plays asýulIeti in twovc put outs. Score ,nded 19-17. Fac Sha\v's John ;tacev pitr-het aIl the wav xxith larolid Hammmtidaing the catch- ng. For Maple Gi-ove H. Snowden tarteti anti was rcliex'ed bv Ted iac in the fîfftb. B. Snowdcn id the catcbing. Home rîns were t by B. Holmes ai-id T. Hoar off 4aple Grave anti G. Ricirard off îaw's. Witb sncb .vel] known miil plavers as Keîî Wcccy. Gar- et Ricirt. Nocm Horn, anti Ha- Ild Hammonticon their lineîîp iaw's %ilI bear a lot off v.-atclîing efore tlie season is axer. At Tycoîîe the Salemn team w-,on heir ffirst game anti handei Ty- ne their second defeat by 17-13. -'ne jumpeti on C. Cowling for runs in the first inning but Sa- rn camne hacir anti tooir the leati Stxen elieveti Coxvîing anti tchcid gooti bai. For Tyronr, lînson anti Wcrry shaceti mounti ty. uturc Gamnes- Jumne 3-Ebenezer at Maple Grox-e Salem af Courtice 4 1 Toronto 38 KING ST. F. PHONE 573 THE RADIO SHOP

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